当前位置:文档之家› 2020年7月浙江自考语言与文化真题





I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement (20%).

1. ______ refers to a member of the parts of the Christian Church which separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century.( )

A. Protestant

B. Rabbi

C. Christian

D. Puritan

2. English babies may be ______ to show respect or to honor them. ( )

A. named after grandparents

B. named after famous historical events

C. named after their birth place

D. named after their birth date

3. The two persons who have been introduced to each other normally say to each other: “______.”( )

A. How are you

B. How is everything

C. How do you do

D. Hello

4. Trinity refers to union in one Godhead of three persons, Father, Son and ______.( )

A. Puritan

B. God

C. Holy ghost

D. Ghost

5. In English speaking countries, expensive gifts will ______. ( )

A. make them uncomfortable for they will not know how to return the kindness

B. make them very happy for they think they are highly valued

C. make them very surprised for they will not know how to use it


D. make them embarrassed for they know they are not worth of it

6. “He looked out for a house” is the same in meaning with ______.( )

A. he sought a house

B. he bought a house

C. having a house is his biggest dream

D. he built a house

7. A game played on a sports field between two teams of eleven players who each have a curved stick with which they try to put a small hard ball into the other team’s goal is called ______.( )

A. polo

B. hockey

C. golf

D. rugby

8. Donkey work conveys the similar meaning in Chinese ______.( )

A. to do the hard, boring part of a job

B. to do the hard, but pleasant part of a job

C. to do the pleasant, comfortable part of a job

D. to do the confusing, exciting part of a job

9. Deduction is the process of ______.( )

A. persuading someone to do something

B. discovering a general principle from a set of facts

C. reaching a conclusion about something because of other things that you know to be true.

D. examining known facts

10. “to make a face” means ______ in Chinese. ( )

A. 化妆

B. 做一个假面具

C. 做鬼脸

D. 很愤怒

11. “A big fish in a small pond” means ______ in Chinese.( )

A. 小池塘养大鱼

B. 鸡窝里飞出金凤凰

C. 人小干大事

D. 鹤立鸡群

12. “to be very confident and proud” means ______.( )


A. to hold your head (up) high

B. to r ide one’s high horse

C. to go about with one’s head in the air

D. to keep one’s mouth clean and nose clear

13. “Milk and water” means ______. ( )

A. something drinkable

B. something that is inoffensive but feeble

C. something in complete harmony

D. complete understanding between friends

14. To keep sb company means ______.( )

A. to stay with someone so that they are not alone

B. to stay away with someone so that they can be alone

C. to watch someone in every detail

D. to ask someone to be with you and serve you

15. “A Pandora’s box” derived from the box sent by the God to Pandora refers to a present or something ______. ( )

A. which brings happiness but looks ugly

B. which seems valuable but brings misfortune

C. which can create anything its owner wants

D. which a bride traditionally gives a bridegroom

16. “To pull somebody’s leg” means ______.( )

A. to prevent somebody from advancing

B. to make somebody difficult to move

C. to make trouble to somebody

D. to say something in a joking way

17. “I was not informed. Otherwise I should have taken some action” demonstrates ______ relation between the two sentences.( )


A. an additive

B. a temporal

C. a persuasive

D. a causal

18. The word in American English for “mosquito-net”is ______. ( )

A. drapery

B. bar

C. bedspread

D. quilt

19. “A green Christmas” refers to ______. ( )

A. a Christmas with vigor and energy

B. a Christmas full of jealousy

C. a Christmas without snow

D. a Christmas with fruit and vegetables

20. The word in British English for “Faculty” is ______. ( )

A. department

B. stuff

C. staff

D. teachers

II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternative can complete the statement. (10%)

1. The word in British English for “story”is ______. ( )

A. storey

B. floor

C. stairs

D. storage

2. The word in British English for “tire” is ______. ( )

A. wheel

B. bore

C. fatigue

D. tyre

3. In America n English “Santa Claus” is a loan word from ______. ( )

A. Indian languages

B. Dutch

C. French

D. German

4. It is quite common for students in English culture to call their professor ______. ( )


A. Robert

B. Harrison

C. Robert Harrison

D. Professor Robert

5. Many technical terms such as quantum, antenna, formula, nucleons, datum and molecules are all derived from ______. ( )

A. French

B. Greek

C. Latin

D. Roman

6. To make unconscious is ______.( )

A. “to knock off”

B. “to knock up”

C. “to knock about”

D. “to knock out”

7. “Crossing one’s forefinger and middle finger” signifies ______ in English speaking counties.( )

A. sadness

B. respects

C. good luck

D. secrecy

8. Handshaking between two persons who have been newly introduced to each other is a ______ touch in both English and Chinese culture. ( )

A. socio-polite

B. friendship

C. functional-professional

D. love-intimacy

9. Money given at Christmas time to the dustmen and others who provide a service throughout the year is called ______. ( )

A. Christmastide

B. Christmas gift

C. Christmas box

D. Christmas money

10. ______ seem queer, strange, socially unacceptable.( )

A. Queers

B. technicians

C. professionals

D. staff

III. Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression (12%).


