当前位置:文档之家› 饭店英语试卷


密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题

试卷代号: 座位号




1. How much does the continental breakfast ( )?

A .need

B .use

C .cost

D .take

2. Thank you, sir.( )can we expect you?

A .What time

B .At what time

C .When

D .Who

3. ----- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

----- I'm afraid ( )day is possible. A .either

B .neither

C .some

D .any

4. ( )does the restaurant of your hotel close?

A .What time

B .What times

C .How long

D .How often

5. ( )tea have we?

A .how much

B .how many

C .how long

D .how far

6. “Where is your college located, John?”

“It is ( ).” A .on the Fifth Avenue B .on Fifth Avenue C .in Fifth Avenue

D .at Fifth Avenue

7. All right , I ( )you in no time.

A .fetch

B .bring

C .take

D .get

8. Dr. Bethune began to work the ( )he arrived at the front.

A .moment

B .place

C .way

D .reason

9. Good evening, sir. I'm the Head Waiter and I'd like to apologize for our carelessness.

May I ( )it ( )for you? A .clean out B .clean up C .clean skin

D .clean cut

10. Green tea is not fermented while black tea is fully ( ).

A .fermented

B .fermenting

C .ferment

D .ferments

11. I think it should ( )open till midnight.

A .stay

B .hold

C .save

D .persist

12. I'll take the raw fish but my wife doesn't care for it. Could she have ( )else

instead? A .anything B . everything C .something

D .some

13. I'm afraid ( )water will change the color and flavor of food.

A .boil

B .boiled

C .boils

D .boiling

14. In some cases, guests often ( )separate checks.

A .need

B .use

C .ask for

D .want

15. In the evening, many guests like to eat ( )candlelight.

A .with

B .along

C .in

D .by

16. It was hard to decide which room was the ( ).

A .large

B .larges

C .largest

D .more larger

17. Please ( )your dialogs with guests.

A .put through

B .continue

密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题

C .hold on

D .transfer 18. The amount will be ( )your final room bill.

A .added up to

B .added

C .added to

D .added up

19. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is ( )any other lake in the world.

A .largest

B .the largest

C .larger than

D .the larger than

20. The coffee is ( ), sir?

A .complimentary

B .complimented

C .complimenting

D .complicated

21. The food was dreadful. I'd like a ( ).

A .abate

B .at a discount

C .rebate

D .discount

22. The guest is ( )on the telephone now.

A .talking

B .speaking

C .telling

D .saying

23. The waiter will be ( )you in a moment.

A .with

B .around

C .by

D .round

24. The wine ( )very well with white fish.

A .develops

B .goes

C .get on

D .evolves

25. This cake was ( )sugar, flour, butter and eggs.

A .make from

B .make of

C .make out

D .make out of

26. This is the ( )course. There is dessert to follow.

A .full

B .complete

C .all

D .whole

27. We have all kinds of Chinese food at your ( ).

A .choose

B .choice

C .select

D .choosing

28. We might charge the bill to the wrong room ( ).

A .by mistakes

B .error

C .false

D .by mistake

29. What is the price ( )for the set menu?

A .bound

B .scope

C .range

D .confine

30. When a guest ( )the restaurant needing assistance, ask him if you can help.

A .want

B .ask

C .need

D .would like

31. Which ( )would you prefer, A or B?

A .flavorous

B .scent

C .flavor

D .spice

32. Would you call me when you're ( )to order?

A .arranged

B .prepare

C .ready

D .provide

33. Would you like ( )something to drink?

A .make

B .come with

C .have

D .start with

34. Would you mind ( )the extra in cash, please?

A .pay

B .pays

C .paid

D .paying

35. You'll have a lot of fun having the meal ( )cooking it yourselves.

A .when

B .while

C .during

D .and


1、 预定






7、洗衣 8、豪华套房

密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题

9、赔偿 10、发票


Passage 1

In the 1900’s, American townspeople usually washed and brushed their teeth and combed their hair in the kitchen. Or they kept a water pitcher (大水罐)and a wash basin in their

rooms and took care of these things there.

The bathtub was a wash tub(澡盆)filled with water from the stove. If you were small enough you could sit down by drawing your knees to your chest. Otherwise, you washed yourself standing up.Often all the women and girls in the family bathed together. Then the men and boys did. In most families this was Saturday night because Sundays they went to church.

