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1) Wuqiu FAN. Selections on Practical EST Translation. Foreign Language

Publishing House. 2001./范武邱。《实用科技英语翻译讲评》。外文出版社。2001年。

2) Zhijie FENG. Essentials for EST Translation. China Translation Publishing House.


3) Xianfa HUA. A New Practical Textbook of English-Chinese Translation. Hubei

Education Press. 2001./华先发。新适用英译汉教程。湖北教育出版社。2001年。

4) Chengzhang LIN. An Introduction to English Lexicology. Wuhan University




Unit 1 Mathematics

Text A Game Theory 科技英语阅读方法(一)科技英语翻译技巧(一)

Text B Digital Signature in Applied Cryptography

Unit 2 Medicine

Text A Making a Little Progress 科技英语阅读方法(二)科技英语翻译技巧(二)Text B Are Antibiotics Killing Us?

Unit 3 Genetics Engineering

Text A Ready or Not? Human ES Cells Head Toward the Clinic

Text B Gene Doping 科技英语阅读方法(三)科技英语翻译技巧(三)

Unit 4 Telecommunications

Text A 10 Hottest Telecom Technologies of the Year (I)


Text B 10 Hottest Telecom Technologies of the Year (II)

Unit 5 Wireless Communications

Text A Your Next Computer


Text B Share the Internet Wealth

Unit 6 Computer Science

Text A Get Mean,Go Green

科技英语阅读方法(六)科技英语翻译技巧(六)Text B Conversational Computers

Unit 7 Internet

Text A We Know Where You Are

科技英语阅读方法(七)科技英语翻译技巧(七)Text B Why Skyware Poses Multiple Threats to Security Unit 8 Materials

Text A Dsigning Superhard Materials

科技英语阅读方法(八)科技英语翻译技巧(八)Text B Toxic Potential of Materials at the Nanolevel

Unit 1 Mathematics

I.The Definition of EST (English for Science & Technology)

EST (English for Science & Technology or Technical English or Scientific English) is a special language variety widely used in the fields of science and technology. It’s believed that it first came to being in the 1950s along with the rapid development of science and technology, and it many researchers and scholars began to conduct investigation of this common features of this special genre including reading comprehension, writing and even translation.

II. Reading Techniques for EST




water purification system

该结构的中心名词是system,purification 修饰water,因此该结构相当于 a system for the purification of water



acute bacterial peritonitis 急性细菌性腹膜炎



The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the development of the iron and steel industry of our country.

句中的名词化结构the building of these giant iron and steel workds由build的动名词加上介词短语构成,充当句子的主语,其逻辑结构为动宾结构。

III. Translation Techniques for EST


All substances will permit the passage of some electric current, provided the potential difference is high enough.



2. 将名词化结构译为动宾关系

As a small-scale illustration of the artificial modification of physical weather processes, take the frost prevention in an orchard.



IV. Text Analysis Game Theory

1.Warm-up questions

a)What are the basic elements of games and what is the goal of the participants in

the game?

b)In order to win in a game, what kind of approach or strategy should be applied?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,nguage Points

a) The games it studies range from chess to chld rearing and from tennis to takeovers. (para.1)

Paraphrase: The games it (game theory) studies extends from chess to child brnging-up and from tennis to handovers.

takeover: n. the act or an instance of assuming control or management of or responsibility for sth.

b) Game theory was pioneered by Princeton mathematician John von Neumann. (para.2)

pioneer: v. to be a pioneer; to originate (course of action etc., followed later by others) 3.Text Organization

Part One: paras. 1-3

Game theory can be defined as the sciene of strategy which studies both pure conflicts (zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperative forms.

Part Two: paras. 4-11

There are two distinct types of strategic imterdependence; sequential move game and simultaneous-move game.

Part Three: paras: 12-19

The typical examples of game theory are given as basic principles such as prisoners’dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves, bargaining, concealing and revealing information.

Part Four: para. 20

The research of game theory has succeeded in illustrating strategies in situations of conflict and cooperation and it will focus on the design of successful strategy in future.

V. Assignments:

a) background knowledge search for each lecture;

b) preview work for each lecture;

c) exercises after each lecture;

d) self-study of Text B and its exercises

Unit 2 Medicine

I. Reading Techniques for EST

Compound Words 复合词

1. 复合词的构成:

a) 名词+名词 computer capacity 计算机能力

b) 形容词+名词 synchronous orbit 同步轨道

c) 分词+名词 combined carbon 结合碳

d) 名词+动名词 altitude charging 高空增压

e) 形容词+动名词 dynamic programming 动态规划

f) 多词复合名词 industrial distribution equipment 工业配电装置


a) 名词/形容词/副词+形容词 red-hot 炽热的

b) 形容词/数词+名词 high-frequency 高频的

c) 名词/形容词/数词+名词-ed medium-sized 中型的

d) 名词/代词/形容词/副词+分词 well-equipped 设备精良的

e) 多词复合形容词 out-of-date 过时的

3. 复合动词的构成

a) 动词+介词/连词+动词 point-and-click 点击

b) 动词+介词 sign-on 登录

c) 形容词+动词 mass-produce 成批生产

II. Translation Techniques for EST

1. 意译:通过对原词的仔细推敲和理解,准确地译出其表达的科学概念。deep space 航天术语:外层空间,而非“深层空间”

