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voyage of going beyond the blue line雅思阅读

voyage of going beyond the blue line雅思阅读摘要:

1.雅思阅读:Voyage of Going Beyond the Blue Line






【雅思阅读:Voyage of Going Beyond the Blue Line】

“Voyage of Going Beyond the Blue Line”是一篇关于探索未知领域的雅思阅读文章。文章主要讨论了人们总是被自己的思维模式所限制,很难超越现有的认知去思考问题,而作者通过自己的一次航行经历,告诉我们只有打破思维定势,才能真正地发现新的世界。









高三一轮复习必修一unit2 English around the world课件 附知识点真题详解

人与自我之语言学习的规律、方法等 第一板块:自学检测 (一)主题阅读类词汇——多多益善 1.回顾单元词汇 第一组:阅读单词——知其意 (1)subway n.地下人行道;〈美〉地铁 (2)elevator n. 电梯;升降机 (3)petrol n. 〈英〉汽油 (4)conquer v t. 征服;占领 (5)apartment n. 〈美〉公寓住宅;单元住宅 (6)enrich v t. 使富裕;充实;改善 (7)identity n. 本身;本体;身份 (8)dialect n. 方言 (9)eastern adj. 东方的;东部的 (10)lightning n. 闪电 (11)usage n. 使用;用法;词语惯用法 (12)accent n. 口音;腔调;重音 (13)block n. 街区;块;木块;石块 第二组:重点单词——写其形 (1)official adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的 (2)voyage n. 航行;航海 (3)native adj. 本国的;本地的 n. 本地人;本国人 (4)base v t. 以……为根据 n. 基部;基地;基础 (5)spelling n. 拼写;拼法 (6)vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量;词表 (7)command n.& v t. 命令;指令;掌握 (8)request n.& v t. 请求;要求

(9)straight ad v. 直接;挺直 adj. 直的;笔直的;正直的 2.拓展主题词汇 第一组:学习内容 (1)phrase n.短语(2)idiom n.习语;成语 (3)pronunciation n.发音(4)grammar n.语法 (5)practice n.练习(6)standard n.& adj.标准(的) (7)knowledge n.知识;学问(8)speech n.演讲 第二组:学习过程 (1)accuracy n. 准确;精确 (2)fault n. 缺点;毛病 (3)perfect adj. 完美的 (4)abundant adj. 大量的;充裕的 (5)summarize v t. 概括;总结 第三组:学习结果 (1)master v t.精通;掌握(2)acquire v.获得;得到 (3)overcome v.克服;解决(4)pronounce v t.发音 (5)enlarge v t.扩大(6)accumulate v t.积累;积聚 (7)improve v.改善;提高(8)grasp v.掌握;领会 (二)主题表达类词汇——记牢用对 1.活学活用单元词汇 (1)actually ad v.实际上;事实上→actual adj.真实的;实际的 (2)gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的→gradually ad v.逐渐地;逐步地 (3)latter adj.较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的→latest adj.最新的;最近的→later adj.后期 的;后者的→lately ad v.近来;最近 (4)fluent adj.流利的;流畅的→fluently ad v.流利地;流畅地→fluency n.流利;流畅 (5)frequent adj.频繁的;常见的→frequently ad v.常常;频繁地→frequency n.频率 (6)expression n.词语;表示;表达;表情→express v t.表达 (7)recognize v t.辨认出;承认;公认→recognition n.认出 [语境活用] (1)Enough rest and proper diet have brought back her strength gradually,_and it's really a


雅思听力高频场景词汇 Personal Information Name: first name/ given name/ forename 名 last name/ family name/ surname 姓 full name 全名 Identity and Title: undergraduate 本科生doctor 博士生 graduate 毕业生professor 教授 postgraduate 研究生Mr./ Mrs./Miss/ Ms. Common Names: David/ George/ Jonathan/ Kelvin/ Michael/ Catherine/ Helen/ Jessica/ Wendy/ Adam/ Andrew/ Bob/ Brian/ Charles/ Edward/ Frank/ Henry/ James/ Richard / Steven/ Thomas/ William/ Amy/ Cathy/ Emily/ Jennifer/ Julia/ Nancy/ Sarah/ Sharon/ Susan/ Tracy…. Common Nationalities: --an: American, Canadian, Russian, Indian, German, Italian, Australian, Korean, Egyptian, Malaysian 1

