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孩子PET口语考试复习这几 就够了

孩子PET口语考试复习这几 就够了
孩子PET口语考试复习这几 就够了

PET= Preliminary English Test


不要只说Yes或No 完整句子回答,回答两三句。

注意结构:Idea – reasons or examples - conclusion

What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

-My Surname is Zhang, Z-H-A-N-G. Thank you!

surname 和last name 都指姓;first name是名字(绍恺Shaokai)

Where do you live? / Tell us about the area where you live.

-I live in Hai Dian District, Beijing, China. My apartment is very near Peking University. The neighborhood is very quiet and beautiful with a lot of trees and nice people.

Where do you come from?

-I come from XXX Primary School of Haidian District. I am in Grade 3. My School is very beautiful and my teacher and classmates are all very nice.

Which subject do you like best? / Do you enjoy studying English? Why?

-My favorite subject is English. I have lessons every week. It will be really useful for my future study and work!

Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?

-I think English will be extremely useful for my study and work in the future. It can help me learn different cultures, make a lot of friends and earn more money in the future.

Tell us about your English teacher.

-She’s really nice. She teaches us a lot of words and grammar, and she always makes learning English full of fun.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? / What’s your favorite sport?/ What do you like doing after school?

-My favorite sport is tennis./ I like playing tennis after school (in my free time). I think playing tennis is fun. It can give me

a strong body and I can make a lot of friends by playing

tennis with them.

Do you like music?

-I like music. I have been playing the violin since I was 5 years

old and I am really good at it. I like classical music and pop music. Music can make me relaxed and happy.

Do you like reading?

-I like reading very much. I love reading novels and cartoons.

Books help me know more about the world and stories make me laugh and think. My favorite books include…

How do you usually spend your holidays?

I usually spend my holidays reading, listening music and playing tennis…

Tell us about your family.

-There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my grandma and me. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I love my family.

What do you think is the best way to travel in Beijing?


结构:Can I go first?/May I start --- Your argument --- A question to your partner (What do you think?) --- Argument from partner ---Your reaction ---Your argument --- A question to your partner …




-说出每一个东西为什么是good or bad,要提供理由。


-向你的搭档提问; 不要太着急打断搭档,除非有必要。

-agree or disagree with each other



I understand your point. But for me…

This is good because …

He’ll probably/ definitely need … because…

I don’t think… is so important because…

For me, the most important thin is … because…

I agree with you.

I don’t quite agree with you on that point.

I cannot agree with you more. That is exactly what I want to say. Decision:

Yes-Yes: Nice! We have the same idea. Problem solved! Thank you very much!

Yes-No: Don’t you think it’s a better idea?...可以劝说搭档、坚持自己观点或认同对方观点最后汇报考官:So we have reached the agreement. …..


先说topic sentence

This picture tells some information about…

This picture is about…


Where/When/What/Who/How 从这几个角度来说。

(描述方位可以用:on the left/right; behind, near, next to, between, above, below, in the corner…

天气:It’s:sunny, raining, windy, snowy, freezing cold, foggy, cloudy, warm, hot…)


总结:This is a very nice picture.




Where/When/What/Who/How 从这几个角度来说。



剑桥PET口语应对技巧 1.对于个人基本情况的问询计时2-3分钟 不要只说Yes或No 完整句子回答,回答两三句。 注意结构:Idea – reasons or examples - conclusion What’s your surname? How do you spell it? -My Surname is Zhang, Z-H-A-N-G. Thank you! surname 和last name 都指姓;first name是名字(绍恺Shaokai) Where do you live? / Tell us about the area where you live. -I live in Hai Dian District, Beijing, China. My apartment is very near Peking University. The neighborhood is very quiet and beautiful with a lot of trees and nice people. Where do you come from? -I come from XXX Primary School of Haidian District. I am in Grade 3. My School is very beautiful and my teacher and classmates are all very nice. Which subject do you like best? / Do you enjoy studying English? Why? -My favorite subject is English. I have lessons every week. It will be really useful for my future study and work! Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future? -I think English will be extremely useful for my study and work in the future. It can help me learn different cultures, make a lot of friends and earn more money in the future. Tell us about your English teacher. -She’s really nice. She teaches us a lot of words and grammar, and she always makes learning English full of fun.


