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I. Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases:(每题2分,计20分)


B. the weak are the prey of the strong


A. flee helter skelter


D. convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law




A. an army fighting for a just cause has high morale


B. have a facile pen


C. express deep solicitude for


B. with strength yet to spare


C. maneuver among various political groupings

(10)责有莜归Responsibility to have You

D. responsibility rests where it belongs

II. Choose the best version among the four given.(每题2分,计40分)

11.她是一个坚强的女人,在体格上、在精神上都是如此,我每天都从她身上吸取精神食粮。She is a strong woman, in the physical, the spirit is so, every day I learn from spiritual food from her body.

12.他相识不久就想动手动脚。He soon want to know all hands.

13.科技的发展似乎对纸张的使用没有太大的影响,正如医学的进步也不能铲除病毒。The development of science and technology seems to be the use of paper without too much influence, as advances in medical science also can't rooting out the virus.


Year several times, I will I was evident frustration and vent to the kids.


This is a the unknown: how to become an astronaut? No standards can follow, can consult to unprecedented.

16.这棵树在秋天身披金灿灿的树叶,显得格外美丽。This tree in a golden autumn

leaves, seem extremely beautiful.

17.在参加工作面试之前,这个求职者在自己的房间里反复演练。In the job

interviews before, this job seekers in his room and drill.

18.在新的环境中生活和工作,对刚毕业的学生来说,通常都是很大的挑战。In the

new environment live and work, to graduate students, are usually great challenges.


直在我们的思想和语言中反映出来。One thousand years, people have long believed in Greek mythology and Roman mythology, and you can see these myths have been in our thought and language shows.

20.尽管这部影片做了很多宣传,我个人认为故事情节没有什么新意。Although the film do a lot of publicity, I personally think story no new idea.

21.当地警方已经逮捕了那些向店主勒索保护费的歹徒。Local police have arrested those to the shopkeeper blackmail the protection money.

22.有时大人也会上小孩的当。Sometimes adults also meeting when the child.

23.此外,英语得到了极大的丰富和发展,受益于许多其他语言。In addition, English has been greatly enriched and development, benefit from many other languages.

24.将军给突击队配备的是其最勇猛的战士。The general to the commandos is its most equipped hardy warriors.

25.从一开始,他就和足球结下了不解之缘。From the beginning, he and football has the indissoluble bond.

26.野生的花朵散发出甜美迷人的芳香,随风荡漾,蜜蜂哼着悠扬的曲调在欢快地采集着花粉。Wild flower emit sweet charming fragrance, the wind ripples, bees humming a melodious tune in a cheerful collecting pollen.

27. 但在我生活的大部分时间里,我一直不承认我看不见,而是装作看得见。But most

of the time in my life, I've been not admit that I see, but pretend to see.


浮荡。In front of me I see is a piece of empty and dimly discernible, in the past like a phantom in this one FuDang in its emptiness.。

29.只有勇气非凡的人才会相信看不见的事情,并且把所有的赌注都压在没有亮出的牌上。Only courage special person would believe see things, and took all bets were on no flash CARDS

30.那次会议耗费时间,却不会解决问题。The meeting is time-consuming, but will

not solve the problem.

III. Select the best version among the four choices:(每题2分,计40分)

31. He wants a lawyer who understands his case, who sympathizes with him and who has

been there himself.他希望雇佣一个律师谁了解他的情况,同情他并亲自到过那个地方。

32. These songs are part of our past. They’re about a good period when honor and

respect were valued.这些歌曲都是部分我们的过去。他们关于一个好的时期,荣誉和尊重被重视。

33.48. The workers threatened an all out strike but a word in season saved the day.工人们威胁一个全力以赴罢工,但一个字的季节,才扭转了局面。

34.While the computer has had a profound effect on society in so many ways, there are other new technologies that are changing or could change, our lives no less dramatically.虽然计算机产生了深远的社会影响在许多方面,还有其他新技术正在改变或可以改变,我们的生活不显著.

35.First love may register in the blood with dizzying effect, but the love that endures takes up residence in the soul.初恋可能会浸入血液,令人头晕目眩;而永恒的爱情则在灵魂深处占据住宅。

36. Even in a land where miracles have street cred, St Rocco is special. He’s the patron saint of the sick and or prison inmates.甚至在一个地方有街头信誉搜寻奇迹,圣罗克是特别的。他的守护神生病或在监狱里服刑的犯人。

37. We agree to disagree without being disagreeable.我们同意不同意而不被不愉快。

38. This is a fairy tale about a dragon rock, which lies still in a mountainous village for many years until a particular hot and dry summer. It wakes and saves the village by making a lake.这是一个童话故事关于一个龙岩,是一个多山的村子里仍然在许多年,直到一个特定的乾燥炎热的夏天。它醒来,节省村而做一个湖。

39. Her whole face seemed to light up, not only from the touch of blush, but from the sense of freedom she had pried out of her mother.她的整个脸似乎照亮,不但从脸红的触摸,但从自由的意识将从她她的母亲。

