当前位置:文档之家› 语法:高二英语过去分词和现在分词专项练习




I. 单项选择

1. ____ the house on fire, he dialed 119.

A. To see

B. Seeing

C. Having seen

D. Being seen

2. I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth ____.

A. fix

B. fixing

C. fixed

D. to fix

3. We’re ___ to listen to her ____ voice. It’s ___to hear her sing.

A. pleased; pleasing; pleasure

B. pleased; pleasant; a pleasure

C. pleasing; pleased; a pleasure

D. pleasing; pleasant; pleasure

4. ___a post office, I stopped____ some stamps. A. Passed, buying B. Passing, to buy C. Having passed, buy D. Pass, to buy

5. ____with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A. Comparing

B. To compare

C. Compared

D. Having compared

6. Here are some new computer programs ____for home buildings.

A. designing

B. design

C. designed

D. to design

7. ____a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.

A. To save

B. Saving

C. Saved

D. Having saved

8. The teacher came into the classroom ____by his students.

A. following

B. to be following

C. followed

D. having followed

9. With the money ___, he couldn’t buy any ticket.

A. to lose

B. losing

C. lost

D. has lost

10. There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself ____.

A. being heard

B. hearing

C. heard

D. hear

11. The result of the test was rather _____.

A. disappointed

B. disappointing

C. being disappointed

D. disappoint

12. I’ve never heard the word ____in spoken English.

A. use

B. used

C. using

D. being used

13. _____how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.

A. Not to know

B. Not knowing

C. Knowing not

D. Not known

14. Deeply __, I thanked her again and again.

A. being moving

B. moved

C. moving

D. to be moved

15. With winter _____on, it’s time to buy warm clothes.

A. came

B. comes

C. come

D. coming

16. ____the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.

A. Having shown

B. Showing

C. Has shown

D. Having been shown

17. He went from door to door, ____waste papers and magazines.

A. gathering

B. gathered

C. gather

D. being gathered

18. The student corrected his paper carefully, ____the professor’s suggestions.

A. follow

B. following

C. followed

D. being followed

19. The ___price will save you one dollar for each dozen.

A. reduce

B. reducing

C. reduced

D. reduces

20. People ____in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.

A. live

B. to live

C. lived

D. living

21. The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn’t make his point ___.

A. understand

B. understanding

C. to understand

D. understood

22. The scientists were waiting to see the problem ______.

A. settle

B. settled

C. to settle

D. settling

23. The library’s study room is full of students _____for the exam.

A. busily prepared

B. busy preparing

C. busily prepare

D. are busily preparing

24. The ground is _____with ____ leaves.

A. covering, falling

B. covered, falling

C. covered, fallen

D. covering, fallen

25. Lessons ____easily were soon forgotten.

A. to learn

B. learn

C. learned

D. learning

26. The wallet ____several days ago was found ____in the dustbin outside the building。

A. stolen, hidden

B. stealing, hiding

C. stealing, hidden

D. stolen, hiding

27. A person _____a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language, ______all about his own.

A. to learn, to forget

B. learning, to forget

C. to learn, forgetting

D. learning, forgetting

28. ___different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.

A. To produce

B. Being produced

C. Produced

D. Having produced

29. The students in the university are all taking courses ___a degree.

A. coming to

B. going to

C. leading to

D. turning to

30. Many things _____impossible in the past are very common today.

A. consider

B. considering

C. considered

D. be considered

31. ___many times, he still couldn’t understand.

A. Having been told

B. Having told

C. He having been told

D. Telling

32. The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____her two sons.

A. to support

B. supporting

C. supported by

D. having supported

33. China is one of the largest countries in the world, _____9. 6 million square kilometres.

A. to cover

B. covered

C. covers

D. covering

34. ____and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.

A Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising

35. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added

B. to add

C. adding

D. added

36. “Can you read?” Mary said ____to the notice.

A. angrily pointing

B. and point angrily

C. angrily pointed

D. and angrily pointing

37. _____ the composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room.

A. Writing

B. Having written

C. Written

D. Being written

38. Were you ____when you saw that wild animal ?

A. fright

B. frightening

C. frightened

D. frighten

39. Properly _____with numbers, the books can be easily found.

A. marked

B. mark

C. to mark

D. marking

40. The child sat in the dentist’s chair ____.

A. tremble

B. trembling

C. trembled

D. to trembled

41. At this moment the bell rang, _____the end of class.

A. announce

B. announcing

C. announced

D. to announce

42. He walked down the hills, ____softly to himself.

A. sing

B. singing

C. sung

D. to sing

43. I had to shout to make myself _____ above the noise.

A. heard

B. hearing

C. hear

D. to hear

44. The graduating students are busy ___material for their reports.

A. collect

B. to collect

C. collected

D. collecting

45. The cars ____in Beijing are as good as those ____in Shanghai.

A. produce, produce

B. produced, produced

C. produced, producing

D. producing, producing

46. When I came in, I saw Dr. Li _____a patient.

A. examine

B. examining

C. to examine

D. examined

47. ____a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.