叮叮英语PET笔试部分测试 姓名祝同学们取得好成绩哦~ 听力原文播放,找到相应的题目 PART ONE在下面的每组表达中,两句话表达同一个意思为T 不同意思则为F ( )1.The company said it actually took them as long as 20 years to make the robot. The robot was developed quickly by the company that created him. ( )2. It was just the result our headmaster had wanted. Our headmaster felt the day achieved what he had hoped. ( )3.The race was judged not only the length of their ride but also their confidence and overall ability. The very important thing in the race was how long the dogs stayed on the surfboard. ( )4. On Saturday 20th you will need to check that you have registered to race and also pick up your race bag. You need to collect your race bag before the event. ( )5.You will also need to get your bike and equipment checked at the TYRE before you can race Before the race, you need to check your bikes by yourself. PART TWO学校里发了两条通知,可是Lee看不懂,你能帮他翻译以下吗? Due to technical problems, this week’s Film club meeting is postponed until further notice. Students-keep to the left ! Running in the corridor is forbidden at all times!! 译文:


PET l 冲刺Lesson 1 Speaking

1Part 1

考试形式 此部分考查每位考生轮流与考官交流; 考官遵循对话标准形式引导对话,确保考试的标准化,控制难易程度。 考试目的 此部分考查初次见面的日常用语,陈述与个人相关的事实性信息,根据问题给出有关个人体貌特征的信息。

提问程序 1 Greeting and Introduction 2 Giving Information about Place of Origin and Studies 3 Daily life 4 Tell me something about ……

●用完整(简短、完整)的句子回答考官,并尽量给出详尽信息 Questions A B 1 do you like English? 2Where do you live? 3Tell us about your English teacher. 4 What do you enjoy doing in the evening? 5Tell us about your family.A There are three of us. B Watching TV C Yes D Italy E Her name’s Tina.. A She’s young and friendly and she makes us laugh. B My mum’s a nurse and my dad works in an office. C In a small town called Chiavari D The grammar is difficult, though. E My favorite programmes are music show. 练习: 注意时态匹配

PET 口语Part 3 练习题

Practice Exercise 2 Exercise on Picture A Task Instructions Study the picture carefully. Study the words and phrases in the table. Using MS Word write ten to fifteen sentences on the picture. Save this file on your hard disk. Using Audacity Software, record the sentences and create an audio file. Send your audio clip to your teacher via e-mail. Your audio clip must not exceed 90 seconds. Picture A [Source: PET Practice Tests - Lousie Hashemi and Barbara Thomas - Longman]

Exercise on Picture B Task Instructions Study the picture carefully. Study the words and phrases in the table. Using MS Word write ten to fifteen sentences on the picture. Save this file on your hard disk. Using Audacity Software, record the sentences and create an audio file. Send your audio clip to your teacher via e-mail. Your audio clip must not exceed 90 seconds. Picture B [Source: PET Practice Tests - Lousie Hashemi and Barbara Thomas - Longman]


PET考试方法和技巧 一.简介: PET考试分3部分: Paper 1 READING/WRITING: 1小时30分钟 Paper 2 LISTENING: 30分钟(其中有8分钟誊抄答案时间) Paper 3 SPEAKING: 10-12分钟 二.考试题型和内容: READING: Part 1(1-5 题)叫做“匹配题”,有5道题,每道题会有ABC三个选项供考生去选择,考生需要 划出关键词,然后根据意思去匹配出一个正确的选项,其实就是同义句匹配。 这种类型题会出现各种样式的小短句,主要考察的是一些公共标识、商品标签、学校通知、私人联络等。 Part 2 (6 -10题)就是“8选5”,会有五组人,然后按照他们的需求去匹配后面的A-H 8个广告。 这种类型题目,主要话题有:买书、去博物馆、选酒店、选度假/露营场所、看电影,选衣服,选课程,选网站等,都是需要考生根据不同需求来匹配出最佳方案。先标出需求,然后用两 个需求去筛选,就会轻松得出结论。 Part 3 (11- 20题)是“阅读判断题”,会给出10个小句子,要求考生判断这10个句子是正确还是错误的。这就需求考生能够在理解句意的基础上,去原文找到答案,来验证了。 这种类型题,都是有关真实生活,选自一些杂志、宣传册广告或是网站。找对“定位词”和“关键词”,去逐一分析和判断就可以了。 Part 4 (21- 25题) 是阅读理解,会有5道题,其中第21题一般问作者的写作目的;22题问读者可以得到什么信息或是启示;23-24题是问具体细节问题;25题就是一道“描述主人公的性格或特征”,选出一个符合主人公特点的句子。 Part 5(26- 35题)这是PET阅读部分的最后一道题了。就是完形填空。这个部分其实很简单, 因为选材要么是一个历史故事,要么是一个科普文章,所以,一般会考察过去 时,注意先读懂一遍文章(先读每一段的首末句),掌握大意,再去精读,边读边选词。 做过这个part的考生可以发现每个空白处附近的一两行之内必然会有提示,注意观察和寻找就 会找到正确答案哦! 其次,这个部分还会考察一些词汇、词组辨析,如:情态动词;限定词very, much, quite, a lot, more; 代词 his, her, their, my...;介词on, in, at, with, without, of... 还有就是一些关联词,表因 果的because,表转转的but,however,表并列的and,表让步、递进的though, although等。


