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Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.



1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book)

2. Give a simple account of the book.

3. Key Word: Important

(3.1) Interesting: draws you in.

(3.2) knowledge you have learnt

(3.3) enlightenment you have gained

4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE


1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book)

2. Give a simple account of the process of getting the book.

3. Key Word: Important

(3.1)It was a souvenir given by an important person

(3.2)It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition)

(3.3)You got the book from a special event as a reward.

4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE


Recently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying written by George Orwell. The book influences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart.

The story talks about a man who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream of being a poet. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also, the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes have no money to buy food. Again, I've got similar experience. I once lived

in a cramped apartment alone and had no money.

The book is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist.



Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


解题思路一: Positive Influence

1. TS: State your stand

2. R1:Positive influence: focus on the main function of TV:

(2.1)dissemination of information and knowledge


3. R2:Negative influence (just mention)

4. Conclusion

解题思路二: Negative Influence

1. TS: State your stand

2. R1:Positive influence (just mention)

3. R2:Negative influence

(3.1)Lack of censorship--bad TV program--influence social ideology

(3.2)Make people lazy/unhealthy

4. Conclusion


I think television has a positive influence on society. It’s a good source of news. The members in the society can get news easily from News Channels and thus keep themselves informed of what’s happening around.

Like, my grandfather watches News on TV every day just to keep up with the latest events. Besides, television can be a kind of entertainment. People can watch different shows on TV such as funny talk shows and soap operas. I have many friends who like watching Late show with David Letterman and some other friends like watching TV series such as Lost and Friends. They all consider TV as a good way of relaxing themselves and of killing time.

So, with the news and same TV programs, people in a society share a lot of things that they can talk about in any event. Therefore, society actually benefits from TV.


托福口语task1模板及答题原则 在托福口语考试中,Task1托福口语的第一道题目是独立话题,托福口语task1需要自由发挥。下面就是店铺给大家整理的托福口语task1模板,希望对你有用! 托福口语task1常用模板汇总 托福口语task1模板:人 In my family, my mother has influenced me greatly because she has so many good qualities. She Is very well educated and keeps an open mind. Her thinking is very modern. She is able to understand people from different generations. In addition, she is a good listener. This makes her tolerant of other people’s opinions. Her personal values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way she treats people and thinks makes me want to become the best person I can be. And she helps me to keep a balance in my subjects and in my marks. She also tells me how to see the point of studying so many formulas and equations that seemed so abstract. This is why I think my mother has influenced me the most in my life。 托福口语task1模板:事件 My high school graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it was such a special day. During our graduation we were each called up one at a time to the stage. We each received our diploma and everyone applauded our hard work. I even received an award for being the best math student. There was a get-together afterwards which was attended by all my friends and family. I think study in the school that I have found some good ways to do useful things as well as have learning it. And the more I practiced in the school, the more confidence I gained. It was a memorable event because on this way I ended


3月11日托福口语答案解析 3月11日托福口语真题Task1 What’s the biggestproblem during the course of studying as a student? How do you usually dealwith it? Sample response: Well, totell you truth, as a student, my biggest problem should be having too muchhomework to do and having no time for myown hobbies. Especially when I entered the senior high school, nearly every dayI am overwhelmed in piles of papers and exercises in order to get a good gradein the College Entrance Exam. My holidays and weekends are always spent ingoing back and forth to the various tutoring classes. As you know, there’s notime left for me to do anything I like, such as painting and sightseeing. But Inever complain about my life. In my opinion, everyone meets difficulties andfrustrations in his or her life. We should take an active attitude towards thehardship and say “It is verygood”, because we seize the opportunity to trainourselves. When finding someone in trouble, we should say with concern “Do you have any difficulty? Let me help youout!” Task2 It is important tomaintain good relationship with family members than with friends. Do you agreeor disagree?why? Sample response: I agree that it is moreimportant to maintain good relationship with family members due to thefollowing reasons. First of all, family members are not alternative. Forexample, we only have one mother, whether you can get on well with her or not,you can’t deny the fact that she is your mom whom no body else in this worldcan

托福口语Task1-2题 2018年

2018年托福口语Task1-2题 2018.1.6 Task1 Which of the following is the most effective way to encourage company’s employees to contribute to the communities? A. extra money as a reward B. organize a kind of contest to select who is the best one to do good C. praise staff on the website Please use details and examples to explain why. Task2 Do you think it is important for people to learn about local history? 2018.1.6 Task 1 Nowadays people find it hard to save money, can you talk about why it is harder for people to save money and what measures can be taken to overcome and solve it to some extent.