2. 音译:根据英语单词的发音译成读音与原词大致相同的中文。

hertz 赫兹(频率单位)

e-mail 伊妹儿—电子邮件



Kuru 库鲁病



IBM system IBM系统

III. Text Analysis Making a Little Progress

1.Warm-up Questions

a)What do you know about medicines or therapies for cancer?

b)Can you give examples of the application of nanotechnology in our daily lives?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,nguage Points

a)… to bring blood to an old and desperate fight. (para.1)

new blood: n. new member, new comer

b)… as they revert to their original spins.(para. 4)

revert to: to return to a previous state

c) …usher the protons to their original spins. (para. 4)

usher: v. to lead ab. politelyl to some place

eg: The waitress ushered us to our seats reserved.

3.Text Organization

Part One: para.1

The government decided to take an initiative to fight against cancer by means of nanotechnology.

Part Two: para. 2

Nanotechnology holds promise for cancer treatment on account of two main reasons: size and function.

Part Three: paras. 3-8

Two kinds of nanoparticles –nanocrystals of iron oxide and quantum dots—have been used for cancer detection in tests on mice.

Part Four: paras. 9-18

Three kinds of nanoparticles—dendrimers, carbon nanotubes and liposomes—have been used in tests for cancer killing.

Part Five: paras. 19-21

In spite of great progress in cancer nanotechnology, there are still many problems to solve.

IV. Assignments:

a) background knowledge search for each lecture;

b) preview work for each lecture;

c) exercises after each lecture;

d) self-study of Text B and its exercises

Unit 3 Genetic Engineering

I. Reading Techniques for EST

Abbreviation (缩略词)

1. 截短词

cpd (compound) 化合物 maths (mathematics) 数学

2. 字母缩略词

AMPS (advanced mobile phone system) 高级移动电话系统

3. 首字母拼音词

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 北大西洋公约组织

II. Translation Techniques for EST

1. Conversion (词的转译)

a) 动词转译成名词

The addition of 2 percent sodium carbonate to boiling water increase the bactericide effect.



b) 具体词义转译为抽象词义

the study of the brain is one of the last frontiers of human knowledge and of much more immediate importance than understanding the infinity of space or the mystery of the atom.


c) 抽象词义转译为具体词义

The pupil of the eye responds to the changes of light intensity.

respond to,作具体化转译“随…扩大或缩小”

2. Amplification (词的增译)

semi-permanent coupler 半永久性结构

infinite adjustment 将adjustment的含义补充为speed adjustment,译为“无极调速”

3. Omission (词的省译)

Best varieties have good resistance to loading.


III. Text Analysis Ready or Not? Human ES Cells Head Toward the Clinic

1.Warm-up Questions

a)What do you know about human ES cells? Give some examples to show its

application in the medical field.

b)In your opinion, what’s the prospect of cell therapies?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,nguage Points

a) But several hurdles remain.

Hurdle: n. obstacle or difficulty

b) …pleaded with his colleagues to vote with him.

Plead with: to ask for; to beg

c)But these same traits also increase the risk…

trait: n. characteristic

d) …ending up in the wrong place…

end up: to be in a particular place or state finally

3.Text Organization

Part One: paras.1-6

Although hES cells hold promise for the clinic, they still carry some risks in practice that discourage most groups from clinical trials except one companyy—Geron.

Part Two: paras. 7-12

Keirstead and his colleagues have chosen spinal cord injuries as the first trial and carried out several experiments with the main purpose to indicate that the treatment can be safe.

Part Three: paras. 13-22

Some potential problems may turn up with the clinical trials, such as improper differentiation, tumor formatioon, animal contamination and new mutations in culture. Part Four: paras. 23-26

There is still a long way to go befoere cell therapies come onto the stage.

IV. Assignments:

a) background knowledge search for each lecture;

b) preview work for each lecture;

c) exercises after each lecture;

d) self-study of Text B and its exercises

Unit 4 Telecommunication

I. Reading Techniques for EST

Blending (拼缀词)

1. 前词首部+后词尾部

Chunnel (channel+tunnel) 英吉利海峡隧道(铁路)

2. 前词全部+后词尾部

Copytron (copy+technology) 高科技

3. 前词首部+后词全部

Autocamp (automobile+camp) 汽车宿营地


Biotech (biology+technology) 应用生物学;生物技术

II. Translation Techniques for EST


1. 比较级单独使用的译法:译为“较、更、些”

2. 比较级+than的译法

More…than: 可译为“与…相比”,“更”

Less than 可译为“不到”

3. 程度状语+比较级

在比较级前会加上much,far, even, still, a bit, a little, yet, 译为“…得多”,“大大…”

4. more and more “越来越”

5. the more…the more “越…越”

III. Text Analysis 10 Hottest Telecom Technologies

1.Warm-up Questions

a) Can you name some of the hot telecom technologies?

b) How do telecom technologies influence our daily life?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,nguage Points

a) The slightest inkling of a recovery…

inkling: n. a slight hint or indication

eg: Can you give me some inkling of the technological trend

b) …technology development never really went out of vogue…

out of vogue: no llonger popular

c) …broadband has become a commodity service

broadband: n. a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies

3.Text Organization

Part One: paras.1-3

The industry is thinking technology again and it’s time to check out 10 hottest technology picks for the year.

