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第三,过量的温室效应可能产生什么样的后果?它直接导致全球气温快速升高。今天,地球的温度以前所未有的速度升高。为了了解全球变暖是如何加速的,大家想想看:全球的平均温度在整个20世纪上升了0.6摄氏度。然而,科学家通过使用计算机气候模式估计到2100年全球平均气温将上升1.4度至5.8摄氏度,这将是从上世纪起发生的相当大的飞跃。与此同时,大多数科学家一致认为, 如果全球温度升高了,即使是一点点,也会导致显著的气候变化和天气变化,影响云量、降水量、风场类型、风暴的发生频率和造成影响的严重程度、以及四季持续的时间。


Household Register Under Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C. Points for Attention 1. The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationship of family members. It is a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register. 2. The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer and lease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly. 3. Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it. 4. Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the registration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office. 5. If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the Household Register shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.


The Art of Living The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. The rabbis of old put it this way: " A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open." 生活的艺术在于懂得何时紧紧抓住,何时放手。生活就是一个悖论:它要我们抓住生命赐予的礼物,却又要在最后一一放手。古时的犹太拉比说:“人来到这个世上时紧握着拳头,但当他离去时,手又松开了。” Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of God's own earth. 当然我们应紧紧抓住生命,因为它让人惊奇,并且充满了美,它散落在上帝所创造的每一寸土地上的。 We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more. 我们知道确实如此,但是我们总在回首时才意识到,过去的一切我们仍然记得,但却明白了一切不再如此。 We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered. 我们会记起的,是一种凋谢的美,一份逝去的爱。当美绽放时我们并没有去留意这份美,当爱情来临时我们未能报之以爱。回想这些,我们会更加心痛。 Here then is the first pole of life's paradoxical demands on us: Never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life. 生活给我们的第一个矛盾的真理:永远不要因为太过忙碌而错过了人生的奇迹与壮丽。 Be reverent before each dawning day. Embrace each hour. Seize each golden minute. 崇敬每一天。拥抱每一小时。抓紧每一分钟。 Hold fast to life... but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the second side of life's coin, the opposite pole of its paradox: we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go. 牢牢抓住人生,但不要抓得太紧,免得到时候不能放手。放手是人生硬币的另一面,是人生矛盾的另一极:我们必须接受失去并学会放手。 And ultimately, as the parable of the open and closed hand suggests, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves as it were, all that we were or dreamed to be.


题目1 - Write to me when you get home. - OK, I _______. 请选择一个答案: a. will b. should c. can d. must 题目2 He ______ to me last week. 请选择一个答案: a. is written b. is writing c. wrote d. writes 题目3 Don't laugh ________ people when they are _____trouble. 请选择一个答案: a. in….at… b. at….at… c. at… in… d. on… in… 题目4 Little T om is used to getting up _______eight every morning. 请选择一个答案: a. in b. of c. at d. on 题目5 Had you come five minutes earlier, you _____ the train to . But now you missed it. 请选择一个答案: a. would catch b. should catch c. could catch d. would have caught

Did you notice the guy ______ head looked like a big potato? 请选择一个答案: a. which b. who c. whom d. whose 题目7 I'll have a cup of coffee and _____. 请选择一个答案: a. two pieces of breads b. two breads c. two pieces of bread d. two piece of breads 反馈 正确答案是:two pieces of bread。 题目8 This is the ______ photo I have ever taken. 请选择一个答案: a. best b. worse c. better d. most worst 题目9 Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses _______. 请选择一个答案: a. in between b. among them c. far apart d. from each other 题目10 You have finished the work, _____you? 请选择一个答案: a. haven't b. have c. don't d. do 反馈