A. Having been given

B. Having given

C. Giving

D. Being given

48. ____a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon.

A. Having been given

B. Having given

C. Giving

D. Being given

49. He wrote a letter to me _____that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather.

A. inform

B. informing

C. informed

D. being informed

50. He reads newspapers every day to keep himself ____about what’s going on in the world.

A. inform

B. informing

C. informed

D. being informed

II. 用适当的非谓语动词形式填空

1. She caught the student _______ (cheat) in exams.

2. When I got there, I found him _________ (repair) farm tools.

3. When I got there, I found the farm tools _______. (repair)

4. Just then he heard someone _______ (call) for help.

5. He worked so hard that he got his pay ______. (raise)

6. The missing boys were last seen _______(play) near the river.

7. ___________(compare) with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.

8. The workers had the machines _______(run) all night long to finish the work on time.

9. People in the south have their houses ______(make) of bamboo.

10. _______(lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

III. 单项选择

1.The prisoner(罪犯),____ the guard and run away, was caught the next days.

A killed

B killing

C having killed

D being killed by

2. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless______ every day.(2007四川高考)

A watered

B watering

C water

D to water

3. He is a student at Oxford University,_____ for a degree in computer science.(2007北京高考卷)

A studied

B studying

C to have study

D to be studying

4.The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,______ in the natural light during the day.

A to let

B letting

C let

D having let

5. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work_____, he gladly accepted it.

A finished

B finishing

C having finished

D was finished.

6. ____in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.

A Having lost

B Lost

C Being lost

D Losting

7. Whether you believe it or not, it is _____ that cause you illness.

A because of your overweight

B you are so overweight

C because you are overweihgt

D your being overweight

8. All flights______ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.

A had been canceled

B have been canceled

C having been canceled

D being canceled

9. _____ the old houses, they built a beautiful garden in that area.

A Pulled down

B Having pulled down

C Pulling down

D To pull down

10 Thousands of people have been moving to Shenzhen since 1992, its population_____ to over


A increasing

B increased

C has increased

D has been increased

11. Studies show the electronic devices people have made use of______ music may be causing hearing loss in many people.

A enjoy

B to enjoy

C enjoying

D enjoyed

12.______, the vitamin C in them will be destoryed.

A Vegetable cooked too long

B Cooked too long

C Cooking too long

D Vegetables cooking too long

13. The schoolboys and schoolgirls are walking along the street,_______ a small red cap.

A each of them has

B they each have

C every wears

D each wearings.

14. Taiwan-borned filmmaker Ang Lee won the best director Oscar at the 78 Academy Awards,____ the highest honor in American movie fields.

A to consider

B considering

C consider

D considered

15.______ the public schools with the private school, the guide book gives us a clear idea about the differences between them.

A Having compared

B considered

C To compare

D To be compared.


I. 1—5 BCBBC 6—10 CDCCC

11—15BBBBD 16—20 DABCD

21—25DBBCC 26—30 ACDCC

31—35ACDBC 36—40ABCAB

41—45BBADB 46—50BABBC

II. 1. cheating 2. repairing 3. repaired 4. calling 5. raised 6. playing7. Compared 8. running 9. made10. Lost



Ⅰ. 用动词的正确形式填空:

1. Have you got a map to show me? I’m ________ (puzzle ).

2. Did he have his wallet _______ (steal) last Friday?

3. When I got to the supermarket, I found it _______ (close).

4. He found his wife _______ (cook) in the kitchen when he woke up at five.

5. He watched the bed ______ (carry) out of the room.

6. She doesn’t want her daughter _______ (take) out after dark.

7. When will you have your eyes _______ (examine)?

8. My mother got me ________ (check) all the homework I did last night.

9. With the boy ______ ( lead) the way,we will find the house easily tomorrow.

10. I can hear the windows _______ (beat) by the heavy rain.

11. Tom has been away from home for two years, leaving his room _______ (cover) with dust.

12. Why do you leave the baby ________ (cry) there?

13. I have to leave my house early ______ (catch) the early bus.

14. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ______ (smoke) in the kitchen.

15. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _______ (carry) out the next year.

Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思,在空格处填入恰当的词。

1. 我将随时向你报告有关我们实验的重要的进展。

I’ll ___________________ about the breakthrough in our experiment.

2. 他醒来结果发现他的汽车被偷了。He woke up only to ________________.

3. 在这个发达的国家里,你很少听到有人讲脏话。

You seldom hear rude words __________ in this ___________country.