--ese: Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese --ish: British, Spanish, English, Irish, Scottish, Polish, Danish Others: New Zealander, French, Greek… Street: Street 街道Park Avenue 派克大街 Hope Street 希望街Drive 街道;行车道 Riverside Street 河边街North Beverly Hills Drive Road 路Lane 街道;(车,水)道;小路Forest Road 森林路Spring Park Lane 春园路 Hill Road 小山路Square 广场 Avenue 街道;大道Boulevard 林荫大道 Common Cities: Sydney 悉尼Berlin 柏林 Athens 雅典York 约克(英国城市) Melbourne 墨尔本Bristol 布里斯托(英国港口城市)Alaska 阿拉斯加Adelaide 阿德莱德(澳洲城市)Washington 华盛顿 Date: 星期一:Mon.=Monday 2


19.频换工作问题 SOCIETY社会 核心词汇:change career during lifetime 文章结构:辩论型片面式话题 思路点拨: 高分范文 To most employees, a question is always lingering in their mind: Is it better to change their careers rather than to stay in the stable position all their lifetime? Some even argue that one cannot work for the same career through his lifetime, let alone the same company. Personally, I disagree with this opinion with sound reasons. Admittedly, changing one's job after a few years' working does help him find his new interests and to some extent, get a much higher wage sometimes.However, every time when an employee changes his career from one company to another, it is a huge waste of social and human resources obviously.


授课提纲 ____________学年度第_______学期任课教师____________ 章、节名称对应教材内容 Logbook章节页次 教学目标At the end of class, students will be able to grasp the contents of Logbooks and know how to keep a logbook. 教学重点和难点The contents of Logbooks The characteristics of logbooks. The practical words and expressions used in a logbook. 难点处理 方法 Discussion and detailed explanation,Pair work 教学内容摘要、时间分配、板书设计、教学手段 Logbook Step 1 preparation (10 minutes) Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons. Key words: Superintendent accurate entry execution dispute erasure Step 2 Extensive Reading(30 minutes) Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices. Step 3 Intensive Reading (25 minutes) The students are required to Read the passage in details, and answer some questions. Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes) The students are required to point out the key points in this period. Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes) 1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today 2) Learn by heart the key points of Logbook. 课后 追记


雅思阅读voyageofgoing解析 (原创版) 目录 1.雅思阅读的简介 2."Voyage of Going" 的概述 3.文章的结构和主旨 4.文章的亮点和难点 5.文章的解析和答案 正文 1.雅思阅读的简介 雅思阅读是雅思考试的四个部分之一,主要测试考生的阅读理解和英语语言运用能力。在雅思阅读中,考生需要阅读一篇或多篇文章,并回答相关问题。这些问题包括事实细节题、推理判断题、主旨大意题等。而"Voyage of Going" 就是一篇典型的雅思阅读文章。 2."Voyage of Going" 的概述 "Voyage of Going" 是一篇关于旅行的文章,主要讲述了一次旅行的经历和感受。文章通过描述旅行中的各种场景和事件,表达了旅行的意义和价值。同时,文章还涉及到了旅行的准备和计划,为考生提供了实用的旅行建议。 3.文章的结构和主旨 "Voyage of Going" 的结构清晰,主旨明确。文章首先介绍了旅行的背景和动机,然后讲述了旅行的行程和经历,最后总结了旅行的感受和收获。文章的主旨是探讨旅行的意义和价值,以及如何计划和进行一次成功的旅行。

4.文章的亮点和难点 文章的亮点在于其生动的描述和丰富的内容。作者通过详细的描绘和细腻的感受,让读者仿佛身临其境,感受到了旅行的乐趣和价值。同时,文章还提供了实用的旅行建议,对考生的实际生活具有指导意义。 然而,文章的难点在于其较长的篇幅和复杂的句子结构。这可能会对考生的阅读理解和答题速度造成挑战。因此,考生需要通过练习和提高阅读能力,来应对这种情况。 5.文章的解析和答案 对于 "Voyage of Going" 这样的雅思阅读文章,考生需要首先理解文章的主旨和结构,然后仔细阅读每个段落,找出答案所在的位置。在回答问题时,考生需要准确理解问题的要求,并根据文章的内容进行推理和判断。 例如,如果问题是 "What is the purpose of the author"s trip?", 那么考生就需要在文章中找到关于作者旅行目的的信息,然后进行归纳和总结。 总的来说,"Voyage of Going" 是一篇典型的雅思阅读文章,它既测试了考生的阅读理解能力,又提供了实用的旅行建议。