Part Two: paras. 4-8

PacketCable Multimedia sets cable operators’ offering from a basic telephony service from an ILEC .

Part Three: paras. 9-12

Wi-Fi roaming technology allows wireless user to wander from a narrowband cellular network onto a broadband Wi-Fi network without changing handsets.

Part Four: paras. 13-16

Meshed networks proide city-or metro-wide broadband wireless coverage without requiring wired backhals.

Part Five: paras. 17-19

With the advent of hosted BoIP telephonu, users will be able to manege all their calling feature over a web-based interface and gain access to productivity-enhancing applications.

Part Six: paras. 20-23

Active Ethernet is offered as as alternative to PON and it leverages the best of Ethernet and IP.

IV. Assignments:

a) background knowledge search for each lecture;

b) preview work for each lecture;

c) exercises after each lecture;

d) self-study of Text B and its exercises

Unit 5 Wireless Communication

I. Reading Techniques for EST

Derivative (派生词)

Microscope显微镜词根:scope 词根的含义:look

Monoraph 专著词根:graph 词根的含义:written

II. Translation Techniques for EST

Non-finite Verb (非限定动词)

1. 分词:包括现在分词和过去分词。通常分词作主语的定语,以半年采用逆序合译法,放在被修饰词之前。但是如果定语成分太长,则采用顺序分译法,译为单独的词组或分句。

The MEMS part, made by Analog Devices Inc. of Wilmington, Massachusetts, and other firms, is a tiny chunk of silicon suspended in a cavity.


2. 动名词:应当根据动名词短语在句中充当的成分来确定翻译时它正在汉语中的位置。

Squeezing fullerenes and nanotubes is unlikly to be an inexpensive, practical synthetic route.

句中的动名词短语squeezing fullerenes and nanotubes作主语放在句首。译为:“靠挤压形成富勒烯和纳米碳管绝非一个经济实用的途径。”

3. 不定式:不定式在科技文章中用得很多。可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。应根据在句中的成分及上下文确定在汉语中的位置。

Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions.



At the same time the waves are fanning out, they are also separating b wavelength, a process known as dispersion.


III. Text Analysis Your Next Computer

1.Warm-up Questions

a) Do you know anything abou the brief history of mobile phones?

b) Nowadays most college students have got a mobile phone. What do you think about this?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,nguage Points

a) ...that pops up on his small screen each morning…

pop up: to appear, sometimes unexpectedly

eg: Click here, and a list of files will pop up.

b) …but at 32 he’s too old to indulge his hobby…

indulge: v. to let someone do or have sth. That someone enjoys, esp. sth. That is considered bad for someone

c) AT&T rolled out the first cellulalr network in 1977…

roll out: to produce in large quantities

eg: The factory rolls out 300 boxes of its products every day.

3.Text Organization

Part One: paras.1-3

Now peole spend countless/many hours using their mobile phone’s Internet connection to download, check or send messages.

Part Two: paras. 4-5

There are 1.5 billion cell phones in the world today, more than three times the number of PCs. The emergence of mobile phone around the world has been slow but overwhelmingly momentous.

Part Three: paras. 6-9

As our phones get smarter, smaller and faster and enable users to connect at high speed, it has, in one sense, already turned into the next computer.

Part Four: paras. 10-12

The future mobile phones one day could actually perform many of the functions of PC, like word processing and Web browsing.

Part Five: paras. 13-14

Our cell phones aren’t likely to take the fastest road to its bright future. Innovation in the mobiel industry is full of zigzags and wrong turns, but one day we’ll leave all PCs behind.

IV. Assignments:

a) background knowledge search for each lecture;

b) preview work for each lecture;

c) exercises after each lecture;

d) self-study of Text B and its exercises

Unit 6 Computer Science

I. Reading Techniques for EST

Finding out context clues根据上下文的线索猜测词义

1. 释义线索

2. 近义词、反义词线索

Technology revolutions come in two flavors: jarringly fast and iimperceptibly slow.


3. 同位语线索

They have already gotten goats and mice to produce pieces of MSP-1, a protein displayed on the surface of the malaria parasite.


4. 举例线索:科技英语常用的引导用语:for example、for instance、such as、like、especially等。

II. Translation Techniques for EST

Multiples 倍数的译法

1. 倍数增加的译法

英语中表示倍数增加的表达法有:1)表增加意义的词(by) n times + 或by a factor of n; 2) n times + 表示增加意义的词的比较级

The production of various stereo recorders has been increased four times as against 1977.


2. 倍数比较的译法

1)n times + larger than + 被比较对象,译为“其大小为…的n倍”,“比…大n-1倍”

This thermal power plant is four times larger than that one.


2)n times + as + 原级 + as + 被比较对象,译为“是…的n倍”

Iron is almost three times as heavy as aluminum. 铁的重量几乎是铝的三倍。

3)n times + that (或表比较方面的词) of + 被比较对象,译为“是…的n倍”This reservoir is four times the size of that one. 这个水库是那个水库的四倍。

3. 倍数减少的译法

1) 表减少意义的词(by)n times + 或 by a factor of n;

2) n times +表示减少意义的词的比较级

The automatic assembly line can shorten the assembling period (by) ten times.