40. He eyed me silently for a long pause, as though weighing whether I could be trusted to keep his confidence, then spoke man-to-man.他盯著我默默地为长久的停顿,好像我是否可以信赖的重量来保持他的信心,然后说一对一的。

41. What used to be a dirty, brown dust bowl, now gleamed and glistened in the sunlight, sending playful waves and ripples across the lake and inviting all to share.过去一直是一个肮脏的,棕色的沙尘暴,现在,在阳光下闪闪发亮,把顽皮的波浪和波纹的穿过这个湖和邀请大家分享。

42. The university would rather that students play Wall Street than have frat parties when the market closes down.大学学生宁愿玩华尔街比伙伴,当市场被关闭。

43. And the more we practice the art of letting go of all negativity, the better able we become to devote our thoughts, our time, and our energy to living joyfully in the present, whatever age we happen to be.和我们练习得越多,艺术松开所有消极的,更能成为我们投入我们的思想,我们的时间,我们的精力在当前生活快乐,不论年龄我们碰巧。

44. In conformity with other books in this series, and with my own predispositions as a reader of poetry, rather than describe "movements" and "trends," I have taken fifty individual modern poets.符合其他的书在这个系列,和我自己的倾向性的诗歌作为一个读者,而不是描述“运动”和“趋势,“我已经采取了五十个人现代诗人。

45. Many a man has fallen in love with a girl in a light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it.很多人都爱上了一个女孩在一个光的指引下于是昏暗的,他不会选择了一个适合于它。

46. One of the great charms of $2 as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring.有一个很可爱的地方2美元作为一个伴侣,就是他从来也不感到厌烦,因而,他从来也不讨人厌。

47. I walked to the ticket counter. When the ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so.我走到售票柜台。当ticket-seller看见我,她那原本颇为动人的脸变了味道强烈。

48. He minces no words pointing out the seriousness of the situation.他minces无话指出


49. As in all inter-personal relationships, success depends on clarity of purpose, openness

to others, and a willingness to experiment.在所有的人际关系,成功取决于清晰的目的、开放的态度来对待他人,并愿意实验。

50. White flowers, were dotted in between the layers of the leaves,some blooming

gracefully; others, as if bashfully, still in bud. They were like bright pearls and stars in an azure sky.白色的小花,散布在层间的树叶,优雅地盛开;有些人,好像bashfully,还含苞待放。他们喜欢鲜艳的珍珠和明星在蔚蓝的天空。




1. It is a long lane that has no turning.这个很长的小巷没有转弯点。

2. She could get away with anything, because she looked such a baby.她能度过任何风险,因为她看上去简直还像是个娃娃模样

3. A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 carrying 142 people overshot the runway on landing at $2 airport on Sunday, hitting a car with a woman and child in it before coming to rest at the edge of a gas station, officials said.西南航空公司一架波音737载有142人在降落时飞过了跑道机场周日2美元,击中一辆汽车的一个女人和孩子在未来停在一个加油站的边缘,官方说。

4. Casualties, were taken to several hospital in southwestern $2, some of which operated on backup generators.伤亡,被送往医院西南部几个2美元,其中一些手术备份发电机。

5. I can tell you there wouldn’t be the enthusiasm and excitement about soy foods if they were only a good source of protein that’s low in saturated fat.我可以告诉你,就不会有兴奋的热情和豆类食品如果他们只被一个好的蛋白质来源,那是在一个较低的饱和脂肪。

6. In $2’s approach to relations with other countries, we find a welcome emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and middle powers.在2美元的处理同其他国家的关系上,我们发现一个受欢迎的原则强调各国一律平等和尊重的权利和中小国家权力的意见。

7. She felt that she must not yield, she must go on leading her straitened, humdrum life. This was her punishment for having made a mistake. She had made her bed, and she must lie on it.她觉得她绝对不能屈服,她必须继续带领她的狭窄,平凡的生活。这是她的惩罚有犯了一个错误。她使她的床上,她必须躺在上面。

8. The government and people of Haiti offer their best wishes for prosperity and success to our brother people of Guyana, who have just attained political independence and been admitted to membership in the United Nations.海地政府和人民的繁荣提供最好的祝愿和成功的人我们的兄弟圭亚那、刚刚获得政治的独立和被承认加入联合国。

9. You want your pound of flesh, don’t you?你想要你的应得的那一磅肉,不是吗?

10. He does not teach because teaching is easy for him.他并不是因为教书容易教他。


1.可以说,这个期间我国财富有了巨额增加,整个国民经济上了一个新的台阶。Can say, during this period China's wealth expanded considerably, the entire national economy national economy on a new step.

2.她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。She achievements filled with pride, this also have no reason.

3.我们应该抢时间赶任务。We should fight against time GanRenWu

4.一天,邻居王二婶不小心把钥匙锁在了家里),很多热心人都前来帮忙,但无济于事。人们找到了王涛,但被他拒绝了。One day, the king not carefully two neighbors neither left my key in the home), many helpful to help, but in vain. People find wang tao, but he refused.

