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北京海淀区则提出了一个生态办公区EOD (EconomicalOfficeDistrict)的全新建设计划。按照该设计规划,EOD区域里的建筑全部为最高两层的单体小楼,有仿古建筑、欧式农家小屋式建筑、通体以玻璃结构为主的通透式建筑等,强调采光与绿化,选材上则注重环保,雨水收集渗漏系统、太阳能利用系统、可循环利用再生材料、绿化防晒墙、自然通风系统等一应俱全。









杭州的星河商务大厦、越都商务大厦和环城北路的财富中心,都有部分的LOFT商务空间,文晖路上的现代领地,是杭州第一个纯LOFT 商务楼。




The new trend of the development of modern office building green determines the value of personality to win the market

William A. Klein

Enter after twenty-first Century, the Americans made a statistics, found the United States tax source 83.5% from office, not the factory. China estimates the proportion is not so high, but equally, office no longer twentieth Century industrial civilization times, only the factory management subsidiary, is the only business reception, only managers facade, and truly become the accumulation of wealth.

Because the office properties of this kind of fundamental change, office development, nature also pay more and more attention to the user, in particular to create the greatest value and employee comfort, health, the personalized needs of users, can stimulate the inspiration, more efficient mental creation, become new era office main standard. Modern office building development, thus appeared the following new trend.

Ecological office: green value

Several years ago, IBM because of environmental factors from Zhongguancun moved out, because the IBM global office should abide by22 degrees Celsius temperature standard for office, keep tropical fish standard to raise a person, raise equipment, while Zhongguancun is not up to the requirements.

Big business critical showing modern office buildings feature -- Ecological Office has become a trend, the most expensive house no longer is the tallest building, but the environment is best, the most comfortable building.

Of course, the ecological office not only means the small environment green and comfortable, also means the environmental energy saving and environmental protection, not only let the staff happy work, improve

efficiency, can save more costs, let the boss happy to make money.

Ecological high-rise office building

The dependence of the downtown business circle of high-rise office buildings, the environment can not choose, small environmental protection of the ecological environment there are still many as. For example, through the sheet body building, external shading device, respiratory curtain wall, thermal insulation glass, air conditioning, three-dimensional greening mode, to create ecological office building.

External shading devices in foreign high-grade office buildings in a wide range of applications, such as British Nottingham internal revenue center, on the use of lightweight visor and automatic control of the shutter, the entire group of buildings can not only make full use of natural light in daytime, there can be effectively shielded outdoor straight rays, avoid indoor glare. Domestic high-grade office buildings, began using external shading devices, such as Beijing 's top office new Poly Plaza, in the building's west side and on the south side of the vertical stone sunshade louver, according to Beijing's four seasons light settings to ensure the best angle, the biggest summer shading effect and winter best sunshine effect.

Wall thermal insulation energy-saving construction is the important part of the modern office building, curtain wall, than the general more insulation, ventilation breathable wall and LOW - E glass with special function glass became the preferred. Known as the Beijing Chang'an Avenue ending throne in the top office Chemsunny Plaza, used is the two-tier breathing type glass curtain wall. The whole glass curtain wall is

composed of three layers of glass structure, the outer glass is laminated glass, thickness10.76 mm, good flatness, decrease the deformation, reduced refraction; the inner layer of glass is used in LOW, E glass, thermal insulation properties strong, the external heat reflection, prevent the heat into the two layer; curtain wall is arranged between the a180 mm wide space, outdoor air through the outer curtain wall glass window located in the upper and lower portions of the slit to form circulation. While still in the two layer is arranged in the wall between80mm wide perforated aluminum alloy louver sunshade, advanced building automation system ( BA ) connected computer control center, according to seasonal and climatic conditions automatically change the sunshade angle, not only guarantee the lighting, and put an end to the sun. Ping Banlou body is also a kind of green and ecological architecture. Beijing Desheng home on the selection of thin body building, every unit has a width of at least in 8 meters of above, single depth only 7.2meters, with a large area of the full glass windows, ventilation and lighting effect remarkable.

Beijing Zhongguancun best office Raycom information A, every3 meters to be able to open 1.5meters outside the window, combining architectural type structure, natural wind can easily convection inside of the building; building and three triangular green garden, building on both sides with the life of green space, let a person feel like in the garden of office.