Task 2 Some countries have already permitted students to have the homeschooling, which means students take courses at home through Internet and don't go to school to attend classes. Do you think it is a reasonable choice? Please give your explanation. 2018.1.13 Task1 Your professor is planning to require students to work on all projects in a group. What is an advantage and a disadvantage of working on group projects? Task2 Family members or friends often talk about some controversial issues like politics. Some people prefer to convince their family members or friends to agree with their opinions; other people do not prefer to do so. Which way do you prefer and why?


2020年1月9日托福口语答案解析 Task1 – College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What do you think? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation. Task2 – Do you agree or disagree with the statement that celebrities like musician, athletes or performers can set good examples for young people? Task3 学校计划:School career center plans to practice job interview. 听力女生反对。 原因一,It’s not realistic. 学生并没有那么重视 原因二,学生很忙,即将毕业有很多事情要做比如research paper, part-time job, exam等等。 Task4 阅读概念:Seagoing fish 讲座:教授举了日本鲑鱼的例子,在河里产卵,hatchling在river不容易被吃,长大了就去ocean, 因为有吃的。 Task5 问题:The man has a schedule conflict between a jazz concert and a new play. Solution 1:选择看一半concert, 两个building 很近,但是不值票价。


托福TPO1口语Task1加Task2题目文本及答案解析 TPO托福模考软件相信是大家用的最多的工具了,对于托福成绩的提升是非常有帮助的。今天小编在这里整理了托福TPO1口语Task1加Task2题目文本及答案解析来分享给大家,希望对大家托福听力备考有帮助。 托福TPO1口语task1题目 Question: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 托福TPO1口语task1答案解析 解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) 2. Give a simple account of the book. 3. Key Word: Important (3.1) Interesting: draws you in. (3.2) knowledge you have learnt (3.3) enlightenment you have gained 4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE 解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义 1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book) 2. Give a simple account of the process of getting the book. 3. Key Word: Important (3.1)It was a souvenir given by an important person (3.2)It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition) (3.3)You got the book from a special event as a reward. 4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE


郑州优择:2015年7月11日托福考试口语回顾 Task 1 What do you friends like the most about you? Task 2 Some people prefer jobs that require them to work mostly with computers and other technology. Others prefer jobs that do not require them to work with much technology. Which type of job would you prefer and why? Task 3 Proposal: Riding bikes should be prohibited between the academic buildings in the center of campus because the area is too narrow and it’s unsafe to do so. The woman disagrees. Reasons: 1. People are responsible. They get off and walk the bike when they get there. 2. The securities need to walk around all day which is a total waste of resources since they have more important things to do. Task 4 Environment scenting. Environment scent can affect people’s emotions, behavior and memory, so it can be used to increase sales. The professor introduced two experiments. 1. 在店里喷上男士和女士喜欢的香水味,营业额翻倍;2. 让人们在进入两间放有同样鞋子的房间,人们普遍喜欢有香味的房间的鞋,并认为这些鞋子价格更贵。 Task 5 Problem: 学校要减少经费并且报纸的价格要上涨。 Solutions: 1. 减少国内外新闻,问题:少了variety and range;2. copy其它国内外新闻的内容,问题:学生不想hold it. Task 6 文章讨论cooperation对于动物feeding的好处。例子1:deers,一只deer吃东西时必须注意predator;若一群的话,可以让一个只看着然后其它deers吃得可以更加concentrated. 例子2:honey bees, 一只bee找到食物以后可以用一种special dance来告知其它的bees食物的方向。 郑州优择托福名师解析 T1解析:人物题,以总分结构先说自己的优点,加细节,再举个例子即可。优秀品质如:passionate, intelligent, brave, optimistic. T2解析:这道题的本质实际是在问科技对于工作的好处和坏处。如果说你喜欢运用科技的工作,原因可以为:I enjoy it because it's more efficient and effective;如果不喜欢可以说:they are a distraction to me and it might impair my eyesight. T3 解析:首先描述阅读的观点:禁止在教学楼之间骑车,因为区域狭窄并且不安全。女生不同意。因为人们负责下车慢行,而且如果那样的话浪费保安的时间,他们有更重要的事情要做。 T4 解析:注意题目说道只要表达一个例子就可以了,所以可以做选择性的表达,突出实验反映environment scent能够促进销售即可。 T5 解析:首先表达问题:reduce the funding and increase the price. 然后说两个解决方案,最后表达自己认为那种解决方案更好,着重说优点。 T6 总分结构答题。总:The lecture is about how the cooperation benefits the feeding of animals. 分:deers和bees的例子。 考试预测 这次考试Task1,2涉及的是经典话题中人物和科技,课堂上都涉及过。郑州优择托福名师建议考生把口语黄金80题练熟,另外注意suggestion和三选一题型的话术。 Task3和5依然是校园和学生话题,郑州优择托福名师建议考生熟悉两个题型的答题逻辑和套话,这样上考场便可脱口而出。Task4话题属于Marketing,Task6属于Biology,之后考试请大家着重复习Biology,Psychology和Business话题。


