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第一篇More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing

1Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known, new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.

2Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up1 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep, as well as a number of other sleep problems, than people who sleep 8 hours a night People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night‘s sleep than 8-hour sleepers.2

3These findings, which Dr Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine3, demonstrate that people who want to get a good ni ght‘s rest may not need to set aside4 more than 8 hours a night He added that ―it might be a good idea‖ for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed, but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.

4Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep — for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.

5For the current report, Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires, in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night, arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep, and having fatigue interfere with day-to- day functioning5.

6Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours In an interview, Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed As evidence, he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed―It stands to reason6 that if a person spends too long a time in bed, then they‘ll spend a higher percentage of time awake,‖ he said.


refresh / r?‘fre?/ v.(使)精力恢复

questionnaire / ,kwest??‘ne?(r)/ n.问卷

psych osomatic / ,sa?k??s?‘m?t?k / adj.(指疾病)由精神压力引起的

fatigue / f?‘ti:g / n.疲劳

caution / ‘k?:??n/ v.警告

insomnia / ?n‘s?mn??/ n.失眠

habitually / h?‘b?tj??l?, - t??-/ adv.习惯地


1.clock up:时间达到

2.they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refr eshed after a night‘s sleep than 8-hour sleepers:falling和feeling都是说明trouble的。全句可译为:与8小时睡眠者相比,他们在入睡和经过一夜睡眠恢复精力方面有更多的麻烦。

3.Psychosomatic Medicine:《心身医学》(医学杂志名)

4.set aside:留出

5.having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning:感到疲乏影响日常工作。

6.stand to reason:是当然的,是合情合理的


1.Paragraph 2 ________

2.Paragraph 4 ________

3.Paragraph 5 ________

4.Paragraph 6 ________

A Kripke‘s Research Tool

B Dangers of Habitual Shortages of Sleep

C Criticism on Kripke‘s Report

D A Way of Overcoming Insomnia

E Sleep Problem of Long and Short Sleepers

F Classification of Sleep Problems

5.To get a good night‘s rest, people may not need to ________.

6.Long sleepers are reported to be more likely to ________.

7.One of the sleep problems is waking in the middle of the night, unable to ________.

8.One survey showed that people who habitually ________ each night have a higher risk of dying.

A fall asleep again

B become more energetic the following day

C sleep less than 7 hours

D confirm those serious consequences

E suffer sleep problems

F sleep more than 8 hours


1.E第二段列举了睡眠时间多于或少于8小时而带来的多种sleep problems。



4.D第六段最后两句是:―... one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed.‖和―It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed, then they‘ll spend a higher percentage of time awake.‖这是选择D的依据。

5.F选择F的依据是第三段第一句。原文是:―... people who want to get a good night‘s rest may not need to set aside more than 8 hours a night.‖

6.E选择E的依据是第六段第一句。原文是:―... people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours. ‖

7.A本题答案的依据是第五段第二句:―Sleep pr oblems included waking in the middle of the night, arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep ...‖

8.C本题答案的依据是第四段:―... one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.‖




Daniel Kripke博士在《心身医学》杂志上报告的这些新发现表明,人们如果想晚上休息好,每天留给睡眠的时间只需8小时。他补充说,对于那些每晚睡8小时以上的人们来说,考虑减少在床上度过的时间―也许是个好主意‖。不过他又提醒说这还需要进一步的研究证实。




第二篇Soot and Sow:a Hot Combination

1New research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot alter the way sunlight reflects off snow. According to a computer simulation, black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century.

2Soot in the higher latitudes of the Earth, where ice is more common, absorbs more of the sun‘s energy and warmth than an icy, white background. Dark-colored black carbon, or soot, absorbs sunlight, while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.

3Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an important role in climate change. Also, if snow and ice covered areas begin melting, the warming effect increases, as the soot becomes more concentrated on the snow surface. ―This provides a positive feedback, as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier, said Dr. James Hansen, a rese archer at NASA‘s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York.

4Hansen found soot‘s effect on snow albedo(solar energy reflected back to space),which1 may be contributing to trends toward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere, such as thinning Arctic sea ice, melting glaciers and permafrost. Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.

5―Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space, thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon2,‖ Hansen said. Soot‘s increas ed absorption of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world‘s climate. ―This forcing is unusually effective, causing twice as much global wanning as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magnitude, Hansen noted.

6Hansen cautioned, although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial, it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.3 Such gases are expected to be the largest climate forcing for the rest4 of this century.

7The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hemisphere was large in the winter and spring at middle and high latitudes. These observations were consistent with the researchers‘ climate model simulations, which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover5 and sufficient sunlight.


soot / s?t / n.煤烟,煤灰

emission / ?‘m???n/ n.释放,散发,排放

simulation / ,s?mj?‘le???n/ n.模拟

latitude / ‘l?t?tju:d / n.纬度

glacier / ‘gl?s??(r) / n.冰川,冰河

albedo / ?l‘bi:d??/ n.反照率

permafrost / ‘p?:m?fr?st/ n.永冻层

forcing / ‘f?:s??/ n.温室作用

dioxide / da?‘?ka?d / n.二氧化物

magnitude / ‘m?gn?tju:d / n.量,大小



2.thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon:相当于thus heating the snow surface more than(heating the snow surface)if there were no black carbon。

3.... the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century:―that greenhouse gases ... during the past century‖是同位语从句,表达fact的内容。

4.the rest:剩余部分

5.snow cover:雪的覆盖层


1.Paragraph 3 ________

2.Paragraph 4 ________

3.Paragraph 6 ________

4.Paragraph 7 ________

A Soot‘s Role in Changes in the Climate and the Atmosphere

B Observations of Warming in the Northern Hemisphere

C Explanation of Increased Warming Effect Caused by Soot

D Effort to Reduce Snow Albedo

E Ways to Reduce Soot Emission

F Greenhouse Gases as the Main Factor of Global Warming

5.In the twentieth century, soot ________.

