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group 49 学习目标(juice~lab)单词排查

请在已掌握的单词前打“√ ”(划出已会词,集中精力学习真正的生词,提高效率)



I. 单词活用(用本组中单词的适当形式完成句子)

1.Your ___________(善意) is always appreciated.

2.Callie will start ______________(幼儿园) in September.

3.It took us ten days to cover a distance of 25 _______________(公里).

4.You should drink water or _____________(果汁) instead of beer.

5.This maths problem is too much for a ______________(初级的) school student.

6.She was _______________(好心肠的) and open-minded. That’s why I really like her.

7.If we have no ______________(知识), we can’t succeed in doing any work.

8.We have three bedrooms, a _____________(厨房), a sitting room and a bathroom.

II. 选词填空(用本组中下列短语的适当形式完成句子。)

1.We should _____________________ cigarette and keep healthy.

2.If you _______________________ trying, you will succeed in time.

3.His job is to give instructions to people _________________him.

4.If you ___________________ someone, you should say sorry to him.

helps people to __________________ and drive off loneliness.

6.We have made up our minds to ______________________ their quarrel.

7.We must _______________________ the point, or we’ll never make a decision.

8.There was ______________________ the door just as we were about to have dinner.

9.He’s ______________________ boring and not very active. He always looks unhappy too.

10.We put up “_________________ the grass” signs, calling on people to take care of nature. III. 基础知识运用(写出最佳答案,然后熟读每个句子,指出各题考查的知识要点。)

1.They use computers to keep the traffic _____________(run) smoothly. (精选全国II)

2.―Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

―No, dear. They don’t ____________(ke ep/ fit/ get/ last) well. Put them in the fridge instead. (精选全国)

3.Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to ____________(hold up/ keep up/ set up/ take up) his courage. (2012湖北)

4.―Will the fine weather_____________(stay up/ keep up/ come on/ move on)?

―I am afraid not. The weatherman says it’s going to rain. (精选模拟)

5.Would you slow down a bit, please? I can’t _____________(keep up with/ put up with/ make up to/ hold on to) you. (精选模拟)

6.Don’t raise irrelative matters; we must try and keep _________ the subject. (精选模拟)

7.It’s quite normal to keep ____________ ten percent of the cost of a building for a period of six

months or so, in case faults are found in it. (精选模拟)

8.A notice was placed by the river bank warning people to keep ______ the thin ice. (精选模拟)

9.______________(knock) at the door before you enter my room, please. (2012北京)

10.―How much do you charge for the MP4?

―Well, it cost me $400, but I’ll__________(reduce to/ decrease to/ knock off/

cut dow n) 20% as it’s no longer new. (精选模拟)

11.―How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers.

―The key __________(solve) the problem is to meet the demand _________(make)by

the customers (精选北京)

12.He is severely years junior ________ me, but knows more than I. (精选模拟)

13.In ______ preparation for the launching of Chang’e I, scientists need ______ knowledge of

weather changes. (精选模拟)

14.If you can’t come tomorrow, we’ll _______ have to hold the meeting next week. (精选全国) IV. 知识运用(根据提示完成下列微写作。)

1.我想强调的是与别人合作是成功的关键。(the key to)

____________________________________________________________________________ 2.红星照相机以质优价廉而著称。(be known for)

____________________________________________________________________________ 3.那是因为你是新来的,别人对你并不了解。(know about)

____________________________________________________________________________ 4.鼓足勇气,坚持努力,你一定会成功的。(keep up)

____________________________________________________________________________ 5.我们应该采取必要的措施避免类似的事情再次发生。(keep sb from doing sth.)

____________________________________________________________________________ 6.通过看电视,我们能全面了解国内外正在发生的事情,跟上时代的步伐。

(keep sb informed of; keep up with)

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.在我看来,人们需要学会接受现实、不断尝试。再试一次,梦想就可能会实现。(keep on doing sth.)

_____________________________________________________________________________ 8.社会的发展使我们有必要精通英语,因此学习英语的重要性无论怎么强调都不过分。(have a knowledge of)

_____________________________________________________________________________ 9.我回来时,突然意识到我把英文字典落在你那里了,请你给我寄来好吗?我出邮费。(be so kind as to do/ be kind enough to do)