Air conditioning system is an important part of the ecological office building. Like the Beijing Century Fortune Center, Beijing new Poly Plaza and Shenzhen 's top office China Resources Building, use the VAV variable air volume air conditioning system, through the efficient air treatment equipment, VAV bellows and high accuracy controller of DDC ( direct digital controller ), and with the beginning of efficiency, in effect of two-stage filtration equipment, make the building in the air more fresh, comfortable.

In Hangzhou, the ecological office building has just started, like Dragon Century Square with the breathing wall, Binjiang District UT Starcom new building large area by LOW - E glass, and Huanglong area the building, it can be considered a more comprehensive ecological office building, the open curtain wall, the outer visor, argon gas filling LOW - E hollow glass, new refrigerant super multi-evaporator inverter central air conditioning, heat exchanger, energy-saving water tap and a series of materials, equipment, and a7000square meters of green central courtyard, very rare.

Ecological low layer courtyard business building

Ecological office more thoroughly, nature is directly to the countryside landscape office area, lying on the ground, with green binding, which in Europe and the United States has gradually become a trend, especially high-tech, need the mind creative enterprises.

Landscape office derives from Howard's" garden city" concept, generally located in the city of big city brim, low density, small volume of office building with beautiful green landscape organic union, make the worker in the leisure environment to produce a more inspiration.

The most typical landscape district office is the United States Silicon Valley, by various business Garden community composition, like the famous Oracle Corp built along the lake, the entire building at the lake started slowly, with picturesque landscape.

The United States of Colorado Aurora City Water Park Office Park, artificial lakes, waterfalls, streams, small pool, create a dreamy water garden scenery, in office, nature is refreshed.

In addition, in the United States Seattle City Microsoft headquarters

is also a landscape office area, there are110 small office building, from any one office room window, can see green trees.

By the Silicon Valley architectural inspiration, Beijing got a" BDA international enterprise Avenue", the project consists of 43building three or four storey small standing pose, every office building covers an area of3000-5000 square meters. Low level, low density satisfies the user to the sunlight and air pursuit; enterprise further, and can determine its own property decorative style, internal layout; exclusive naming rights to show strength and can display their brand.

Beijing Haidian District provides an ecological office district EOD ( EconomicalOfficeDistrict ) of the new building plans. According to the design and planning, EOD area construction for all the top two layers of single building, with antique architecture, European architecture, the cottage to glass structure consisting mainly of transparent type construction, emphasizing lighting and greening, material selection, pay attention to environmental protection, rainwater leakage system, solar energy utilization system, circulating use of recycled materials, green sun wall, natural ventilation system and other goods are available in all varieties.

The closest to Hangzhou ecological office district concept is scientific and Technological Park, although not a building, but the building is also low to the ground, ventilated daylighting is good, the edge is old and hill, park was an idyllic scene, snack flavor. In addition, the building's southeast northwest edge of each have a four layer of single-family turret, in the area of 2000 square meters, can enjoy the7000 square meters of the central garden, and independent import and use, a single-family office.

Recently, in the river, pine million feet of a sunny courtyard, tall fir still erected in the deep courtyard, a few big white low density houses

as a private villa community, it is a by the old courtyard alterations in the courtyard building,3000 square meters of office area in two to the three layer the small houses, enjoy the6000 square meters of outdoor green space, north-south permeability of large bay, green landscape to the limited space -- Kai million business building unique building location ideas open up a brand-new office concept," close to nature, let the staff in the green ecological work". Undoubtedly, garden-style office in response to the Hangzhou such a mountain and water garden cities, to attract domestic and foreign top company settled.

Personality: to a few people consider office

Industrial Differentiation, personalized business more and more, personalized office also has become a development trend, the development office, should no longer is 50-2000 square meters of customers all heart, beard Yibazhua eyebrows, and according to the regional market characteristics and target customer behavior pattern should be in the function of positioning, to innovate, to fully to meet customer demand for personalized. Sometimes, for a few people consider the office space, but more to win the market.

LOFT office space

The original LOFT refers to the industrial plant and warehouse in large open space. LOFT become the office fashion should be traced back to the nineteen forties New York artists under the livelihood, gathered in the Manhattan area ( SoHo soohoo ), because there is in New York with the most intensive unused workshop, open space and cheap. Western artists to open waste plant into a studio, in which art, high space, bright lighting and the true nature of the ecological environment, contributes to the release of energy, improve work efficiency.

