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ibuprofen USP39

ibuprofen USP39
ibuprofen USP39


(eye'' bue proe' fen).

C13H18O2 206.28

Benzeneacetic acid, α-methyl-4-(2-methylpropyl), (±)-.

(±)-p-Isobutylhydratropic acid.

(±)-2-(p-Isobutylphenyl)propionic acid [15687-27-1].

(±) Mixture [58560-75-1].

? Ibuprofen contains not less than 97.0 percent and not more than 103.0 percent of C13H18O2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.

Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers.

USP Reference standards ?11?—

USP Ibuprofen RS

USP Ibuprofen Related Compound C RS


A: Infrared Absorption ?197M?—Do not dry specimens.

B: Ultraviolet Absorption ?197U?—

Solution: 250 μg per mL.

Medium: 0.1 N sodium hydroxide.

Respective absorptivities at 264 nm and 273 nm, calculated on the anhydrous basis, do not differ by more than 3.0%.

C: The chromatogram of the Assay preparation obtained as directed in the Assay exhibits a major peak for ibuprofen, the retention time of which, relative to that of the internal standard, corresponds to that exhibited in the chromatogram of the Standard preparation, obtained as directed in the Assay.

Change to read:

Water Determination, Method I ?921?(CN 1-May-2016): not more than 1.0%.

Residue on ignition ?281?: not more than 0.5%.

Delete the following:

Heavy metals, Method II ?231?: 0.002%.(Official 1-Jan-2018)

Chromatographic purity—

Mobile phase—Prepare a suitable filtered mixture of water, previously adjusted with phosphoric acid to a pH of 2.5 and acetonitrile (1340:680). Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitability under Chromatography ?621?).

Test preparation—Prepare a solution of Ibuprofen in acetonitrile containing about 5 mg per mL.

Resolution solution—Prepare a solution in acetonitrile containing in each mL about 5 mg of Ibuprofen and 5 mg of valerophenone.

Chromatographic system (see Chromatography ?621?)—The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 214-nm detector and a 4-mm × 15-cm column that contains 5-μm packing L1 and is maintained at 30 ± 0.5°. The flow rate is about 2 mL per minute. Chromatograph a series of 5-μL injections of the Test preparation to condition the column. Chromatograph the Resolution solution, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the relative retention times are about 0.8 for valerophenone and 1.0 for ibuprofen, and the resolution, R, between the valerophenone peak and the ibuprofen peak is not less than 2.0. Procedure—[note—Use peak areas where peak responses are indicated.] Inject about 5 μL of the Test preparation into the chromatograph, record the chromatogram, and measure the peak responses. Calculate the percentage of each impurity taken by the formula:

100ri / rt

in which ri is the response of an individual peak, other than the solvent peak and the main ibuprofen peak, and rt is the sum of the responses of all the peaks, excluding that of the solvent peak: not more than 0.3% of any individual impurity is found, and the sum of all the individual impurities found does not

exceed 1.0%.

Limit of ibuprofen related compound C—Using the chromatograms of the Assay preparation and the Ibuprofen related compound C standard solution, obtained as directed in the Assay, calculate the percentage of ibuprofen related compound C (C12H16O) in the portion of Ibuprofen taken by the formula:

10,000(C / W)(RU / RS)

in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Ibuprofen Related Compound C RS in the Ibuprofen related compound C standard solution; W is the weight, in mg, of Ibuprofen taken to prepare the Assay preparation; and RU and RS are the peak response ratios of ibuprofen related compound C to valerophenone obtained from the Assay preparation and the Ibuprofen related compound C standard solution, respectively: not more than 0.1% is found.


Mobile phase—Dissolve 4.0 g of chloroacetic acid in 400 mL of water, and adjust with ammonium hydroxide to a pH of 3.0. Add 600 mL of acetonitrile, filter, and degas. Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitability under Chromatography ?621?).

Internal standard solution—Prepare a solution of valerophenone in Mobile phase having a concentration of about 0.35 mg per mL.

Standard preparation—Dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Ibuprofen RS in Internal standard solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 12 mg per mL.

Ibuprofen related compound C standard solution—Quantitatively dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Ibuprofen Related Compound C RS in

acetonitrile to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.6 mg per mL. Add 2.0 mL of this stock solution to 100.0 mL of Internal standard solution, and mix to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about

0.012 mg of ibuprofen related compound C per mL.

Assay preparation—Transfer about 1200 mg of Ibuprofen, accurately weighed, to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dilute with Internal standard solution to volume, and mix.

Chromatographic system (see Chromatography ?621?)—The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 254-nm detector and a 4.6-mm × 25-cm column that contains packing L1. The flow rate is about 2 mL per minute. Chromatograph the Standard preparation, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the

relative retention times are about 1.4 for the internal standard and 1.0 for ibuprofen; the resolution, R, between ibuprofen and the internal standard is not less than 2.5; and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%. Chromatograph the Ibuprofen related compound C standard solution, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the relative retention times are about 1.0 for valerophenone and 1.2 for ibuprofen related

compound C; the resolution, R, between valerophenone and ibuprofen related compound C is not less than 2.5; the tailing factors for the individual peaks are not more than 2.5; and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%.

Procedure—Separately inject equal volumes (about 5 μL) of the Standard preparation, the Assay preparation, and the Ibuprofen related compound C standard solution into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of C13H18O2 in the portion of Ibuprofen taken by the formula:

100C(RU / RS)

in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Ibuprofen RS in the Standard preparation; and RU and RS are the peak response ratios obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard preparation, respectively.

Auxiliary Information— Please check for your question in the FAQs before contacting USP.