A small number of families did have running water. But that depended on whether there was a water system where they lived and on whether they could afford the plumbing(水管设施). Some people had bathtubs in their homes as early as 1895. But many others did not have their first bath in a bathtub until 1910 or later when they were fifteen or sixteen years old.

1. In the first paragraph, "took care of" means ( ).

A .kept

B .looked after

C .used

D .kept and used

2. In order to use the water from the stove, there be a pipe connecting the tub with

the stove. ( ) A .must

B .seemed to

C .needn't

D .should

3. Which of the following statements is true? ( )

A .Males and females in the family took turns using the bathtub.

B .Some bathtubs were big enough for many people to bathe in at the same time.

C .All the women and girls of a family could bathe together standing up in the tub. When several family members bathed together, they did not use the bathtub. 4. Americans owned a bathtub as early as 1895. ( )

A .Many

B .Not all

C .All

D .Few

5. We can infer(推断)that the plumbing at that time. ( )

A .cost little

B .was more expensive than a water system

C .was too expensive for every family to afford

D .was not necessary

Passage 2 The General Manager

As in any business ,there must be one person responsible for the overall operation. That person is the general manager, sometimes, particularly in the larger hotels, called the managing director.

In the past ,possibly into the l930s, the hotel manager was primarily a genial host, personally greeting the guests and seeing to it that they were properly cared for. But as the banks (through bankruptcies and foreclosures), corporations, conglomerates, and other business organizations began acquiring hotels, this image began to disappear. The first concern of executives and stockholders of these companies was that the property show a profit. As a result ,a new type of innkeeper emerged, and today the successful general manager is a highly trained person, capable of directing a complex business enterprise.

Running a hotel is a full-time, 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week operation. The hotel is never closed-there can be no time off, no holidays. Someone representing management, and some members of the operating staff, must be on duty every hour and every day of the year. No broad policy could possibly cope with the many diverse situations that occur daily in any given hotel.

The general manager is the person responsible for defining and interpreting the policies established by top management. In addition, the successful manager must implement and improve them and, on occasion ,may be forced to completely disregard them. To perform these duties properly requires a working knowledge of all phases of hotel operation .No one can properly give or explain an order without some idea of what is involved. The quickest and easiest way for an executive to lose the respect of the employees is to give instructions without understanding their implications or the amount of time necessary to carry them out. In fact, we believe it is impossible to properly and intelligently supervise anyone without having at least a general idea of that person ’s duties and responsibilities.

6. What ’s a hotel manager ’s responsibility? ( )

A .Administrative affairs

B .Overall operation

得分 评卷人

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C .Several main departments

D .Greeting the guests 7. A general manager should ( ).

A .define the policies

B .interpret the policies

C .implement the policies

D .be capable of directing a complex business enterprise

8. There are always persons in charge working in the hotel round the clock because

( ).

A .staffs are working in the hotel

B .there are always things that happen unexpectedly

C .they want to know the general ideas of the staffs

D .they want to greet the guests

9. A successful manager is the person who can implement and improve ( ).

A .hotel facilities

B .surrounding environment

C .policies established by top management

D .relations between hotel and guests 10. In the context of the passage, genial means ( ).

A .kind

B .polite

C .warm

D .Generous

Passage 3 Restaurant services

There are mainly five kinds of restaurant services. They are gueridon service, silver service, plate service, buffet (self-catering) service and takeaway service. The first three kinds of services are sit-down services and a buffet service can be both a sit-down one and a stand-up one.

Take away service is usually associated with snack bars and fast food outlets. In gueridon service, the waiter must always be well-trained and skilled for he has to perform such things as filleting ,carving and cooking special dishes in front of the guest .In silver service ,the food is prepared in the kitchen and brought to the guest ’s table on a silver tray. In plate service, the waiter takes the plated meal from the service hotplate and then put the plate on the guest ’s table. All that he has to do is to make sure that the correct lid is laid and the necessary accompaniments are available on the table. In buffet service ,a guest picks his or her own tray and cutlery from one end of the service table and chooses whatever dish he or she 1ikes.

Two forms of meals are distinguished :a la carte and table d ’hote. An a la carte meal is ordered course by course from a menu where each item has a separate price while a table d ’hote meal has a fixed price for a complete meal or several courses.

