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Module 10 Unit 2 学案

Module 10 Unit 2 学案
Module 10 Unit 2 学案

2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日Module 10 Unit 2 People on the move

Period 1—2 Word study(导学案)

Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Let students read the new words correctly and fluently.

2. Get students to master some important words.

Important points(学习重点): To master the usages of some important words.

Learning procedures(学习过程):

Step 1.Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible

1.Read and recite new words and phrases in unit1. (方法引导:按音标正确读、背单词和短语)

2.Word formation

1. mobile (adj.)→(n.)

2. edition (n.)→(v.) →(n.) 编辑

3. age (n.& vi.) →(adj.)

4. season (n.)→(adj.)

5. change (n.& v.)→(adj.)

6. retirement (n.)→(vi.) →(adj.) 已退职的,已退休的→(n.)退休者

7. breakfast + lunch→(n.) 早午餐

8. host (v.)→(n.) 主人→(n.)女主人

9. physics (n.)→(adj.) →(adv.)

→(n.) 物理学家


10. biology (n.)→(n.) 生物学家→(adj.)

11. analyse/ analyze(v.)→(n.) →(adj.)

12. adjust(vt.)→(n.) →(adj.) 可调整的

13. botany (n.)→(adj.)

14. suspect(n.)→(v.) →(adj.) 不可信的

15. terror (n.)→(n.)恐怖分子→(adj.)恐怖主义的

→(v.) 恫吓,威胁

16. astronomy (n.) →(adj.) 天文的→(n.) 天文学家

1.bio- (构成名词、形容词或副词) 生物的;人生的


2. astro- 星的;天体的;宇宙空间的→天体物理学






→returnee _________ employee _________ interviewee_________ retiree _____




⑷表集体(the group of)→membership


2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日Are you satisfied with what you’ve done?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c210651030.html,nguage Focus.(查字典探究下列单词和词组的用法)

1. head

2. exchange

3. submit

4. suspect

5. account

6. take to

7. wander

1. 1. head (n.&v.)

head for ; be headed/heading for


⑴She has been appointed to head the research team.

⑵He headed the class in the examination again.

⑶Come on. Let’s head the newspaper article with a title.

⑷Since he was the head of the family, his wish was a command.

⑸He arranged his speech under four heads.

2.exchange (vt.&n.)


⑴Let’s have an exchange of views on the matter.

⑵Cultural exchanges between the two countries are on the increase.

⑶Would you like my golden watch in exchange for your camera?

⑷Where can I exchange dollars for RMB?

⑸I don’t want to sit here. May I exchange seats with you?

⑹We exchange ideas with our colleagues almost every day.

Cf. exchange / change / replace




①We hardly a word during breakfast this morning.

②I will the dish I broke this morning.

③In autumn the leaves from green to yellow.

3. submit


⑴He submitted the report on the matter to the committee. _________

⑵I submit that the requirement is not fit for you. _____

⑶To such threats as these we have no intention of submitting.____

⑷We will submit ourselves to the court’s judgment. _______________=resign oneself to

⑸Keep on resisting —you will gain nothing by submission.

4. suspect


⑴What made you suspect her of having taken the money?

⑵I suspected that he was the pickpocket.=I suspected him to be the pickpocket._______________

⑶Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect.

5. account (n.)→on account of →on any account →on no account

account (v.)→(在数量或者比例上)占,占据


⑴The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.


2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日

⑵He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I can’t account for his actions at all.

⑶The fighter screen accounted for three of the enemy aircraft.

⑷You can open an account at/with any bank in China.

⑸I will give you a brief account of my job.

⑹His girlfriend is angry only on that simple account.

⑺We would like you to stay at home, taking your health into account.

⑻We are late on account of the bad traffic.

6. take to

猜测下列各句take to的含义

⑴David took to Jane the first time he met her at Lucy’s birthday party.

⑵During the flood the people took to the hills.

⑶Mary takes to tennis like a duck takes to water.

⑷He has taken to drinking recently . __________________


take care___________; take down____________; take it easy________________;

take over___________; take up__________; take apart_____________;

take in_________________; take off_____________; take one’s time____________

7. wander


He was wandering in the street when a car knocked him down.__________________

I’m afraid my father’s mind is wandering; he is 94,you know. ____________________

wander about__________________

8.take advantage of = make use of

make the best of = make the most of =make full/good /great use of



Finish the exerciseA1 and A2 in workbook on page 106.



1. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given travelling a__________.

2. It is a reality that human caused climate to be c____________.

3. S___________ fruits and vegetables are always easily got in this small island.

4. They have made a most satisfactory a__________ to their environment.

5. He didn’t know how to borrow money from his parents again. At last he said that in a r___________ way.

6. The reform and opening policy offers more opportunities for social ____________(流动)

7. The project needs to raise more than 8 million yuan in __________(赞助)

8. I am majored in botany. I hope I can devote my life to working in the local __________(植物的) garden.

9. In China, we have _____________(优惠的)policies for returnees.

10. In a court of law, both sides get a fair ___________(申辩的机会).


1. 老化的设备____________________


3. 你到哪里去?曼彻斯特。

----Where are you _________ ________?----Manchester.


2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日4. 你如何解释一连输了五场?

How do you _________ _______losing five games in a row?

5. 北海石油占我国出口收入的很大一部分。

North Sea oil _________________ a high proportion of our export earnings.


220 students have been admitted into universities this year, 60 percent of all the Ss in Senior 3.


The tradition was passed down ________ ________ ________ ___________.

8. 为了学好英语必须充分利用时间。

Great use should be _______ ________time to learn English well.

Time should be _______ ________ ________ _______to learn English well.


What they ______ ______ _________is that …….


We tried ______ ______ to make him change his mind.= We tried to make him change his mind, but ______ _______.

11. 汽车是大批量生产的。Cars are produced _______ ______ ________.

12. 一个衣衫褴褛的老人______________________________


I _____ ______ be very sleepy in the morning, but then I _____ _____going to bed earlier. Now I feel energetic every day.


1. I will never submit ________ being parted from you.

A. to

B. /

C. of

D. into

2. All boys who were in the room when the when the watch was stolen must submit to ________.

A. searched

B. being searched

C. searching

D. be searched

3. Her lawyer say she should be _____ both for her injuries and for the suffering she had bleed caused.

A. paid

B. compensated

C. suspected

D. submitted

4. I’m sure Mary will soon get used to the new job. As her intelligence more than ______ for her lack of experience.

A. makes

B. accounts

C. compensates

D. pushes

5. I’d ______ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and ten make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

A. take into account

B. account for

C. make up for

D. make out

6. I’d like to make it up with Richard after the quarrel, but he doesn’t ______it that way.

A. look at

B. look after

C. look for

D. look into

7. His father gave him an ________ of 1000 pounds a year to help him finish his college education.

A. permission

B. permit

C. allowance

D. admission




2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日

Period 3 Reading I (导学案)

Learning aims(学习目标):

1.To gain some information about what two different age groups are on the move and why they are moving

2. To reinforce the skills of reading comprehension and be able to master some key sentence structures. Important points(学习重点):understand the main idea of the passage.