Topic/Question Contact Expert Committee

Monograph Clydewyn M. Anthony,


Senior Scientific


(301) 816-8139(CHM62015) Chemical Medicines Monographs 6

Reference Standards RS Technical Services 1-301-816-8129


USP39–NF34 Page 4267

Pharmacopeial Forum: Volume No. 34(4) Page 941

Chromatographic Column—


Chromatographic columns text is not derived from, and not part of, USP 39 or NF



注射剂类药品安全生产质量技术指导原则 为提高注射剂类药品生产企业安全风险排查的有效性和针对性,在严格执行GMP的基础上,指导企业排查生产质量风险和开展生产质量研究,建立完善企业内部质量管理制度,特制定本指导原则。 1.人员管理 1.1主管生产、质量的企业和部门负责人应具备药学及相关专业大专以上学历,并具有药品生产和质量管理经验,有能力对药品生产和质量管理中的实际问题做出正确的判断和处理。 1.2配制、灌封、灯检、无菌检验等关键岗位新进人员经GMP知识、岗位操作等专业培训,并经考核合格和质量管理部门确认后才能上岗。 1.3企业应定期对上述关键岗位操作人员,组织岗位操作SOP及相关管理制度再培训、考核。 2.设备管理 2.1洁净空调系统 2.1.1生产厂房应符合设计要求,每年至少进行一次系统性维护、检测。灭菌F0值< 8产品的百级生产区域,高效过滤器的检漏每半年至少一次。 正式生产时,应定期对沉降菌、尘埃粒子进行监控。对压差有要求的关键生产区域,应每班监测。 2.1.2车间连续生产时,灌封等关键生产区域的空调系统停用时应启动值班机组保持正压。如停用时未启动值班机组,应进行相关验证,并应尽量模拟恶劣环境条件进行,确保空调系统重启后的消毒、运行,能符合设计要求。

2.1.3应定期对高效过滤器维护保养,特别是高湿区域、百级区域的高效过滤器。新安装或更换高效过滤器,应对生产区域洁净度重新检测,合格后才能投入使用。更换百级高效过滤器还应进行检漏测试。 2.2注射用水系统 2.2.1应模拟实际生产时的运行状态,开展注射用水系统验证,确定运行、监控等管理制度。 2.2.2车间连续生产时,注射用水系统按规定保温循环使用,循环水泵不得停止工作。 注射用水系统日常运行使用时,应在线监控回水总管及储罐等温度,并定期监测总有机碳等指标。 2.2.3注射用水系统停用(循环水泵停止工作或并联管路单路关闭,恢复使用前应对全系统进行清洁、消毒,并监控检测一定周期,符合要求后才投入使用。 使用纯蒸气消毒的,应明确压力、温度、时间等,消毒前应对管路排空情况进行确认。2.2.4注射用水系统应定期维护、保养及处理,定期对呼吸器进行完整性检查。 2.2.5 注射用水储罐和输送管道不得有死角、盲管。 2.2.6 运行三年以上的管路及系统,应定期采取氯水冲洗等方法,判别是否形成生物膜。如形成,应采用有效方法进行处理。 2.3过滤系统 2.3.1应明确使用的过滤系统材质、孔径、耐压范围、耐温范围、耐酸碱范围等,明确安装、灭菌(温度、压力、时间、清洁、储存等方法和使用周期管理规定。 2.3.2治疗性注射剂,应按要求开展药品和过滤系统的相容性实验。

USP39 注射剂通则

tion as constituted for administration are not included in the individual monographs on sterile dry solids or liquid concentrates. However, in the interest of assuring the quality of injection preparations as they are actually administered, the following non-destructive tests are provided for demonstrating the suitability of constituted solutions when they are prepared just prior to use. Completeness and Clarity of Solution—Constitute the solution as directed in the labeling supplied by the manufacturer for the sterile dry dosage form. A:The solid dissolves completely, leaving no visible residue as undissolved matter. B:The constituted solution is not significantly less clear than an equal volume of the diluent or of Purified Water contained in a similar vessel and examined similarly. Particulate Matter—Constitute the solution as directed in the labeling supplied by the manufacturer for the sterile dry dos-age form: the solution is essentially free from particles of foreign matter that can be observed on visual inspection. á1? INJECTIONS AND IMPLANTED DRUG PRODUCTS (PARENTERALS)—PRODUCT QUALITY TESTS (Chapter to become official May 1, 2016) (Current chapter name is á1? Injections) INTRODUCTION Parenteral drug products include both injections and implanted drug products that are injected through the skin or other external boundary tissue, or implanted within the body to allow the direct administration of the active drug substance(s) into blood vessels, organs, tissues, or lesions. Injections may exist as either immediate- or extended-release dosage forms. Implan-ted parenteral drug products are long-acting dosage forms that provide continuous release of the active drug substance(s) of-ten for periods of months to years. For systemic delivery, they may be placed subcutaneously; for local delivery, they may be placed in a specific region of the body. Routes of administration for parenteral drug products include intravenous, intraventric-ular, intra-arterial, intra-articular, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intrathecal, intracisternal, and intraocular. Parenteral dosage forms include solutions, suspensions, emulsions, sterile powders for solutions and suspensions (including liposomes), implants (including microparticles), and products that consist of both a drug and a device such as drug-eluting stents. The reader is directed to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms á1151?1 and to the later sections of this chapter for additional descriptions of dosage forms that fall into the general category of parenteral drug products. Nomenclature á1121?1 provides information on nomenclature used to establish USP names and monograph titles for parenteral drug products. Chapter á1? provides a framework to support the revision and the development of individual monographs, and is not meant to replace individual monographs. Chapter á1? provides lists of common product quality test requirements in a concise and a coherent fashion. The chapter is divided into four main sections: (1) universal product quality tests that are applicable to pa-rental dosage forms; (2) specific product quality tests, which are tests that should be considered in addition to Universal Tests; (3) product quality tests for specific dosage forms, which lists all the applicable tests (Universal and Specific) for the specific dosage form; and (4) product performance tests. If a monograph exists, it will reference á1? or indicated chapter parts. If a specific drug product monograph is missing (not in existence), the general chapters provide the quality tests that can be used by manufacturers until the dosage form monograph is developed by USP. The Pharmacopeial definitions for sterile preparations for parenteral use may not apply to some biologics because of their special nature and licensing requirements (see Biologics á1041?1). However, some biological finished drug products containing “Injection” in the monograph title must meet the requirements of á1? or indicated chapter subparts, where it is specified in the monograph. Drug Product Quality and Drug Product Performance Tests Procedures and acceptance criteria for testing parenteral drug products are divided into two categories: (1) those that assess product quality attributes, e.g., identification, sterility, and particulate matter, and are contained in this chapter and (2) those that assess product performance, e.g., in vitro release of the drug substance from the drug product. Whereas quality tests as-sess the integrity of the dosage form, the performance tests assess performance (bioavailability) after the product has been administered to the patient. A product performance test, i.e., drug release test for suspensions, emulsions, powder for suspen-sion (including microparticles and liposomes), and drug-eluting stents, should be carried out using appropriate test proce-dures. 1All listed chapters above á1000? are for information purposes only; they may be helpful but are not mandatory.