6.Hansen cautioned that greenhouse gases ________.

7.Black soot covered snow and ice ________.

8.A soot forcing is unusually effective, which ________.

A produces much more global wanning than a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magnitude

B continued to 25 percent of observed global warming

C can produce greenhouse gases

D absorb more of sun‘s energy and warmth than white background

E still surpass soot in warming the world‘s climate during the last centry

F can be seen mostly in the Northern Hemisphere




3.F第六段的关键句子是:―... greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.‖


5.B选择B的依据是第一段。有关的句子是:―... black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century.‖选项B中用了过去式contributed,也是选B的一个线索,因为第五题的题干中有in the twentieth century,这个时间状语要求谓语动词用过去式,而4个选项中只有B项的动词用的是过去式。

6.E Hansen cautioned和greenhouse gases仅出现在第六段。该段的大意是:虽然煤烟在改变全球气候方面所起的作用相当显著,但是上个世纪气温上升的主要因素还是温室气体。选项E概括了第六段的意思。


8.A本题答案的依据是第五段的下列句子:Soot‘s increased absorption of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world‘s climate. ―This forcing is unusually effective, causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magnitude,‖ Hansen noted.




冰雪地区的煤灰对气候变化可能起着至关重要的作用。而且一旦覆盖大地的冰雪开始融化,煤灰就会更加固着于冰面,从而加剧温室效应。―冰山、冰块一融化,就会变得更脏,‖James Hansen博士,一位来自纽约美国国家航空和航天局的Goddard太空研究所的研究人员如此说。


―黑炭减少了冰雪反射回太空的能量,比没有炭灰的条件下更强烈地加热冰面。‖Hansen 说。煤灰对太阳热能的大量吸收是全球气候变暖的重要因素。Hansen指出,―这种温室作用特别显著,是同量二氧化碳强度的两倍。‖



第三篇Icy Microbes

1In ice that has sealed a salty Antarctic lake for more than 2,800 years, scientists have found frozen bacteria and algae that returned to life after thawing. The research may help in the search for life on Mars, which is thought to have subsurface lakes of ice.

2 A research team led by Peter Doran of the University of Illinois at Chicago drilled through more than 39 feet of ice to collect samples of bacteria and algae. When Doran‘s team brought them back and warmed them up a bit, they sprang back to life.

3Doran said the microbes have been age-dated at 2,800 years old, but even older microbes may live deeper in the ice sheet sealing the lake, and in the briny water below the ice.1 That deeper ice and the water itself will be cautiously sampled in a later expedition that will test techniques that may one day be used on Mars.

4Called Lake Vida, the 4.5-square-kilometer body is one of a series of lakes located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, some 2 ,200 kilometers due south2 of New Zealand. This lake has been known since the 1950s, but people ignored it because they thought it was just a big block of ice. While at the site for other research in the 1990s, Doran and his colleagues sent3 radar signals into the clear ice covering the lake and were surprised to find that 62 feet below there was a pool of liquid water that was about seven times more salty than seawater.

5That prompted the researchers to return in 1996 with equipment to drill a hole down to within a few feet of the water layer. At the bottom of this hole, researchers harvested specimens of algae and bacteria.

6The researchers will return in 2004 equipped with instruments that are sterilized. They will then drill through the full 62 feet of ice and sample some of the briny water from the lake for analysis. The water specimen will be cultured to see if it contains life. Specimens from the water are expected to be even older than the life forms extracted from the ice covering.


1.... live deeper in the ice sheet sealing the lake, and in the briny water below the ice:in the ice sheet sealing the lake和in the briny water below the ice是介词短语,用作状语,修饰live。

2.due south:正南

3.While at the site for other research in the 1990s, Doran and his colleagues sent ... :While at the site for other research in the 1990s是省略句,写全了就是:While Doran and his colleagues were at the site for other research in the 1990s ...


1.Paragraph 2 ________

2.Paragraph 3 ________

3.Paragraph 4________

4.Paragraph 6________

A Significance of Testing Techniques for Sampling Microbes in the Deep Ice Sheet

B Special Features of Lake Vida

C Later Expedition on Mars

D2004 Revisit Planned for Collecting Lake Water Specimens

E Antarctic Frozen Life Sampled and Revived

F Accidental Disovery of Ice-sealed Lake Water in Antarctica

5.Scientists ignored Lake Vida because they thought that a lake of ice ________.

6.Scientists expect that the life, if found in deeper water below the ice sheet, ________.

7.What the scientists will do in 20Q4 ________.

