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1.雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读概述




一、雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读概述

雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读是一篇知识性阅读材料,旨在帮助考生提高




1.引言部分:引言部分主要介绍了雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读的主题和





雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读对于考生来说具有很高的价值,它可以帮助考生提高阅读理解和语言运用能力,让他们更好地应对雅思考试。此外,这篇文章还可以帮助考生扩大阅读范围,提高阅读效率,培养阅读兴趣。


总之,雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读是一篇很有价值的文章,它不仅可以帮助考生提高阅读理解和语言运用能力,还可以为他们提供很多实际的启示和建议。


雅思剑桥15text2阅读 (实用版) 目录 1.雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读概述 2.文章的主要内容和结构 3.文章的价值和启示 正文 一、雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读概述 雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读是一篇知识性阅读材料,旨在帮助考生提高 阅读理解和英语语言运用能力。这篇文章涵盖了广泛的话题,包括社会科学、自然科学、人文科学等,以提高考生的阅读广度。通过阅读这篇文章,考生可以熟悉不同类型的文章结构和写作风格,从而更好地应对雅思考试。 二、文章的主要内容和结构 文章主要分为三个部分:引言、正文和结论。 1.引言部分:引言部分主要介绍了雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读的主题和 目的,以及文章的结构和内容。这一部分的目的是吸引考生的兴趣,并帮助他们了解文章的主要内容。 2.正文部分:正文部分是文章的核心内容,它包括了详细的阅读材料和相关的题目。这一部分旨在帮助考生提高阅读理解和语言运用能力,让他们学会如何从文章中获取信息和解决问题。 3.结论部分:结论部分主要总结了文章的主要观点和论点,并给出了一些建议和启示。这一部分的目的是帮助考生更好地理解文章的内容,并从中获得一些实际的收获。 三、文章的价值和启示

雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读对于考生来说具有很高的价值,它可以帮助考生提高阅读理解和语言运用能力,让他们更好地应对雅思考试。此外,这篇文章还可以帮助考生扩大阅读范围,提高阅读效率,培养阅读兴趣。 通过阅读这篇文章,考生可以学到很多关于阅读理解和语言运用的知识和技巧,例如如何快速找到文章的主旨,如何理解复杂的句子结构,如何准确把握文章的观点和论点等。这些知识和技巧对于考生在雅思考试中取得好成绩具有很大的帮助。 总之,雅思剑桥 15text2 阅读是一篇很有价值的文章,它不仅可以帮助考生提高阅读理解和语言运用能力,还可以为他们提供很多实际的启示和建议。

剑桥雅思真题15-写作(Test 2 附高分范文)

剑桥雅思真题14—写作(Test 3 附高分范文) Writing Task 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write at least 150 words. 参考范文1: The line graph shows the numbers of vistors who traveled a Caribbean island from 2010 to 2017. Three curves are plotted: those who stayed on the island, those who stayed on cruise ships, and total of all visitors. Overall, the total number of tourists steadily increased. Visitors staying on the island had always been more than those staying on cruise ships until 2016, when visitors staying on cruise ships outnumbered those staying on the island. In 2010, the total quantity of visitors was 1 million, with about 0.75 million staying on the island and 0.25 million staying on cruise ships. After a short fluctuation, the number of visitors staying on cruise ships started to increase continuously at 2012, ending up at 2 million by 2017. The quantity of visitors staying on the island kept stable for the first year, then went up sharply to 1.5 million at 2013 and remained stable for the next 2 years. After a drop of 0.25 million from 2015 to 2016, it rose again and restored to 1.5 million by 2017.


