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An algorithm for automatic checking of exercises in a dynamic geometry system-iGeom

An algorithm for automatic checking of exercises in a dynamic geometry system-iGeom
An algorithm for automatic checking of exercises in a dynamic geometry system-iGeom

An algorithm for automatic checking of exercises

in a dynamic geometry system:iGeom

Seiji Isotani a,*,Leo ?nidas de Oliveira Branda ?o b


The Institute of Scienti?c and Industrial Research,Department of Knowledge Systems,Osaka University,

8-1Mihogaoka,Ibaraki,Osaka 567-0047,Japan

b The Institute of Mathematics and Statistics,University of Sa ?o Paulo,Rua do Mata ?o,1010,Cidade Universita

′ria,Sa ?o Paulo,SP,05508-090,Brazil

Received 25October 2007;received in revised form 6December 2007;accepted 23December 2007Abstract

One of the key issues in e-learning environments is the possibility of creating and evaluating exercises.However,the lack of tools supporting the authoring and automatic checking of exercises for speci?cs topics (e.g.,geometry)drastically reduces advantages in the use of e-learning environments on a larger scale,as usually happens in Brazil.This paper describes an algo-rithm,and a tool based on it,designed for the authoring and automatic checking of geometry exercises.The algorithm dynam-ically compares the distances between the geometric objects of the student’s solution and the template’s solution,provided by the author of the exercise.Each solution is a geometric construction which is considered a function receiving geometric objects (input)and returning other geometric objects (output).Thus,for a given problem,if we know one function (construction)that solves the problem,we can compare it to any other function to check whether they are equivalent or not.Two functions are equivalent if,and only if,they have the same output when the same input is applied.If the student’s solution is equivalent to the template’s solution,then we consider the student’s solution as a correct solution.Our software utility provides both authoring and checking tools to work directly on the Internet,together with learning management systems.These tools are implemented using the dynamic geometry software,iGeom,which has been used in a geometry course since 2004and has a successful track record in the classroom.Empowered with these new features,iGeom simpli?es teachers’tasks,solves non-trivial problems in student solutions and helps to increase student motivation by providing feedback in real time.ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.

Keywords:Dynamic geometry;Automatically checking exercises;Distance education;Geometry;iGeom


The computer has been used in education since its earliest appearance in 1945.1However,it was only in the 1980s,with the emergence of ‘‘personal computers ”(PCs),that the use of this machine and its resources (e.g.,0360-1315/$-see front matter ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html,pedu.2007.12.004*

Corresponding author.Tel.:+81668798416;fax:+81668792123.

E-mail addresses:isotani@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html, (S.Isotani),leo@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html,p.br (L.O.Branda ?o).

1To learn more about the history of the computer,visit the timeline of computing history at https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html,/ComputingHistory


Available online at https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html,

Computers &Education 51(2008)



software)signi?cantly impacted teaching and learning processes(Oldknow,1997).Today,in Brazil and other developing countries,there has been a large expansion in the use of the Internet for teaching.Consequently, the demand for research in this area has considerably increased(Litto,2006).The large-scale distribution of cheap computers for teaching in Brazil has introduced a new stimulus for developing local software with the capability of functioning in computing equipment with low-processing capacities.

The development of environments for distance education and e-learning through the Internet have not only allowed for an easier and faster di?usion of information and knowledge,but has also helped with the intro-duction of courses using the?exibility of schedules and places(Hentea,Shea,&Pennington,2003;Litto, 2006).In this context,these online environments that support teaching and learning processes have become virtual classrooms,where students and teachers can communicate and interact using tools,including chat rooms,forums,emails,wikis,virtual blackboards,etc.

The use of the Internet and computers can bring great bene?ts to the teaching of mathematics,but in order to achieve such goals,it is necessary to choose and create appropriate programs and methodologies that take advantage of the computer’s positive characteristics.Good examples of this include dynamic geometry(DG) programs,which can bene?t teaching and learning processes(Ruthven,Hennessy,&Deaney,in press;Santos &Sola,2001).

Dynamic geometry can be understood as an alternative to traditional geometry,which makes use of a ruler and compass and produces static constructions.When using traditional methods to teach geometry,if a stu-dent,after accomplishing a construction,wants to analyze the same construction using some of the objects in another disposition,he or she needs to repeat the entire construction.However,with DG,used today to spec-ify geometric equations implemented on the computer,objects can be freely manipulated across the screen, maintaining all of the constraints and properties initially established during construction.

DG programs have proven to be an excellent resource for teachers and students(Botana&Valcarce,2002; Ruthven et al.,in press;Sinclair,2005).In spite of the great bene?ts for teaching and learning,as well as the existence of useful DG programs,including GSP(Jackiw,1995),Cabri(2007),Cinderella(Kortenkamp, 1999),C.a.R.(Grothman,1999),and Tabulae(Moraes,Santoro,&Borges,2005),DG is not commonly used in adaptive distance education environments.The main reason for this is the lack of tools for authoring and automatically checking exercises that allow communication between servers and the adaptation of their inter-face(e.g.,show/hide tools to draw objects),according to the learning context.

The importance of the evaluation or checking students’exercises is a reality in both classroom and e-learning environments.According to Hara and Kling(1999)and Hentea et al.(2003),one main frustration of students engaged in e-learning courses(including blended learning2courses)is the lack of feedback or the limitation of an immediate evaluation of completed exercises.In this context,using the usual DG pro-grams generates some di?culties for students and teachers,including the fact that the student is unaware of whether his or her solution is correct and must save the solution and send it by email(or another med-ium)to the teacher in order to receive an evaluation.Moreover,in order to gain access to the student’s solution,a teacher needs to receive the email(or other form of response),open it using a DG program and check each construction.Throughout this cumbersome process,the elapsed time eliminates one advantage of the Internet,which is to provide a faster and more interactive environment for learning.This loss of time makes a teacher’s task of helping students improve learning through the use of technology much more di?cult.

The answer to this problem is to make DG programs more e?ective when used in e-learning environments. The following can be implemented to facilitate that process:(a)generate tools that produce and automatically check student exercises,allowing for faster authoring and feedbacks;and(b)develop tools allowing for com-munication between DG programs and learning management systems(LMS)that facilitate distribution,man-agement,adaptation,and reception of exercises or any other content.

Today,two DG programs possess tools for authoring and checking exercises,including Cinderella(Kor-tenkamp,1999)and C.a.R.(Grothman,1999).The contributions of these programs inspire many teachers to include DG programs in classroom activities.However,in the current versions of these programs,there are some limitations for their use on distance education courses over the Internet.For instance,it is not pos-2Blended learning is broadly used to de?ne a course that combines usual classroom activities and online activities.

S.Isotani,L.O.Branda?o/Computers&Education51(2008)1283–13031285 sible to satisfactorily link these programs to LMS,allowing for e?ective management and/or adaptation of the created content.This means that these programs cannot personalize their content in real time nor consider teacher and student preferences that would increase success in the learning process.

The purpose of this paper is to present the development of algorithms and tools for authoring and auto-matically checking exercises in a DG program,called iGeom,which can be used for both web pages and as a stand-alone version.Conventional algorithms,based on automatic theorem proving techniques,to check geometry constructions,are very time-and machine-consuming and,sometimes,cannot check complex con-structions in real time(Chou,Gao,&Zhang,2000;Gallier,2003;Gilmore,1970).The developed algorithm of this paper is not as formal as a proof,but does enable the instantaneous checking of a geometric exercise by comparing it with a solution’s template.The main bene?ts of this approach include a program that is(a) fast enough to be used over the Internet to support the use of DG programs in distance education courses;

(b)able to check any kind of geometric construction and return whether the construction has the necessary properties to solve an exercise;and(c)able to run on computers with low-processing capabilities,which is very important in Brazil,where many computers used in public schools are out-of-date.Furthermore,we will present results using this algorithm,implemented on iGeom,together with an under development learn-ing management system,referred to as SAW(Moura,Branda?o,&Branda?o,2007).This paper is structured as follows:In Section1,we will brie?y describe the DG program,iGeom,compare its functionalities with other DG programs and outline its potential use when together with LMS.In Section2,we show iGeom functionality for authoring and automatically evaluating exercises.In Section3,we present the automatic evaluation algorithm.In Section4,we show how geometric constructions can be exported to the Internet. In Section5,we present the results of the application in a compulsory discipline o?ered for an undergrad-uate mathematics course at the University of Sao Paulo.Finally,in Section6,we present the conclusions of our study.

1.1.iGeom:DG on the internet

The iGeom program is a complete,multi-platform,DG system(DGS)developed at the Institute of Math-ematics and Statistics at the University of Sa?o Paulo(IME–USP).It has been under development since2000, under the direction of Professor Leo?nidas O.Branda?o(Branda?o&Isotani,2003).The iGeom program is implemented in Java and can be used as a stand-alone program or as an applet.Like other DG programs, the current version of iGeom allows users to perform all of the basic operations of DG,including the creation of geometric objects,such as points,lines,circumferences,and dynamic measures(e.g.,angles);the modi?ca-tion of characteristics of the objects(e.g.,color,size);options for saving or recovering constructions in di?er-ent formats;and other advanced resources.Besides these,iGeom has special resources for creating scripts (functions used to create automatic geometric constructions)and fractals.Fig.1depicts the interface of the iGeom,including fractals created using a recursive script.

The iGeom has been developed considering the computational restrictions of computers in Brazil.This phi-losophy makes iGeom run e?ciently in both residential and personal computers that have low-processing capabilities(e.g.,computers using a microprocessor similar to Intel i386).Furthermore,it can be used without restrictions with any other learning management system(Branda?o,Isotani,&Moura,2005).

In Table1,3we show some of the resources available with the iGeom program,in comparison with other DG programs.The column Portability refers to the DG programs that can be executed in any platform.The column ADDs refers to DG programs that allow for the opening of multiple drawing areas.The column Script contains those DG programs that possess resources for script creation.In the column Rec,those DG pro-grams that allow for the creation of recursive scripts(allows for the construction of fractals)are listed.In the column labeled Web are DG programs that allow for the unrestricted Internet use of these resources. In the column labeled Com are DG programs that possess communication resources.In the column titled AA are DG programs that possess resources for authoring and the automatic evaluation of exercises.Finally, the column License refers to the license type each program possesses.

3The analysis of resources was done in2004.

In 2004,a project was initiated to develop a learning management system that could easily incorporate applets into educational modules.This system was referred to as SAW (Branda ?o,Isotani,&Moura,2004;Moura et al.,2007).The iGeom program has been used together with SAW in di?erent courses.One of these includes a course directed towards public school teachers and people interested in teaching mathematics using computers.Another use includes an obligatory discipline o?ered for a degree course in mathematics,titled ‘‘Notions of teaching of mathematics using computers ”.Each year,more than a hundred students and teachers are enrolled in these courses.The use of iGeom +SAW,including some of the obtained results using the auto-matic checking tool on the Internet,will be shown in detail in Sections 4and 5.