1. The word in 汉语for greenhouse is ______.

2. Pork, mutton and beef are loan words from ______.

3. The word in American English for “jumper’ is ______.

4. The English equivalent for “跑表”is ______.

5. A sweet dish typically composed of fruit and flour and fat, boiled or steamed,or of fruit baked with pastry is called ______.

6. Staring, or gazing, in Chinese culture, shows one’s curiosity while in English culture, is considered impolite and ______.

7. When answering questions, Chinese speakers are strongly affected by the ______, the way in which the question is formed, while English speakers, supported ______, are not.

8. English is a ______ language and Chinese is a ______ language.

9. ______ refers to an area within a town where there are brothels.

10. One can tell from the sentence “She is working at her own level” that she is a ______ student.

11. ______ can be a euphemism for a gardener.

12. ______ is a euphemism instead of Tax increase.

IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)

1. What is Orthodox Eastern Church?

2. What is War of independence?

3. Does “equalitarianism” convey the same meaning as “平均主义”?

4. What are the differences between “spiritual”and “精神”in relation to their connotative meaning?

5. What does “他没有文化”mean?

6. What is the “First Lady”?

7. What is the difference between a “drugstore”and a“药店”?

8. Does “Good-bye”convey the same meaning as “再见”?


9. What is the general rule for introduction in English culture?

10. What does “a Solomon” allude to?

11. What does “a Damocles sword” stand for?

12. What does “a Trojan horse” allude to?

V. Translation (16%)

A: Translate the following into Chinese (8%)

1. To have a chip on one’s shoulder.

2. By the skin of your teeth.

3. Wine makes all creatures at table.

4. The more women look in their glass, the less they look to their house.

B: Translate the following into English (8%)

5. 白马王子

6. 天之骄子

7. 禁果

8. 智者千虑,必有一失

VI. Define the following terms (10%)

1. idioms

2. allusion

3. individualism

4. terms of humility

VII. Answer the following questions. (20%)

1. Explain the reasons that there are more honorifics in Chinese than in English.

2. What can you find cross-culture differences in terms of humility between English and Chinese?



全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 语言与文化试题 课程代码:00838 Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1.“Negro”,once a euphemism for “_______”, is now an offensive racist term.() A.a black man B.nigger C.an African D.black boy 2.The expression that can be used as the euphemism for “gardener”is “_______”.() A.landscape architect B.garden designer C.beautician D.botanist 3.I may be back tonight; I’m not sure. _______,just make yourself at home.() A.However B.Despite this C.Either way D.Still 4.He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. _______ he looked even gloomier.() A.Alternatively B.I mean C.In addition D.Instead 5.“他住在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥神德街2号”can be translated into _______.() A.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. B.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2 in Cambridge of Massachusetts, U.S.A. C.He lives at 2 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. D.He lives in U.S.A, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Divinity Avenue 2. 6._______ is a weapon name.() A.Brenda B.Arthur C.Rhoda D.Timothy 7.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say_______.() A.“It’s very nice” B.“Where did you get it? This is really what I want” C.“It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much” D.“How much is it? Thank you very much” 1


语言与文化的关系 史培芹文秘112 010811224 语言作为一种重要的交际工具,并不是独立的存在的,它不仅是人类社会一种普遍具有的现象,还与文化是一个整体。语言与文化相互依赖、相互影响。语言是文化的重要载体,文化对语言有制约作用。当我们学习一门语言的时候,必须了解这个民族的文化,只有这样才能更好的学习语言。所以,认清语言与文化的关系是十分必要的。 一.关于“文化”的定义 从前人的研究来看,“文化”并没有一个十分明确的定义。汉语中“文化”一词最早见于《易经》: “观乎天文,以察时变, 观乎人文, 以化成天下”。其意思是根据人文来进行教化。近、现代关于文化的定义,众说纷纭。文化的经典定义, 是1871 年由英国人类学家泰勒( Edward T ylor ) 在《原始文化》一书中提出的: 文化是“一个复合的整体, 其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及作为社会成员而获得的任何其他的能力和习惯”。泰勒对于文化的定义只注重在精神方面, 并不完整。现代文化人类学家认为, 文化是一个群体的活动,包括物质和精神两个方面。(1)人类创造的物质。大自然本身所具有的都不是文化,包括山川、湖泊,我们创造的物质才算是物质文化,例如各项发明、人文景观等等;(2)法规、制度。这些都是人们制定的内容,完全属于文化层面。各项规章制度,包括法律法规,都是人们根据社会的需要拟定的,一方面用来约束社会人,另一方面也体现了不同社会的规律和行为习惯;(3)精神、宗教。人类的信仰是后天形成的,是精神层面的追求。不同种族有不同的宗教信仰,形成了宗教文化。“ 从语言的结构特征来看,语言是个符号系统。它是一个由音位、语素、词和词组、句子和篇章等构成的层级系统。从语言的功能特征来看,语言是个工具,是个思维的工具、交流的工具”(束定芳,1996)。季羡林先生(1995)曾指出文化的定义“最好还是不下”,同时他认为:“文化就是非常广义的,就是精神方面、物质方面,对人民有好处的,就叫做文化。”文化具有如下本质特征: ( 1) 文化是经由社会习得的, 而非遗传获得的; ( 2) 文化是一个社团成员所共有的, 而非某一个人所独有的; ( 3) 文化具有象征性, 语言是文化中最重要的象征系统; ( 4) 文化是一个统一的整体, 文化中的每一方面都和其他方面相互关联。由此可见,文化辐射的范围包罗万象,渗透进社会的各个层面,无所不存,无处不在。 二.语言与文化的关系 我国对语言和文化关系的研究始于上世纪五十年代,至八九十年代研究成果已颇丰,进入新世纪也出现了一些较为新颖的理论。在半个多世纪的时间里,出现的研究成果数不胜数,


浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化真题 课程代码:10058 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement (20%). 1. ______ refers to a member of the parts of the Christian Church which separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century.( ) A. Protestant B. Rabbi C. Christian D. Puritan 2. English babies may be ______ to show respect or to honor them. ( ) A. named after grandparents B. named after famous historical events C. named after their birth place D. named after their birth date 3. The two persons who have been introduced to each other normally say to each other: “______.”( ) A. How are you B. How is everything C. How do you do D. Hello 4. Trinity refers to union in one Godhead of three persons, Father, Son and ______.( ) A. Puritan B. God C. Holy ghost D. Ghost 5. In English speaking countries, expensive gifts will ______. ( ) A. make them uncomfortable for they will not know how to return the kindness B. make them very happy for they think they are highly valued C. make them very surprised for they will not know how to use it 1


《语言与文化》复习资料答案 I. 1—10 DDDBA DCBCC 11—20 BBBBA BDCAC 21—25 AAAAC II. 1. CD 2. AD 3. CD 4. ABD 5. ABCD III. 1—10 FTFTF FTTFT 11—20 FTTFF TFTTF 21—25 TFTTT IV 1. accenting 2. Hypotactic 3. After you 4. contact 5. Ex cuse me 6. hypotactic 7. It’s my pleasure 8. environmentalism 9. Paratactic 10. Chronemics 11. softening words 12. nuclear V. 1.culture:文化.Culture is the unique style and custom, which a nation forms in the history of its own development. https://www.doczj.com/doc/143198646.html,munication:交际.Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavior or the residue of the behavior of another person. 3.one-way communication:单向交际.Communication without feedback is called one-way communication. 4. communicative competence 交际能力 The ability to behave appropriately and effectively by verbal and / or nonverbal means to achieve intended results at a given time, in a give place, in a given communication event, and towards a given person or persons.


语言与文化的读后感三篇 《语言与文化》是一位开拓型的语言学大师罗常培先生撰写的一 本探索语言与文化关系的小书,被认为是中国文化语言学的开山之 作。 语言与文化的读后感在下编这部分,一开头就开始讲明了字与文化的一种唇齿相依的关系——没有文化就没有文字,没有了文字文化也会慢慢失去传承。 从词语的语源和变迁看过去文化的遗迹 在各国语言里有许多现在通行的涵义和它们最初的语源迥不相同。 如果不明了它们的过去文化背景,我们简直推究不出彼此有什么关系来。可是,你若知道它们的历史,那就不单可以发现很有趣的语义演变,而且对于文化进展的阶段也可以反映出一个很清晰的片影来。例如,对中国古代语言和文化的关系,我们便不能撇开文字。现在和钱 币相关的字,像财、货、贡、赈、贷、赊、买(買)、卖(賣)之类都属贝部。贝不过是一种介壳,何以用它来表示钱币的含义呢? 相信很多人都知道中国古代曾经用贝壳当做交易的媒介物。秦以后废贝行钱,但是这种古代的货币制度在文字的形体上还保存着它的蜕行。又如当初造字时“纸”字何以从纟(糸)呢?那是因为在蔡伦没 有发明造纸的新方法和新材料以前中国曾经用丝絮造过纸。还有“笔(筆)”字,从“竹”从“聿”,《说文解字》解释说:“聿,所以书也。”就是说,聿是用来写字的工具。秦汉时期,笔杆大多是用竹子做的, 所以又加了竹字头。

