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PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics

UNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3

B Three-phase Circuits

UNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5

B Transistors

UNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8

B Binary Number System

UNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ———————自动化专业英语教程》--全文翻译

PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics

UNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3

B Three-phase Circuits

UNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5

B Transistors

UNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8

B Binary Number System

UNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ———————自动化专业英语教程》-王宏文-全文翻译

PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics

UNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3

B Three-phase Circuits

UNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5

B Transistors

UNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8

B Binary Number System

UNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ——————————11

B Power Electronic Converters

UNIT 5A Types of DC Motors —————————————15

B Closed-loop Control of D

C Drivers

UNIT 6A AC Machines ———————————————19

B Induction Motor Drive

UNIT 7A Electric Power System ————————————22

B Power System Automation

PART 2Control Theory

UNIT 1A The World of Control ————————————27

B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation —————29 UNIT 2A Stability and the Time Response —————————30

B Steady State—————————————————31 UNIT 3A The Root Locus —————————————32

B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams —————33 UNIT 4A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots —————34

B Nonlinear Control System 37

UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory 38

B State Equations 40

UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and Stability

B Optimum Control Systems

UNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent Control

B Artificial Neural Network

PART 3 Computer Control Technology

UNIT 1 A Computer Structure and Function 42

B Fundamentals of Computer and Networks 43

UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices 44

B The Applications of Computers 46

UNIT 3 A PLC Overview

B PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control

UNIT 4 A Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer 49

B Understanding DSP and Its Uses

UNIT 5 A A First Look at Embedded Systems

B Embedded Systems Design

PART 4 Process Control

UNIT 1 A A Process Control System 50

B Fundamentals of Process Control 52

UNIT 2 A Sensors and Transmitters 53

B Final Control Elements and Controllers

UNIT 3 A P Controllers and PI Controllers

B PID Controllers and Other Controllers

UNIT 4 A Indicating Instruments

B Control Panels

PART 5 Control Based on Network and Information

UNIT 1 A Automation Networking Application Areas

B Evolution of Control System Architecture

UNIT 2 A Fundamental Issues in Networked Control Systems

B Stability of NCSs with Network-induced Delay

UNIT 3 A Fundamentals of the Database System

B Virtual Manufacturing—A Growing Trend in Automation

UNIT 4 A Concepts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

B Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond

PART 6 Synthetic Applications of Automatic Technology

UNIT 1 A Recent Advances and Future Trends in Electrical Machine Drivers

B System Evolution in Intelligent Buildings

UNIT 2 A Industrial Robot

B A General Introduction to Pattern Recognition

UNIT 3 A Renewable Energy

B Electric Vehicles


A 电路


就电阻来说,电压-电流的关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)式中 u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R = 电阻,欧姆。

纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的变化率。因此可得到:U=Ldi/dt 式中 di/dt = 电流变化率,安培/秒; L = 感应系数,享利。

电容两端建立的电压正比于电容两极板上积累的电荷q 。因为电荷的积累可表示为电荷增量dq的和或积分,因此得到的等式为 u= ,式中电容量C是与电压和电荷相关的比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间的变化率,可表示为i = dq/dt。因此电荷增

量dq 等于电流乘以相应的时间增量,或dq = i dt,那么等式 (1-1A-3) 可写为式中 C = 电容量,法拉。

归纳式(1-1A-1)、(1-1A-2) 和 (1-1A-4)描述的三种无源电路元件如图1-1A-1所示。注意,图中电流的参考方向为惯用的参考方向,因此流过每一个元件的电流与电压降的方向一致。




考虑图1-1A-3a 所示的电路,其由串联到电压源上的电感和电阻组成,假设回路电流i ,那么回路总的电压降为因为在假定的电流方向上,输入电压代表电压升的方向,所以输电压在(1-1A-5)式中为负。因为电流方向是电压下降的方向,所以每一个无源元件的压降为正。利用电阻和电感压降公式,可得等式(1-1A-6)是电路电流的微分方程式。


