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英语翻译作业 苏州园林

题目:苏州园林(汉译英) 要求: Direction: Translate the following paragraph into English. 苏州园林是中国古典园林最杰出的代表,大部分为私家所有。苏州园林始于春秋,兴于宋元,盛于明清。清末苏州已有各色园林170余处,为其赢得了“园林之城”的称号。现保存完好的有60多处,对外开放的有10余处。其中沧浪亭(The Surging Wave Pavilion)、狮子林(The Lion Grove Garden)、拙政园(The Humble Administrator’s Garden) 和留园(The Lingering Garden)分别代表着宋、元、明、清四个朝代的艺术风格,被称为“苏州四大名园”。苏州园林宅园合一,可赏,可游,可居,其建筑规制反映了中国古代江南民间的生活方式和礼仪习俗。苏州园林不仅是历史文化的产物,同时也是中国传统思想文化的载体。1997年,苏州园林被联合国教科文组织列入“世界遗产名录”。 参考译文:Classical Gardens of Suzhou are the most outstanding representatives of classical Chinese gardens. Most of them were privately-owned. The gardens first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, developed in the Song and Yuan dynasties. By the late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou had got as many as over 170 gardens of diverse styles, winning it the name “The City of Garden”. Now, over 60 gardens are kept in good condition, more than 10 of which are open to the public. The Surging Wave Pavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator’s Garden and the Lingering Ga rden are called the four most famous gardens in Suzhou, representing the artistic styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties respectively. Suzhou gardens are assemblies of residences and gardens, which makes them suitable places for appreciating, visiting and living. The architectural principles of the gardens are a demonstration of the lifestyles and social customs of the ancient Chinese people in the south of the Lower Yangtze River. Classical Gardens of Suzhou are not only a product of Chinese history and culture, but also a carrier of traditional Chinese ideology and culture. In 1997, Classical Gardens of Suzhou were placed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.


中国古典园林一些要素的中英文对照 额匾horizontal inscribed board 楹联couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar 日晷sundial 石碑 stone tablet, stele 月洞门moon gate 月池new-moon pool 诗条石poem-engraved stone slab 不系舟immovable pleasure boat 石舫stone boat 画舫painted pleasure boat 楼廊two-storied gallery 爬山廊sloping gallery 曲廊zigzag veranda 水廊corridor on water 回廊cloister 茶亭tea booth, tea kiosk 竹亭bamboo pavilion 茅亭thatched pavilion 传统园林建筑traditional garden building 点景牌楼naming pailou, decorated archway 拱桥arch bridge 石板桥stone slab bridge 园桥garden bridge 亭桥pavilion bridge 曲桥zigzag bridge 扶手栏杆handrail 坐凳栏杆 seat rail 石洞stone cavern 石窟grotto 石阶stone steps 汀步stepping stone on water surface 花纹路pattern path 涉水踏步wading step 山石材料stone material 青石Qing stone 宣石Xuan stone 钟乳石stalactite 昆山石Kunshan stone 灵壁石Lingbi stone 房山石Fangshan stone 太湖石Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone 黄石yellowish brown stone 叠石stones laying 掇山piled stone hill, hill making 掇山五法five methods" of rock piling 等分平衡法method of making the rock equa-tional and balanced 前轻后重法method of making the front part of rock lighter than the back part 上轻下重法method of lowering the center ofgravity of rocks 纹理统一法method of unifying the rock veins 石料统一法method of unifying the rock mate-rials 散点石scattered stone 抱角石corner stone 屋基石foundation stone 排衙石guard stone 附壁石stone appended to wall 石花台stone flower bed 石凳stone bench 屏石screen stone 土山earth piled hill, artificial mound 石凳stone bench 水池pool 水塘pond 睡莲池water-lily pool 小瀑布cascade 水帘洞water curtain cave 古典园林名皇家园林royal garden 帝王宫苑imperial palace garden 灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden 阿房宫E-Pang Palace 上林苑Shang-Lin Yuan 未央宫Wei-Yang Palace 洛阳宫Luoyang Palace 华清官Hua-Qing Palace 艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden 圆明园Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden 颐和园 Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort 苏州园林Suzhou traditional garden 私家园林private garden 江南园林garden on the Yangtze Delta