2.Authoring and automatically evaluating exercises

The action of evaluating or checking exercises is a complicated process (Chou et al.,2000;Gelernter,1963;Kortenkamp,1999).Because of this,automation is not a trivial matter.It requires the


Fig.1.The interface of the iGeom showing fractals created using recursive script.

Table 1

Comparison between the resources of some DGS


Portability ADDs Script Rec Web Com AA License iGeom

X X X X X X X Free Cabri

X X Commercial C.a.R

X X X X GNU Cinderella

X X X X Commercial GSP

X X X Commercial Tabulae X X X X Commercial 1286S.Isotani,L.O.Branda ?o /Computers &Education 51(2008)1283–1303

of heuristics or simpli?cations.One of the di?culties in developing an algorithm that enables automatic checking in GDS is the multiplicity of di?erent (and correct)solutions for the same problem.To illustrate this point,consider the following problem:Given two points,A and B,build a middle point between them .Fig.2shows two di?erent constructions used to solve this problem.Many other constructions are possible,whether minimal 4or not.

We have identi?ed three techniques used by DG programs in the automatic evaluation of exercises:the automated (geometry)theorem proof (Gallier,2003),the technique based on the theory ACT (Atomic Com-ponent of Thought)(Anderson,1993),and the numerical evaluation (Isotani &Branda ?o,2004).

According to Gallier (2003),an automatic theorem proof (ATP)can be summarized as a computer program that shows whether or not a sentence (a conjecture)is a logical consequence of a group of sentences (axioms and hypotheses).The language used by these programs should be formal in order to eliminate ambiguity.The veri?cation of a sentence produced by an ATP program is known as a proof.This proof describes a sequence of steps (logical consequences)that validate a conjecture.The steps,followed by an ATP program (also known as a proof tree),can be understood by other ATP programs or even a person.Some pioneering works in the development of automatic evaluators of geometry theorems have been reported by Gelernter (1963),Gelern-ter,Hanson,and Loveland (1963)and Gilmore (1970).

The DG programs based on ATP are capable of checking the validity of di?erent constructions,which in turn,generate di?erent types of proofs that depend on the methods used to prove a scenario (Botana &Valc-arce,2002;Chou et al.,2000).At present,several methods exist for accomplishing an automatic proof in geometry.Some of them are (Gao &Zhu,1999):the method of Wu,the area method,the base of Groebner,the vector method and the angles method.Among the DG programs that use ATP methods are Geolog (Hol-land,1993),GeometryExpert (Gao &Zhu,1999)and Discover (Botana &Valcarce,2002).

The ACT-R technique is a current version of the ACT theory,a general theory on the human cognition attempting to reproduce how an individual acquires knowledge.It was developed by a group of researchers under direction of John Anderson at Carnegie Mellon University (Anderson,1993)and has been applied to intelligent tutoring programs focused on the teaching of Algebra and Geometry (Aleven,Koedinger,Sin-clair,&Snyder,1998).

Although these two techniques produce excellent results,they cannot be e?ectively applied to web-based courses that check geometry exercises.This dilemma is the result of these techniques being time-

and Fig.2.Two di?erent constructions of the middle point.


Minimal constructions/solutions are those from which we cannot remove any object without compromising the properties that satisfy a given problem.S.Isotani,L.O.Branda ?o /Computers &Education 51(2008)1283–13031287


machine-consuming.Furthermore,if a teacher needs to create an exercise,depending on the complexity of the solution,these techniques have di?culties to determine,rapidly,whether the solution is correct or not(Chou et al.,2000;Gallier,2003).For online courses,the time available for response is extremely limited.Feedback should be given almost instantaneously(real time).Additionally,in Brazilian public schools,most computers have low-processing capabilities,which demand programs and algorithms that do not consume a great deal of computer processing time.

Instead of attempting to prove a student’s construction/solution,a numerical evaluation compares the stu-dent’s answer-objects with the corresponding teacher’s answers-objects.This comparison is made using a dis-tance criterion between the objects.For instance,if the problem is to determine the middle point between points A and B,the distance is veri?ed between the point of the student’s construction and the point of the teacher’s construction according to an established criterion.Programs that use a similar method include Cin-derella(Kortenkamp,1999),C.a.R.(Grothman,1999),and iGeom(Isotani&Branda?o,2004).The numerical evaluation method is not a formal proof,like ATP or ACT-R,and demands a solution template(a previously provided correct construction).However,this type of evaluation possesses advantages by using less computa-tional processes and by not restricting the application domain.This allows a proposed exercise to be solved using any technique without harming the evaluation process.

2.1.An overview of the authoring and checking processes of iGeom

The functionalities for authoring and automatically checking exercises in iGeom are incorporated so that an exercise may be completed using the application(which facilitates the execution of tests for the de?nition of the exercise)or web pages.

The authoring of exercises in the iGeom program has?ve steps:(a)the construction of a solution tem-plate;(b)the selection of initial objects(including the selection of a statement);(c)the selection of answer-objects;(d)the use of the unable/enable buttons;and(e)saving the exercise or exporting it into HTML format.

The construction of the solution template is accomplished the same as any other construction.For exam-ple,to construct the median line of two points,one possible construction requires the authors(a)to create points A and B;(b)to create a segment s0that connects A and B;(c)to create a middle point M between A and B;and(d)to create the line r(median)perpendicular to the segment s0,which passes through M, shown in Fig.3.

When construction is complete,the author can initiate an authoring window(to the right of Fig.3)and select the initial objects(those that will appear at the beginning of the exercise)using the‘‘marcador”button (in Fig.3,the icon with a red square around it).The selection of the answer-object is completed in a similar fashion.

In the authoring window,it is possible to see which objects have been selected,as well as remove or add other objects.To disable/enable buttons in the student main interface,one can click on the buttons shown at the bottom of the authoring window.Thus,teachers can select tools that will be available to learners during the resolution of the exercise.For example,the buttons‘‘middle point”,‘‘perpendicular”and‘‘parallel”can be disabled and,thus,students will be unable to use these tools to solve the given problem.Finally,authors can save the exercise in a stand-alone version of iGeom,or save it as an HTML?le.

Along with the authoring tool,a resource for automatically checking a student’s solution has been devel-oped.When a student opens an exercise in iGeom,similar to the example shown in Fig.3,he or she will only see points A and B and the message,‘‘Given two points A and B,build the median line”.Furthermore,the but-tons disabled by the teacher during the authoring phase will not appear in the menu.Thus,the student will be unable to use them.

After a student completes a given exercise,he or she needs to select the answer-object that he or she believes to be the correct answer(e.g.,select the median line for his or her construction).Then,the evaluation algo-rithm begins.If the student’s solution is evaluated as incorrect,the iGeom?nds a counter-example or a con-?guration(instance)of the construction where the selected answer-objects do not satisfy the desired properties (more details on how to?nd the counter-example is shown in Section3).The use of counter-examples aids both teachers verifying a student’s construction and students who need to visualize their mistakes.Another

advantage of the numerical method implemented in iGeom is that a student can use any geometrically valid solution to solve an exercise,even those not imagined by a teacher.

The tools of authoring and automatically checking,together with exporting resources for the Internet,facil-itate the creation of interactive exercises that can be used for free access.By using this export feature,a teacher can produce a set of web pages using several exercises and o?er their students an immediate evaluation of their constructions,without the need of personally verifying each construction.

A practical example of the use of these resources can be found with iMa

′tica,a project making digital mate-rials for mathematics available in Portuguese (http://www.matematica.br/igeom/docs/exemplo1).This web-page possesses several activities (divided into classes,topics and exercises)that are helpful in teaching geometry (Fig.4).All of them can be completed online and the evaluation (whether it is correct or not)of each solution is supplied by iGeom.

3.Proposing an algorithm for automatically checking exercises using a numerical evaluation

Proposing a fast and accurate algorithm for checking an exercise that can verify whether a construction is correct or not is intrinsically dependent on how the concept ‘‘solution ”is de?ned.For example,in the C.a.R.program,a solution is de?ned as any static object.With such a de?nition,the algorithm used to check

exer-Fig.3.Construction of a solution template for a median line exercise.In the left-hand pane of the display,the solution template is presented as the construction and the statement ”Given Figure/table legends two points,A and B ,build the median line ”(in Portuguese).In the right is shown the authoring window.

S.Isotani,L.O.Branda ?o /Computers &Education 51(2008)1283–13031289


Fig.4.Activity example for use through Web,with the iGeom program,developed by students at IME-USP in2004.

cises in C.a.R.basically tests if the objects selected as a solution for an exercise have similar objects in the solu-tion template.This algorithm somewhat works in practice,however,it constrains the dynamicity of the sys-tem.Because a solution is de?ned as a static object,C.a.R.does not allow for the movement of objects while an exercise is being solved.In order to simplify the automatic checking of exercises,such algorithms ignore the term‘‘dynamic”of a DG system.An easy test can exemplify one weakness of this algorithm.For example,if an exercise asks an individual to?nd a middle point between the given points A and B,then one way of cheat-ing is to create a point with the same coordinates as the middle point.Although this solution is not desirable, the automatic checking in C.a.R.will determine that such a construction is correct,even though no valid con-struction has been completed.

In Cinderella,the concept‘‘solution”is de?ned as a theorem that needs to be checked.Thus,the algorithm for checking exercises is known as‘‘automatic theorem checking”,based on the Schwartz–Zippel Theorem (Schwartz,1980).This theorem states that if it is possible to estimate the probability of choosing a coun-ter-example(if there is one),it is then possible to bound the probability of failing if a theorem is true,based on a few random examples.By utilizing such a theorem when checking an exercise,the Cinderella algorithm tries to prove if objects in a construction coincide by chance or because a theorem drives them to coincide.

Finally,in iGeom,a solution is de?ned as a function applied to any object(initial objects)and returning objects(answer-objects).Such a de?nition allows for high?exibility when comparing two di?erent construc-tions.Thus,when given initial objects,it is possible to verify if di?erent constructions provide equivalent results without the necessity of comparing each object of every construction or the construction steps.To establish the de?nition of solution and equivalence between solutions,and thus,creating an algorithm based on numerical evaluation,it is necessary to measure the distance among objects of a construction.In the fol-lowing sections,the basic formalization for these de?nitions and an algorithm for checking exercises are proposed.

3.1.Numerical evaluation

The result of the evaluation is a measurement of the distance between the student’s solution and the tea-cher’s solution(a correct solution given for a problem).To complete this evaluation,it is necessary to de?ne the distance criterion among the geometric objects.We have de?ned the distance criterion only for pairs of objects of the same family or type.To simplify,we only name examples from the more common families in a construction,including the family of points(F p),the family of circumferences(F c)and the family of seg-ments(F s).The sets of all families of objects will be represented by F og.

By doing so,the distance criterion is the function dist that receives a pair of geometric objects(og1, og2)2F og X F og and returns a value of Rt:

dist:eog1;og2T!Rte1TThe computational description of the objects is de?ned for each family of F og as a list of numerical val-ues.For instance,a point can be represented by(x,y),where x and y are the coordinates of a point;a circumference can be represented by(x,y,r),where(x,y)are the coordinates of its center and r is its radius; and a segment s=[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]can be represented by(x1,y1,x2,y2).Thus,if we consider just the fam-

ilies of points,circumferences and segments,given two objects of a same family,og1e og2,if‘1












,represent og1e og2,respectively,then we can de?ne the function dist according to the Eq.(2).










j;eog1;og2T2F p XF p













j;eog1;og2T2F c XF c




j‘1ià‘2i j;











>;;eog1;og2T2F s XF s









The symbol%is used to obtain the rest of the division(function module).

