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重庆2020年高职对口类高考录取分数线公布 ★艺术类 (一)本科批 1.美术类:320分 2.音乐学(师范、音乐理论、作曲、录音艺术):328分; 3.音乐表演(声乐、钢琴、器乐、通俗流行音乐):260分; 4.编导类(广播电视编导、戏剧影视文学、戏剧影视导演):377分; 5.播音与主持:355分; 6.表演(影视):325分; 7.舞蹈类(舞蹈学、舞蹈表演、舞蹈编导):180分。 (二)高职专科批 1.美术类:100分; 2.音乐学(师范):185分; 3.音乐表演(声乐、钢琴、器乐、通俗流行音乐):138分; 4.编导类(广播电视编导、戏剧影视文学、戏剧影视导演):220分; 5.播音与主持:200分; 6.表演(影视):190分; 7.舞蹈类(舞蹈学、舞蹈表演、舞蹈编导):100分; 8.高职对口艺术类:100分。 ★体育类

1.本科第一批 文考成绩:384分; 体考成绩:93分; 2.本科第二批 文考成绩:340分; 体考成绩:84分; 3.高职专科批 文考成绩:186分; 体考成绩:80分。 ★高职对口类 (一)高职对口类本科 1.园林类:文化290分,专业综合241分; 2.机械加工类:文化334分,专业综合246分; 3.电气技术类:文化350分,专业综合238分; 4.汽车类:文化207分,专业综合206分; 5.计算机类:文化342分,专业综合224分; 6.电子技术类:文化347分,专业综合236分; 7.土建类:文化335分,专业综合242分; 8.电子商务类:文化351分,专业综合220分; 9.旅游类:文化313分,专业综合222分; 10.会计类:文化359分,专业综合233分; 11.服装设计与工艺类:文化278分,专业综合224分; 12.教育类:文化365分,专业综合251分。


一、单项选择(本题共30题,每题2分, 共60分) 1.She is _____ honest girl . A. an B. a C . the D . \ 2.He won’t go ____ it rains . A. but B. that C. if D. and 3.“___ do you go to the park?’ “ Once a week.” A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far 4.---Must I close the window ? ---No, you ________. A.mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not D. can’t 5.He is the man ______ owns the restaurant. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who 6.I don’t think he enjoys ______ at home . A.to stay B. stay C. stays D. staying 7.I’m not used to _______ such a hot food. A.eat B. eating C. eaten D. to be eaten 8.You don’t look ____. You must be ill. A.good B. well C. health D. nicest 9. This is a book _____ by Mark Twain. A.write B. writing C. written D. writes 10.Neither she nor I _____ a teacher. A.is B. are C. am D. be 11. He began to teach _______English last year. A. he B. his C. himself D. he’ s 12. It’s not polite to_______ the others. A. speak to B. help C. laugh at D. talk to 13. —Hello. May I speak to Mike? —____________ . Please call back later. A. Wait a minute B Hold on for a moment C. Speaking D. Sorry, he is out 14. — Miss Ann’s never been to Jingmen before, __________? — Sorry. I’ve no idea. A. is she B. hasn’t she C. isn’t she D. has she 15. There are many trees and flowers on ________side of the street now. A. all B. both C. each D. two 16. He ______ living in the country to the city. A. likes B. prefers C. enjoys D. loves 17. — We’ll go to Qing Yuan Mountain tomorrow. Why_______ join us? —That’s a good idea. A. not B. don’t C. can’t D. didn’t 18. The park is only __________walk from our school. A. ten-minutes B. ten minute’s C. ten minute D. ten minutes’ 19. He often_________ us English stories. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks 20. I’m taller than Bill, but I sit_______________ him. A. at the back of B. behind C. in front of D. far from 21. — We’ll have an English exam tomorrow. — . ______________ A. That’s great B. Good luck to you C. Congratulations D. Glad to hear that 22. The box is very ______. I can’t