剑15写作之大小作文及范文解析 为了让大家更好的备考雅思作文,今天给大家带来剑15写作之大小作文及范文解析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 剑15写作| 大小作文及范文解析 Test 1 属于静态柱状图; Test 2 属于动态线形图; Test 3 为流程图; Test 4 则是饼图与表格的混合图。 4道题中包括了学术类小作文考试中主要的动静态数据类图表,以及较为特殊的混合图及流程图。 基于这样的出题分布,再结合近3年的考试趋势,老师给到大家的小作文备考建议是:稳中求胜。 以往,总有一些学生因为没有分配足够多的时间在写作学科,所以到了考前抱有侥幸心理,主攻考试频率较高的数据图,而忽略了地图题、流程图的准备。 而这种做法,在后续1年的考试中,是非常危险的做法。

这一点,我们可以从官方给出的几大讯号得到。 讯号一:近年剑桥雅思真题题型分布均匀 小作文中,同学们一般容易忽视的图可分为地图题,流程图以及混合图类型。 这里我们先以地图和流程图为例。 如果关注了剑11之后的剑雅真题的同学不难发现,这两类题型除了剑11以外,在后续每一年的真题集上都有一席之地:C12T2,C12T4,C13T1,C13T4,C14T3,C14T4,C15T3。 再来看到混合图。 混合图在C11T4,C14T2以及C15T4也都有出现。 讯号二:特殊题型在真题中出现频率维持较高 由2019年大陆地区的真题回忆情况来看,地图和流程图各出现2次,而混合图出现1次,共计5次,在全年50次考试中占到了10%的比重。 换言之,每两个月的考试中,就有一次是这些题型。 同样,在考试频频取消的2020年,早在年初1月18日的考试中,就已出现了地图题的身影。 讯号三:反预测的考试形式出现


雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑5Test2雅思阅读Pessage1译文:酚醛塑料—现代塑料的诞生,相应的解析请点击:剑桥雅思5Test2Passage 1阅读题目+答案解析 TEST 2 PASSAGE 1参考译文: BAKELITE The birth of modern plastics 酚醛塑料——现代塑料的诞生 In 1907, Leo Hendrick Baekeland, a Belgian scientist working in New York, discovered and patented a revolutionary new synthetic material. His invention, which he named ‘Bakelite,’ was of enormous technological importance, and effectively launched the modern plastics industry. 1907年,比利时科学家Leo Hendrick Baekeland在纽约工作时发现了一种全新的合成材料,并申请了专利。他将自己的发明称作“酚醛塑料”,他的这一发明在技术上起到了极其重要的作用,并有效地催生了现代塑料业。 The term ‘plastic’ comes from the Greek plassein, meaning ‘to mould’. Some plastics are derived from natural sources, some are semi-synthetic (the result of chemical action on a natural substance), and some are entirely synthetic, that is, chemically engineered from the constituents of coal or oil. Some are ‘thermoplastic’, which means that, like candlewax, they melt when heated and can then be reshaped. Others are ‘thermosetting’: like eggs, they cannot revert to their original viscous state, and their shape is thus fixed for ever. Bakelite had the distinction of being the first totally synthetic thermosetting plastic. “塑料(plastic) ”这一术语原于希腊词plassein,意思就是“塑造”。某些塑料源自天然材料,某些塑料是半人工合成塑料,即由天然材料发生化学反应形成的。还有的塑料是完全由人工合成的,也就是通过煤或布油的成分发生化学反应形成的。有些塑料是热塑性塑料,即像赠烛一样,受热后形状可以重塑。有些塑枳隄热固性塑料,就像鸡蛋一样,受热后无法再回到原来的黏滞状态,是永久定型的。酚醛塑料是第一种完全由人工合成的热固性塑料。 The history of today’s plastics begins with the discovery of a series of semi-synthetic thermoplastic materials in the mid-nineteenth century. The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of factors — immense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes for dwindling supplies of ‘luxury’ materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory. 当代塑料的历史源于19世纪中期对一系列半人工合成的热塑材料的发现。早期研制这些塑料材料有多个动因:化学领域的巨大的技术进步,文化观念的巨大转变,以及等找合适的材料代替供应量日益减少的奢侈原料(如玳瑁壳和象牙)的实际需要。 Baekeland’s interest in plastics began in 1885 when, as a young chemistry student in Belgium, he embarked on research into phenolic resins, the group of sticky substances produced when phenol (carbolic acid) combines with an aldehyde (a volatile fluid similar