雅思阅读voyageofgoing解析 摘要: 1.雅思阅读考试简介 2.Voyage of Going文章概述 3.文章结构分析 4.雅思阅读技巧分享 5.提高阅读速度和理解能力 6.练习与答案解析 正文: 一、雅思阅读考试简介 雅思阅读考试是雅思考试的一部分,占总分的四分之一。它旨在测试考生的英语阅读能力,要求考生在规定的时间内阅读三篇文章,并回答相关问题。为了在雅思阅读考试中取得好成绩,考生需要具备一定的阅读速度和理解能力。 二、Voyage of Going文章概述 本文是一篇关于人类探险和探索的的文章,讲述了人类从陆地到海洋、空中和太空的探索历程。文章通过举例论证,介绍了不同历史时期的探险家和他们的重大发现。文章旨在表明,人类的探索精神是推动历史发展的重要动力。 三、文章结构分析 本文可分为四个部分: 1.引言:简要介绍人类探险的历史背景。

2.主体部分:分别讲述陆地、海洋、空中和太空的探险历程。 3.举例论证:阐述探险家们的重要发现和贡献。 4.结论:强调探索精神对历史发展的推动作用。 四、雅思阅读技巧分享 1.提高阅读速度:在雅思阅读考试中,提高阅读速度是非常重要的。考生可以通过多读英文文章、积累词汇和熟悉语法来提高阅读速度。 2.抓住文章主旨:在阅读文章时,要关注文章的主题和结构,这有助于更好地理解文章内容。 3.利用标题和段落大意:标题和段落大意可以帮助考生快速了解文章的主要内容和结构,从而提高答题效率。 4.练习与答案解析: 以下是一些练习题及答案解析: 1.问题:本文主要讲述了什么? 答案:本文主要讲述了人类探险的历史背景、探险家的重大发现以及探索精神对历史发展的推动作用。 2.问题:哪个时期的探险家对历史发展产生了最大影响? 答案:文章中没有明确提到哪个时期的探险家对历史发展产生了最大影响。但可以通过分析得知,每个时期的探险家都在不同程度上推动了历史的发展。 3.问题:下列哪个选项不是探险家的重大发现? A.哥伦布发现了新大陆 B.库克船长发现了澳大利亚


2022青岛市二轮高考英语:阅读理解选练(4)及答案 黑龙江省大庆市喇中2022高考英语阅读练习——新闻报道类 If you have a bad habit of losing things, a new device that can be connected to any item that you might lose may be the way to solve your problem. The Tile, a small square linked up to your iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth, lets you see how close you are to the missing item, within a 50-to 150-foot range . If the item goes out of your phone’s 150-foot range, it can still be detected (发觉) on other smartphones with the same app. When you log into the app on your phone, it shows you, with green bars that increase or decrease, how far away you are from the Tile. You can also program it to make a sound when you get close to the Tile. And you can link up your phone with up to ten Tiles. And if your lost item — a dog, for example, or a stolen bike — goes out of your own phone’s 150-foot Bluetooth range, you can set it as a “lost item”. If any of the phones with the Tile app comes within the range of your lost item, a message will be sent to your own phone, reminding you of its position. The Tile app also has the function to remember where it last saw your Tile, so that you can easily find where you left it. Since the Tiles use Bluetooth rather than GPS, they never run out of battery or need to be charged, and they last for one year before needing to be replaced. The app, which will come into the market this winter, works with iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPad Mini, iPad 3rd and 4th generation, and iPod 5th generation. 【小题1】The Tile app can help you . A.find your missing items B.use your phone more wisely C.save your phone’s battery power D.connect something to your phone 【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.The Tile needs to be charged after a year of use. B.One smartphone can only be linked up to one Tile. C.The Tile cannot work when linked up to a phone without Bluetooth. D.A missing item can’t be found if it goes out of the needed range. 【小题3】What does the second paragraph mainly tell us? A.What the Tile app is. B.How the Tile app works. C.The advantages of the Tile app. D.Why the Tile app was invented. 【小题4】Where does this passage probably come from? A.A science fiction novel. B.An advertisement. C.A personal diary. D.A news report. 【2021高考复习】阅读理解 Parents are creating an “I want it now” generation by indulging children’s every demand at Christmas,say experts.Youngsters are becoming increasingly selfish,claim the education analysts. Consumer-savvy children are forcing their families into racking up huge debts and risk becoming spoilt and dissatisfied in the future. Behavioural consultant Chris Calland said,“Parents are desperate to make Christ mas into a magical fairy tale for their kids.There’s nothing wrong with that as such.The problem arises when it means always giving into all our children’s demands—even if they are beyond our price range or not age­appropriate.” Ms Calland,who runs “Santa Says No” style sessions with colleague Nicky Hutchinson,added,“Many of us go into so much debt providing the gifts our children want that we spend the rest of the year paying off the bills.Yet so often the parcels we’ve carefully wrapped,once opened,are just pushed away because the very thing our little boy or girl was once so desperate for,they have now lost interest in.” Ms Calland and Ms Hutchinson have drawn up a list of guidelines to help parents manage their offspring’s Christmas lists this year.Th ey say that adults can actually improve their relationships with their children by resisting “pester (纠缠) power”. Ms Calland said,“All too often we say yes because we want an easier life when the fact is that we’re only building up problems for the future.We are helping create a generation of youngsters who are blind to the needs of others and the