2017年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题(模拟试题) 英语 本试题满分100分,考试时间120分钟。考生必须在答题卡上答题,在试题纸、草稿纸上答题无效。 I、语音(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其画线部分与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的 选项,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. cat A. take B. made C. have D. same 2. school A. foot B. food C. stood D. wood 3. hear A. dear B. hear C. pear D. earth 4. short A. word B. work C. worst D. worn 5. honor A. house B. hospital C. hour D. hurry Ⅱ、词汇与语法(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 6. There are on the table. A. two glasses of water B. two glass of milks C. a glass of milk D. two glasses of milks 7. I am used to TV in the evening. A. watch B. watched C. watches D. watching 8. Go and before you do your homework. A. has a sleep B. have a sleep C. had a sleep D. slept 9. She has never told a lie, . A. has she B. doesn't she C. hasn’t she D. isn't she 10. There is in the word “hone st”. A. a B. the C. an D. X 11. Mr. Black arrived in Shanghai 12:45 August20,2007. A. at, on B. to C. at, In D. in, on 12. When I passed Mary's house, she the flowers. A. is watering B. was watering C. waters D. watered 13.He here if it tomorrow A. will stay, will rain B. will stay, rain C. stays, rains D. stayed, rained 14. Neither the girls nor the teacher going to visit Nanjing on Sunday. A. are B. be C. were D. is 15. I don’t know I should say. A. what B. where C. be D. are 16. he had cleaned the classroom, he left school. A. Before B. When C. After D. If 17. She asked me whether I up with the others already. A. had held B. was holding C. had caught D. was catching 8. This book is interesting than that one. A. much more B. more much C. many more D. more many 19. You don't have to hurry and there is time. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 20. It's a n urse’s duty after patients. A. to look B. to looking C. looks D. look 21. Let me congratulate you on the entrance exam. A. you pass B. to pass C. passing D. pass 22.--W hy isn’t he in? --He to the hospital. A. must go B. can go C. must be D. many have gone 23. Any was the girl who they about all the time. A. were talked B. had been talking C. had been talked D. had talked 24. There are days In a year. A. three- hundred-sixth-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundreds and sixty- fives D. three hundred and sixty-five 25. How many English words you the end of last term? A. do, learn B. are, learned C. had, learned D. are, learning 26. He told me he forgot all of the . A. telephone numbers B. telephones number C. telephones number D. telephone number 27. September 10th is Day. A. Teacher's B. Teachers’ C. Teacher D. Teachers 28. China is famous her Great Wall. A. as B. to C. for D. of 29. My mother is ill this week, so . A. is my father B. does my father C. has my father D. will my father. 30. The glass by my little dog just now. A. broken B. is broken C. is broken D. was broken Ⅲ.完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并用2B铅 笔在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


重庆市普通高等学校招生对口高职类统一考试 数学 试题 (满分200分,考试时间120分钟) 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题7分,共84分) 1、已知集合}3,2,1{=A ,}5,3,1{=B ,则=B A A .}1{ B .}3,1{ C .}5,2{ D .}5,3,2,1{ 2、设函数1)(2+=x x f ,则=-)1(f A .1- B .0 C .1 D .2 3、3cos 6sin π π +的值是 A .21 B .2 3 C .1 D .3 4、过点)1,0(且与直线012=-+y x 垂直的直线方程是 A .022=+-y x B .012=+-y x C .022=+-y x D .012=+-y x 5、函数241 )(x x f -=的定义域为 A .),2()2,(+∞--∞ B .)2,2(- C .]2,2[- D .),2[]2,(+∞--∞ 6、若53sin =α,则=+)2 cos(απ A .5 4- B .53- C .53 D .54 7、命题“1=x ”是命题“022=-+x x ”的 A .充分而不必要条件 B .必要而不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 8、点)1,1(到直线0134=++y x 的距离为 A .85 B .5 8 C .5 D .8 9、设函数)(x f 是),(+∞-∞上的偶函数,且)2()1()3(-<-<-f f f ,则下列不等式成立的是 A .)3()2()1(f f f << B .)2()1()3(f f f >> C .)3()2()1(f f f << D .)2()1()3(f f f <<


呼和浩特职业学院《大学英语2》期末考试试题(A)___________学院(部) 2015 ~2016 学年度第一学期年级专业:姓名:学号:_____________ Ⅰ.Choose the best item to complete each sentence(1分×15) 1. "The fire is in Main Street." John said to the man, "The New Hotel is _________." A. on fire B. in fire C. by fire D. at fire 2. The old man ____________ and missed the train. A. slept over B. slept C. slept in D. slept out 3. Let me give you _________. A. some advice B. advices C. an advice D. the advice [ 4. —Hi, Mary, you look very tired, —Yeah, I _________ for a whole week. A. worked B. had worked C. have worked D. have been working 5. After her marriage, she couldn't devote herself totally _____ music. A. for B. in C. to D. into 6. Your education is bound _____ your world view. A. changing B. to change C. change D. exchange 7 What's the ______ between you and that woman A. relate B. relationship C. wrong D. relating 8. He is _______ she will pass the final exam with good grades. … A. confidence B. confident C. surely D. confidently 9. She was ______ when she heard the good news. A. delighting B. pleasing C. exciting D. delighted 10. He must be from Africa, _______ can be seen from his teeth and skin.