B 三相电路

三相电路不过是三个单相电路的组合。因为这个事实,所以平衡三相电路的电流、电压和功率关系可通过在三相电路的组合元件中应用单相电路的规则来研究。这样看来,三相电路比单相电路的分析难不了多少。使用三相电路的原因在单相电路中,功率本身是脉动的。在功率因数为1时,单相电路的功率值每个周波有两次为零。当功率因数小于1时,功率在每个周波的部分时间里为负。虽然供给三相电路中每一相的功率是脉动的,但可证明供给平衡三相电路的总功率是恒定的。基于此,总的来说三相电气设备的特性优于类似的单相电气设备的特性。三相供电的机械和控制设备与相同额定容量的单相供电的设备相比:体积小,重量轻,效率高。除了三相系统提供的上述优点,三相电的传输需要的铜线仅仅是同样功率大小单相电传输所需铜线的3/4。三相电压的产生三相电路可由三个频率相同在时间相位上相差120°电角度的电动势供电。这样的三相正弦电动势如图 1-1B-1 所示。这些电动势由交流发电机的三套独立电枢线圈产生,这三套线圈安装在发电机电枢上,互相之间相差120°电角度。线圈的头尾可以从发电机中全部引出,组成三个

独立的单相电路。然而一般线圈无论在内部或在外部均会相互连接,形成三线或四线三相系统。连接三相发电机线圈有两种方法,一般来说,把任何类型的装置连接到三相电路也存在两种方法。它们是星(Y)形联接和角(D)形联接。大多数发电机是星(Y)形联接,但负载可以是星(Y)形联接或角(D)形联接。星(Y)形联接发电机的电压关系图1-1B-2a 表示发电机的三个线圈或相绕组。这些绕组在电枢表面上是按它们产生的电动势在时间相位上相差120°分布的。每一个线圈的两端均标有字母S和F (起始和终结)。图1-1B-2a中,所有标有S的线圈端连接到一个公共点N,三个标有F的线圈端被引出到接线端A、B和C ,形成三相三线电源。这种联接形式被称为Y形联接。中性联接经常被引出接到接线板上,如图1-1B-2a 的虚线所示,形成三相四线系统。交流发电机每相产生的电压被称为相电压(符号为Ep)。如果中性联接从发电机中引出,那么从任一个接线端A、 B或 C到中性联接N间的电压为相电压。三个接线端A、 B或 C 中任意两个间的电压被称为线到线的电压,或简称线电压(符号为EL)。三相系统的三相电压依次出现的顺序被称为相序或电压的相位旋转。这由发电机的旋转方向决定,但可以通过交换发电机外的三条线路导线中的任意两条(不是一条线路导线和中性线)来改变相序。将三相绕组排列成如图1-1B-2b 所示的Y形有助于Y形联接电路图的绘制。注意,图1-1B-2b所示的电路与图1-1B-2a所示的电路完全一样,在每一种情况下,连接到中性点的每一个线圈的S端和F端都被引出到接线板。在画出所有的接线点都标注了字母的电路图后,绘制的相量图如图1-1B-2c所示。相量图可显示相隔120° 的三相电


( ) ,那么在用于同一相量图中时就应该画得

同相反,即相位差为180°Y形联接发电机的任意两个接线端间的电压等于这两个接线端相对于中性线间的电位差。例如,线电压等于A接线端相对于中性线间的电压( )减去B接线端相对于中性线间的电压( )。为了从中减去,必需将反相,并把此相量加

到上。相量和幅值相等,相位相差60°,如图1-1B-2c 所示。由图形可以看出通过几何学可以证明等于1.73乘以()或

()。图形结构如相量图所示。因此,在对称Y形联接中星(Y)形联接发电机的电流关系从发电机接线端A、 B和C (图 1-1B-2)流到线路导线的电流必定从中性点N中流出,并流过发电机线圈。因此流过每一条线路导线的电流( )必定等于与其相连接的相电流( )。在Y形联接中IL=IP



PART 3 Computer Control Technology UNIT 1 A 计算机的结构与功能 这一节介绍计算机的内部体系结构,描述了指令如何存储和译码,并解释了指令执行周期怎样分解成不同的部分。 从最基本的水平来讲,计算机简单执行存储在存储器中的二进制编码指令。这些指令按照二进制编码数据来产生二进制编码结果。对于通用可编程计算机,四个必要部件是存储器、中央处理单元(CPU,或简称处理器),外部处理器总线,输入/输出系统,正如图 3-1A-1所示。 外部处理器总线 存储器CPU输入/输出 图 3-1A-1 计算机的基本元件 存储器储存指令和数据。 CPU读取和解释指令,读每条指令所需的数据,执行指令所需的操作,将结果存回存储器。CPU所需的操作之一是从外部设备读取或写入数据。这利用输入/输出系统来实现。 外部处理器总线是一套能在其他计算机部件之间传送数据、地址和控制信息的电导线。 存储器 计算机的存储器是由一套连续编号的单元所组成。每个存储单元是一个能存二进制信息的寄存器。单元的编号称为地址。初始地址为0。制造商定义处理器的一个字长为单元的整数长。在每个字中,各位表示数据或指令。对于英特尔8086/87和摩托罗拉MC68000微处理器来说,一个字是16位长,但每个存储单元仅为8位,因此两个8位单元来存取获得一个数据字长。

