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The Exam-Oriented Education Or The Quality-Oriented Education

There is a widespread concern over the issue that which of the exam-

oriented education and quality-oriented education is better. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.

A number of people agree that the exam-oriented education is better. In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, it is of great heap for students to acquire knowledge. Furthermore, in the second place, it can encourage students to be eager to learn. While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that the quality-oriented education is better, which will not force students to bear great pressure but can give priority to what they love.

As far as I am concerned, the latter opinion holds more weight. The

reasons are obvious. For one thing, the quality-oriented education provides students with the chance of all-round development. For another, only educated

in this pattern can students enjoying their interests are motivated to their work and life, even the world.


There is a widespread concern over the issue that which of the exam-

oriented education and quality-oriented education is better.

? [教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: affair, business, matter, concern , thing 均含“事情”之意。

affair : 含义较广,侧重指已发生或必须去做的任何事情或事务。复数形式多指重

大或较复杂的事务。 business : 通常指较重要或较难而又必须承担的事情,也可指商事。

matter : 普通用词,着重指一件考虑中的或需要处理的事。

concern : 往往强调与个人或团体利害有直接或重大关系的事。

thing : 用作“事情”解时,词义较笼统、含糊,多用于指不很具体的事。



But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.

? [教师点评][搭配统计] 动名搭配 concern...topic 在教材中出现过 15 次

concern issue 160, concern matter 94, touch topic 21, concern subject 10, relate SeeAlso:

topic 7, interest topic6


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: hot , warm, burning 都有“热的”之意。

hot : 最普通用词,指温度很高,往往有灼热、滚烫含义。

warm : 通常指温度不太高,介于hot 与cold 之间,不太热也不太凉,给人以舒适感。

burning : 暗示热源是火,多用于夸张,指像火烧一样热。


? [批改提示] person 表示“人”。注意与people 的区别。详情点击


? [高分短语] varies from person to person 意为:因人而异。

The curative effect varies from person to person.



? [批改提示] but 的近义表达有nonetheless 或nevertheless 。




A number of people agree that the exam-oriented education is better.

? [教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: agree , accord, coincide, conform, correspond 均含“符合,一致”之意。

agree : 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。

accord : 着重指性格、精神、语气或质量等方面的完全一致。

coincide : 多用于指观点、判断、愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。

conform : 强调在形状、性格以及主要特点等方面的相似或一致。

correspond : 指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上互相匹配、一致。


? [批改提示] people 表示“人,民族”。注意与person 的区别。详情点击



In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, it is of great heap for students to acquire knowledge.

? [教师点评][搭配统计] 动名搭配 acquire...knowledge 在教材中出现过 90 次

gain knowledge 166, take knowledge 78, get knowledge 76, develop SeeAlso:

knowledge 43, produce knowledge 22, assume knowledge 21, win knowledge 4, grow knowledge 4, learn knowledge3


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: attitude , air, manner 均含“态度,风度”之意。

attitude : 普通用词,指对人或事情的看法和采取的行为,多有某种不很明确或不便明说的感情色彩。 air : 含义广泛。单数形式指某人脸上表现出的心理活动,或言谈举止;复数形式指某人故意做作而摆出的架子。

manner : 多指某人在某一场合的言谈举止等。


? [批改提示] acquire 近义表达有pick up/ get/ grasp/ gain/ attain


? [批改提示] contribute 近义表达有give/ provide/ donate/ bestow/ subscribe 好评报错


Furthermore, in the second place, it can encourage students to be eager to learn.

? [教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: anxious, eager , keen 均有“急切的,渴望的”之意。 anxious : 强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生的急切心情。

eager : 侧重于急于成功的迫切心情。

keen : 强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。


? [批改提示] learn 近义表达有take in/ absorb/ ingest/ acquire



While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that the quality-oriented education is better , which will not force students to bear great pressure but can give priority to what they love.

