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daily 日报

morning edition 晨报

evening edition 晚报

quality paper 高级报纸

popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报

part organ 党报

trade paper 商界报纸

Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊

the front page 头版,第一版bulldog edition 晨版

article 记事

headline 标题

banner headline 头号大标题byline 标题下署名之行dateline 日期、发稿地之行

big news 头条新闻

hot news 最新新闻

exclusive news 独家新闻

scoop 特讯

feature 特写,花絮

criticism 评论

editorial 社论

review, comment 时评

book review 书评

topicality 时事问题

city news 社会新闻

column 栏

letters 读者投书栏

general news column 一般消息栏cartoon, comics 漫画

cut 插图

weather forecast 天气预报serial story 新闻小说

obituary notice 讣闻

public notice 公告

advertisement 广告

classified ad 分类广告

flash-news 大新闻

extra 号外

the sports page 运动栏

literary criticism 文艺评论

Sunday features 周日特刊

newsbeat 记者采访地区

news blackout 新闻管制

press ban 禁止刊行

yellow sheet 低俗新闻

tabloid 图片版新闻

"Braille" edition 点字版

newspaper office 报社

publisher 发行人

proprieter 社长

bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑

editor-in-chief 总主笔

editor 编辑, 主笔

newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者

reporter 采访记者

war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者

star reporter 一流通讯员

correspondent 通讯员

special correspondent 特派员

contributor 投稿家

news source 新闻来源

informed sources 消息来源

newspaper campaign 新闻战

free-lancer writer 自由招待会

press box 记者席

news conference, press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行

circulation 发行份数

newsstand, kiosk 报摊

newspaper agency 报纸代售处

newsboy 报童

subscription (rate) 报费

newsprint 新闻用纸

Fleet Street 舰队街












2011 苏州大学MTI考研真题


























2010 北京第二外国语学院MTI真题

















magazine 杂志

periodical 期刊

back number 过期杂志

pre-dated 提前出版的

world news 国际新闻

home news 国内新闻

news agency 新闻社

editor 编辑

commentator 评论员

reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者resident correspondent 常驻记者

special correspondent 特派记者

editorial, leading article 社论

feature, feature article 特写

headline 标题

banner headline 通栏标题

news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导serial, to serialize 连载

serial story 小说连载

editor's note 编者按

advertisement, ad 广告

press commnique 新闻公报

press conference 记者招待会

publication 出版

publishing house, press 出版社

publisher 发行者

circulation 发行量

edition 版本

the first edition 初版

the second edition 再版

the third edition 第三版

the first impression 第一次印刷

the second impression 第二次印刷

de luxe edition 精装本

paperback 平装本

pocket edition 袖珍本

popular edition 普及版

copyright 版权

royalty 版税

type-setting, composition 排版

proof-reading 校对工作

proof-reader 校对(者)

editing 编辑(工作)

editor 编辑(者)

printing 印刷

printing machine 印刷机

type-setter, compositor 排字工人

folio 对开本

quarto 四开本

octavo 八开本

16-mo 十六开本

32-mo 三十二开本

64-mo 六十四开本

reference book 参考书

booklet, pamphlet 小册子, 小书periodical 期刊

magazine 杂志

daily 日报

weekly 周刊

fortnightly 半月刊

monthly 月刊

bimonthly 双月刊

quarterly 季刊

annual 年刊

year-book 年鉴

extra issue (报纸)号外

special issue 特刊

daily paper 日报

evening paper 晚报

morning paper 晨报

Sunday newspaper 星期日报manual, handbook 手册document. paper 公文

pictorial magazine 画报

memorial volume 纪念刊

selected works, selections 选集complete works 全集

anthology 文集, 文选

scientific literature 科学文献

index 索引

original edition 原版(书)

new edition 新版

revised edition 修订版

reprint 重印, 翻印

cheap edition, paperback 廉价本encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书textbook 教科书

reader 读本

best seller 畅销书

accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.