2017-2018学年高二级上学期英语复习题(第4周)必修5 unit2 The United Kingdom

2017-2018学年高二年级上学期英语周末资料(第4周)姓名:______________ 成绩:_______________ unit2 The United Kingdom 一、重点词汇 1.consist vi. Learning and personality do not always consist together. 2.clarify vt. I am happy to clarify any points that are still unclear. A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation. 3.accomplish vt. The explorer accomplished the voyage in three weeks. [词汇拓展]:finish,accomplish,complete,conclude,end 4.convenience n. Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.Please give me a reply at your earliest convenience. 5.attract vt. Suddenly,a round of applause attracts their attention. [词汇拓展] attract sb to sth have no much attraction for sb be attractive to attraction n.[U] [C] attractive adj. 6.possibility n. [U] & [C] A hundred years ago few people believed in the possibility of flying. [词汇拓展] possible adj. There is a no possibility that... There is a possibility that we will win the competition. 7.quarrel n.& vt. Mary quarrelled with her brother over their father's will.


剑桥雅思真题5-阅读Test1(附答案) Reading Passage 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on QUESTIONS 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Johnson’s Dictionary For the century before Johnson’s Dictionary was published in 1775, there had been concern about the state of the English language. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of bringing some order to the chaos of English spelling. Dr Johnson provided the solution. There had, of course, been dictionaries in the past, the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages, compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, published in 1604 under the title A Table Alphabeticall ‘of hard usuall English wordes’. Like the various dictionaries that came after it during the seventeenth century, Cawdray’s tended to concentrate on ‘scholarly’ words; one function of the dictionary was to enable its student to convey an impression of fine learning. Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds to conquer —lexical as well as social and commercial. it is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class. Johnson was a poet and critic who raised common sense to the heights of genius. His approach to the problems that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was intensely practical. Up until his time, the task of producing a dictionary on such a large scale had seemed impossible without the establishment of an academy to make decisions about right and wrong usage. Johnson decided he did not need an academy to settle arguments about language; he would write a dictionary himself and he would do it single-handed. Johnson signed the contract for the Dictionary with the bookseller Robert Dosley at a breakfast held at the Golden Anchor Inn near Holbom Bar on 18 June 1764.He was to be paid £1.575 in instalments, and from this he took money to rent Gough Square, in which he set up his ‘dictionary workshop’. James Boswell, his biographer, described the garret where Johnson worked as ‘fitted up like a counting house’ with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up. Johnson himself was stationed on a rickety chair at an ‘old crazy deal table’ surrounded by a chaos of borrowed books. He was also helped by six assistants, two of whom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation. The work was immense; filling about eighty large notebooks (and without a library to hand), Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words, and illustrated their many meanings with some 114,000 quotations drawn from English writing on every subject, from the Elizabethans to his own time. He did not expect to achieve complete originality. Working to a deadline, he had to draw on the best of all previous dictionaries, and to make his work one of heroic synthesis. In fact, it was very much more. Unlike his predecessors, Johnson treated English very practically, as a living language, with many different shades of meaning. He adopted his definitions on the