? [教师点评][搭配统计] 动名搭配 bear...pressure 在教材中出现过 26 次

SeeAlso: carry pressure24, hold pressure18, accept pressure18, assume pressure5


? [搭配统计] 动名搭配 give...priority 在教材中出现过 955 次

SeeAlso: give precedence39, afford priority7


? [搭配统计] 动名搭配 take...side 在教材中出现过 1879 次

SeeAlso: have side1573, take English22, accept side9


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: stand, bear , endure, tolerate, suffer, abide, withstand 均含“忍受”之意。

stand : 口语用词,常可与hear 换用,但前者侧重指经受得起,后者强调容忍,是


endure : 书面用词,指长时间忍受痛苦和不幸,着重体力或意志力的坚强不屈服。

tolerate : 指以自我克制的态度,对待令人反感或厌恶的东西,含默认宽容意味。

suffer : 通常指非自愿或被迫忍受各种痛苦、困难或不快,强调受到苦难。

abide : 指忍受长期的痛苦或折磨,强调耐心和屈从。多用于否定句和疑问句中。

withstand : 指因具有一定实力、权力或能力而能忍受某种情况。




As far as I am concerned, the latter opinion holds more weight.

? [教师点评][搭配统计] 动名搭配 hold...weight 在教材中出现过 105 次

SeeAlso: apply weight16, accommodate weight4


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: contain, include, embrace, involve, comprehend,

hold , comprise 均含有“包括,包含”之意。

contain : 普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。强调包容关系。既可


include : 普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某


embrace : 正式用词,指把某事物纳入整个之中。

involve : 把包含因整体的性质决定的成分或结果。所包括的往往是无形的,不可触

知的东西,多用作引申。 comprehend : 正工用词,指包含在整体范围以内。

hold : 常和contain 换用。指能够容纳或有足够的容纳量。强调包容能力。

comprise : 书面用词,暗指一个整体包括不同部分所组成,可与include 交换使用。



The reasons are obvious.

? [教师点评][批改提示] obvious 的近义表达有conspicuous 。



For one thing, the quality-oriented education provides students with the chance of all-round development.

? [教师点评][搭配统计] 动名搭配 provide...student 在教材中出现过 189 次

SeeAlso: allow student 218, leave student 101, offer student 54, supply student 9, provide scholar 5, put_up student4


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: development , evolution 都表示“发展,进化”之意。

development : 强调通过一系列自然过程或人工方法使某物潜在或隐藏的可能性显露出来,得以实现。 evolution : 侧重指事物由简到繁,由低级到高级的连续发展,强调变化或演变。


? [批改提示] chance 的近义表达有alternative 。


? [批改提示] chance 表示“机会;可能性”。注意与opportunity 的区别。详情点击


? [批改提示] provide 的近义表达有lend 或offer 。



For another, only educated in this pattern can students enjoying their interests are motivated to their work and life, even the world.

? [教师点评][批改提示] 注意enjoy 和appreciate 的区别。

appreciate : 多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。

enjoy : 普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate, 多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: advantage, benefit, interest , favour, profit, gain 均有“利益,好处”之意。

advantage : 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。

benefit : 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。

interest : 作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。

favour : 指在竞争中获得的advantage, 也可指在狭隘的个人利益。

profit : 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。

gain : 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。


? [批改提示] educate 近义表达有teach/ train/ discipline/ instruct/ edify


(一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……

There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.

2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers ,however ,it is correct in many cases even today.

3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其


Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First,

____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.

4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays ,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception ,it has both advantages and disadvantages.

6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that

______.To them,_____.

7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.

8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

______ has become a hot topic among people ,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同


______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously ,______,but why?

(二)中间段落句 1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time ,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。 But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First ,______.What"s more, _____.Most important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures

to______. For one thing,______For another,______

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. _____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______.

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is ______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.

(三)结尾句 1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为…… As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that


2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

3. 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……

But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____,

while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.

4. 就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为……

Personally, I believe that_____. Consequently, I’m confident that a

bright future is awaiting us because______.

5. 随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to

____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

6. 至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能……

For my part, I think it reasonable to_____. Only in this way can you


7. 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……;第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

In my opinion, I think it necessary to____. The reasons are as follows. First _____.Second ______. Last but not least,______.

8. 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。

It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______.