advance n.预发消息;预写消息

affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻

anecdote n.趣闻轶事

assignment n.采写任务

attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源

back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景

Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题

beat n.采写范围

blank vt. "开天窗"

body n. 新闻正文

boil VT.压缩(篇幅)

box n. 花边新闻

brief n. 简讯

bulletin n.新闻简报

byline n. 署名文章

caption n.图片说明

caricature n.漫画

carry VT.刊登

cartoon n.漫画

censor Vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版

clipping n.剪报

column n.专栏;栏目

columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人

copy desk n.新闻编辑部

copy editor n.文字编辑

correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover VT.采访;采写

cover girl n. 封面女郎

covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访

crop VT.剪辑(图片)

crusade n.宣传攻势

cut n.插图 VT.删减(字数)

cut line n.插图说明

daily n.日报

dateline n.新闻电头

deadline n.截稿时间

dig VT.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);"挖"(新闻)

digest n.文摘

editorial n.社论

editorial office 编辑部

editor's notes 编者按

exclusive n.独家新闻

expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光

extra n.号外

eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻

faxed photo 传真照片

feature n.特写;专稿

feedback n.信息反馈

file n.发送消息;发稿

filler n.补白

First Amendment (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等) five "W's" of news 新闻五要素

flag n.报头;报名

folo (=follow-up) n.连续报道

Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)

freedom of the Press 新闻自由

free-lancer n.自由撰稿人

full position 醒目位置

Good news comes on crutches. 好事不出门。

grapevine n.小道消息

gutter n.中缝

hard news 硬新闻;纯消息

headline n.新闻标题;内容提要

hearsay n.小道消息

highlights n. 要闻

hot news 热点新闻

human interest 人情味

in-depth reporting 深度报道

insert n.& VT.插补段落;插稿

interpretative reporting 解释性报道

invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权)

inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作结构)

investigative reporting 调查性报道

journalism n.新闻业;新闻学

Journalism is literature in a hurry 新闻是急就文学.

journalist n.新闻记者

kill VT.退弃(稿件);枪毙(稿件)

layout n.版面编排;版面设计

lead n.导语

libel n. 诽谤(罪)

makeup n. 版面设计

man of the year 年度新闻人物,年度风云人物

mass communication 大众传播(学)

mass media 大众传播媒介

master head n.报头;报名

media n.媒介,媒体

Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅是传闻不足为凭.morgue n.报刊资料室

news agency 通讯社

news clue 新闻线索

news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头

newsprint n.新闻纸

news value 新闻价值

No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息;不闻凶讯便是吉。nose for news 新闻敏感

obituary n.讣告

objectivity n.客观性

off the record 不宜公开报道

opinion poll 民意浏验

periodical n.期刊

pipeline n.匿名消息来源

popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸

press n.报界;新闻界

press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台

press law 新闻法

press release 新闻公告;新闻简报

PR man 公关先生

profile n. 人物专访;人物特写

proofreader n.校对员

pseudo event 假新闻

quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸

quarterly n.季刊

readability n.可读性

reader's interest 读者兴越

reject VT.退弃(稿件)

remuneration n. 稿费;稿酬

reporter n.记者

rewrite Vt. 改写(稿件),改稿

round-up n.综合消息

scandal n.丑闻

scoop Vt."抢"(新闻) n.独家新闻sensational a.耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的sex scandal 桃色新闻

sidebar n.花絮新闻

slant n.主观报道;片面报道

slink ink "爬格子"

soft news 软新闻

source n.新闻来源;消息灵通人士

spike VT.退弃(稿件);"枪毙"(稿件)

stone VT.拼版

story n.消息;稿件;文章

stringer n.特约记者;通讯员

subhead n.小标题;副标题

supplement n.号外;副刊;增刊

suspended interest 悬念

thumbnail n."豆腐干"(文章)

timeliness n.时效性;时新性

tip n.内幕新闻;秘密消息

trim n. 删改(稿件)

update n.更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性) watchdog n.&Vt.舆论监督