798 Beijing, Shanghai "Suzhou River artists warehouse", Kunming's "river

of Hangzhou", hang Yinlu "LOFT49" etc., all belong to the old building art, personalized processing. And the modern city of Beijing LOFT offices, is through more than 5 meters tall, deliberately create a spacious office space.

Hangzhou Xinghe building business, more business building and the around the city north of the center of wealth, are part of the LOFT business space, Wenhui Road modern territory, Hangzhou is the first pure LOFT business building.

The MORE office building

Another kind of personalized office mode is MORE. The original MORE refers to a community group to concentrate on providing the resident office, foreign business resources support. Its characteristic is the centralized resource allocation, and can be shared. Positioning in the MORE concept office customers need a lot of information sources and foreign exchanges and contacts, at the same time, often work overtime, they need to provide more support. Therefore, MORE office configuration of the common kitchen, common room, common rooms and business centre rich shared resources, to allow customers to enjoy more general characteristics of services and resources to support. Like the Schengen international TOWNHOUSE office building, known as the" CIS senior office base", have the function of.


外文出处: 《Exploiting Software How to Break Code》By Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : February 17, 2004 ISBN : 0-201-78695-8 译文标题: JDBC接口技术 译文: JDBC是一种可用于执行SQL语句的JavaAPI(ApplicationProgrammingInterface应用程序设计接口)。它由一些Java语言编写的类和界面组成。JDBC为数据库应用开发人员、数据库前台工具开发人员提供了一种标准的应用程序设计接口,使开发人员可以用纯Java语言编写完整的数据库应用程序。 一、ODBC到JDBC的发展历程 说到JDBC,很容易让人联想到另一个十分熟悉的字眼“ODBC”。它们之间有没有联系呢?如果有,那么它们之间又是怎样的关系呢? ODBC是OpenDatabaseConnectivity的英文简写。它是一种用来在相关或不相关的数据库管理系统(DBMS)中存取数据的,用C语言实现的,标准应用程序数据接口。通过ODBCAPI,应用程序可以存取保存在多种不同数据库管理系统(DBMS)中的数据,而不论每个DBMS使用了何种数据存储格式和编程接口。 1.ODBC的结构模型 ODBC的结构包括四个主要部分:应用程序接口、驱动器管理器、数据库驱动器和数据源。应用程序接口:屏蔽不同的ODBC数据库驱动器之间函数调用的差别,为用户提供统一的SQL编程接口。 驱动器管理器:为应用程序装载数据库驱动器。 数据库驱动器:实现ODBC的函数调用,提供对特定数据源的SQL请求。如果需要,数据库驱动器将修改应用程序的请求,使得请求符合相关的DBMS所支持的文法。 数据源:由用户想要存取的数据以及与它相关的操作系统、DBMS和用于访问DBMS的网络平台组成。 虽然ODBC驱动器管理器的主要目的是加载数据库驱动器,以便ODBC函数调用,但是数据库驱动器本身也执行ODBC函数调用,并与数据库相互配合。因此当应用系统发出调用与数据源进行连接时,数据库驱动器能管理通信协议。当建立起与数据源的连接时,数据库驱动器便能处理应用系统向DBMS发出的请求,对分析或发自数据源的设计进行必要的翻译,并将结果返回给应用系统。 2.JDBC的诞生 自从Java语言于1995年5月正式公布以来,Java风靡全球。出现大量的用java语言编写的程序,其中也包括数据库应用程序。由于没有一个Java语言的API,编程人员不得不在Java程序中加入C语言的ODBC函数调用。这就使很多Java的优秀特性无法充分发挥,比如平台无关性、面向对象特性等。随着越来越多的编程人员对Java语言的日益喜爱,越来越多的公司在Java程序开发上投入的精力日益增加,对java语言接口的访问数据库的API 的要求越来越强烈。也由于ODBC的有其不足之处,比如它并不容易使用,没有面向对象的特性等等,SUN公司决定开发一Java语言为接口的数据库应用程序开发接口。在JDK1.x 版本中,JDBC只是一个可选部件,到了JDK1.1公布时,SQL类包(也就是JDBCAPI)