9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

10. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……

If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do i


国际上最有最有影响力的反腐败国际组织是“透明国际”,2016年的最新数据表明丹麦是世界第一清廉国。在丹麦没有腐朽的理念和文化。政府会大力对国民,公务员进行廉洁教育,丹麦那句“不要认为你有什么特殊,你和我们每个人都一样”的谚语就是平等的精神最好的诠释。我们都知道丹麦是福利性国家,丹麦国民通过交税可以获得免费的教育,医疗和养老金等社会福利。虽然高额税收几乎达到个人收入的50%,但社会福利体系最大限度得减少了“谋生型腐败”的可能性,也就是说,高福利大大压缩了腐败的边际收益。金钱的诱惑减少了,人们就更趋向于做他们感兴趣的工作。 中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现代世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并正经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其中包括到2020年建成一个太空站。目前,中国是世界最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。2011年,中国超越日本成为世界第二大经济体。 China is one of the most ancient civilizations across the world, from which many elements that construct the foundation of the modern world are derived. Now China has the world's fastest growing economy and is experiencing a new industrial revolution. It has also launched an ambitious space exploration plan, including the building of a space station by 2020. Currently, being one of the largest exporters in the world, China is attracting massive foreign investment Meanwhile, it has invested billions of dollars overseas as well. In 2011, China surpassed Japan, largest economic entity in the world. 为了促进教育公平,中国已投入360亿元,用于改造农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育(compulsory education)。这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍,使16万多所中小学受益。资金还用购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到了本地农村学校就读。 In order to promote education equity, China has invested 36 billion yuan to improve the education facilities in rural areas and strengthen rural compulsory education in the central and western regions. The funds is used to better the school's teaching facilities and purchase books, from which more than 160,000 middle and primary schools have gained benefits. The money is also spent on acquiring musical and painting instruments. Nowadays, children in rural and mountainous areas can have access to music and drawing lessons just like children in coastal cities. Some students who had once transferred to urban schools for better education now return to the local rural schools.


1.Suppose a freshman asks you about the campus life,describe it to him and give your suggestions. On Campus Life Campus is a large stage to show yourselves because there are various kinds of activities awaiting you. Thrilling parties such as freshman initiation party offer you valuable chances to show your talents, enjoy yourselves and make new friends. Volunteering service, a worthy choice to serve people, gives you achievement and happiness. With many English lovers and foreigners,English corner is a good place for you to practice your oral English. Being immersed in these exciting activities you might be a little puzzled. Actually you need not participate in all of them.Self-management and self-control is necessary in college.It is wise to make a plan that fits your personality,interest and future development and follow it strictly.Do not be bothered by trivial things or distracted by online games which are nothing but a waste of time. If you can follow the suggestions above,you are bound to get the most out of your campus life. 翻译:改革开放政策使中国经济迅猛增长,令中国社会发生了巨大变化,同时,越来越多的农民工离开农村到城市工作,在城市中担任建筑工人、工厂工人、餐厅服务员和司机。他们跟城市工作者一起,把中国变成了世界工厂,为中国经济的增长做出了巨大贡献。然而,这一庞大群体却面临着诸多问题,如缺乏工伤赔偿和子女上学难等。 The reform and opening up policy brings rapid economic growth and great social changes to china. In the meanwhile, an increasing number of rural migrant workers have left their land in the countryside to work in cities as construction and factory workers, restaurant staff and drivers . Together with urban labors, they turn China into the factory of the world and contribute a lot to China’s fast-growing economy. However, the huge group is facing various problems such as a lack of industrial injury compensation and schooling for their children.


1.看图英语作文万能模板 第一段:描述图画 1、As is vividly shown in the picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) above, 图画的内容。The picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) tells ( 注意,如果是前面的图画是复数,则用 tell) us that 这个图片的大致反映的意思。 2、Recent years people in 地名(比如中国、北京、美国等等)have witnessed the fact that 描述 图片里的现象,And it is very common/usual to see that in recent years. 第二段:解释,说明和分析图片 1、The implied meaning of the picture(注意,同上进行单复数的处理) should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with, 揭示涵义/原因/结果1,Second/What’s more, 揭示涵义/原因/结果2。Last but not least/Finally, 揭示涵义/愿意/结果3(如果有的话)。And the social problem(如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people. 2、There may/might be three(也可以是两个) factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the 图片解释的现象。First of all, 原因1。And then the second reason is that 原因2。The last reason,I think, is that原因3。 第三段:给出自己的看法和想法以及解决问题的办法。 1、In my view/point of view (或者说as for me),We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 具体的措施1.And then we have to /must具体的措施2.Only in these ways,can we solve the problem of 具体的问题。 2、It is true that these unique/social points can/could together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it.采取的措施1和2. Only in this way can we实现的目标! 开始段:介绍现象的具体状况和普遍程度。 中间段:解释产生这种现象的原因或意义,并做出一定分析。 结尾段:提出建议或总结观点或表明态度。 As is vividly shown in the drawing above, 画图内容. The drawing does mirror a co mmon social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking.