Suzhou is located in southern Jiangsu Province in the center of the Yangtze Delta. Shanghai lies to the east, Zhejiang Province to the south, Wuxi City to the west and the Yangtze River to the north. The city is divided by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from north to south. Since 42% area of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, it is praised as the 'Venice of the Orient'. Built in 514 BC, this is an ancient city with over 2,500 years of history. The unique characteristics of the past are still retained today. The double-chessboard layout of the city, with 'the streets and rivers going side by side while the water and land routes running in parallel', is preserved intact. The mild climate makes the city a desirable destination all year round. Touring the wonderful ancient water towns in the vicinity or lingering in the exquisite classical gardens in the downtown area, you will truly know the charm of a 'paradise on earth'. As the saying goes - 'Gardens to the south of the Yangtze River are the best in the world, and Suzhou gardens are the best among them'. These gardens attain their high reputation not only for their vast numbers, but also for their charming natural beauty and harmonious construction. At present more than 60 gardens are kept intact in the city, and some of them have been listed in the World Heritage List. 译文:苏州坐落于江苏省南部,是长江三角洲中心。它的东面是上海,南面是浙江,西面是无锡,而长江位于它北面。京杭大运河自北向南横穿其间。由于苏州42%的面积被水覆盖,有大量的池塘和溪流,又被称作东方威尼斯。建成于公元前514年,苏州这座古老的城市已有2,500年的历史。其独特的历史特征流传至今。城市是双棋盘的布局,一边是街道,一边是河流。水路和陆路并向而行的格局保存完好。 苏州气候温和,全年都是令人满意的好去处。游览附近的美丽的水城或是在市中心精致的园林徘徊,你会真正体会到“人间天堂”的魅力。就像俗话说的,长江以南的园林是全世界最好的园林,而苏州园林则是这些园林中最好的。苏州园林之所以享有如此高的声誉不仅仅是因为数量,更在于其自然的魅力与和谐的布局。目前在苏州有超过60座保存完好的园林,其中一些更被列入了世界自然遗产名录。


Recommendation of Tourist Attractions Below is just the recommendation of tourist places about Suzhou & Shanghai . Tourist Attractions(景点) Suzhou(苏州) 1.Humble Administrator's garden (拙政园) The Humble Administrator's Garden (Chinese: 拙政园; pinyin: Zhuōzhèng yuán; Suzhou Wu: is a Chinese garden in Suzhou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most famous of the gardens of Suzhou. The garden is located at 178 Dongbei Street (东北街178号). At 51,950 m2, it is the largest garden in Suzhou and is considered by some to be the finest garden in all of southern China. See the pictures as below: Learn more from Website or Wikipedia. 2.The Lion Grove Garden (狮子林) The Lion Grove Garden (simplified Chinese: 狮子林园; traditional Chinese: 獅子林園; pinyin: Shī Zǐ Lín Yuán; Suzhou Wu: Sy tsy lin yoe is a garden located at 23 Yuanlin Road in Pingjiang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. The garden is famous for the large and labyrinthine grotto of taihu rocks at its center.