III. Text Analysis Get Mean, Go Green

1.Warm-up Questions

a) What do you know about the computing power of today’s computers?

b) What are the fundamental computing performance bottlenecks?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,nguage Points

a) Businesses may not put much stock in recycling, but when it comes to computing power, …

put stock in sth: to have confidence or credence in sth.

Eg: put much/little stock in sb./sth

b)…where existing technology would falter.

falter: v. to poerate or perform unsteadily or with a loss of effectiveness

eg: The automobile engine faltered.

c)…computing performance come at a steep price.

Come at a steep price: to be very expensive; to get with sth. unpleasant happening as a result

eg: Fame comes at a steep price.

3.Text Organization

Part One: paras.1-2

Reversible computing is the key to unlocking the power of tomorrow’s computing platforms.

Part Two: paras. 3-9

Reasons why computing architectural changes are inevitable.

Part Three: paras. 10-13

When reversible computing will be largely adopted depends on their applications. Part Four: paras. 14-17

How reversible computing works.

Part Five: para. 18

Conclusion: It’s time to investigate reversible computing further.

IV. Assignments:

a) background knowledge search for each lecture;

b) preview work for each lecture;

c) exercises after each lecture;

d) self-study of Text B and its exercises

Unit 7 Internet

I. Reading Techniques for EST

Post-attributive (后置定语)

1. 介词短语作后置定语

1) of 表示所属关系,意为“…的”



2. 分词作后置定语


Cryptography also enables Bob to check that the message sent by Alice was not modified by Eve and that the message he receives was really sent by Alice.


3. 形容词及形容词短语作后置定语

A player can use threats and promises to alter other players’ expectations of his future actions, and thereby induce them to take actions favorable to him or deter them from making moves that harm him.


4. 副词作后置定语

The air outside pressed the side in. 外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。

II. Translation Techniques for EST

Attributive Clause

1. 逆序合译法

In 1952,scientists working with frogs transferred nulei into unfertilized eggs whose own nuclei had been removed.


2. 顺序分译法

A doctor cell is fused to the egg b pulses of electricity, which break down the donor cell’s outer membrane and allow the egg to envelope its new nucleus.


II. Text Analysis We Know Where You Are

1.Warm-up Questions

a) Are you aware of locaiton technologies? If yes, please give your partner a general introduction of these technologies?

b) What do you know about E911?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,nguage Points

a) With conventional 911, the caller’s location must be provided by the caller…conventional: a. following what has been customary

eg: His opinion are rather narrow and conventional.

b) …country’s valid street addresses.

Valid: a. effective because made or done with correct formalities

Eg: The tourists are prevented from entering a country if they do no have a valid passports.

c) …the dispatcher can send help to a caller’s location even if the caller is incapacitated.

incapacitated: a. incapable of doing things

Eg: An 82-year-old man suffered a series of heart attacks that left him incapacitated, and other medical problems soon developed.

3.Text Organization

Part One: para.1

In the future, location-aware networking will present great opportunities for users and improve the security and effectiveness of Wi-Fi networks.

Part Two: paras. 2-11

It summarizes the demand for location-aware technology due to wider application of V oIP and V oIP over Wi-Fi and E911 legislation and present deployment situation in the U. S..

Part Three: paras. 12-16

It compares different location-aware technologies and summarizes the approaches for Wi-Fi vendors, which are through –current access points, triangulation and RF fingerprinting.

Part Four: paras. 17-22

Location-aware presence will improve Wi-Fi security in a number of ways.

IV. Assignments:

a) background knowledge search for each lecture;

b) preview work for each lecture;

c) exercises after each lecture;

d) self-study of Text B and its exercises


浅析中国大学的英语教学现状 摘要:英语作为一种国际性语言已是一个无可非议的事实,在我国科研创造、经济商贸和国际交往中的作用也是有目共睹的。为适应我国高等教育发展的新形式,深入英语教学改革,提高英语教学质量,满足新时期国家和社会对人才培养的需要,全国多所高校近几年开展了大学英语教学改革试点工作。本文从教师的教学方式、师资队伍、应试教学倾向等方面对中国大学的英语教学现状进行了阐述。 关键词:高校;英语;教学 目前从高校应届毕业生的反响来看,大学英语教育水平的高低渐渐成了衡量当代大学综合实力的一个重要参考标准,英语四六级在大学阶段的重要性逐年得到重视,也是应聘者简历上的重要参数,为适应时代发展,我国各地高校开始陆陆续续在英语教学上开始了新的尝试。 一、高校英语课堂亟待新的英语教学模式 据2010年央视关于大学生英语学习情况的一份调查报告显示:许多大学英语教师在教学中仍然采用传统的教育理念,对现代教育思想和语言学习特点缺乏基本的理解。而教师的现代教育理念意识薄弱,对大学英语教学却是致命的威胁。另外大多数高等院校课堂教学效果不理想,被学生认可的程度颇低。因为其相对单一的教学方式不能满足当代学生