weekly n.周报

wire service n.通讯社


传播Communication 内向/自我传播Intrapersonal Communication 人际传播Interpersonal Communication 群体传播Group Communication 组织传播Organization Communication 大众传播Mass Communication 单向传播One-Sided Communication 双向传播Two-Sided Communication 互动传播Interactive Communication 媒介Media 大众传播媒介Mass Media 新媒介New Media 新闻洞News Hold 新闻价值News Value 传播者Communicator 主动传播者Active Communicator 受传者/受众/阅听大众Audience 受众兴趣Audience Interest 受众行为Audience Activity 信息Information 信号Signal 讯息Message 信息熵Entropy 冗余/冗余信息Redundancy 传播单位Communication Unit 奥斯古德模式Osgood Model 编码Encode 解码Decode 信源Source 传播的数学理论Mathematical Theory of Communication 传播渠道Communication Channel 有效传播Effective Communication 传播效果Effects 知识沟Knowledge-Gap 使用与满足模式Uses and Gratifications Model 使用与依从模式Uses and Dependencys Model 口传系统System of Oral Communication 地球村Global Village 内爆Implosion 全球化Globalization 本土化Localization 数字化Digitalization 电子空间Cyber Space 文化帝国主义Culture Imperialism 跨文化传播Intercultural Communication 守门人Gatekeeper 新闻采集者News Gatherers 新闻加工者News Processors


专题一中国节日及相关表达 1.春节the Spring Festival / Chinese lunar Near Year 农历正月初一the first day of the first lunar month 农历lunar calendar 年终大扫除year-end household cleaning 春联Spring Festival couplets 年画New Year pictures 剪纸paper-cuts 团圆饭family reunion dinner 饺子dumplings 春晚Spring Festival Gala 守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 除夕Eve of Chinese New Year 辞旧迎新ring out the old year and ring in the new 拜年pay a New Year visit 红包red packets 压岁钱lucky money 放爆竹let off firecrackers 庙会temple fair 禁忌taboo 2.元宵节Lantern Festival 农历正月十五15th day of the first lunar month元宵rice dumplings 花灯festival lantern 灯谜lantern riddle 灯会exhibit of lanterns 烟花fireworks 3.端午节Dragon Boat Festival 农历五月初五5th of the fifth lunar month 粽子traditional Chinese rice-pudding 糯米sticky rice 粽叶bamboo leaves 舞龙dragon dance 舞狮lion dance 踩高跷stilt walking 赛龙舟dragon-boat racing 纪念in memory of 屈原Qu Yuan 诗人poet 忠臣loyal minister 4.清明节Tomb-sweeping Day 寒食节Cold Food Festival 祭拜祖先offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 踏青go for a spring outing 5.中秋节Mid-Autumn Day / Moon Festival 农历八月十五15th of the eighth lunar month 月饼moon cake 赏月appreciate the glorious full moon 中国神话故事Chinese mythology 嫦娥the goddess of the moon 后羿Houyi


下午茶high tea 微博Microblog 裸婚naked wedding 亚健康sub-health 愤青young cynic 灵魂伴侣soul mate 小白脸toy boy 人肉搜索flesh search 公司政治company politics 剩女3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 山寨copycat 异地恋long-distance relationship 钻石王老五diamond bachelor 时尚达人fashion icon 御宅otaku 上相的,上镜头的photogenic 脑残体leetspeak 学术界academic circle 哈证族certificate maniac 偶像派idol type 熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 挑食者picky-eater 伪球迷fake fans 紧身服straitjacket

团购group buying 家庭暴力family/domestic volience 炫富flaunt wealth 决堤breaching of the dike 上市list share 赌球soccer gambling 桑拿天sauna weather 自杀Dutch act 假发票fake invoice 二房东middleman landlord 入园难kindergarten crunch 生态补偿ecological compensation 金砖四国BRIC countries 笑料laughing stock 泰国香米Thai fragrant rice 学历造假fabricate academic credentials 泄洪release flood waters 狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 暗淡前景bleak prospects 惊悚电影slasher flick 房奴车奴mortgage slave 上课开小差zone out 万事通know-it-all 毕业典礼commencement


广告英语翻译常用词汇 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the peo ple's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; prov iding amenities for the people; making life easier for the popula tion 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment

顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specific ations 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) de sign; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods


全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院Supreme People's Court 5、最高人民检察院Supreme People's Procuratorate 6、国务院State Council (1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 国防部Ministry of National Defence 国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission 国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 教育部Ministry of Education 科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology 国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence


1. 山寨copycatting This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds of bandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved to refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies. 2. 囧be sunk/sunken This is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced "jiong". It means "light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to express embarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it look like a disappointed face? 3. 很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violent During a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation, a girl said that an uncensored Web page once popped up on her computer. She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Some believe the girl was told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mock the way the network covers news. 4. 槑nuts Pronounced méi, the word is a variant of the word for "梅". But it also looks like a double version of the character 呆(dai), which means stupid. So netizens have borrowed it to mean "very silly or very stupid". 5. 叉腰肌Psoas muscle Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association , once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoas muscles. (This is the muscle that links the trunk to the legs; it's important for motion.) However, nobody, including the players, knew where the muscle is. This quote is now used to mock Xie, who was recently removed from his position. 6. 打酱油get some soy sauce When a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion of the sex scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen (Chen Guanxi), the man answered, "It is none of my business. I am just out to get some soy sauce." People have since begun using the words to mean "it's none of my business". 7. 泡良族pick-up artists This expression refers to men who seduce married women. 8. 凤凰男Phoenix man


1.素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费:basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全:economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库:grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering



daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报 government organ 官报 part organ 党报 trade paper 商界报纸 Chinese paper 中文报纸 English newspaper 英文报纸 vernacular paper 本国文报纸 Japanese paper 日文报纸 political news 政治报纸 Newspaper Week 新闻周刊 the front page 头版,第一版 bulldog edition 晨版 article 记事 headline 标题 banner headline 头号大标题 byline 标题下署名之行 dateline 日期、发稿地之行

hot news 最新新闻 exclusive news 独家新闻 scoop 特讯 feature 特写,花絮 criticism 评论 editorial 社论 review, comment 时评 book review 书评 topicality 时事问题 city news 社会新闻 column 栏 letters 读者投书栏 general news column 一般消息栏cartoon, comics 漫画 cut 插图 weather forecast 天气预报 serial story 新闻小说 obituary notice 讣闻 public notice 公告advertisement 广告 classified ad 分类广告


翻译常用词汇 高枕无忧resting without worries 史无前例unprecedented in the history 不可一世a conquering hero 毫不示弱equally firmly 量体裁衣to act according to actual circumstances 一刀两断to cut it clean 与虎谋皮to ask a tiger for its skin 六亲不认to disown all one’s relatives and fri ends 英雄本色the true quality of a hero 英雄所见略同Great minds think alike. 每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones faraway. 上有好,下必有其焉。What the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。The Great River flows to the east: Its waves have washed away all the men of untrammeled spirit of a thousand ages. 上兵伐谋,其次伐交。What is supremely important in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。I wonder how many sorrows you have. They are exactly like the Yangtze River unceasingly flowing eastward in spring. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear. Her face half hidden behind the guitar (pipa) in her arms. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only if you can stand the hardest of hardships can you hope to rise in society. 是非经过不知难You never know how hard a task is almost until you have done it yourself. 满招损Pride goes before a fall. / Pride spells failure. 适可而止Bind the sack before it be full. 好汉做事好汉当A true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions.知己知彼,百战不殆。To know one’s and the enemy’s situation ensures victory. 牵扯之覆,后车之鉴。The overturned car ahead is a warning to the ones behind. 山雨欲来风满楼The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains. 是故学然后知不足,教然后之困。Therefore, to learn makes us realize our deficiency, and to teach makes us know the difficulties. 人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其利、货畅其流。Our human, land and material resources should be used to the best advantage, and our goods should be in good circulation. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。Parents have the duty to rear and education their children who are minors, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。Citizens of the P eople’s Republic of China have the right as well as the duty of work. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings.


新闻英语标题翻译:欣赏及汉译 我们在阅读英语报刊时,不仅要学会看借新闻标题,而且最好还能善于欣赏并翻 译新闻标题,惟有如此,我们才能较正确地理解英语新闻标题的词汇、语法及修辞等 特点,判断出标题的寓意。 欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题时应该兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题,领悟其妙处;适 当照顾译文特点,增强可读性;重视读者的接受能力。欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题,对 于不太熟悉英语国家历史、文化背景的读者来说,有时并不是很容易的。许多妙不可 言的精彩之处,一疏忽就可能从眼皮底下滑过去。因此,这就要求我们平时注意积累,不断熟悉英语国家的历史掌故、文艺作品以及英语的修辞手段等等。一旦真的领会并 译出了英语标题中作者苦心营造的深奥内涵,那份喜悦不亚于数学家攻克一道难题。 一、直译或基本直译 如果英语标题的含义明白、直接,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则可直译或基本直译。如: Looking Back To Look Ahead. 回首往昔展望未来。 America's Careening Foreign Policy. 摇摆不定的美国对外政策。 Bill Clinton Assumes Office In White House As Us President. 比尔,克林顿入主白宫,就任美国总统。(或译:克林顿入主白宫,新总统始掌 大权。) Olympics Begin In Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold. 奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌。