Learning procedures(学习过程):

Step 1: lead in

1.Discuss the reasons for moving to a new place.

Why are some people on the move?( You can refer to “ welcome to the unit”)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ With the d___________ of the global and local economy, population mobility has become a new t_____ in the world.

2.Discuss the title and two subtitles in the article.

From the title of the article, what do you think the article is about?

According to the subtitles, what do you think they are about?

Aging in the sun

Bright lights, big city

Step 2 :Fast reading

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A.

1.What is the topic of the article?

2.What is the name of the magazine in which this article appears?

3. What two groups are discussed in the article?

Step 3 :Careful reading

Let’s read the passage a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page20.


1.Where in the USA are the older people who are moving south from?

2. What state in the USA is most popular with older people?

3. Why is Charlotte County in central Florida called the oldest place in the USA?

4. What has been done in Florida for older people?

5.What is the percentage of people in the USA who move house every year?

6.Why are young people moving to city?


2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日7.Why does Daniel want to move to a big city?

8.How many people are quoted in the article?

3. Listen to the tape and choose the best answers according to the text:

(1) What is the topic of the article?

A. The population of people in the USA.

B. The life people in the USA.

C. The beautiful scenery of USA.

D. The movement of people in the USA.

(2) Why are young people in the USA moving to cities?

A. Cities are more exciting and have more job opportunities.

B. Cities are more beautiful than country.

C. Young people don’t like country life.

D. There are no job opportunities in country.

(3). Which of the following is NOT the reason for many people spending their later years in Florida?

A. wanting better health care.

B. looking for communities of older people.

C. they like the climate there.

D. they can get lot of money from the government.

(4). With the number of older Americans moving to Florida, many changes are made to cater to them. Which

of the following is not the change?

A. ambulance response time has decreased

B. many houses have bathrooms designed for elderly homeowners

C. the communities that understands the needs of people.

D. big houses with lower price.

Step4 :Discussion:

What do you think about people moving to live in another place, especially moving from the countryside to a big city, or from a big city to a small town?

●Moving to live big cities




●Moving to live in a small town




2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日Disadvantages:

●Moving to live in the countryside




Step 5 :Consolidation

Go through the text quickly and pay attention to the meaning and usage of some words. Then finish the following vocabulary exercise. Part D and Part E.


Fill in the blanks according to the text:

____ at the south-eastern tip of the USA, Florida is a state known as the oldest place in America. According to the national population survey conducted in 2000,the elderly _______ for nearly 18 percent of the state’s population. Many people ____ 60 and over are attracted there because of its less changeable climate. Another________ is that the community in this state understands the need of them, for instance , many houses are _______ with special bathroom with walk-in bathtubs, which prevent the older people ________.

However, with a _______ in population mobility, ambition ______ many young people to the city to seek excitement and care er opportunities.

Step 7: Homework

Read the passage again and , be familiar with the structure of it and underline the difficult points.




2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案 M o d u l e 10 U n i t 2 上课日期: 年 月 日


Period 4 Reading II Language study

Learning aims:

1. To raise reading ability by focusing on language points.

2. To grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.

Difficult points: To grasp the new language usage in the text .

Learning procedures:

Step 1 phrases(课前诊断)

1 思考、考虑、研究

2 迎合、头号

3 以积极的方式

4 在阳光下变老 5.在迁徙中 6.向南行进

7.几十年来 ____ 8.各种理由 9.卫生保健 10.比…变化少 11.我这种年纪的人___________ 12..有道理,有意义____________






18.寻找刺激 ____________



21. 骨肉、亲人___________________

Step 2 Sentences









5. 然而,随着搬迁到那里的老年美国人增多,更多的变化发生了,以照顾到他们的需要。


6. 年轻的成年人对搬迁到城市给出了许多不同的理由。


7. 那就是为什么当我大学毕业的时候我要搬到洛杉矶。


Step 3 Language points

1. on the move 在旅途中,在迁徙中

on the increase 在增加

on earth 究竟,到底

on foot 步行

on one hand 在一方面

on the other hand 另一方面

on the contrary 正相反

move on 继续移动,接着


1). It doesn ’t seem ugly to me ; _____, I think it ’s rather beautiful.

A. on the move

B. on the other hand

C. On the contrary

D. on one hand

2. head vi 朝(特定方向)前进

2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日head to 朝……前进

head towards朝……前进

head for去某地



3. account for在(数量和比例上)占据,是……的原因,对……做出解释或说明

take …into account/consideration vt 考虑(注意,顾及。体谅)

on account of 因为,由于

on no account / not on any account决不可以

on all accounts/ on every account 无论如何,总之,从各方面考虑

on any account 无论如何


3) 他无法说明他旷课的原因。_______________________________________________

4) 他被要求解释他的行为。_________________________________________________

4.exchange vt .n 交换,交流,兑换

exchange sth for sth把……交换成

in exchange of 交换,交流

have an exchange of交换,交流

5. take advantage of

have an advantage over 比……有优势

take charge of 负责,掌管

take control of控制

take notice of 注意



6.make use of

make the best use of 充分利用

make the most use of 充分利用

make fun of 嘲笑

It is no use doing sth. 做某事没有用


6) 你应该好好利用这次机会。________________________________________________

7) 现在几乎每个学生都可以利用计算机。___________________________________



1.It is the prevention of disease______ its successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the world’s population.

A. rather than

B. including

C. but also

D. less than

2. -----Does Bill do his job well?

------- ______ his old job. I’m afraid there is no hope for him.

A.Not better than

B. No better than

C. Not so well as

D. More than

3.He decided to find a good job and make more money because his whole family_______ him.

A. rely on

B. put on

C. take on

D. come on


2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日

4. The gym instructor created all kind of exercise which ______ various special interests of groups of people .

A. referred to

B. catered to

C. got to

D. took to

5. ---I wonder why he is acting so strangely these days.

------Recent pressure at work may_____ his behavior.

A. account for B .explain for C. make for D. stand for

6. She was always ______ the move, never staying in one town over a few days.

A. of

B. at

C. on D in

7. The students are from different families, but they have much in ______.

A. common

B. total

C. general

D. particular

8.The hostess ____a kiss with her guests, which made the conservative Chinese a little nervous.

A. presented

B. display

C. exchanged

D. treated

9. The lawyer ______ every opportunity to get evidence for the woman’s evil deeds.

A. had advantages over

B. take advantage of

C. come into use

D. put into practice

10. The trend of the clothes market needs to be _____ before you invent.

A. started with

B. taken up

C. put up

D. looked at

11.After retirement, they planned to live in Florida temporarily so they were concerned about how much the

______ was for a double-room flat there.

A. rent

B. prize

C. value

D. expensive

12.______houses came into being in some cities where land is precious .