为了使用存储器中的内容,处理器必须取来右边的内容。为了完成这一次读取,处理器把所需单元的二进制编码地址放到外部处理器地址总线的地址线上,然后,存储器允许处理器读取所寻址的存储单元的内容。读取存储单元的内容的这一过程并不改变该单元的内容。 存储器中的指令存储器中的指令由CPU取来。除非发生程序转移,它们按在存储器中出现的顺序来执行。用二进制形式所写的指令叫做机器语言指令。一种得到(指令)有效形式的方法是将(这些)位分成段,如图3-1A-2所示。每一段都包含一个不同类型信息的代码。 在简单的计算机中,每条指令可分为四段,每段有四位。每条指令包括操作代码(或操作码,每条指令有唯一的操作码)、操作数地址、立即数、转换地址。 在一个实际的指令集中,有很多指令。也有大量的存储单元来存储指令和数据。为了增加存储单元的数目,如果我们使用同样的方法,地址段的指令一定长于16位。除了增加指令长度外,还有很多增加微处理器寻址范围的方法:可变指令段、多字指令、多寻址模式,可变指令长度。我们不将详细讨论它们。 存储数据数据是存储器中代表代码的信息。为了有效利用存储空间和处理时间,大多数计算机提供了不同长度和表示方法的处理数据能力。能被处理器识别的各种不同表示称作数据类型。常用的数据类型有:位、二进制码、十进制数字(4位字节,BCD)、字节(8位)、字(2个字节)、双字(4个字节)。 有一些处理器提供了可处理其他数据类型。例如单精度浮点数据类(32位)和双精度浮点数据(64位)等的指令。还有另一类的数据–––特征数据。通常也表示为8位。在标准键盘上,每个计算机终端键和键的组合(例如shift和control功能键)有定为美国信息交换标准码的7位码。 存储器类型在数字控制系统的应用中,我们也关注不同存储技术的特征。对主存储器来说,我们需用它临时存储信息,并逐次地从不同单元写入或获得信息。这种类型的存储器称作随机访问存储器(RAM)。在某些情况下,我们不想让存储器中的信息丢失。因此我们愿使用特殊技术写入存储器。如果写入只在物理改变连接时才能实现,那么这种存储器称为只读存储器(ROM)。如果相互连接的模式可由程序设定,那存储器叫做可编程只读存储器(PROM)。如果需要实现改写的情况,我们有可擦的可编程只读存储器(EPROM)。电可擦除的PROM缩写为EEPROM。


Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 141 (2011) 133–138 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /v e t i m m Short communication Saccharomyces cerevisiae decreases in?ammatory responses induced by F4+enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in porcine intestinal epithelial cells Galliano Zanello a ,b ,1,Franc ?ois Meurens a ,1,Mustapha Berri a ,Claire Chevaleyre a ,Sandrine Melo a ,Eric Auclair b ,Henri Salmon a ,? a Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA),UR1282,Infectiologie Animale et SantéPublique,F-37380Nouzilly (Tours),Indre et Loire,France b SociétéIndustrielle Lesaffre,Lesaffre Feed Additives,Marcq-en-Baroeul,France a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 19October 2010Received in revised form 13December 2010 Accepted 31January 2011Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Pig Intestinal epithelial cells Cytokines Chemokines a b s t r a c t Probiotic yeasts may provide protection against intestinal in?ammation induced by enteric pathogens.In piglets,infection with F4+enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)leads to in?ammation,diarrhea and intestinal damage.In this study,we investigated whether the yeast strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc ,strain CNCM I-3856)and S.cerevisiae variety boulardii (Sb ,strain CNCM I-3799)decreased the expression of pro-in?ammatory cytokines and chemokines in intestinal epithelial IPI-2I cells cultured with F4+ETEC.Results showed that viable Sc inhibited the ETEC-induced TNF-?gene expression whereas Sb did not.In contrast,killed Sc failed to inhibit the expression of pro-in?ammatory genes.This inhibition was dependent on secreted soluble factors.Sc culture supernatant decreased the TNF-?,IL-1?,IL-6,IL-8,CXCL2and CCL20ETEC-induced mRNA.Furthermore,Sc culture supernatant ?ltrated fraction <10kDa displayed the same effects excepted for TNF-?.Thus,our results extended to Sc (strain CNCM I-3856)the inhibitory effects of some probiotic yeast strains onto in?ammation. ? 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1.Introduction Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)are pathogenic gram negative bacteria which infect humans and sev-eral species of farm animals such as calves and pigs.ETEC interacts with intestinal epithelial cells,colonizes the small intestine and secretes enterotoxins such as the heat-labile enterotoxins (LT),the heat-stable enterotox-ins (STa and/or STb),and the enteroaggregative E .coli heat-stable enterotoxin 1(EAST1)(Nagy and Fekete,2005).In pigs,ETEC infection and enterotoxin secretions can induce intestinal in?ammation and diarrhea resulting in reduced growth rate,increased mortality and economic ?Corresponding author.Tel.:+33247427331;fax:+33247427779.E-mail addresses:salmon@tours.inra.fr ,henri.salmon@tours.inra.fr (H.Salmon).1 These authors contributed equally to this work.loss (Fairbrother et al.,2005).Moreover,F4+ETEC strain induce pro-in?ammatory response in intestinal epithe-lial cells (Devriendt et al.,2010).Administration of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety boulardii (Sb )has been shown to protect pigs in reducing ETEC transloca-tion (Lessard et al.,2009).In vitro studies showed that Sb secretes soluble factors that decrease the expression of pro-in?ammatory cytokines induced by enteric pathogens (Zanello et al.,2009).However,to our knowledge,there is no in vitro data regarding the anti-in?ammatory effects of S.cerevisiae (Sc )secreted soluble factors.Sc and Sb are members of the same species but they differ geneti-cally,metabolically and physiologically (Edwards-Ingram et al.,2007;Hennequin et al.,2001).Thus,in this study,we assessed if the non-commensal and non-pathogenic yeasts Sc (strain CNCM I-3856)and Sb (strain CNCM I-3799)secreted factors allowing the down-regulation of pro-in?ammatory gene expression in intestinal epithe-lial cells cultured with F4+ETEC.Sc (strain CNCM I-3856) 0165-2427/$–see front matter ? 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.01.018


UNIT 1 A 电路 电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器、电感器和电容器等元件组成。如果网络不包含能源,如 电池或发电机,那么就被称作无源网络。换句话说,如果存在一个或多个能源,那么组合的结果为有源网络。在研究电网络的特性时,我们感兴趣的是确定电路中的电压和电流。因为网络由无源电路元件组成,所以必须首先定义这些元件的电特性. 就电阻来说,电压-电流的关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)式中 u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R = 电阻,欧姆。 纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的 变化率。因此可得到:U=Ldi/dt 式中 di/dt = 电流变化率,安培/秒; L = 感应系数,享利。 电容两端建立的电压正比于电容两极板上积累的电荷q 。因为电荷的积累可表示为电荷增量dq的和或积分,因此得到的等式为 u= ,式中电容量C是与电压和电荷相关的比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间的变化率,可表示为i = dq/dt。因此电荷增量dq 等于电流乘以相应的时间增量,或dq = i dt,那么等式 (1-1A-3) 可写为式中 C = 电容量,法拉。 归纳式(1-1A-1)、(1-1A-2) 和 (1-1A-4)描述的三种无源电路元件如图1-1A-1所示。注意,图中电流的参考方向为惯用的参考方向,因此流过每一个元件的电流与电压降的方向一致。 有源电气元件涉及将其它能量转换为电能,例如,电池中的电能来自其储存的化学能,发电机的电能是旋转电枢机械能转换的结果。 有源电气元件存在两种基本形式:电压源和电流源。其理想状态为:电压源两端的电压恒定,与从 电压源中流出的电流无关。因为负载变化时电压基本恒定,所以上述电池和发电机被认为是电压源。另一方面,电流源产生电流,电流的大小与电源连接的负载无关。虽然电流源在实际中不常见,但其概念的确在表示借助于等值电路的放大器件,比如晶体管中具有广泛应用。电压源和电流源的符号表示如图1-1A-2所示。 分析电网络的一般方法是网孔分析法或回路分析法。应用于此方法的基本定律是基尔霍夫第一定律,基尔霍夫第一定律指出:一个闭合回路中的电压代数和为0,换句话说,任一闭合回路中的电压升等于电压降。网孔分析指的是:假设有一个电流——即所谓的回路电流——流过电路中的每一个回路,求每一个回路电压降的代数和,并令其为零。 考虑图1-1A-3a 所示的电路,其由串联到电压源上的电感和电阻组成,假设回路电流i ,那么回路总的电压降为因为在假定的电流方向上,输入电压代表电压升的方向,所以输电压在(1-1A-5)式中为负。因为电流方向是电压下降的方向,所以每一个无源元件的压降为正。利用电阻和电感压降公式,可得等式(1-1A-6)是电路电流的微分方程式。 或许在电路中,人们感兴趣的变量是电感电压而不是电感电流。正如图1-1A-1指出的用积分代替式(1-1A-6)中的i,可得1-1A-7 UNIT 3 A 逻辑变量与触发器