《形合和意合的差异与英汉互译》---英语专业论文范文 关键词:英汉互译形合意合语篇 摘要:由于英语语篇讲究形合,汉语语篇讲究意合,两种语言在联句成篇上的明显差异导致英汉互译不是原文单词与译文单词的对译,而是两种语言的语篇动态对译。掌握两者的差异,有助于更准确地理解原文,更地道地构建译文。 关键词:英汉;互译;形合;意合;语篇 一、引言 语言是文化的载体,任何一种语言都反映了与其相应的文化。西方人重形式分析和逻辑推理,强调“由一到多”的思维传统。在处理问题上,注意把具体问题从总体中分离出来,把极复杂的问题划分为比较简单的形式和部分,然后逐一去研究;汉民族讲究“天人合一”,重视整体思维,注重心理时空的思维方式。在处理问题上,注意从整体上,从一事物与他事物的联系上加以认识,予以解决。英汉民族思维模式的差异导致两种语言在结构上差异明显。英语讲究形合,语法显性,而汉语则注重“意合”,语法隐性。所谓形合,指的是句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手段(如关联词)连接起来,表达语法意义和逻辑关系。汉语讲究意合。所谓意合,指的是词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段连接,句中的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语或分句的含义表达。形合和意合的差异是英汉在语言学上最重要的一个区别。 二、英汉语篇形合与意合差异对英汉互译的影响 任何语言都不是独立地使用一种固定的表达模式来传递语言信息的,而是两种模式的混合自由作用。但是受文化背景、思维模式的影响,在表达过程中会表现出不同的特点。英语重形合,汉语重意合。英语行文注重结构、形式,注重显性接应,以形显意,语义连贯诉诸理性,因而句子结构严谨、完整。汉语行文注重功能、意义,注重隐性连贯,以神统形,语义连贯诉诸意向,因而汉语句子比较简洁,少用甚至不用形式连接手段。英汉在语篇的连句表意中彰显出不同的表达特色。可见英汉互译不是原文单词与译文单词的对译,而是两种语言的语篇动态对译。成功的译文应在意义上与原文等值,在遣词造句上看不出硬译的痕迹,符合译文行文要求和表达习惯,做到“信、达、雅”,即:忠实原文的实质精神,表达充分又确切,文字优雅流畅。 英汉形合、意合的差异导致汉译英时,若不加分析,一概完整地逐字、逐词、逐句照译,势必出现“汉化英语”,译文成为英文语篇中的破句或电报语,而英译汉时,则出现“英化汉语”,原文中所存在的连词在译文语篇中显得有些苍白,甚至累赘,失去了语言的简洁性、紧凑性。翻译实践证明,大量句子英汉互译时,往往需要在语篇中重新构建符合译文语言特点的表达。 1. 句子主语的调整。 英汉语句子均由主语和谓语两大部分组成,但英汉语句子主谓之间的句法关系差异明显。英语重形合,句子的主谓之间存有强制性的一致关系,决定谓语动词的人称形式和数形式,因此英语句子的主语在句中一般是不可或缺的。它是如此地不可或缺,以致当主语因修辞原因而移位时,甚至要使用形式主语来补足空位。汉语重意合,句子的主谓之间没有强制性的一致关系,主语对谓语动词的形式没有决定作用,句法地位并不十分重要,在语境(包括上下文、情景语境、常识与背景知识等)中为交际双方所共知的主语常常省去,以意承脉,因而汉语中存在大量的无主句或主语省略句。如以下汉语中的无主句,译成英语时则要补出主语。 (1)好,不再说了吧;要落泪了,真想念北平呀! (老舍,想北平) Now,let me leave off writing,for I am on the point of shedding tears. How I miss. Peiping! (2)凭窗站了一会儿,微微的觉得凉意侵人。 (冰心,笑) Standing at the window for a while,I felt a bit chilly. (3)It is hard to find out what any county can door will do next. (Lord Dunsany:The Greatest Invention) 很难预料一个国家能做什么或是接着会干什么。 2. 句式上的调整。 意合在形态上是平级配列,而形合在形态上是次级配列。汉语的句子以说话者的意念为主轴,形成一种意念机制,表


翻译作业 1.His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest 他接受贿赂导致被捕。. 2.Computers have changed the way we work and play. 电脑改变了我们工作和娱乐的方式。 3.She turned towards me immediately. The elegance of every moment of her limbs and body as soon as she began to advance from the far end of the room., set me in a flutter of expectation to see her face clearly. 她立即转向我。每当她开始从房间的尽头往前走时,她每一刻举手投足的优雅都吸引着我想把她的脸看清楚。 4.The flowers smells sweet. 花香四溢。 5.It tastes too much of garlic. 蒜味很重。 6.He didn’t look or act like his usual sel f—his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled. 他看上去和行为都和他往常不一样--面色绯红,帽子后戴,头发凌乱。 7.We are faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island country.