第二本T1P1 Museum Blockbuster 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 Customers 6 public relation skills 7 (the new) museology 8 tourist attractions 9-10 A D 11-13 B C E 第二本T1P2 Development of Public Management Theory 14-15 B E 16-17 AD 18-19 A B 20-21A C 22 A 23 B 24 D 25 C 26 B 第二本T1P3 Video Games' Unexpected Benefits to Human Brain 28.C 29.D 30.B 31.D 32. NOT GIVEN 33.TRUE 34.NOT GIVEN 35.FALSE 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.E 40.A

第二本T2P1 Scent of Success 注意:忽略1-6题的NB. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. F 5. G 6. E 7. B 8. D 9. A 10.E 11.D 12.C 13.B 第二本T2P2 The Lawsuit Between the Carlills and Carbolic Smoke Ball Company 14 nozzle 15 gauze 16 rubber 17 powder 18 NO TGIVEN 19 YES 20 NO 21 NOT GIVEN 22 C 23 B 24 D 25 A 26 C 第二本T2P3 Communication Styles and Conflict 27 iii 28 vii 29 i 30 iv 31 ix 32 viii 33 v


剑雅15阅读参考答案 剑雅15阅读参考答案 剑雅(雅思考试)是一项全球性的英语语言能力测试,被广泛用于评估非英语国家的学生和移民的英语水平。剑雅阅读部分是考生们最为头疼的一部分,因为它要求考生在有限的时间内阅读并理解一篇较长的文章,并回答相关问题。下面是对剑雅15阅读部分的参考答案,希望对考生们有所帮助。 第一篇文章题目:The Impact of Social Media on Society 问题1:What is the main topic of the passage? 答案:The impact of social media on society. 问题2:What are the negative effects of social media? 答案:The negative effects of social media include addiction, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns. 问题3:What are the positive effects of social media? 答案:The positive effects of social media include increased connectivity, access to information, and opportunities for self-expression. 问题4:According to the passage, what can be done to mitigate the negative effects of social media? 答案:To mitigate the negative effects of social media, individuals can limit their screen time, practice digital literacy, and seek support if they experience cyberbullying. 第二篇文章题目:The Importance of Environmental Conservation 问题1:What is the main topic of the passage?


剑桥雅思15参考答案 剑桥雅思15参考答案 剑桥雅思15是备受考生关注的一本备考资料,它收录了真实的雅思考试题目和答案。对于准备参加雅思考试的考生来说,这本书是一个宝贵的学习资源。本文将就剑桥雅思15的参考答案进行一些讨论和分析。 首先,剑桥雅思15的参考答案是由专业的考试机构剑桥大学出版社提供的。这意味着这些答案是经过严格的审查和验证的,具有很高的可信度。考生可以根据这些参考答案来评估自己的答题水平,找出自己的不足之处,并进行针对性的复习和训练。 其次,剑桥雅思15的参考答案覆盖了各个考试模块,包括听力、阅读、写作和口语。这为考生提供了一个全面的备考资料,帮助他们全面提高自己的语言能力。考生可以通过仔细研究这些参考答案,了解每个模块的题型和要求,掌握解题技巧和策略。 在听力部分,剑桥雅思15的参考答案给出了每道题目的正确答案和解析。考生可以通过对照答案,了解自己在听力理解方面的问题所在,找出自己的弱点,并进行有针对性的训练。同时,参考答案还提供了一些解题技巧和注意事项,帮助考生提高听力能力。 在阅读部分,剑桥雅思15的参考答案给出了每篇文章的详细解析和答案解释。考生可以通过仔细研究这些参考答案,了解文章的结构和主旨,找出关键信息和细节,提高自己的阅读理解能力。同时,参考答案还提供了一些阅读技巧和解题方法,帮助考生更好地应对考试。 在写作部分,剑桥雅思15的参考答案给出了每个写作任务的范文和评分标准。

