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Professional English in Use Marketing 市场营销专业英语翻译资料

Professional English in Use Marketing 市场营销专业英语翻译资料
Professional English in Use Marketing 市场营销专业英语翻译资料


【A】Before entering the marketplace it is essential(必要)to carry out(进行)a SWOT analysis. This identifies(识别,标识)the strengths and weaknesses of a product, service or company, and the opportunities and threats facing it. Strengths and weakness refer(指,参考,见,提到)to the product itself and considered as internal factors. The external factors, referring to the marketplace, are opportunities and threats.


This is a SWOT analysis of PetraServe, a company which runs motorway service stations.



Superior(高级)distribution network – we have one of the best.

高级分销网络- 我们有最好的之一。

We are the specialist(专业,专门)in long-distance petrol(汽油)needs for lorry (货车)and truck drivers – we have experience, knowledge and skill.

我们在为货车和卡车司机在长途中提供汽油方面很专业- 我们有经验,知识和技能。

Consumers see us as a quality brand. Innovative(创新)loyalty program that’s unique(独特)in the market.


We are a profitable(有利可图)company –we’re making money.


Highly recognizable brand.


A global brand.



Undifferentiated offer(提供,开设)in terms of basic product – petrol is the same whatever the brand.


Lack of new products – we need more.


Ineffective(无效)leverage(杠杆,利用)of specialist image –we don’t use our specialist image well.


Inferior(下,劣质,弱)communication – we could communicate better.


Damaged(损坏)reputation(声誉,名誉)for petrol and fossil (化石)fuels(燃料)– they have a bad image.

汽油和化石燃料的声誉受损- 他们有一个坏的形象。

Consumer loyalty is weak.



Developing market for service station shop (confectionery(糕饼,糖果), car maintenance(保养保持)products, etc.)


Gap(间隙,差距)in the market: hybrid(混合)cars and electric cars will need fuel.


Huge potential(潜力)for growth – there is a lot of room to expand(扩大)into new markets.



Our main competitor is strong.


Price war in the fuel market is becoming more threatening – all our competitors are cutting prices.


Emerging(新兴)trend(趋势)towards hybrid cars and electric cars.


Consumer fears(恐惧)about environment and pollution.


【B】Pat Albright is the senior marketing manager for Petra serve. She’s presenting(呈现)her marketing strategy(战略)to the board. The strategy was shaped by the SWOT analysis above.

Pat Albright是Petra serve的高级营销经理。她将她的营销站略呈现在电路板上,这战略塑造了上面的SWOT分析。

We need to exploit(利用,开发)our strengths by making the most of our distribution network and loyalty program. If we can also build on strengths such as our brand image and current (当前的)profitability, then it’ll be easier to address (讲话,发表), or deal with, weaknesses such as the lack of new products.


We need to anticipate(预知,预料)the threat of new hybrid cars and seize(把握,抢占)the new opportunities this will bring in terms(条款)of providing(提供)service points for these cars. The potential price war in the fuel market poses(构成)

a serious threat and we will need to minimize(最小化)the weaknesses this may create. Our sector(扇形,行业)is also under threat from the trend towards greater consumer concerns about the environment. But I believe we can create an opportunity by strengthening our communication and informing consumers about what we’re doing to preserve(保护,保留,保存)the environment.



【A】https://www.doczj.com/doc/ff2991618.html, provides information for marketing students. Its website says the following about the micro environment:

the following factors have a direct impact(碰撞,影响)on the company and its stakeholders: consumers, employees, shareholders and suppliers. The company has an influence(影响)over these factors.


Consumers: A company must understand consumer needs and meet them.



Employees: Employing the right people and keeping them motivated(动机)is essential. Training and development play a key role in the service sector.


Media: Positive or adverse(不利的,敌对的)(negative) media attention can seriously affect an organization. Consumer programmes on TV and consumer magazines that people read have a powerful effect on the marketplace.


Shareholders: It is important to satisfy shareholders’needs without harming the brand in the long term.


Suppliers: Changes in the price or quality of raw(生,原)materials(物料)—for example wood, or metals-will affect the marketing mix. Good relations with suppliers will make business easier.


【B】A STEP analysis(also known as a PEST analysis) looks at sociological, technological, economic and political factors in the market environment on a macro (宏,巨大的)level – often looking at a particular(特别,特定)country or region (区域,地区). The relationship between the company and these factors is indirect(间接). This is a STEP analysis for an online supermarket in Britain.


Sociological factors: 社会因素

Dominant(主导,统治)religions(宗教): Mainly Christian(基督教),with significant (重大意义,显著,象征)minorities(少数,小部分)in some regions.


Special diets in some areas:


Leisure(空闲,闲暇)activities: Watching TV, cooking, socializing.


Gender roles: Now that younger men shop as much as women, we need to target (目标)both sexes equally.


Birth rates: Birth rates are continuing to decline(下降,落下), with fewer babies born every year.


Average life expectancy(期待):This is increasing so we should think about products for older customers.


Attitudes to foreign products: Consumers like to experiment with foreign food and drink.


Opinions on environmental issues: We should use only recyclable(可回收)packaging and hybrid-fuel delivery(传递,运送,分娩)vans(货车).


Technological factors:科技因素

Innovation and technological advances:


Production: New product lines and product types are continually coming onto the market.


Offer: We now offer a new service-ordering by mobile phone.


Distribution(分配,派发): Online ordering has changed the way supermarkets operate. We no longer need actual shops.


Communication with consumers: Broadband(宽带)internet connections make it possible to include more product photos on our site. We could even think about adding video.