4. 他提高嗓音以便使别人能够听见他说话。He raised his voice so as to ____________________.

5. 他匆忙离开家,留下很多事没做。He left home in a hurry, __________ many things _____________.

6. 回来时,他很惊讶地发现房间被彻底的打扫了,一切都布置得井井有条。

On his return, he was very ________to find his room thoroughly __________and everything

___________in good order.

7. 明天我将请人把门油漆一下。I’ll _________________ tomorrow.

8. 你会发现到处都在议论这个话题。You’ll _________________ everywhere.

9. 据说这本书是他在40多岁时写的。The book is said ________________ in his forties.

10. 在放学回家途中,她非常恐惧的看到路边有一条被打死的蛇。

On his way home from school, she was _______ to see a snake _______to death by the road.

Ⅲ. 单项选择。

1. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ________ behind his back.

A. being tied

B. having tied

C. to be tied

D. tied

2. The next morning she found the man ________ in bed, dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying

3. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ______, he gladly accepted it.

A. finished

B. finishing

C. having finished

D. was finished

4. —Did Peter fix the computer himself?

—He __________, because he doesn’t know much about computers.

A. has it fixed

B. had fixed it

C. had it fixed

D. fixed it

5. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _______ in a short period. A. improved B. improving C. to improve D. improve

6. Even the best writers sometimes found themselves ______ for words.

A. lose

B. lost

C. to lose

D. having lost

7. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left

__________. A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying C. to be unsatisfying D. being unsatisfied

8. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ____ went wrong again.

A. it

B. it repaired

C. repaired

D. to be repaired

9. —Excuse me, sir, where is Room 301?

—Just a minute. I’ll have Bob __________ you to your room.

A. show

B. shows

C. to show

D. showing

10. When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there __________ for a space flight.

A. training

B. being trained

C. to have trained

D. to be trained

11. —Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

—Sorry. With so much work __________ my mind, I almost break down.

A. filled

B. filling

C. to fill

D. being filled

12. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, __________ in the natural light during the day. A. to let B. letting C. let D. having let

13. My parents have always made me _______ about myself, even when I was twelve.

A. feeling well

B. feeling good

C. feel well

D. feel good

14. With a lot of difficult problems _____, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

A. settled

B. settling

C. to settle

D. being settled

15. —Why did you go back to the shop?

—I left my friend ________ there. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits

16. At last, we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade and ______ down to

eat our picnic lunch.

A .sitting B. having sat C. to sit D. sat

17. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them __________ in his lectures.

A. interested

B. interesting

C. interest

D. to interest

18. Helen had to shout ________ above the sound of music.

A. making herself hear

B. to make herself hear

C. making herself heard

D. to make herself heard 19. After watc hing those young boys’ thrilling performances of bicycles, I found myself _______.

A. astonishing

B. astonished

C. to be astonished

D. having astonished

20. He looked around and caught a man ________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put

B. to be putting

C. to put

D. putting

21. The result of the entrance exams was not made ______ to the public until last Thursday.

A. knowing

B. known

C. to know

D. to be known

22. You must get the work ______ before Friday. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done

23. They woke up _______ everything around ________.

A. to find; changed

B. to find; changing

C. found; changed

D. finding; changing

24. If you think hard, you won’t have the puzzle ________ you.

A. puzzle

B. puzzles

C. puzzled

D. to puzzle

25. The mother told her little son not to leave his stomach _______, saying that it might cause him

a stomachache.


B. exposed

C. being exposed

D. exposing



Ⅰ. 用动词的正确形式填空:

1. puzzled 。表示内心感觉,用过去分词作表语。

2. stolen 。have sth. done 遭受某事。

3. closed 。门是被关上的,用过去分词。

4. cooking 。妻子做饭,主动且正在进行,用-ing 形式。

5. carried

6. taken

7. examined

8. to check。get sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事。

9. to lead

10. beaten

11. covered 。leave 表示“使...... 处于某种状态而不理”,灰尘落满了房间,the room 和

cover 是被动的,所以用covered 。

12. crying 。“女孩哭”,宾语与宾语补足语是主动关系,所以用crying 。

13. to catch。表示目的用不定式。

14. smoking 。此句是find sb. doing的被动形式。

15. carried 。注意宾语补足语carried out的宾语是定语从句修饰的plan 。句意:经理们讨论


Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思,在空格处填入恰当的词。

1. keep you informed

2. find his car stolen

4. make himself heard


7. get/have my door painted

10. scared/ frightened, beaten

Ⅲ. 单项选择。

1. D 。考查非谓语动词在with 复合结构中的使用。宾语“his hands ”与动词tie (绑)是被

动关系,用过去分词作宾语补足语表示状态。注意不能用being tied ,现在分词表示正在进行的动作,此句中如果用being tied ,就表示谋杀犯在走着的时候,一个人正在绑他的手,这种可能性几乎没有。