附录ⅠB 注射剂 注射剂系指药物与适宜的溶剂或分散介质制成的供注入体内的溶液,乳状液或混悬液及供注入体内的溶液、乳状液或混悬液及供临用前配制或稀释成溶液或混悬液的粉末或浓溶液的无菌制剂。 注射剂可分为注射液、注射用无菌粉末与注射用浓溶液。 注射液包括溶液型、乳状液型或混悬型注射液,可用于肌内注射、静脉注射、静脉滴注等。其中,供静脉注射用的大体积(除另有规定外,一般不小于100ml)注射液也称静脉输液。 注射用无菌粉末系指药物制成的供临用前用适宜的无菌溶液配制成澄清溶液或均匀混悬液的无菌粉末或无菌块状物。可用适宜的注射用溶剂配制后注射,也可用静脉输液配制后静脉滴注。无菌粉末用溶剂结晶法、喷雾干燥法或冷冻干燥法等制得。 注射用浓溶液系指药物制成的供临用前稀释后静脉滴注用的无菌浓溶液。 注射液在生产与贮藏期间应符合下列有关规定。 一、溶液型注射液应澄明;除另有规定外,混悬型注射液中药物粒度应控制在15μm以下,含15~20μm (间有个别20~50μm)者,不得超过10%,若有可见沉淀,振摇时应容易分散均匀,混悬型注射液不得用于静脉注射或椎管注射;乳状液型注射液应稳定,不得有相分离现象,不得用于椎管注射。静脉用乳状液型注射液中乳滴的粒度90%应在1μm以下,不得有大于5μm的乳滴。除另有规定外,静脉输液应尽可能与血液等渗。 二、注射剂所用的原辅料应从来源及工艺等生产环节进行严格控制并应符合注射用的质量要求。注射剂所用溶剂必须安全无害,并不得影响疗效额质量。一般分为水性溶剂和非水性溶剂。 (1)水性溶剂最常用的为注射用水,也可用0.9%氯化钠溶液或其他适宜的水溶液。 (2)非水性溶剂常用的为植物油,主要为供注射用大豆油,其他还有乙醇、丙二醇和聚乙二醇等溶剂。供注射用的非水性溶剂,应严格限制其用量,并应在品种项下进行相应的检查。 三、配制注射剂时,可根据药物的性质加入适宜的附加剂。如渗透压调节剂、pH值调节剂、增溶剂、助溶剂、抗氧剂、抑菌剂、乳化剂、助悬剂等。所用附加剂应不影响药物疗效,避免对检验产生干扰,使用浓度不得引起毒性或明显的刺激。常用的抗氧剂有亚硫酸钠、亚硫酸氢钠和焦亚硫酸钠等,一般浓度为01.%~0.2%;常用的抑菌剂为0.5%苯酚、0.3%甲酚和0.5%三氯叔丁醇等。多剂量包装的注射液可加适宜的抑菌剂,,抑菌剂的用量应能抑制注射液中微生物的生长,加有抑菌剂的注射液,仍应采用适宜的方法灭菌。静脉输液与脑池内、硬膜外、椎管内用的注射液均不得加抑菌剂。除另有规定外,一次注射量超过15ml


小容量注射剂生产工艺规程通则 目录 1.小容量注射剂生产工艺流程图、小容量注射剂车间概况(附图) 2.需要验证的关键工序及工艺验证(列表) 3.操作过程及工艺条件 4.技术安全、工艺卫生及劳动爱护 5.物料平衡及技经指标 6.设备一览表 7.岗位定员 8.附件目录(岗位操作、清洁规程)

1.可灭菌小容量注射剂的生产流程图 小容量注射剂车间概况(附图)讲明:由质监科按洁净厂房监操纵度SMP-ZL-014对洁净区进行监控,由工程设备科负责维修,车间应依照实际使用情况提出相应的建议,保证洁净厂房在使用中符合GMP的规定。 2.需要验证的关键工序及工艺验证(列表)

