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We are ourselves profoundly changed by our interaction with modem technology.As writer Jerry Mander has pointed out,on each side of the human-machine equation there are adaptations.(1)Our machines become ever more lifelike;witness computers and virtual reality.We become more like the machines;note that repetitive motion disorder is the leading cause of workplace injuries.This adaptive homogenising process to science and technology is now being globalised with few societies able to withstand the reign of science and its technological incarnations.

However,in recent years,the zeal of the religion of science has significantly lessened.It is becoming increasingly apparent that the costs of the scientific abstraction and manipulation of nature were far beyond what could have been predicted.Most disturbing is that the scientific-technological onslaught has brought humanity face to face with the first truly global environmental crisis in recorded history.(2)Over the last two decades the public,though still worshipping the scientific world-view,has been shocked by the facts about ecological threats to the biosphere that they had not even suspected existed—ozone depletion,the greenhouse effect,acid rain,species extinction,desertification,deforestation.

The crisis over science and technology’s current unprecedented destruction of nature has put modem society in an historic dilemma.Humanity has become

fully dependent on,and deeply addicted to,the scientific world-view and the technological environment.Yet this mode of thought and action is threatening the very viability of life on Earth.(3)It is becoming increasingly evident that we cannot ultimately survive with our current science and technology;yet we can’t imagine living without it.A common-sense approach to this quandary would be to begin reinventing our science and devolving our technologies in order to preserve the environment and our own survival.(4)For many years there has been a small but persistent movement urging the adoption of a“new”ecological scientific approach and the substitution of sustainable or“appropriate”technologies for the megatechnologies which are so devastating to nature.However,while ecological science continues to make some inroads,neither it nor appropriate technology has received mass support among the world’s policy makers.For most, remaking our technological infrastructure appears too great a task and unprofitable for the current corporate system.(5)Further,ecological sensitivity and the appropriate technology movement go directly counter to the scientific world-view and its technological fantasies of finally conquering nature and breaking all limitations on human activity.



【译文】我们的机器变得更加智能了,比如计算机和虚拟世界,我们人类也变得更加像机器了,我们也注意到许多的工伤是因为不必要的重复的操作所造成的。(2)【解析】本句是一个主从复合句,主语是the public,谓语是has been shocked,中

间有插入成分though still worshipping the scientific world-view,在翻译的



(3)【解析】本句中,it做形式主语,It is becoming increasingly evident译为“事实越来越明显”,with our current science and technology译为“凭借这样的科学



(4)【解析】a small but persistent movement译为“规模不大但坚持不懈的力量”,sustainable or“appropriate”technologies for the megatechnologies译




(5)【解析】go counter的意思是“违反”,ecological sensitivity译为“关注生态”。



To walk among the stars has been a dream of mankind since the beginning of time,and wandering among the heavens has inspired legends and fantasies across

the ages.Today,that dream has become a reality,when we remember some of the greatest human achievements in history:walking on the moon,sending probes to distant planets and discovering the secrets behind the mysteries of the cosmos.(1)In the middle of the twentieth century,however,humans were at the halfway point between viewing space travel as a dream and as a reality.To them it was a goal rather than a fantasy,and the two main forces working toward that goal were the world’s two superpowers,the Soviet Union and the United States.

(2)Both of the great nations,on the advent of incredibly efficient rocket thrusters capable of propelling man-made objects into space,strove to achieve the victory of finding a place among the stars and securing the considerable international prestige associated with that monumental achievement.The Soviet Union gained the initial upper hand in the“Space Race”,as it is commonly called, sending the first animal into space with its Sputnik program.Its success and momentum carried it forward,achieving the second remarkable goal of putting a human cosmonaut into orbit around the earth and,more importantly,bringing him safely back to earth.

(3)The United States,sensing it was losing its position in the Space Race,set out to achieve the most ambitious goal yet:to put a man on the moon.The resources of the entire nation were mobilized to work toward that goal under the orders of President John F.Kennedy,in the U.S.attempt to assert itself as a contender in the Space Race,despite the Soviet Union’s early victories.(4)After several years,all the efforts bore fruit,when Neil Armstrong,an American,became

the first man to walk on the moon.

With the utterance of his famous words,“That’s one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind,”Armstrong stated what everyone was thinking.The impossible had been achieved,for such a feat was considered impossible a scant hundred years prior.With the space program continuing forward,the future does indeed seem to hold unlimited possibilities for human kind.(5)An international space station is now orbiting the earth and there are even plans for colonizing planets,bringing the dreams and fantasies of yesterday in line with the reality of today.


(1)【解析】view…as…译为“将…看作…”。根据上下文句意halfway point译为“在…中途”。

【译文】在20世纪中叶,人类已经处于将太空旅行的梦想变为现实的旅程的中途。(2)【解析】本句主语是both of the great nations,谓语是strove;on the advent…into space为插入语,capable of propelling man-made objects into space是形

容词短语作定语修饰thrusters;finding a place among the stars和

securing...achievement并列修饰the victory。associated with that

monumental achievement是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰the considerable

international prestige。在翻译此句时要将插入语前置。



(3)【解析】本句的主语是The United States,谓语是set out,sensing…the Space Race 是插入语,it和its分别指代美国和美国的。set out开始,着手。


(4)【解析】本句句式较简单,bear fruit含义为“结出了果实”,在翻译的时候要注意英汉之间的转化。


(5)【解析】and连接两个并列成分,bringing the dreams and fantasies…of today 在句中作状语;in line with与…相一致。“梦想和幻想”与“现实”相一致,即




The standardized educational or psychological tests that are widely used to aid in selecting,classifying,assigning,or promoting students,employees,and military personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books,magazines,the daily press,and even in Congress.(1)The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests, critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.The tests themselves are merely tools,with characteristics that can be measured with reasonable precision under specified conditions.Whether the

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