8.The salt concentration in the liquid water of Lake Vida ________

A is found to be a great deal higher than that of seawater

B was of little scientific value

C may be older than that collected below 39 feet of ice

D might have come from Mars

E is to collect some briny lake water for analysisy

F may return to life sooner than microbes frozen in the surface ice




3.F本段要表达的意思是:冰下湖是科学家在做other research时偶然发现的。


5.B选B的依据是第四段第二句。little scientific value是根据科学家当时认定Lake Vida只是a big block of ice而推论出来的。






由芝加哥的伊利诺伊大学的Peter Doran率领的考察队在南极冰块上钻洞深达39英尺,采集了微生物和水藻的样本。Doran的考察队将其带回并给其温暖环境,这些样本竟又复活了。






第四篇Compact Disks

1If someone says to you your music CDs don't really hold any music on them, and they only have numbers recorded on them, you may not believe it. In fact, he is right in that sound is actually recorded onto the CDs as special numbers — a digital code.1 The code is pressed onto the CD as bumps on a long spiral track almost five kilometers long. These bumps are an average of 0.5 microns wide.

2 A small laser beam shines onto the bumps as the CD turns. The light is reflected back to a receiver that records how the laser light bounces back. This lets the CD player2 turn the reflected light back into the original code. This means you can hear the original code as music.

3Digital codes are used with many technologies. E-mail needs these kinds of code numbers. Space probes communicate with their ground station on earth using digital codes. Bar codes are read as digital codes in computer systems. Digital communications with cell phones need digital codes. Weather radios also tune into specific signals using these codes.

4There are many types of compact disks. One format is called CD-RWs. They can be recorded on and re-recorded on(rewritten on)as you would do with a floppy disk3. Another format is the CD-ROM. The technology for recording on these disks is different from other CDs. These CDs have a dye layer that the CD writer can darken or leave clear. The clear and dark spots are the digital code. CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc — Read Only Memory4. This disk is like a "super" floppy disk that can hold lots of information. One CD-ROM can hold the same amount of data as 500 floppy disks. Information is permanently recorded onto it. Computer games and other programs are considered to be CD-ROMs.

5CDs were first sold to the public in 1982These CDs still play well and sound fine. Current CDs are expected to last between 70 to 200 years. Of course, you can make sure your CDs last a long time by taking care of them.

6Science keeps on developing. It may not be many more years before a completely new technology is invented5 and introduced to the public for music recording. In the meantime, there is no doubt you will continue to enjoy listening to your favorite music on CDs6 and playing your favorite computer games on CD-ROMs.


bump / b?mp/ n.隆块,隆起

spiral / ‘spa??r?l / adj.螺旋形的

probe / pr??b/n.探测器

floppy / ‘fl?p?/ adj.松软的

floppy disk软(磁)盘

format / ‘f?:m?t/ n.格式

dye / da?/ n.染色

permanently / ‘p?:m?n?ntl? / adv.永久地


1.... he is right in that sound is actually recorded onto the CDs as special numbers – a digital code:他说的对,因为实际上声音以特殊的数字形式,即数码,刻录在CD碟片上。in that 是―因为‖,如:Water is essential in that without it all living things would die.水是基本要素,因为没有水,所有生物都要死亡。

2.CD player:CD播放机

3.as you would do with a floppy disk:就像你使用软磁盘一样

4.CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc – Read Only Memory:CD-ROM是Compact Disc –Read Only Memory这五个词首字母组成的缩写词。

5.It may not be many more years before a completely new technology is invented:过不了几年,说不定又会发明一种全新的技术。many more years是―再过许多年‖。

6.―there is no doubt you will continue to enjoy listening to your favorite music on CDs‖语法上可以理解为―there is no doubt(about the fact that)you will continue to enjoy listening to your favorite music on CDs‖。


1. Paragraphs l & 2 ________

2.Paragraph 3 ________

3.Paragraph 4 ________

4.Paragraph 5 ________

A Digital Code Has Wide Applications

B Floppy Disks Are Outdated

C CDs Are Durable

D CD's Working Principle Is Explained

E. CD-RWs Play Better Than CD-ROMs

F. CDs Are of Many Formats

5.One advantage of CD-RWs is that they can ________ like floppy disks.

6.The author predicts it will not ________ before a new technology is invented for music recording.

7.The laser beam-emitting device and the receiver are considered to ________ of a CD player.

8. Space probes could not ________ without using digital codes.

A shine on bumps

B take many more years

C be the key parts

D restore the original code

E be written on and rewritten on

F keen contact with their ground station efficiently



2.A第三段第一句―Digital codes are used with many technologies.‖是主题句。本段其他句子提供例证,即应用领域。作者列举了五个领域:电邮、航天通讯、条码、手机和天气预报。选项A的―Digital code has wide applications‖与主题句的意思完全吻合,所以是答案。

3.F第四段第一句―There are many types of compact disks.‖是主题句。本段其他句子列举了两种常用的CD格式(format):—种是CD-RW,另一种是CD-ROM。选项F的―CDs are of many formats‖概括了本段的大意,是答案。

4.C第五段说的是CD碟片经久耐用,1982年上市的CD碟片至今还能使用,其音质依旧。现在上市的CD,更加耐用,如果使用得当,其寿命可达70 ~ 200年。选项C用了durable 予以概括是很恰当的,所以,C是答案。

5.E第四段中出现CD-RW这个词,介绍了They can be recorded on and re-recorded on (rewritten on)。这就是选E的依据。

6.B第六段能找到与答案有关的句子,即It may not be many more years before a completely new technology is invented and introduced to the public for music recording.