2. A 。这个人正躺着,是主动关系,所以用lie (躺着)的现在分词lying 。lay 是lie (躺

着)的过去式,也是及物动词lay (放置)的原形,都是谓语形式;laying 是lay (放置)的现在分词形式。3. spoken, developed 6. surprised, cleaned, 5. leaving, undone 8. find the topic being discussed 9. to have been written

3. A。因“工作”与“完成”之间为被动关系,故finish 要用过去分词作宾语补足语。

4. C 。根据对话的最后一句话可知“他对电脑了解不多”,所以他需要请人修理,故用

“have sth. done”,再根据问句的时态,选C 。

5. A。指英语水平得到提高,故要用过去分词表示被动意义,选A 。

6. B 。be lost for words 说不出话来,因为作found 的宾语补足语,去掉be ,用法相当于形


7. A 。but 后是被动句,所以空中要填的是主语补足语,即要看主语与unsatisfy 的关系;表

示人的内心感觉,应用unsatisfied ,意为“(人)感到不满意”。leave sb. unsatisfied 10


8. C。have sth done 表示“让别人做某事”。注意she had had是定语从句,被修饰的先行词the washing

machine 是have 的宾语,而要填的词是其补足语,所以不能用B ,否则it 与先行词the washing machine 重复。不是定语从句时的正常语序是“had had the washing machine repaired”。

9. A。“have sb do sth”意思是“叫某人做某事”。句意:我让Bob 带你去房间。

10. D 。由于“他”与“训练”之间为被动关系,故可排除A 和C 。另外,由于被训练进行航空飞行是他被派往那儿的目的,所以宜用不定式,故选D 。

11. B 。考查“with+宾语+非谓语动词”结构。宾语so much work 与补足语fill (充满)是

主动关系,要注意fill 后有宾语,是“主谓宾”结构,所以是主动关系,选B 。

12. B 。let in (使进入),此处用let 的现在分词表示结果,与其逻辑主语the glass doors 是

主动关系。又如:It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that place. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个地方洪水泛滥。

13. D 。根据情况,使役动词make 后可接动词原形(不带to 的不定式) 或过去分词作宾语补

足语,但不能接现在分词,故可排除选项A 和B; feel 作为连系动词,其后要接形容词作表语。

14. C。With a lot of difficult problems to settle 表示“现在或将来有很多难题需要解决”;虽

然with 的宾语problems 与settle 是被动关系,但是句子的主语the president 是settle 动作的执行者,所以可以不用被动形式。

15. A。leave sb. waiting 表示“使……正在等”,waiting 作宾补。

16. D 。注意连词and 在这里连接了两个谓语动词found 和sat ,表示并列的两个动作。句意:最后我们发现我们来到了一个令人愉悦的、浓荫覆盖的公园,就坐下来开始野餐。

17. A 。及物动词interest 意思是“使(某人)感兴趣”,与“them ”之间是动宾关系(被动

关系),用过去分词interested 作宾语补足语,interested in意为“对……感兴趣”。

18. D。考查make oneself heard 表示“使自己被听到”;喊的目的是被别人听见,make 用不


19. B 。astonish 。astonish 使(某人)惊讶,与宾语myself 是被动关系,用过去分词表示内


20. D 。caught 的宾语“a man ”与“put ”之间是主动关系,而且与caught 同时发生,所以


21. B 。句子是被动句,要填的词是主语的补足语,使“结果”被“知道”,所以用过去分11

词作主语补足语。主动语序是:... made the result... known... 。句意:入学考试的结果直到上周四才向公众公布。

22. D。get sth. done 使某事被做。

23. A 。第一空用find 的不定式表示出乎意料地结果;第二空用过去分词表示完成,change


24. A。puzzle 作名词时,意为“难题”,作动词时意为“使(某人)迷惑”。have sb./ sth. do

让某人做某事。have 后用省略to 的不定式作宾语补足语,表示宾语做的主动的动作。

25. B 。stomach (胃,腹部)是被曝露出来的,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语表示被“露

出”的状态。不能用being exposed,因为不需强调expose 的动作正在进行。


高中英语过去分词用法 练习题及答案 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

习题精选---分词用法: boy went to the ball,_like a pretty girl. A. dressing B. wearing C. wore D. dressed 2._in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed 3. The film was made_ on a true old story. A. base B. to be based C. based D. basing 4. When_ ,the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed 5._ to his research, he almost forgot everything. A. Devoting B. Devoted C. To devote D. Devote 6. _his attention on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix 7._ on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix old engineer talked of the difficulty they _ the tower. A. built B. had building C. had built D. build 9. _such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 10._ the past, our life is becoming much better. A. Comparing with B. Be compared with C. To compare with D. Compared with 11. The boy was last seen _near the East Lake. A. playing B. play C. played D. to play was very unhappy for _to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _“Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read