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:软件开发概念和设计方法文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

外文资料原文 Software Development Concepts and Design Methodologies During the 1960s, ma inframes and higher level programming languages were applied to man y problems including human resource s yste ms,reservation s yste ms, and manufacturing s yste ms. Computers and software were seen as the cure all for man y bu siness issues were some times applied blindly. S yste ms sometimes failed to solve the problem for which the y were designed for man y reasons including: ?Inability to sufficiently understand complex problems ?Not sufficiently taking into account end-u ser needs, the organizational environ ment, and performance tradeoffs ?Inability to accurately estimate development time and operational costs ?Lack of framework for consistent and regular customer communications At this time, the concept of structured programming, top-down design, stepwise refinement,and modularity e merged. Structured programming is still the most dominant approach to software engineering and is still evo lving. These failures led to the concept of "software engineering" based upon the idea that an engineering-like discipl ine could be applied to software design and develop ment. Software design is a process where the software designer applies techniques and principles to produce a conceptual model that de scribes and defines a solution to a problem. In the beginning, this des ign process has not been well structured and the model does not alwa ys accurately represent the problem of software development. However,design methodologies have been evolving to accommo date changes in technolog y coupled with our increased understanding of development processes. Whereas early desig n methods addressed specific aspects of the


使用高级分析法的钢框架创新设计 1.导言 在美国,钢结构设计方法包括允许应力设计法(ASD),塑性设计法(PD)和荷载阻力系数设计法(LRFD)。在允许应力设计中,应力计算基于一阶弹性分析,而几何非线性影响则隐含在细部设计方程中。在塑性设计中,结构分析中使用的是一阶塑性铰分析。塑性设计使整个结构体系的弹性力重新分配。尽管几何非线性和逐步高产效应并不在塑性设计之中,但它们近似细部设计方程。在荷载和阻力系数设计中,含放大系数的一阶弹性分析或单纯的二阶弹性分析被用于几何非线性分析,而梁柱的极限强度隐藏在互动设计方程。所有三个设计方法需要独立进行检查,包括系数K计算。在下面,对荷载抗力系数设计法的特点进行了简要介绍。 结构系统内的内力及稳定性和它的构件是相关的,但目前美国钢结构协会(AISC)的荷载抗力系数规范把这种分开来处理的。在目前的实际应用中,结构体系和它构件的相互影响反映在有效长度这一因素上。这一点在社会科学研究技术备忘录第五录摘录中有描述。 尽管结构最大内力和构件最大内力是相互依存的(但不一定共存),应当承认,严格考虑这种相互依存关系,很多结构是不实际的。与此同时,众所周知当遇到复杂框架设计中试图在柱设计时自动弥补整个结构的不稳定(例如通过调整柱的有效长度)是很困难的。因此,社会科学研究委员会建议在实际设计中,这两方面应单独考虑单独构件的稳定性和结构的基础及结构整体稳定性。图28.1就是这种方法的间接分析和设计方法。

在目前的美国钢结构协会荷载抗力系数规范中,分析结构体系的方法是一阶弹性分析或二阶弹性分析。在使用一阶弹性分析时,考虑到二阶效果,一阶力矩都是由B1,B2系数放大。在规范中,所有细部都是从结构体系中独立出来,他们通过细部内力曲线和规范给出的那些隐含二阶效应,非弹性,残余应力和挠度的相互作用设计的。理论解答和实验性数据的拟合曲线得到了柱曲线和梁曲线,同时Kanchanalai发现的所谓“精确”塑性区解决方案的拟合曲线确定了梁柱相互作用方程。 为了证明单个细部内力对整个结构体系的影响,使用了有效长度系数,如图28.2所示。有效长度方法为框架结构提供了一个良好的设计。然而,有效长度方法的


I / 11 本科毕业设计外文翻译 <2018届) 论文题目基于WEB 的J2EE 的信息系统的方法研究 作者姓名[单击此处输入姓名] 指导教师[单击此处输入姓名] 学科(专业 > 所在学院计算机科学与技术学院 提交日期[时间 ]