8.F第三段第三句―Space probes communicate with their ground station on earth using digital codes.‖是选F的依据。








科学是处在不断发展中的,或许用不了很多年,一种全新的音乐存储形式会为公众所熟识。与此同时,毫无疑问,你将能继续用光盘欣赏你最喜欢的音乐,并且能继续用CD-ROM 玩你最喜欢的电脑游戏。

第五篇LED Lighting

1An accidental discovery announced recently has taken LED lighting to a new level, suggesting it could soon offer a cheaper, longer-lasting alternative to the traditional light bulb. The breakthrough adds to a growing trend that is likely to eventually make Thomas Edison's bright invention1 obsolete.LEDs are already used in traffic lights, flashlights, and architectural lighting. They are flexible and operate less expensively than traditional lighting.

2Michael Bowers, a graduate student2 at Vanderbilt University, was just trying to make really small quantum dots, which are crystals generally only a few nanometers big. Quantum dots contain anywhere from 100 to 1,000 electrons3. They're easily excited bundles of energy, and the smaller they are, the more excited they get. Each dot in Bowers' particular batch was exceptionally small, containing only 33 or 34 pairs of atoms.

3When you shine a light on quantum dots or apply electricity to them, they react by producing their own light, normally a bright, vibrant color. But when Bowers shined a laser on his batch of dots, something unexpected happened. He was surprised when a white glow covered the table. The quantum dots were supposed to emit blue light4, but instead they were giving off a beautiful white glow.

4Then Bowers and another student got the idea to stir the dots into polyurethane and coat a blue LED light bulb with the mix. The lumpy bulb wasn't pretty, but it produced white light singular to a regular light bulb.

5LEDs produce twice as much light as a regular 60 watt bulb and bum for over 50,000 hours. The Department of Energy estimates LED lighting could reduce U. S. energy consumption for lighting by 29 percent by 2025. LEDs don't emit heat, so they're also more energy efficient. And they're much harder to break.

6Quantum dot mixtures could be painted on just about anything5 and electrically excited to produce a rainbow of colors, including white. The main light source of the future will almost surely not be a bulb. It might be a table, a wall, or even a fork.


LED / ,eli:‘di: / = light-emitting diode发光二极管

obsolete / ‘?bs?li:t/ adj.过时的,被淘汰的

flashlight / ‘fl??la?t/ n.手电筒

architectural / ,ɑ:k?‘tekt??r?l / adj.建筑的

quantum / ‘kw?nt?m / n.量子

crystal / ‘kr?stl / n.晶体

batch / b?t?/ n.一批

vibrant / ‘va?br?nt /adj.(颜色)鲜明的

polyurethane / ,p?l?‘j??r?θe?n, -?n / n.聚亚安酯

lumpy / ‘l?mp?/ adj.粗糙的


1.bright invention:聪明的发明

2.graduate student:研究生

3.Quantum dots contain anywhere from 100 to 1,000 electrons:量子点含100~1000个电子不等。anywhere是―(限定范围内的)任何一点‖。又如:

His monthly salary is anywhere between 3,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan.他的月工资在3000~5000元之间。

4.The quantum dots were supposed to emit blue light:按常规,量子点会发出蓝色光。be supposed to是―被期望(按规则、惯例)做某事‖。又如:

They were supposed to have finished writing the report three days ago.他们三天前就该写完那份报告。

5.just about anything:几乎任何东西。about = almost。


1.Paragraph l ________

2.Paragraph 3 ________

3.Paragraph 5 ________

4.Paragraph 6 ________

A LED Lighting Is Not Mature

B LED Lighting Will Replace Traditional Lighting

C Almost Everything Could Be the Main Light Source in the Future

D LED Lighting Has Many Advantages

E Bowers Made an Unexpected Discovery

F LED Light Bulbs Look Lumpy

5.Unlike traditional lighting, LEDs do not give out heat so ________.

6.Edison's bright invention is likely to be outdated because ________.

7.Something unexpected happened during Bower's experiment when ________.

8.Over one quarter of energy consumption for lighting could be saved by 2025 if ________.

A traditional lighting is less durable and dearer

B a laser excited the quantum dots

C America adopted LEDs

D graduate students work hard

E quantum dot mixtures are magic

F it is more efficient



2.E Bowers做实验,目的并非寻找新照明源。量子点在激光的激发下发出白光是一次意外的发现。段中用了―unexpected‖和―surprised‖都说明了这一点。第一段的―accidental discovery‖也佐证了这是一次偶然的发现。因此,E是答案。

3.D第五段列举了应用LED照朋的不少优点,如强亮度、经久耐用、低能量消耗、不易碎等。选项D的―LED lighting has many advantages‖概括了本段的大意,所以D是答案。


5.F题干涉及的内容在第五段可以找到,有关的句子是:―LEDs don‘t emit heat, so they‘re also more energy efficient‖,很明显,F是答案。



8.C题干的―29 percent of energy consumption for lighting could be saved by 2025‖可在第五段第二句中找到。题干配上选项C后表达的意思与该句的意思相符,所以C是答案。



V anderbilt大学的一名研究生Michael Bowers正试图制造出一种非常小的量子点。这些量子点基本上都是晶体,且只有几毫微米大小,里面包含100~1000个不等的光子。这些光子就是很容易激活的能量束,并且他们体积越小,能量越可能达到最强烈的程度。这些能量束中的每一个光点都异常小,只包括33或34对的原子。





第六篇How We Form First Impression

1We all have first impression of someone we just met. But why? Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her — aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits.