过去分词专项练习 过去分词两个显著的特点即:从时间上讲,表示动作已经完成;从语态上讲,表示被动的概念,但是如果是不及物动词用作过去分词形式,则只表示动作的完成,而没有被动意义。如fallen leaves 落叶retired workers 退休工人。过去分词主要起形容词或副词的作用,表示“被动、完成”的意义,在句中作状语、定语、补足语、表语等。选择分词时,关键看分词与其逻辑主语的关系,若是其逻辑主语主动发出的动作,选用现在分词;若是被动动作,则选用过去分词。 过去分词用法总结如下: 一、表语: 1.The cup is broken. 2. The door remains locked. 3.She looked disappointed. 二、定语: 要求学生必须掌握过去分词做定语的位置,告诉他们单个过去分词及由过去分词构成的复合形容词作定语时,通常置于被修饰词之前,但修饰代词时,需置于被修饰词之后,而过去分词短语作定语也要后置,即要放在被修饰词之后。 1. We needed much more qualified workers. ( 单个过去分词作定 语)

2. The girl dressed in white is my daughter. ( 过去分词短语作 定语) 3. Is there anything unsolved? There is nothing changed here since I left this town. (如果被修饰的词是由every/some/any/no+thing/body/one 所构成的复合代词或指示代词those等时,即使是单个的过去分词作定语,也要放在被修饰词的后面) 4. This is a state-owned factory. This is a newly built building. Advertising is a highly developed industry. (单个过去分词与名词或副词构成复合形容词时,放在其修饰 的名词前作前置定语) 三、宾语补足语:可以带过去分词作宾语补足语的动词有: 1)see, hear, find, feel, think等表示感觉和心理状态的动词He found his hometown greatly changed when he came back from abroad. He once heard the song sung in German. Everyone thought the match lost. 2) make, get, have, keep 等表示“致使”意义的动词: He’s going to have his hair cut. She had her foot injured in the fall. When you talk, you have to at least make yourself understood.


现在分词和过去分词的用法及实例分析 现在分词和过去分词主要差别在于:现在分词表示“主动和进行”,过去分词表示“被动和完成”(不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动,只表示完成)。分词可以有自己的状语、宾语或逻辑主语等。 1)分词作状语分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。分词做状语时,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。作状语的分词相当于一个状语从句。 【例如】 Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word. The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking. Accompanied by his friend, he went to the railway station.Given better attention, the plants could grow better. He looked tired and depressed, visibly disturbed by the news of his mother's illness. 分词在句子中作状语,使用何种分词,要取决于分词与句子主语的关系:主谓关系用现在分词,动宾或被动关系用过去分词。 【例如】 Not having enough hands, we turned to them for help. (We don't have enough hands). Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handled our affairs better. (we are taught/teach us) .Inspired by the International, the working people of all countries have been fighting for their final liberation. (the working people were inspired/ inspire the working people)____the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge. (CET-4 1996,6) A) Having believed B) Believing C) Believed D) Being believed 本句意思为:相信地球是平的,许多人担心哥伦布会从边上掉下去。许多人与相信之间是主谓关系,及分词与主语之间为主谓关系。因此,应用现在分词,答案为B. No matter how frequently ____, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences. (CET-4 1995,6) A) performing B) performed C) to be performed D) being performed 本句中贝多芬的作品被反复表演,可见分词与句子的主语之间是被动关系,应该用过去分词,故答案为B.


【英语】高中英语非谓语动词经典习题(含答案) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.After a decade or so, out of choices, he returned to where he’d begun, ashamed at having so little to show for his wanderings. A.being run B.running C.to run D.having run 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查现在分词。句意:大约十年后,在没有选择的情况下,他回到了他开始的地方,为自己的拼搏没有什么收获而感到羞愧。run out of “用光,耗尽” 与主语he在逻辑上是主动关系,且表示的动作明显发生在return之前,所以用现在分词的完成时having run of。故D 选项正确。 【点睛】 非谓语动词是考试考查的重点,要掌握它的用法。首先,要弄清楚填空处要填的是非谓语。其次,要知道非谓语动词的三种形式:现在分词表示主动进行、过去分词表示被动完成、动词不定式表示目的和将要。再次,要知道非谓语动作与谓语动作是同时发生还是先后发生,还是将要发生。其中分词做状语的考查尤为重要。 分析句子可知,本句的主语为he,谓语为returned, run out of “用光,耗尽”为非谓语与主语he在逻辑上是主动关系,且表示的动作明显发生在return的之前,所以用现在分词的完成时having run of。故D选项正确。 2.Look over there! There is a long, winding path ________ up to the house. A.lead B.leading C.led D.to lead 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边!有一条长长的蜿蜒小路通向那所房子。分析句式可知,这是个there be 句型,因此,此处用非谓语动词,path与lead是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故选B。 3.Life is a journey _____with hardships, joys and special moments. A.filled B.to fill C.filling D.having filled 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词,句意:生命是一个充满艰辛,快乐和特别时刻的旅程。在题干中_with hardship做journey的后置定语,与所修饰的journey构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词