基于WEB的J2EE的信息系统的方法研究 摘要:本文介绍基于工程的Java开发框架背后的概念,并介绍它如何用于IT 工程开发。因为有许多相同设计和开发工作在不同的方式下重复,而且并不总是符合最佳实践,所以许多开发框架建立了。我们已经定义了共同关注的问题和应用模式,代表有效解决办法的工具。开发框架提供:<1)从用户界面到数据集成的应用程序开发堆栈;<2)一个架构,基本环境及他们的相关技术,这些技术用来使用其他一些框架。架构定义了一个开发方法,其目的是协助客户开发工程。 关键词:J2EE 框架WEB开发 一、引言 软件工具包用来进行复杂的空间动态系统的非线性分析越来越多地使用基于Web的网络平台,以实现他们的用户界面,科学分析,分布仿真结果和科学家之间的信息交流。对于许多应用系统基于Web访问的非线性分析模拟软件成为一个重要组成部分。网络硬件和软件方面的密集技术变革[1]提供了比过去更多的自由选择机会[2]。因此,WEB平台的合理选择和发展对整个地区的非线性分析及其众多的应用程序具有越来越重要的意义。现阶段的WEB发展的特点是出现了大量的开源框架。框架将Web开发提到一个更高的水平,使基本功能的重复使用成为可能和从而提高了开发的生产力。 在某些情况下,开源框架没有提供常见问题的一个解决方案。出于这个原因,开发在开源框架的基础上建立自己的工程发展框架。本文旨在描述是一个基于Java的框架,该框架利用了开源框架并有助于开发基于Web的应用。通过分析现有的开源框架,本文提出了新的架构,基本环境及他们用来提高和利用其他一些框架的相关技术。架构定义了自己开发方法,其目的是协助客户开发和事例工程。 应用程序设计应该关注在工程中的重复利用。即使有独特的功能要求,也


本科生毕业设计(论文)外文科技文献译文 译文题目(外文题目)学院(系)Socket网络编程的设计与实现A Design and Implementation of Active Network Socket Programming 机械与能源工程学院 专学业 号 机械设计制造及其自动化 071895 学生姓名李杰林 日期2012年5月27日指导教师签名日期

摘要:编程节点和活跃网络的概念将可编程性引入到通信网络中,并且代码和数据可以在发送过程中进行修改。最近,多个研究小组已经设计和实现了自己的设计平台。每个设计都有其自己的优点和缺点,但是在不同平台之间都存在着互操作性问题。因此,我们引入一个类似网络socket编程的概念。我们建立一组针对应用程序进行编程的简单接口,这组被称为活跃网络Socket编程(ANSP)的接口,将在所有执行环境下工作。因此,ANSP 提供一个类似于“一次性编写,无限制运行”的开放编程模型,它可以工作在所有的可执行环境下。它解决了活跃网络中的异构性,当应用程序需要访问异构网络内的所有地区,在临界点部署特殊服务或监视整个网络的性能时显得相当重要。我们的方案是在现有的环境中,所有应用程序可以很容易地安装上一个薄薄的透明层而不是引入一个新的平台。 关键词:活跃网络;应用程序编程接口;活跃网络socket编程