从造词心理看民族的文化程度 从许多语言的习用语或俚语里,我们往往可以窥探造词的心理过程和那个民族的文化程度。现在姑且舍去几个文化较高的族语不谈,单从中国西南边境的一些少数部族的语言里找几个例子。例如,云南昆明近郊的彝族叫妻子做“穿针婆”,云南的少数民族叫“结婚”做“买女人”。从这两个语词我们可以看出少数民族社会对于妻子的看法和 买卖婚姻的遗迹。当我们调查文化较低的族语时,遇到抽象一点的语词,像代表动作或状态一类的词,往往比调查看得见指得着的东西困难得多。可是一旦明白他们的造词心理以后也可以引起不少的趣味。 比方说,昆明近郊的彝族叫“发怒”做“血滚” ,“欺负”叫“看傻”,“伤心”叫“心冷” ,这几个词的构成,多少都和这些动作或状态的 心理情景有关。在初民社会里对于自然界的现象,因为超过他们知识所能解答的范围以外,往往也容易发生许多神意的揣测。例如,福贡的傈傈族把“彩虹”叫做“黄马吃水” ,路南的撒尼(彝族的支族)把 日食叫太阳被虎吃,月食叫做月亮被狗吃。 从借字看文化的接触 语言的本身固然可以映射出历史的文化色彩,但遇到和外来文化接触时,它也可以吸收新的成分和旧有的糅合在一块。所谓“借字”就 是一国语言里所糅杂的外来语成分。它可以表现两种文化接触后在语 言上所发生的影响;反过来说,从语言的糅合也可以窥察文化的交流。例如把外国语词的声音转写下来,或混合外国语言和本地的意义造成 新词。就像纯音译的:软椅叫沙发(sofa ), 咖啡 coffee 、可可 cococa、


??????????????????????精品自学考试资料推荐?????????????????? 浙江省 2018 年 4 月自学考试语言与文化试卷 课程代码: 10058 Ⅰ. Multiple choice (24%) Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. 1. The relationship between language and culture is that ________.( ) A. the former determines the latter B. the latter determines the former C. the two are parallel D. the two interact 2. While “ handsome woman” and “ pretty woman ” are both acceptable, they suggest different kinds of attractiveness because of the ________ associations of these two objectives.( ) A. collocative B. affective C. connotative D. thematic 3. A young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institutions and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress is called________.( ) A. hippie B. knight C. koala D. poke 4. A fortified place occupied only by army or a fortified trading post is called ________.( ) A. castle B. fort C. lynch D. terrapin 5. Pork, mutton and beef are loan words from ________. ( ) A. French B. Latin C. Indian D. English 6.English is often referred to as a ________ language because it relies heavily on conjunctions to indicate the relationship between linguistic units. ( ) A. paratactic B. branching C. hypotactic D. linear 7. Religious name “John” means ________ in Chinese. ( ) A. 上帝是神圣的 B. 约翰 1

尔雅 语言与文化答案

本套题正确率15/168=91% 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(一)已完成 1 下列关于人类起源非洲假说的内容中正确的是()。 ?A、能人走出非洲 ?B、南猿人走出非洲 ?C、元谋人走出非洲 ?D、直立人走出非洲 我的答案:D 2 下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?() ?A、山顶洞人 ?B、智人 ?C、北京人 ?D、元谋人 我的答案:B 3 符号活动出现于()。 ?A、南猿时期 ?B、直立人时期 ?C、晚期智人 ?D、早期智人 我的答案:C 4 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。()我的答案:√ 5 某一人群的mtDNA变异越大,它的群体演化历史越短。() 我的答案:×

叮叮小文库人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成 1 非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?() ?A、北美洲 ?B、南美洲 ?C、亚洲 ?D、澳洲 我的答案:C 2 非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?() ?A、20万年前 ?B、13万年前 ?C、15万年前 ?D、10万年前 我的答案:A 3 下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?() ?A、图画 ?B、雕刻 ?C、文字 ?D、瓷器 我的答案:D 4 智人走出非洲有几条路线?()

叮叮小文库 ?C、3 ?D、4 我的答案:B 5 直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。() 我的答案:× 6 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。() 我的答案:√ 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成 1 脑容量与语言的关系是()。 ?A、正相关 ?B、负相关 ?C、没关系 ?D、不确定 我的答案:A 2 方言的形成有几种方式?() ?A、3 ?B、2 ?C、4 ?D、5 我的答案:B 3 ()对我国南方汉语方言的形成起了不可估量的作用。