过去分词专项训练 Part1: Fill in the blanks 1. When_______(ask) why he was late, he went red.(脸红了) 2. Deeply ____ (move) by the story, she began to cry. 3. He walked out of the house,_______ (follow)by his pet dog ______(name )Snoopy. 4. When______ (travel), you should take care of your health. 5. Although________ (shock) at the nationwide milk crisis, many mothers still showed they would choose the brands of milk powder cautiously instead of saying “no” to it. party. 6. Even if______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening = Even if I______ (invite), I won’t attend the evening party. 7 _______(dress )in white, she looks really pretty. 8 ________(see) the picture, I couldn’t help thinking of his good old days. 9 Can you see the boy ___________ (question) by the police now? 10 The building ___________ (complete) at the end of this year will be our library. 3. At last the man managed to make himself ___ with his ____ French. A. understood; broken B. understand; break C. understanding; breaking D. understand; broken 4. _____ to be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, the computer is playing a more and more important role in social life. A. Considered B. Considering C. To consider D. Consider 5. Prices of daily goods ________ through a computer can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 6. Daring, Can’t you get _________ quickly, only fifteen minutes for the party! A. changing B. change C. to be changed D. changed 7. We must study as much as possible to meet the needs of a _________ world we face. A. ever-changed B. ever-change C. ever-changes D. ever-changing 8 The ________ story of the hero _______ everyone to tears. A. moving; moved B. moving; moving C. moved; moved D. moved; moving 9. After the storm there were quite a few ______ trees on the ground. Many people saw them ______ down when the storm came up. A. fallen; fall B. fallen; fallen C. fallen; to fall D. falling; fall 10. To our great grief, there were more than 10 million people _______ in the Wen Chuang earthquake. A. killing B. to be killed C. killed D. having been killed em big at all. 11 _____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t se A Compare B When comparing C Comparing D When compared 12. If one third of a person’s blood _______, they may die. A. lost B is lost C. is losing D. loses tudents ____ outside to come in right away. 13. It’s time for the class meeting. Tell the s A. playing B. to play C. played D. who play 14. ____ drivers are a danger to the safety of the public. A. Drank B. Drunk C. Drinking D. Drink - 1 - / 3


现在分词和过去分词主要的区别表现在语态和时间关系上。 1)语态上不同:现在分词表示主动的意思,而过去分词多由及物动词变来,表示被动的意思。试比较: surprising 使人感到惊讶的(主动) surprised 自己感到惊讶的(被动,即被惊讶的) an exciting story 一个令人兴奋的故事(主动) excited spectators 激动的观众(被动,即被引起激动的) a moving film 一部感动人的影片。 A moved audience 受感动的观众 A tiring journey 累人的旅行 A tired football player 累了的足球运动员 He told us many interesting things last night.他昨夜告诉我们许多有趣的事情。 She is interested in astronomy. 她对天文学有兴趣。 也有一些过去分词是由不及物动词变来的,它们只表示一个动作已完成,没有被动的意味。如:the risen sun 升起的太阳 fallen leaves 落叶 the exploded bomb 已爆炸了的炸弹 a retired miner 退休矿工 returned students 归国留学生 2)时间关系上不同:一般说来,现在分词所表示的动作往往正在进行,而过去分词所表示的动作,往往已经完成。试比较: the changing world 正在变化着的世界 the changed world 已经起了变化的世界 boiling water 正在开的水 boiled water 已经煮开过的水(可能是凉开水) developing countries 发展中国家 developed countries 发达国家 分词和分词短语的用法 1) 作定语作定语用的分词如果是单词,一般放在它所修饰的名词之前。如: I’m reading a very interesting book.我在读一本很有趣的书。 He likes to drink cold boiled water. 他喜欢喝凉开水。 分词短语作定语用时,一般皆放在它所修饰的名词的后面。它的功用相当于定语从句。如:China is a developing socialist country belonging to the Third world.中国是一个发展中的社会主义国家,属于第三世界。 (= which belongs to the Third World) The man sitting in the corner is my brother.坐在角落里的那个人是我的兄弟。(= who is sitting in the comer) Most of the people invited to the party did not come.被邀请参加晚会的人多数没有来。(= who were invited to the party.) 2)作表语 The opera is very moving and instructive. 这个歌剧很动人,且有教育意义。 The cups are broken. 这些杯子是破的。 He is married.他已经结婚了。 [注] 分词作表语用时,相当于形容词,不可与进行时态和被动语态中的分词混淆起来。它们的