5.每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种情景在英国到处可见。Four or five every afternoon a cup of tea, with a little toast or biscuit and chat between a few words again, this scene everywhere in England

6.这是民国六年的冬天,大北风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。This is the republic of six years in winter, big north wind was blowing was fierce, because I living relationship, have to early in the morning on the way.

7.事虽经纬万端,但综观台海局势,合则对国家有利,分则必伤民族元气。Although things WanDuan jinwei, but throughout Taiwan strait, the whole country is favorable to, part will hurt national power.

8. (二十岁的时候,随时随地向人透露我的年龄,答得比问得还快。)三十岁之后,最恨别人问年龄,你要是非问不可,你猜啊。(at the age of twenty, anytime, anywhere to revealed my age, answer faster than ask.) After thirty, the most hate others asked age, you have to ask is not, you guess?

9.中百一店设有顾客问询处、休息处,深受群众的称赞。YiDian suppress a customer information office, rest, praised by the masses.

10.特别是人口众多的发展中国家要有自己的良好政策。. Especially developing country with a large population will have good policies.


1. 成一个十年的信心和决心道德日益不愿下厨——将越来越需要发现,并作为一个哭“领导”的问题从数百万人可能不知道如果他们看见,就可能拒绝它,如果有的话,约翰·保罗二世变得更迷人。

2. 它引起了人们的关注和担忧,股票图书馆的图书已经下降惊人。我要求学生提醒自己的规则而恢复的借款,书,要记住别人的需要的学生。过期的书处罚将在未来被严格执行。

3. 有最令女主人失望的是去了她花了许多心神或费用来招待客人,可是这位客人谈政治、谈生意,兴趣与她的丈夫,却没注意到味的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的房子,而这些却可能是她最感兴趣并引以自豪的东西。

4. 我们必须不断尝试,风险失败,为了解决这个国家的问题。如果我们不能向前猛扑下去愤世嫉俗者和评论家贬低任何差错到某个点,此时,除非我们忘记了什么是对的,大方,独特的好为2


5. 那个故事无时无刻不碰我或听众。它是一个比喻为我们所做的是一个国家。我们必须开始考虑2美元,因为一个家庭。我们不得不停止尖叫对方,停止互相伤害,而开始照顾、牺牲,共同分享。我们必须阻止不断批评,这是哭的执政,而是回到自信态度使2美元。


这是为什么呢?其原因是,此奇怪而痛苦的生命奇迹是如此明显是在其他地方我们的青春。什么是本质的奇怪而痛苦的生命奇迹所以那天我们感觉,所以unutterably这样痛苦和快乐,当我们还年轻吗?正是这种:那富有,我们很穷,那是强大的,我们不能没有;看、呼吸、嗅、品尝我们周围的所有可能的财富和荣耀这个地球,一个无法忍受的感觉确信整个结构在魔法的生活- - - - - -最幸运的,富有的,好,和快乐的生活,任何一个人所知道的就是我们- - - - - - - - - - - -是我们的马上,立刻到永远,那一刻起,我们选择去一步,或可伸缩的手,或说一个字- - - - -但我们也知道我们真的养,举行,将永远拥有- - -不。所有通过;没有什么可以:那一刻起,我们就把我们的手放在它,它融化,如烟雾,一去不复返,蛇是我们的心又吃;我们看到那和我们的生活一定要来。(15分)

神、他们说、你们要呼吸,他们拿走它。但这一说法也可以——可能不是吗?谦卑的人- - - - - - - - - - - -一个逗号。把它添加到目前的条款,突然间,头脑实际上,给暂停思考,把它拿出来,如果你想或忘记它,并且头脑剥夺自找安歇之处。但仍逗号就没有得到尊重。它看起来是那么的走一个东西,一个学究(书呆子)滴答响,像是(光点)的边缘上,我们的意识,一种打印机的手指(污点)差不多。小,我们要求,是美丽的(特别是在微芯片时代的)。然而是经常被使用,而很少会称,除非它是逗号——呼吸本身?(5分)


My first sir is my mother. I have already said that I know the word "love" is her. In my young children, she was the centre of my world. She's perfectly reflect a word "love". She made me know human warmth; She made me know to love and to be loved happiness. She often with a mild breath, explained to me the of all sorts of things. She taught me to love all the people, whatever their poor and rich; She taught me to help those in distress need support; She taught me sympathy for those circumstances not good servants, and had compassion on them, and don't consider yourself better than their high, frequently will beat and scold them.

His mother is a place to adversity. In the family as daughter-in-law, this suffering is not difficult to think of. But the mother never in my eyes from tears rolled down, or any sad words. She gave me see is forever is gentle, smiling face. (15 points) (jiangsu) the human outstanding earth deities, the product richness and advantaged natural geographical conditions,, and creating a splendid scenery of jiangsu province, six thousand years of rich culture, give jiangsu left colorful custom custom; A pair of jiangsu, with one percent area, six percent of the population, created the national accounts for about ten percent of the total economy.(5分)


Big lemur is a large lemur from Madagascar. Often habitat in the tree, long has big eyes and degradation of the tail




81) And they together we think the most comfortable, naturally we also would like to and so similar to the family, cultivate people who are equal.