11. Which of the following can be a stand-up service? ( )

A .Gueridon service

B .Silver service

C .Plate service

D .Buffet service

12. Why is a takeaway service usually associated with snack bars? ( )

A .The food in snack bar is easy to takeaway

B .People go there by cars

C .Snack bars can be found anywhere

D .Snack bars offer self-catering


13. What meal is it when you can order your dishes separately? ( )

A .Buffet

B .1a carte

C .Table d’hote

D .Plate service 14. In the context of the passage, available means ( ).

A .necessary

B .can be got

C .helpful

D .served

15. In the context of the passage ,distinguished means ( ).

A .well-known

B .made out

C .separated

D .different




饭店情景英语期末考试试卷 班级:姓名: 2009 —2010学年第二学期期末考试试卷(共 100 分) I. Translate the following phrases (1’*20=20’) 1. 多功能厅 2. 家外之家 3. 过路客人 4. 东方明珠电视塔 5. 代看小孩服务 6. 电话号码本 7. 做晚床8. 休息厅酒吧 9. 头一道菜10. 大食客 11. easy over 12. a highly organized commercial entity 13. a senior citizen 14. For your information 15. back and forth 16. operational department 17. go through the formalities 18. DDD 19. group cohesiveness 20. Chateau Haut Lafite II. Complete the following dialogues: (2’*10=20’) Dialogue 1 Hostess (H): Good morning, Hilton Restaurant. Guest (G): Good morning. I’d like to book a table for this Saturday. H: Certainly, sir. ? G: Eight. H: And ? G: At 7 p.m. H: Sorry, sir. ? G: Let me see. OK, 8 o’clock will be all right. H: Thank you, sir. ? G: Mr. Young. H: So it’s Mr. Young, . G: That’s right. Thank you. H: Thank you for calling, Mr. Young. Dialogue 2 Waiter: Good morning. Can I help you? Guest: Yes. . Waiter: Chinese or western? Guest: Chinese breakfast. Give me . Waiter: All right, sir. Anything else? Guest:? Waiter: Yes, they are very delicious, especially the sliced noodles and the seafood noodles.


餐饮英语内部考试试题 (含听力资料和答案) 一、口语考核, 听英语翻译中文。(50题,每题1.5分,共75分) 1) WIFI ____________________无线上网 2) room number ____________________房间号码 3) ashtray ____________________ 烟灰缸 4) toothpick ____________________ 牙签 5) 纸巾napkin 6) 玻璃杯glass 7) 咖啡杯coffee cup 8) 勺子spoon 9) 叉子fork 10) 刀子knife 11) 筷子chopsticks 12) 盘子plate 13) 煎蛋fried egg 14) 烟肉/培根bacon 15) 猪肉pork 16) 鸡肉chicken 17) 牛肉beef 18) 薯条French fries 19) 菜心choy sum 20) 青瓜Cucumber 21) 菜单menu 22) 花生peanut 23) 牛油butter 24) 果酱jam 25) 番茄酱tomato sauce 26) 番茄汁tomato juice 27) 吐司toast 28) 酱油soy sauce 29) 胡椒粉pepper 30) 醋vinegar 31) 鲜奶fresh milk 32) 可乐Coke 33) 雪碧sprite 34) 木瓜papaya [p??pai?] 35) 火龙果Dragon fruit 36) 杨桃starfruit 37) 哈密瓜Hami-melon 38) 葡萄/提子grape 39) 玉米棒 40) corn on the cob 41) 辣椒chilli


甘肃联合大学2009 —2010学年第 2学期期末考试 《饭店英语》试卷A 学院 级 专业 班 学号 姓名 1、空房 2、候房单 3、房态 4、行李部领班 5、免费服务 6、turn-down service 7、delivery record 8、run errands 9、a la carte 10、hostess Ⅱ .Give the terms or phrases according to the meanings :(10 minutes ) 1. Meant for single or more occupancy. It has a sitting room connected to one or more bedrooms. ( ) Ⅰ.Translate the following terms or phrases into English or Chinese : (10 minutes )

2. A sigh which tells others not to disturb, usually used in the hotel. ( ) 3. Usually consists of two slices of bread with a layer of food such as cheese or meat between them. ( ) 4. A person who supervises activities or people, especially workers or students. ( ) 5. Restaurant where you get foods for yourself rather than being served by a waiter or waitress. ( ) Ⅲ.Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false :(10 minutes ) 1. Morning call can be provided only by an operator in a hotel. ( ) 2. When a guest requires something beyond our power, we can explain the reason according to our hotel policy. ( ) 3. The waiter can take back the dishes or trays when he is not busy. ( ) 4. Television is an inexpensive form of advertising, so all hotel use it frequently. ( ) 5. Table reservation is the first step of restaurant service. ( ) Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English :(30 minutes ) 1、早上好!和平饭店预订处。我能为您做点什么吗? 2、我想在你们饭店订个房间。 3、您办理入住手续了吗?