中西方语言与文化的差异 中西方语言与文化的差异简介:中西方语言与文化的差异不少英语爱好者片面地认为.只要学好外浯埂可与外国入交流其实不然.如果不了解中阳文化的差异.对西方礼仪矢『]之甚少.那么在与外围入交流中会造成许多误会.本人就从包括“迎送... 不少英语爱好者片面地认为.只要学好外浯埂可与外国入交流其实不然.如果不了解中阳文化的差异.对西方礼仪矢『]之甚少.那么在与外围入交流中会造成许多误会.本人就从包括“迎送、会谈、宴请、交际、接待”等几个方面略谈中两文化的差异、语言的交流。 一、称谓礼数。称呼恰当,是尊重对方。与外宾初次见面,最安全的称呼是男子称先生(Mr·),女子称夫人(Mm·),女士称(Ms·),小姐称(Miss)。这些称呼均可冠于姓名、职称、衔称等前面。如“怀特夫人(MrS White)”、“秘书小姐(Miss Secretary)”;而我们中国入出于对客人的尊重.不肯直呼客人的姓名或父母的姓名。两方入则不同,除非在正规场合.在?般场合中.他们更愿意别人直呼其名。例如:Lindalane Chapman.如果你称呼她Miss Chapman(Chapman 女士)或者Miss Linch (Linch小姐),她会感觉你与她不熟。 二、交往语言。假如你是一家公司的翻译,陪同老板去机场迎接来自美国的生意人,你不能说:“你一路上辛苦了”.而J立该说:“Did you have agood night?”或“Did you have a good flight?”如果你说:“You must be very tired.或You must be exhaust—ed.”客人会觉得自己的身体很差,人家才这样说。外国朋友到家中做客,中国人会说:“欢迎,欢迎”,客人会一笑。点点头。如果翻译成英语,就是“Wel—come!W elcome[”或“你来了?(You have come!)”这种英语在外国不常用。他们经常用的是”Come rightin”“Come on in”或”Come in,please.”客人只需说“Thank you!”就可以了。环球博思论文网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/143198646.html, 三、初交礼节。自我介绍时避免说太多的“我”在英语中最自私的字眼是“I”。自我介绍应自报家门再委婉问对方名字,如:“I'm Ron lohn—son.M ay 1 have your n~Tle.please?” 四、习俗不同。美国人做事讲效率,他们希望别人做事效率像他们一样高他们有约会守时的习惯.如果你约会迟到5分钟,必须表示道歉:“Sorry,f l11 lace.”或“I apologize.”迟到1O分钟.,必须有充足的理由.迟到10分钟是很不礼貌的。在一次宴会上.外围明友说:“Please finish yourdrink.”中国朋友说:“Sorry.I can t drink any more.”外围朋友说:“Then why did you order SO much?中国朋友说:“I.?.”中国入吃东西喜欢盘子里剩下?些.而西方人吃东西,盘子里是不留东西的。 五、文化差异。“亚洲四小龙”有入把它翻译成“The four dragon of Asia.”假如在20年前,西方入看到“dragon”这个词会感到很害怕。这是中西文化差异造成的。在西方文化中,“龙”是_。种带有迷信、宗教色彩的东西.甚至带有消极意义的东西,最近十几年.随着中国改革开放,西方入对中国的“龙”文化逐渐了解。但普通老百姓仍然不能理解接受“dragon”。在英语中,“亚洲阳小龙”的说法是“Thefour tiger of Asia.”西方人在中国生病时.中国人往往会关心地说:“多喝水”,或“多穿些衣服”,这些关心不符合西方入的习惯.在英语里。你想表达对他人的关心.可说:“I do hope you 11 be feeling bettersoon.Look after youmelfi Try and get some rest.”中国熟人见面.习惯这样问侯:“Where are you going?Have you have vour breakfast/lunch/sup per?” 这是多管闲事了.他们会说:?It S none of your business.”听到


语言与文化——许嘉璐/文 本文是北京师大汉语文化学院院长许嘉璐教授在汉语文化学院成立大会上所作学术讲演的提纲。 语言与文化 一关于文化 什么是文化? 文化的定义有多种。据国内学者说有500多种。我没有看到关于500多种的资料和论述,大概这是基于任何一个人说了文化是什么就算是一种定义所得出的数字。据国外哲学家说,现在已有20多种定义;大概这是就比较权威的著作而言,我认为后一种说法是比较可信的。 由于文化的定义五花八门,又由于有人不研究文化本身,而热衷于在定义中折腾,所以有的学者主张“最好不下定义”。我想这是希望人们把精力集中于实实在在的基础研究,不要在定义问题上争论不休,而不是“定义不可知论”。定义是研究工作的出发点和归宿,尽管出发时的认识和到达既定目标时的认识会有差别,甚至可能是较大的差别。对于研究工作来说,定义还是需要的。 我比较同意如下的说法:文化是人类所创造的一切物质、制度与精神。这个定义里有几个要点。1.自然界赐予人类的一切都不是文化,如山川土石。2.即使是人类在蒙昧时期所创造的,也是文化。3.非人类所创造的不是文化,如猴子所画的画,蚂蚁所堆积的蚁山,蜜蜂所造的巢。4.文化是人类有意创造的,无意识形成的东西不是文化,例如婴儿涂抹的东西。 当然,任何定义都不能把定义对象囊括无余,对象的边缘也常常是模糊的。例如对于弱智者的艺术作品应该怎样界定?这是值得研究的。 二文化的分类 关于文化的分类,说法很多,角度也多种多样。有的学者还从教学或学习的角度又重新分类。我认为,首先我们应该根据文化自身的本质属性进行分类,然后在这一前提下再参考教学或学习的特点和需要进行再分类,否则类是分了,条分缕析,但是在进行具体操作时却难以遵循或自乱其例。 我把文化分为三类: 1.物质文化:衣食住行 这是以物质形式显现的文化,是物质层面文化的主要部分,是经济基础和思想观念在人民生活中的直接反映。 2.社会文化:艺术、民俗、宗教、制度、法律等 这是上层建筑中的主体。 艺术虽然主要也是凭借物质显现,但是物质不是其本身。例如雕塑、绘画。 民俗无所不在。它实际是民族哲学观念在人民生活中的外现。但是民俗的来源(或者说对它的决定性因素)则是多元的:自然规律、生活规律、生产关系和生产力、政治制度、学术流派、文学艺术、宗教信仰等等。但是民俗的整体却不是这些来源、决定性因素的拼合,而是经过了民族的选择、加工,集中反映了民族的哲学观念。 宗教是超国界、超民族的。即使是外来宗教也是民族的文化,这是因为任何宗教当它要在一个国家或民族落脚生根,就必须与当地文化相融合,即吸收本土文化的营养,以适应当地人民的心理、习惯。这样,所有国家和民族的宗教也就成了本土文化的一个组成部分。例如佛教、伊斯兰教、天主教、基督教,对于中国都是外来的,但是它适应了中国社会,因而在中国生根了,成了中华文化的一部分;而袄教、景教、摩尼教、犹太教等就被排淘汰了。即使是佛教,其


浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化试题 课程代码:10058 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1. In English, “sdylh”is not a possible word and “green made he”is not an acceptable sentence. It proves that language is ________. ( ) A. arbitrary B. systematic C. symbolic D. vocal 2. The Chinese equivalent for “Housewarming”is ________. ( ) A. 温室效应 B. 温暖的房屋 C. 乔迁喜宴 D. 房屋供暖 3. The word in British English for “tire”is ________. ( ) A. wheel B. bore C. tyre D. tier 4. The English name “Camellia”is related to ________. ( ) A. Christianity B. plant C. weapon D. knowledge 5. ________ can represent the geographical aspects of culture. ( ) A. Koala B. Cowboy C. Queen D. Hot dog 6. If a student wants to express his gratitude for professor’s help, he can say ________. ( ) A. “I am so sorry that I am wasting your time.” B. “I hope I didn’t disturb you.” C. “Don’t you mind I disturb you?” D. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.” 7. When an Englishman says “I was only pulling your leg”, he means ________. ( ) A. I was only trying to prevent you from making progress. B. I was only warning you. C. I was only joking. D. I was only asking you for help. 8. The first week day after Christmas, a legal holiday in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, is called ________. ( ) A. Boxing Day B. Easter C. Thanksgiving Day D. St. Valentine’s Day


年级五年级学科英语版本人教PEP版 内容标题暑假专题——中西方语言与文化差异 编稿老师魏秀然 【本讲教育信息】 一、教学内容 知识窗 语言反映一个民族的特征,它不仅包含着该民族的历史和文化背景,而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和思维方式。 语言与文化互相影响,互相作用;理解语言必须了解文化,理解文化必须了解语言。 由于文化背景不同,不同国家和地域的人在交谈时,即使语言准确无误,也会产生误会。常常由于一句话说得不得体,使听者捧腹大笑。 例如在外国演讲的人经常发现听众对他讲的某个笑话毫无反应,然而在国内同一个笑话会使听众笑得人仰马翻。 一个中国青年到附近游泳池游泳,一会儿就回来了,一个外国人问为什么,他解释说:“游泳池里人太多,水太脏,早该换了。像芝麻酱煮饺子。”另一个中国青年笑了,而那个外国人根本不知道什么是芝麻酱和煮饺子。根本感觉不到丝毫幽默。中国人见面互相打招呼时,常说:“你吃了吗?”而外国人会以为这种招呼是说:“我也没有吃,我们一起去吃点东西吧!”这种招呼以为是邀请别人来吃饭。一位刚到中国的外国学者结巴巴地用汉语说:“你们为什么老问我吃了没有?我有钱。”英语中有Good morning,Good afternoon,Good evening 都相当于汉语中的“您好”。但Good noon,Good night都是告别时说的话。在美国,常会听到美国妇女谈她丈夫工作如何努力,干得这样出色,得到奖励等。也会夸自己的子女多么聪明等。然而在中国就会认为这样俗气。一所美国大学开办汉语口语训练班,有两位教师来教,他们的本族语言都不是汉语。上课时,男老师指指自己说:“这是东西吗?”女教师摇摇头说:“你不是东西。”男教师又问:“你是东西吗?”女教师回答:“不,我不是东西。” 中国人也许会猜得出a bull in a china shop(瓷店里的公牛)但想象不出说英语人心目中的形象:一头公牛喷着鼻息,怒气冲冲地闯进摆满精致瓷器的店里。然而,这种说法的意思是:在一个需要举止灵巧得体,细致周密的场合闯进一个行为粗鲁的人。 在中国文化中,龟有两种意义:一方面象征长寿,另一方面则是骂人。但是在西方文化中没有这样的联想,乌龟不过是行动缓慢,其貌不扬的动物而已。