讲明:每年需按验证治理制度SMP-ZL-012对上述关键工序及工艺进行验证(再验证或回忆性验证)。若系统、设备设施 发生变更则必须进行相应的验证。 验证由厂验证小组负责。车间应依照情况及时提出相应的申请。 3.操作过程及工艺条件 3.1 工艺用水: 3.1.1 操作过程: 原水为符合国家饮用水的标准自来水。 纯化水由原水经石英砂过滤→精滤(PE棒)→阴床 →阳床→混床→紫外灯灭菌→进入贮罐。 注射用水由纯化水经多效蒸馏水机通过蒸馏而得。 3.1.2 工艺条件: 原水应符合国家饮用水标准。 原水的预处理的进水流量应≤3m3/h。 温床的流量为3m3/h。 多放蒸馏水机蒸气压力应在0.30~0.4Mpa之间,压 缩空气压力应在0.3~0.4MPa之间。 纯化水的电导率应≤2us/cm,离子检查符合?中 国药典?2005版二部“纯化水”的标准。 注射用水的电导率≤2us/cm,离子检查符合?中国药典?2005版二部“注射用水”的标准。 3.2 理瓶工序 3.2.1 本公司可灭菌小容量注射剂所选用直接接触药品的 容器为低硼硅玻璃安瓿,执行国家药品监督治理局国家药用 包装容器(材料)标准(试行)YBB00332002,以下均可简 称安瓿。 3.2.2 操作过程: 按批生产指令领取安瓿并除去外包装,烧字安瓿要核对批号、品名、规格、数量。在理瓶间逐盘理好后送入联动机 清洗或送入粗洗间用纯化水粗洗后送入精洗间超声,注射用 水甩干并检查清洁符合规定后送隧道烘房。


《中国药典》2015年版通则目录及增修订内容 0100 制剂通则 0101 片剂 0102 注射剂 0103 胶囊剂 0104 颗粒剂 0105 眼用制剂 0106 鼻用制剂 0107 栓剂 0108 软膏剂 0109 乳膏剂 0110 糊剂 0111 吸入制剂 0112 喷雾剂 0113 气雾剂 0114 凝胶剂 0115 散剂 0116 滴丸剂 0117 糖丸 0118 糖浆剂

0120 涂剂 0121 涂膜剂 0122 酊剂 0123 贴剂 0124 贴膏剂 0125 口服溶液剂口服混悬剂口服乳剂 0126 植入剂 0127 膜剂 0128 耳用制剂 0129 洗剂 0130 冲洗剂 0131 灌肠剂 0181 丸剂 0182 合剂 0183 锭剂 0184 煎膏剂(膏滋) 0185 胶剂 0186 酒剂 0187 流浸膏剂与浸膏剂

0189 露剂 0190 茶剂 0200 其他通则 0211 药材和饮片取样法(未修订) 0212 药材和饮片检定通则(第二增补本) 0213 炮制通则(未修订) 0251 药用辅料通则 0261 制药用水 0271 药包材通则(待定) 0272 玻璃容器(待定) 0291 国家药品标准物质通则(第二增补本) 0300 0301 一般鉴别试验(第二增补本) 0400 光谱法 0401 紫外-可见分光光度法 0402 红外分光光度法 0405 荧光分光光度法 0406 原子吸收分光光度法 0407 火焰光度法 0411 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 0412 电感耦合等离子体质谱法(增订) 0421 拉曼光谱法(新增) 0431 质谱法 0441 核磁共振波谱法

9301 注射剂安全性检查法应用指导原则]

9301 注射剂安全性检查法应用指导原则
本指导原则为化药及中药注射剂临床使用的安全性和制剂质量可控性而 定。 注射剂安全性检查包括异常毒性、细菌内毒素(或热原) 、降压物质(包括 组胺类物质) 、过敏反应、溶血与凝聚等项。根据处方、工艺、用法及用量等设 定相应的检查项目并进行适用性研究。 其中, 细菌内毒素检查与热原检查项目间、 降压物质检查与组胺类物质检查项目间,可以根据适用性研究结果相互替代,选 择两者之一作为检查项目。 一、注射剂安全性检查项目的设定 1.静脉用注射剂 静脉用注射剂,均应设细菌内毒素(或热原)检查项。其中,化药注射剂一 般首选细菌内毒素检查项;中药注射剂一般首选热原检查项,若该药本身的药理 作用或对家兔的毒性反应影响热原检测,可选择细菌内毒素检查项。 所用原料系动植物来源或微生物发酵液提取物, 组分结构不清晰或有可能污 染毒性杂质且又缺乏有效的理化分析方法的静脉用注射剂, 应考虑设立异常毒性 检查项。 所用原料系动植物来源或微生物发酵液提取物时,组分结构不清晰且有可能 污染异源蛋白或未知过敏反应物质的静脉用注射剂, 如缺乏相关的理化分析方法 且临床发现过敏反应,应考虑设立过敏反应检查项。 所用原料系动植物来源或微生物发酵液提取物时, 组分结构不清晰或有可能 污染组胺、类组胺样降血压物质的静脉用注射剂,特别是中药注射剂,如缺乏相 关的理化分析方法且临床发现类过敏反应, 应考虑设立降压物质或组胺类物质检 查项。 检查项目一般首选降压物质检查项,但若降血压药理作用与该药具有的功能 主治有关,或对猫的反应干扰血压检测,可选择组胺类物质检查项替代。 中药注射剂应考虑设溶血与凝聚检查项。 2.肌内注射用注射剂 所用原料系动植物来源或微生物发酵液提取物时, 组分结构不清晰或有可能 污染毒性杂质且又缺乏有效的理化分析方法的肌内注射用注射剂, 应考虑设立异


