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A:欢迎来上海,罗伯茨先生我是上海邮电服务发展公司海外部主任陈天敏。Welcome to Shanghai Mr. Roberts. I’m Chen Tianmin, from Shanghai Post and Telecommunication Service Development Company. I’m director of the company’s Overseas Department.

B: Nice to meet you, Directo r Chen. I’m very excited to visit your company and of course, to tour around Shanghai and the whole country.(很高兴见到您,陈主任。能访问贵公司我很兴奋,当然啰,我还有机会看看上海和整个中国,真令人兴奋。)A:您专程从英国赶来,我很高兴。我们为您来此参加工作,成为我部门的一员而感到骄傲和荣幸。我真诚的希望您的来访有价值、有意义。(I’m very happy that you have come all the way from Britain. We are very proud and honored that you will work with us, and be part of our department. I sincerely hope that your visit will be worthwhile and meaningful.)

B: It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of people like Director Chen. I have been looking forward to this visit for years. I had a dream that someday I would visit China and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while. I’m very grateful that you have made my dream come true.(受到贵公司的友好邀请,来此与陈主任这样杰出的人士合作共事,我深感愉快和荣幸。我曾梦想有朝一日能访问中国,能在美丽的上海工作一段时间。我很高兴您使我的梦想成真了。)

A:我真高兴您对这次来沪短期工作有如此高的期望。我们会尽力使您在沪期间过得舒适愉快。考虑到您的方便和舒适,您可以住在公司的外宾专用别墅。别墅紧挨着海滩,从那里骑自行车15分钟可到我公司海外部的办公楼。您一定喜欢。(I’m very glad that you have so hi gh expectations on this business trip in Shanghai. We will make an all-out effort to make your stay comfortable and pleasant. For your convenience and comfort, we accommodate you in one of company’s villas for overseas visitors. It is located by the beach, fifteen minutes’ bicycle ride from the office building of the Overseas Department. I’m sure you will like it.)

B: That’s wonderful. Isn’t it nice that not only “Overseas Department” looks “over the sea”, but also my residence? (好极了。不仅您的“海外部”面对着大海,我的寓所也面对着大海,这不是很有意思吗?)

A:罗伯茨先生,我真的很喜欢您的幽默感。您可知道“上海”这两个字在汉语里的字面意思是“海上之埠”?我们为能安排英国朋友在临海的寓所下榻而感到骄傲。英国不是海上岛国吗?(I really like your sense of humor, Mr. Roberts. Do you know that the word “Shanghai” in Chinese means literally “a port on the sea”? We’re very proud that we can offer our British friends a residence overlooking the sea. Britain is a country of islands on the sea, isn’t it?)

B: I like what you said, Director Chen. We have much in common with Shanghai and Shanghai people. I believe my wife will like here, too.(您说得好,陈主任。我们与上海以及上海人有许多共同之处。我太太一定会喜欢这里的。)

A:我希望您的家人能早日与您在此团聚。我公司会支付包括国际机票在内的一切所需费用。(I hope your family will join you soon. Our company will pay for all their expenses, including international flights.)

B: Thank you so much for your concern. My wife teaches at a university and the best time for her and our son to come over is when school breaks in the summer. Two more months to go. We simply can’t wait to see each other here in Shanghai.(非常感谢您的关心。我太太是大学教师,她与我们的儿子来这里的最佳时间是暑期。还要等上两个月。我们真的等不及在上海相会。)

A:真遗憾,您还要等那么久。(I’m sorry you have to wait for that long.)

B: You’re very nice, Director Chen, really.(陈主任,您真是个好人,真的)

A:长途飞行后您一定很累了。今晚有招待晚宴,您需要休息一下。晚上6时我派车来接您。(You must be very tired after a long flight, Mr. Roberts. You’ll need a rest for tonight’s reception party. I’l l send someone to pick you up at six.)

B: Very good.(好的。)

A:我得走了,我们晚上再见。(I’m leaving. See you in the evening, then)

B: Bye now. (再见。)

A:你好,罗伯茨先生。(Hi, Mr. Roberts.)

B: Hi, Miss Chen. I have been thinking about something lately and I’d like to share my thoughts with you.(你好,陈小姐。近来我一直在思考一件事。我想告诉你我的想法。)

A:好呀,请说。我很高兴能为您做些什么。(I’d like to hear them. And I’ll be very happy if I can help you with anything.)

B: In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into China, and the Pudong Area of Shanghai is among the best choices of their investment destination. Today it is not a matter of whether to go east, but when and how.(现在西方人都在谈论去东方投资。显然,越来越多的外国公司纷纷涌入中国,而上海的浦东地区是人们投资的首选目的地之一。现在的问题不在于是否要去东方投资,而在于何时去投资为好,如何去投资为好。)

A:你说的完全对。海外人士在上海及周边地区的投资近年来翻了两番。出现这一高涨的投资热有很多缘由。除了中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一这个原因外,中国政府和地方政府很重视全面对外开放。不仅开放沿海城市,也开放内地,尽可能吸引外资。另外,许多海外机构与个人投资者认为,在中国直接投资比同中国公司做生意更有利可图。(You’re absolutely right. Overs eas investment in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has quadrupled in recent years. There are many reasons for this rising investment boom. Apart from the fact that China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the Chinese central government and local governments focus a lot of their attention on opening the whole country up to the outside world, both the coastal cities and the country’s interior areas. They are doing all they can to attract foreign investment. On the other hand, many institutional and individual investors overseas find it more profitable to invest directly in China than just to do trade with Chinese companies.)

B: I’m not sure if I understand the logic behind this preference. I’m all years to your explanation.(这种偏爱的原因何在,我不太明白。请你解释一下,我愿闻其详。)