自动化专业英语常用词汇 acceleration transducer 加速度传感器 accumulated error 累积误差 AC-DC-AC frequency converter交-直-交变频器 AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动 active attitude stabilization 主动姿态稳定 adjoint operator 伴随算子 admissible error 容许误差 amplifying element 放大环节 analog-digital conversion 模数转换 operational amplifiers运算放大器 aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解 approximate reasoning 近似推理 a priori estimate 先验估计 articulated robot 关节型机器人 asymptotic stability 渐进稳定性 attained pose drift 实际位姿漂移 attitude acquisition 姿态捕获 AOCS (attitude and orbit control system) 姿态轨道控制系统attitude angular velocity 姿态角速度 attitude disturbance 姿态扰动 automatic manual station 自动-手动操作器 automaton 自动机 base coordinate system 基座坐标系 bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表 gauge测量仪器


哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws


中国教育在线考研频道提供考研全方面信息指导及咨询服务,为您成功考研提供一切帮助。 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence


architecture n. 体系结构 artillery shell 炮弹 conveyor n. 传送带 flip-flop n. 触发器 geothermal adj. 地热的 off-peak adj. 非高峰的 Ohm n. 欧姆 wye n. Y形联结,星形联结,三通 character recognition 文字识别 pattern recognition 模式识别 abound v. 大量存在 accelerate v. 加速 access v. 存取,接近 accessory n. 附件 accommodate v. 容纳,使适应 acoustic adj. 听觉的 acoustic sensor 声传感器,声敏元件 acronym n. 首字母缩写词 active adj. 主动的,有源的 active network 有源网络 actuator n. 执行器 ad hoc 尤其,特定地 address n. 寻址 address generators 地址发生器 adjoint n., adj. 伴随(的),共轭(的) admissible adj. 可采纳的,允许的 advent n. 出现 aerodynamic adj. 空气动力学的 aerodynamics n. 空气动力学,气 体力学 aesthetically adv. 美术地,美学地 aforementioned adj. 上述的,前面 提到的 agility n. 灵活,便捷 agility n. 灵活,便捷 AI 人工智能 air gap 气隙 airgap = air gap 气隙 air-to-close (AC) adj. 气关的 air-to-open (AO) adj. 气开的 albeit conj. 虽然 algebraic equation 代数方程 alignment n. 组合 all-electric range 全电动行驶里程 alleviate v. 减轻,缓和 allowance for finish 加工余量 alloy n. 合金 alnico n. 铝镍钴合金,铝镍钴永 磁合金 aloft adv. 高高地 alphanumeric adj. 字母数字混合 的 alternative n. 可供选择的办法 altitude n. 海拔 aluminum n. 铝 amortisseur n. 阻尼器 amplifier n. 放大器 amplify v. 放大 amplitude n. 振幅 anthropomorphically adv. 拟人地 anti-alias filter 抗混叠滤波器 APICS = American Production and Inventory Control Society 美国生产与 库存管理学会 apparatus n. 一套仪器,装置 approach n. 途径,方法;研究 aptness n. 恰当 arbitrary adj. 任意的 arbitrary adj. 任意的 architecture n. 架构 archive v. 存档 argument n. 辐角,相位 arithmetic-logic unit 算术逻辑部 件 armature n. 电枢,衔铁,加固 arrival angle 入射角 arrival point 汇合点 artificial intelligence 人工智能 ASIC = Application Specific Integrated Circuit 特定用途集成电路 assembly n. 装置,构件 assembly line 装配生产线 assumption n. 假设 asymmetric adj. 不对称的 asymptote n. 渐进线 asymptotically stable 渐近稳定 asynchronous adj. 异步的 asynchronous adj. 异步的 at rest 处于平衡状态 at the most 至多 attached adj. 附加的 attain v. 达到,实现 attenuate v. 减弱 attenuation n. 衰减 attitude n. 姿态 audio adj. 音频的 auto-isolation n. 自动隔离 autonomous adj. 自治的 autonomous adj.自治的,自激的 auto-restoration n. 自动恢复供电 auto-sectionalizing n. 自动分段 auxiliary material 辅助材料 axon n. 轴突 backlash n. 齿隙游移 bandwidth n. 带宽 bar code scanner 条码扫描仪 baud n. 波特 become adept in 熟练 bench mark 基准点 bias n. 偏压 bi-directional adj. 双向的 binary adj. 二进制的 binary-coded adj. 二进制编码的 biomass n. 生物质 biopsy n. 活体检查 bipolar adj. 双向的 BJT 双极结型晶体管 blackout n. (大区域的)停电 BLDM 无刷直流电动机 block diagram algebra 方块图计 算(代数) 1 / 11