注射剂药品使用要求 作者:陈素花 单位:昌黎县人民医院药剂科 注射剂是一类供注入体内或者直接进入血液的药品。其生产工艺复杂,质量要求相对其它剂型更严格,安全性和机体适应性差,使用毒副作用大,风险系数高。随着时代的发展和科技的进步,对注射剂药品的安全使用国家越来越重视,药品生产企业在说明书中也为注射剂的安全用药给出具体的使用、配制方法及注意事项,作为药品安全使用的依据和参考。现将部分注射剂药品说明书中的使用要求分类汇总如下。 一、现用现配药品 1、复方麝香注射液:现配现用。 2、注射用炎琥宁:现配现用。 3、银杏叶提取物注射液:现配现用。 4、丹红注射液:现配现用,缓慢滴注。 5、舒血宁注射液:现配现用。 6、银杏内酯注射液:现配现用,滴注速度不高于40—60滴/分。

7、银杏二萜内酯葡胺注射液:现配现用 8丙泊酚中/长链脂肪乳:现配现用,连续使用本品时,建议 使用注射泵或输液泵。 9、依托泊苷注射液:现配现用。 10、注射用环磷酰胺:现配现用。 11、注射用异环磷酰胺:现配现用。 12、注射用卡洛磺钠:现配现用。 13、蔗糖铁注射液:现配现用。 14、注射用脂溶性维生素使用前1小时配制,轻摇混合后输注。 15、注射用吡柔比星:溶解后溶液即时用完,室温下放置不超过 6小时。 16、注射用硫酸长春地新:药物溶解后6小时内使用。 17、注射用硫辛酸:配好的输液,6小时内保持稳定;静脉滴注时间约30分钟。 18、注射用泮托拉唑钠:静脉滴注时间15—60分钟内滴完。稀释后4小时用完。 19、注射用头抱他啶:现配现用

20、注射用哌拉西林他唑巴坦钠:现配现用,缓慢滴注20—30 分钟以上。 21、注射用头抱曲松钠:现配现用。 22、注射用青霉素:现配现用。 23、注射用头抱替唑钠:现配现用。 24、注射用头抱尼西钠:现配现用。 25、注射用美洛西林钠舒巴坦钠:现配现用。 26、注射用头抱美唑钠:现配现用,不宜久置。 27、注射用亚胺培南/西司他丁:溶解后室温4小时稳定。 28、注射用阿莫西林克拉维酸钾:本品溶解后应立即给药,配好药液4小时内点滴,用30-40分钟完成滴注。 29、注射用硝普钠:现用现配,在避光输液瓶中静脉滴注。 30、注射用硫辛酸:配好的输液用铝箔包裹避光,6小时稳定。 31、亚叶酸钙:现用现配,避免光线直接照射和热接触。 、缓慢滴注药品 1、注射用盐酸万古霉素:缓慢静滴。


中药天然药物注射剂基本技术要求 【公布文号】国食药监注[2007]743号 【公布日期】2007-12-06 【生效日期】2007-12-06 【失效日期】----------- 【所属类别】政策参考 【文件来源】国家食品药品监督治理局 中药、天然药物注射剂差不多技术要求 (国食药监注[2007]743号) 各省、自治区、直辖市食品药品监督治理局(药品监督治理局): 为科学规范和指导中药、天然药物注射剂的研究工作,保证药品安全、有效、质量可控,国家局组织制定了《中药、天然药物注射剂差不多技术要求》,现予印发,请参照执行。 附件:中药、天然药物注射剂差不多技术要求 国家食品药品监督治理局 二○○七年十二月六日 附件: 中药、天然药物注射剂差不多技术要求 为促进中药、天然药物研制工作进一步规范化、科学化和标准化,加强中药、天然药物注射剂的质量治理,依照《中华人民共和国药品治理法》、《中华人民共和国药品治理法实施条例》、《药品注册治理方法》等有关规定,特制定本技术要求。 第一部分新的中药、天然药物注射剂 一、概述 中药、天然药物注射剂的给药途径不同于传统剂型,大多数情形下,传统用药体会对注射剂处方组成的配伍及配比的指导作用有限。中药、天然药物注射剂的开发需要通过研究充分说明其安全性、有效性及必要性,并保证其质量的可控性。 二、立题依据 中药、天然药物注射剂的处方(配伍及配比)及临床使用方法的确定,需要有相关的药效学及毒理学、药代动力学等研究结果的支持。同时,依照临床用药安全、有效、方便的原则,注射给药途径应该是解决口服等其他非注射给药途径不能有效发挥作用时的剂型选择,并应符合以下要求: 1.中药、天然药物注射剂的研发应符合临床治疗和药物性质的需要。应该提供充分的依据说明注射给药优于其他非注射给药途径,应在有效性或安全性方面表达出明显优势。 2.应与已上市的其他同一给药途径、同类功能主治(适应症)的注射剂进行比较,在有效性或安全性等方面具有一定优势或特色。 3.有效成份(注册分类1)制成的注射剂需要提供药代动力学的依据;多成份(注册分类2-6)制成的注射剂需要进行药代动力学探干脆研究。 4.有效成份制成的复方注射剂及多成份制成的注射剂需进行各组分组方合理性的相关研究。来自同一药