广州中考英语口试历届试题广州中考英语口试历届试题。(第一套) 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分) Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth, but we aren’t. We are really much less important than plants! If all the people on earth die tomorrow, life will not stop. The plants, animals and everything else will go on living. But, if all the green plants die, Earth will become a very different place. The air will change and neither animals nor people will be able to live in that air. All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else --- food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that! All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else --- food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that! 二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. When and where were you born? 2. What’s your nationality? 3. Which class and grade are you in? 4. What should a student do in class? 5. How often do you have a class meeting? 三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)介绍你的美籍同学Anna。要点提示: 1. Anna来中国已2年了; 2. 喜欢中文,爱吃中餐,对中国文化和民间工艺感兴趣, 结识了不少中国朋友;3. 擅长运动,喜爱集邮,已集了约100张中国邮票;明年将回国。 广州中考英语口试历届试题广州中考英语口试历届试题(第二套) 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)How do you give messages to other people? Y ou speak, or you write, of course. But you give messages with your body, too. People know when you are happy. Both your mouth and your eyes tell them that. They can see the smile on your face. What happens to your mouth when you are sad? Everybody uses their hands to say different things. When you say “Hello!”to somebody, you often put your hand in the air, too. When you say “Goodbye!” you put your arm up and move your hand a few times from side to side. Y ou can say“Come here”with your hands. Which part of your body do you use to say “Y es” and


PET口语考试流程(附图片及视频) 2014-10-23 10:49:31 来源:智康1对1 小编按:最近很多家长在询问智康的老师关于KET/PET考试的事情,尤其是口语考试流程,为了方便大家了解KET/PET口语考试流程,今天小编将之前智康举办的智康1对1第一届PET模拟考的情况发上来,供大家参考。 ps:剑桥五级的PET考试属于剑桥五级的第二个级别,相当于雅思考试的4.5分,具体介绍可以参考《什么是PET考试》。对于小学四~六年级的孩子来说,PET是具有相当的难度的。到底PET口语考试难在哪里呢?下面我给大家解析一下考试流程,大家就会明白了。 1.学生来了之后,智康的工作人员会将学生引领到PET考试候场教室,等待安排考场。 2.考试进行中,每个考场同时进入两名同学,同时另外两位同学在教室外等候考试。 3.考试开始,考官老师会让孩子来一个简单的自我介绍和提问。比如What's your name?What's your surname?你姓什么?What's your family name?这些话对所有参加考试的孩子来说都没有难度,孩子一般都应答如流。但是在回答问题的时候,孩子一般都用过于简单的言语,没有用比较丰富的语言来完整的回答考官问题,大多孩子都只会说YES,NO,这样就拿不到分。

4.第二部分,自我介绍后考官会给两位考生1张黑白图片,该图片中有5-6个小图,孩子们要看图对话,每一个小图必须描述出来,并说明自己的观点,之后再向对方提问。考试要求孩子们在对话的结尾,述说的观点达成一致,如果没有做到也会扣分。时间大概为2-3分钟左右。 5.第三部分,考官会分别给孩子两张彩图,让孩子们看图说话,时间为1分钟。这部分要求孩子不间断地根据图片的内容描述图片,不仅要说出图片的主要内容,同时还要注意图片的背景以及提供的其他辅助性信息。时间超过1分钟考官会打断孩子,若时间不足1分钟,考官只会用肢体语言提示孩子继续说,如果考生不能领会意思,继续保持沉默,就会扣掉相应的分数。 6.最后一步就是考官会根据第三部分的彩图给出一个主题,让两位考生互相对话。时长为2分钟。 PET口语考试考官建议: 1.大家在备考PET口语的时候,一定要多看些小短文,这样才能出口成章。 2.另外需要参加一些有针对性的课外辅导班,在老师的指导下学会如何说出有条理,逻辑清晰的小短文。 3.最后,在应试的时候,需要大家掌握一些沟通的小技巧,这样在两人对话环节,就能够避免两人互唱独角戏的尴尬。