考生可以通过对照范文,了解写作任务的要求和结构,学习优秀范文的写作技巧和表达方式。同时,参考答案还提供了一些写作技巧和注意事项,帮助考生提高写作能力,提升作文的质量。 在口语部分,剑桥雅思15的参考答案给出了每个口语任务的范例回答和评分标准。考生可以通过对照范例回答,了解口语任务的要求和结构,学习优秀范例回答的表达方式和语言运用。同时,参考答案还提供了一些口语技巧和练习方法,帮助考生提高口语能力,流利地表达自己的想法和观点。 综上所述,剑桥雅思15的参考答案是考生备考的重要参考资料。考生可以通过仔细研究这些参考答案,了解考试的要求和评分标准,提高自己的语言能力和应试技巧。然而,参考答案只是一个参考,考生还需要根据自己的实际情况进行针对性的复习和训练。只有通过不断的努力和实践,才能在雅思考试中取得好成绩。


Section 1 Speaker:Good morning, everyone. I’m here today to talk to you about the history of the English language. The English language is a West Germanic language that evolved from the languages spoken by the Anglo-Saxon tribes who invaded Britain in the 5th century AD. These languages were closely related to the languages spoken in what is now Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark. Over time, the Anglo-Saxon languages merged to form Old English, which was spoken in England from the 5th to the 12th centuries. Old English was a very different language from Modern English. It had a different grammar, a different vocabulary, and a different pronunciation. For example, the word “day” was pronounced “day-yee” in Old English, and the word “night” was pronounced “nee-yght.” In the 11th century, England was invaded by the Normans, who spoke French. The Norman Conquest had a profound impact on the English language. French words were borrowed into English, and the grammar and pronunciation of English began to change. This process of change continued for several centuries, and by the 15th century, the English language had become much more similar to the language that we speak today. The English language has continued to change and evolve over the centuries. Today, it is spoken by over 1.5 billion people around the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries. Questions: 1.What languages did the Anglo-Saxon tribes speak? 2.What was the name of the language spoken in England from the 5th to the 12th centuries? 3.How did the Norman Conquest affect the English language? 4.How many people speak English today? 5.What is the official language of the United Kingdom? Section 2 Speaker:Hi, everyone. I’m here to talk to you about the different types of renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural sources, such as the sun, the wind, and the water. Renewable energy is important because it is clean, sustainable, and doesn’t produce greenhouse gases. There are many different types of renewable energy, but the most common are solar energy, wind energy, and hydropower.


《剑桥雅思1—7》阅读超高频词汇系列state n. 情形, 国家, 政府, 州 vt.声明, 陈述, 规定statement n.声明, 陈述 special adj.特别的, 专门的especially adv.尤其,特别specialist n. 专家specialization n.特殊化, 专门化specialise v.专业化,专门研究species n.种类 specialised adj. 专门的/专科的speciality n.特性, 特质, 专业specify vt.指定, 详细说明 specific adj.详细而精确的specifically adv.特定的, 明确的 differ vi.不同 difference n.差异, 差别 different adj.不同的differentiate v.区别, 区分appropriate adj.适当的inappropriate adj.不适当的 staff n. 全体职员 contradict vt.同...矛盾contradiction n.反驳, 矛盾contrary adj.相反的, 逆的contrast vt.使与...对比 n.对比, 对照 claim n.(根据权利提出)要求, 主张 vt.(根据权利)要求, 主张reclamation n.收回,开垦claimant n.(根据权利)提出要求者reclaim vt.要求归还,开垦 similar adj.相似的, 类似的similarly adv.同样地, 类似于similarity n.类似, 类似处assimilation n.同化