语言与文化的关系 汉语国际教育杨亚丽201322050762 摘要:文化的发展具有历史的连续性,而这种连续性又是通过语言的交流活动来实现的。文化具有鲜明的个性,它不仅决定了人的认知结果,还制约着语言形式。语言与文化相互依存。语言是文化不可分割的一部分,同时又担负着传达文化的任务。人们只有通过语言才能掌握人类社会的文化知识。 关键词:语言;文化;汉语教学 引言:随着经济全球化和全球一体化,世界各国交流日益密切,各个国家文化相互影响,而实现文化传播和交流的途径就是通过语言。文化传播离不开语言的传播。人们的交际背景、社会制度、思想方法、观念、生活经验等方面的差异,在交际过程中,常常存在信任和理解的障碍。只有了解隐含在语言系统中的一个民族价值观、思维方式、心理状态、社会习俗、是非标准等文化因素,才能提高我们有意识的和有志向的交际技能。 一、语言是文化的组成部分 语言是最重要的交流工具,语言由语音、词汇、语法三大要素组成。负载文化的任务主要是由词汇,特别是实词词汇承担。文化是一种社会现象,它是人们通过他们的创造活动而形成的产物。文化同时又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。每一代人都继承原有的文化,同时又在不断扬弃和更新原有的文化,对社会文化的发展作出贡献。 语言是文化的一个组成部分,文化包括了语言,是语言最重要的属性之一。文化社会学认为文化涉及人类生活的各个方面,任何人类社会都离不开文化,而语言只是构成文化大系统的要素之一。语言是音义结合词汇和语法的体系。词汇是语言的基础,词汇的核心是语义,而语义又是文化的一种体现。语义反映了人们对客观世界独特的认识和态度,记载了该民族历史发展过程中长期积累下来根深蒂固的生活方式、传统习惯、思维方法。不同的语言社团各有独特看待世界的方式,形成了各自个性化的语言。同时,他们的语言为我们提供了理解他们文化系统的线索。语言是文化的一个组成部分文化包括语言。之所以这样说,是因为语言具有文化的特点。1首先,从文化的内涵来看,它包括人类的物质财富和精神财富两个方面。而语言正是人类在其进化的过程中创造出来的一种精神财富,属文化的一部分,二者都为人类社会所特有。其次,正像文化一样,语言也不是生物性的遗传,而是人们后天习得和学得的。再次,文化是全民族的共同财富,语言也是如此,它为全社会所共有。2古德诺夫在《文化人类学与语言学》一书中也明确地指出了语言与文化的这种关系,他说:“一个社会的语言是该社会的文化的一个方面。语言和文化是部分和整体的关系。” 二、语言与文化之间的对应性和非对应性 任何一种语言都不是一成不变的,而是在不断发展的。特定的语言并非总是和特定的文化相对应,而是呈现出种种复杂的情况。比如同样是使用英语或西班 1赵金铭.汉语作为第二语言教学文化概说; 2欧阳祯人.对外汉语教学的文化透视


Quiz for non-English Majors in Culture Class This quiz is for the students from the English Language & Culture class hosted by Sun Xiaolong. * Vocabulary and Structure 1. There were also famous and very smart masterminds in the history of the western world, as in the sayings like: (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Even Athena sometimes makes mistakes. B: Even Homer sometimes nod. C: Athena even sometimes make mistakes. D: Homer even sometimes nods. 2. Places of the ancient Greek civilization include ___________ (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Crete, Ithaca, Mycenae B: Egypt, Greece, Rome C: Crete, Troy, Egypt D: Egypt, Troy, Asia Minor 3. "_________" is the word we use today to say the world sports games held once in four years. (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Olympus B: Olympiad C: Olympian D: Olympia 4. "________________" is a creative problem solving competition involving students from kindergarten through college. (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Odyssey of the Mind B: Mental Journey C: Mental Way D: Way of the Mind 5. There are two morphemes in the word "Pantheon", "pan-" as also in "________" and "theo-" as also in "____________". (Key: C, Points: 2) A: pants, theory B: Pandora, theology C: pan-America, theology D: pan-Pacific, thermometer 6. He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his _____________. (Key: D, Points: 2) A: Hector's tendon


浅析语言与文化的关系文化语言学是研究语言与文化的关系——语言所蕴含的民族文化内涵,以及民族文化对语言的存在形式和演变怎样产生影响的一个语言学分支学科。它是语言学众多学科中与人和社会紧密联系、最富人文内涵的一个分支学科。经过一个学期的学习,我逐渐对这门课程有所了解,作为期末论文,我将结合书本知识和课外参考文献,同时联系自身专业,浅析语言和文化的关系。 一、“文化”的概念 为了更好地理解语言与文化的关系,首先要先了解什么是文化。人们关于“文化”的讨论延续了很长时间,至今仍未得出一个统一的看法。19世纪英国人类学家爱德华·泰勒在他的《原始文化》一书中,曾给文化下过一个着名定义:“文化是一个复杂的整体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗,以及作为社会成员个人所获得的任何其它能力和习惯。”这个定义强调的精神方面的文化,是一般文化人类学家所持的观点。我国国学大师季羡林先生对文化下的定义是:“文化就是生活,包括物质文化和精神文化两方面,由社会的生产关系所产生出来的物质生活方式,如衣食住行,便是物质文化;由社会的生产关系所反映出来的意识形态,如法律、政治、艺术、哲学,便叫精神文化。”从一直以来人们对“文化”讨论的发展来看,文化的内涵越来越宽广。文化不仅包括了人的知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗、观念等精神方面的内容,也包括人的生产生活活动所产生的种种产品、结果或遗迹,也包括人的行为方式、思维方式、实践能力,甚至社会活动的组织形式等。 二、语言和文化的关系 语言是人类思维和交流的工具,它作为人们认识、思维、交际、表达的符号,参与到