The need of the minimum(min),when objects are from the family of segments,is based on the desire to compare not only the distance between segments AB and CD,but also their permutations AB and DC, BD and CD,BA and DC,without di?erentiation between them.In other words,for segments,the distance criterion does not distinguish segment AB from segment BA.

Once the distance among geometric objects is de?ned,we can de?ne the distance between pairs of geometric constructions,OG p and OG a.If OG p and OG a are two constructions and their objects are represented by

og p

1;og p


;...;og p i

eTand og a

1;og a


;...;og a



,respectively,then the distance between OG p e OG a,can be expressed as shown in Table2.

A solution(geometric construction)can be represented as a function that receives a list of geometric objects (input)and returns another list of geometric objects(output):

S:OG i!OG fe6TAn instance of construction S is the application of S over a given con?guration of objects.Once the dis-tance among pairs of constructions and the representation of a solution is determined,we can decide when the two constructions(solutions)are equivalent,as shown in Table3.

It is worth noting that if two constructions are equivalent,the distance between them is invariant in relation to the initial con?gurations.In other words,the distance computed for any instance is always zero.Therefore, if we do not consider numerical errors,a good evaluation criterion states that construction S a is correct when-ever it is equivalent to a correct given construction,S p(for example,a student’s solution,S a,can be considered correct if it is equivalent to solution S p,given by the teacher).However,there is a practical problem:how to implement a version that is su?ciently fast and takes into account numerical errors?

As di?erent constructions applied to the same initial objects generate the same answer-objects(output)with small numerical di?erences,we have opted to relax the equivalence criterion that allows,for instance,two points very close in a number of di?erent instances of the initial objects to be considered almost equivalent. In principle,this solution allows for false positives(a wrong exercise evaluated as correct)or false negatives S.Isotani,L.O.Branda?o/Computers&Education51(2008)1283–13031291

(a correct exercise evaluated as incorrect),but as we show in session 4,in practice,it works well.It is also pos-sible to increase the number of instances tested or implement other modi?cations of parameters that would reduce or eliminate wrong evaluations.

3.2.The evaluation algorithm

From now on,when it is implicit or indi?erent as to which list of geometric objects should be used,the simpli?ed notation S will be used.

Based on the numerical evaluation presented in the previous section,we have created an algorithm com-posed of four main steps.These steps include numerical transformation ,evaluation ,instantiation,and valida-tion .This algorithm has been implemented into iGeom as a way of verifying its performance and accuracy.As mentioned in Section 2,in order to check an exercise,it is necessary to create a solution template by pro-viding a correct construction for the exercise and selecting which objects will be checked (answer-objects).At the end of a resolution,a student selects which are their answer-objects.The lists of the student’s answer-objects and the solution template’s answer-objects will be the input data for the evaluator algorithm.The result will be a natural number between 1and 3,with (1)being the correct solution,(2)being a partially incor-rect solution and (3)being an incorrect solution.

When applied on a geometric object,the ?rst step of our algorithm,the numerical transformation ,returns a list of scalars that represent the object.In most cases,this transformation is simple.However,besides the numerical transformation,some objects,such as the polygon,need the ordination of points representing it.With this list of scalars,we can make a comparison between objects.Then,in order to compare the solution template,S p ,and the student’s solution,S a ,we transform objects marked as answers in lists of scalars and then begin the evaluation,as schematized in Fig.5.

Table 2

De?nition of distance among pairs of constructions

If the cardinality of the lists OG p and OG a (#OG p e #OG a )are di?erent,then

dist eOG p ;OG a T?t1


If #OG p =#OG a =n ,

then I p =(p 1,...,p n )and I a =(a 1,...,a n )two permutations on the ?rst natural n ,dist eI p ;I a T?P n i ?1dist og p p i ;og a a i ;

if h tipo og p p i ?tipo og a a i àá;i 2f 1;...;n gi

t1;c :c :8><>:e4T

tipo(og)being a function that returns the type of geometric object og .


if P n is the set of all of the permutations of ?rst natural n :

dist OG p ;OG a àá?min dist I p ;I a àá;8I p ;I a àá2P n XP n èée5T

In other words,among all of the permutations of objects of OG p e OG a ,dist OG p ;OG a àáis the sum of the distances among each pair of

objects of same type that results in the smallest value.

Table 3

De?nition of equivalence of solutions/constructions

De?nition of equivalence :

Be S p and S a two constructions applicable over the same list of geometric objects OG .Then S p and S a are equivalent if,and only if,for any con?guration OG 0of the list OG ,dist S p OG 0eT;S a OG 0eTàá?0.

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The evaluation is made in two stages.The ?rst stage consists of mapping between the lists,while the second is the comparison of the distance criterion.The ?rst stage allows students to have the freedom of making a selection of answer-objects in any order.For instance,if the solution template contains points A and B and the student’s answer-objects are points C and D ,the mapping stage will identify if points C or D correspond to A or B .

The mapping of objects S a e S p is accomplished by comparing each og element of S a ,with all elements of S p that belong to the same type (family),while minimizing the distance between them.Then,an object of S a will be mapped with an object of S p if both belong to the same family of geometric objects,have not been mapped before and the distance among them is the smallest possible in relation to other objects of S a .This mapping is made only for the ?rst instance (the initial con?guration of an exercise).The second stage of the evaluation consists of a comparison between pairs of mapped geometric objects eog a i ;og p i T.In comparison,we use a relaxed version of the de?nition of equivalence,presented in Table 3,that takes into consideration the numer-ical imprecision of using di?erent solutions.Then,we propose a de?nition of Quasi Equivalence,as shown in Table 4.

The pseudo-algorithm implemented in iGeom that corresponds to these two steps (mapping and evalua-tion),is shown in Table 5.Lines 1through 12represent the mapping of objects,while lines 13through 19rep-resent the exercise evaluation.

Notice that the part of the algorithm shown in Table 5represents just one instance of the solution,which considers a ?xed position for each input object.If this algorithm is used to check only the initial con?gu-ration,it can frequently generate mistakes,such as false positives.For instance,in the problem using the middle point (Section 2),a student could try to put a free point on segment AB and move it so that

it Fig.5.Numerical transformation and evaluation.

Table 4

De?nition of quasi-equivalence of solutions/constructions

De?nition of quasi-equivalence :Fixed a list of input objects OG ,be S p a construction on OG and S a another construction on the same OG .Then S p and S a are quasi equivalent if,and only if,for any con?guration OG 0of the list OG ,we have

dist S p OG 0eT;S a OG 0eTàá

S.Isotani,L.O.Branda ?o /Computers &Education 51(2008)1283–13031293

is close enough to the position of the medium point to generate a false positive,without making a valid geometric construction.In spite of the di?culty involved in positioning the point so that the algorithm eval-uates the solution as correct,it is possible to identify such problems in the algorithm implemented in C.a.R.This false positive problem is illustrated with the following example:Given two points,A and B,build an equilateral triangle D ABC .

In Fig.6,two solutions for this problem are shown.The ?rst construction is correct and is shown in Fig.6a.The second,shown in Fig.6b,is an incorrect solution,but contains the same properties of an equilateral tri-angle.In this case,the second solution depicts the construction of an isosceles triangle,with the free point C on the straight line s .Coincidentally,in this construction con?guration (instance),point C is in such a position that AB ?AC ?BC .Thus,the construction of the isosceles triangle can be erroneously used to produce an equilateral triangle.To avoid such problem,it is possible to move all free points of the construction,in par-ticular,point C of the isosceles triangle,so that it becomes clear that triangle D ABC in Fig.6b is not the cor-rect construction for an equilateral triangle.

Therefore,a simple way to detect such mistakes is to create a mechanism that analyzes the exercise in sev-eral instances (instantiation )and only after a considerable number of evaluations does the system return the result of the evaluation (validation ).In Fig.7,we show the procedure that is employed by the evaluation algo-rithm.For each application of the automatic checking algorithm,the positions of the geometric objects are Table 5

An pseudo-algorithm to solve the problem of checking exercises in DG

1.Receive two lists S p e S a of geometric objects

2.Creates a new list of geometric objects S t /

3.For each element og p

i of the list S p

4.SmallestFoundDistance 1

5.MappedObject /

6.For each element og a j of the list S a

7.If og p i e og a j belong the same family of geometric objects then

8.If dist og p i ;og a j

9.MappedObject og a j 10.SmallestFoundDistance dist og p i ;og a j 11.If MappedObject =/

12.Return False //mapping between S p and S a failed

13.If not

14.S t S t MappedObject //concatenation

15.Remove MappedObject de S a //object is mapped

16.For each element og p

i of the list S p 17.Be og t j the ?rst element S t 18.If dist og p i ;og t j

19.Remove og t j of S t

20.If not

21.Return False //solutions are not equivalent

22.Return True //solutions are


Fig.6.Two constructions of an equilateral triangle.The construction (a)is the correct construction for an equilateral triangle and the construction (b)is the construction of an isosceles triangle in a instance where all the sides of the triangle have the same measure.

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changed.This alteration is made through the random movement of all free points of the construction.The choice for the new position of a point is made by modifying the coordinates (x ,y )for (x 0,y 0)and x àk

At the end of the automatic checking process,the algorithm returns an integer value:(1)means the solution is correct;(2)means the solution is incorrect,however,it found instances considered correct and incorrect;and

(3)means the solution is incorrect.

3.3.Identi?cation of ambiguity

The concept of functions has been explored in order to deal with the problem of automatically checking geometric exercises.These functions are constructions that receive a set of input objects and return a set of answer-objects.Such functions are considered ambiguous when they are not bijective functions,or in other words,they possess more than one set of answers for the same input data.In DG,this problem can appear whenever the proposed exercise has an implicit or explicit free point needed to solve the problem.An example is presented in the following problem:Given two points,A and B,build an isosceles triangle D ABC.

This problem is intrinsically ambiguous,possessing in?nite solution instances,because point C can be located on any position of the median line A and B .Independent of A and B ,point C can be moved,changing the instance of triangle D ABC,yet maintaining the desired properties,as can be observed in Fig.8.

To ?nd this ambiguity problem during the authoring of an exercise,we have implemented an algorithm that checks the construction of the solution template.It informs the author which geometric object makes the construction ambiguous.This warning is very useful when correcting teachers’mistakes during the cre-ation of an exercise.Other programs,such as C.a.R.and Cinderella,lack similar algorithms or functionalities.

During the construction,when selecting the initial objects and answer-objects,the algorithm of ambiguity veri?es if some answer-object is dependent of some free point,P .If such point P does not belong to the selected initial objects and cannot be determined by them,then,we verify whether moving point P will change the position of some answer-objects.In the example of Fig.8,during the creation of the solution template selection,only points A and B are initial objects,while segments AC and BC are answer-objects.The


Fig.7.Sequence of steps of the proposed algorithm for automatic checking of geometry exercises.