二、添加注释性词语 即使是明白易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需酌情加上逻辑主语,或新闻人物的国籍、消息的事发地点等等。总之,应兼顾中英语新闻标题之异同,适当增补有关介绍性、注释性词语以利读者理解,避免产生误会。例如: Li Elected Cppcc Head. 李(瑞环)当选为全国政协主席。 Lewis, Xie Voted World's Top Two. 路(易斯)谢(军)当选世界最佳男女(运动员)。 Emperor's Visit A Milestone In Bilateral Ties. 天皇访华:(中日)双边关系的里程碑。 Quake Death Toll Tops 5000. (日本限神地区)地震死亡人数己逾五千。 Young Wheelers, Big Dealers. 青年摩托车手成了(保险公司)大主顾。 三、体现原文修辞特点 如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,如双关、比喻、押韵等,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则应尽可能体现原标题的修辞特色。如: 押韵:After The Boom Everything Is Gloom.


2020年常用英语热点词汇 热点话题一:环境保护 基本词汇 pollute(污染); cut down trees(砍伐树木); waste water(废水); throw rubbish around(乱扔垃圾); protect the surroundings(保护周边环境); protect rare animals(保护稀有动物); improve the environment(改善环境); save energy(节省能源) 亮点词汇 do great harm to(给……带来很大危害) preserve/protect the ecological environment 保护生态环境 raise people’s awareness of environment protection 提高人们的环保意识 care for trees and plants 爱护树木花草 ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班 recycle textbooks/trash 课本/垃圾回收利用 take public transport 乘坐公共交通

deal with rubbish properly 正确处理垃圾 save energy/water 节约能源/水 don’t litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾/吐痰sort the garbage 分类垃圾 ban abusing plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋 ban smoking in public places 禁止在公共场合吸烟 热点话题二和谐社会 基本词汇 harmonious(和谐的); honest(诚实的); credible (可信的); balanced(平衡的); social order(社会秩序); peaceful(和平的); sustainable development(可持续发展); help each other(互助); care for each other(互相关心); have a liking for (喜爱); build(创建); cherish(珍惜); public morals(社会道德) 亮点词汇


第一单元 When the University of California at Los Angeles put Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) on the cover of this winter’s alumni bulletin, it was a tribute to a distinguished graduate who is so close to his alma mater that he named his dog Bruin, after UCLA’s revered symbol. 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校在今年冬季毕业生期刊封面刊登美国国会议员杰尔. 刘易斯(加州共和党人),对与其母校的关系密切得能用美国加州大学洛杉矶分校吉祥物将其宠狗取名为布轮熊的杰出毕业生大肆颂扬。 But the cover story, which was engineered in part by the University of California’s government relation office in Washington, was also a shrewd ploy to cement relations with a key member of the House Appropriations Committee. 但是在某种程度上由加州大学华盛顿政府关系办公室策划的这一封面故事也是密切与美国国会众院拨款委员会某一关键委员的精明手段。 As Congress takes up President Bush’s fiscal 2005 budget proposal, which cuts some basic research programs vital to universities, the higher education community is using every lobbying tool at its disposal to protect its interests. 在美国国会受理布什总统提交的砍掉了对大学至关重要的一些基本


2019英语四级翻译常用词汇:教育词汇 成人夜校 night school for adults 在职进修班 on-job training courses 政治思想教育 political and ideological education 毕业生分酉己 graduate placement; assignment of graduate 充电update one’s knowledge 初等教育 elementary education 大学城 college town 大学社区 college community 高等教育 higher education 高等教育“211 工程” the “211 Project” for higher education 高等学府 institution of higher education 综合性大学 comprehensive university 文科院校 colleges of (liberal) arts 理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering 师范学院teachers’ college; normal college 高分低能 high scores and low abilities 高考(university/college) entrance examination 高校扩招 the college expansion plan