国食药监注[2008]7号 化学药品注射剂基本技术要求(试行) 本技术要求适用于化学药品中各种注册分类得注射剂、本技术要求主要针对目前化学药品注射剂研发、生产与使用中存在得突出问题,在遵循一般评价原则得基础上,通过分析可能影响注射剂临床使用安全性得主要因素,结合品种得上市基础等,提出化学药品注射剂审评中得重点关注点与相应得技术要求。 一、化学药品注射剂剂型选择得必要性、合理性 (一)选择注射途径给药剂型得必要性、合理性 对剂型得必要性、合理性进行评价通常应综合考虑如下因素: 1、药物得理化性质、稳定性与生物学特性 药物得理化性质(溶解度、pKa、分配系数、吸湿性、晶型等)、稳定性(对光、湿、热得稳定性,固、液状态下得稳定性与配伍稳定性)与生物学特性(吸收、分布、代谢、消除等)可以为剂型得选择提供指导,在有些情况下甚至可能限定剂型得选择。 2、临床治疗得需要 在明确药物理化性质及生物学性质得基础上,应结合药物临床治疗需求选择剂型。例如:用于出血、休克、中毒等急救治疗得药物,需要快速起效,通常选择注射剂。 如口服药物已可满足临床需求,除特殊需要外,不宜再开发注射制剂;如肌肉注射能够满足临床需要,尽量不选择静脉给药。 3、临床用药得顺应性 包括医生用药得方便以及患者使用得顺应性。 除此之外,还要考虑制剂工业化生产得可行性及生产成本等。 对于由其她给药途径改为注射给药途径得品种,以及由普通注射剂改为特殊注射剂得品种,应对所改剂型与原剂型进行安全性、有效性、质量可控性方面得比较分析,阐明所改剂型得特点与优势、 (二)注射剂不同剂型选择合理性得评价原则 注射剂一般包括大容量注射剂(50ml以上)、小容量注射剂(20ml以下)以及粉针剂三种剂型。在选择确定剂型时,要权衡考虑各种剂型得无菌保证水平、杂


注射剂系指原料药物或与适宜的辅料制成的供注入体内的无菌制剂。 注射剂可分为注射液、注射用无菌粉末与注射用浓溶液等。 注射液 系指原料药物或与适宜的辅料制成的供注入体内的无菌液体制
剂。包括溶液型、乳状液型或混悬型等注射液。可用于皮下注射、皮内注射、肌 内注射、静脉注射、静脉滴注等。其中,供静脉滴注用的大容量注射液(除另有 规定外,一般不小于 100ml,生物制品一般不小于 50ml)也称输液。中药注射剂 一般不宜制成混悬型注射液。 注射用无菌粉末 系指原料药物或与适宜辅料制成的供临用前用无菌溶液
配制成注射液的无菌粉末或无菌块状物。可用适宜的注射用溶剂配制后注射,也 可用静脉输液配制后静脉滴注。 注射用浓溶液 系指原料药物与适宜辅料制成的供临用前稀释后静脉滴注
用的无菌浓溶液。生物制品一般不宜制成注射用浓溶液。 注射剂在生产与贮藏期间应符合下列规定。 一、溶液型注射液应澄清;除另有规定外,混悬型注射液中药物粒径应控 制在 15μm 以下,含 15~20μm(间有个别 20~50μm)者,不应超过 10%,若 有可见沉淀,振摇时应容易分散均匀。混悬型注射液不得用于静脉注射或椎管注 射;乳状液型注射液,不得有相分离现象,不得用于椎管注射;静脉用乳状液型 注射液中 90%的乳滴粒径应在 1μm 以下,不得有大于 5μm 的乳滴。除另有规定 外,静脉输液应尽可能与血液等渗。 二、注射剂所用的原辅料应从来源及生产工艺等环节进行严格控制并应符 合注射用的质量要求。除另有规定外,制备中药注射剂的饮片等原料药物应严格 按各品种项下规定的方法提取、纯化、制成半成品,以半成品投料配制成品。制 备生物制品注射剂所用的生物制品原液、 半成品和成品的生产及质量控制应符合 相关品种要求。 三、注射剂所用溶剂应安全无害,并与其他药用成分兼容性良好,不得影 响活性成分的疗效和质量。一般分为水性溶剂和非水性溶剂。 (1)水性溶剂最常用的为注射用水,也可用 0.9%氯化钠溶液或其他适宜的 水溶液。


附件4: 注射剂(化学)质量标准起草要点及要求 经过这次审稿,也发现了各起草单位所在起草标准中存在的一些共性问题,经与会专家讨论,对各省市药检所在标准起草过程中应考虑或注意的问题提出了一些要求: 1. 应按照《注射剂标准起草与复核工作流程及应报资料》及《药典标准起草与复核工作流程及应报资料》的要求,完成起草工作。 2. 各品种需与原料药一并统一考虑提高标准,修订制剂标准时应同时考虑修订原料药标准。相同品种的原料药与制剂及不同制剂之间的检测方法应保持协调性。对制剂增/修订有关物质检查后,要考虑该品种的原料药是否与制剂标准相匹配,如否,应同时增/修订原料药标准。研究中需关注:如采用原标准中含量测定的HPLC方法作有关物质检查时,主峰与各杂质峰间应有良好的分离度且检测波长应为杂质的最大吸收波长,否则,需重新进行方法学研究。对同时应用于口服制剂和注射剂的原料药,可考虑采用不同的控制限度。同品种的原料药与不同制剂应尽量采用相同的方法控制有关物质,以便于彼此间产品质量的比较及对不同制剂工艺过程的评价。 3. 在注射剂标准提高工作中,首先应对本制剂各国药典收载情况与进口药品标准作一全面了解后制定工作方案,并在起草说明中进行详细说明。如:多数抗生素品种均为仿制药,近年来国外药典,特别是EP,对相关物质的控制越来越严格,因此在标准提高行动中要尽量借鉴国外药典或进口药品标准中收载的方法,以达到“事半功倍”之效果。如果自己建立方法,应和国外方法比较,以说明方法的优越性。目前对有关物质的控制,采用HPLC梯度洗脱已经越来越显现出其必要性,因此建议不要通过简单的实验就将国外药典的梯度法改为等度法。限度制订应提出依据,如国外药典,实测情况,数据的代表性等。 4. 重视分析方法的有效性评价而不仅只关注限度,方法和限度是密切相关的,只有方法有效,限度才有意义。如:对多数抗生素复方制剂,应重点关注其中不稳定组分相关物质的分离情况,如阿莫西林钠/克拉维酸钾,要保证阿莫西林钠中的有关物质能准确测定。较简单的判断方法是比较药典阿莫西林钠有关物质分