大学四级英语作文范文(5篇) 【篇一】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic College Students’Job Hunting. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1. 近几年出现了大学生就业难的现象 2. 产生这种现象的原因(如大学生追求的目标过高,专业不对口等) 3. 如何解决这一问题(改变就业观念,大学生再培训等) College Students’Job Hunting In recent years, college students find it increasingly difficult to get a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon? There are several reasons for this. To begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good”jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently, most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider not “good”enough. Another reason is that there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs. Solution to the problem requires efforts on both the society and the students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent. 点评:本范例题为社会热点话题。近年来大学生就业难日益成为各级政府及社会各方面关注的焦点,媒体也广泛报道了大学生就业形势严峻,呼吁全社会共同努力;此外,该范例题也与大学生就业密切相关,也是四级作文选题重点之一。 【篇二】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of traffic jam. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.在现代社会,城市交通问题变得越来越严重 2.城市交通问题的表现以及对人们生活的影响 3.解决的方法与措施 Traffic Jam There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?. The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we


四级英语作文模板(精选多篇) 第一篇:四级英语作文模板 四级模板(一般均为议论文) 正文模板: recently,**has become a hot topic of general public in our soceity,especially for those who are faced with this situation. some people take it for granted that......。however ,other people reckon that...... those people who hold the former opinion believe that ……however ,there are still other people who advocate the latter opinion because…… as for me , my favor goes to the former/latter opinion .first of all ,……..what’s more ,……what we must do is to make sure that the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are minimized as much as possible. reasons(原因) why should this phenomenon take place there are generally many factors , accounting for it . to start with ,svo. moreover , svo. there are some other reasons for it , but i think the factors mentioned above are sound and reasonable . example(举例)


01:解决问题的多种途径 In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) another -------------(解决方法二). Finally, --------------(解决方法三). Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently(因 此 --------------(带来的好处). 02:对比选择型 When it comes to ____ ,different people hold different views . Some contend(主张) that____. For one thing,____ .For another, _______,They point out[指出] that____ .Another instance[情况] often cited[引用] is that____ . _____. 03:说明利弊题型 二). ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A 的第二个缺点).

Through the above[上文的] analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh[比..更重] the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法). (From the comparison[比较] between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably[合理的] and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ---------------(对前景的预测).) 04:议论文框架 (1) 不同观点列举型(选择型) There is a widespread[广泛的] concern over the issue that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一________. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____. People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______. On the other hand, ____原因二_____. Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __ 观点一或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. ( 3 ) 答题性议论文 Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____.


英语四级作文万能模版 ? 英语四级作文万能模板和常用句型-段首句、中间句、结尾句 段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people sug gest that ____. 2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多 场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,how ever,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。 更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, _ ___ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 中间段落句 1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。 On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same tim e,they say____. 2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。 But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____. Worst of all,___. 3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。 而且……,最重要的是…… ______is necessary and important to our country"s development and con struction. First,______.What"s more, _____.Most important of all,______. 4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______ 5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一



1.Suppose a freshman asks you about the campus life,describe it to him and give your suggestions. On Campus Life Campus is a large stage to show yourselves because there are various kinds of activities awaiting you. Thrilling parties such as freshman initiation party offer you valuable chances to show your talents, enjoy yourselves and make new friends. Volunteering service, a worthy choice to serve people, gives you achievement and happiness. With many English lovers and foreigners,English corner is a good place for you to practice your oral English. Being immersed in these exciting activities you might be a little puzzled. Actually you need not participate in all of them.Self-management and self-control is necessary in college.It is wise to make a plan that fits your personality,interest and future development and follow it strictly.Do not be bothered by trivial things or distracted by online games which are nothing but a waste of time. If you can follow the suggestions above,you are bound to get the most out of your campus life. 翻译:改革开放政策使中国经济迅猛增长,令中国社会发生了巨大变化,同时,越来越多的农民工离开农村到城市工作,在城市中担任建筑工人、工厂工人、餐厅服务员和司机。他们跟城市工作者一起,把中国变成了世界工厂,为中国经济的增长做出了巨大贡献。然而,这一庞大群体却面临着诸多问题,如缺乏工伤赔偿和子女上学难等。 The reform and opening up policy brings rapid economic growth and great social changes to china. In the meanwhile, an increasing number of rural migrant workers have left their land in the countryside to work in cities as construction and factory workers, restaurant staff and drivers . Together with urban labors, they turn China into the factory of the world and contribute a lot to China’s fast-growing economy. However, the huge group is facing various problems such as a lack of industrial injury compensation and schooling for their children.