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identi?es the ambiguity and returns a message to the teacher informing him or her that point C needs to be selected as an initial object to remove the ambiguity of the solution template.

It is worth noting that an answer-object,dependent on a free point that does not belong to the initial objects of the solution template,is not always modi?ed when the free point is moved.An example can be observed by creating the solution template for the following problem:Given the straight line r and point A,build a straight line s by passing through A and forming an angle of 60°to r.

The solution for this problem can be seen in Fig.9.The objects selected as initial objects are straight line r and point A ,while the object selected as the answer will be straight line s .Note that in this construction,straight line s is dependent on point C .Yet,this point is not selected as an initial object.However,when mov-ing point C ,the position of straight line s does not modify and,therefore,the solution is not ambiguous.The developed algorithm detects this case using part of the mechanism of the automatic evaluation,making the comparison of the construction in di?erent


Fig.8.For a same position of the points A and B ,potentially we have in?nite con?gurations for the problem of construction isosceles


Fig.9.Construction of an angle of 60°.In this construction the movement of the point C (free point)does not interfere in the result.

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S.Isotani,L.O.Branda?o/Computers&Education51(2008)1283–13031297 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html,munication between the iGeom program and a web server

The tools for automatically checking and authoring exercises have been built directly into the iGeom appli-cation.To ful?ll our goal of e?ectively using DG programs in distance education courses,it was necessary to build a tool that could communicate with learning management systems(LMS).Among the several advanta-ges of the communication between iGeom and a LMS we emphasize the following:

(a)Teacher can produce the exercises with his or her machine and send them to the server or create them

directly on the Internet through an iGeom applet,working together with a learning management system (LMS);

(b)iGeom can exchange data related to the resolution of an exercise with a LMS;

(c)By receiving data from a server,iGeom is able to personalize the content according to learner’s behavior.

Today,there are several complex systems used to manage Web-based courses.Some of these are commer-cial,while others are freeware,including SAW(Moura et al.,2007),AulaNet(Lucena,Fuks,Raposo,Gerosa, &Pimentel,2006)and Moodle(Moodle,2007).Usually,these environments lack specialized resources that would boost learning speci?c contents(e.g.,geometry).Thus,the use of iGeom allows any LMS that supports Java applets to incorporate speci?c functionalities that will help the teaching–learning of geometry in a very interactive way.

The possibility of integrating iGeom into LMS o?ers many advantages for students and teachers.For stu-dents,besides the possibility of interactively accomplishing exercises online,solutions can be checked almost instantaneously and a counter-example can be given when a solution is incorrect.For teachers,we o?er resources that facilitate authoring interactive content,evaluating exercises and collecting data related to the student’s interaction with the content(exercises,examples,etc.)for a subsequent analysis.

The exchange of messages between iGeom and the server(LMS)is made using the method POST(Raggett, Hors,&Jacobs,1999).This method allows iGeom to send variables in the form of chains of characters.In this way,di?erent information is sent for the server using the same message.In this case,the program located in the server should be responsible for the treatment of the received data,in order to recover the values of the sent variables.

An example of sending messages happens after the evaluation of an exercise is accomplished on the Inter-net.When the exercise is solved,iGeom requests a connection to an address on the server.Data are stored using di?erent variables.Each variable,de?ned by a group of characters,is packed using the method POST. After the reception of the data,the server stores the messages received in local variables so that they can later be manipulated by the program manager.Yet,through the same connection,the server can request changes in the active Web page interface or open a new Web page.Some of the variables manipulated by iGeom include the following:

$envWebValor:This variable indicates the result of the evaluation of the exercise.If its value is equal to 0(zero),then the exercise is evaluated as incorrect;if it is equal to1(one),the exercise is evaluated as correct.

$envWebArq:This variable possesses two functionalities.The?rst relates to when a teacher is creating an exercise and the other to when a student is solving an exercise.When a teacher creates an exercise, directly on the Internet,the variable stores all of the information of the exercise,including the solution template that will be used later.For students,it stores every construction accomplished during the reso-lution of an exercise.If the solution is considered incorrect,then the counter-example is stored to show that the student has made a mistake.If the solution is correct,it stores the construction in any con?guration.

$envWebGeoResp:This variable is used to indicate which geometric objects have been selected as answers to an exercise.

$envWebGeoOuvidor:This variable stores the data created from interactions between the user and iGeom. For instance,the buttons frequently used may be stored.It can also recall speci?c situations in which the user used such buttons.



In order to analyze the e?ciency,e?cacy and accuracy of our algorithm,since2004,iGeom has inte-grated a learning manager system,referred to as SAW.iGeom together with SAW has been used in several didactic experiments to o?er geometry e-courses for undergraduate students,math teachers,and students in private high schools.The analysis of e?ciency refers to the possibility of applying our algorithm to check exercises in class or over the Internet,using personal computers with low-processing capabilities and o?ering immediate feedback to alleviate student frustration.The analysis of e?cacy means to determine if the algo-rithm can check a student’s solution,given any exercise in which the solution is not ambiguous.Finally, checking accuracy refers to checking how many times our algorithm will return false positive and false neg-ative results.

The tools of authoring and automatically checking exercises in iGeom have been tested on several occa-sions.The?rst instance occurred in2004for an obligatory discipline,titled‘‘Notions of teaching of mathemat-ics using computers”(MAC118),for undergraduate students in mathematics.The goal of this discipline is to teach future teachers how to use technologies that support students learning mathematics.This discipline com-prised of two teachers,three teaching assistants and more than150students,divided into three groups.The authoring and checking tools were used during a period of six months,until the end of the semester.Due to the success of the use of iGeom and SAW,these tools were incorporated into this discipline.Another test was done at the beginning of2005for courses for senior math teachers.This test included the participation of more than25junior high and high school teachers.These teachers acted as authors of content and problem solvers. During a two month period,they were instructed on how to use iGeom and SAW to construct e-courses for geometry,as well as how to bene?t from the functionalities of DG programs to create more interactive content for Web-based courses.In2006and2007,a qualitative and quantitative analysis of SAW,using the iGeom program,was completed by Moura et al.(2007),following the methodology proposed by Yin(2002).

In MAC118,before the implementation of the automatic checking tool,the exercises were solved using iGe-om(or a similar program),but exercises were corrected manually by teaching assistants and teachers.Correct-ing consumed a great deal of the teaching assistant’s time and feedback of these corrections was given two or three weeks later.Before2004,approximately20exercises were applied and solved per semester.With the use of automatic checking and SAW,it was possible to reduce the teachers’and assistants’work.Both were able to spend more time taking care of student’s personal di?culties raised during the attempt to solve an exercise. Furthermore,in2004,it was possible to apply and solve more than40exercises in class and over the Internet with immediate feedback.In2006,there were more than70exercises completed in one semester.Through the application of the automatic checking tool,students have eliminated misconceptions immediately after the res-olution of an exercise.As a?rmed by one student,‘‘...in the case that the construction is evaluated as correct, it was already recorded(in the SAW),and in the case it was wrong,I could start it again and would remove my doubts immediately...”.

According to the work of Moura et al.(2007),which analyzes the impact of iGeom and SAW in the learn-ing process,the increased number of exercises given in the course is‘‘...a consequence of the use of automatic assessment resources which have encouraged learners in their studies(in2006,82%of students that answered the second questionnaire think that the use of SAW+iGeom has encouraged them during the course).Also,it reduced tutor workload and encouraged him/her to introduce preparatory exercises to serve as an auxiliary for the solution of the main problem,as well as leaving related exercises as homework.”

The experiments completed in MAC118have shown that our algorithm is e?cacious in checking exercises and e?ciently runs in computers with low-processing capabilities.In2004,the computers used in class had processors similar to a K6II450MHZ with256Mb of RAM memory.For any proposed exercise,our algo-rithm responded almost instantly(milliseconds),immediately returning output.In comparison,GEOLOG (Holland,1993),another geometry software program that uses an algorithm based on theorem-proving meth-ods,required more than?ve seconds to check the exercise of a middle point,using the solutions presented at the right of Fig.2.For more complex exercises,such as the construction of a pentagon(see Table6),GEO-LOG did not answer until several minutes had passed.Such a delay(ten seconds and greater with no response) is not acceptable when exercises must be accomplished over the Internet,where instantaneous feedback is key to maintaining student motivation(Hentea et al.,2003).

S.Isotani,L.O.Branda?o/Computers&Education51(2008)1283–13031299 Table6

Sequence of steps(algorithm)performed by one student to construct a pentagon.The result is show on Fig.10.



A:=Intersection south(c0,c1);

B:=Intersection north(c0,c1);










G:=Intersection north(c1,s);



H:=Intersection north(c3,c4);




Finally,the accuracy of our algorithm has been proven robust enough to not provide false positive and false negative evaluations.Di?erent instructors from schools and universities have produced hundreds of exercises and thousands of solutions which have been checked by our algorithm.So far,none of them have been given a false positive or false negative result.A very good example of the accuracy of our algorithm occurred in MAC118in2005.The teacher had asked the students to create a pentagon,starting with a given segment(initial object).One of the students tried to solve the exercise using a solution(construction) that he knew and believed to be correct.The steps to create this solution are presented in Table6and the corresponding geometric construction is shown in Fig.10.This solution was considered incorrect by our algorithm.The student resent it again and again,complaining that our algorithm was not accurate enough, given the numerical imprecision.In this case,even the teacher was in doubt about the veracity of the answer given by our algorithm.However,a bibliographic research made by one of the teaching assistants veri?ed that the solution given by the student was,in fact,wrong.According to Fourrey(1924),this con-struction is an approximation of the correct solution.In this solution(Fig.10),the internal angles of points F and G have109°202800,and not108°(in a regular pentagon all internal angles should have108°).In such situations,without the automatic checking tool,the student would never know that such a construction is incorrect.

The di?culties and obstacles regarding the use of iGeom have been analyzed using answers from distrib-uted questionnaires.Through the application of automatic checking,students have the possibility of removing any doubt they may have concerning about the resolution of the exercise rapidly.Ninety-seven percent of stu-dents are very satis?ed with this functionality.However,we observe that it is necessary to provide a more pre-cise statement for each exercise.Many students have di?culties solving some exercises due to an imprecision in statements.According to the data obtained during the use of iGeom during MAC118,about69%of the stu-dents whose exercises are evaluated as incorrect have di?culty to understand the statements.Other di?culties listed by the students include the selection of correct answer-objects and di?culty in building the solutions due to the complexity of the exercises.

Another implemented resource that contributes to the success of iGeom in the classroom and over the Internet is the integrated communication capability.With communication,the teacher can create the exer-cises directly on the Internet and store them in a database using any LMS that supports our protocols. Thus,iGeom has facilitated the reuse of created exercises for di?erent teachers and courses.Besides these bene?ts,each exercise accomplished by a student and other information about its solution also can be stored.When an exercise is considered incorrect by our algorithm,the iGeom sends the student’s solution

to the server/database in a con?guration that facilitates the visualization of the mistake (a counter-example).Thus,a teacher can verify a student’s solution and provide more personalized feedback.It is also possible to build a library of di?erent solutions for the same problem,including one illustrating mistakes most fre-quently made.