2The answer is related to how your brain, allows you to be aware of the world. Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits, even very minor difference in how a person‘s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different1. In fact, your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information — the sights and sounds of your world. These incoming ―signals‖ are compared against2 a host of ―memories‖ stored in the brain areas called the cortex system to determine what these new signals ―mean.‖

3If you see someone you know and like at s chool3, your brain says ―familiar and safe. ??If you see someone new, it says, ―new —potentially threatening.‖ Then your brain starts to match features of this stranger with other ―known‖ memories;The height, weight, dress, ethnicity, gestures, and tone of voice are all matched up. The more unfamiliar the characteristics, the more your brain may say, ―This is new. I don‘t like this person.‖ Or else, ―I‘m intrigued. ―Or your brain

may perceive a new face but familiar clothes, ethnicity, gestures — like your other friends;so your brain says: ―I like this person.‖ But these preliminary ―impressions‖ can be dead wrong4.

4When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others. Rather than leam about the depth and breadth of people — their history, interest, values, strengths, and true character — we categorize them as jocks, geeks, or freaks.

5However, if we resist initial stereotypical impressions, we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly like. If we spend time with a person, hear about his or her life, hopes, dreams, and become aware of the person‘s character, we use a different, more mature style of thinking — and the most complex areas of our cortex, which allow us to be humane.


trait 特点,特征,特性

host 一大群,许多simplistic 过分单纯化的

categorical 绝对的jock 骗子

geek 反常的人stereotype 对……产生成见

humane 有人情味的,人文的sensory 感官的,感觉的

cortex 脑皮层ethnicity n.种族特点

intrigue 激起兴趣freak 怪人


1.Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits, even very minor difference in how a person‘s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different:从even开始到as different是个结果状语从句,相当于that even very minor ... .,而that是与主句中的so呼应的。


3.If you see someone you know and like at school ...:如果你在学校里看见某个你认识而且喜欢的人…… like在这里是动词。

4.dead wrong:相当于completely wrong。dead wrong是口语表达用语。


1.Paragraph 2 ________

2.Paragraph 3 ________

3.Paragraph 4 ________

4.Paragraph 5 ________

A Ways of Departure from Immature and Simplistic Impressions

B Comment on First Impression

C Illustration of First Impression

D Comparing Incoming Sensory Information against Memories

E Threatening Aspect of First Impressions

F Differences among Jocks, Greeks and Freaks

5.Sensory information is one that is perceived through ________.

6.You interpret by comparing it against the memories already stored in your brain ________.

7.The way we stereotype people is a less mature form of thinking, which is similar to ________.

8.We can use our more mature style of thinking thanks to ________.

A a stranger‘s less mature type of thinking

B the most complex areas of our cortex

C the immature form of thinking of a very young child

D the meaning of incoming sensory information

E the sights and sounds of the world

F an opportunity to analyze different forms of thinking




3.B本段对第一印象进行了评论,说第一印象不成熟,simplistic and categorical。



6.D选D的依据在第二段的最后两句。sensory information的意思就是information perceived through sensory organs(视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉、嗅觉等)。

7.C选C的依据在第四段的第一句,该句是:When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others.









第七篇Screen Test

1. Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer. If this happens early enough, the disease can often be treated successfully. According to a, survey published last year, 21 countries have screening programmes. Nine of them, including Australia, Canada, the US and Spain, screen women under 50.

2. But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are controversial, partly because the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer. Also, younger women must be given higher doses of X-rays because their breast tissue is denser.

3. Researchers at the Polytechnic University1 of Valencia analysed the effect of screening more than 160, 000 women at 11 local clinics. After estimating the women‘s cumulative dose of radiation, they used two models to calculate the number of extra cancers this would cause.

4. The mathematical model recommended by Britain‘s National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)predicted that the screening programme would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 women, 18 of them fatal. The model preferred by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation led to a lower figure of 20 cancers.

5. The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is ―not very significant‖ compared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated. The Valencia programme, they say, detects between 300 and 450 cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women screened.

6. But they point out that the risk of women contracting cancer from radiation could be reduced by between 40 and 80 percent if screening began at 50 instead of 45, because they would be exposed to less radiation. The results of their study, they suggest, could help ―optimise the technique‖ for breast cancer screening.

7. ―There is a trade-off between the diagnostic benefits of breast screening and its risks,‖

admits Michael Clark of the NRPB. But he warns that the study should be interpreted with caution. ―On the basis of the current data, for every 10 cancers successfully detected and pre vented there is a risk of causing one later in life. That‘s why radiation exposure should be minimised in any screening programme.‖


polytechnic 多工艺的cumulative 递增的

radiological 放射性的contract 感染

optimize最大限度地完善trade-off n.平衡


Polytechnic University:理工大学


1.Paragraph 2 ________________

2.Paragraph 3 ________________

3.Paragraph 4 ________________

4.Paragraph 5 ________________

A Harm Screening May Do to a Younger Woman

B Investigating the Effect of Screening

C Effects Predicted by Two Different Models

D Small Risk of Inducing Cancers from Radiation

E Treatment of Cancers

F Factors That Trigger Cancers

5.Early discovery of breast cancer may________________.

6.Advantages of screening women under 50 are________________.

7.Delaying the age at which screening starts may________________.

8.Radiation exposure should be ________________.