PET 口语秘籍

PET口语部分经验 刚考完,虽说考前非常担心(因为最后才开始准备,和朋友一模拟发现问题一大堆),但好在后面搭档还可以,结果应该会还行。一些经验给到大家。 总体方向有三点 一. 一定要提前准备 提前一个月是需要的,考前2周模考。一定别迷信自家娃很talktive或者一直在英语环境,一直在外教上课就一定没问题...我就是信了这个邪,导致最后问题一大堆。 而且考前一天4月考场出成绩,好几个能说会道口语倍儿棒的娃都翻船了...直到这时候才意识到事情严重连忙找Edwina家模拟了两次抱了个佛脚,模考时也是哭笑不得。 二. 模考一定要找个娃一起,不能是大人! 小孩会出什么问题谁也把握不了,所以提前试验找出问题! 不能指望说是配到一个好搭档(相信我,就算自己找好的搭档也会掉链子,别说陌生人了)。所以,想要确保这一块分数,一定要坚定己身,不光不会被带进沟里还能把别人拉出来。 三.如果分到的考试时间比较晚,到处去问问考完的人考了啥。 这次edwina家比我家先考,她们在南京考。我问了句考了啥,然后没告诉我家娃,因为压根想不到会考一样。结果,考到的part2/3/4,全部都一样! 咱就算把握不了搭档,把握一下主题也好的呀! (ps后来又遇到了n个考题一模一样的,可见这不是狗屎运啊。 又ps,5月18pet的口语考题是4月13场很多人考过的...这.....我有点无话可说啊) 然后分块来讲讲 ※Part1 这部分最容易解决的,只要娃口语不错问题都不大的,提醒娃,每个问题至少回答3句话。

常见问题是问,name, family, come from, travel, hobby(entertainment), school等等。这部分话题,和写作大作文里出现的选题差不多,作文分类准备一下想法,口语照样说就行。 可以扩充信息的方式,就是聊到5个w和一个h。why是最容易说到的,其他比如光when时间,可以扩充used to like...but now...in the future would like...或者扩充比如频率I do it every Sunday。还可以扩充这个话题里出现的人如何,比如问到english可以说完后说说英语老师如何。 ※Part2 Part2是要为别人选出一个选项。这个题是很容易翻船的,问题非常多。不讲套路,先来讲讲翻船的可能情况。以下都是娃或者搭档犯过的错误。 ●1. 选项没有讨论完。 (解决办法, 第一,说的时候千万别长篇大论,不行的理由给一个,行的理由给一个,不要绞尽脑汁想理由。 第二,如果觉得前面讲的很长,最后几个选项一起挑出来说,可以用,which do you prefer, A or B? 这样能快速往下。 第三,如果对方费时太久,抓住他停顿的空隙,说,that's good, but let's move to another option.) ●2. 最后没有给出结论。 (解决办法, 第一,一定要抓紧时间讨论完,别等到老师提醒你们时间快到了要做结论了。 第二,讨论完4个之后,不管你觉得好不好,都同意对方的那个意见。要不然最后剩下的2个要是不好就来不及了,那就又得重新开始回来找选项。 第三,最后重复一遍,so we choose A, right? 避免对方不确定你说的到底是哪个。 第四,万一讨论下来有两个大家都觉得不错,最后要问,so which is better,A or B?) ●3. 跑偏,注意是帮别人选,跟你自己怎么样没关系。句型一定要用they/he/she。


来源:考试吧划词:关闭划词收藏 写日志、发碎碎,学习路上不孤单,马上注册交个爱学习的好朋友! 口试真卷 Part 1 (3 minutes) Interlocutor: Good morning/afternoon. My name is... and this is my colleague... He/She is just going to be listening to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please ? Thank you. And your names are ... and ... ? (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor. ) First of all, Candidate A, we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions. (Select two or more questions from the following category for Candidate A. ) Thank you. Now, Candidate B, I'm going to ask you some questions. Select two or more questions from the following category for Candidate B.