《饭店英语》试题答案 b

I. Word Translation. (1’×10=10’) II. Comprehensi on Questions (2’×5=10’) Which of the following is not a part of the Housekeeping Department? A. Kiosk B. Laundry C. Health club D. PA 2. Which of the following is the receptionist ’s work? A. Check-in B. Make bed C. Clean the room D. Turn-down service 3. Which of the following is not the tableware that usually used in western food? A. chopsticks B. knife and fork C. dessert plate D. napkin 4. Which of the following is the service that the Front Desk offers ? A. Room service. B. Photocopying. C. Reservation D. Baby-sitter 5. In a formal western party, the “Gentleman of Honor” is usually seats in the A B

seat of_______. III. True or False. (1’×10=10’) 1. “To reserve a room” means to check-in right now. ( ) 2. The guest rooms in a hotel are all double rooms. ( ) 3. The “bellman” of a hotel is also called “concierge”. ( ) 4. Western people would like to drink some tea first before their dinner. ( ) 5. If the laundry is collected before 10 am., it can be returned the same day. ( ) 6. “Room service” refers to clean up the guest room. ( ) 7. Motels are usually locate in the business center of a city. ( ) 8. Chinese like to use chopsticks instead of knife and fork when they eat. ( ) 9. If the guest put “D.N.D” on the door, the room maid can go into the guest roo m and clean it. ( ) 10. It is free for the guest of a hotel to send a fax. ( ) IV . Match A with B. (10’) 1. 得分 阅卷人 得分 阅卷人 A Motel Airport hotel Suburban hotel Downtown hotel Resort hotel B Locate in central business district. Locate in recreational or leisure attractions. Locate in suburb or the on fringe of a city. Locate in alongside highways. Locate near airport. A 前台 总机 商务中心 行李


饭店英语试题 I.Choose the best answer. (20 points, 1 point each) 1. After greeting a new guest, the receptionist’s first action should be to _____. A. check the guest’s reservation B. ask the guest the length of his stay. C. ask the guest to register D. call the bellman 2. I _____ two hotels but they are both fully booked up. A.have tried B. tried C. try D. will try 3. ---- Can I help you? ---- ______. A. Yes, please B. Please. C. Yes, you can D. Yes, as you like. 4. A half day’s rent is charged _____ a room not vacated after 12:00 noon. A. against B. for C. to D. in 5. At today’s exchange rate, every US dollar is equivalent _____ 8:30 yuan RMB. A. to B. as C. in D. for 6. Don’t call her at seven o’clock. She _____ dinner. A. will eat B. is eating C. will be eating D. has been eating 7. Mr. Bellow asked the information clerk _____ he could help him send a letter to New York. A. if B. that C. who D. where


饭店实用英语试题一及答案 饭店实用英语试题一及答案 I. Choose the best answer. (10%) 1. If you've never been to this city, you should take a look at our____. A. menu B. brochures C. front desk D. inn 2.We do not have a ____ service. You'll have to park your car yourself. A. room B. dinner C. laundry D. valet 3.The room has a pull ____ so it will sleep an extra person. A. off B. over C. out D.on couch 4.We don't have any vacancies. We are____ completely. A. vacant B. booked https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca19072452.html,plimentary D. closed. 5. I'll let you voice your complaint about the rate to the ____. A. housekeeper B. valet driver C.hotel manager

D. chef II.Match the words. (10 %) 1. deluxe double A. 前厅部 2. group reservation B. 餐桌装饰 3. table decorations C. 豪华双人间 4. the Front Office D. 刀削面 5. Sliced noodles E. 团体预订 III. There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in each brackets. (10 %) 1.The ______(crew)are paid to do all the word on the ship. 2.We finally (yield)_____to their argument. 3. Among those (presence)______at the meeting are some foreign experts. 4.He gives very little money to his wife out of (selfish)_____. 5.We use a ______(global) in our geography lessons. IV. Complete the following dialogue. (10 %) A: Room service,____1_____? B: I’m going to London tomorrow morning. So I would like to request _______2____. A:_____3______, at what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning? B: At 6 sharp , please. _____4____, please. I don’t want to disturb my neighbors. A: OK. So we will ____5_______at 6:00 tomorrow morning. V. Translate the following sentences. (20%) 1. 我想预订一间有淋浴的单人房间。 2. 一楼有个商店。 3. 布朗先生说他在房间里等您。 4. 您忘了填写离店日期了。