82) A faithful friend in give also can maintain loyal under.

83) When a man will rise for him, to the throne, the royal splendor crossing the domestic luxuriant land. Yet the king died within a few days, yet not in anger, nor for battle.

84) I love the people have taken the Lord, the people I love miserable, not in orgies go bad, is in silence abnormal condition.

85) Rule Burma's military ruling group, despite last week's typhoon wreak havoc, national devastated, there is so much pain, rectangular scheduled on Saturday still new constitutional referendum.

86) She learned to animal calls and can hit off imitation of troops and dog barks. 87) Job seekers to researchers position, temporary jobs and postdoctoral project opportunities are beggars can't be choosers.

88) Desire is overmuch, inevitable poor disadvantages; Shameless, necessarily mean low: suspect is too heavy, the inevitable of belittlement; Attitude is too high, inevitable was out.

89) They are holding a black umbrella to avoid the scorching sun, but also to the scorching roadside standing on the eyes of guest knows no shame, they don't care about, calmly walked.


"The mandatory filtering software is completely boring blind do STH over and over again." Wuhan evening editor such comments.

Add try 10 points: each question 5 points. Altogether 2 items.

(1)Postgame news conference, DingJunHui's right hand cheek, two eyes straight looking at the ceiling, appear all helpless.

(2) here QiongShan treacherous, desolate in poverty, ever made much city man flinch。


湖北省第十八届外语翻译大赛决赛名单 英语专业笔译组:(22人) 姜进行(武工外院)陶可可(武工外院)冯兵(武工外院)吴格格(武工外院)吴珊(武工外院) 瞿梦晗(武工外院)乔杰(武工外院)杨娟(武工外院)蒲舒巧(武工外院)刘永琴(武工外院) 毛玉瑶(武工外院)方晶(武工外院)冯梦明(武工外院)叶媛(武工外院)王梦妍(武工外院) 王丹(武工外院)刘慧(武工外院)黎洪江(武工外院)夏雪梅(武工外院)何川(武工外院) 许元君(武工外院)张欢(武工外院) 英语非专业笔译组:(374人) 苏志俊(武工动科)万成(武工化环)杨洁(武工食品)余小丹(武工经管)周乐(武工经管) 李乐(武工电气)夏梦娟(武工电气)李珮(武汉工院)王雅琴(武工经管)刘小芳(武工数院) 叶梦(武工经管)钟声(武工经管)胡俊(武工数院)曹巍(武工电气)瞿婧怡(武工经管) 李曲林(武工经管)余倩倩(武工经管)杜芳(武工经管)李迪(武工经管)段欣(武工电气) 林芮(武工经管)沈晓蕖(武工经管)王珍(武工数院)黄灿(武工艺传)董君彦(武工艺传) 於草草(武工旅管)许念情(武工艺传)陶向东(武工数院)杨曦(武工电气)成翠(武工经管) 王新(武工电气)毛敏(武工经管)杜砚兵(武工经管)罗玮燃(武工经管)吴雪君(武工经管) 郑冉冉(武工经管)秦明琴(武工艺传)陈婧琦(武工经管)朱小婷(武工经管)梁菊(武工经管) 陈悦(武工艺传)程亚静(武工艺传)欧阳泽宇(武工经管)艾隽如(武工经管)詹书宝(武工艺传)任昌燕(武工电气)郭文薇(武工经管)喻搏(武工电气)刘兴(武工电气)邓崇欣(武工经管) 邓曼昕(武工经管)牛彪(武工数院)何时(武工电气)张亭(武工经管)邱菊云(武工经管) 邓小琴(武工经管)武玉晓(武工经管)田国军(武工经管)向露(武工经管)钟清平(武工经管)


01)The house cost him an arm and a leg. 这套房子花了他很多钱。 02)Tom was given the axe. 汤姆被解雇了 03)We live out of cans. 我们靠罐头食品过活。 04)He went to bed with the chickens. 他很早上床睡觉。 05)It’s time to put on the feedbag. 吃饭时间到啦. 06)Please give me a bottle of Adam’s ale.请给我一瓶水。 07)It’s your baby, not mine. 那是你的任务,不是我的。 08)Her re-election is in the bag. 她在改选中已稳操胜券。 09)He is a ball of fire. 他精力充沛。 10)The story happened before the Flood. 故事发生在远古时代。 11)I don’t know the ABC of computers.我对电脑一窍不通。

12)His parents are going bananas at him. 他爸妈快被他气疯了。 13)Don’t pass the baby to me. 不要把责任推卸给我。 14)She employed a tender foot to help her. 她请了一个新手帮她。 15)玛丽是个马屁精 Mary is an apple polisher. 16)Don’t make yourself in the shit. 不要自讨没趣。(原意:不要自找麻烦。) 17)Mike is a lady killer. 迈克是个师奶杀手。 18)Ok, let’s talk turkey. 好吧,让我们开诚布公地谈谈。 19)He led a dog’s life. 他过着穷困潦倒的生活。 20)This music in the film is easy on the ear. 电影里的音乐很动听。 21)We held a back-street meeting. 我们开了一个秘密会议。 22)That boy never says uncle. 那个孩子的嘴特硬。