的需求,从而导致大量学生缺课。究其原因主要是:很多教师课堂教学模式只是“一本书”,“一只笔”,“一言堂”,学生总是被动的接受,没有主动参与的机会,从而违背了语言的交际本质。然而,现代教育技术迅猛发展,正把人类带入知识经济的时代。知识将取代物质、能源和资本成为促进生产力发展的第一生产力。在这样一个新的形势下,传统的教育观念、手段和方法将面临巨大的挑战。社会的高度信息化和知识经济的蓬勃发展,使得课程教学的网络化、信息化是必然趋势,大学的英语教学应该摆脱传统的单一模式,将大学教学内容与高中内容相结合、课堂授课与课后自主学习相结合、光盘多媒体与网络教学相结合、第一课堂与第二课堂相结合,使教学满足学生个性化学习的实际需要,实现从以教师为中心、单纯传授语言知识和技能的教学模式,向以学生为中心、既传授一般的语言知识与技能,又注重培养语言运用能力和自主学习能力的教学模式的转变,从而增加学生自主学习的动力达到事半功倍的效果。 二、高校对英语教学的投入较少,师资力量不足 随着在校大学生数量的急剧增加,大学英语师资不足的矛盾日显突出。特别是一些地方性的普通高校,外教资源严重匮乏,这种现状一部分导致成为大学英语教师的门槛越来越低、绝大多数的新教师毕业后就立刻开始授课,使得大学英语教师的教学水平参差不齐,同时,这几年高等教育招生


(全新版)第四册电子教案 Unit three Job Interview I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea( Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the law of nature.) and structure of the text ( A comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two invasions); 2.realize the importance of examples in illustrating one’s points; 3.master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Text Analysis According to the Writing Strategy in Unit 4, there are usually five ways to begin an essay: using a quotation , stating the time and place of the event to be described , providing relevant background information, and giving a surprising or interesting fact. Text A of this unit starts with a personal story , which could also be very appealing to readers. Personal experiences sound


Unit One Why College? 教学目的(teaching objective): Master the key words and structures, and understand why people go to college for further studies so as to have enough education for a good job. 教学内容、课时安排及方法设计(contents, classes, method) 教学重点(key points):

教学难点(teaching difficulties): 1. Understand some difficult sentences in the text. eg. American faith in the value of education is shown by the rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor’s degree. 2. 连词词组的应用:either…..or not only……but also 3. Listening practice 教学方法(teaching methods): 课文以启发式提问导入,采用讲授法。通过教师分析、讲解、提问使学生掌握重点难点。阅读采用阅读指导法:重点指导阅读技巧。 练习采用练习辅导法:指导学生正确完成课后练习。 实验法:主要应用于听力训练和课堂讨论; 教学手段(teaching instruments): 板书和多媒体教学相结合,使用语音设备进行听力训练。 教学过程(teaching procedures): The first period: 1. Lead in Directions: (1) Give out three ideas about why colleges: earn more money; get a higher degree; prepare for a career (2) Ask the students to look at the pictures on page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs about their choice and ideas. (3) The giff-gaff and cross reference between the teachers and students.(师生互动) 2. Background information Directions: The teacher introduces the background information of the text

新 全 汽车专业英语期末试卷

汽车专业英语期末试卷 (100分) 一选择题(10分) 1 It does not only have economic effects but also provide C job opportunities A numerous B difficult to count C countless D a lot of 2 the electrical system contains battery light generator, engine ignition .lighting circuit, and various B that control their use A the socket B switches C the charger D battery 3 suspension is the term given to the system of springs . Shock absorbers and B that connects a vehicle to its wheels . A contact B linkages C meet D thing of 4 A solid axle designs utilize springs to soften their inherent harsh ride characteristics , they still bump along like a brick out house. A even though B even if C although D since

5 the frame A two straight pressed steel members, five cross members , the front axle , the rear axle and four wheels A consists of B be made up of C include D reason 二把下面的表达式转化为中文或英文(20分) 1 邮车 mail van 6 sedan 轿车 2 赛车 racing car 7 bumper 保险杠 3 救护车 ambulance 8 lamp 灯 4 越野车 off -road vehicles 9 tire 轮胎 5 洒水车 sprinkler 10 hood 发动机罩 三把下面的简写正确搭配(10分) FWD electrical suspension control system TD Four -wheel drive AT anti -lock brake system ABS turbo diesel ESCS automatic transmission 四写出下面单词的全称及意思 (10分) 1 SUV 运动型多功能用车 sports utility vehicle


Unit One Honesty Teaching Objective:listening , reading , writing , translation Teaching focus:reading , writing , translation Teaching difficulties: reading , translation Teaching Procedures: daily report, lead-in, listening, reading, translation, writing, homework Stage1 Daily Report Ask the student on duty to make a daily report, encouraging him or her to speak more about honesty. While listening, the students make some notes. Then ask some students to retell what the reporter said. Stage2 Lead in Step1 Culture background The teacher would offer some background information about creativity, so as to help the students to better understand the text. Honesty refers to a series of rules or expectancy that people should follow. To be honest means we should respect the fact and behave consistently with the contexts and situations. It means that we should be rational when giving choices or making decisions Honesty and trust is not just an idea, a political or moral teaching, but a way of living. It is an issue that matters to almost everybody. It’s important to be honest. But honesty is not always the best policy. Sometimes we don’t want to hurt others’ feelings, so we have to tell white lies. Women are better liars than men, particularly when telling “a white lie”. For example, when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling at all. This is the kind of lies that politicians and businessmen are particularly skilled at. By telling such lies the liars hope to get profit. Step2Topics for discussion 1. Get the students to go through the topics in the Lead-in of Text A on the textbook. And then they can choose any topic at will to have a discussion among their group members. 2. Show their work Let each group share their opinions with others. While listening, the listeners should take some notes, then retell and share. 3. Summarize The teacher summarizes the Ss’ job, making some comments. Then write down the useful words and expressions needed. Stage3 Listening Step1 Activity 1 Spot dictation 1. Listen to the statements less than three times and fill in each blank with the words