The possibility of increasing the bene?ts of DG programs to be used in computers with low capabilities,over the Internet,and in distance education courses,has been a great challenge,as well as a strong motivation for developing and implementing these resources.In this context,the resources of communication,authoring,and automatically checking exercises have been intentionally developed to increase the dissemination of DG programs to teachers and students.

According to Ruthven et al.(in press),one of the biggest di?culties in encouraging a wider use of DG pro-grams is the di?culty of creating content and evaluating and guiding students during learning activities.To overcome such di?culties for teachers,this work o?ers resources that facilitate the authoring and checking of exercises which can be used on simple Web pages or with an LMS.Thus,teachers’time spent creating and evaluating exercises is reduced.Moreover,resources for storing and reusing exercises are provided.For students,the use of DG is provided directly on Web pages and,because of automatic checking,fast feed-back is given for each accomplished exercise.With this,students’doubts can be immediately eliminated,which reduces student frustration over a lack of feedback after the conclusion of an


Fig.10.Result of an incorrect construction of a pentagon sent by one student.The internal angles in F and G have 109°202800and not 108°.In Table 6is shown the steps (algorithm)used to construct the ?gure.

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S.Isotani,L.O.Branda?o/Computers&Education51(2008)1283–13031301 In order to develop an automatic checking tool in iGeom that could be used in computers with low-processing capabilities and over the Internet,this work proposes and implements an algorithm that checks the validity of a construction,using the idea of function.Each geometric construction is considered a func-tion that receives some geometric objects(input)and returns other geometric objects(output).Thus,for a given problem,if one function(construction)is known to solve the problem,we can compare it with another function to check whether these functions are equivalent or not.Two functions are equivalent if,and only if,for the same input they have the same output.Because of the numerical imprecision of geometric constructions,some numerical di?erences between outputs of each function are accepted (quasi-equivalence).By using such de?nitions to check an exercise,we can compare a solution given by a student with the solution given by a teacher to solve the same problem.If the student’s solution is con-sidered equivalent(or quasi-equivalent)to the teacher’s solution for a variety of di?erent inputs,then we consider the student’s solution correct.This algorithm is implemented into iGeom and is shown to be fas-ter and consume less machine resources than formal approaches(rule-based approaches),which allows for an increased use in classrooms,with computers with low-processing capabilities and via the Internet(Iso-tani,2005).The main concern of the presented algorithm is the possibility of giving false positive and false negative answers.This means that our algorithm could indicate that a given solution is correct when it is, in fact,incorrect(false positive)or indicate that a given solution is incorrect answer when it is,in fact, correct(false negative).Nevertheless,an extensive evaluation of our algorithm shows that it works well in practice.So far,we have not found any case where a solution has been given a false positive or false negative evaluation.

The communication protocol implemented in iGeom allows for the exchange of information over the https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html,ing such capabilities,the iGeom has been used together with a learning management system, called SAW,to create a very interactive environment to learn geometry.Thus,teachers can create exer-cises directly through a Web page(or upload the exercise)and students can submit their solutions that will be stored on the server.Furthermore,students receive immediate feedback that determines whether their solutions are correct or not.According to Moura et al.(2007),the use of iGeom in classrooms and in distance education courses can increase student’s motivation and help teachers identify student misconceptions.

iGeom is continuously under development.Each semester,users of the program o?er feedback and sugges-tions to improve its functionalities and remove technical problems(bugs).As mentioned at the end of Section 5,we intend to create a library with di?erent solutions for the same problems,including good solutions and frequent mistakes committed by students.One of the biggest challenges facing this program is the augmenta-tion of our automatic checking algorithm.We intend to use this library to improve feedback given by our program.

Today,our algorithm runs only if the user clicks the‘‘checking exercise”button.Otherwise,no action is taken.By using a library made up of correct solutions and common mistakes,our algorithm could run in the background and identify whether the user’s solution is similar to a possible mistake,and then o?er some sort of hint to help the student realize his or her mistake(or avoid it).If the student’s solution is similar to a correct solution,then the program can o?er praise for partial accomplishment to increase his or her https://www.doczj.com/doc/c516031790.html,ually,during the problem-solving process,a user’s solution is not completely wrong.Thus,this approach allows a student to reuse part of his or her solution that is considered correct(i.e.,partially similar to a good solution in the library),to guide the user or to give some suggestions/hints in order to help him or her‘‘?nd”the correct solution to the problem.

To achieve this goal,our library needs to be formal and organized in terms of(a)a common vocab-ulary with structured de?nition of geometric concepts;(b)semantic interoperability and a high expression of each concept;and(c)a variety of contexts by which a problem can be solved.One possibility in ful?lling these requirements is to use ontologies and ontological engineering techniques that support the development of our library(Mizoguchi&Bourdeau,2000).By using these ontologies,we may fea-sibly augment our automatic checking algorithm by providing a better way of identifying necessary and desirable concepts for solving an exercise and identifying similarities between the actual construction done by the user and the constructions recorded in the library.Thus,we believe that with such improve-ments,it will be possible to o?er a meaningful and more personalized system for users,which will con-


tribute to an increase in motivation and the avoidance of possible frustrations during interactions with the system.

The latest version of the program iGeom,with all resources discussed in this paper,is freely available by visiting http://www.matematica.br/igeom.


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全自动面条机改变了面条供不应求的现状今天,小编与大家一起探讨一下中国关于吃的一些发展方面,所谓舌尖上的中国。在悠久的历史先河当中,吃一直是一个人们经常会谈及的话题,在我国每个家庭绝大多数都是一日三餐,而三餐的主食主要是米饭或面食,说到面食,小编首先想到的就是面条啦。 面条在主食行列中一直占据着重要的位置,而且面条具有很多的优势和特点,比如说,面条有汤有面,含有丰富的碳水化合物,具有暖胃、好消化、能提供足够的能量、营养高的作用,所以面条在中国的历史悠久,食用范围广,喜欢面条的人群面广,在现在的21世纪,虽然人们的生活水平提高了,但是面条作为 我国最传统的美食依然受到广大国人的欢迎。正因为如此,面条的需求量一直很大,据数据统计,每年超市或者市场面条的消费水准是最高的,面条的消费量高于其他产品类,由于人们对其主要的需求,也是为了适应机械化的生产活动,全自动面条机应运而生。 接下来,咱们就讲一讲这个帮助面条业跟上时代步伐的大咖——全自动面条机。 全自动面条机是现在新一代面条机的代表,它最重要的特点就是全自动化,自动化程度高于其他种类面条机。有很多用户在购买时都会担心会不会用,会不会操作起来特别繁琐啊这些个问

题,全自动面条机也正是考虑到这个大众问题,所以设计出的成品操作简便,灵活应用,在业内人士都称其为傻瓜式操作,足见其使用起来简单易懂。然鹅,操作简单归简单,主要参数可不能落下,甚至于全自动面条机的主要参数相对于其他面条机来说更加科学规范化。 如果你以为全自动面条机就只有这几个优势那就错了,全自动面条机还有很多优势的,下面由我来一一阐述。 就材质方面,全自动面条机全身采用的是不锈钢材料,使得全自动面条机拥有耐腐蚀耐磨经久耐用的优势,不仅如此,全自动面条机还可以为我们节约成本,提高生产水平,用最小的投资赢得最大的收益。全自动面条机还有一个最大的特点就是可以利用全自动化省去人力操作,多功能一体化具有全自动的特点一次成型,节省劳动力,并且可以大批量的生产面条,在面条最后一 道制作工艺中采取自动挑面技术。 当然了,在使用全自动面条机的时候一定要按照操作规范走,切记安全第一。下面也为大家整理了一些全自动面条机在使用中的安全操作须知: 第一,全自动面条机在开机操作之前一定要先阅读机械说明书,并牢记操作步骤;第二,在开机前仔细检查机械有无异常情况发生,一旦发现有异常情况,一定要禁止使用;第三,一定记得定期给面条机涂抹润滑油,防止机器生锈影响生产;最后,在使用过程中一定要注意安全用电。


果蔬切丁机技术参数 【诸城市德川工贸】不知道大家吃没吃过牛肉炖萝卜丁、猪肉炖土豆丁,热乎乎,香喷喷的菜端到餐桌上,怕是各位都忍不住想多吃几口吧。那么在罐头加工工厂,这种萝卜丁、土豆丁以及各类果蔬切成丁不可能都用人工来切,这也就用到了小编这次要说的果蔬切丁机。那么今天我们一起了解一下关于果蔬切丁机技术参数 #详情查看#【德川工贸:果蔬切丁机】 【诸城市德川工贸:果蔬切丁机特点】 我公司根据市场需要,综合各类技术所研发此类果蔬切丁机,适合各种果蔬切丁需要。本机采用304不锈钢制做,符合食品安全卫生标准,客户可以放心使用。所切蔬菜丁小规格为1.8mm,大规格为

120mm,调整范围广,可满足各类切丁厂家的需要。设备制做外型美观,操作简单,果蔬切出来的丁形状规则,大小均等,是果蔬切丁厂家的不二之选。 【诸城市德川工贸:果蔬切丁机简介】 切丁机结构紧凑,采用优化卫生设计, 机壳,切割刀栅均采用不锈钢材料制 成,切刀采用切削,工作效率高,可 以切制5、8、10、15mm的立方体 或长方体,调整厚度切割旋纽,可对 推杆进行无级调速,以满足不同切割 厚度的要求。采用了预压力设计,保 证在切割过程中切出的物料均匀光 滑并保证切割尺寸正确。本机可适应土豆、萝卜、芋头、苹果以及各种根、茎类蔬菜的切丁,是果蔬加工中的的设备。 切丁机采用复合刀具,一次成形,形状规则,切面光滑,成形率高。本机设计先进,操作方便,耗能低,效率高,采用铝镁合金及不锈钢材料,防腐,美观,符合卫生标准。拨盘带动被切物体高速旋转,利用物体离心力,借助立刀将被切物体切成片状,然后经过圆盘切刀切成条状,并将被切物料送入横切断刀口,由横切断刀切成所需要的立方体或长方体。 【诸城市德川工贸:果蔬切丁机参数】 1.生产能力:在切制15mm立方体时产量为1000kg/h。 2.切菜规格:可切制5、8、10、15mm的立方体或长方体,也可以根据要求定做其他尺寸的刀具。 3.总功率:0.75kw/380v 4.外形尺寸:710*660*1010mm 5.机器重量:100kg


家用面条机的设计与分析 -----机械系统设计课程论文 姓名:肖虎 学号: 2009092553 学院:机电学院 班级: 09机制 3班 指导老师:李盛林 2012年12月20日