湖北省第十七届外语翻译大赛英语专业笔译组初赛试题 一、选出最佳译文 01)The house cost him an arm and a leg. (A)这套房子花了他很多钱。 (B)这套房子让他赚了不少钱。 (C)这套房子差点儿让他丧命。 (D)这套房子让他的胳膊和腿都受了伤。 02)Tom was given the axe. (A)汤姆得到一把斧头。 (B)汤姆获得赏识。 (C)汤姆被解雇了。 (D)汤姆挨了狠揍。 03)We live out of cans. (A)只要活着就总有可能。 (B)我们从不吃罐头食品。 (C)我们靠罐头食品过活。 (D)我们生活毫无希望。 04)He went to bed with the chickens. (A)他睡得很迟。 (B)他的作息时间和鸡一样。 (C)他和小鸡一起睡觉。 (D)他很早上床睡觉。 05)It's time to put on the feedbag. (A)上班时间到啦。 (B)吃药的时间到啦。 (C)吃饭的时间到啦。 (D)请给我一瓶水。 06)Please give me a bottle of Adam's ale. (A)请给我一瓶水。 (B)请给我一瓶墨水。 (C)请给我一杯茶。 (D)请给我一瓶酒。 07)It's your baby,not mine. (A)那是你的任务,不是我的。 (B)那是你的责任,而不是我的。 (C)那是你的作品,可别说是我。 (D)那是你的最爱,我可没有份。 08)Her re-election is in the bag. (A)她正为改选四处拉票。 (B)她在改选中败下阵来。 (C)她在进行暗箱操作,争取再次当选。 (D)她在改选中已稳操胜券。 09)He is a ball of fire. (A)他极富感染力。


湖北省第十三届外语翻译大赛英语专业组初赛试题 I. Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases :(每题2分,计20分) (1) 弱肉强食 A. the weak is the meat of the strong B. the weak are the prey of the strong C. the jungle principal D. the weak is the mercy of the strong (2) 如鸟兽散 A. flee helter skelter B. as if birds and beasts disappearing C. flying away as birds D. running away as animals (3) 深文周纳 A. well versed in literature and art B. try to help innocent people out of trouble C. to enjoy great learning and popularity D. convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law (4) 首鼠两端 A. take both for granted B. catch the first mouse coming along C. there being two sides to everything D.shilly-shally (5) 师直为壮 A. an army fighting for a just cause has high morale B. an honest teacher is always eloquent in speech C. a great master is always speak out his mind D. strong physique is associated with moral life (6) 文不加点 A. article with no definite argument B. have a facile pen C. without the use of any punctuation D. plain style without and flourish (7) 殊深轸念 A. fall a prey to B. be sympathetic about C. express deep solicitude for D. become bosom friends (8) 余勇可贾 A. valor to encourage others B. with strength yet to spare C. energy left over for future use D. great deeds for praise (9) 纵横捭阖 A. criss-crossing the vast country B. a wide stretch of beautiful field C. maneuver among various political groupings D. search up and down for a bosom friend


英译汉原文:Are We There Yet? America’s recovery will be much slower than that from most recessions; but the government can help a bit. “WHITHER goest thou, America?” That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy. And it reflects the foremost worry for American voters, who go to the polls for the congressional mid-term elections on November 2nd with the country’s unemployment rate stubbornly stuck at nearly one in ten. They should prepare themselves for a long, hard ride. The most wrenching recession since the 1930s ended a year ago. But the recovery—none too powerful to begin with—slowed sharply earlier this year. GDP grew by a feeble 1.6% at an annual pace in the second quarter, and seems to have been stuck somewhere similar since. The housing market slumped after temporary tax incentives to buy a home expired. So few private jobs were being created that unemployment looked more likely to rise than fall. Fears grew over the summer that if this deceleration continued, America’s economy would slip back into recession. Fortunately, those worries now seem exaggerated. Part of the weakness of second-quarter GDP was probably because of a temporary surge in imports from China. The latest statistics, from reasonably good retail sales in August to falling claims for unemployment benefits, point to an economy that, though still weak, is not slumping further. And history suggests that although nascent recoveries often wobble for a quarter or two, they rarely relapse into recession. For now, it is most likely that America’s economy will crawl along with growth at perhaps 2.5%: above stall speed, but far too slow to make much difference to the jobless rate. Why, given that Am erica usually rebounds from recession, are the prospects so bleak? That’s because most past recessions have been caused by tight monetary policy. When policy is loosened, demand rebounds. This recession was the result of a financial crisis. Recoveries after financial crises are normally weak and slow as banking systems are repaired and balance-sheets rebuilt. Typically, this period of debt reduction lasts around seven years, which means America would emerge from it in 2014. By some measures, households are reducing their debt burdens unusually fast, but even optimistic seers do not think the process is much more than half over. Battling on the bus America’s biggest problem is that its politicians have yet to acknowledge that the economy is in for such a long, slow haul, let alone prepare for the consequences. A few brave officials are beginning to sound warnings that the jobless rate is likely to “stay high”. But the political debate is more about assigning blame for the recession than about suggesting imaginative ways to give more oomph to the recovery. Republicans argue that Barack Obama’s shift towards “big government” explains the economy’s weakness, and that high unemployment is proof that fiscal stimulus was a bad idea. In fact, most of the growth in government to date has been temporary and unavoidable; the longer-run growth in government is more modest, and reflects the policies of both Mr Obama and his predecessor. And the notion that high joblessness “proves” that stimulus failed is simply wrong. Th e mechanics