Thank you. Part 2 (3minutes) Interlocutor: Now, I'd like you to talk about something between yourselves. We're just going to listen. ( Place the picture sheet in front of both candidates. ) This is the picture for your reference. It shows a small boy' s childhood: 1. taken out by his grandpa for a walk, 2. taught to write by his parents, 3. looked after by a nanny, 4. playing with other children in a kindergarten. I' d like you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of children growing up with different people around. It is not necessary to agree with each other. Remember you have only 3 minutes for this part, so don' t worry if I stop you then. Please speak loudly so that we can hear you. You may start now. Candidates: ( Approximately 3 minutes. ) Interlocutor: Thank you. (Retrieve the picture sheet. )

孩子PET口语考试复习这几 就够了

PET= Preliminary English Test 1.个人基本情况2-3分钟 不要只说Yes或No 完整句子回答,回答两三句。 注意结构:Idea – reasons or examples - conclusion What’s your surname? How do you spell it? -My Surname is Zhang, Z-H-A-N-G. Thank you! surname 和last name 都指姓;first name是名字(绍恺Shaokai) Where do you live? / Tell us about the area where you live. -I live in Hai Dian District, Beijing, China. My apartment is very near Peking University. The neighborhood is very quiet and beautiful with a lot of trees and nice people. Where do you come from? -I come from XXX Primary School of Haidian District. I am in Grade 3. My School is very beautiful and my teacher and classmates are all very nice. Which subject do you like best? / Do you enjoy studying English? Why? -My favorite subject is English. I have lessons every week. It will be really useful for my future study and work! Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future? -I think English will be extremely useful for my study and work in the future. It can help me learn different cultures, make a lot of friends and earn more money in the future. Tell us about your English teacher. -She’s really nice. She teaches us a lot of words and grammar, and she always makes learning English full of fun. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? / What’s your favorite sport?/ What do you like doing after school? -My favorite sport is tennis./ I like playing tennis after school (in my free time). I think playing tennis is fun. It can give me a strong body and I can make a lot of friends by playing tennis with them. Do you like music? -I like music. I have been playing the violin since I was 5 years


KET官方口语题库Test 1 1. Geeting and introduction: How do you do? How are you, today? It is a fine day today, isn’t it? How is the weather today? What day is it today? What date is it today? How did you get here this morning? What is your name? May I know your name? Can you spell your name, please? What is your full name? What is your surname? What is your family name? Do you have an English name? What is your English name? When is your birthday? How old are you? When were you born? Where were you born?

Were you born in Xuzhou? Were you born in this city? Are you local people? Are you native? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Where is your birthplace? Where do you live? Do you live in this city? What school are you studying at? Which grade are you in? Is your home far away from your school? How far is your home from your school? How long does it take you to get to scholl? When do you go to school every day? How do you get to school every day? Which class are you in? How many students are there in your class? How many boys/girls are there in your class? Do you like your school/class? How do you think of your scool/class? What is your school/class like?


2011年12月:口试一 (PP l-5 for Interlocutor) Part A: Self-introduction (2 minutes) Interlocutor: Good morning (afternoon/evening). Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. (Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor.) My name is... and this is my colleague... He/she is not going to ask you any questions, but he/she is just going to be listening to us. So, your name is... and... ? Thank you. First of all, we’d like to know something about you, so I’m going to ask you some questions about yourselves. (Begin with Candidate A, then move on to Candidate B) Now (say the name of the candidate and ask the questions). Hometown ●Where are you from? ●How long did you live there? ●What’s it like living there? ●How does your hometown compare with (place where the candidate is currently living)? Family ●What about your family? ●Could you tell us something about it? Work/ Study ●What do you do in (the candidate’s hometo wn), do you work or study? (If the candidate has already started work:) ●What does your work involve? ●Is your job something you always wanted to do? ●How long do you think you will stay in this job? (If the candidate is still at school, college or university:) ●What are your favourite subjects at school? What exactly are you studying? ●What type of Work are you hoping to do in the future? ●What qualifications will you need to do that? (For Interlocutor) Part B: Collaboration (5 minutes) Topic: Reasons for the popularity of online games


Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth, but we aren’t. We are really much less important than plants! If all the people on earth die tomorrow, life will not stop. The plants, animals and everything else will go on living. But, if all the green plants die, Earth will become a very different place. The air will change and neither animals nor people will be able to live in that air. All living things need plants to make the right kind of air. But they also need them for something else --- food. Living things need food to grow, but only plants can make their own food. Green plants get light from the sun and water from the ground and turn it into food. Nothing else can do that! 二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分) 1. When and where were you born? 2. What’s your nationality? 3. Which class and grade are you in? 4. What should a student do in class? 5. How often do you have a class meeting? 三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分) 介绍你的美籍同学Anna。 要点提示: 1. Anna来中国已2年了; 2. 喜欢中文,爱吃中餐,对中国文化和民间工艺感兴趣, 结识了不少中国朋友; 3. 擅长运动,喜爱集邮,已集了约100张中国邮票;明年将回国。


考生必备知识:PET口语考试的题型设计 PET口语为两个考生一组考试,考试时间为十分钟左右,整个考试过程共分为四个部分 1.简单的个人信息 考官在这个部分会询问考生一些简单的个人信息,虽然题目不是很难,但若是回答的比较出色,会给考官留下很好的印象,也可以减轻考生的心理压力。这部分考试中,考官一定会问考生, What is your name,和What is your surname.考官问这个问题,更重要的意义在于使考官区分考生,方便记分。但考生在回答What is your surname? And how to spell it?(你姓什么?怎么拼写?)的时候,错误频出,要么分不清姓和名的区别,要么不知道怎么拼,汉语拼法和英语的拼法混为一谈,结果让人啼笑皆非,闹出很多笑话。 这部分考试中,考官考查的问题主要集中在以下几个方面:个人的兴趣爱好,家庭,学校,活动等。问题多围绕考生的日常生活展开。 考官的问题相对比较简单,但希望考生给出比较完整和充分的回答。举个例子。考官通常会问,What is your favorite subject at school? (在学校你最喜欢什么课?),考生如果简单回答English,或者My favorite subject is English,都不是理想的回答。考生如果能回答,My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting and useful. (我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为我觉得英语很有意思,而且以后也很有用处),这样则相对来说是很让考官满意的回答,成绩也就相对比较高。2.看图片,完成任务 这部分考试中,考官会给考生一张图片,并且会给考生描述一个情景,让两位考生一起讨论。图片里面通常会包括五个东西。考生需要把每个小图都要进行讨论,并按照题目中的要求进行取舍。 这部分的主要问题是,第一:考生的语言比较单一,不够生动活泼;第二:两考生配合比较差,互动比较差。就好像,两个考生各自的语言相对比较好,但连起来看却并没有多少关系,完全不像对话,两个人不过是各说各的而已。这样大家的成绩都不会特别高。


1 1 十」 亠*i JK?-~r 听力真题一 PAPER 2LISTENING TEST approx 36 minutes (including 6 minutes transfer ttme) Part 1 Questions 1-7 There are seven quest one in this part. For each quesiion there are Ihree pictures and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct anwer A, B or C Example; Where Is the girt's hat? ⑥B Which dtsh did Mark cook in the competition? 2 Where is the girPs book now? A B i l u B C

B C 3 Who fives wfth Josh in his tiousft? A B Wtiat will the gjri Take 肋岀 her on hoikfa/? 5 What time will the train to Manchester teave? ABC

lest T 7 Which spent will the boy do soon at frie c?entre? B C A 0

Part 2 Questionfi 8-13 You will hE?ar an interview with a singer called Nick Parker who plays in a band called Krispy with hifi sister MeL For each question, choose lhe correct answer A, B orC* B When Nick arid Mel were younger. A they studied music at school. S their tattler took them to live conceris. C lheir mother encouraged them to play music. 9 When Nick and Mel started writing music together, they A disagreed about the style Eey should have. B dwin t want (o be the same as other bands ? C were influenced by different kinds of music. 10 The bard Krispy ^as started after A Nick began studying at music school, B two other musicians heard Nick and Mel playing. C Nicic and Mel advertised for the band members. 11 In the band'5 fire! yearlogelher, A concert audiences Uked their music. B they sig nod a recording contract. C their national tour was very successfuL

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