托福口语:TPO1口语Task2参考答案TPO1口语Task2题目: Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion. TPO1口语Task2参考答案(范文模板): I think that TV has had a very negative influence on society. The reason I feel this way is because on the whole, it made society very lazy. People used to be more active before there was TV,they kept more physically fit and had better health overall. Now, a much greater percentage of the world has health problems related to the fact that they aren’t in shape anymore. Also, I think that TV has made society very isolated from their local surroundings and the people around them. Sure we might know more about many different topics, however, we’ve seemed to have lost an important form of contact with one another, because we now focus most of our attention to a flat box on our walls rather than each other. That’s why I feel that TV is a negative influence on society.

新托福口语机经Independent .task 1真题机经及满分答

新托福口语机经Independent .task 1真题机 经及满分答 新〔托福〕口语机经Independent .task 1真题机经及满分答案新托福考试出题是具有可猜测性的,一些重点题目在考试中会再次甚至多次重复出现.这种现象在口语考试的Task1和Task2中尤其显然,甚至常常会以原题的形式出现. 考生要对2006~2010年曾经考过的题目分外重视,许多所谓的新考题其实就是以前老题 的翻版或者是重现.因此,了解历次考题,并对其中的一些重点题目有所准备,是快速取 得高分的捷径,关于一些基础较差的考生就更是如此。 1 .What makes a good teacher? A good teacher should have three basic characteries as follows: To begin with,a good teacher should be knowledgeable 50 that students ean learn things beyond the textbooks.For example.my Chinese teacher 15 not only good at Chinese.but a 150 an expert of western music and films.Therefore.we have an opportunity to learn western lifestyle,tradition and

arts which help us to have a knowledge of western society. second.a good teacher should be extrovert.enthusiastic and have a great sense of humor 50 that the lecture ean be attractive. Third.a good teacher should be patient and trustworthy 50 that the students are able to learn more and never hesitate to ask any question. 2 .What makes a good student? A good student should have the following characteristics. First,a good student should be hard一working 50 that he or she ean require knowledge and make Progress constantly. Second,a good student should be a Passionate Participant and eager to learn.only those who Prepare to learn something can raise constructive questions and give insightful input during class discussion.A good student always gets involved in class. Third,a good student should be perseverant.For example,1 have already taken the TOEFL test twice and did not get a 〔sat〕isfactory score.However 1 did`t give up.A famous saying goes:“Where there 15 a will.there is away!〞I am sure l will make my dream


TOEFL托福口语真题解析 托福口语真题解析1 The school is going to have students TV show, which show would you like to watch. Please give your reasons. A.interview school leaders B.students debate on political and social topics https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae19231396.html,edy about school life 新托福口语Task1解析: 根据考试的趋势,ETS现在是越来越喜欢出三选一的题目了。所以接下来要考试的孩子们,可以重点练习练习三选一的题目。去年的新题也是今年重复的重点,比如今天的task2,是去年7月16号的task2。今天的文章最后会把今天可能会重点重复的题目列出,大家可以自行练习。 先来看task1的三选一。三选一其实比二选一更好答,毕竟对比的对象多了一个,可以多说好几个句子了。当然,对于三选一的题目,也不一定非要采用对比的方式作答,如果选择的方案足够支撑45秒,自然是极好的。 如果采用对比的方式,b和c都是不错的选择。 如果选b,可以说帮助学生深入了解和思考,拓展视野。举例说最近有类似的辩论类的真人秀很火,所以学生也会喜欢看。然后可以对比,说学校领导的采访,通常就是说一些假大空的话,很无聊,也可以说学生都不是专业的演员,所以表演很稚嫩,看起来很尴尬。