电气自动化专业英语(翻译1-3) 第一部分:电子技术 第一章电子测量仪表 电子技术人员使用许多不同类型的测量仪器。一些工作需要精确测量面另一些工作只需粗略估计。有些仪器被使用仅仅是确定线路是否完整。最常用的测量测试仪表有:电压测试仪,电压表,欧姆表,连续性测试仪,兆欧表,瓦特表还有瓦特小时表。 所有测量电值的表基本上都是电流表。他们测量或是比较通过他们的电流值。这些仪表可以被校准并且设计了不同的量程,以便读出期望的数值。 1.1安全预防 仪表的正确连接对于使用者的安全预防和仪表的正确维护是非常重要的。仪表的结构和操作的基本知识能帮助使用者按安全工作程序来对他们正确连接和维护。许多仪表被设计的只能用于直流或只能用于交流,而其它的则可交替使用。注意:每种仪表只能用来测量符合设计要求的电流类型。如果用在不正确的电流类型中可能对仪表有危险并且可能对使用者引起伤害。 许多仪表被设计成只能测量很低的数值,还有些能测量非常大的数值。 警告:仪表不允许超过它的额定最大值。不允许被测的实际数值超过仪表最大允许值的要求再强调也不过分。超过最大值对指针有伤害,有害于正确校准,并且在某种情况下能引起仪表爆炸造成对作用者的伤害。许多仪表装备了过载保护。然而,通常情况下电流大于仪表设计的限定仍然是危险的。 1.3测量仪器的使用 电压表是设计来测量电路的电压或者通过元器件的压降。电压表必须与被测量的电路或元器件并联。 1.3.1压力检验计 交-直流电压检验计是一种相当粗糙但对电工来说很有用的仪器。这种仪器指示电压的近似值。更常见类型指示的电压值如下:AC,110,220,440,550V,DC,125,250,600V。许多这种仪器也指示直流电的极性。那就是说(i.e=that is)电路中的导体是阳性(正)的还是阴性(负)。 电压检验计通常用来检验公共电压,识别接地导体,检查被炸毁的保险丝,区分AC和DC。电压检验计很小很坚固,比一般的电压表容易携带和保存。图1。31。4描述了用电压检验计检查保险丝的用法。 为了确定电路或系统中的导体接地,把测试仪连接在导体和已建立的地之间。如果测试仪指示了一个