1 导言 1990年,为了在互联网上引入新的网络协议,克拉克和藤农豪斯[1]提出了一种新的设 计框架。自公布这一标志性文件,活跃网络设计框架[2,3,10]已经慢慢在20世纪90 年代末成形。活跃网络允许程序代码和数据可以同时在互联网上提供积极的网络范式,此外,他们可以在传送到目的地的过程中得到执行和修改。ABone作为一个全球性的骨干网络,开 始进行活跃网络实验。除执行平台的不成熟,商业上活跃网络在互联网上的部署也成为主要障碍。例如,一个供应商可能不乐意让网络路由器运行一些可能影响其预期路由性能的未知程序,。因此,作为替代提出了允许活跃网络在互联网上运作的概念,如欧洲研究课题组提出的应用层活跃网络(ALAN)项目[4]。 在ALAN项目中,活跃服务器系统位于网络的不同地址,并且这些应用程序都可以运行在活跃系统的网络应用层上。另一个潜在的方法是网络服务提供商提供更优质的活跃网络服务类。这个服务类应该提供最优质的服务质量(QOS),并允许路由器对计算机的访问。通过这种方法,网络服务提供商可以创建一个新的收入来源。 对活跃网络的研究已取得稳步进展。由于活跃网络在互联网上推出了可编程性,相应 地应建立供应用程序工作的可执行平台。这些操作系统平台执行环境(EES),其中一些已 被创建,例如,活跃信号协议(ASP)[12]和活跃网络传输系统(ANTS)[11]。因此,不 同的应用程序可以实现对活跃网络概念的测试。 在这些EES 环境下,已经开展了一系列验证活跃网络概念的实验,例如,移动网络[5],网页代理[6],多播路由器[7]。活跃网络引进了很多在网络上兼有灵活性和可扩展性的方案。几个研究小组已经提出了各种可通过路由器进行网络计算的可执行环境。他们的成果和现有基础设施的潜在好处正在被评估[8,9]。不幸的是,他们很少关心互操作性问题,活跃网络由多个执行环境组成,例如,在ABone 中存在三个EES,专为一个EES编写的应用程序不能在其他平台上运行。这就出现了一种资源划分为不同运行环境的问题。此外,总是有一些关键的网络应用需要跨环境运行,如信息收集和关键点部署监测网络的服务。 在本文中,被称为活跃网络Socket编程(ANSP)的框架模型,可以在所有EES下运行。它提供了以下主要目标: ??通过单一编程接口编写应用程序。 由于ANSP提供的编程接口,使得EES的设计与ANSP 独立。这使得未来执行环境的发展和提高更加透明。


1. Introduction America is one of the countries that speak English. Because of the special North American culture, developing history and the social environment, American English has formed its certain unique forms and the meaning. Then it turned into American English that has the special features of the United States. American English which sometimes also called United English or U.S English is the form of the English language that used widely in the United States .As the rapid development of American economy, and its steady position and strong power in the world, American English has become more and more widely used. As in 2005, more than two-thirds of English native speakers use various forms of American English. The philologists of the United States had divided the English of the United States into four major types: “America n creating”; “Old words given the new meaning”; “Words that eliminated by English”;“The phonetic foreign phrases and the languages that are not from the English immigrates”[1]. Compared to the other languages, American English is much simple on word spelling, usage and grammar, and it is one of the reasons that American English is so popular in the world. The thesis analyzes the differences between American English and British English. With the main part, it deals with the development of American English, its peculiarities compared to that of British English, its causes and tendency. 2. Analyses the Differences As we English learners, when we learning English in our junior or senior school, we already came across some words that have different spellings, different pronunciations or different expressions, which can be represented by following contrasted words: spellings in "color" vs. "colour"; pronunciations in "sec-re-ta-ry" vs. "sec-re-try";


毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目西安市水源工程中的 水电站设计 专业水利水电工程 班级 学生 指导教师 2016年

研究钢弧形闸门的动态稳定性 牛志国 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 nzg_197901@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f412739959.html,,niuzhiguo@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f412739959.html, 李同春 河海大学水利水电工程学院,中国南京,邮编210098 ltchhu@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f412739959.html, 摘要 由于钢弧形闸门的结构特征和弹力,调查对参数共振的弧形闸门的臂一直是研究领域的热点话题弧形弧形闸门的动力稳定性。在这个论文中,简化空间框架作为分析模型,根据弹性体薄壁结构的扰动方程和梁单元模型和薄壁结构的梁单元模型,动态不稳定区域的弧形闸门可以通过有限元的方法,应用有限元的方法计算动态不稳定性的主要区域的弧形弧形闸门工作。此外,结合物理和数值模型,对识别新方法的参数共振钢弧形闸门提出了调查,本文不仅是重要的改进弧形闸门的参数振动的计算方法,但也为进一步研究弧形弧形闸门结构的动态稳定性打下了坚实的基础。 简介 低举升力,没有门槽,好流型,和操作方便等优点,使钢弧形闸门已经广泛应用于水工建筑物。弧形闸门的结构特点是液压完全作用于弧形闸门,通过门叶和主大梁,所以弧形闸门臂是主要的组件确保弧形闸门安全操作。如果周期性轴向载荷作用于手臂,手臂的不稳定是在一定条件下可能发生。调查指出:在弧形闸门的20次事故中,除了极特殊的破坏情况下,弧形闸门的破坏的原因是弧形闸门臂的不稳定;此外,明显的动态作用下发生破坏。例如:张山闸,位于中国的江苏省,包括36个弧形闸门。当一个弧形闸门打开放水时,门被破坏了,而其他弧形闸门则关闭,受到静态静水压力仍然是一样的,很明显,一个动态的加载是造成的弧形闸门破坏一个主要因素。因此弧形闸门臂的动态不稳定是造成弧形闸门(特别是低水头的弧形闸门)破坏的主要原是毫无疑问。