A be costly

B harmful

C save a life

D still open to debate

E reduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancer

F reduced to the minimum


1.A A说的是:用X射线检查可能对年轻女人不好。下面是第二段讲的意思:但是,用X射


2.B B说的是:调查用X射线检查的结果。第三段的第一句话是这么说的:Valencia理工大学的研究人员分析了11个社区诊所用X射线检查16万以上女人的结果。

3.C C说的是:两种不同的模型预测的结果。第四段讲的是,两种不同的数学模型在预测用X射线检査女人诱发癌症的结果是不一样的。C概括了这段话。

4.D D说的是:辐射诱发癌症的危险是很小的。第五段的第一句话是这么说的:The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is ―not very significant‖ compared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated.研究人员争辩说,与发现后接受治疗的癌症数字相比,由辐射诱发癌症的数字是很小的。

5.C C与题干生成:Early discovery of breast cancer may save a life.乳腺癌发现得早也许能挽救生命。答案可以从第一段中找到。

6.D D 与题干生成:Advantages of screening women under 50 are still open to debate.对50岁以下的女人用X射线检查的好处仍然是有争议的。第二段的第一个句子是这么说的:But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are controversial... 但是,用X射线检查年轻女人,就医学上的好处而论,是有争议的……这两个句子用词有些差别,基本意思是相同的。

7.E E 与题干生成:Delaying the age at which screening starts may reduce the risk of–radiation triggering a cancer.延缓用X射线检查的年龄也许能减少辐射诱发癌症的危险。答案在第六段。

8.F F 与题干生成:Radiation exposure should be reduced to the minimum.应把接受福射降低到最小的程度。答案在文章的最后一句。




V alencia理工大学的研究人员分析了11个社区诊所用X射线检查16万以上女性的结果。估测了女性的辐射累积剂量之后,他们用两种模型计算由此导致额外癌症数量。



但是他们指出如果X射线检查从50岁而不是45岁时开始,会使妇女由于辐射而患癌的危险减少40%到80% ,因为她们可以接受更少的辐射。他们暗示说,他们研究的结果有助于使乳腺癌透视的技术更加完善。

英国国家辐射保护委员会的Michael Clark承认―在胸透的诊断益处和危险之间有一个平衡‖。但是他警告说应该谨慎地解释此项研究。―基于目前的数据,每成功地发现10例癌症就有可能导致今后出现一例癌症。这就是为什么在所有的透视计划中,辐射应该减少到最



【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】 第八篇What Is a Dream For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others,however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person’s mind and emotions. Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way. The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud,was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person’s wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life. 1 The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung,however,had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. He thought people could learn more about themselves by


2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare


2020年职称英语新增文章:教材理工类第六篇 第六篇 The Apgar Test The baby was bom at 3:36 p. m. At 3:37,she scored 4 out of 10 on her first test. At 3:41,she scored 8 out of 10. The doctor was glad. Another baby, bom at 8:24 p. m.,scored 3 out of 10 on his first test He scored 4 out of 10 on his second test. He took another test at 8:34 and scored 5. 1 He called for help1. These newborn babies took a test called the Apgar test. This test helps doctors diagnose problems. 2 Most babies take two tests. The first is at 1 minute after birth, and the second is at 5 minutes after birth. If a baby’s score at 5 minutes is less than 6,the baby takes another test at 10 minutes after birth. The Apgar t est is not an intelligence test. It’s a test that shows a baby’s health right after it is bom. The Apgar test measures things such as a baby’s color, heart rate, and breathing. The test has five parts, and the score for each part can be 0,1,or 2. 3


2015年职称英语理工类B级考试真题 第一部分:词汇选项 1.The organization was bold enough to face the press. A.pleased B.powerful C.brave D.sensible 参考答案:C 2.I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A.accept B.control C.observe D.regulate 参考答案:A 3.I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A.limit B.fear C.power D.fool 参考答案:B 4.Most people find rejection hard to accept. A.excuse B.client C.destiny D.refusal 参考答案:D 5.She's extremely competent and industrious. A.hardworking B.honest C.objective D.independent 参考答案:A 6.The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. A.hide B.handle C.disclose D.establish 参考答案:C 7.He tried to assemble his thoughts. A.clear B.share C.gather D.spare 参考答案:C

8.The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A.message B.punishment C.guilt D.obligation 参考答案:B 9.Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. A.flexible B.terrible C.reasonable D.serious 参考答案:B 10.These products are inferior to those we brought last year. A.poorer than B.narrower than https://www.doczj.com/doc/1c17962790.html,rger than D.richer than 参考答案:A 11.The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly. A.improved B.changed C.worsened D.developed 参考答案:C 12.There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building. A.coexisting B.fair C.full D.pubic 参考答案:A 13.They're petitioning for better facilities for the disabled on public transport. A.requesting B.planning C.preparing D.looking 参考答案:A 14.He said some harsh words about his brother. A.unkind B.proper C.normal D.unclear 参考答案:A 15.We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A.amount