英语作业第一次 1、 【第一次】 I don’t know the park, but it’s ______ to be quite beautiful、 A said B told C spoken D talked 正确答案:A词汇与结构 2、 【第一次】 It is ______ that an accidental meeting makes a lifelong friendship、A amazing B disturbing C encouraging D attracting 正确答案:A词汇与结构 3、 【第一次】 If we could learn English in the same ______, it would not seem so difficult、 A road B way C theory D means 正确答案:B词汇与结构 4、 【第一次】 The teacher came into the classroom, ______ a thick book in her hand、A have B to have C having D had 正确答案:C词汇与结构

5、 【第一次】 There will be _______ soon、I’m afraid I can’t go、 A rain B rainy C raining D rains 正确答案:A词汇与结构 6、 【第一次】 Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible、 Just have a little ____、 A wait B time C patience D rest 正确答案:C词汇与结构 7、 【第一次】 You are ______ your time trying to persuade him; he'll never help us、 A spending B missing C losing D wasting 正确答案:D词汇与结构 8、 【第一次】 –Don’t you feel surprised to see George at the meeting? Yes、I really didn’t think he ______ here、 A has been B had been C would be D would have been 正确答案:C词汇与结构 9、


ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.


1. 私か田舎から北京へ来て、またたく間に6年になる。その間、耳に聞き目に見た国家の大事になるものは数えてみれば相当あった。 2. 動物はそれなりにその生活条件に適応している。その中でも自然条件が動物に与える影響は大きいものである。ところが人類は、生まれっいて文化環境の中に暮らす。すなわち自然環境と接する場合にも、その間に文化というものが媒介するのである。文化は言語によって仲間に、又時代に伝えられる。人類は其れによって気まぐれな自然の脅威から巧みに身を守ってきた。人類から文化を取り除いてしまえば、これほど無カで臆病な動物が あるだろうか。 3. 地図を調べてみても、人間が歩いていけそうな距離には村なんてない。其れなのに、人が歩いている。荷物らしい荷物も持たずに、頭に何かを載せただけで、ただただ歩いている。 4. 私は彼女と長年苦しく愛し合っていたが、この愛は彼女を傷つけた。その分、私自身も傷つけられた。 5 ジェトロ青島事務所の開設を記念いたしまして、講演会のご案内をいたしましたところ、かくも多、くの皆様に御参集いただき、厚くお礼を申し上げます。各界を代表するご高名の方がお見えでございます。いちいちお名前を申し上げませんが。心 よりお礼を申し上げます。ありがとうございました 为了纪念ジュトロ青島事務所得开设,借演讲介绍来感谢大家在百忙之中, 来出席这次演讲。这次演讲的加宾有各界的知名人士,在这就不一一列举了,真得很感谢你们的捧场。 6. 視聴率さえとっていれば、どんな「やらせ」をやろうとも、メデ??の責任を考えれば、モラルに反すると思うことをやっでも、大手を振ることができる世界で、それを見習ってい<人間と、そんなことはしたくないと気力が萎えてしまう人間が生まれ、富み栄えるのは前者ということになる。 7 そればかりではない。考えてみれば、要資格職業での学科試験中心の運営は、(こうした諸試験の合格率の高い大学を求めた偏差値中心の受験体制を促進強化する)ことにもつながっている

1484745756第一次句子翻译作业 (1)

第一次作业 1.翻译下面的句子 1). 在家工作的人可以灵活安排时间。 2). 政府应该审查媒体的内容。(用基础的主谓宾句型来翻译) 3). 应该有政府对媒体内容的审查。(用there be句型来翻译) 4). 政府对媒体内容的审查是非常有必要的。(用主系表句型翻译) 5). 燃烧化石燃料的汽车是空气污染的主要来源。 6). 通过参加社区服务,青少年能培养宽泛的能力。(介词短语) 7). 当孩子们读书的时候,他们会尝试理解每个单词,这能增加他们的词汇量。(状语从句) 8).不应该禁止孩子看电视,家长应该建议他们看什么和看多久。(用Instead of在句首的句型翻译)

9). 有很多的争论关于孩子应该被送去寄宿还是走读学校。(用there be句型翻译) 10). 然而,这并不意味着所有的幸福都来源于金钱。 11). 一方面,有人认为大学课程应该由专家来制定因为他们更了解学生需要哪些知识和技能。(状语从句) 12). 另一方面,支持学生自己选择课程的人们认为这能增加他们学习的动力。(定语从句的考察) 13). 学生们可以通过艺术课程来提高自己的表达能力。(注意中文惯性翻译错误问题,不要直接字面翻译) 14). 有一个大幅的增长在老年人比例上,从1990年的13%增长到了2010年的37%。(用there be句型来翻译,注意时态) 15). 上寄宿学校的孩子比走读学校的孩子更加独立,因为他们有更多机会自己来解决问题。 16). 政府应该做的是对电影和游戏进行分级。(用what….的主语从句来翻译)