高二英语过去分词和现在分词专项练习 I. 单项选择 1. ____ the house on fire, he dialed 119. A. To see B. Seeing C. Having seen D. Being seen 2. I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth ____. A. fix B. fixing C. fixed D. to fix 3. We’re ___ to listen to her ____ voice. It’s ___to hear her sing. A. pleased; pleasing; pleasure B. pleased; pleasant; a pleasure C. pleasing; pleased; a pleasure D. pleasing; pleasant; pleasure 4. ___a post office, I stopped____ some stamps. A. Passed, buying B. Passing, to buy C. Having passed, buy D. Pass, to buy 5. ____with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all. A. Comparing B. To compare C. Compared D. Having compared 6. Here are some new computer programs ____for home buildings. A. designing B. design C. designed D. to design 7. ____a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp. A. To save B. Saving C. Saved D. Having saved 8. The teacher came into the classroom ____by his students. A. following B. to be following C. followed D. having followed 9. With the money ___, he couldn’t buy any ticket. A. to lose B. losing C. lost D. has lost 10. There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn’t make himself ____. A. being heard B. hearing C. heard D. hear 11. The result of the test was rather _____. A. disappointed B. disappointing C. being disappointed D. disappoint 12. I’ve never heard the word ____in spoken English. A. use B. used C. using D. being used 13. _____how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help. A. Not to know B. Not knowing C. Knowing not D. Not known 14. Deeply __, I thanked her again and again. A. being moving B. moved C. moving D. to be moved 15. With winter _____on, it’s time to buy warm clothes. A. came B. comes C. come D. coming 16. ____the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building. A. Having shown B. Showing C. Has shown D. Having been shown 17. He went from door to door, ____waste papers and magazines. A. gathering B. gathered C. gather D. being gathered 18. The student corrected his paper carefully, ____the professor’s suggestions. A. follow B. following C. followed D. being followed 19. The ___price will save you one dollar for each dozen.


精品文档 考点一、过去分词作定语 1. 单个过去分词作定语。单个过去分词作定语时,常常放在被修饰的词语之前。例如: Autu mn comes, and there are many falle n leaves on the street. We must adapt our thi nki ng to the chan ged con ditio ns. 我们必须使我们的思想适应改变了的情况 注意:如果单个过去分词所修饰的词语为不定代词nothing,anything,something或指示代词those,this,these等时, 过去分词常常放在被修饰的词语后面。例如: There is nothing cha nged in my hometow n since 1999. 2. 过去分词短语作定语。过去分词短语作定语,常常放在被修饰的词语之后,其作用相当于一个定语从句。 例如:Most of the guests in vited to my birthday party were my school frien ds. = Most of the guests who were in vited to my birthday party were my school frien ds. The concert give n by their friends was a success. 他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功. 3. 过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号. The meeti ng, atte nded by over five thousa nd people, welcomed the great hero. 他们举行了欢迎英雄的大会,至U 会的有五千多人. 4. 用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以转移到修饰非人的事物,这种过去分词在形式上虽不直接修饰人,但它所修饰的事物仍与人直接有关. The boy looked up with a pleased expressio n. 男孩带着满意的表情举目而视 注意区别: 1. 非谓语动词的被动式作定语的三种形式: the bridge to be built将要建造的桥(表示将来的被动的动作) the bridge being built正在建造的桥(表示正在进行的被动动作) the bridge built造好的桥(表示完成的被动动作) 2. 过去分词和-ing分词作定语的区别: 过去分词作定语和-ing分词作定语有一定的区别。试比较下面几组短语: boiled water 开水boiling water 正沸腾的水 developed countries 发展的国家developing countries 发展中国家 fallen leaves落叶falling leaves正在飘落的叶子 changed condition 改变了的情况changing condition 变化着的情况 由此可见,过去分词作定语通常表示完成的或被动的动作;而-ing分词作定语可以表示正在进行的主动的动作。 考点二、过去分词作表语 1. 过去分词用作表语时,通常说明主语所处的状态或感受等。例如: I noticed the doors and windows were locked when I came to see him. She seemed terribly shocked upon hearing the sad news. 过去分词和-ing分词作表语的区别: 过去分词作表语通常表示主语所处的状态或感受,修饰人;而-ing分词作表语多表示主语所具有的特征,修饰物.如:Heari ng the n ews, we felt very surprised.听到那个消息,我们感到很惊讶 The news is very surprising. 这个消息很令人惊讶。 They were frighte ned to hear the frighte ning sound. 他们听至U那可怕的声音很害怕。