2019级大学英语(三)选课说明 大学英语(三)系大学英语四级后提高阶段,实行网上选课,根据学生专业所属学科,开设人文英语和理工英语两大课程,初步与学生专业所在学科接轨,满足学生不同学习需求,特做如下安排: 1.选课对象:2019级全体学生(不含英语、英语师范、日语等外语类专业,环境设计、 数字媒体、美术、美术师范、动画、视觉传达、音乐师范等艺术类专业,工管国际、机械国际、土木国际、物流国际等中外合作办学项目本科生,环境学院环境工程专业本科生) 2.大学英语(三)开设理工、人文两个方向课程。选课前,学生应认真阅读《大学英语三选课说明》,了解各方向课程的授课内容及各任课教师的教学特点和风格,按照所在学院排课时间板块根据自身的英语学习情况,选择最适合自己的《大学英语(三)》课程和任课教师。 3.选课时间为开课学期的第一周,具体选课时间由教务处下达通知并在网上公布。学生要留心校园网公布的具体时间,在规定时间内在教务系统中操作选择任课教师和教学班级。 4.一般选课人数达到40人以上方可开课,选课人数少于40人的班级作停开处理,该班学生需参加第二轮选课。 5.因所选班级未达到开班人数要求和第一次选课未成功的学生可进行第二轮选课,第二轮选课原则上也要在开课学期的第一周内完成,具体选课时间学生要留意教务处的通知。第二轮选择范围只能在有空余额度的班级。 6.因长病假、急事等两次都没有完成大学英语(三)选课的学生,应在新学期开学第一周内提出书面申请,由所在学院盖章,经外国语学院同意,报教务处备案,由外国语学院根据选课情况编入正常班级学习。 7.大学英语(三)正式上课时间从第二周开始。 特此说明 外国语学院 2020年5月8日


小学英语第一册教案(人教版) 第1课时: Welcome back to school!(1) 【教学重点】学习字母D、E及相关单词。 【教学难点】认读字母,体会字母在单词中的读音。 【教具准备】 1、本课生词的单词卡片 3、大小写字母卡片(A--E) 【教学过程】 (一)热身复习(Warm-upRevision) 1、演唱歌曲《Boy and girl》, 男生唱“I’m a boy and you are a girl.”部分,女生唱 “I’m a girl and you are a boy.”部分,比比看谁唱得更好。 2、看一看,猜一猜 请学生用肢体语言表演出A-C几个大小写字母,其他学生猜一猜。 教师书空字母,让学生猜一猜。 3、说一说 播放A部分的Chant的动画,让孩子边说边演。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 分别出示大小写字母Dd.让孩子用肢体语言表演。 分别出示大小写字母,学生开火车认读。 教师指着字母D旁的趣味图片,问:“What’s this?”“It’s a dog.”带读单词。 教师出另一单词卡片“duck”,带读单词,孩子跟读练习。 D-d-duck-dog教师带读字母和单词。孩子小组里读一读。 以同样的方法学习大小写字母Ee. 注意学习eggelephant一词时,当问学生What’s this? 强调回答It’s an eggelephant.而非It’s a eggelephant.

出示Let’s say部分的课件,教师反复点击字母和单词,学生模仿跟读。还可请学生上台点击任一字母或单词,让学生体会学习的乐趣。 找朋友 学生以小组为单位分别拿着字母D\E等大小写,给字母找朋友。 出示Let’s do部分动画。学生边看边尝试跟读,同时做动作。 8、小组围单位操练Let’s do部分的内容,然后请小组代表上台表演,评出最佳的小组并予以奖励。 (三)趣味操练(Practice) listen and order the cards 学生根据教师说的顺序,排列大小写字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee。 读一读,分一分 孩子自己读新学的单词,根据读音分成两组。找出共同的字母。 (四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 帮单词娃娃回家 教师出示大小写字母A-E,设计成5个小房子。让孩子根据首字母把单词送回家。 第2课时: Welcome back to school!(2) 【教学重点】 teacher、student两个单词,“Come in. ”“I’m sorry.”“It’s OK”三个短语和句子。 【教学难点】在情境中运用所学的词、句和短语。 【教具准备】 1、本课生词的单词卡片 2、歌曲录音 【教学过程】 (一)热身复习(Warm-upRevision) Talk together


2、The modern automatic transmission is by far the most complicated mechanical component in today’s automobile. 3、Torque that is produced at the end of the crankshaft by the engine must be transmitted to the driving wheels. 4、A double overhead cam engine has two cams per head. So in-line engines have two cams, and V-type engines have four. 5、所以冷却系统的另一个重要作用是让发动机尽快的升温,并保持在稳定的温度范围内。 .