参考表达 gain an insight into ... 深入了解 broden the horizens/add a wider perspective 扩大视野 reality show 真人秀 be a sensation 很火 full of rhetoric 充斥着无意义的空谈 如果选c,如果觉得没啥可说,可以把上面的缺点通过让步加上去,也就是虽然学生都不是专业的演员,表演可能会很稚嫩,但故事贴近学生日常生活,感同身受,学生应该喜欢看。而且还是喜剧,可以缓解学业压力。相比,学校领导的采访就很无聊,b似乎没有什么缺点,如果没有例子支撑,选c可能说不到45s。 参考表达 depict things people can relate to relieve their anxieties/pressure 新托福口语Task1参考范文一: I think it would be better to produce TV shows that are about comedy on different aspects of student life, the main reason is that, it's more casual and fun than the other two topics,we students already have a tough day from meeting deadlines and part-time job, it would be nice to watch something that's very light-hearted, another reason is that, i'm quite sure that compared with the other two topics, students would find this more useful, as we can relate to the lives of other students.


2020年托福口语考试真题及答案 托福口语真题Task1 There are many events at school which are negative when we confronted initially, while which are getting positive after we experienced. Please give an example of events that are negative at first and positive later for you. Sample answer: In my point of view, many events held at school are positive. Only a few of them are negative at first but later on positive. In my school, all the students are required to take an very difficult English exam called CET Band Six, without that certificate, stude nts won’t be able to graduate from the school. Initially, we felt frustrated and rebelled towards the requirement because we were art students, most of whom are not good at language learning. But we had no choice, we had to study much harder for it, months or even years later, most of us passed the exam. We got a stong sense of plishment and felt very proud of ourselves. 托福口语真题Task2 Some people go to take exercise outside or go to gym each day, while others take exercise or go to gym when they have free time. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons.

托福口语task2 about education题库及答案

Task2. About education 1.Some students prefer to have classes in the morning and do their part-time jobs in the evening. Others prefer to have classes in the evening and do their part-time job in the morning. Which do you prefer and why ?Use specific reasons and examples to support your response . As far as I am concerned, I prefer to have classes in the morning and do my part-time job in the evening. First of all, as a student, attending courses is of the first importance. Thus I should give priority to class rather than part-time job. If I do my part-time job in the morning, I will probably feel exhausted in the evening and pay no attention to my teacher in classes. I mean, studying in the morning is much more efficient than in the evening. So, I will choose to attend classes in the daytime. 2.Some students prefer to review their notes regularly; while others prefer to review their notes just before the test. Which do you prefer and explain why? As far as I am concerned, I prefer to review my notes regularly rather than just before the test. First of all, if the test is around the corner, having reviewed my notes regularly will not only diminish the time I spend on preparation for the test, but also probably get me a higher grade than those who review their notes just before the test. In addition, getting a good score is not the primary purpose of learning. Studying is for increasing one’s knowledge. And only through reviewing the note regularly, will a student achieve steady progress in study. 3.Some university students would prefer to study full-time; others would prefer to study part-time. Which do you prefer and why? As far as I am concerned, I prefer to study part-time rather than full-time. First of all, studying full-time is too stressful for me. Studying part-time will provide me with more time to review the lesson, and thus I will have a deep understanding of the knowledge. And, studying part-time can also provide me enough time to put my knowledge into practice. For example, my major is marketing, which is subject of the character of practice. And it is important for me to get a relevant job in the spare time. So, I prefer to study part time. 4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always study in quiet places .Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. As far as I am concerned, students do not always need to study in quiet places. First of all, although it's common sense that quiet place is ideal for students, sometimes noise can not be avoided. For instance, there may be some people getting in and out of the study room in order to answer the phone or go to the toilet. Therefore it is very essential for students to bear some noises. And also, it is not the environment, but the mind that plays important role in learning efficiency. Mao Zedong, one of the greatest leaders of our country in history, used to read in the Tiananmen Square intently. And Mao was so concentrated on his book that he didn’t affect by the noisy environment.