2016年湖北省翻译大赛非英语专业初赛试题【最新精选】湖北省第十四届外语翻译大赛英语非专业笔译组决赛试题 I(选词用字:(每小题2分,30分) A(英译汉:从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的词语或词组填空。 1(原文:I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes. 译文:我对太太撒了个______c________,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。 A(白色的谎言 B(不会造成伤害的谎言 C(善意的小谎 2(原文:Dr. Lee is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him. 译文:李博士是位著名的科学家,____b__________________。 A(但文学对他来说就像希腊语一样 B(但对文学却一窍不通 C(但对文学却没有一点兴趣 3(原文:Alex is the black sheep of the family. 译文:亚力克斯是________a______。 A(不肖之子 B(家里的黑羊 C(家里的害群之马 4(原文:Jack has had five jobs within three years! A rolling stone gathers no moss.

译文:杰克在三年内换了五份工作~_______a________________________。 A(这样浮游不定,难成大器 B(真是水往高处流啊 C(这样便不会对同一工作产生厌倦或惰性了 5(原文:English is going to the dogs. 译文:________________c________。 A(越来越多的英国人开始养狗 B(英语变得更加生机勃勃 C(英语开始衰败倒退了 B(汉译英:从下列词组中选择一个恰当的词组完成翻译句子填空(注意:选项多 于 句子;只需在答题卡上填写正确词组的编号)。 a. A Chinese puzzle; b. Achilles’s heel; c. add salt to the wound; d. bite off more than one can chew; e. born in the purple; f. build castles in Spain; g. catch somebody red-handed; h. cry wolf; i. face the music; j. go west; k. hot potato; l. make bricks without straw; m. milk the bull; n. take the bull by the horns; o. the apple of one’s eye 1(原文:他生于贵族之家,所以自幼所受的教育,有异于常人。 译文:He has not been raised like an ordinary child for he was _____________________. 2(原文:警察遇到突发事件时,必须当机立断。 译文:A policeman must ___________________ when he meets a crisis. 3(原文:彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。


湖北省第十八届外语翻译大赛获奖名单 领奖须知 凡获奖者请4月9-4月11日9:00-17:00到省译协秘书处(汉口香港路153号,香江宾馆3198室,武汉市儿童医院正对面)持参赛证或学生证领取获奖证书。 获奖者如若姓名有误,请与译协秘书处及时联系更正。电话:85800191 一等奖 英语专业笔译组 张婷婷(武大外院)穆亭亭(武大外院)汤盼(华科外院)付莉(华师外院)肖梦林(华师外院)周怡(华师外院)张旎(华师外院)施佳(华师外院)王娜(华师外院)曹盼盼(民大外院)黄姝婷(理工外院)胡婉(二师外院)桂灿灿(二师外院)付豪(二师外院)邓玲(纺大外院)朱诗琴(江大外院)吕文(江大外院)刘姗姗(湖经外院)林家屹(汉口学院)朱彩霞(汉口学院)张君莉(东湖学院)陈丹玲(湖北师院)郑冉君(湖北师院)王涛(湖北师院)翁畅(湖北师院)郭佩(湖北师院)王孟(湖北师院)朱勇进(湖北师院)陈炽(湖北师院)张旭萌(黄石理工)龙莹(黄石理工)江月(黄石理工)王江曼(黄石理工)顾湘云(黄冈师院)阳良英(黄冈师院)熊楚雄(咸宁学院)高瑜(咸宁学院)张琪(咸宁学院)阮小燕(三峡大学)熊仕薇(三峡大学)李航(襄樊学院)熊航(湖北民院)杜巧艳(湖北民院)冯倩雯(湖北民院)王雅莉(湖北民院)郝晶晶(长江大学)石婷(长江文理)邓永胜(孝感学院)王爱如(孝感学院)谢俊(孝感学院)孙忠安(湖北十堰)龚琴(湖北十堰) 英语非专业笔译组 郭曼青(武大经管)李宏壁(武大水院)叶子(武大经管)陈婧璇(武大外院)吕晨曦(武大国软)孙晨(武大法院)李政(武大国软)张梦(武大经管)郑安澜(武大新闻)常菁菁(武大动机)李德超(武大经管)王寒(武大经管)许程程(武大政管)严筱(中国地大)赵婷(中国地大)孟庆辉(中国地大)汤薇(中南财大)杨佳乐(中南财大)易汀(中南财大)赵越(理工大学)