高二英语必修5 语法复习:过去分词做状语同步练习 人教版

一.过去分词作状语的基本用法: 过去分词作状语主要是说明谓语动作发生的背景或条件;表示原因、时间、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。过去分词可置于主句前,也可置于主句后,用逗号与主句隔开。 1. 原因状语 Choked by the heavy smoke, he could hardly breathe. 他被浓烟呛了,几乎不能呼吸了。 Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了。 Frightened by the noise in t he night, the girl didn’t dare to sleep in her room. 受到夜晚响声的惊吓,那姑娘不敢睡在她的房间。 2. 时间状语 Left to itself in the room, the baby began to cry.当被孤独地留在房间里时,婴儿哭了起来。 Asked why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty. 当被问及这件事时,班长说这是他的职责。 Approached in the dark, the lights looked lonely and purposeless. 在黑暗中走近时。那些电灯显得孤单而无意义。 3. 条件状语 Seen in this aspect, the matter isn’t as serious as people generally suppose. 如果从这个角度看,问题并不像人们一般预料的那样`严重。 Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快。 Given better attention, the accident could have been avoided. 要是多加注意,那次事故就能避免了。 Watered more, these cabbages could have grown better. 如果多浇点水,这些大白菜还可以长的得更好。 Compared with you, we still have a long way to go. 和你相比,我们还有很大的差距。

过去分词专项练习 (答案有修改)

过去分词专项练习 一、用括号中动词的适当形式填空: 1.The story was so _________ that nearly everybody was _________ to tears.(move)2.We are _________ in the novel which is very _________ .(interest) 3.I am _________ about the result.I have never spent a more _________ day.(worry)4.We were all _________ out when we got to the top of the hill.We never thought the climb was so _________.(tire) 5.His kind words were very _________ .Though we had lost the match,we were _________ and were determined to train harder.(encourage) 6.There is a_________ expression on his face and I am _________ what to do.(puzzle)7. I’m afraid I can’t make myself _________ (understand) clearly without explaining the question. 8. The manager was happy to see all of the problems ______ (settle) so quickly. 9. When I entered the office, I found the window _______ (break) and the computer ______ (steal). 10. James had some flowers _____ (send) to Sarah on her birthday. 11. The _________(fall) leaves will be collected by the cleaners. 12. The girl ___________ (dress) in red is my daughter. 13. Last Monday our class went on an ____________ (organise) trip. 二、从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.He told me about the things ___at the meeting. A.to discuss B.being discussed C.discussed D.be discussed 2.A metal ___uranium gives off a kind of radiation. A.calling B.called C.is called D.which called 3.The water in this glass is too hot.I prefer some cold ___water. A.to boil B.having boiled C.boiled D.boiling 4.The problem just ___is an important one. A.to be referred to B.referred to C.referring to D.referred 5. _____, but he still could not understand it. A. Told many times B. Having been told many times C. He has been told many times D. Though he had been told many times 6.When I entered the theatre, I saw him ___in the first row. A.sit down B.sat C.seated D.seating 7.I found my daughter quite ___in drawing. A.interested B.interest C.interesting D.to interest 8.He had his leg ___in the football match yesterday. A.to break B.broken C.break D.breaking 9. If you have a book in front of your face, you can feel the air____against your face.


现在分词和过去分词的用法区别 (一)分词的作用 ·现在分词可用于: ·①构成进行时。e.g. We are studying English. ·②当副词作状语。e.g. The children came, singing and dancing. ·③当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 ·e.g. Falling leaves danced in the air. ·I saw many birds flying along the river. ·The story is very moving. ·过去分词可用于: ·①构成完成时。 e.g. The play had begun when we arrived there. ·②构成被动语态。e.g. English is widely spoken in the world. ·③当副词作状语。e.g. Seen here, the city looks more beautiful. ·④当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 ·e.g. a boy named Tom ·I saw the girl killed with my own eyes. ·I’m interested in English. (二)现在分词与过去分词的两大差别 1.在语态上:现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动。 2.在时态上:现在分词表进行,过去分词表完成。 (三)确定分词的使用的具体步骤 (1)根据句子结构确定分词的语法成分 (2)找准逻辑主语 (3)判断主、被动关系 (4)选定现在或过去分词 1. There was a terrible noise ____ the sudden burst of light. A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed 2. The Olympic Games, ____ in 776 B. C., didn’t include women until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be playing 3. What’s the language ____ in Germany? A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak 4. Most of the people ____ to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 5. The first textbooks ____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.


高二英语过去分词练习题及答案 同步练习 1. He looked around and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting 2. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _______ the girl and took her away, _______ into the woods. A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing 3. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked 4. Though _____ money, his parents managed to send him to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in 5. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _______ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting 6. _______ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 7. The bell ______ the end of the period rang, ______ our heated discussion. A. indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interrupting

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