A. Seasonal

B. Local

C. Comfortable

D. Mobile


1. Remember the language points learnt today.

2. Read the text more after class.



Period 5 Project Making a classroom display

Learning Aims:

To get some information about different people and the history of their distinct culture

Important and difficult points: Understanding and writing

Methods: Reading, discussion and cooperation


Step1 Lead in

Answer the following questions:

1) Do you know that there is a group of people in the world who keep traveling from place to place?

2) Have you ever read some books or watched some films or TV programmes about these people?


2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日

3) Do you know who they are and why they are always traveling?

Step2 Reading

1. Read the guidelines and website article. Answer the following questions.

1). what does the word’ wander’mean and what does the title’ the wondering Roma’ mean?

2). What do you think the article is going to tell us after reading the first paragraphs?

2. Read the article and find out the information about the history pf the Roma.

3.Read the article once more to point out the two aspects of reasons for the Roma’s movement.

the historical reasons for their movement

the political reasons for their movement

Step3 Discussion

1. Read the passage again and ask each group to discuss the following questions:

1). What differences are identified in the article that shows the Roma are a distinct cultural group?

2). What examples are given that show European’s prejudice Against the Roma throughout history?


2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日Step 4 language points:

1.have sth. in common 在……方面有共同点

have nothing/little in common在……没有共同点

have a lot in common 在……方面有很多共同点

in common with 与……一样






2. submit vi. 服从;顺从;听任vt. 递交

submit to/submit oneself to服从;顺从;听任






3. take to 开始从事;喜欢;沉溺于

take in 接纳;领会;欺骗

take up 占去;占据;开始;从事

take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开

take on 雇佣;呈现


5)He’s always ready to_____ heavy responsibilities。

A.take in B. take off C. take up D. take on

6)Don't be _____ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. (2007 辽宁)

A.taken off

B. taken out

C. taken away

D. taken in

7)—Robert is indeed a wise man.

—Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ______ his advice! (2007 安徽)

A. to take

B. taking

C. not to take

D. not taking

8)Don't be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. (2003上海春)

A. Taking

B. To take

C. Take

D. Taken

4. in terror 处于恐惧状态

in trouble 处于困境当中

in danger 处于危险当中

in surprise 处于惊讶当中

in condition/ in good spirits精神抖擞




5. compensate for

________________________________________________________. 什么都不能补偿健康受损。

They were likely to be compensated for the damage done to the house.




2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案 M o d u l e 10 U n i t 2 上课日期: 年 月 日











⑽生活在恐惧中_____________________ ⑾赢得荣誉_________________________ ⑿剥夺某人的权利____________________ ⒀19世纪初_________________________ ⒁申请护照和公民权__________________ ⒂在20世纪30年代__________________ ⒃密谋消灭他们______________________ ⒄一线光明__________________________ ⒅部分地____________________________

二、根据课文内容填空: The Roma have been ____1____ Europe and Asia since the 11th century, They were ____2____ lived in

northern India and they were _____3____ even then. Because of this tradition, they couldn ’t find a permanent


Although the Roma have developed differently in various places, they have something in ___4____. They

resisted making permanent homes, choosing to move. And they refuse to ____5____ to any government, so they

have no right to ___6___.

The Roma tried ___7__ ___8___ to find a country to live in. Throughout their travels, they experienced

problems, Some Europeans treated them badly. Fortune telling, one of their traditions, earned them a

____9______ as liars and witches. Many Europeans even did not want the Roma as their neighbors.

At the beginning of the 19th century, many countries changed their laws ___10______the Roma. They wanted

to make the Roma ___11_____ their nomadic lifestyle. Unable to practise their traditions, many young Roma

___12___ ___13 illegal behaviour, they were often considered as the main ___14______ when anything

went missing.

But now ,everything has changed a lot. Modern nations begin to recognize the Roma as a unique group, they

want to ___15________for past prejudice,they are trying to help the Roma ____16____ their history, language

and culture. The Roma and Europeans are on the way to becoming friends!

三、句型翻译: 1.No group is associated with moving and traveling more than the Roma.

2. The Roma continued to move, trying in vain to find a country where they could live and trade peacefully.

3. Some Europeans were alarmed by these travelers in rags because of their traditions.

4.Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma took to illegal behavior.

5. Roma lived in terror as they were killed in large numbers.

6.By refusing to submit to any government, the Roma cannot vote.

7.Partly to compensate for past prejudice , these countries are trying to help the Roma preserve their history …



2010届区高三英语集体备课导学案M o d u l e10U n i t2上课日期:年月日

Guided writing:





With the development of economy, population mobility has become a new trend in the world. More and more people are moving to the big cities. Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether we should live in big city. The opinions are divided.


山东省聊城市文轩中学八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit

Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 学习目标: 一、必记单词: earthquake warn inside under window keep kept clear calm brave helpful power 二、必记短语:1) keep clear of不和…接触 2) warn sb (not)to do sth. 3)warn sb. about sth.警告/提醒某人注意…… 4)stop doing sth. 5) jump out of 6)stay/move away from…远离…… 7)keep calm 8)be brave 9)be helpful 10)in short 总之;简言之 11)be careful of doing sth.当心…… 三、必记句型: 1.It is difficult to warn people about them. 2.Here is some advice. 3.Do not jump out of high buildings. 4.Keep calm. 5.Be brave and be helpful. 四、知识点讲解: 1. Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. 句中的 them 指的是 earthquakes。 warn sb. about sth. 意为“提醒/警告…...注意”。 e.g. The government warned travelers to Africa about the disease there. 拓展:warn sb (not)to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事 Our teacher often warns us not to ride side by side. It’s impolite(不礼貌的). 2. Do not jump out of high buildings. jump out of 表示“从…...跳出”。 e.g. Please don’t jump out of t he window. 请别从窗子往外跳。 run out of 表示“从…...跑出”。 c limb out of 表示“从…...爬出”。take out of…从……拿出…… 3. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people.保持安静,尤其是当身边有其他人时。 keep 表示“保持”, calm 表示“冷静,沉着”。 keep calm 是系动词 + 形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能做系动词的有:become, feel, look, seem 等。 e.g. Everybody became quiet.所有人都安静下来啦。 He looked a little nervous.他看上去有点紧张。 【达标练习】 I. 根据据汉意或首字母完成单词。 1.Our teacher often w__________ us not to ride side by side. It’s impolite 2. 保持安静,尤其是当身边有其他人时。Keep ________, especially when you are with other