湖北省二十届英语翻译大赛决赛真题【非英语专业笔译组】 1.英译汉 While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. Caught in the web of its own time and place, each generation of historians determines anew what is significant for it in the past. In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered; it is also frequently partial or partisan. The irony of the historian’s craft is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. While history once revered its affinity to literature and philosophy, the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches to an understanding of the past. Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world. 73) During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study. Methodology is a term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical profession. 74) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of “tunnel method,” frequently fall victim to the “technicist fallacy.” Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation. It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques. 2.汉译英 第二天早上,天空阴暗多云,海面波涛起伏,但后来太阳出来了。风雨过后,更觉空气清新,大海在闪闪发光。早饭后我到外面走走,经过市场,我看见售货摊上有从海里打来的鲜鱼卖。我朝着海边走去,看见在阳光下发着亮光的渔船回来了。它们满载着刚打的鱼,一条接一条地市驶进岸边。我在那站了很久,看着渔夫们把鱼搬到岸上来。突然我听见有人在清冷的空气中说话。这是个老渔夫深沉有力的嗓音。原来刚才回来的第一条渔船是他的。我们攀谈起来。他对我说:“这是一条旧船了。原是我父亲的,我父亲是这个地方最好的渔夫。我呢?除了这条船外,一无所有。……哦!读了,还有这片土地,这片大海,也是我们的。”我永远忘不了他眼睛里的自豪感。 答案:The next morning, the sky was dark and cloudy, the sea waves rose and fell, but later the sun was coming out. After the storm, the air was fresher and cooler and the sea was shining. After breakfast I took a walk outside by way of the market, and I saw there was fresh fish caught from the sea and sold on the booth. I walked towards the seashore and saw that the shining fishing boats were coming back in the sunshine. They were fully loaded of the fish and driving closely to the shore.Suddenly, I heard someone speaking in the cold air. This was a deep and powerful voice of an old fisherman. It turned out that the first fishing boat coming back was his. We had a talk. He said," this is an old boat. It originally belonged to my father and he was the best fisherman in this place. But for me, I have nothing except this fishing boat...oh, well, this land and the sea are also


湖北省第二十二届外语翻译大赛 非英语专业A组笔译初赛试题 选手姓名:_______________________ 参赛编号:_______________________ 请将所有答案全部填写在[答题纸]上。 I. Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%) [ ] 1. 2015年武汉园博会 A. Wuhan International Garden Exhibition 2015 B. Wuhan Garden Exhibition 2015 C. Wuhan International Garden Expo 2015 [ ] 2. 跳槽 A. job-hopping B. job-jumping C. job-skipping [ ] 3. 口水战 A. a mouth and water war B. a war of words C. a mouth-water war [ ] 4.自然保护区 A. natural conservations B. natural preservations C. natural conserves [ ] 5. 火药 B. fire power B. fire medicine C. gunpowder [ ] 6. 文房四宝 A. the Four Precious of the Studio B. the Four Treasures of the Study C. the Four Jewelries of Scholars [ ] 7. 山寨货 A. false goods B. mountain village goods C. counterfeit goods [ ] 8. 磁悬浮列车


省第20届外语翻译大赛英语专业笔译初赛试题 I. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one of the idioms in the column. (1X20=20’) 1.别再笑他了,你只是五十步笑百步。 Don’t laugh at him. You are just ____________________________. 2.我们要小心别因噎废食。我们的任务是控制技术而不是避开它。 We must be careful not to ________________. Our task now is to control technology, not to turn away from it. 3.她的父亲一贫如洗,为了父亲的缘故,她打算嫁给一个极其富有而粗鄙的人。 She is going to marry a perfect hog of a millionaire for the sake of her father, who is ____________________. 4.她生长在富贵之家,认为凡事都可随心所欲。 She was ____________________; she thinks she can do what she likes. 5.她骂斥自己的女仆,而且脾气非常不好。 She scolded her maid and was ______________. 6.她和她母亲长得一模一样。 She and her mother are ______________________. 7.在家里他是残酷无情的魔王,在外面他是慈善家,看上去好像连苍蝇都不会伤害。他真是个伪君子。 At home he’s a heartless devil. In public he’s a philanthropist and seems as though he couldn’t hurt a fly. He’s really _________________. 8.他大谈自己如何勇敢,我认为……他是个说大话的胆小鬼。 He had talked so much of his valour that I had…rated him as ________________. 9.你说的这一套对我不起作用,你还不如少说为妙。 What you are saying will not make any difference to me, so you may as well _____________. 10.你得忍痛接受你妻子已经离开这一事实。