1. 目的:建立维生素B6注射液成品质量标准 2. 范围:维生素B6注射液成品。 3. 术语或定义:N/A 4. 职责:质量保证部、质量控制部 5. 内容: 5.1产品名称 5.1.1中文名称:维生素B6注射液 5.1.2 拼音名:Weishengsu B e ZhuSheYe 5.1.3 产品代码:C018 C019 5.2标准依据 2010年版《中华人民共和国药典》 5.3 处方依据及处方 5.3.1处方依据 2010年版《中华人民共和国药典》 5.3.2处方 处方1:规格2ml: 0.1g 维生素B s 50g 活性炭适量 注射用水加至1000ml 制成1000ml 处方2:规格2ml:50mg 维生素B s 25g 活性炭适量 注射用水加至1000ml 制成1000ml


作规程》(SMP-QA022-00)。 5.5质量标准及检查方法 [性状]本品为无色至微黄色的澄明液体 [检查]按《维生素R注射液成品检验操作规程》(SOP- QC1012-00)进行检验,必须符合所有下述各项指标要求

[外观] 安瓿外观应光滑、均匀、端正、无条纹、气泡及毛口、无裂纹等。 印字及说明书字迹清晰、端正、无套印、偏斜。 纸盒要美观、大方、牌面文字清晰、图案端正、颜色搭配合理,端正不斜。 纸箱上喷印的批号、有效期限、生产日期等均应在相应的位置上,字迹清晰,易识读。 包装材料在包装过程中不得粘染污物,包装过程包装材料不得遗漏。 5.6剂型:注射剂 5.7 规格:2ml: 50mg 2ml : 0.1g 包装规格:10X2ml/支/盒 5.8功能主治: 5.8.1适用于维生素B6缺乏的预防和治疗,防治异烟肼中毒;也可用于妊娠、放射病及抗癌药所致的呕吐,脂溢性皮炎等。 5.8.2全胃肠道外营养及因摄入不足所致营养不良、进行性体重下降时维生素B6的补充。 5.8.3下列情况对维生素B s需要量增加:妊娠及哺乳期、甲状腺功能亢进、烧伤、长期慢性感染、发热、先天性代谢障碍病(胱硫醚尿症、高草酸盐症、高胱氨酸尿症、黄 嘌呤酸尿症)、充血性心力衰竭、长期血液透析、吸收不良综合症伴肝胆系统疾病(如酒精中毒伴肝硬化)、肠道疾病(乳糜泻、热带口炎性肠炎、局限性肠炎、持续腹泻)、胃切除术后。 5.8.4新生儿遗传性维生素B s依赖综合症。 5.9用法用量:皮下注射、肌内或静脉注射,1次50m「100mg 1日1次。用于环丝氨酸中毒的解毒时,每日300mg或300mg以上。用于异烟肼中毒解毒时,每1g异烟肼给1g维生素B6静注。 5.10贮藏:遮光,密闭保存 5.11有效期:24个月。 5.12注意事项: 5.12.1维生素B s对下列情况未能证实确实疗效,如座疮及其他皮肤病、酒精中毒、哮喘、肾结石、精神病、偏头痛、经前期紧张、刺激乳汁分泌、食欲不振。不宜应用大剂


药典二部制剂通则 一、制剂通则 以口服普通片为主,也有含片、舌下片、口腔片、咀嚼片、分散片、泡腾片、阴道片、速释片或控释片与肠溶片等。 1、含片:指含于口腔中,药物缓慢溶解产生持久局部作用的片剂。 2、舌下片:指置于舌下能迅速溶化---发挥全身作用---主要适用于急症的治疗。 3、口腔贴片:指粘贴于口腔,经粘膜吸收后起局部或全身作用的速释或缓释制剂。 4、咀嚼片:指口腔中咀嚼或吮服使片剂溶化后吞服,在胃肠道中发挥作用或经胃肠道吸收发挥全身作用的片剂。 5、分散片:指在水中能迅速崩解均匀分散的片剂。 分散片可加水分散后品服,也可将分散片含于口中吮服或吞服。 分散片中的药物主要是难溶性的。按需,可加入矫味剂、芳香剂和着色剂。 6、泡腾片:指含有NaHco3和有机酸,遇水可放出大量二氧化碳而泡腾状的片剂。 7、阴道片:指置于阴道内应用的片剂。可借器具将阴道片送入阴道。 阴道片可以是普通片,也可经是泡腾片。有局部刺激性的药物,不得制成阴道片。 8、速释、缓释与控释片:指药物与辅料制成速释、缓释与控释的片剂。 9、肠溶片:系指用肠溶性包衣材料进行包衣的片剂。 肠溶片防止药物在胃内分解失效、对胃的刺激或控制药物在肠道内定位释放,可对片剂包肠溶衣;为治疗结肠部位疾病,可对片剂包结肠定位肠溶衣。 二、注射剂 指药制成的供注入体内的来菌溶液、乳状液或混悬液,以及供临用前配成溶液或混悬液的无菌粉末或浓溶液。 1、静脉滴注用注射液:是无菌的水溶液或以水为连续相的无菌乳剂。 要求:除符合注射剂一般要求外,应无热原,不溶性微粒应符合规定。尽可能与血液等渗。乳剂不得有大于5um的球粒等,不得用于椎管注射。 2、注射用混悬液:15um下,15~20um不应超过10%。 不得用于静脉注射与椎管注射。 3、注射用无菌粉末: 三、酊剂:指用规定浓度的乙醇浸出或溶解而制成的澄清液体制剂,亦可用流浸膏稀释制成。供口服或外用。 四、栓剂:指药物与适宜基质制成供腔道给药的制剂。 五、胶囊剂:药物+辅料充填于空心胶囊或软质囊材中的制剂。 分硬胶囊剂、软胶囊剂(胶丸)、肠溶胶囊剂和速释、缓释与控释胶囊剂,供口服应用。


EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 6.0Parenteral preparations Mucoadhesive preparations DEFINITION Mucoadhesive preparations contain one or more active substances intended for systemic absorption through the buccal mucosa over a prolonged period of time.They may be supplied as mucoadhesive buccal tablets or as other mucoadhesive solid or semi-solid preparations.Mucoadhesive buccal tablets are prepared by compression of mono-or multi-layered tablets.They usually contain hydrophilic polymers,which on wetting with the saliva produce a flexible hydrogel that adheres to the buccal mucosa.PRODUCTION In the manufacture of mucoadhesive buccal tablets,measures are taken to ensure that they possess suitable mechanical strength to resist handling without crumbling or breaking.This may be demonstrated by examining the Friability of uncoated tablets (2.9.7)and the Resistance to crushing of tablets (2.9.8).TESTS Dissolution . Unless otherwise justified and authorised,a suitable test is carried out to demonstrate the appropriate release of the active substance(s).01/2008:0520PARENTERAL PREPARATIONS Parenteralia The requirements of this monograph do not necessarily apply to products derived from human blood,to immunological preparations,or radiopharmaceutical preparations.Special requirements may apply to preparations for veterinary use depending on the species of animal for which the preparation is intended.DEFINITION Parenteral preparations are sterile preparations intended for administration by injection,infusion or implantation into the human or animal body.Parenteral preparations may require the use of excipients,for example to make the preparation isotonic with respect to blood,to adjust the pH,to increase solubility,to prevent deterioration of the active substances or to provide adequate antimicrobial properties,but not to adversely affect the intended medicinal action of the preparation or,at the concentrations used,to cause toxicity or undue local irritation.Containers for parenteral preparations are made as far as possible from materials that are sufficiently transparent to permit the visual inspection of the contents,except for implants and in other justified and authorised cases.Where applicable, the containers for parenteral preparations comply with the requirements for Materials used for the manufacture of containers (3.1and subsections)and Containers (3.2and subsections).Parenteral preparations are supplied in glass containers (3.2.1 )or in other containers such as plastic containers (3.2.2, 3.2.9)and prefilled syringes.The tightness of the container is ensured by suitable means.Closures ensure a good seal,prevent the access of micro-organisms and other contaminants and usually permit the withdrawal of a part or the whole of the contents without removal of the closure.The plastic materials or elastomers (3.2.9)used to manufacture the closures are sufficiently firm and elastic to allow the passage of a needle with the least possible shedding of particles.Closures for multidose containers are sufficiently elastic to ensure that the puncture is resealed when the needle is withdrawn.Several categories of parenteral preparations may be distinguished:—injections, —infusions, —concentrates for injections or infusions, —powders for injections or infusions, —gels for injections, —implants. PRODUCTION During the development of a parenteral preparation,the formulation for which contains an antimicrobial preservative,the effectiveness of the chosen preservative shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the competent authority.A suitable test method together with criteria for judging the preservative properties of the formulation are provided under Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation (5.1.3). Parenteral preparations are prepared using materials and methods designed to ensure sterility and to avoid the introduction of contaminants and the growth of micro-organisms.Recommendations on this aspect are provided in the text on Methods of preparation of sterile products (5.1.1).Water used in the manufacture of parenteral preparations complies with the requirements of water for injections in bulk stated in the monograph on Water for injections (0169). TESTS Particulate contamination:sub-visible particles (2.9.19). For preparations for human use,solutions for infusion or solutions for injection comply with the test.In the case of preparations for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection,higher limits may be appropriate.Radiopharmaceutical preparations are exempt from these requirements.Preparations for which the label states that the product is to be used with a final filter are exempt from these requirements,providing it has been demonstrated that the filter delivers a solution that complies with the test. For preparations for veterinary use,when supplied in containers with a nominal content of more than 100ml and when the content is equivalent to a dose of more than 1.4ml per kilogram of body mass,solutions for infusion or solutions for injection comply with the test for particulate contamination:sub-visible particles.Sterility (2.6.1).Parenteral preparations comply with the test for sterility. STORAGE In a sterile,airtight, tamper-proof container. LABELLING The label states: —the name and concentration of any added antimicrobial preservative,—where applicable,that the solution is to be used in conjunction with a final filter,—where applicable,that the preparation is free from bacterial endotoxins or that it is apyrogenic.General Notices (1)apply to all monographs and other texts 735

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