教育界 education circle 教育投入 input in education 九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education 考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools 课外活动 extracurricular activities 必修课 required/compulsory course 选修课 elective/optional course 基础课 basic courses 专业课 specialized courses 课程表 school schedule 教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus 学习年限 period of schooling 学历 record of formal schooling 学分 credit 启发式教学 heuristic teaching 人才交流 talent exchange 人才战 competition for talented people 商务英语证书 Business English Certificate (BEC) 适龄儿重入学率 enrollment rate for children of school age 升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rate


这里汇聚了计算机和网络技术领域的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 A AAIMS(An Analytical Information Management System)分析信息管理系统 Abacus 算盘 Access security 存取安全 Access time 存取时间 Active 有源的 Ada programming language Ada 程序设计语言 Adapter 适配器 Adapter card 转接卡 Add-on 外接式附件 Address 地址 ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) 非对称数字客户线路 After-image record 残留影像记录 Algorithm 算法 Alpha testing ɑ测试 3 Alteration switch 变换开关 ALU(Arithmetic/Logic Unit)运算器 Amplitude 幅度 Analog data 模拟数据 Analog cellular 模拟移动电话 Analog signal 模拟信号 Analysis block 分析块 Animation 动画制作 ANSL(American National Standards Label)美国国家标准标号 Answerback memory 应答存储器 Anti-noise coding 反噪声编码 Antivirus software 反病毒软件 APL(A Programming Language) APL 语言 Application development cycle 应用开发周期 Application program 应用程序 4 Application software 应用软件 Arithmetic operation 算术运算 ARP(Automatic Receive Program)自动接受程序 Artificial network 仿真网络 ASCII(American standard Code for Information Interchange)美国信息交 换用标准代码 Assembler 汇编程序 Assembly language 汇编语言 Asynchronous 异步的


专题一中国节日及相关表达1.春节the Spring Festival / Chinese lunar Near Year农历正月初一the first day of the first lunar month农历lunar calendar年终大扫 除year-end household cleaning春联Spring Festival couplets 年 画New Year pictures 剪纸paper-cuts 团圆饭family reunion dinner饺子dumplings春 晚Spring Festival Gala守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve除 夕Eve of Chinese New Year辞旧迎新ring out the old year and ring in the new 拜年pay a New Year visit红包red packets 压岁钱lucky money 放爆竹let off firecrackers 庙会temple fair禁忌taboo2.元宵节Lantern Festival农历正月十 五15th day of the first lunar month元宵rice dumplings 花灯festival lantern 灯谜lantern riddle 灯会exhibit of lanterns 烟花fireworks3.端午节Dragon Boat Festival农历五月初五5th of the fifth lunar month 粽子traditional Chinese rice-pudding糯米sticky rice粽叶bamboo leaves舞龙dragon dance 舞狮lion dance踩高跷stilt walking赛龙舟dragon-boat racing 纪念in memory of 屈 原Qu Yuan 诗人poet 忠臣loyal minister4.清明节Tomb-sweeping Day 寒食节Cold Food Festival 祭拜祖先offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 踏青go for a spring outing 5.中秋 节Mid-Autumn Day / Moon Festival农历八月十五15th of the eighth lunar month 月饼moon cake 赏月appreciate the glorious full moon中国神话故事Chinese mythology嫦娥the goddess of the moon后羿Houyi长生不老be immortal6.重阳节Double Ninth Day赏 菊admire the beauty of chrysanthemum 登高climb a height7.七夕 节Double Seventh Day/Chinese Valentine's Day银河the Milky Way鹊 桥bridge of magpies牛郎Cowherd织女the Weaving Maid王母娘娘the Queen of Heaven 乞巧praying-for-cleverness 女红needlework 专题二中国文化及相关表达1. 中国文化四大发 明the four great inventions of ancient China火药gunpowder印刷术printing造纸 术paper-making 指南针the compass文房四宝”Four Treasures of the Study 笔writing brush 墨ink stick 纸paper 砚ink slab 书法calligraphy 中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting 雕刻sculpture 泥人clay figure 武术martial arts 京剧Peking opera 昆曲Kunqu opera 相声cross talk 中药traditional Chinese medicine

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