2020届高三政治一轮复习 第七课 唯物辩证法的联系观强化学案 新人教必修4

第七课唯物辩证法的联系观 最新考纲 1.唯物辩证法:唯物辩证法的总特征;唯物辩证法的实质与核心。2.唯物辩证法的联系观:联系的普遍性;联系的客观性;联系的多样性。3.用联系的观点看问题:整体和部分的关系;系统优化的方法。 本课概览 一、唯物辩证法 1.唯物辩证法的总特征 唯物辩证法是关于世界普遍联系的科学,也是关于世界永恒发展的科学,______的观点和______的观点是唯物辩证法的两个总特征。 2.唯物辩证法的实质与核心 (1)__________规律是唯物辩证法的实质与核心。 (2)矛盾的观点是唯物辩证法的根本观点,____________是我们认识世界和改造世界的根本方法。 二、唯物辩证法的联系观 1.联系的普遍性 世界上的一切事物都与周围其他事物有着这样或那样的联系。世界是一个普遍联系的有机整体。 提醒联系具有普遍性,并不是任何两个事物之间都存在着相互的联系。联系是有条件的。2.联系的客观性 (1)联系是事物本身所______的,不以人的意志为转移。 (2)联系的客观性要求我们,要从事物固有的联系中把握事物,切忌____________。 提示联系是客观的,并不意味着人对事物的联系无能为力。人们可以根据事物固有的联系,改变事物的状态,建立新的联系。 3.联系的多样性 事物的联系是多种多样的,要求我们注意分析和把握事物存在和发展的各种条件,一切以

______、______、______为转移。 三、用联系的观点看问题 1.整体和部分的关系 (1)整体是由______构成的,离开了部分,整体就不复存在;部分的功能及其变化会影响 ______的功能,关键部分的功能及其变化甚至对整体的功能起______作用。 (2)部分是______中的部分,离开了整体,部分就不成其为部分;整体的功能状态及其变 化也会影响到部分。 (3)整体和部分辩证关系原理要求我们应当树立________,立足整体,统筹全局。同时必 须重视部分的作用,搞好局部,用____________推动整体的发展。 2.系统优化的方法 (1)系统是由相互联系和相互作用的诸要素构成的统一整体。其基本特征是________、 __________和内部结构的优化趋向。 (2)系统优化的方法要求我们,要着眼于事物的__________;要注意遵循系统内部结构的 __________;要注重系统内部结构的____________;要求我们用________的思维方式来认识事物。 高频考点一唯物辩证法的联系观 核心突破 1.联系的含义 所谓联系,就是事物之间以及事物内部诸要素之间的相互影响、相互制约和相互作用。2.联系的基本特征 普遍性客观性多样性 含义世界上的一切事物都与周 围其他事物有着这样或那 样的联系 是事物本身所固有的,不 以人的意志为转移 世界上的事物千差万别, 事物的联系也是多种多样 的 表现①每一事物内部的各个部 分、要素之间是相互联系 的;②世界是一个普遍联 系的有机整体,没有一个 事物是孤立存在的 自在事物的联系和人为事 物的联系都是客观的 直接联系和间接联系、内 部联系和外部联系、本质 联系和非本质联系、必然 联系和偶然联系等


《郑伯克段于鄢》知识点归纳 高二()班姓名 (一)指出下文的通假字 1.庄公寤生。寤,通“”,。 2.佗邑唯命。佗,通“”,指示代词,。 3.谓之京城大叔。大,通“”。 4.大都不过参国之一。参,通“”。 5.姜氏欲之,焉辟害。辟,通“”。 6.姜氏何厌之有?厌,通“”,。 7.不义不暱,厚将崩。暱,通“”,。 8.命子封帅车二百乘以伐京。帅,通“”,。 9.无庸,将自及。庸,通“”。 10.段不弟.,故不言弟。弟,通“”。 11.遂寘姜氏于城颖。寘,通“”,,这里是“”的意思。 12.若阙地及泉。阙,通“”,。 13.永锡尔类。锡,通“”。 (二)词类活用 1.惊姜氏。惊,用法,。 2.爱共叔段,欲立之。立,用法,。 3.今京不度,非制也。度,名词作词,。 4.多行不义必自毙。义,名词作词,。 5.无生民心。生,用法,。 6.有献于公。献,动词作词,。 7.公赐之食。食,动词作词,。 8.隧而相见。隧,名词作词,。 (三)指出下列句子是哪种特殊句式(宾语后置句、省略句、判断句、状语后置句) 1.大叔又收贰以之为己邑。句 2.制,岩邑也。句 3.郑武公娶于申。句 4.亟请于武公。句 5.有献于公。句 6.姜氏何厌之有?句意为:? 7.敢问何谓也?句意思是:?(四)成语 1.多行不义必自毙谓。源出《左传?隐公元年》。

(五)重点翻译句 1.多行不义必自毙,子姑待之。译为: 2.既而大叔命西鄙、北鄙贰于己。译为: 3.不义不暱,厚将崩。译为: 4.蔓草犹不可除,况君之宠弟乎?译为: 5.姜出而赋:“大隧之外,其乐也泄泄。”译为: 6.孝子不匮,永锡尔类。译为: 7.段不弟,故不言弟。译为: (六)多义词 1.于 (1)郑武公娶于申介词,。 (2)亟请于武公。介词,。 (3)遂寘姜氏于城颖。介词,。 (4)段入于鄢。介词,(作用)。 2.焉 (1)虢叔死焉。兼词,于之,。 (2)姜氏欲之,焉辟害。疑问代词,。(3)君何患焉?句末语气词,。 3.克 (1)郑伯克段于鄢。动词,。 (2)克勤克俭。动词,。 4.为 (1)及庄公即位,为之请制。介词,。(2)不如早为之所。动词,。 (3)大叔又收贰以为己邑动词,。 (七)古今异义词 1.都城过百雉。 古义:,两个词。今义:京城,京都。 2.大叔又收贰以为己邑。古义:。今义:认为。

信息技术 - 第八册计算机教育学习学案及教案(全册)-四年级

信息技术-第八册计算机教案(全册) -四年级 教学计划 一、教学大纲对本年级本学科的基本要求: 掌握文件和文件夹的删除、还原方法;认识常用的图片文件格式;掌握用AcDSee软件浏览图片的操作方法;认识电子邮箱的作用;学会申请电子邮箱;学会收发电子邮件;认识电子邮件的格式;掌握在“outlookExpress”软件中设置电子邮件帐号的操作;学会用“outlookExpress”发送电子邮件;掌握在邮件中插入附件的操作方法;学会绘制简单的图形;掌握自选图形格式的设置;掌握表格的插入方法;会在表格中输入文字;掌握在表格中插入和删除行列的方法;会简单修饰表格的方法;了解分栏的方法;了解打印预览的功能;学习制作贺年片。 二、对教材体系和内容的简要分析: 本学期学习内容主要包括:学习收发电子邮件;学习用woRD制作表格;页面设置和制作贺卡。 1、文件的删除; 2、图片的浏览; 3、申请电子邮箱; 4、收发电子邮件; 5、学做邮票; 6、制作课程表; 7、表格的修改; 8、页面设置; 9、学做贺卡。 三、对本年级学生学习情况的基本分析: 四年级学生在以前学习的基础上,对计算机的功能及简单操作已经有了较全面的认识,也已经学会用woRD处理文字的简单操作,对网络有了初步的了解,知道如何上网;最重要的是学生对学习计算机这门课程兴趣浓厚,对于进一步的教学有一个良好的基础。 四、教学进度 略 第一课文件的删除