苏州园林英文介绍 the Humble Administrator's Garden Covering 51,950 sq.m,the Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest of all classical gardens in Suzhou. It is centered upon the broad expanse of a lake, making up about one fifth of the total area. With well spaced buildings, the garden landscape and water scape are simple, extensive and natural, possessing the traditional appearances of the Ming Dynasty. It is divided into three parts; the eastern, middle the western parts. The house lies in the south of the garden. The middle part is the cream of the garden with marvellous mountains, clear water, exquisite buildings and exuberant trees and flower reminiscent of the scenery in the south of the Lower Yangtze. Lying here and there to the south of the lake are garden buildings and courts in cluster. On an east-west axis there's the Hall of Drifting Fragrance in the middle, flanked by the Loquat Garden Court, the Malus Micromalus Makina court, the Poeny Pavilion, the Listening to the Sound of Rain Pavilion, the small canglang, "A Pure Mind Thinks Deep", and the Magnolia Hall. Rising from the lake are the east and west hills made from a mixture of earth and rocks, and covered with trees. the Prunus Mume Pavilion and the Orange Pavilion stand atop of the hills.By the side of the lake there are forsythias gently stroking the surface of water, and bringing about delightful effects of nature. Much of the surprise comes from the disposition of the Fragrant ISle, the pavilion in lotus breezes and the Mountain-in-View Tower to the west of the lake.from the secluded pavilion of Firmiana Simplex and Bamboo one is able to catch sight of the pagoda of paying debts of gratitude in distance. The picturesque scene of the pagoda mirrored in water is an example of the garden technique called "borrowed view from afar". The buildings in the western part of the garden are properly arranged by the lake.To the south of the lake is a big mandarin duck's hall with two halves. The northern half is named "the Hall of 36 pairs of mandarin ducks" and the southern half "the hall of 18 camellias ". built to the west of the lake are the Inducalamus Pavilion, the "With Whom Shall I Sit"?pavilion,the Floating Green Tower, the Stay-and-Listen Pavilion, the Pagoda Reflection pavilion.Going up and down and in a zigzag, a unique veranda over the water is a stucture built along the wall to the east of the lake. The Good-For-Both-Families Pavilion on the top of the hill overlooks the middle and western parts, another example of the garden technique called " borrowed view from near". Decorated with the Cymbidium Virens Hall, the lotus pavilion, the Celestial Spring Pavilion, the Far Away Looking Pavilion and the All blue Pavilion, the eastern part of the garden has verdant hills with pine


桂林山水:Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters 秦始皇兵马俑: Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines 华清池:HuaQING hot spring 鼓楼:drum tower 大雁塔:Great GOOSE pagoda 西湖:the West Lake 泰山:Mount Taishan 庐山:Mt. Lu 天安门及广场:Tian’anmen and Tian’anmen Square 故宫 The Palace Museum 天坛 The Temple of Heaven 颐和园 The Summer Palace 长城 The Great Wall 八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling 居庸关长城 The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass 慕田峪长城 The Great Wall at Mutianyu 司马台长城 The Great Wall at Simatai) 明十三陵 The Ming Tombs 北海公园 Beihai Park 雍和宫 Yonghegong Larmasery 白云观 The White Cloud Taoist Temple 北京孔庙 Beijing Confucius Temple 国子监 The Imperial College 潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple 圆明园 The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 周口店北京猿人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 中华民族园 Chinese Ethnic Culture Park 世界公园 Beijing World Park 中华世纪坛 China Century Altar 桂林山水 the Landscape of Guilin 杭州西湖 the West Lake of Hangzhou 故宫 the Imperial Palace 苏州园林 the Gardens of Suzhou 安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui 长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River 台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan 河北承德避暑山庄 the Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde, Hebei 陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors 半坡遗址 Ban Po Villige Remains


苏州园林介绍(日语版) 蘇州の四大名園滄浪亭、獅子林、拙政園、留園との四つの庭園は、それぞれ宋、元、明、清の各時代の様式をもつ代表的なものです。そのうち、拙政園と留園は中国の四大名園にも数えられています。 拙政園(せっせいえん) 蘇州四大名園の一つで中国四大名園の一つにもなっています。拙政園は世界遺産としての「蘇州古典園林」の主格です。中国庭園のモデルとして事実上中国No.1の庭園と言えましょう。宮廷色の強い頤和園(ぎわえん)を代表とする北京の庭園をロイヤル?ガーデンと「royal·garden」すれば、蘇州の庭園のほとんどは昔地方の文人や官僚などが所有するプライベート?ガーデン「private·garden」です。今は国の財産として一般公開になっています。拙政園は、1509年(明王朝の正徳4年)に官僚の王献臣「おうこんしん」によって造営【ぞうえい】されました。王献臣は官僚を追放され、故郷の蘇州に戻りました。愚かなものが政をつかさどるという意味で「拙政」と名をつけたという説があります。面積約5ヘクタールの拙政園は蘇州の庭園の中でもっとも広いものです。8年の年月を費やして造られたそうです。 拙政園は、東園【ひがしぞの】、中園【なかその】、西園【にしぞの】の三つの部分に大きく分けられます。園内で中心的な存在は水で、全体の約5分の3を大小の蓮池【はすいけ】が占めています。蓮池の周りに東屋【あずまや】、橋、回廊【かいろう】、緑が水面に映って美しい景観を構成します。その極まりがまさしく「遠香堂」を主体とする中園で、夢のような空間を感じさせます。中国古典文学名作の「紅楼夢」【こうろうむ】の舞台がここをモデルとしたらしいです。西園には盆「景園」があります。そこには蘇州流盆栽の優秀な作品が集められています。50以上の種類で、約1万の盆栽があります。 獅子林 獅子林とは、文字通りに解釈すればライオンが出没する林です。林のように密に広がるものはよく「XX林」と言います。雲南省【うんなんしょう】には石林【いしばやし】という観光名所がありますが、西安には有名な碑林[ひりん]があります(書道【しょどう】に興味[興味]ある方はご存知でしょう)。では、獅子林という林とは何の林でしょうか。それは石の林です。ただし、その石は普通の石ではなく、太湖という大きい湖の周辺で採った所謂「太湖石」です。また、その林とは、太湖石で造られた築山です。端的に言えば、獅子林は築山の公園です。それにプラス伝統的な蘇州庭園の水、東屋、回廊、小さい橋、木やお花など。