饭店实用英语试题二及答案 I. Choose the best answer. (10%) 1.Please put your used ____ in the basket and leave unused ones hanging on the rack. A. dishes B. towels C. menus D. keys 2. If you need a midnight snack there's a _____ full of potato chips on the floor. A. bellboy B. kitchenette C.cot D. vending machine 3. I’m sorry. I _______ the lamp beside the bed. Can you send a repairman? A. break B. breaks C. broken D. broke 4. _______ is the ticket to Paris? A. How many B. How much C. How far D.How much cost 5. Before Mr. White went to bed he_______ the lights. A. switched off B. turned on C. closed D. opened II. Match the words. (10 %) 1. the Housekeeping Dept A. 酒吧服务员 2. the locker room B. 客房送餐服务 3. bartender C. 长途电话 4. room service D. 更衣室 5. long distance call E. 客服部 III. There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in each brackets. (10 %) 1. He told a story that lacks(continuously)_____. 2. I've ______(reinforce) the elbows of that jacket with leather patches. 3. My father wanted me to become a (profession)________doctor, but he felt disappointed in the end. 4. Long before I went there, Africa was alive in my (imagine)______. 5. I couldn't understand her apparent _______(uneasy).


2012~2013年第二学期《饭店英语》期中考试试题 总分:100分时量:60分钟 班级_________ 姓名____________ 学号____ 计分______ 一、Using could and would ask questions in a similar way. (15’) 1.You don’t know the name of a guest. ( tell ) _________________________________________ 2.You don’t know the telephone number of a guest. ( tell) _________________________________________ 3.You don’t know the address of a guest. ( tell ) __________________________________________ 4.You don’t know how many nights a guest will stay. ( tell) __________________________________________ 5.You don’t know the spelling of a guest’s name. ( spell) __________________________________________ 二、Complete the following dialogues.(30’) 1、A: How do you like room? B: _________________________. 2、A: One way or round trip? B:__________________________ 3、A: Is there anything valuable ? B: __________________________ 4、A: How many people in your party ,please? B:___________________________ 5、A: May I have a look at your passport ? B: __________________________ 6、A: May I take your order now ? B: ___________________________ 7、A:____________________________? B: I reconmend beef. 8、A: Would you like anything to drinks? B: ______________________________ 9、A: How would you like us to cook your eggs ? B: ________________________________ 10、A: How would you like steak , rare, medium , well done? B: ___________________________________ 三、Match the English with the Chinese.(30’) ( ) Business Hours A 大堂副经理 ( ) No Smoking B 严禁拍照 ( ) Mind your step C 严禁大声喧哗 ( )Dinner plate D 接待处 ( ) Full House E 客满 ( ) Have a nice holiday F 假日愉快 ( ) Reception G 餐碟 ( ) No Loud Talking H 请走好 ( ) Photo prohibited I 禁止吸烟 ( ) MG J 营业时间 四、Complete the following dialogue.(25’) ( G =Guest C= Captain) C: Good morning, sir ______________________________ ? G: I’d like to hold a banquet in your restaurant. Would you please arrange it for me ? C: _________________________________________________ ? G: Twenty . C:_________________________________________________? G: At 8:30 p.m. on April 15th. C: ________________________________________________? G: 300 yuan for each. C: Here are the menus . Please ____________________. G: All right.