教学目标: 掌握文件和文件夹的删除和还原方法 教学重点: 文件和文件夹的删除和还原方法 教学过程: 一、删除文件 1、删除硬盘中的文件 如删除“画1”这个文件的方法是: 选定“画1”这个文件, 单击工具栏中的删除按钮, 弹出“确认删除文件”对话框; 单击“是”。 2、删除软盘上的文件 如删除软盘上图像文件“房子”的方法是: 将软盘插入软盘驱动器中, 打开“我的电脑”窗口,双击软驱图标,打开软盘窗口;右击需要删除的文件“房子”,再单击菜单中的“删除”命令; 在弹出的“确认文件删除”对话框中单击“是”。 二、回收站的操作 1、还原文件

八年级英语下册 《Module2 Unit2》学案

八年级英语下册《Module2 Unit2》学案 Unit2》学案一、预学目标 1、通过预习,初步了解本课重点单词和重点短语。 2、了解重点句型:I was very lonely,and afraid to make friends with anyone、 Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing,Ifelt my heart break、 He couldn’t remember smiling at me、 3、了解课文内容。二、预学热身 A预习课文前,请初步了解本课时的词汇并完成以下练习。(英汉互译) 1、far away__________________ 2、 eary autumn_______________ 3、 as usual___________________ 4、 day by day______________ 5、与某人交朋友_____________________ 6、一个美丽的微笑_______________________ 7、在那时_____________________ 8、没关系______________________ 9、担心我_____________________ 10、对某人微笑 _________________1 1、使我感到开心____________________

12、一份重要的礼物______________________13 lonely______________14 usual____________15 bright ______________B自主探究,请带着下面这些问题阅读本课教材。 1、Lonely和 alone意思和用法上有何区别? 2、Worry about 和 be worried about有何区别? 3、Remember doing sth 和 remember to do sth有区别吗? 4、预习完成书P12( 1、2)和P13(3)并回答以下问题:Q1: Who is the writer? Q2: Who is in the photo? Q3: Why is it called a beautiful smile? 三、探究导读一起来探究,你能掌握这些知 识要点吗? 1、用alone和 lonely 填空 He lives_________but he doesn’t feel_________、 The story is about a _________old man and his dog、 2、用worry about和be worried about填空 He _______ __________ __________John now、He _______ __________ __________John now、3用remember doing sth 和 remember to do sth填空我记得曾经在一次聚会上见过他。I ________ ___________ her at a party once、在你出去之前,记住要关窗户。__________ ________ close windows before you go out、 四、尝试练习相信你能行! A、根据所给汉语或单词进行适当形式填空。


中考书法专题复习练习 书法作为一门艺术,其实特指汉字书法,是中国奉献给全世界的一份宝贵文化遗产。 汉字的艺术性,既源于汉字本身的丰富,也源于汉字书写的讲究。 考点: ①认识篆、隶、草、楷、行五种字体,了解其大致演变过程 ②了解一些最具代表性的书家和作品,能从笔画、结构、章法以及内涵等方面初步感受书法之美 知识点: 一、五种书体特点及其演变过程 演变过程:篆隶草楷行(草楷行几乎同步) 重要事件:隶变 隶书如坐蚕头雁尾一波三折 草书如飞飞鸟入林惊蛇入草 楷书如立方正端庄可作楷模 行书如走外柔内刚行云流水 二、代表书家及作品 篆书:李斯《泰山刻石》 隶书:蔡邕《熹平石经》飞白体 草书:张旭《古诗四帖》《肚痛帖》颠张 怀素《自叙帖》《苦笋帖》《论书帖》《小草千字文》醉素 张芝《冠军帖》《秋凉平善帖》《今欲归帖》 孙过庭《书谱》《景福殿赋》 楷书:有魏碑、唐楷两大代表。 楷书四大家 欧阳询:《九成宫醴泉铭》严谨(中竖连成中轴线)钩画有隶意 颜真卿:《多宝塔碑》《颜勤礼碑》丰腴(颜筋)、横轻竖重、阔大端正(其为人敦厚、刚直)柳公权:《玄秘塔碑》《神策军碑》瘦劲、有骨意(柳骨) 赵孟頫:《汲黯传》《胆巴碑》笔圆架方,雅 行书:天下三大行书 第一:王羲之《兰亭集序》飘若浮云,矫若惊龙 第二:颜真卿《祭侄文稿》忠愤下笔,情如潮涌,一气呵成 第三:苏轼《寒食帖》用墨丰腴,肉丰骨劲,跌宕自然,有大海风涛之气、古槎怪石之形 辨识书体欣赏汉字(学案) 活动一:我写我姓名

你的姓名 书写(建议用铅笔描) 书体特点(列关键词) 描述一下(比喻等修辞) 篆书 隶书 楷书 行书 草书 活动二:连线 (1)蚕头雁尾一波三折 (2)方正端庄可作楷模 (3)外柔内刚行云流水 (4)飞鸟入林惊蛇入草 活动三:练习(一)判断书体 1.秦相李斯为始皇帝拟订诏书。 2.柳公权书写佛教碑文。 3.颜真卿为安史之乱中为国捐躯的侄儿草写祭文,无心于书,任情挥洒 4.“饮中八仙”之一的张旭大醉后手舞足蹈,然后回到桌前,提笔落墨,一挥而就。 练习(二) 1.唐代宰相张说非常欣赏王湾的《次北固山下》,尤其是其中的“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬” ,请人写了一幅字,张挂在自家的会客厅正中,用哪一种书体最合适? A 隶书 B 楷书 C 行书 D 草书 提示:“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。”而且是悬挂在堂屋,而不是卧室、书房。 练习(三) (四)如果你碰到了以下情境,选择哪种书体合适?一句话简述理由。 1. 入团签字 2. 高考默写 3. 明星签名 4. 医生开方 课后练习 (一)、书体认识 A 篆书 B 隶书 C 楷书 D 行书 E 草书 (1)如坐 (2)如立 (3)如走 (4)如飞