Basic Control Actions and Industrial Automatic Control An automatic controller compares the actual value of the plant output with the desired value, determines the deviation, and produces a control signal which will reduce the deviation to zero or to a small value.The manner in which the automatic conroller produces the control signal is called the control action. Classifications of industrial automatic controllers Induetrial automatic controllers may be classified according to their control action as: ·two-position or on-off controllers; ·proportional controllers; ·integral controllers; ·proportional-plus-integral controllers; ·proportional-plus-derivative controllers; ·proportional-plus-derivative-plus-integral controllers. Most industrial automatic controllers use eletricity or pressurized fluid such as oil or air as power sources. Automatic controllers may also be classified according to the kind of power employed in the operation, such as pneumatic controllers, hydraulic controllers, or electronic controllers.What kind of controller to use must be decided by the nature of the plant and the operating conditions,including such considerations as safety, availability, reliability, accuracy, weight, and size? Elements of industrial automatic controllers An automatic controller must detect the actuating error signal, which is usually at a very low power level, and amplify it to a sufficiently high level. Thus, an amplifier is necessary. The output of an automatic controller is fed to a power device, such as a pneumatic motor or valve, a hydraulic motor, or an electric motor. The controller usually consists of an error detector and amplifier. The measuring element is a device that converts the output variable into another suitable variable, such as a displacement, pressure, or electric signal, which can be used for comparing the output to the reference input signal. This element is in the feedback path of the closed-loop system. The set point of the controller must be converted to a reference input of the same units as the feedback signal from the measuring element. The amplifier amplifies the power of the actuating error signal, which in turn operates the actuator. The actuator is an element which alters the input to the plant according to the control signal so that the feedback signal may be brought into correspondence with the reference input signal. Self-operated controllers In most industrial automatic controllers, separate units are used for the measuring element and for the actuator. In a very simple one, however, such as a self-operated controller, these elements are assembled in one unit. Self-operated controllers utilize power developed by the measuring element and are very simple and inexpensive. The set point is determined by the adjustment of the spring force. The controlled pressure is measured by the diaphragm. The actuating error signal is the net force acting on the diaphragm. Its position determines the valve opening. The operation of self-operated controller is as follows: Suppose that the output pressure is lower than the reference pressure, as determined by the set point. Then the downward spring force is greater than the upward pressure force, resulting in a downward movement of the diaphragm. This increases the flow rate and raises the output pressure.

自动化专业英语PartⅤ-Ⅵ 课文原文内容

Part Ⅴ Sensors and Transmitters In a feedback control system, the elements of a process-control systemare defined interms of separate functional parts of the system . The four basic components of controlsystems are thesensors, transmitter , controller , and final control elements . Thesecomponents per form the three basic operations of every control system: measurementdecision, and action. Sensors and transmitters perform the measurements operation of control system. Thesensor produces a phenomenon, mechanical, or the like related to the process variable that itmeasures. The function of transmitter in turn is to convert the signal from sensor to the formrequired by the final control device. The signal, therefor e, is related to the process variable. Two analog standards are in common u se as a means of representing the range ofvariables in control systems. For electrical systems we use a range of electric current carriedin wires , and for pneumatic systems we use a range of gas pressure carried in pipes . Thesesignals are used primarily to transmitvariable information over some distance, such as to andfrom the control room and the plant .Fig .5 . 9 shows a diagram of a process- controlinstallation where current is used to transmit measurement data about the controlled variableto the control room, and gas pressure in pipes is used to transmit a feedback signal to a valve to change flow as the controlling variable . Fig .5 .9 Electrical current and pneumatic pressures are the most common means of information transmitter in the industrial environment Current signal The most common current transmission signal is 4 to 20 mA . Thu s , in the preceding temperature example, 20℃might be represented by 4 mA, and 120℃by 20 mA, with all temperatures in between represented by a proportional current . The gain is 略 That is , we can say that the gain of sensor/ transmitter is ratio of the span of the output to the span of input . Current is used instead of voltage because the system is then les s dependent on load . Voltage is not used for transmission because of its susceptibility to changes of resistance in the line . Pneumatic signals The most common standard for pneumatic signal transmitter is 3 to 15 psi . In this case, when a sensor measures some variable in a range it is converted into a proportionalpressure of gas in a pipe . The gas is usually dry air .The pipe may be many hundreds of meters long , but as long as there is no leak in the system the pressure will be propagated down the pipe . This English system standard is still widely used in the U .S ., despite the move to the SI system of units . The equivalent SI range that will eventually be adopted is 20 to 100 kPa. The two cases presented show that the gain of the sensor/ transmitter is constant over its completeoperating range . For most sensor/ transmitter this is the case; however , there are some in stances , such as a differential pressure sensor used to measure flow, when this is not the case . A differential pressure sensor measures the differential pressure ,h, across an orifice . This differential pressure is related to the square of the volumetric flow rate F . That is F2 ah . The equation that describes the output signal form an electronicdifferential pressure transmitter when used to measure volumetric flow with a range of 0~F maxgpm is

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