正题满分100分,加试题10分。如果正题得分达到85分,加试题有效。 一、选出最佳译文,每题一分,共80分。 01)The house cost him an arm and a leg. (A) 这套房子花了他很多钱。 (B) 这套房子让他赚了不少钱。 (C) 这套房子差点让他丧命。 (D) 这套房子让他的胳膊和腿都受了伤。 以下试题部分选项省略,只保留正确选项。 02)Tom was given the axe. 汤姆被解雇了。 03)We live out of cans. 我们靠罐头食品过活。 04)He went to bed with the chickens. 他很早上床睡觉。 05)It’s time to put on the feedbag. 吃饭时间到啦。 06)Please give me a bottle of Adam’s ale. 请给我一瓶水。 07)It’s your baby, not mine. 那是你的任务,不是我的。 08)Her re-election is in the bag. 她在改选中已稳操胜券。

09)He is a ball of fire. 他精力充沛。 10)The story happened before the Flood. 故事发生在远古时代。 11)I don’t know the ABC of computers. 我对电脑一窍不通。 12)His parents are going bananas at him. 他爸妈快被他气疯了。 13)Don’t pass the baby to me. 不要把责任推卸给我。 14)She employed a tender foot to help her. 她请了一个新手帮她。 15)Mary is an apple polisher. 玛丽是个马屁精。 16)Don’t make yourself in the shit. 不要自讨没趣。(原意:不要自找麻烦。)17)Mike is a lady killer. 迈克是个师奶杀手。 18)Ok, let’s talk turkey. 好吧,让我们开诚布公地谈谈。 19)He led a dog’s life. 他过着穷困潦倒的生活。 20)This music in the film is easy on the ear. 电影里的音乐很动听。 21)We held a back-street meeting. 我们开了一个秘密会议。 22)That boy never says uncle. 那个孩子的嘴特硬。 23)I will put my back into this program. 我将对这个项目全力以赴。


湖北省第十三届外语翻译大赛非专业英语初赛试题 请选出您所认为的最佳译文:每题两分,共50题,满分为100分。 1)The Salvation Army is an international organization for social work and for spreading the teachings of the Christian gospel. A. 拯救部队乃专门从事社会工作、传播基督教福音之世界机构。 B. 救世军是一个国际组织,从事社会工作并传播基督教福音的教义。 C. 救助军是个国际性的机构,组织社会工作,传递福音教义。 D. 救世主的军队不分区域,在全世界范围内都从事社会工作,并传播基督教义。2)It was founded in 1865 by William Booth. A. 它是由威廉布什创建的,时间为1865年。 B. 1865年,威廉布施创立了该组织。 C. 威廉布什于1865年创立了这个组织。 D. 该组织创建于1865年,其创始人是威廉布施。 3)Headed by a general, it is organized on a military basis and exacts unquestioning obedience from its members, who were a distinctive uniform on public occasions. A. 领导该组织的是一位将军,其组织形式是军事化的,要求其成员无条件服从,在公共场合穿特别的制服。 B. 该组织的成员一律穿统一的制服,特别是在公共场合。它的组织是军事化的,由一位军事将领担任指挥。 C. 该机构的建制是军事化的,要求每个人绝对的服从,其领导人是一名将军,每个成员在公共场合都穿军服。 D. 有一名军官指挥该组织,管理方式是军事化的,要求每个成员要绝对服从,在公共场合要穿统一的服装。 4)Public worships consist of open-air meetings marked by brass bands and banners. A. 在露天的公共场所进行各种庆典时,旌旗林立,铜号震天。 B. 在公共场合进行的典礼,都在露天场所进行,锣鼓喧天,彩旗飘扬。 C. 公开的礼拜活动,包括露天的会议等,其明显的标志是铜管乐队和旌旗。 D. 在公开活动时,乐队奏乐,锦旗招展,在空旷的广场上举行各种仪式。 5)The Army is active in all kinds of social work, including the care of criminals and drunkards, soup kitchens where the hungry get fed, worker’s hostels, and night shelters. A. 这支部队在各种社会活动中均表现积极,他们关心犯罪人员和酗酒者,并搭起粥棚为挨饿的人提供充饥的地方,为工人提供住所,得以过夜。 B. 该组织对各种各样的社会活动都给以支持,包括很多方面,例如他们对服刑人员和嗜酒如命者都表现出关心,为穷人提供食品救济,使其不至于挨饿,为工人提供住宿,使其不至于无处栖身。


湖北省第二四届外语翻译大赛 非英语专业B 组笔译初赛试题 of the following Chinese phrases is providedwith three English translations, andCseparatels,tickofthebestchoiceandfillintheblanks (15%) [ ]1.新生报到 A freshmen registration comer 's arrival [ ]2.归元禅寺 Zcn Temple Arhat Hall C Guiyuan Buddhist Temple [ ]3.字幕组 A. subtile group workshop [ ]4.白皮书 paper skin paper paper [ ]5.盗版软件 A. free copyrighted software B. copied software C. pirated software [ ]6.共享单车 A. bicycle pooling B. bicycle-sharing C. ride sharing [ ]7.长江三角洲 A the Yangtze River delta B. the three gorges of Yangtze River C. the Yangtze Gorges [ ]8.跟团遊 A. mass tour tour C package tour [ ]9.实名注册 A real-name subscription B. real-name registration C. true-name log-in [ ]10.表情包 A. emotion package

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