教科版高中信息技术基础教案全集(必修) 1.1信息及其特征 一、教学内容分析和设计: “信息及其特征”是教育科学出版社的高一《信息技术基础》第一章第一节的内容。由于这个内容理论性较强,如果只是由教师来讲,学生可能会觉得枯燥,所以我准备在教师的引导下,举出现象,让学生进行探讨,然后归纳获得知识。有不足之处由教师或学生来补充。这样能让学生积极参与,活跃课堂气氛,既让学生学到知识,又培养了学生将学习与生活联系的习惯和自主学习的习惯。 二、教学对象分析: 知识的获取者是刚刚升入高中的学生,按照人的成长认知规律,学生对知识的获取开始由感性认识提升到理性认识。对于“信息”这一事物的认识,可以让他们从大量存在的现象中,发现并归纳出他们应该获得的知识。老师在此过程中起着引导的作用。 三、教学目标: 1、知识、技能目标:学生能够列举学习与生活中的各种信息,感受信息的丰富多彩性;举例说明信息的一般特征;培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 2、过程、方法目标:培养学生从日常生活、学习中发现或归纳出新知识的能力。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:让学生理解信息技术对日常生活和学习的重要作用,激发对信息技术强烈的求知欲,养成积极主动地学习和使用信息技术、参与信息活动的态度。 四、教学重点: 1、信息特征的认识。 五、教学难点: 信息的含义。 六、教学方法 本节概念性强,实践性弱。采用讲授法,讨论法。 教学过程 谈话引入:同学们,信息技术这门课程,我们在初中阶段就已经学习。那么下面请同学们说一说,什么是信息?在我们日常生活中,你认为哪些属于信息?(举例) 生1:校园里铃声响,可以告诉我们信息:上课或下课。 生2:观看校运会,可以获得很多运动会赛场上的信息。 生3:从网上可以获得很多信息,如:学习资料、娱乐、新闻报导等。


Music-知识点复习学案 核心单词 1. attach vt.&vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接 常用结构: attach ...to ...附上;连接;系上;把 .... 归于 attach impo rtance/significance/value to sth. 认为某事物重要/有意义/有重要价值 attach oneself to 依附;参加(党派等) be attached to 热爱;依恋;附属于 I attached a wire to the radio. 我在收音机上接了一根金属线。 He ' ll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。 How can you attach the blame for this accident to the driver? 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于司机呢? Although he was seriously ill, he took part in the basketball match because he attached great value to his school sp orts record.尽管他病得很重,他还是参加了学校的篮球比赛,因为他 把学校的体育纪录看得很重。 He is dee ply attached to his mother. 他深爱着自己的母亲。 This hos pital is attached to the medical college nearby. 这个医院附属于附近的那所医学院。 高手过招 完成句子 ①很多人认为成为富人和名人很重要。 (原创) Many people attach ______________________ ________ b ecoming rich and famous. ②我们要把发展经济的工作放在首位。 (P rimary ) the devel op ment of economy. We should attach __________ ________ __________ 答案: ① great impo rtance to ② p rimary impo rtance to 2. form vt.形成;构成;排列;(使)组成;养成(习惯) 联想拓展 form 用作名词时的固定搭配: as a matter of form fill out/in a form take the form of ... in the form of ... be in/out of form 易混辨析 作为一种形式;礼貌上 填表格 采取……的形式 以……的形式 处于良好/不良的竞技状态 form/sha pe/figure 这三个名词的一般含义为 形状”或 外形”。


第六章信息集成与信息交流 6.1 信息集成(上机实践) 一、学习目标 1.通过信息集成实践更好的理解信息集成的过程的含义,体验信息集成四个阶段 2.了解常见的信息集成工具的分类及代表性的信息集成工具的工作环境 3.掌握网站制作的过程,并能熟练使用FrontPage2000进行网页制作 4.培养团队协作的能力,养成良好的思想、感情交流习惯 二、知识要点 FrontPage软件知识介绍:FrontPage是Microsoft公司制作的,很受欢迎的网页制作工具。 1.“FrontPage2000”界面主要有“标题栏”、“菜单栏”、“常用工具栏”、“格式工具栏”、“视图工具栏”、“编辑区”、“状态栏”等组成。 2. FrontPage2000 中的“编辑区”是我们制作网页的舞台。在这里,网页以三种状态显示: (1)普通视图——显示网页的编辑状态,可以设置文本、插入表格和图像、插入各种网页元素。(2)HTML视图——显示自动生成的HTML语句,此时可以用HTML语言来编辑和修改网页(3)预览视图——模拟显示编辑完的网页,供编写者查看。 3.“菜单栏”——“查看”命令——“视图栏” 视图栏提供了浏览、组织或编辑网页的几种方式: (1)“网页”视图提供编辑网页的方式 (2)“文件夹”视图提供显示和组织站点中文件和文件夹的功能 (3)“报表”视图提供了统计和分析站点中文件和超链接的功能 (4)“导航”视图显示站点中的导航结构,即网页间的链接情况 (5)“超链接”视图显示了各个网页的超链接情况 (6)“任务”视图列出站点中要完成的任务 三、网站制作知识介绍 1.网站也叫做站点,是网页等一组网络资源的集合,我们把制作的所有素材和网页集合成一个网 站,便于维护和管理。新建站点:文件——新建一个站点——只有一个网页的站点 2.利用表格布局网页:表格在网页中有定位和设置网页布局的作用,利用表格可将各块内容分类 列出,使网页清晰美观、富有条理。用表格布局时,表格边框粗细应设置为0。菜单

牛津版必修1《Module1 Unit2 word study》学案

Module One Unit Two Growing Pains Word study Ⅰ、课前预习 A. 跟读磁带,要求准确朗读模块1 Unit 2词汇表中每一个单词。 B. 完成下列单词拼写: 1. Can you take out the ________________ when you go off to work? (垃圾) 2. Such ________________ is unacceptable in public. (行为) 3. Various ________________ for these changes in climate have been offered by scientists all over the world. (解释) 4. In the final ________________, Harry expressed his love to Julia. (场景) 5. Teachers in this school are given complete ________________ in their choice of teaching materials. (自由) 6. The explorers ________________ to death in the desert. (饿死) 7. I can’t ________________ being laughed at in public. (容忍) 8. She drew back the ________________ to let in the light, and then sat down to enjoy a cup of tea. (窗帘) 9. You were always finding ________________ with us. (过错) 10. In this country, women are ________________ to enter the temple. (禁止) Ⅱ、主体参与自学下列内容,探究本单元重点单词的用法: 1. bend (bent, bent ) vi.弯腰,屈身vt.(使)弯曲 ①She bent down to lift the box off the floor. 她弯下身从地上扛起箱子。 ②The road bent sharply to the right.(急转弯) bent adj.be bent on He seems bent on success at all costs. 他好像下定决心不惜任何代价一定要成功。 He is bent on becom ing an experienced teacher. 她一心想成为有经验的老师。 2. starve vi. 挨饿;饿死vt. 使挨饿 ①They’ll either die from t he cold or starve to death. ②They starve for knowledge. 他们渴望知识。 ③I’m starving. = I’m hungry. die of starvation = die of hunger 3. tolerate vt.容忍;允许(= stand; bear; put up with) ①She can’t tolerate the boy’s bad behavior any longer. ②I can’t tolerate being laughed at in public. tolerance n. zero tolerance 4. fault n. 过错,错误;缺点,瑕疵 find fault with找……的茬,挑剔They like to find fault with my work. find fault in 看出在……方面的缺点I can’t find fault in your paper. It is faultless. at/ in fault有错,有责任 Her doctor was at fault for / in not sending her straight to a specialist. It’s one’s fault that………是某人的过错It’s not our fault that we were late. 5. defend vt. 辩解,辩白;防御,保护(n. defence) ①They went to defend their country against enemies.