目录 一、目的及背景 (3) 1.1 目的: (3) 1.2 背景: (3) 二、方案设计 (4) 2.1 背景: (4) 2.2 黑箱法分析: (5) 三、各工步设计 (6) 3.1 放面团 (6) 3.2一级输送 (6) 3.3压面 (6) 3.4二级输送 (6) 3.5 切面机构 (6) 四、各子系统设计 (6) 4.1 动力系统选取 (6) 4.2 传动系统设计 (6) 4.3 压面机构 (6) 4.4 切面机构 (7) 4.5 机械生产效率计算 (7) 五、产品前景 (8) 产品优势 (8) 产品前景 (8) 六、参考文献 (8)

摘要:该机械采用小功率驱动,经济节能;通过2次压面工艺,提高面条的品质;一次出面,效率高,省事,省时,省心,方便,快捷。 关键词:清洁,2次压面,封闭,品质 一、目的及背景 1.1 目的: 针对传统手工制作面食存在的劳动强度大、工序复杂、效率低、不卫生等缺陷,运用机械原理,设计了家用面条机,以适应市场对面条机节能、体积小、造型新颖、操作简单、维修方便、光洁卫生等需求。 1.2 背景: 随着生活水平的不断提高,生活节奏日益加快,饮食制作快捷化就自然想到用饮食机械来代替传统手工制作。市场上已经出现许多如和面机、洗面机、面条机、饺子机等形状各异、种类繁多的面食品加工机械,但是大多为大型面食品加工机械,面条家用加工机械并不多,且功能单一,纵观世界面条机, 一方面向高生产率、全自动的方向发展, 另一方面由敞开型向封闭型、重量轻、体积小、造型美. 一次成条方向发展。随着人们对食品各方面要求的提高,家用面条机开始受到家庭厨子的喜爱,面对全国广大市场,家用面条机发展空间广阔,经济前景好。纵观世界面条机, 一方面向高生产率、全自动的方向发展, 另一方面由敞开型向封闭型、重量轻、体积小、造型美. 一次成条方向发展 面条的规格: 品质规格:根据麦类作物学报中中国面条的标准化实验室制作与评价方法研究,西北农林科技大学学报中面条品质评价方法研究进展,把面条的色泽、外观、软硬度、粘弹性、光滑性、食味;作为评价面条的标准,其中外观,软硬度,粘弹性,光滑性很大程度受到机械加工的影响。 尺寸规格:南方以2X2mm方截面型面条为主,北方以5mm圆形面条为主,长度从150-250mm不等。


国家商用密码算法简介 密码学是研究编制密码和破译密码的技术科学,起源于隐秘消息传输,在编码和破译中逐渐发展起来。密码学是一个综合性的技术科学,与语言学、数学、电子学、声学、信息论、计算机科学等有着广泛而密切的联系。密码学的基本思想是对敏感消息的保护,主要包括机密性,鉴别,消息完整性和不可否认性,从而涉及加密,杂凑函数,数字签名,消息认证码等。 一.密码学简介 密码学中应用最为广泛的的三类算法包括对称算法、非对称算法、杂凑算法。 1.1 对称密码 对称密码学主要是分组密码和流密码及其应用。分组密码中将明文消息进行分块加密输出密文区块,而流密码中使用密钥生成密钥流对明文消息进行加密。世界上应用较为广泛的包括DES、3DES、AES,此外还有Serpent,Twofish,MARS和RC6等算法。对称加密的工作模式包括电码本模式(ECB 模式),密码反馈模式(CFB 模式),密码分组链接模式(CBC 模式),输入反馈模式(OFB 模式)等。1.2 非对称密码 公钥密码体制由Diffie和Hellman所提出。1978年Rivest,Shamir和Adleman提出RAS密码体制,基于大素数分解问题。基于有限域上的离散对数问题产生了ElGamal密码体制,而基于椭圆曲线上的离散对数问题产生了椭圆曲线密码密码体制。此外出现了其他公钥密码体制,这些密码体制同样基于困难问题。目前应用较多的包括RSA、DSA、DH、ECC等。 1.3杂凑算法 杂凑算法又称hash函数,就是把任意长的输入消息串变化成固定长的输出串的一种函数。这个输出串称为该消息的杂凑值。一个安全的杂凑函数应该至少满足以下几个条件。 1)输入长度是任意的; 2)输出长度是固定的,根据目前的计算技术应至少取128bits长,以便抵抗生日攻击; 3)对每一个给定的输入,计算输出即杂凑值是很容易的; 4)给定杂凑函数的描述,找到两个不同的输入消息杂凑到同一个值是计算上不可行的,或给定 杂凑函数的描述和一个随机选择的消息,找到另一个与该消息不同的消息使得它们杂凑到同一个值是计算上不可行的。 杂凑函数主要用于完整性校验和提高数字签名的有效性,目前已有很多方案。这些算法都是伪随机函数,任何杂凑值都是等可能的。输出并不以可辨别的方式依赖于输入;在任何输入串中单个比特


摘要: 二十一世纪以来,我国的食品行业的发展大大改革在加工食品的早期开放的日益提高,人们的生活和高要求的食品包装食品机械的食品工业的发展,提高人民的物质生活不断为了满足食品行业促进各类食品机械和食品机械的发展,机器的自动化和加工食品中的社会发展必然的一种先进的发展需求促进社会主义经济建设的不断发展,人们的物质生活旁边的新要求,食品的质量,为水果量的变化来满足人们的日常需求,和小食品包装市场供应系统方便法就提到了议事日程,,其优势是用来节省时间,提高效率,为大规模生产劳动释放保证效处理的实现是否手工制作,产品质量,降低了原材料的浪费通过蜗轮蜗杆传动电机在表盘的切碎机的基本工作原理,拨号环周运动剑架圈,它是负责由和3线切丁机目前市场上的主要大尺度,主要的大型酒店和食品加工厂,餐厅设计这些切丁在一个大酒店,至少一个切丁切丁和广泛的应用,然而,国内的多功能机切丁种类很多,现在出现了一片碎机,效率高,使用方便操作,能耗低,大产量高,适合工厂,只有在学校的食堂,食品加工厂,用作一种蔬菜,不能满足家庭生活的改善的多功能机,切丁的需求,更好的满足用户的需求,和实用价值,这些小机器,和功能,可以满足普通家庭的需求巨大 关键词:食品,机,发展

Abstract: Since the 21st century, the development of food industry of our country greatly the reform open early in the processed food is improved day by day, people's lives with the high demand from the food packaging Food machinery of the development of the food industry The improvement of people's material life continually in order to meet the demand of the food industry to promote the development of various types of food machinery and development An advanced development in food machinery and automation of the machine and the social development inevitable in processed foodsPromoting the development of socialist economic construction constantly, people's material living next to the new requirements The quality of food, fruit quantity change in order to meet the demands of the people's daily, and convenient method of the supply system of small food packaging market supply immediately mentioned the agenda, extensibility and, Behold, no hard crusts cut of each fruit fruit julienne slices of fruit Application of food machinery's [1] this machine Application of food machine, reduces the labor intensity of the workers, the advantage is used to save time, improve efficiency, large labor production release In order to guarantee the special effect processing to realize whether the handmade, product quality, reduces the waste of raw materialsThe basic work principle of shredded machine via the worm gear worm drive motor on the dial, dial ring week exercise sword rack


全自动一次成型挂面机操作方法技巧 我们一共将制面的整个过程分为3大步骤进行操作分析 1.和面:将面粉倒入拌面机内,然后按规定25%左右的比例进行加水,启动运力,把面和水拌均匀达颗粒状(10分钟后使用最佳),即可倒入面条机使用。 2.调整:用手轮进行调整轧辊间隙,各组轧辊间隙的参考数据是:(330以上机组例外)在调整过程中,调紧或放松手轮的多少,有时不易一次调准,关键是要弄清道理,耐心把握,不熟练时可停机调整,正常后锁紧手轮。 3.操作:把拌好的面粉放入面斗内,按刀并固定挡刀板,就可开机运转,第三组下来面板要用手引到下一组(多组照此类推)经过面条机压辊压制,出面条操作完毕。

重庆友乐乐机械专业生产各种款式的面条机,热门搜索词:重庆全自动面条机、重庆面条机、重庆压面机、贵州面条机、四川面条机、云南面条机、重庆面条机厂、面条机多少钱一台、多功能家用面条机价格、重庆面条机厂家。欢迎大家登录我公司网址详细咨询,友乐乐竭诚为您服务!! 产品关键词:全自动面条机、重庆老牌面条机、重庆老式面条机、重庆传统面条机

2. 3. 面通过拉丝处理 结构紧凑,造型新颖,辊具有揉面功能,生产面条时不需另外熟化,广受客户的青睐。 4. 转动部位采用高精轴承,经久耐用,运转灵活,性能稳定。 5. 护板采用不锈钢,面斗木质部分用不锈钢板装

重庆友乐乐机械有限公司位于重庆市巴南区金竹工业园内,前身为“重庆永利食品机械厂”,因自身发展需要,2015年底由重庆的合川区搬迁到了巴南区金竹工业园区内,不但交通地理环境更加便利,而且大大提升了我公司在研发、制造领域同周边“重庆大江工业集团”和“长安铃木公司”配套厂的综合协作能力。“友乐乐”是一家专业从事食品机械设计、制造、销售、服务为一体的企业,公司不断开拓创新,迅速发展。公司主打产品为面条机、米粉机和粉条机、凉皮机等,企业以创新、科技、服务和经济效益为设计理念,以优越的性能和人性化的智能设计赢得了广大新老客户的信赖,以过硬的质理和精湛的技术,在行业内享有较高的声誉! 我们的目标:创业路上友(有)乐乐! 我们的宗旨:销售的不仅仅是产品,更重要的是服务;最终目的是帮助选择我们的朋友获取适宜的利润!! 产品关键词:全自动面条机、重庆老牌面条机、重庆老式面条机、重庆传统面条机


元谋县果蔬物流中心 方案设计书 班级:物流0912 组长:姚富有 组员:王瑜刘芫杏

孙丽娟施丽蓉 目录 前言 1、我国冷藏业当前存在的问题-----------------------------------------------------------3 2、我国冷藏库建设未来发展方向的探索- ------------------------------------------------------3 1、基本设计 1.1果蔬冷链仓库平面图----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------6 1.2果蔬冷链必要设施及设备------------------------------------------------------------------------7 1.21国际形势-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 1.22果蔬冷链物流仓储设施设----------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.库存优化选择 2.1出入库流程-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 2.11仓库作业过程---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 2.12入库作业流程---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 2.13 出库作业流程- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 2.2货物优化方案-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 2.21物动量分析表- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 2.22 堆码示意- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 2.23 货物存储及货位分配----------------------------------------------------------------------------11 2.24 货物盘点-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 2.25 库


系列切丁机使用说明书必须仔细观看使用说明书才能开机,否则机器损坏为人为的责任。 苏州中名机械制造有限公司 地址:江苏省苏州市相城区黄桥镇生田路6号 邮编:215031 公司主页:

前言 首先衷心地感谢您惠购本公司的产品,希望本公司的产品能为贵公司带来更多的经济效益。 本使用说明书是为了安全使用本机器而制作的参考简介。 本机的操作人员或保养人员在进行操作或检修保养之前,必须仔细阅读使用说明书并正确理解其操作方法及各项注意事项,然后再进行操作或检修保养。 如果不是使用说明书进行操作,可能会造成重大事故的发生。 请讲本使用说明书放置于机器附近的容易查看处,并妥善保管,以便随时查看。 当把本机出售或转让给他人时,请务必将本使用说明书一同交给用户,以便用户操作和检修等。 本使用说明书如丢失或破损等,请尽快与本公司或销售代理店联系购取。 温馨提示 一、必须由专人使用本机。 二、开机之前必须先确认电源电压为380V,无缺相现象。 三、为了保护刀具和人身安全,开机前先检查设备上是否有异 物,如果有异物,请先断电、清理、再开机操作。 四、为了操作人员的安全,在切割时禁止谁意开关门并把手伸 进去,必须把设备电源切断并等刀具停稳方可开门,否则 造成的人身安全由购方自行负责。

五、操作完毕后必须及时关机并切断本设备电源。 六、切割工作完成后必须对设备进行清洗及保养。 七、清洗刀具或更换刀具前必须先关机再切断本设备电源。 八、不得切带硬骨的或冷冻的肉类进行切割,本机只适合切割 麻冻状态-4℃以上的纯肉。


一、概述 ZJTS系列切丁机参照国际先进设计制造,结构合理,该机械能做到精确切“丁”、“丝”、“片”且工作效率高。 ZJTS切丁机是肉类制品生产制作工艺中的一个重要设备。将肉块,脂肪等主要原料,切割成用户所需要的肉丁,调整刀栅的尺寸可切除肉丝、肉片。肉丁尺寸的大小由刀栅中刀片数量来决定。本厂生产的350型和550型切丁机适用于大,中,小型肉类食品加工厂,也可按用户提出的要求,制定生产特殊工艺要求的产品。 本厂生产的切丁机结构紧凑,安全实用,维修清洗方便,组装灵活,具有下列优点: 1.安全防护性能良好,前门打开后转动的切刀立即停转。 2.刀栅及大切刀装拆方便,不用工具即可全部卸下,便于清洗更换刀栅。 3.测压机构可使一次切割的肉料的量增加,并有助于预压力加快达到设定 值,提高生产效率。 4.拨叉结构的设计提高了产品切割质量,减小噪声、降低机械故障率。 5.调整预压力旋钮,可保证产品在切割过程中始终如一。 6.肉料可步进进料,可最大限度地减少在切割过程中对产品的挤压。 7.改变刀栅中刀片的数量,可切割出不同尺寸的肉丁,组合方便。


郑州大型面食设备制作厂家哪家比较专业,下面小编介绍下这类设备的基本信息: 一.冷风定条区:通常采用不加温,而加强空气流动的办法,以大量干燥空气来促进面条去湿,使挂面形状初步固定,除去表面水份。表面硬化,由塑体向弹性转变,雨天(或梅雨)要提前开扇和排潮,冬季送温略提前,因湿面表面蒸发缓慢不易定条,避免温度过度,会使面条湿性差,面表面水份蒸发过多,影响内蒸发阶段的湿度降低,保潮湿度过度,造成面条拉伸,断条上薄下厚,相互粘连等现象。

二、内蒸发区(保潮发汗): 此区以水份内扩散为主,强化通风,使空气循环畅通,此时跨区温度上升,不要过“急”,要使温度形成“梯度”,保持一定湿度,一方面是向面条中心转移热能,缩小表面与内部的温差,另一方面加快内部水份的扩散,使表面水份汽化速度与内部水份转移速度一致,水份慢慢蒸发,如果此时温度、湿度差过大,会造成表层干得快,表面“结膜”、“关门”、“龟裂”等现象,内外水份不平衡,最后挂面外干内湿,导致面条酸面、酥面等质量问题,存放期短。 郑州大杰食品机械有限公司位于郑州市马寨经济开发区,临近郑州西四环环城高架及郑州西区CCD四个中心、郑州绕城公路陇海西路站下口。 本厂遵循以创新经营高科技为导向,以客户需求为焦点,不断开发新产品。以质量求生存的经营理念和诚信销售热情服务为广大客户提供优质产品。 我公司以生产食品机械为主,专业生产挂面机、方便面机、中低温挂面成套设备、热干面自动生产线、全自动成套熟面机、生鲜面机设备、手盘面机生产线、波纹面机成套设备、面叶生产线、饺子皮机、混沌皮机、凉皮机、米皮机等食品机械的研发与制造,产品远销三十多个省、市、自治区,和非洲等国家和地区。 长期以来,本公司坚持以创新经营、精致为本的经营理念,让顾客满以为宗旨,不断开发新产品,以优质的产品和良好的信誉,赢得了用户的信赖和好评。


自动揉面机的揉面特点及工作原理 一、自动揉面机(也称自动压面机)是一种安全、高效、实用的面食加工机具。经它揉和后的面片可以提高面的筋度,增加面的白度和韧性。经过揉压的面团制作面馒头及各类食品、面包、糕点,香甜、劲道、光泽度好,口感好。该机效率高,安全系数高,可以代替传统的人工揉面和繁重的体力劳动,使用方便,具有别的机型不可代替的待征和优越性。广泛适用于机关、学校、厂矿食堂、个体食品经营者、面食加工单位,也是配置馒头生产线的理想设备。 二、揉面机结构特征:自动揉面机主要有机架、传动部分、压面部分、输送折叠部分、外罩五大部分组成。传动部分主要采用链条、轧辊齿轮、主动齿轮组成,具有传动平稳,噪音小的特点。压面部分主要有可调轧辊、上轧辊、下轧辊组成,实现自动翻面的功能。输送折叠部分主要有左右支架、输送带组成,运用不同线速原理,实现自动传送自动折叠,代替了繁重的手工操作,既卫生又安全。同时为保证轧辊两端间一致,采用蜗轮、蜗杆、偏心轮调整机构,可实现无极调整,使压面厚度两侧一致。

三、揉面机的工作原理: 将定量的面团放在下输送带上,开动机器,自动输送到轧辊间,面团在输送带和轧辊的作用下自动完成喂入和压面过程。压完后经上输送带自动传送到下输送带上,由于采用不同线速度,使面皮自动完成折叠和输送、喂入,转入下一轮揉压。经过反复折叠、揉压,反复数遍达到理想压面效果,使面的结构更为紧密,更具光滑度,使压制后的面团获得较好的层次和口感。

重庆友乐乐机械专业生产各种款式的面条机,热门搜索词:重庆全自动面条机、重庆面条机、重庆压面机、贵州面条机、四川面条机、云南面条机、重庆面条机厂、面条机多少钱一台、多功能家用面条机价格、重庆面条机厂家。欢迎大家登录我公司网址详细咨询,友乐乐竭诚为您服务!! 产品关键词:全自动面条机、重庆老牌面条机、重庆老式面条机、重庆传统面条机


摘要 随着近年来我国蔬菜出口的迅速崛起,蔬菜加工出口已成为我国的重要创汇渠道。但疏菜加工机械却远远滞后于蔬菜出口的发展,并且价格昂贵。由此我们研制了多功能蔬菜加工机,一机多用,取代了部分功能单一、效率低下、价格昂贵的进口机械。本文首先研究了蔬菜切割、输送、定位、成型的基本理论,然后设计了多功能蔬菜加工机的切削装置、送料装置和传动机构等,使之能够达到对块根状及叶菜状蔬菜进行切片、丝、段等规格形状的加工。同时应用新科技,采用先进的数字调速电机,省去复杂的变速机构与调节机构。试验表明,该设备出成率、效率达到进口机械水平,价格较进口设备降低50%以上,可填补此类机械的国内空白,取得良好的经济效益和社会效益 关键词:多功能,蔬菜,加工机 第一章引言 1.1 课题的目的和意义 蔬菜是人生活中必不可少的营养丰富的食品之一,可为人体提供必需的维生素、矿物质、膳食纤维等有益于人体健康的功能成分。随着人们生活水平的不断提高,生活节奏加快,对食用方便、营养丰富、经过加工的精细蔬菜的需求越来越大,对产品的品质要求越来越高。蔬菜出口在我国起步虽晚,但由于中国蔬菜富含营养、品种齐全、质优价廉,深受各国消费者的青睐,因而近几年蔬菜出口发展十分迅速,己成为创汇农业的支柱产业。 调查结果显示,目前我国蔬菜加工机械却远远滞后于蔬菜出口的发展,现在主要靠合资外方从国外进口,价格昂贵,如牛芬、胡萝卜切丝机,从日本进口一台普通(长短、粗细不可调)切丝机,需人民币1.2万多元。为适应蔬菜加工的需要,我们设计多功能蔬菜加工机,一机多用,只需更换切刀和部分零件,即可加工各种异型块根状蔬菜,如铅笔屑状(牛芬)、各种异型状片(胡萝卜、土豆的梅花状、菊花、树叶状、球拍状等)、丝条(胡萝卜、牛芬等)、自由片(牛芬、胡萝卜、姜、蒜等)及酱菜等。该机的多功能化,取代了部分功能单一、价格昂贵的进口机械,蔬菜加工厂家只需购买一台设备就可加工多适合出口需要的不同规格的产品。投资少,效益高,适应于多品种、批量生产的需要,提高了设备利用率。 加快蔬菜机的发展,提高企业技术装备水平,无疑将成为山东蔬菜出口发展的战略突破口,增值增效潜力巨大。本课题旨在研制一种高效、可靠、实用、多功能蔬菜加工机械,重点解决我国蔬菜加工机械功能单一、进口机械价格昂贵的问题。 1.2 蔬菜加工机械的种类 (1)多功能旋转式切菜机,其原理是使需要的切的蔬菜高速旋转,利用离心力使蔬菜紧贴刀片进行加工,是一个蔬菜加工行业、食品行业、脱水蔬菜厂、速冻食品二次加工常用的机器。使用它可将有固定形状的如:芥菜、萝卜、土豆等块切制成所需要厚度的片和丝,一般采用防腐铝外壳及高级合金刀片,具有结构紧凑、合理、操作简便、调整维修方便、耐腐蚀的特点。其缺点是:切片或切丝的形状不规则。厚度不均。 (2)离心式切菜机采用先进工作原理,其特点为结构紧凑、坚固耐用、易于维修,可提高生产率,降低劳动强度,对萝卜、土豆、白薯、圆白菜等根茎类可加工成菜丝、菜条、菜片、广泛适合大、中型酱菜厂和速冻食品厂使用。 (3)切丁机性能优于其它机器,可一道工序完成块条的加工,省时省力,操做方便,适合芥菜、萝卜、黄瓜(包括咸制黄瓜)、土豆、洋葱、香瓜、胡萝卜、


大小五组面条机压辊的调整说明 大小五组面条机压辊的调整说明: 第一道辊:1-2毫米 第二道辊:1.5毫米 第三道辊:0.5毫米 第四道辊:0.5毫米 2调整时压辊两端间隙须一致。 3各压辊之间面片如发现拉断或折叠现象可调整压辊间隙,拉断时缩小下对压辊间隙或加大上对压辊间隙,折叠时加大对压辊间隙或缩小上对压辊间隙。 调整适合后锁紧压辊方可进行面条加工。


双面撒粉,自动挑条一次成型,流水线式生产,双面撒粉,自动化程度高,操作简单,效率高。 2. 3. 面通过拉丝处理 结构紧凑,造型新颖,辊具有揉面功能,生产面条时不需另外熟化,广受客户的青睐。 4. 转动部位采用高精轴承,经久耐用,运转灵活,

重庆友乐乐机械有限公司位于重庆市巴南区金竹工业园内,前身为“重庆永利食品机械厂”,因自身发展需要,2015年底由重庆的合川区搬迁到了巴南区金竹工业园区内,不但交通地理环境更加便利,而且大大提升了我公司在研发、制造领域同周边“重庆大江工业集团”和“长安铃木公司”配套厂的综合协作能力。“友乐乐”是一家专业从事食品机械设计、制造、销售、服务为一体的企业,公司不断开拓创新,迅速发展。公司主打产品为面条机、米粉机和粉条机、凉皮机等,企业以创新、科技、服务和经济效益为设计理念,以优越的性能和人性化的智能设计赢得了广大新老客户的信赖,以过硬的质理和精湛的技术,在行业内享有较高的声誉! 我们的目标:创业路上友(有)乐乐! 我们的宗旨:销售的不仅仅是产品,更重要的是服务;最终目的是帮助选择我们的朋友获取适宜的利润!!