密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 试卷代号: 座位号 2011-2012学年度第一学期期末考试 《饭店英语》试题 一、选择题(每小题1分,共35分) 1. How much does the continental breakfast ( )? A .need B .use C .cost D .take 2. Thank you, sir.( )can we expect you? A .What time B .At what time C .When D .Who 3. ----- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ----- I'm afraid ( )day is possible. A .either B .neither C .some D .any 4. ( )does the restaurant of your hotel close? A .What time B .What times C .How long D .How often 5. ( )tea have we? A .how much B .how many C .how long D .how far 6. “Where is your college located, John?” “It is ( ).” A .on the Fifth Avenue B .on Fifth Avenue C .in Fifth Avenue D .at Fifth Avenue 7. All right , I ( )you in no time. A .fetch B .bring C .take D .get 8. Dr. Bethune began to work the ( )he arrived at the front. A .moment B .place C .way D .reason 9. Good evening, sir. I'm the Head Waiter and I'd like to apologize for our carelessness. May I ( )it ( )for you? A .clean out B .clean up C .clean skin D .clean cut 10. Green tea is not fermented while black tea is fully ( ). A .fermented B .fermenting C .ferment D .ferments 11. I think it should ( )open till midnight. A .stay B .hold C .save D .persist 12. I'll take the raw fish but my wife doesn't care for it. Could she have ( )else instead? A .anything B . everything C .something D .some 13. I'm afraid ( )water will change the color and flavor of food. A .boil B .boiled C .boils D .boiling 14. In some cases, guests often ( )separate checks. A .need B .use C .ask for D .want 15. In the evening, many guests like to eat ( )candlelight. A .with B .along C .in D .by 16. It was hard to decide which room was the ( ). A .large B .larges C .largest D .more larger 17. Please ( )your dialogs with guests. A .put through B .continue

《饭店服务英语》 B 级(客房)试卷(一)

《饭店服务英语》B 级(客房)试卷(一) 一、选择题:以下各题的选项中,只有一项是正确的,请将正确答案前的英文字母分别在信息卡相应栏目内涂黑。评分以信息卡为准。(每题1 分,共20 分) 1. Would you please tell us __________ ? A. what is your room number B. what your room number is C. your room number is what D. what your room number 2. The hotel is __________ to make the guests stay comfortable and pleasing. A. request B. required C. regarded D. remarking 3. There is __________ noise than before. A. less B. least C. fewer D. little 4 , He is said __________ de-spotting. A. to have wide experience in B. to look after C. to make way for D. to be used to 5. __________ to clean the room now. A. I’m possible B. It’s possible for me C. What is possible D. That is possible for me 6. The suite faces __________. A. South B. Southern C. at the South D , the southern


《酒店英语》课程试卷笔试 参考答案 一﹑Translate the following words and phrase into Chinese. (20 points, 1 point each.) 1.客房预定 2.单人间 3.入住登记服务 4.行李员 5.打字 6.收拾,整理 7.开夜床服务 8.洗衣房,洗衣店 9.投诉,抱怨 10.中餐厅 11.领班 12.生的,一成熟 13.青蟹 14.信用卡 15.餐巾

16.健身俱乐部 17.高尔夫练习场 18.跑步机 19.国庆节 20.美容 二、Choose the best answer. (10 points, 1 point each.) 1. B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6. A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 三、Reading Comprehension. (10 points, 2 points each.) 1. B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 四、Put the following English sentences into Chinese. (20 points, 4 points each.)1.我想确认您的预订。布朗夫妇订了从十月十日至十月十二日共三晚上的标准间,每晚95元。我是芭芭拉,我们期待您的光临。 2. 很抱歉听到这些。我们为给您的不便道歉。 3. 如果您有更多的衣服要洗,请把它放在浴室门后的洗衣袋内。每天早上洗衣工会来取洗衣袋。 4. 很抱歉饭店现在客满了,但是我们能在二十分钟内给您安排座位。您可以在大堂喝茶如果您喜欢,一旦有座位我们会叫您。 5.我们想品尝中国菜,但了解不多。你能否给我们一些建议? 五、Put the following Chinese sentences into English.(25 points, 5 points each.)


题目:How many people are there in your group, please? ( ) 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:I’d like to check out and settle the bills. 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:Do you have a reservation with us, sir? 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:— Where are the restaurants? —They are near the Coffee-shop-style Restaurant on the 2nd floor. 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:—How far is the Railway Station from here? —Not far. It’s about 15 minutes by subway, or five minutes by taxi. 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对

题目:The room really needs cleaning. 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:Good bye! Thank you for your coming. ( ) 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:I’d like to book a double rooms for Tuesday next week. ( )选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:How long will you be staying ? 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:We will be leaving Sunday morning. 选项A:对 选项B:错 答案:对 题目:We have a single room available for those dates. ( ) 选项A:对