Economic factors:经济因素

The economic forecast is good:


Interest(利益,利息)rates: stable(稳定)at 5%


Unemployment rate: less than 9% of people are out work.


GDP (Gross(合计)Domestic(国内)Product): Growing steadily


Political factors政治因素

Political stability: very good. Consumers feel relaxed about the political situation and ready to use consumer credit.


New tax/business legislation(法律,法规,立法): No changes to the law for our business sector in the near future.


International trade agreements: We can import(进口)products from the EU without paying extra import duties.



【B】The graph shows consumer ratings(评级)of the product over a ten-year period(时期,某一时代). You can see that after the launch(发射,发起,发动)of the product the ratings rose to 33%. The trend was stable until the arrival of a major competitor in the market. This led to a slight(轻微)fall in approval(赞同)ratings. The relaunch(重新开张,重新启动)of the brand invigorated(刺激,振兴,使健壮)the product and so you can see ratings rising to 60%, the ratings doubled. However , reports in the national press(全国新闻)have had a negative effect on the brand image and approval ratings have plummeted(骤然跌落). Compared to the same period last year, a significantly(数量大,显著)higher number of consumers have a low opinion of the product and the brand image. The percentage(比例)of dissatisfied(不满意的)respondents(调查对象)has trebled(成三倍). Although this seems to be very negative,

your initial(最初的)guesstimates(粗略估计), your predictions(预测)before you had the figures(轮廓,数字,计算),were much worse.



【A】Idea generation点子时代

Idea generation(一代,时代)is the systematic(系统的,有规则的)search for new product ideas. It is the first step in the new product development (NPD) process(过程,工序,处理).NPD is essential for companies to stay competitive. Ideas for product innovation can come from many sources(来源)—for example, internal brainstorming, distributors(分销商), or increasingly from customers. Many companies are adopting a customer-driven or customer-centric marketing approach(靠近,方法,途径), focused on identifying(识别,认出,支持)customer demands(要求,查问,想知道)(what customers are asking for) and understanding consumer needs(what customers require(要求,规定)to solve a particular problem). Market research techniques are used to identify gaps in the market.


Throughout the NPD process, marketers work closely with research and development(R&D) to create original products or to modify(修饰,改变)or improve existing(目前的,现存的)products. New recipes(方法,秘诀)(for example, Vanilla Coke) and limited or special editions(版次)(for example, Christmas tea) are examples of product improvements(改善,改良)and product modifications. The product innovation may target a mass market or a specific(明确的,特种的)niche(合适的位置,商机)market- products for left-handed people, for example.


【B】Idea screening点子筛选

Launching new products is a risky(冒险的,风险)business, so new product ideas are screened(筛选)to select, or spot(现场,场所,污点,发现), potentially(潜在的)

successful product ideas. A company has to assess(评定,估价)which ideas are viable (切实可行的,有望实现的)(will survive(幸存)in a competitive marketplace), technically feasible(可行的,可用的)(the company has the skills and resources(才智,谋略,资源)to produce them),and profitable (will make money). The company also considers overall(全部,整体)demand- how much they can expect to sell.


【C】Concept development and testing概念开发和测试

An attractive idea is developed into several different product concepts(观念,概念). Concept testing measures(程度,测量,衡量)customer response(反应,答复)to a new product –what customers think of it –and gives an indication(指示,象征,表明,迹象,暗示)of the level of consumer acceptance(接受赞成)—that is, how readily (乐意的,便捷的)consumers will use the product. The objective is to successfully introduce the new product onto the market or penetrate(穿透,渗入)the market, and to minimize the research and development costs.


【D】Marketing strategy and business analysis市场战略和业务分析

The marketing strategy describes how to penetrate the market. You must decide which route(路线,渠道,途径)to market is best for your product or service. You can produce it yourself, you can sell the idea, or you can license(同意,许可证,执照)the product to another company to produce and market.


Before moving on to the product development phase(分阶段进行,方面,侧面), businesses need to assess the financial attractiveness of the new product idea. Companies estimate(估计,预测,报价,判断)the sales volume(量,大量的)(how much they will be able to sell), the selling price(what consumers will pay for the product or service) and revenue(收入,税收)expectations (how much income the product will generate(形成,造成,产生)).



【A】The brainstorming session头脑风暴会议

Brainstorming is a technique used by marketers during product naming to find new names for products, or during product development to find new products and to generate ideas.

There are three roles for participants(参与者)in a brainstorming team: leader, scribe(抄写员)and team members. Before the session, the leader needs to define a problem statement(声明,表现,陈述)–for example, ‘how to sell more of our biscuits (饼干)’. The problem statement needs to focus on the aim of the session, but it must be open enough to allow innovative thinking.



The leader must also set the ground rules for brainstorming:

All ideas are welcome. During brainstorming sessions, no judgements(判断,审判)or criticisms(批评,评论)should be made of ideas. Do not criticize ideas. Do not evaluate(评价,估价)ideas. They can be modified later.

Change involves(涉及到,包含)risk-taking, so it’s important to be open to original ideas. The quantity of ideas (how many there are) is more important than the quality (how good they are).

There is no ownership(所有权)of ideas—the ideas belong to the group. Participants should ‘hitchhike’ on, or build on, other people’s creative ideas.

The scribe needs to write down, or note down, every idea-clearly, where all the team members can see them.






【B】brainstorming techniques头脑风暴技术

You may need to get the creative(创造性的,有创意的)juices(汁,胃液,电)flowing (流动的,圆滑的,流畅的)(get people thinking more creatively), and encourage people to think out of the box –look at a problem from a new or different angle(角度,观点). One common technique is to use a random(随机的,任意的)word as a starting point for possible solutions. There are many random word generators on the internet.


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