剑桥雅思5test2reading2的阅读全文解析 摘要:烤鸭在看剑桥雅思5时,如果看到不懂的内容,不要着急,今天小马小编带来剑桥雅思5test2reading2的阅读全文解析,希望能解答您心中的疑问。赶快看看下面的精彩内容吧。 大家都知道,剑桥雅思是很好的备考雅思书籍资料,既然这套资料那么好,我们应该好好利用,今天小马 小编为大家带来的是剑桥雅思5test2reading2的阅读全文解析,希望能帮助大家更好的备考雅思考试。 What's so funny? John McCrone reviews recent research on humour You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27, which are based on Reading Passage 2 1.The joke comes over the headphones: 'Which side of a dog has the most hair? The left ‘No, not funny. Try again’. Which side of a dog has the most hair? The outside.' Hah! The punchline is silly yet fitting, tempting a smile, even a laugh. Laughter has always struck people as deeply mysterious, perhaps pointless. The writer Arthur Koestler dubbed it the luxury reflex: 'unique in that it serves no apparent biological purpose'. 2.Theories about humour have an ancient pedigree. Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others. Kant and Freud felt that joke-telling relies on building up a psychic tension which is safely punctured by the ludicrousness of the punchline. But most modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle's belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning. 3.Graeme Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humour but language understanding and reasoning in machines. He says that while there is no single format for jokes, many revolve around a sudden and surprising conceptual shift. A comedian will present a situation followed by an unexpected interpretation that is also apt. 4.So even if a punchline sounds silly, the listener can see there is a clever semantic fit and that sudden mental 'Aha!' is the buzz that makes us laugh. Viewed from this angle, humour is just a form of creative insight, a sudden leap to a new perspective. 5.However, there is another type of laughter, the laughter of social appeasement and it is important to understand this too. Play is a crucial part of development in most young mammals. Rats produce ultrasonic squeaks to prevent their scuffles turning nasty. Chimpanzees have a 'play-face' - a gaping expression accompanied by a panting 'ah, ah' noise. In


====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删==== My name’s Dan Pearman and I’d like to talk about the work of Pedal Power, a small charity based mainly in the UK. I’ll be giving our contact details at the end, if anyone would like to find out more about how to support us. But first, how the charity began. I got the idea of exporting bicycles to developing countries while I was in Ecuador. I went there in 1993 just after graduating from university. After three years of studying, I wanted adventure. I loved travelling, so I decided to join a voluntary organization and was sent to Ecuador to carry out land surveys. The project came into an end after five years and when I returned to the UK in 1998, I started planning Pedal Power. Where I lived in Ecuador was a very rural area. My neighbour had the only bicycle in the village, whereas everyone else walked everywhere. My neighbour’s business was unusually successful, and for years I couldn’t understand why. Then I realized having a bike meant he could get where he wanted to go without much trouble. Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilometre radius, so no matter how skilled they were, they could never do as many jobs as my neighbour. At Pedal Power, we collect second-hand bikes in the UK and send them to some of the poorest regions in the world. When we distribute bikes overseas we don’t give them away for free. We’d like to, but long term that doesn’t really help the local economy. The demand for bikes is enormous, which makes them very expensive locally. So we sell them for 5% of the normal prize. But in order to continue operating we need to have a constant supply of bikes which we send out every six months. One example of a town tha t’s received bicycles from Pedal Power is Rivas. It was the first place I sent a full container of bicycles to. Most people there now own a bicycle. The local economy has developed so much, you wouldn’t recognize it as the same place. In fact, there are more bikes than on the street of Amsterdam, if you’ve ever been there. But Pedal Power still needs your help. You may have read about some of our recent problems in the British media. In August 2000, we simply run out of money. We had containers of bikes ready to send, but no money to pay the bills. It was a terrible situation. We managed to ensure the bikes went out on time, but the other problems carried on for several months. Fortunately in October 2001 we won an Enterprise Award which helped us enormously. We invested fifteen of the seventy-five-thousand-pound prize money to help secure our future. Winning the award helped raise our profile, and the money enabled us to pay all our shipping costs, which represent out greatest expense. Pedal Power changes lives—when someone gets a bicycle from us, they see a 14% increase in their income. We’re currently looking to invest in computers so that our office staff can do an even better job. Because of our work, people in a number of countries now have a better standard of living—so far we’ve provided 46,000 people with bikes. But we’d like to send more, at least 50,000 by the end of the year. 源-于-网-络-收-集