基于国密算法、数字证书的安全问题理解 1. 国密算法发展背景 随着金融安全上升到国家安全高度,近年来国家有关机关和监管机构站在国家安全和长远战略的高度提出了推动国密算法应用实施、加强行业安全可控的要求。摆脱对国外技术和产品的过度依赖,建设行业网络安全环境,增强我国行业信息系统的“安全可控”能力显得尤为必要和迫切。 密码算法是保障信息安全的核心技术,尤其是最关键的银行业核心领域长期以来都是沿用3DES、SHA-1、RSA等国际通用的密码算法体系及相关标准,为从根本上摆脱对国外密码技术和产品的过度依赖。2010年底,国家密码管理局公布了我国自主研制的“椭圆曲线公钥密码算法”(SM2算法)。为保障重要经济系统密码应用安全,国家密码管理局于2011年发布了《关于做好公钥密码算法升级工作的通知》,要求“自2011年3月1日期,在建和拟建公钥密码基础设施电子认证系统和密钥管理系统应使用SM2算法。自2011年7月1日起,投入运行并使用公钥密码的信息系统,应使用SM2算法。” 2. 国密算法 安全的本质是算法和安全系统 保证安全最根本的方法是基础软件和基础硬件都是自己控制,目前我国无法短期国产化的情况下,数据加密是最好的方式。如果加密算法以及实现都是外国提供的,安全性从何说起,所以我国国家密码局发布了自主可控的国密算法 国密算法:为了保障商用密码的安全性,国家商用密码管理办公室制定了一系列密码标准,包括SM1(SCB2)、SM2、SM3、SM4、SM7、SM9、祖冲之密码算法(ZUC)那等等。 其中SM1、SM4、SM7、祖冲之密码(ZUC)是对称算法;SM2、SM9是非对称算法;SM3是哈希算法。 目前SM1、SM7算法不公开,调用该算法时,需要通过加密芯片的接口进行调用 3. 国密算法的现状 虽然在SSL VPN、数字证书认证系统、密钥管理系统、金融数据加密机、签名验签服务器、智能密码钥匙、智能IC卡、PCI密码卡等产品上改造完毕,但是目前的信息系统整体架构中还有操作系统、数据库、中间件、浏览器、网络设备、负载均衡设备、芯片等软硬件,由于复杂的原因无法完全把密码模块升级为国产密码模块,导致整个信息系统还存在安全薄弱环节。 4. 浏览器与SSL证书 SSL证书的作用就是传输加密 如果网站安装了SSL证书,就启用了https访问,那么你的访问就更加安全了。


RJMU401国密算法应用流程 一、国密芯片RJMU401数据加密传输、身份认证及数据完整性保证 1、传输信道中的数据都采用SM4分组加密算法,保证数据传输时数据的机密性; 2、使用散列算法SM3保证数据的完整性,以防止数据在传输的过程中被篡改; 3、使用非对称算法SM2的私钥签名来保证数据的不可抵赖性,确保数据是从某一个确 定的车载用户端发出; 4、具体流程如下: a、用户数据使用SM3进行散列运算得到数据摘要,再使用非对称算法SM2进行 摘要签名; b、同时使用对称算法SM4的密钥对数据摘要进行加密并传输给安全模块; c、使用同一个对称算法SM4密钥对用户数据进行加密,并将加密后的密文传输给 监控端; d、监控端收到数据密文后,使用对应的密钥进行对称算法SM4解密,并使用散列 算法对解密后的数据进行运算得到数据摘要1; e、监控端对收到的摘要签名进行对称算法SM4解密,再经过非对称算法解密得到 最初的数据摘要2; f、对比数据摘要1和数据摘要2,若两者相等则认为传输数据具备完整性;否则 认为数据出错; 图1、数据加密传输、数据完整性及签名认证流程 补充说明: 1、需要有一主机发起认证指令,监控端收到对应指令后,会产生一个随机数(会话密 钥),可用该随机数作为对称加密SM4的单次密钥,用于加密传输的数据; 2、此SM4的会话密钥不会明文传输,监控端查找对应车载用户端的公钥进行加密,传 给对应的车载用户端,车载用户端收到数据后,用自己的SM2私钥解密,即可得到此次会话密钥。(会话密钥采用非对称密钥机制进行传输) 3、每一个车载用户端存放一个或者两个SM2密钥对,可采用CA证书形式。证书在车 载用户端生产时候预置进安全芯片RJMU401,监控端存储所有的车载用户端的SM2密钥对(证书)。


毕业论文(设计) 题目:蘑菇切丁机的设计 姓名: 学院: 专业: 班级: 学号: 指导教师: 年月日

目录 摘要....................................................................... I Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... II 1绪论. (1) 1.1研究的目的及意义 (1) 1.2国内外研究现状 (3) 2切丁机总体方案的确定 (3) 2.1切丁机的总体构成 (6) 2.2整机结构设计 (6) 3主要零部件的设计与计算 (4) 3.1传动方案的确定 (4) 3.2滚筒的设计 (5) 3.3部分零件的规格设计 (5) 3.4 电动机的选择................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.5 V带的设计计算 (6) 3.6V带轮的设计 (8) 3.7直齿圆柱齿轮的设计计算............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.8轴的结构设计计算......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.9轴承的选择及校核......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.10键的选择和校核 (17) 3.11切刀的设计 (18) 3.12机体结构设计 (22) 4结论............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 4.1 本设计的优点................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 4.2 存在的不足和建议........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。5总结............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。参考文献....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。致谢............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


面条机主要结构与工作原理 1、构造: MT5-200NT5-250型面条机是由电动机,主传动装置,二对进料压辊,一对后片压辊,一对压实薄压辊,一对实压光辊,共五对压辊。一付切机刀及断条机构组成。 2、原理: 本机采用五对压辊连续滚压法,将和好的面粉加入面斗内,第一道压辊压出两片面片,然后进入第二道压辊,将两片后成入片压实,然后通过托面槽引入第三道压辊,再次将面片压实,再经过第四道压辊将面片压光,最后通过面刀切成面条。 以上产品有两种方式控制面条长度 (1)普通型:是利用脚踏板自动断面条。 (2)配有挑条器系统,是自动断面,面条长度出厂已设定。

重庆友乐乐机械专业生产各种款式的面条机,热门搜索词:重庆全自动面条机、重庆面条机、重庆压面机、贵州面条机、四川面条机、云南面条机、重庆面条机厂、面条机多少钱一台、多功能家用面条机价格、重庆面条机厂家。欢迎大家登录我公司网址详细咨询,友乐乐竭诚为您服务!! 产品关键词:全自动面条机、重庆老牌面条机、重庆老式面条机、重庆传统面条机

2. 3. 面通过拉丝处理 结构紧凑,造型新颖,辊具有揉面功能,生产面条时不需另外熟化,广受客户的青睐。 4. 转动部位采用高精轴承,经久耐用,运转灵活,性能稳定。 5. 护板采用不锈钢,面斗木质部分用不锈钢板装

重庆友乐乐机械有限公司位于重庆市巴南区金竹工业园内,前身为“重庆永利食品机械厂”,因自身发展需要,2015年底由重庆的合川区搬迁到了巴南区金竹工业园区内,不但交通地理环境更加便利,而且大大提升了我公司在研发、制造领域同周边“重庆大江工业集团”和“长安铃木公司”配套厂的综合协作能力。“友乐乐”是一家专业从事食品机械设计、制造、销售、服务为一体的企业,公司不断开拓创新,迅速发展。公司主打产品为面条机、米粉机和粉条机、凉皮机等,企业以创新、科技、服务和经济效益为设计理念,以优越的性能和人性化的智能设计赢得了广大新老客户的信赖,以过硬的质理和精湛的技术,在行业内享有较高的声誉! 我们的目标:创业路上友(有)乐乐! 我们的宗旨:销售的不仅仅是产品,更重要的是服务;最终目的是帮助选择我们的朋友获取适宜的利润!! 产品关键词:全自动面条机、重庆老牌面条机、重庆老式面条机、重庆传统面条机


国密算法(SM1/2/4)芯片用户手册(UART接口) 注意:用户在实际使用时只需通过UART口控制国密算法芯片即可,控制协议及使用参考示例见下面 QQ:1900109344(算法芯片交流)

目录 1.概述 (3) 2.基本特征 (3) 3.通信协议 (3) 3.1.物理层 (3) 3.2.链路层 (4) 3.2.1.通讯数据包定义 (4) 3.2.2.协议描述 (4) 3.3.数据单元格式 (5) 3.3.1.命令单元格式 (5) 3.3.2.应答单元格式 (5) 3.4.SM1算法操作指令 (6) 3.4.1.SM1 加密/解密 (6) 3.4.2.SM1算法密钥导入指令 (6) 3.5.SM2算法操作指令 (7) 3.5.1.SM2_Sign SM2签名 (7) 3.5.2.SM2_V erify SM2验证 (7) 3.5.3.SM2_Enc SM2加密 (8) 3.5.4.SM2_Dec SM2解密 (9) 3.5.5.SM2_GetPairKey 产生SM2密钥对 (9) 3.5.6.SM2算法公钥导入 (10) 3.6.SM4算法操作指令 (10) 3.6.1.SM4加密/解密 (10) 3.6.2.SM4算法密钥导入指令 (11) 3.7.校验/修改Pin指令 (11) 3.8.国密算法使用示例(Uart口命令流) (12) 3.8.1.SM1算法操作示例 (12) 3.8.2.SM2算法操作示例 (13) 3.8.3.SM4算法操作示例 (14) 3.9.参考数据 (15) 3.9.1.SM1参考数据 (15) 3.9.2.SM2参考数据 (15) 3.9.3.SM4参考数据 (17)

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