文化形成的具体过程中。每一种语言都是在具体、特定的社会历史环境中产生和发展起来的;每一种语言中的形象意义都是在自己独特的历史、社会条件和民族风俗语境下形成的。与语言的发展相似,文化也是社会发展到一定阶段的产物。各民族文化所具有鲜明的个性,不仅决定了人的认知结果,还制约着语言形式。语言与文化相互依存。语言是文化不可分割的一部分,同时又担负着传达文化的任务。因此,我们的教材中说“文化和语言之间起码有了两种关系:语言是文化的载体,语言是一种文化样式”。 第一,语言是文化的载体,是文化存在的物质表现形式。 各民族的文化由于所处的环境不尽相同,民族区域生态环境不同,文化积累和传播方式的不同,社会和经济生活的不同等等,从而产生了文化的不尽相同和各个民族文化的鲜明个性。民族文化的传承和发展最重要的手段就是利用语言,是语言记录了民族文化并保存了民族文化。语言单位,特别是词语,体现了人们对客观世界的认识和态度,烙上了某一民族的历史、社会生活的印记。 比如,在表达赞美时,美国人通常会说“You look good in this shirt.”或者是“I really like your scarf.”。在汉语中,用的最普遍的是“你的…+增强语气的词(真,特别)+形容词”,如:你的围巾真漂亮。很少有人会使用美国人常说的“我真喜欢你的围巾”这样的句子。在英语中人们说“I like/love…”的频率要大大高于汉语,而绝大多数中国人在赞美对方的时候会选择使用第二人称“你”、“你的”。这就需要通过语言和文化的关系来解释,在中国几千年来的文化传统中,人们非常强调集体主义,在做任何事情的时候考虑的更多的是集体而不是个人的利益,所以会注意避免强调“个体”。而美国人素来崇尚个人主义,主张个性的发展,他们会随时愿意表达个人的观点和憎恶。这一文化上的差异也会反映在他们各自的语言中。在汉语中,过多的使用第一人称“我”会被认为是以自我为中心,这是绝大多数中国人所不齿的,所以一定要尽量避免。正是考虑到这一点,当中国

Language and Culture---语言与文化的关系

Language and Culture ●Introduction Since human being appeared ,all kinds of languages came into being bir by bit .And with the development of languages ,cultures, varieties of cultures grew ,too .What we can not deny is that there is a intimate relationship between language and culture . There are many ways in which the phenomena of language and culture are intimately related. Both phenomena are unique to humans and have therefore been the subject of a great deal of anthropological, sociological, and even memetic study. Language, of course, is determined by culture, though the extent to which this is true is now under debate. The converse is also true to some degree: culture is determined by language - or rather, by the replicators that created both, memes. ●Language as Determined by Culture Early anthropologists, following the theory that words determine thought, believed that language and its structure were entirely dependent on the cultural context in which they existed. This was a logical extension of what is termed the Standard Social Science Model, which views the human mind as an indefinitely malleable structure capable of absorbing any sort of culture without constraints from genetic or neurological factors. In this vein, anthropologist Verne Ray conducted a study in the 1950's, giving color samples to different American Indian tribes and asking them to give the names of the colors. He concluded that the spectrum we see as "green", "yellow", etc. was an entirely arbitrary division, and each culture divided the spectrum separately. According to this hypothesis, the divisions seen between colors are a consequence of the language we learn, and do not correspond to divisions in the natural world. A similar hypothesis is upheld in the extremely popular meme of Eskimo words for snow - common stories vary from fifty to upwards of two hundred. Extreme cultural relativism of this type has now been clearly refuted. Eskimos use at most twelve different words for snow, which is not many more than English speakers and should be expected since they exist in a cold climate. The color-relativity hypothesis has now been completely debunked by more careful, thorough, and systematic studies which show a remarkable similarity between the ways in which different cultures divide the spectrum. Of course, there are ways in which culture really does determine language, or at least certain facets thereof. Obviously, the ancient Romans did not have words for radios, televisions, or computers because these items were simply not part of their cultural context. In the same vein, uncivilized tribes living in Europe in the time of the Romans did not have words for tribunes, praetors, or any other trapping of Roman government because Roman law was not part of their culture. Our culture does, sometimes, restrict what we can think about efficiently in our own language. For example, some languages have only three color terms equivalent to black, white, and red; a native speaker of this language would have a difficult time expressing the concept of "purple" efficiently. Some languages are also more

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