阅读理解:第三篇Cooking Oil Fumes Tumor C级 The leading cause of lung cancer among women in the city was cooking oil fumes while men are more likely to develop the disease from smoking ,said medical experts after a five-year research study . Doctors announced the results yesterday with analysis on some new tendencies in lung cancer. They said patients are younger, especially women. According to the Shanghai Tumor research Institute, more local residents die of lung cancer in the city than anything else .Following breast cancer ,it has the second-highest incidence rate. “An unhealthy lifestyle is a very important reason for lung cancer ,” said Dr He Yumin from Shanghai Minshen Traditional Chinese Medicine Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment Center. He followed 2,276 lung cancer patients for five years. Among them, 1,483 were male. Smoking causes 70 percent of cases among men while only 18 percent of female patients developed cancer from smoking or inhaling second-hand smoke, according to the report. However, more than 60 percent of women with the disease had long term, close contact with strong oil fumes from cooking and complained about irritated eyes and throat. About 32 percent of women fried foods in boiling oil in unventilated kitchens and about 25 percent of women’s bedrooms were adjacent to the kitchens. However , local women were adjacent to then cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer .come claimed they may change food preparation methods. “Unless my family and I don/t eat at home every day , I must stay in the kitchen to cook,” said Xu Li, a 45-year-old local woman. “I know the fumes are bad for the skin, but it is the first time I heard that it can result in lung cancer. I have already started frying less.” Doctors said women’s lung cancer had few links to personal health and physical condition, but was closely related to family cancer history, unhealthy dietary habits and weak immune systems. Other experts agreed with He. “Smoking is by far the biggest cause of lung cancer for men,” said Dr Tan Binyong, honorary president of the Respiratory Disease Institute at Fudan University’s Medical College. “It’s true that second-hand smoke and cooking fumes are the main causes among women.” He’s research also warned people not to stand near of stalls selling fried foods due to the poor quality of oils used. The chance of catching lung cancer is three times higher if exposed to the fume for a long time, experts said. 练习: 1.What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers? D A Men are more likely to develop lung cancer than women. B Women are more likely to develop lung cancer than men. C Patients with lung cancer become older, especially males. D Patients with lung cancer become younger, especially females. 2. Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai? B A Heart disease. B Breast cancer. C Infectious diseases. D Lung cancer. 3. What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long term, close contact with cooking oil fumes? A


2014职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(代码22) 第一部分:词汇选项 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The majority of people around here are decent. A. real B. honest C. normal D. wealthy 答案:D 2. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. A. hidden B. traditional C. inflexible D. official 答案:C 3. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. A. furnish B. copy C. publish D. summarize 答案:A 4. Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down. A. excitement B. disappointment C. anger D. calm 答案:B 5. Several windows had been smashed. A. cleaned

C. fixed D. broken 答案:D 6. The worst agonies of the war were now beginning. A. pains B. parts C. aspects D. results 答案:A 7. London quickly became a flourishing port. A. major B. large C. successful D. commercial 答案:C 8. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. A. homework B. justice C. model D. act 答案:D 9. He led a very moral life. A. human B. intelligent C. natural D. honourable 答案:D 好学教育2015年职称英语考试过关课程课件汇总:https://www.doczj.com/doc/1c17962790.html,/RhFad1W 10. His stomach felt hollow with fear.


职称英语理工类B级阅读理解真题及答案(第三篇) 第4部分:阅读理解(第31——45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个选项。 第三篇 Can You Hear This? When something creates a sound wave in a room or anauditorium, listeners hear the sound wave directly from the source. They alsohear the reflections as the sound bounces off thewalls. floor, and ceiling. These are called the reflected wave or reverberant(反射)sound, which can be heard evenafter the sound is no longer coming from the source. The reverberation time of an auditorium isdetermined by the volume or interior size of the auditorium. It is alsodetermined by how well or how poorly the walls, ceiling, floor, and contents ofthe room (including the people) absorb sound. There is no ideal reverberation time,because each use of an auditorium calls for different reverberation. Speechneeds to be understood clearly; therefore rooms used for talking must have ashort reverberation time. The full-sound performance of music such ad Wagneroperas or Mahler symphonies should have a long reverberation time. The light,rapid musical passages of Bach or Mozart need a reverberation time somewherebetween. Acoustic problems often are caused by poorauditorium design. Smooth, curved reflecting surfaces create large reflections.Parallel (平行的)wallsreflect sound back and forth, creating a rapid, repetitive pulsing https://www.doczj.com/doc/1c17962790.html,rge pillars (柱)and comerscan cause acoustic shadows as the sound waves try to pass around the object.Some of these


2016年全国职称英语考试必过技巧 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”: 1.2、详解 1.2.1、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达75分),放到前面来做,避免万一时间不够,可以确保先抓住大部分分数。 1.2.2、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空都是部分来自教材,放到前面来做,记忆比较深刻,答题成功率较高。 1.2.3、阅读判断放到最后,是因为本题根据经验蒙答案(具体方法后面详述)成功率可拿到全部7分中的3分,这样可以腾出时间给需要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题,所以阅读判断的答题时间只有1分钟。 2、词汇(1分/题*15=15分) 2.1、必杀技: 2.1.1、准备一本正式出版的英语同义词词典,推荐牛津出版社出版,外研社翻译出版的《牛津英语同义词词典》。 2.1.2、教材练习不用做,把答案勾画出来,只需记住其中题目划线部分或者答案是词组的,其余不用看。 2.1.3、考试时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典。 2.2、详解: 2.2.1、职称英语考试允许带一本正式出版的,并非针对职称英语考试而编写的词典。而本题考核内容就是同义词(词组),显然使用同义词典效率更高。 2.2.2、词组记忆相对容易而查词典找同义词组相对较困难,又因试题来自教