2022-2023学年广西壮族自治区河池、来宾、百色、南宁市高三上学期12月期末联合调研考 试英语试题 1. The Perfect Anniversary Destinations If your anniversary is coming up and you’re looking to get away from the business of everyday life to celebrate in luxury, then check out this list of perfect anniversary destinations. Santorini One of the most wonderful islands in the Cyclades of Greece, Santorini really is special. Enjoy a celebration of your love with a trip to the village of Oia where you’ll find spectacular views, some of the best restaurants on the island, and of course, the famous sunsets over the ocean which light up the sky with unforgettable shades of pink and orange. Thailand Also known as The Land of Smiles, Thailand is a wonderful destination. The weather is tropical all year round so you can enjoy an anniversary trip at any time of year. If you’re looking to relax together on the beach, then there are miles of golden sands that meet the bright blue of te Indian and Pacific Oceans. Explore the ancient temples, busy market, and meet fascinating people together. Gran Canaria The third largest island in the Canary Islands, Gran Canaria has plenty of things to do as a couple to celebrate your anniversary. There are lots of bars and restaurants, gorgeous golden sandy beaches and sweeping sand dunes to fill your days. Don’t miss a visit to the crocodile park, the only animal rescue centre in the Canaries. Dubai Dubai, a metropolis in the United Arab of Emirates, is filled with lots of adventure. Futuristic landscapes combine with sandy beaches and large shopping malls featuring designer boutiques. Everything is larger than life here mirroring the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world! 1. Who may probably this passage be intended for? A.Those who enjoy the business of everyday life. B.Those who are rich and married. C.Those who want to go on vocation with a tight budget. D.Those who prefer staying at home. 2. Which of the following is true about Santorini? A.It is a perfect place to enjoy the sunset. B.The local market there is worth visiting. C.You can visit a crocodile park there. D.It’s home to the tallest building in the world. 3. What do Thailand, Gran Canaria and Dubai have in common?


陕西省西安市第十二中学2020年高三英语期末试卷含 解析 一、选择题 1. —Do you think I should accept his invitation, Jim? — If I were you, I certainly would. A. None of your business. B. It depends. C. Why not? D. I don't think so. 参考答案: C 2. Having an outdoor meal is always fun, but it can also be damaging to the planet if ______. A. planned not carefully B. not planning carefully C. not planned carefully D. not to be planned carefully 参考答案: C 3. ____ said to be one billion people learning English now and about 80% of the information on the Internet is in English. A. It’s B. There are C. People D. What 参考答案: B 4. ---The traffic is heavy now, so Mike come late. --- Let’s wait ten more minutes. A.can B.need C.may D.shall


Voyage of Going:beyond the blue line 2 A One feels a certain sympathy for Captain James Cook on the day in 1778 that he ”discovered” Hawaii。 Then on his third expedition to the Pacific, the British navigator had explored scores of islands across the breadth of the sea, from lush New Zealand to the lonely wastes of Easter Island. This latest voyage had taken him thousands of miles north from the Society Islands to an archipelago so remote that even the old Polynesians back on Tahiti knew nothing about it. Imagine Cook’s surprise, then,when the natives of Hawaii came paddling out in their canoes and greeted him in a familiar tongue, one he had heard on virtually every mote of inhabited land he had visited. Marveling at the ubiquity of this Pacific language and culture, he later wondered in his journal:”How shall we account for this Nation spreading it self so far over this Vast ocean?" B Answers have been slow in coming. But now a startling archaeological find on the island of Éfaté, in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu, has revealed an ancient seafaring people, the distant ancestors of today's Polynesians, taking their first steps into the unknown。The discoveries there have also opened a window S1254401 Checkboxes & Related Question Types True / False / NG List of Headings Summary Paragraph Matching Matching Multiple Choices Passage Backgrounds S1. 古代航海家(地理类) into the shadowy world of those early voyagers。 At the same time, other pieces of this human puzzle are turning up in unlikely places。 Climate data gleaned from slow—growing corals around the Pacific and from sediments in alpine lakes in South America may help explain how, more than a thousand years later, a second wave of seafarers beat their way across the entire Pacific。 C ”What we have is a first— or second—generation site containing the graves of some of the Pacific's first explorers," says Spriggs, professor of archaeology at the Australian National University and co—leader of an international team excavating the site。 It came to light only by luck. A backhoe operator, digging up topsoil on the grounds of a derelict coconut plantation, scraped open a grave — the first of dozens in a burial ground some 3,000 years old。 It is the oldest cemetery ever found in the Pacific islands, and it harbors the bones of an ancient people archaeologists call the Lapita, a label that derives from a beach in New Caledonia where a landmark cache of their pottery was found in the 1950s。 They were daring blue-water adventurers who roved the sea not just as explorers but also as pioneers, bringing along everything they would need to build new lives —their families and livestock, taro seedlings and stone tools。D Within the span of a few centuries the Lapita stretched the boundaries of their world from the jungle—clad volcanoes of Papua New Guinea to the loneliest coral outliers of Tonga, at least 2,000 miles eastward in the Pacific。 Along the way they explored millions of square miles of unknown sea, discovering and colonizing scores of tropical islands never before seen by human eyes: Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Samoa。 E What little is known or surmised about them has been pieced together from fragments of pottery, animal bones, obsidian flakes, and such oblique sources as comparative linguistics and geochemistry. Although their voyages can be traced back to the northern

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