新修订高中阶段原创精品配套教材 20xx届高考政治唯物辩证法的联系观 复习学案 教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改 The 2019 College Entrance Examination of Political Material Dialectics 教师:风老师 风顺第二中学 编订:FoonShion教育

20xx届高考政治唯物辩证法的联系观复习学案 第七课唯物辩证法的联系观 一、考点解读 0、联系的含义 联系就是以及诸要素之间的、和。 注意:①联系既包括事物之间的联系,也包括事物内部的联系;即外部联系和内部联系。②联系是不是单向的,而是诸要素间的相互影响、相互制约和相互作用。③不能把哲学上的联系理解为生活中的“联系”,二者是共性与个性的关系。 1、联系的普遍性、客观性、多样性 (1)联系的普遍性 表现:① 都处在联系之中(即一切事物都与周围其他事物有着这样或那样的联系);②每一个事物内部的、是相互联系的;③世界是一个普遍联系的,没有一个事物是的。 原理及方法论:联系的普遍性要求我们坚持用看问题,

反对用的观点看问题。 注意:①“任何事物都处在联系之中”不等于“任何事物都是相互联系的”或“任意两个事物都是有联系的”,因为联系既是普遍的,又是具体的、有条件的。②普遍联系是的,的,具体联系是的,的。二者关系是共性与个性、一般与个别的关系。 (2)联系的客观性 含义:联系是事物本身所的,的。的联系与人为事物的联系都是的。 方法论:联系的客观性要求我们要从事物的中把握事物,切忌。 注1:为什么人为事物的联系也是客观的?①人为事物的联系以自在事物的联系为基础;②人为事物的联系只有通过实践这一客观物质性的活动才能形成;③人为事物的联系形成后便独立于人的意识之外。 注2:联系是客观的,并不意味着人对事物的联系是的。人有,可以根据事物固有的联系,改变事物的状态,建立新的具体联系。如:南水北调、西气东输、西电东送、互联网络等。人们建立具体的联系,不是对联系客观性的否定,而是对它的利用。(体现了矛盾的对立统一) (3)联系的多样性。 ①原因:世界上的事物,事物的联系也是的。


Music-知识点复习学案 核心单词 1. attach vt.&vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接 常用结构: attach ...to ...附上;连接;系上;把……归于…… attach importance/significance/value to sth. 认为某事物重要/有意义/有重要价值 attach oneself to 依附; 参加(党派等) be attached to 热爱;依恋;附属于 I attached a wire to the radio. 我在收音机上接了一根金属线。 He’ll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。 How can you attach the blame for this accident to the driver? 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于司机呢? Although he was seriously ill, he took part in the basketball match because he attached great value to his school sports record. 尽管他病得很重,他还是参加了学校的篮球比赛,因为他 把学校的体育纪录看得很重。 He is deeply attached to his mother. 他深爱着自己的母亲。 This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. 这个医院附属于附近的那所医学院。 高手过招 完成句子(原创) ①很多人认为成为富人和名人很重要。 Many people attach becoming rich and famous. ②我们要把发展经济的工作放在首位。(primary) We should attach the development of economy. 答案:①great importance to ②primary importance to 2. form vt.形成;构成;排列;(使)组成;养成(习惯) 联想拓展 form用作名词时的固定搭配: as a matter of form 作为一种形式;礼貌上 fill out/in a form 填表格 take the form of ... 采取……的形式 in the form of ... 以……的形式 be in/out of form 处于良好/不良的竞技状态 易混辨析 form/shape/figure 这三个名词的一般含义为“形状”或“外形”。


1.1信息及其特征 一、教学内容分析和设计: “信息及其特征”是教育科学出版社的高一《信息技术基础》第一章第一节的内容。由于这个内容理论性较强,如果只是由教师来讲,学生可能会觉得枯燥,所以我准备在教师的引导下,举出现象,让学生进行探讨,然后归纳获得知识。有不足之处由教师或学生来补充。这样能让学生积极参与,活跃课堂气氛,既让学生学到知识,又培养了学生将学习与生活联系的习惯和自主学习的习惯。 二、教学对象分析: 知识的获取者是刚刚升入高中的学生,按照人的成长认知规律,学生对知识的获取开始由感性认识提升到理性认识。对于“信息”这一事物的认识,可以让他们从大量存在的现象中,发现并归纳出他们应该获得的知识。老师在此过程中起着引导的作用。 三、教学目标: 1、知识、技能目标:学生能够列举学习与生活中的各种信息,感受信息的丰富多彩性;举例说明信息的一般特征;培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 2、过程、方法目标:培养学生从日常生活、学习中发现或归纳出新知识的能力。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:让学生理解信息技术对日常生活和学习的重要作用,激发对信息技术强烈的求知欲,养成积极主动地学习和使用信息技术、参与信息活动的态度。 四、教学重点: 1、信息特征的认识。 五、教学难点: 信息的含义。 六、教学方法 本节概念性强,实践性弱。采用讲授法,讨论法。 教学过程 谈话引入:同学们,信息技术这门课程,我们在初中阶段就已经学习。那么下面请同学们说一说,什么是信息?在我们日常生活中,你认为哪些属于信息?(举例)

生1:校园里铃声响,可以告诉我们信息:上课或下课。 生2:观看校运会,可以获得很多运动会赛场上的信息。 生3:从网上可以获得很多信息,如:学习资料、娱乐、新闻报导等。 生4:在报纸上可以了解国内外的信息。 ……师:同学们举的例子非常好。 其实信息在我们日常生活周围无时不在,无处不有,当然,信息不仅存在于我们的周围,同样可以在我们身体内部找到它的影子,如,医生通过听诊器来感知我们的身体内部的变化以确定病因,因此我们可以说信息是用文字、数字、符号、图像、图形、声音、情景、状态等方式传播的内容。 师:信息无处不在,无时不有。信息的存在多种多样,作为万物中的一种,它们同样有着其固有的特性,也就相同的本质。下面我们通过所获取到的信息,找出它们共同的特性。 师:在我们周围存在的信息中,书刊上的文字依附于纸张,颜色依附于物体的表面,老师讲课的声音依附于空气。还有很多的信息,同学们能举出其他的现象吗? 生:(讨论)我们的体重依附于身体,CD音乐依附于光盘,…… 师:有没有信息是不依附于任何载体而存在呢? 生:(讨论)找不到。 师:这说明了什么? 生:(齐)信息必须依附于载体而存在,信息依附的物体多种多样。 师:通过前面的学习知道信息是必须依附某一媒体进行传播的,所以不能独立存在;文字既可以印刷在书本上,也可以存储到电脑中;信息可以转换成不同的载体形式而被存储下来和传播出去,供更多的人分享,而“分享”的同时也说明信息可传递、可存储。 师:(课件演示) 1、载体依附性 (1)信息不能独立存在,需要依附于一定的载体; (2)同一个信息可以依附于不同的媒体。 (3)载体的依附性具有可存储、可传递、可转换特点。