Classical Gardens of Suzhou 苏州古典园林 Classical Chinese garden design, which seeks to recreate natural landscapesin miniature, is nowhere better illustrated than in the nine gardens in the historic city of Suzhou. They are generally acknowledged to be masterpieces of the genre. Dating from the 11th-19th century, the gardens reflect the profound metaphysical importance of natural beauty in Chinese culture in their meticulous design. ?miniature /'m?n?t?? / a. 很小的,微型的;n. 缩影,微型画,小画像[in miniature] 【二级口笔译大纲词汇】 She is just like her mother in miniature. 她简直是她母亲的缩影。 ?metaphysical /?m?t??f?z?k?l/ a. 玄学的; 形而上学的【TEM 8词汇】 ?meticulous // a. 极其仔细的,一丝不苟的[+ in/ about] 【二级口笔译大纲词汇】【TEM 8词汇】 He was meticulous in his use of words. 他用词很谨慎。 He has always been so meticulous about his appearance. 他对自己的外表一向很讲究。 没有任何地方比历史名城苏州的九大园林更能体现中国古典园林设计“咫尺之内再造乾坤”的理想。苏州园林被公认是实现这一设计思想的杰作。这些建造于11至19世纪的园林,以其精雕细琢的设计,折射出中国文化取法自然而又超越自然的深邃意境。 Outstanding Universal Value Brief synthesis The classical gardens of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China date back to the 6th century BCE when the city was founded as the capital of the Wu Kingdom. Inspired by these royal hunting gardens built by the King of the State of Wu, private gardens began emerging around the 4th century and finally reached the climax in the 18th century. Today, more than 50 of these gardens are still


苏州园林英语导游词 苏州园林英语导游词 ladies,gentlemen, welcometothe”landoffishandrice”--suzhou.suzhou,oneofthech inese#39;”citiesofgardens”topsallothersinbothnumberandart istryofgardens.startingfrompijianggardenoftheeasternjindyna sty,suzhou#39;sartofgardeninghasundergoneahistoryof1500year s.theconceptofsuzhouclassicalgardenshasgonebeyondthecitythe regionsoftheyangtze. thefourclassicalgardensofsuzhouarethesurgingwavespavilion.t heliongrovegardengarden.thehumbleadministrator#39;garden.th elingeringgarden.inanutshell,representthedifferentarchitect uralstylesofsong.yuan.ming.qingdynasties. myfriends,nowweareinthelingeringgarden.itislocatedinliuyuan road,suzhoucity.itwasbuiltbyxutaishiinmingdynasty.atthattim eitwasnamedeasterngarden. therearethreetreasuresinthelingeringgarden.thefirsttreasure