旅游饭店英语等级测试(初级) 一、听力理解 1.听英语翻译单词(每题1分,共计10分,每道小题后有2秒钟作答时间) (1)hotel A。车站B。餐厅C。旅游 D.饭店(2)Single room A.单人房B。双人房C。双人对床房 D. 套房 (3)front office A。康乐中心 B.客房部 C.餐饮部D。前厅部 (4) Baggage A.背包 B.书包 C.钱包 D.行李 (5)internet A。互联网B。网吧C。网线D。网页(6)babysitter A。洗衣工B。计时保姆 C.客人 D.管家 (7)brandy A.伏特加B。威士忌 C.金酒 D.白兰地 (8)Airline A.航班 B.天气 C.排队 D.航线 (9)order A。点菜 B.命令C。帮助 D.需要(10)provide A.规定B。提供C。给予D。准备

2.听英语翻译句子(每题2分,共计20分,每道小题后有2秒钟作答时间)(1)Where is the washroom? A。前台在哪里? B.商店在哪里? C.可以为我叫出租车吗? D.洗手间在哪里? (2) What kind of room do you prefer? A.您有预定吗? B.您想要什么酒水? C.您想要什么房型?D。请告诉我您的房间号码? (3)May I see your passport? A。您能在这签名吗?B。我可以带您去您的房间吗? C。有什么需要帮忙的吗?D。可以看一下您的护照吗? (4)I' ll pick up you laundry right now? A。我们马上就派人去修。B。我马上就去您的房间。 C.很抱歉给您带来不便. D。我马上就去取您要洗的衣服。 (5)Are you ready to order? A。您准备好点餐了吗?B。早餐几分钟后就会送到您的房间去. C.您还要点什么? D.您还有其他命令吗? (6)We provide fax and internet service. A.我们提供寄信服务。 B.我们提供打印服务 C.我们提供传真和网络服务D。我们提供衣物快洗服务。 (7)I' m sorry to keep you waiting。 A。真的很抱歉 B.抱歉让您久等了。 C 我马上为您处理。.D。我保证以后不会出现这种情况. (8)We have several conference rooms for you to choose from.


开放教育英语专科《饭店英语》模拟试题 I. Choose the best answer. (60 points, 3point each) 1. After greeting a new guest, the receptionist’s first action should be to _____. A. check the guest’s reservation B. ask the guest the length of his stay. C. ask the guest to register D. call the bellman 2. I _____ two hotels but they are both fully booked up. A. have tried B. tried C. try D. will try 3. ---- Can I help you? ---- ______. A. Yes, please B. Please. C. Yes, you can D. Yes, as you like. 4. A half day’s rent is charged _____ a room not vacated after 12:00 noon. A. against B. for C. to D. in

5. At today’s exchange rate, every US dollar is equivalent _____ 8:30 yuan RMB. A. to B. as C. in D. for 6. Don’t call her at seven o’clock. She _____ dinner. A. will eat B. is eating C. will be eating D. has been eating 7. Mr. Bellow asked the information clerk _____ he could help him send a letter to New York. A. if B. that C. who D. where 8. The room attendant should _____ the cleanliness of all the rooms. A. work on B. see to C. see to it D. see that 9. A: I made the reservation yesterday. B: What did he say? C: He said that _____. A.I had made the reservation yesterday B.he had made the reservation the day before C.he made the reservation yesterday D.he made the reservation the day ago 10. He tried to catch the first bus, but _____. A. as early as possible B. in vain C. as well D. on request a doctor 11. Generally speaking, the _____ number of each guest room is the same as the room number. A. intension B. extension C. intender D. extended


2022厦门旅游饭店服务英语初级考试试卷及参考答案 1、I can’t hear you _______. Please speak a little louder. [单选题] * A. clearly(正确答案) B. lovely C. widely D. carelessly 2、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] * A. as soon as(正确答案) B unless . C as far as D until 3、9.—Will there be more cars in the future?—________. [单选题] * A.See you B.Well, I'm not sure(正确答案) C.You're welcome D.Thank you

4、As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. [单选题] * A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written C. arrived, wrote(正确答案) D. arrives, write 5、Jim will _______ New York at 12 o’clock. [单选题] * A. get on B. get out C. get off D. get to(正确答案) 6、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] * A. by the time B. in time(正确答案) C. once upon a time D. out of time 7、The flowers _______ sweet. [单选题] * A. taste

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