作文1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)现在有一些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡 2)但有人认为网络游戏并不是一无是处 3)你对此的看法是…… 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出对于某问题的一种反面看法,提纲第2点指出对于该问题的正面看法,提纲第3点要求谈谈“我”对该问题的看法,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出大学生沉迷于网络游戏的问题,阐述家长和老师对该问题的否定态度和他们的担忧;指出一些人对待网络游戏的肯定态度,并阐述网络游戏的好处;表明“我”对网络游戏的看法。 【参考范文】 Online Games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents。 However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly。 From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. But if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them。 作文2 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Machine Translation and Human Translation. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)现在诸多的电子辞典及相关翻译软件被开发出来,人们不再需要翻阅厚重的字典 2)有人认为以后机器翻译会完全取代人工翻译 3)你是否同意这种观点,为什么? 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种新兴事物,提纲第2点针对该事物提出一种有争议的观点,提纲第3点要求表明“我”是否同意这种观点,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述电子辞典和翻译软件的使用现状,引出机器翻译会代替人工翻译的观点;表明“我”对这一观点的态度并说明理由;总结“我”的观点,提出建议。


1环境污染 From the picture above, we can see that people are coughing in the polluted air. With air pollution worsening than before, pm 2.5 has become a usual word for us. Needless to say, people do not like this word, as the content the word represents does great harm to people's health. As the polluted air does affect our health, we should take some measures to make the air cleaner. On the one hand, we should take mass transit(公共交通)instead of driving a car. According to a recent study, vehicle exhaust(汽车废气)is a main source of air pollution, so if vehicle exhaust reduces, the air will become cleaner. On the other hand, more trees should be planted to absorb the tiny dust in the air, which surely will make the air cleaner. Protection of the environment needs constant efforts by every people on the planet. Only in this way can we have cleaner air and more livable environment. 2改编名著 Adaptation Should Not Go Too Far From the Classics In recent years, many classics, especially the Four Great Classical Novels, have been adapted in improper ways. For examples, in a TV series adapted from Journey to the West, Monkey King ridiculously falls in love with an evil spirit(妖精). It has gone too far from the original version in which the upright Monkey shows no mercy to ant evil spirit. Various reasons account for this phenomenon.Firstly, readers' or audiences' preference plays a critical role. In this market economy, where there is demand, there is supply. So many play writers or directors cater for(迎合)these people's need. Secondly, some producers want to attract people and make profit. To curb this phenomenon, I think two measures should be taken. First, it's necessary to change the way people treat classics. An adapted version that goes too far from the original one is not merely disrespect to the author, but also misleads the readers or the audiences. Second, the concerned authority should check and ban TV series, videos or books that spoof(愚弄)classics. 3手机控 Addiction to Smartphones Do you check your smartphone frequently? Do you feel distracted if your smartphone is not with you? When there’s no wifi or signal for your smartphone, will you get irritated生气? If you say yes, then you’ve got addiction to smartphones.


如何应对压力How to Cope with Stress With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal with it? Here are some tips that I hope can be useful. Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It’s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy. Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the surroundings and don’t think about the solutions when faced with problems. We all know that complaint can do nothing but only let you down. As long as the problem not solved, the pressure is always there. Fourthly, tell others your pressure and get help from them. Lots of pressure can’t be solved by our own and the rational way is talking the pressure to workmates or friends to get help from them. But the premise to do so is that we d on’t intend to put pressure to others but to seek help and support to solve problems. Of course, there also are some other ways to cope with stress, such as readjusting goal and expectation, playing games to relax, even shopping or eating. But no matter how, solving the problem that causes stress is the best way. 清明节The Qingming Festival The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 solar terms in China, falling on April 4-6 each year. After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increase. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called “Arbor Day”, but since 1979, “Arbor Day” was settled on March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar But the Qingming Festival is not only a solar term to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration. It sees a combination of sadness and happiness. This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer

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