Section 3 Design philosophy, design method and earth pressures 3.1 Design philosophy 3.1.1 General The design of earth retaining structures requires consideration of the interaction between the ground and the structure. It requires the performance of two sets of calculations: 1)a set of equilibrium calculations to determine the overall proportions and the geometry of the structure necessary to achieve equilibrium under the relevant earth pressures and forces; 2)structural design calculations to determine the size and properties of thestructural sections necessary to resist the bending moments and shear forces determined from the equilibrium calculations. Both sets of calculations are carried out for specific design situations (see 3.2.2) in accordance with the principles of limit state design. The selected design situations should be sufficiently Severe and varied so as to encompass all reasonable conditions which can be foreseen during the period of construction and the life of the retaining wall. 3.1.2 Limit state design This code of practice adopts the philosophy of limit state design. This philosophy does not impose upon the designer any special requirements as to the manner in which the safety and stability of the retaining wall may be achieved, whether by overall factors of safety, or partial factors of safety, or by other measures. Limit states (see 1.3.13) are classified into: a) ultimate limit states (see 3.1.3); b) serviceability limit states (see 3.1.4). Typical ultimate limit states are depicted in figure 3. Rupture states which are reached before collapse occurs are, for simplicity, also classified and


编号: 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 (原文) 院(系):应用科技学院 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名:邓瑜 学号:0501120501 指导教师单位:应用科技学院 姓名:黄小能 职称: 2009年 5 月20 日

The Injection Molding The Introduction of Molds The mold is at the core of a plastic manufacturing process because its cavity gives a part its shape. This makes the mold at least as critical-and many cases more so-for the quality of the end product as, for example, the plasticiting unit or other components of the processing equipment. Mold Material Depending on the processing parameters for the various processing methods as well as the length of the production run, the number of finished products to be produced, molds for plastics processing must satisfy a great variety of requirements. It is therefore not surprising that molds can be made from a very broad spectrum of materials, including-from a technical standpoint-such exotic materials as paper matched and plaster. However, because most processes require high pressures, often combined with high temperatures, metals still represent by far the most important material group, with steel being the predominant metal. It is interesting in this regard that, in many cases, the selection of the mold material is not only a question of material properties and an optimum price-to-performance ratio but also that the methods used to produce the mold, and thus the entire design, can be influenced. A typical example can be seen in the choice between cast metal molds, with their very different cooling systems, compared to machined molds. In addition, the production technique can also have an effect; for instance, it is often reported that, for the sake of simplicity, a prototype mold is frequently machined from solid stock with the aid of the latest technology such as computer-aided (CAD) and computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM). In contrast to the previously used methods based on the use of patterns, the use of CAD and CAM often represents the more economical solution today, not only because this production capability is available pin-house but also because with any other technique an order would have to be placed with an outside supplier. Overall, although high-grade materials are often used, as a rule standard materials are used in mold making. New, state-of-the art (high-performance) materials, such as ceramics, for instance, are almost completely absent. This may be related to the fact that their desirable characteristics, such as constant properties up to very high temperatures, are not required on molds, whereas their negative characteristics, e. g. low tensile strength and poor thermal conductivity, have a clearly related to ceramics, such as sintered material, is found in mild making only to a limited degree. This refers less to the modern materials and components


毕业设计外文资料翻译 题目POLISHING OF CERAMIC TILES 抛光瓷砖 学院材料科学与工程 专业复合材料与工程 班级 学生 学号 指导教师 二〇一二年三月二十八日

MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 17(3), 401–413 (2002) POLISHING OF CERAMIC TILES C. Y. Wang,* X. Wei, and H. Yuan Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Guangdong University ofTechnology, Guangzhou 510090, P.R. China ABSTRACT Grinding and polishing are important steps in the production of decorative vitreous ceramic tiles. Different combinations of finishing wheels and polishing wheels are tested to optimize their selection. The results show that the surface glossiness depends not only on the surface quality before machining, but also on the characteristics of the ceramic tiles as well as the performance of grinding and polishing wheels. The performance of the polishing wheel is the key for a good final surface quality. The surface glossiness after finishing must be above 208 in order to get higher polishing quality because finishing will limit the maximum surface glossiness by polishing. The optimized combination of grinding and polishing wheels for all the steps will achieve shorter machining times and better surface quality. No obvious relationships are found between the hardness of ceramic tiles and surface quality or the wear of grinding wheels; therefore, the hardness of the ceramic tile cannot be used for evaluating its machinability. Key Words: Ceramic tiles; Grinding wheel; Polishing wheel


Advantages of Managed Code Microsoft intermediate language shares with Java byte code the idea that it is a low-level language witha simple syntax , which can be very quickly translated intonative machine code. Having this well-defined universal syntax for code has significant advantages. Platform independence First, it means that the same file containing byte code instructions can be placed on any platform; atruntime the final stage of compilation can then be easily accomplished so that the code will run on thatparticular platform. In other words, by compiling to IL we obtain platform independence for .NET, inmuch the same way as compiling to Java byte code gives Java platform independence. Performance improvement IL is actually a bit more ambitious than Java bytecode. IL is always Just-In-Time compiled (known as JIT), whereas Java byte code was ofteninterpreted. One of the disadvantages of Java was that, on execution, the process of translating from Javabyte code to native executable resulted in a loss of performance. Instead of compiling the entire application in one go (which could lead to a slow start-up time), the JITcompiler simply compiles each portion of code as it is called (just-in-time). When code has been compiled.once, the resultant native executable is stored until the application exits, so that it does not need to berecompiled the next time that portion of code is run. Microsoft argues that this process is more efficientthan compiling the entire application code at the start, because of the likelihood that large portions of anyapplication code will not actually be executed in any given run. Using the JIT compiler, such code willnever be compiled.


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 题目:A new constructing auxiliary function method for global optimization 学院: 专业名称: 学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2014年2月14日

一个新的辅助函数的构造方法的全局优化 Jiang-She Zhang,Yong-Jun Wang https://www.doczj.com/doc/f412739959.html,/10.1016/j.mcm.2007.08.007 非线性函数优化问题中具有许多局部极小,在他们的搜索空间中的应用,如工程设计,分子生物学是广泛的,和神经网络训练.虽然现有的传统的方法,如最速下降方法,牛顿法,拟牛顿方法,信赖域方法,共轭梯度法,收敛迅速,可以找到解决方案,为高精度的连续可微函数,这在很大程度上依赖于初始点和最终的全局解的质量很难保证.在全局优化中存在的困难阻碍了许多学科的进一步发展.因此,全局优化通常成为一个具有挑战性的计算任务的研究. 一般来说,设计一个全局优化算法是由两个原因造成的困难:一是如何确定所得到的最小是全球性的(当时全球最小的是事先不知道),和其他的是,如何从中获得一个更好的最小跳.对第一个问题,一个停止规则称为贝叶斯终止条件已被报道.许多最近提出的算法的目标是在处理第二个问题.一般来说,这些方法可以被类?主要分两大类,即:(一)确定的方法,及(ii)的随机方法.随机的方法是基于生物或统计物理学,它跳到当地的最低使用基于概率的方法.这些方法包括遗传算法(GA),模拟退火法(SA)和粒子群优化算法(PSO).虽然这些方法有其用途,它们往往收敛速度慢和寻找更高精度的解决方案是耗费时间.他们更容易实现和解决组合优化问题.然而,确定性方法如填充函数法,盾构法,等,收敛迅速,具有较高的精度,通常可以找到一个解决方案.这些方法往往依赖于修改目标函数的函数“少”或“低”局部极小,比原来的目标函数,并设计算法来减少该?ED功能逃离局部极小更好的发现. 引用确定性算法中,扩散方程法,有效能量的方法,和积分变换方法近似的原始目标函数的粗结构由一组平滑函数的极小的“少”.这些方法通过修改目标函数的原始目标函数的积分.这样的集成是实现太贵,和辅助功能的最终解决必须追溯到

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