17). 体重的增加可以由如下原因来解释。(用被动句,主语用抽象名词短语) 18). 有更多的耐心是一个主要原因为什么小学里有更多女老师。 19). 不可否认金钱和幸福之间有紧密的联系。(It is 句型翻译) 20). 学生的学习能力有很大的差别。(用there be句型翻译) 21). 我认为虽然孩子们可以从电脑游戏里得到很多好处,但是他们花在这些游戏上的时间应该被合理控制。(用although的从句来翻译)


1. Rewrite the following sentences to make them concise and effective. 1)The plant is successful in terms of production. The plant has high production. 2)We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 5. Please write to me before July 5. 3)We are informed that similar goods of American origin have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than you. Similar American original goods have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than yours. 4)He will fly to Germany next week for the purpose of meeting Mr. Stwartz in person. He will fly to Germany next week to meet Mr. Stwartz in person. 5)This product not only is welcome for its reasonable price, but also for its fine quality. This product is welcome for its reasonable price and fine quality. 2. Rewrite the following sentences according to the principle of correctness. 1)Your demand for a 5% discount off the order of the goods narrows our profit margin and we could not warrant it. Sorry,your demand for 5% discount off the order narrows our margin,and we could not warrant it. 2)If there are some problems with the bikes, you can return it back to us, even though over the warranty, we will change it without charge. If there are some problems with the bikes, you can return it back to though over the warranty, we will change it without charge. 3)We'll deliver you some trail order because of the satisfication of your price and quality. We'll deliver you some trail order because of the satisfaction of your price and quality. 4)As the market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance.


SZ170420117 环境一班任云帆 Peter Newmark: The first traces of translation date from 3000 BC, during the Egyptian Old Kingdom, in the area of the First Cataract, Elephantine, where inscriptions i n two languages have been found. 最早的翻译的痕迹来自公元前3000年,那时正是古埃及王朝。在第一瀑布(注:地处埃及和苏丹的边界,亚斯旺南郊)首次发现了用两种语言篆刻的碑文。 It became a significant factor in the West in 300 BC, when the Romans took over wholesale many elements of Greek culture, including the whole religious apparatus. 一个很重要的因素是:公园前300年的西方,罗马人垄断了许多的希腊文化元素,包括整个宗教组织。In the twelfth century, the West came into contact with Islam in Moorish Sp ain. 在二十世纪,西方人开始与西班牙的摩尔穆斯林们建立联系。 The situation favoured the two essential conditions for large-scale translation (Storig, 1963): 这样的情景下推动大规模翻译的两个中重要条件是: a qualitative difference in culture (the West was inferior but scientifically acquisitive and receptive to new ideas) and continuous contact between two languages. 文化中的定性差异(西方人比较落后,但是更加贪求科技并且更易于接受新的思想)和两种语言简的持续交流 When the Moorish supremacy collapsed in Spain, the Toledo school of translato rs translated Arabic versions of Greek scientific and philosophical classics. 当摩尔人在西班牙的霸权瓦解,托莱多翻译学院翻译了很多阿拉伯语版的希腊科学和哲学的经典。Luther’s Bible translation in 1522 laid the foundations of modern German and King James’s Bible (1611) had a seminal influence on English language and literature. 卢瑟在1522年翻译的圣经立足于现代德国和金·詹姆斯在1611年翻译的版本,它对英国的语言和文学有着有着重要的影响。 Significant periods of translation preceded Shakespeare and his contemporaries, French classicism and the Romantic Movements. 莎士比亚时期,法兰西古典时期和浪漫主义运动时期都是翻译界中很重要的时期 全文: 最早的翻译的踪迹公元前3000年,那时正是古埃及王朝。在第一瀑布(注:地处埃及和苏丹的边界,亚斯旺南郊)首次发现了用两种语言篆刻的碑文。一个很重要的因素是:公园前300年的西方,罗马人垄断了许多的希腊文化元素,包括整个宗教组织。在二十世纪,西方人开始与西班牙的摩尔穆斯林们建立联系。这样的情景下,推动大规模翻译的两个中重要条件是:文化中的定性差异(西方人比较落后,但是更加贪求科技并且更易于接受新的思想)和两种语言的持续交流。摩尔人在西班牙的霸权瓦解后,托莱多翻译学院翻译了很多阿拉伯语版的希腊科学和哲学的经典。卢瑟在1522年翻译的圣经立足于现代德国和金·詹姆斯在1611年翻译的版本,它对英国的语言和文学有着有着重要的影响。莎士比亚时期,法兰西古典时期和浪漫主义运动时期都是翻译界中很重要的时期。