托福口语评分标准与task1实例分析 解释:考察考生所表达的口语内容是否完好、准确地答复了题目的要求。考察重点在于考生是否能够准确理解题意和准确迎合题意两个层次。 2、意思是否明白: 解释:考察考生所表达的口语内容是否能够被明白地理解,还是外表上很流利,而事实上语义模糊、不知所云。 3、构造是否严密: 解释:考察考生是否有力量将口语用严密的构造和规律表达出来,还是缺乏层次,信马由缰。 4、表达是否连贯: 解释:考察考生口语的语流是否有停顿,这包括思维停顿和表达停顿两方面的缘由或表现。但此标准并未对考生的口语表达速度作硬性的要求。 5、发音是否清晰: 解释:考察考生的发音是否能够做到纯粹、清楚。至少理解起来并不由于腔调的问题存在障碍。 6、语法是否正确: 解释:考察考生是否能够娴熟的使用较冗杂的句子构造表达思想,同时尽量避开错误。 7、词汇是否娴熟: 解释:考察考生是否可以把握足够的英语词汇进展表达,考察

重点在娴熟度和准确度两个方面。但此标准并未对考生的用词难度作硬性的要求。 托福口语Task1大至可分为四类,分别为人物类、事物类、地点类以及大事类。我们以人物类为例。首祖先物类的题目一般会要求你对一个人进展描述,比方你所敬重的人或者对你影响很大的人,并且会要求你用详细的详情及例证进展支持自己的观点。如:Describe the famous personyou admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to supportyour response. 遇到这样的题目,首先要确定一个topic sentence,然后再快速地构建supporting Ideas. Topicsentence一般比拟好确定,关键再与能否用详细的details和examples有力支撑你的topic sentence.拿到这个题目后,最好快速的针对这个famous person身上的特质做一个分类,比方他的achievement和他的character.确定好从这两方面绽开表达后,就应当分别找出各自详细的examples.比方你要写一个作家的话,在achievement方面,你就可以简洁列上作家的书名以及此书如何转变了你人生观,以及关心你养成良好的习惯等。 而在character方面,你就要以你脑袋里消失的几个形容人的单词为点。此时,在15秒的预备时间里,考生最好在纸上简洁的写下几个对你有提示性的单词。如humorous, open-minded, easy-going,warm-hearted, knowledgeable, versatile…。然后再连点成线,组合成句子。此时我们可以用描述的`方法把观点同意转


新托福口语Task2题目+答案分类汇总 新托福口语Task 2 About education 1. Some students prefer to have classes in the morning and do their part-time jobs in the evening. Others prefer to have classes in the evening and do their part-time job in the morning. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. Personally, I prefer to have classes in the morning and do their part-time jobs in the evening First of all, it is because of the peer pressure. You know, everyone in my class chooses to study in the morning and work at night. I don’t wanna be a weird person and isolated from them. Therefore I’d like to do the same as them and involve with them. Secondly, I can gain more knowledge and collecting information during the whole process. For example, I am about to have a better understanding of the meaning of life and the importance of dream and future, when I do the part-time job after the difficult classes, so that I’ll pay more attention to my academic performance and work. In addition, according to the Times magazine, the people who do part-time jobs after classes are more likely to achieve success. I certainly wanna be a successful person, so I’d like to choose that. 2. Some students prefer to review their notes regularly; while others prefer to review their notes just before test. Which do you prefer and explain why? Personally, I prefer to review notes regularly, it is because First of all, I can save tons of time. Specifically, it only takes me 30 minutes to remember what I learned if I review my notes frequently. However, if I review just before the test, I will spend 5 hours recalling the knowledge. I think spending the time saved reading history books is the better way for me to learn. Also, it is because peer pressure. You know, everyone in my class chooses to review their notes regularly. I don’t wanna be a weird person and isolated from them. Therefore, I’d like to do the same and involve with them. In addition, according to the Times magazine, the students who review the notes regularly are more likely to get a great score. So, I’d like to review notes regularly. 3. Some university students would prefer to study full-time; others would prefer to study part time. Which do you prefer and why? Personally, I prefer to study part-time. It is because First of all, I can gain more knowledge and information during the whole process. For instance, I can have a better understanding of the meaning of life and the importance of dream and future. So, I will pay more attention to my work and academic performance and also make great contribution to our society in the future.

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