苏州英文导游词3篇 下面是为大家带来的苏州英文导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 苏州英文导游词范文1:Suzhou is China's important historical and cultural city, the famous scenic tourist city, is also the first Chinese excellent tourism city. Suzhou is located in the middle of the Yangtze river delta, east China's largest industrial, financial and trade center of Shanghai, the south zhejiang, west taihu lake, in the north the Yangtze river. Districts with a total area of 8488 square kilometers and a population of 5.839 million people, including 2.124 million people in the city. Now administer, zhangjiagang, changshu, kunshan, taicang, wujiang city, wuzhong district, suzhou city, at pingkiang area, canglang district, gold Chang area, and suzhou industrial park, suzhou high-tech zone. Suzhou in a temperate climate, fertile land, rich products, since the ancient times known as "paradise on earth".Suzhou is an old city, was founded in 514 BC, more than 2500 years of history, is located on the location of the spring and autumn period, basic maintained a "surface parallel, river street" that face the double chessboard pattern and "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else" of of primitive simplicity style. Within the territory of 487 cultural relics, including national level 15, 101 at the provincial level. In China only the most intact water gates - pan gate is located in the south of the ancient city of suzhou panmen gate scenic spot.Suzhou is east


The Historical Status and Overseas Influence of Suzhou Gardens (解说词) May, 1994 Wangshi Garden, Suzhou "Suzhou Gardens are refined and elegant with the winding path leading to a secluded quiet place. New realms are created one after another by separating the scenery. I think Sino-American relation is just like sleight of creating. Though the path is not straight, it will still have a bright future." said Kissinger, the former Secretary of State of America. At the dawn of May 11, Wangshi Garden 1993, the Minister Mentor of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew with his wife was sightseeing Wangshi Garden. In the Lady Building of this garden, dozens of meetings, negotiations, and discussions between China and Singapore have been carried out in ten months. And this finally resulted in the constructing of the Suzhou Industrial Park which can hold 13,112 Wangshi Gardens. The negotiators were all astute. Costs, profits, bottoms lines, and principles, all these rigid concepts should be the contents of the negotiation. The tough things are subject to breaking if they inflict, so both sides turned to some softness coincidently to alleviate the conflictions and oppositions. This was what the enjoyment of the Biluochun Tea and the relaxing atmosphere in the boudoir of the Lady Building came from. In the boudoir, reason and sentiment reconciled with each other; argument and modesty co-exisisted. And this is the prerequisite for the thriving of the


Hello,Dear classmates, I am lining, now I would like to introduce one of my traveling experience. Last summer vacation I and my family went to Suzhou. We take the car to go to there and sit in a train for a night , when we get there we all very tired. So the first thing is to find a hotel then to have a rest. Now I will introduce my journey. There is a saying that people often talk about,Up above there is heaven, down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.Suzhou garden is the representative China private garden, listed as a world cultural heritage.Suzhou has a long history, is the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural city. Our first stop is Lion Forest.We get up at six o'clock .After a simple breakfast we started.When we arrived at the Lion Forest, there weren't many people.Lion Forest is one of the four classical gardens in Suzhou.There are many mountains in southeast, and a lot of water in the Northwest.It is all surrounded by high walls and deep house.In addition, the inside of the maze particularly interesting,We have a feeling of lost. Our next stop is the Humble Administrator's garden, it is next to the Lion Forest. The Humble Administrator's Garden was built in the early sixteenth Century, now has 500 years of history,is a representative work of Chinese classical gardens.It is listed as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection unit in 1961 , and with the Summer Palace in Beijing, ChengDe summer resort, Suzhou lingering garden is known as China's four big gardens.Humble Administrator's Garden covers an area of 52000 square meters, is divided into East Park, park, west park.It is the main characteristic that flowers and trees very beautiful and courtyard strewn at random.We all praise for its unique scenery. Because of the limited time, we did not go too many places, and our last stop is the Lingering Garden.Lingering Garden is the China large classical private garden, covers an area of 23300 square meters, on behalf of the Qing Dynasty style, the Lingering Garden is the most famous of his architectural art, we can not be overcome our feelings of praise when we see the buildings.The park is divided into four parts, in the East is Central architecture landscape garden, the west is debris and large rockery, the north is the pastoral scenery.Due to a very large area, we can't all watching. The above is my travel experience, thank you

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