大学英语一第一次作业 答案 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.— Hi! How do you do, Zhang — _______ A.How are you? B.Good afternoon. C.How do you do? D.Very fine. 2.—Jane, I’m coming to say good-bye. I’m leaving tomorrow.

— _______ A.I’m sorry. B.Oh, no. Why? C.Go slowly. D.Why soon Can’t you stay a few days longer 3.—Sam, this is my friend, Jane. —_______ A.I’m Sam. B.How are you? C.Glad to meet you, Jane. D.Very well, thank you. 4.— May I know your name, please

— _______ A.I’d rather not. B.Yes, you may. C.Jane Edwin. D.No, please don’t 5.—Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you — _______ A.Thank you a lot. B.It’s several years. C.Long time no see. D.Just so-so. 6.We’re glad that something _______ has come out of the situation. A.positive?


Session 6 Conversion 转性译法 请按要求翻译下列各句: 1. Let us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted. (into adv.) 2. John was eloquent and elegant ---but soft. (into noun) 3. Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats. (into noun) 4. The communication system is chiefly characterized by its ease with which it can be maintained. 5. This new electronic computer is most widely used and plays an important part in scientific research. (into noun) 6. His statement yesterday was inconsistent with the facts. (into verb) 7. We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars. (into verb) 8. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. (into noun) 9. Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievements you have made in this direction. (into n.) 10. Securities laws require companies to treat all shareholders reasonably equally. (into adj.) How to Grow Old The best way to overcome the fear of death ----so at least it seems to me --- is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river--- small at first, narrowly contained within its banks and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue.


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Catalogue Page 1. Purpose (04) 2. Scope and Equipment description (04) 3. Handling procedure (04) 4. Notes (05) 5. Reference (06) 6. Involving SOP (06) 7. Attachments (06)

Making a description of cleaning method of the B+S vial washing machine. This SOP is suitable for the cleaning of Formulation Workshop2 B+S vial washing machine. 3.1 Cleaning before washing the vials 3.1.1 The cleaning of the vial washing machine Open the air compress valve and the machine to operating the power source, turn the 3 on the right side on the control table to raise the machine’s cover as the pattern show n. Check up if there are some last used Penicillin vials, scrap vials, scrap glasses been left in the machine and clean up. First use totally clean cloth with injection water to wipe the direct contact parts between the machine and Penicillin vials (such as the vial entering revolving stage, vial entering track, vial emerging track, the module used for seizing the vial ), wiping at least three times until we cannot see anything dirty on it.


旅游资料的翻译 1.杭州——“人间天堂” 意大利著名旅行家马可·波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州“这是世界上最美妙的城市,它使人觉得自己在天堂。”在中国也流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可以购上几样名特土产。苏堤和白堤把西湖一分为二,仿佛两条绿色的缎带,飘逸于碧波之上。湖中心有三个小岛:阮公墩、湖心亭和小瀛洲。湖水泛着涟漪,四周山林茂密,点缀着楼台亭阁,是我国最有名的旅游景点之一。 杭州人观西湖有个说法:“晴湖不如雨湖,雨湖不如夜湖。”您在杭州,一定要去领略一下西湖的风韵,看看此说是否有道理。 杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。杭州不仅以自然美景闻名于世,而且有着传统的文化魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。 杭州是中国的“丝绸之府”,丝绸产品品种繁多,其中以织锦尤为引人注目。杭州还专门生产墨纸扇和檀香扇。其他特产有西湖绸伞和中国十大名茶之一的西湖龙井。 The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the most fascinating city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise.” In China, there has been a century-old popular saying pr aising the city: “In Heaven there is Paradise; on Earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” Hangzhou’s fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake. As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty “who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup.” In Hangzhou, you will not only find the lake a perfect delight to the eye but also find it a joy to stroll along the busy streets, taste

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