剑桥雅思阅读解析t e s t IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

T e s t 3 Question 1 答案:A 关键词:box/beginning 定位原文:标题下方方框中 解题思路:题目是问文章开头的方框当中的引言是什么意思。A答案:exemplify例证;举……例子;B答案是解释国际流浪儿童组织建立的原因;C答案:outline描述,描画轮廓;D答案中highlight是指突出、强调。很明显引言是在举例子,故正确答案选A。 Question 2 答案:D 关键词:purpose/ 定位原文:Introduction部分第2段首句“Over the past nine years, …lives of street children.” 解题思路:“to support the economic lives of street children...等同于D答案,而其他三个选项基本未提到。 Question 3 答案:C 关键词:reason/end up 定位原文:Background部分的第一段首句“Typically, children do not end up on … and violence.” 解题思路:…the demand for income at home...等同于poverty,而D答案crime并不是儿童流浪的原因,而是其可能产生的后果。 Question 4 答案:C 关键词:independent 定位原文:Background部分的第2段最后1句“Many children may choose entrepreneurship because it allows them a degree of independence,” 解题思路:A,B,D三个答案都比较极端,只有C符合本文的主题。children独立的方式是“choose entrepreneurship”与C选项中的“set up their own businesses”是同义替换,故C 正确。 Question 5 答案:Sudan/India 关键词:country/courier service 定位原文:Street Business Partnerships部分第1点“” 解题思路:提供courier service的两个国家分别是Sudan和India。 Question 6 答案:bicycles 关键词:courier service 定位原文:Street Business Partnership部分第1点 解题思路:题干中的provision是文中provide的变形,所以这里的正确答案是bicycles。 Question 7 答案:Shoe Shine Collective 关键词:Dominican Republic 定位原文:Street Business Partnership部分第2点“”

剑桥雅思真题14-阅读Test 2(附答案)

剑桥雅思真题14-阅读Test 2(附答案) READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Alexander Henderson (1831-1913) Born in Scotland, Henderson emigrated to Canada in 1855, and became a well-known landscape photographer Alexander Henderson was born in Scotland in 1831 and was the son of a successful merchant. His grandfather, also called Alexander, had founded the family business, and later became the first chairman of the National Bank of Scotland. The family had extensive landholdings in Scotland. Besides its residence in Edinburgh, it owned Press Estate, 650 acres of farmland about 35 miles southeast of the city. The family often stayed at Press Castle, the large mansion on the northern edge of the property, and Alexander spent much of his childhood in the area, playing on the beach near Eyemouth or fishing in the streams nearby. Even after he went to school at Murcheston Academy on the outskirts of Edinburgh, Henderson returned to Press at weekends. In 1849 he began a three-year apprenticeship to become an accountant. Although he never liked the prospect of a business career, he stayed with it to please his family. In October 1855, however, he emigrated to Canada with his wife Agnes Elder Robertson and they settled in Montreal. Henderson learned photography in Montreal around the year 1857 and quickly took it up as a serious amateur. He became a personal friend and colleague of the Scottish-Canadian photographer William Notman. The two men made a photographic excursion to Niagara Falls in 1860 and they cooperated on experiments with magnesium flares as a source of artificial light in 1865. They belonged to the same societies and were among the founding members of the Art Association of Montreal. Henderson acted as chairman of the association's first meeting, which was held in Notman's studio on 11 January 1860. In spite of their friendship, their styles of photography were quite different. While Notman's landscapes were noted for their bold realism, Henderson for the first 20 years of his career produced romantic images, showing the strong influence of the British landscape tradition. His artistic and technical progress was rapid and in 1865 he published his first major collection of landscape photographs. The publication had limited circulation (only seven copies have ever been found), and was called Canadian Views and Studies. The contents of each copy vary significantly and have proved a useful source for evaluating Henderson's early work. 1 This text is taken, for the most part, verbatim from the Dictionary of Canadian Biography's biography, Volume XIV (1911-1920). For design purposes, quotation marks have been omitted. Source: http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/henderson_alexander_1831_1913_14E.html. Reproduced with permission. In 1866, he gave up his business to open a photographic studio, advertising himself as a portrait and landscape photographer. From about 1870 he dropped portraiture to specialize in landscape photography and other views. His numerous photographs of city life revealed in street scenes, houses, and markets are alive with human activity, and although his favourite subject was landscape he usually composed his scenes around such human pursuits as farming the land, cutting ice on a river, or sailing down a woodland stream. There was sufficient demand for these

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