材练习4-9题,所以必须记住教材中的词组题。教材词汇练习一共100题,其中有词组的也就20个左右,记住绝对没有困难; 2.2.3、因职称英语词汇数量有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案。 3、阅读理解(3分/题*15题=45分) 3.1、必杀技: 3.1.1、熟记教材文章练习题的正确答案,重点掌握去年教材上没有的新增文章,考试时先找教材上的文章,做出来。 3.1.2、其他文章,先作考试题目中有人名、地名、国家名、数字、年代等专有名词的题。 3.1.3、勾画出考试题目中的关键词(一般是名词,不必认识它也不必查词典),然后到文章中找一样的关键词定位。 3.1.4、定位关键词后,对比文章中关键词附近的词或词组,与答案选项中词或者词组重合的最多的即为正确答案。(就像玩拼图游戏,考察你的眼力!ˇ?ˇ) 3.1.5、如果你无法定位关键词,则:、如有选项为“以上X项皆是”,即为正确答案,、看四个答案选项中有无大部分相似的。如有,若意思完全相反的其中一个必是答案;若意思并非相反的则较长选项为答案,如没有大部分相似的,则最长的选项为答案。 3.1.6、如果考试题目是针对文章中的某个单词的意思,那么就相当于是一个词汇题,则同义词词典又派上用场了! 3.1.7如果考试题目是问文章主旨(如作者的观点,替换文章标题等)的,则需要细读文章题目,每段第一句和文章最后一句,并大致搞清意思。然后选择意思最接近的一项答案。 3.2、详解: 3.2.1、考题共3篇文章,其中1篇(5个题占15分)来自教材。根据历年经验,教材新增文章作为考题的概率较大。所以熟记教材上所有文章(以教材新增文章为重点)的练习题答案,即可保证稳拿15分!注意:因为考试会把ABCD4个答案选项次序打乱,所以不要只记正确答案的ABCD编号,而要记住正确答案


职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题(1)2 第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文。短文后列出了7个句子。请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息。请在答题卡上把A涂黑:如果该句提供的是错误信息。请在答题卡上把B涂黑:如果该句的信息文章中没有提及。请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 The Smog(烟雾) For over a month. Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country Suffered its worst drought for 50 years . Smoke form the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia.Singapore and Thailand When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars.it soon became poisonous (有毒的)。Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed f喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰)covered everything.In some areas,water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high—rise city buildings to tIY and break up the smog.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/1c17962790.html,/ .375. School Lunch Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in the middle of the day.In Britain schools have to provide meals at lunchtime.Children can choose to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen. One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one portion of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks,crisps and chocolate bars.Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunch time. The research will provide a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has increased in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot criticise parents,but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk,fruit and vegetables.Small changes in their children’s diet can_affect their future health.Children can easily develop bad eating_habits at this age,and parents are the only ones who can prevent it.A Powerful Influence There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference1to our lives.Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet,hardly ever doing anything else in their spare time.Naturally,parents are curious to find out why the Internet is so attractive,and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children.Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time staring at their computers? Obviously,if children are bent over their computers for hours,absorbed in some game,instead of doing their homework,then something is wrong.Parents and children could decide how much use the child should_make of the Internet,and the child should give his or her word that it won’t interfere with homework.If the child is not holding to this arrangement,the parent can take more drastic steps dealing with a child’s use of the Internet is not much different from negotiating any other sort of bargain about behaviour.Any parent who is_seriously alarmed about a child’s behaviour should make an appointment to discuss the matter with a teacher.Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily affect a child’s performance at school.Even if a child is absolutely crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just going through a phase,and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!The Old Gate In the Middle Ages the vast majority of European cities had walls around them.This was partly for defensive reasons but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded as undesirable,like people with contagious diseases.The Old City of London gates were all demolished by the end of the 18th century.The last of London’s gates was removed a century ago,but by a stroke of luck,it was never destroyed. This gate is,in actual fact,not called a gate at all;its name is Temple Bar,and it marked the boundary between the Old City of London and Westminster.In 1878the Council of London took the Bar down,numbered the stones and put the gate in storage because its design was unfashionable it was expensive to maintain and it was blocking the traffic. The Temple Bar Trust was set up in the 1970’s with the intention of returning the gate home.The aim of the Trust is the preservation of the nation’s architectural heritage.Transporting the gate will mean physically pulling it down,stone by stone,removing and rebuilding it near St Paul’s Cathedral.Most of the facade of the gate will probably be replaced,though there is a good chance that the basic structure will be sound.The hardest job of all,however,will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood on top of the gate.Family History In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before,many people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past.One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history.They can try to find out more about where their families came from and what they did.This is now a fast-growing hobby,especially in countries with a fairly short history,like Australia and the United States. It is one thing to spend some time going through a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own family’s past.It is quite another to carry out the research work successfully.It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and_cause yourself many problems which could have been avoided with a little forward planning. If your own family stories tell you that you are connected with a famous character,whether hero or criminal,do not let this idea take over your research.Just treat it as an interesting possibility.A simple system for collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with;a more complex one may only get in your way.The most important thing,though,is to get started.Who knows what you might find? Helen and Martin With a thoughtful sigh,Helen turned away from the window and walked back to her favourite armchair.Would her brother never arrive?For a brief moment,she wondered if she really cared that much. Over the years Helen had given up waiting for Martin to take an interest in her.Her feelings for him had gradually weakened until now,as she sat waiting for him,she experienced no more than a sister’s curiosity to see what had become of her brother. Almost without warning,Martin had lost his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in New York as a key figure in the US office.Somehow the two of them hadn’t bothered to keep in touch and,left alone,Helen had slowly found

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