三、Answer the following questions in English. (3×5’) 1、Why do we need the cooling system in an IEC (内燃机)? 2、What is the function of the braking system? 3、What ’s the displacement of an engine? 四、 Choose the right answer. (5×2’) 1、What do almost all cars use to convert gasoline into motion? A. one-stroke combustion cycle B. two-stroke combustion cycle C. three-stroke combustion cycle D. four-stroke combustion cycle 2、A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes are . A. intake, compression, ignition and exhaust B. injection, rotation, ignition and exhaust C. injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaust 3、What is the core of a car ’s engine?

新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 1 Organization 电子教案

Unit 1 Organization Teaching Objectives 1.To require students think what organization is. 2.To help students master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.To enrich students’ English for careers. 4.To improve students’ listenin g, speaking, reading and writing skills. Teaching focus https://www.doczj.com/doc/d917678258.html,prehension of reading A. 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.Listening and writing skills. Teaching procedures Step1. Warming-up Students read warming-up Task1. Get students to look at the logos. Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word. Ask students to give the names of the countries. Give the answers. Step2. Background Information What is a logo? Company introduction Step3. Language points Step4 Reading A explanation a.Students read the passage and find out important events in the different periods of Google’s history on page 5. b.Ask students to divide this text into several parts and sum up the main ideas. c.Teachers explain the text in details one paragraph by one paragraph and give the translation Step5 Reading B Step6 Listening & Speaking Step 7 Writing How to write an envelope?


大学英语(全新版)第四册电子教案 Unit Four The Multicultural Society I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea( Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the law of nature.) and structure of the text ( A comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two invasions); 2.practice their critical thinking ability through in-depth discussions in issues mentioned in the text; 3.master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Text Analysis People tend to worship things printed in black and white. Yet we would like to cultivate in our students the ability to think critically. They should understand that not everything they read is true. At the same time they need to be able to , and they should be able to, justify their disbelief. Take Question 1 in the after-text Points for discussion for


Book1 Unit 2 I can do it! (第一课时教学设计) 一、学情分析 本单元是教材的第二单元,关于个人能力描述,要求能进行口头能力描述,向别人了解能力,能看懂求职表,根据求职表安排合适的工作岗位,填写求职表等,实用性强,内容贴近学生生活,新的词汇量不大,句型简单。但是职业学校的学生通常会说却不能正确拼写单词,会七嘴八舌地说出许多词组,但是不能长段地独立表达个人观点,课堂热闹但是课后较少主动复习。因此,教学中应重视基本词汇的四会,重视指导性作文的写作,重视指导学生养成课堂记笔记的能力。职业学校的学生普遍发散性思维较强,教师可以充分利用集体的力量开展教学,集思广益。 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第二单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。 这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生用英语流利表达个人能力提供了模版,还利于教师挖掘学生的多元智能,学生间进一步促进了解。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 通过与个人能力描述相关的词汇和句型的学习,学生采访同学、老师,并拟写采访单。

⑵教学难点 学生了解词汇记忆的策略之一——分类记忆; 学生区分出不同购物场所的特点; 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴学生能掌握描述个人能力的词汇,如speak Chinese, drive cars, repair puters, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers。 ⑵学生能掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,如: Can you say something about yourself Can you sing English songs Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese. 2.能力目标 ⑴学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。 ⑵学生能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。 3.情感目标 学生能欣赏自我,欣赏他人。 四、教学步骤 Step One Lead-in (10 min) 1. Facts or lies Start with a game. The teacher makes a list of his abilities, and two of them are lies. Ask the students to pick them out. Eg. I can read in English. I can sing many English songs.


汽车专业英语大纲 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

《汽车专业英语》课程标准 学时/学分: 32/2 课程类型:理论课程(A类) 适用专业:汽车电子技术专业 课程所属系部:汽车工程系 批准日期:2014年5月 一、制定依据与课程定位 (一)制定依据 本课程标准是依据汽车检测与维修技术、汽车制造与装配技术、需要制定。 (二)课程定位 《汽车专业英语》这门课程是汽车专业的一门专业选修课程,旨在使学生掌握汽车专业常用的英语词汇。 通过本课程的学习,培养学生在汽车专业领域具有的一定的英语阅读能力和翻译能力,以便学生更好的直接从外文资料中获取新的知识和信息。 二、课程教学目标 《汽车专业英语》是三年制高职汽车检测与维修技术、汽车制造与装配技术、的专业选修课程。其任务是使学生一方面可以巩固已掌握的词汇和语法知识,另一方面扩大专业词汇量,提高学生对汽车专业英文文献的阅读能力。通过教学应使学生获得初步具备专业英语翻译能力和初步具备能够直接从外文资料中获取信息的能力。 (一)知识目标 1、掌握专业英语中的基本词汇和专有名词; 2、掌握专业英语中常用的语法和句型结构; 3、可以阅读有一定词汇量的专业英语文献。 (二)能力目标 通过对《汽车专业英语》的教学,力求向学生提供未来工作岗位所需要专业英语知识,培养学生在实际工作岗位上运用汽车专业英语的能力。

