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1 连同……一起along with

2 可供选择的办法alternative

3 外表appearance

4 熏肉bacon

5 出生be born

6 照料care for

7 照顾老人的人carer

8 犯罪行为crime

9 约会date

10 下降decline

11 离婚divorce

12 自由freedom

13 美发师hairdresser

14 负责head

15 想象imagine

16 保持联系keep in touch

17 通常地normally

18 不时地now and again

19 显然地obviously

20 个人的personal

21 比例proportion

22 骄傲的proud(of)

23 最近的recent

24 退休retire

25 抢劫,抢掠rob

26 明显的sharp

27 显著的significant

28 大小size

29 微小的slight

30 社会society

31 自发地spontaneously

32 平稳的steady

33 紧张的stressful

34 吐司面包toast

35 使……受限制trap

36 受害者victim

1 There's no a_l_t_e_r_n_a_t_i_v_e(可供选择的办法)but to go on.


2 She was a young woman of good a_p_p_e_a_r_a_n_c_e(外表).


3 We have b_a_c_o_n(熏肉), eggs and sausage for breakfast.


4 He has been the c_a_r_e_r(照顾老人的人)for the old man for ten years.


5 A knife was found at the place of the c_r_i_m_e(犯罪行为).


6 She had a d_a_t_e(约会)on Sunday.


7 The prices on oil d_e_c_l_i_n_e_d(下降).


8 They got d_i_v_o_r_c_e_d(离婚)after only one month of their wedding.


9 He is making s_t_e_a_d_y(平稳的)progress in his work.


10 Everyone should be allowed f_r_e_e_d_o_m(自由)of choice.


1 "1. Adis a person who cuts, colours, and arranges people's hair.

2. If youdsomething, you think about it and you have a picture in your mind.

3. If you do somethingd, you do it in the usual way.

4. If you feeld, you feel pleased about something good.

5. Thedof one kind of thing in a group is the number of things of that kind

compared to the total number of things in the group.

6. Adchange is great in amount, or degree.

7. Adis the people who live in a country and their way of life.

8. Adis someone who has been hurt or killed.

9. Adfact or thing is one that is important or shows something.

10. If youda department, company, or organization, you are the person in charge of it."



1 I was told she __________ her boyfriend. 31140103

2 We do meet ___________, but not regularly. 31140202

3 What was she __________ yesterday? 31140301

4 I am __________ be a Chinese. 31140403

5 __________ you still in touch with your old friends? 31140504

6 Who __________ your baby when you went to work? 31140602

7 My mother _____________ for almost two years. 31140703

8 He ____________ a teacher's family. 31140801

9 This is ____________ conversation. 31140902

10 These shoes are comfortable __________ pretty. 31141004

1 What does the passage mainly discuss? 31220104

2 During the last ten years, __________. 31220201

3 According to the passage, thel同居cohabitationl0rate in the UK tends to __________. 31220302

4 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? 31220401

5 The last paragraph tells us that__________. 31220504

1 What does this passage mainly deal with? 31230102

2 Their breakfast from Monday to Saturday usually includes__________. 31230201

3 Which of the following is TRUE, based on the passage? 31230304

4 From the passage, we learn Lily's mother ___________. 31230401

5 How does Lily feel about caring for her mother? 31230503

1 "After the last war there was a sharp rise in the population.

After the last war the population_rose sharply." rose sharply

2 "During the last ten years there has been a significant rise in women's wages.

During the last ten years women's wages_have risen significantly." have risen significantly

3 "Since last October there has been a slow fall in inflation.

Since last October inflation_has fallen slowly." has fallen slowly

4 "Last year there was a slight increase in the average wage.

The average wage_increased slightlylast year." increased slightly

5 "In the last 100 years there has been a slow decline in the birthrate.

In the last 100 years the birthrate_has declined slowly." has declined slowly

6 "Last century there was a rapid rise in life expectancy.

Life expectancy_rose rapidlylast century." rose rapidly

1 "Unemployment fell_by1.5 million last year. It fell_from4.5 million_to3 million. It has

already fallen_byhalf a million this year,_to2.5 million this month." by; from; to; by; to

2 "Inflation rose_by4% in ten years: it was 5% in 1991, but it rose_from6% in 1992_to

9% in 1999. In 2000, however, it fell_from9%_to7%. In 2001 it decreased further_by 3% and at the end of the year it was 4%." by; from; to; from; to; by

1 occasionally 2

2 now and again 2

3 usually 3

4 always 3

5 never 1

6 regularly 2

7 often 3

8 not often 1

9 hardly ever 1

10 from time to time 2

11 sometimes 2

1 I lived with my parents, then I_left( leave ) home for the first time when I went to university. left

2 My brother_lost ( lose) his job three times in thel经济衰退期recessionl0. lost

3 "I _got divorced(get divorced) in 1995 when my son was five years old, but his father still lives

very near and he sees his son now and then." got divorced

4 My mother_retired(retire )before my father when she was 60. retired

5 My grandmother was 93 when she_died(die ). died

6 We_moved( move) house three years ago when my husband got a job in another city. moved

1 "1.d




5.d" l离婚率the divorce ratel0<|>l结婚率the marriage ratel0<|>l同居率the cohabitation ratel0<|>l单亲率the lone parent rate l0<|>l出生率the birth ratel0

1 |p10<|>10<|>300<|>300<|>\Data\pic\soundplay.gif<|>\Data\Sound\Unit 3\3152\u3_lis2_1.mp3

I_write a postcard to my parentsfrom time to time. write a postcard to my parents

2 |p10<|>10<|>300<|>300<|>\Data\pic\soundplay.gif<|>\Data\Sound\Unit 3\3152\u3_lis2_2.mp3

I never_remember my brother's birthday. remember my brother's birthday

3 |p10<|>10<|>300<|>300<|>\Data\pic\soundplay.gif<|>\Data\Sound\Unit 3\3152\u3_lis2_3.mp3

Every now and again I_telephone my aunt. telephone my aunt

4 |p10<|>10<|>300<|>300<|>\Data\pic\soundplay.gif<|>\Data\Sound\Unit 3\3152\u3_lis2_4.mp3

I am occasionally_too selfish to help in the house. too selfish to help in the house

5 |p10<|>10<|>300<|>300<|>\Data\pic\soundplay.gif<|>\Data\Sound\Unit 3\3152\u3_lis2_5.mp3

I don't often_telephone my cousins. telephone my cousins

6 |p10<|>10<|>300<|>300<|>\Data\pic\soundplay.gif<|>\Data\Sound\Unit 3\3152\u3_lis2_6.mp3

I am hardly ever_worried about my job.

worried about my job