主备人同伴授课教师授课时间 课题:Module9 Friendship Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is. 学习目标: 1.掌握有关友谊的词汇和短语。 2.能够听懂有关与友谊方面个人经历的对话,并能从中获取信息。 学习重点能阅读谈论友谊方面的个人经历的文章。 学习难点if, whether, who, what, how, why, where, when引导的宾语从句。 学习过程(学案)备注【口语训练】要求:大声朗读两遍并翻译。 Friendship Everyone needs friends. We can share something with them and ask them for help when we are in trouble. But one day,I found that my best friend didn’t trust me. It made me unhappy every day. Then I tried my best to explain that he was wrong. Now he is still in my circle of friends, but he isn’t my best friend. Because I think it’s important to trust each other if you are the best friends. 【自主学习】 1.单词学习:读单词表的单词后英汉互译: 1)silence___________ 2) bright__________ 3)treasure___________ 4)trust___________ 5)include_____________6)circle___________7)stick__________8)glue______________(9) 经过,通 过___________10)提议,建议__________11)一天天地;渐渐地_________ 12)安静地;沉默地 _________ 2. 读74 页课文,在文中标出下列短语并翻译。 1)一天天地,渐渐地______________2)黏在一起_______________________________ 3)安静地______________ 4)初秋____________________5)为某人担心___________ 6)被埋藏的宝藏__________________7)转身,调头,回转______________ 8)觉得孤独______________9)没说一句话___________________ 10)在某人的朋友圈______________________ 【合作探究】 1.Lead-in: Work in pairs and answer the questions. (Act.1) 2. Reading.(Act.2) Fast reading. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1)Does the beginning of the passage surprise you? Why? 2)How did the writer feel in the past? 3)How does the writer feel now? 4)What advice does she give? 2.Careful-reading 1). Read paragraphs 1-3 and finish the following exercises ① At the age of thirteen, a girl gave me an important gift. (从文中找出该句的同义句) __________________________________________________ ② Why did the writer feel lonely in the past? _____________________________________________________ ③When did the writer feel even more lonely? _______________________________________________ 2). Read paragraphs 4—5 , then finish the exercises. ① Who was the girl? I did not know the girl. (合并为一句)

高中政治 第七课 唯物辩证法的联系观学案 新人教版必修4

第七课唯物辩证法的联系观 第一课时世界是普遍联系的 【学习目标】——明确内容(新课开始前,仔细阅读本栏目,准确把握本节课需要掌握的知识以及掌握程度,做到学习的有的放矢) 1.识记联系的含义、联系客观性、普遍性的含义。 2.准确理解联系的多样性,并能运用所学知识分析说明世界是普遍联系的,事物不可能孤立存在。【精彩回放】——旧知巩固(利用候课时间和课首3—5分钟,认真背诵下列内容,同桌间相互检查)1.真理的含义和基本属性。 2.认识反复性无限性的要求。 【导学菜单】——我来预习(带着菜单设置的问题,仔细阅读课本,将问题的有关内容在课本上画出,找出关键词句,试着快速记忆) 1.什么是联系? 2. 如何理解联系的普遍性? 3.如何理解联系的客观性?联系的客观性要求我们如何做? 4.如何理解联系的多样性?联系的多样性要求我们如何做? 【感悟平台】——我来探究(在个人思考的基础上,开展小组合作交流,发挥集体智慧完成对问题的思考) 地球孕育了生命,地球是人类的摇篮。21世纪,地球生态环境问题日益严峻。人类为了眼前的经济利益破坏性地利用自然:乱砍乱伐导致森林破坏、水土流失;过度耕种放牧导致土地沙化、沙尘肆虐;过度消费加剧空气污染、物种退化。 结合上述材料,运用联系的观点分析上述各种生态问题产生的原因。 【建立网络】——我来归纳(灵活采用括号框架或者知识树的形式将本课的知识以网络形式呈现)

【过关窗口】——我来练习(独立完成,同位互批,发现问题,交流研讨) 1.城市,是让人居住的。今天,人们在选择宜居城市时,会综合考虑经济、气候、生活、环境等因素。这是因为( ) A.事物是普遍联系的 B.任何事物之间都是相互联系的 C.事物之间的联系是必然的 D.事物之间的联系是无条件的 2.1 000千克废报纸=850千克再生纸=少砍17棵树。废报纸的循环再利用与树木、环境、经济、社会的关系表明,事物之间的联系是( ) A.多种多样的 B.不可捉摸的 C.因人而异的 D.固定不变的 3.“要一切以时间、地点、条件为转移。”这句话体现的主要哲学原理是( ) ①物质决定意识②规律的客观性③事物联系的多样性④意识的反作用 A.①② B.②④ C.①③ D.③④ 4.人民日报载文指出,要紧紧把握科学发展观的基本要求,坚持全面协调可持续发展。可持续,就是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,促进人与自然的和谐,使人民在良好的生态环境中生产生活,实现经济社会永续发展。人与自然和谐相处所蕴涵的哲理是() ①自然界是客观存在的物质世界②尊重规律是发挥主观能动性的前题和基础 ③联系具有普遍性和客观性④人与自然始终是对立的 A、①②③ B、①②④ C、①③④ D、②③④ 5.下列选项能够体现事物是普遍联系的是() ①凡事预则立,不预则废②乌鸦叫丧,喜鹊叫喜 ③物质决定意识,意识反作用于物质④彗星、地震预示国家衰败 A、③④ B、①④ C、②④ D、①③ 6.产品质量关系人民群众切身利益,关系企业的生存和发展,关系国家形象。这表明() A、世界上任何两个事物之间都存在着联系 B、任何事物都和周围其他事物相互联系着 C、事物之间的联系是没有任何条件的 D、人们可以根据事物固有的联系建立起新的具体联系 7.计算机网络使全球“网民”的联系更加密切、迅速和便捷,地球变成了一个小小的“地球村”。这说明() ①事物是普遍联系的 ②事物的联系是客观的,人们无法改变 ③人们能够根据事物的固有联系改变事物的状态,建立新的具体联系 ④事物的联系是人们创造的 A、①② B、③④ C、①③ D、②④ 8.一个男人在社会上可能扮演父亲、儿子、学生、教师、管理者、被管理者等不同角色。这种现象从哲学上说反映了() A、联系的多样性 B、联系的客观性 C、联系的主观性 D、联系的普遍性

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