1、阐述“专业阅读”,内容力求反应汽车专业方面的最新知识,文章能展示当今汽车专业方面的最新技术,同时书中附带一些真实的现场照片。 2、阐述“专业术语”,帮助学生了解汽车各零部件的功能及应用,是学生进入企业后应用较多的内容。 3、阐述“试试您的动手能力”,以汽车故障诊断为主,列举大量贴近企业工作实际的实例。 4、阐述“交际会话”,选用贴近实际,贴近企业,贴近岗位的常用专业英语会话。 (三)素质目标 通过教学应使学生认识《汽车专业英语》学习的基本方法, 1、具备通过查阅资料等方法,通过自学获取知识和新技术的能力; 2、通过不同形式的探究活动、自主学习,体验科技发现和创造的历程,发展抽象思维和辨证逻辑思维。 3、养成严谨求实的科学态度以及质疑和独立思考的学习习惯。 4、使学生具备正确的价值观与评定事物的能力,具备一定的英文语言表达能力以及与人交往沟通的能力。 5、培养学生爱岗敬业、团结协作、吃苦耐劳的职业精神与创新设计的意识。 三、课程内容设计 (一)学时分配


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! Lesson 2 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.初步掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词小引 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及肯定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)代词人称代词和物主代词 2)Be 动词 3)一般疑问句

4)主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语 5)一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答 2.语言点: 1)打扰他人 2)表达谢意 3.语音:初步知识,字母、音标介绍六、扩展练习 1.打扰他人的表达 2.表达谢意

Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。Lesson 4 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解并运用主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词形容词性物主代词 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及否定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)否定陈述句

2)Be动词的否定形式 3)代词的功能 4)一般疑问句及否回答 5)形容词性物主代词2.语言点: 1)询问“是否” 2)表达歉意 3.语音:字母、音标介绍 六、扩展练习 1.询问“是否” 2.向别人道歉


Terminal Reviews to English for the Automotive Profession I. Answer the following questions.(20%) Choose 5 of 6, 4 points for each, total in 20 points. 1. What does the drive train consist of? The drive train consists of clutch, transmission, driveshafts, differentials, and the final drive (drive wheels, continuous track like with tanks or Caterpillar tractors, propeller, etc.). In a wider sense, the drive train includes all of its components used to transform stored (chemical, solar, nuclear, kinetic, potential, etc) energy into kinetic energy for propulsion purposes. 2. How to install the drive gear? First, clean the drive gear attaching bolts. Second, remove the adhesive adhered to the threaded holes of the drive gear by turning the special tool, and then clean the treaded holes by applying compressed air. Third, apply the specified adhesive to the threaded holes of the drive gear. Forth, install the drive gear onto the differential case with the mating marks properly aligned. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque in a diagonal sequence. 3. What is the process of the ABS working? The Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) uses a sensor that know when one wheel (or a pair of wheels) is skidding. The sensor sends a signal to a computer, which signals a modulator valve. The modulator connects into the hydraulic system and can momentarily release the brake pressure and prevent the wheels from locking. (The pressure release is so fast that a driver is seldom aware of it.) Pressure is then reapplied until the sensor again sensor that the wheel is about to lock up. Thus, this system keeps the wheels as colse to lock up as possible, without actually allowing the wheels to lock up and skid. This is called incipient lock up. Maximum braking occurs at that point. 4. What is the purpose of gear reduction from steering gear? The gear reduction is known as steering gear ratio. This is needed to reduce the amount of effort required to turn the steering wheel, particularly when parking. During straight-ahead driving, this also reduces the possiblility of oversteering. The ratios vary considerably, depending largely on vehicle size and weight. Larger, heavier vehicles require a graeter reduction in manual steering gears. 5. How does the starter clutch work? The purpose of the starter clutch is to engage and disengage the pinion gear from the flywheel. When the starer is cranking, the pinion gear slides on the armature shaft and engages the flywheel. 6. How to check DTC in the normal mode? First, turn ignition switch off. Second, connect terminals TE1 and E1 of data link connector 1 or 2. Third, Turn ignition switch on. Forth, read the diagnostic trouble code on malfuntion indicator lamp on the combination meter. Fifth, afer completing the check, turn ignition switch off and disconnect terminals TE1 and E1. II. Translate the following into Chinese. (20%) Choose 20 of 30, 1 points for each, total in 20 points. 1. drive train 动力传动系 2. suspension system and axle 悬挂系统和驱动桥 3. brake system 制动系统 4. steering system 转向系统


课程名称新视野大学英语1 授课专业和班级 教师专业技术职务学时 授课内容 (题目、章、节) Unit1 Fresh Start 教学目的与要求1.To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2.To study Passage A and understand the main idea of the text 3.To understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it 4.To talk about college education 教学重点及难点1.The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing ways mentioned in this passage 2.The reading skills mentioned in this unit 3.Listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit 4.Talking about college education. 5.Writing paragraphs with the structure “a general statement supported by details”. 6.Applying the phrases and patterns. 教学方法 教学过程、内容及时间分配 1. Warming-up activities for Section A (0.5 period) a. What is the ideal university like in your eyes? b. What are your expectations of your college life? c. Listen to an interview about tips for freshman students and do the following exercise.

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