英语期末考试试题 请将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上 Ⅰ.PartⅠ. Vocabulary and Structure. (20%) 1. —Is Sally from America? —No. Sally is an girl, but she’s i n now. A. America, England B. English, America C. American, English D. England, America 2. This is new book. Let have a look. A. you, me B. you, I C. your, I D. your, me 3. —What’s in the reading room? —There a big desk and twenty chairs in it. A. be B. am C. are D. is 4.I have _______ e-dog.________ name is Hobo. A. a, Its B. a, It’s C. an ,Its D. an, It’s 5.Daniel is a very _________ football player and he plays football very _____. A. good ,good B. well, good C .good ,well D .well, well 6.They go to bed________ 9:40 ______Sunday evening. A. in ,at B. on ,in C. at ,on D. from ,on 7.—_________desk is this? —It’s____________. A Who’s , Sandy’s and Simon’s B. Whose,Sandy’s and Simon’s C. Who’s , Sandy and Simon’s D. Whose , Sandy and Simon’s 8.If you can’t _________English. You can _________it in Chinese. A. speak, speak B. say, speak C. speak, say D. say ,talk 9.—Look !There are many apples _______the tree. —Oh ,there are also three birds _____the tree. A .in ,in B .in ,on C .on. in D .on, on 10.—Here are your sports shoes. — ________. A.OK B. Thanks C. That’s right D. That’s all right 11.I often talk ______ my classmates ______ lunchtime . A. to, in B. to, on C. with ,on D. to , at 12 — : ________ ,where’s the bookshop, please? — : ________, I don’t know. A. Excuse me ,Sorry B. Excuse me ,Excuse me C. Sorry, Excuse me D. Sorry, Sorry 13.—Would you like________ with me to the bookshop? —All right .I want ________a comic book. A. go ,to buy B. going, buy C. to go ,to buy D .goes ,to buy 14.—Who __________the house in your family? —My father and mother__________. A. clean, clean B .cleans ,clean C .cleans ,do D. cleans, does 15.Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨) is a famousman from_____________. A.PRC B.UN https://www.doczj.com/doc/f316795088.html, https://www.doczj.com/doc/f316795088.html,A 16.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch. A. does B. say C. do D.doing 17.--- Is there a poster on the wall?


III. 试题示例本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷×至××页,第二卷××至××页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一卷 注意事项:1.考生将自己的姓名、准考证号及所有答案均填写在答题卡上。 2.答题要求见答题卡上的“填涂样例”和“注意事项”。 第一部分语音(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 从下列各组所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分的读音与其它三个不同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. A. active B. accept C. advise D. attractive 2. A. honor B. modern C. purpose D. proper 3. A. bean B. defeat C. please D. wealthy 4. A. within B. weather C. healthy D. smooth 5. A. uncle B. balance C. plenty D. sensitive 6. A. hunger B. function C. focus D. funny 7. A. general B. game C. golden D. goal 8. A. question B. tradition C. invention D. attention 9. A. manager B. worker C. master D. average 10. A. near B. hear C. dear D. learn 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants. A. whenever B. whatever C. whichever 答案是B。 11. When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He her before. A. never saw B. had never seen C. has never seen 12. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment .


重庆市对口高职数学综合试卷 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题7分,共84分) 1.已知集合A={x|-2


高职英语(选) Ⅰ.选择题。(本大题共20小题,每小题分,共30分) https://www.doczj.com/doc/f316795088.html,ually, _________show more interest in daily life in their works. A. woman writers B. women writers C. woman writer D. women writer 2.Please pass me a pen to write______. A. in B. by C. with D. to 3. “_______ do you think of my new car” “It’s cool.” A. Why B. Which C. How D. What 4. If you go, _______________. A. so will I B. so do I C. so I do D. so I will 5. ______ blood if you can and many lives will be saved. A. Giving B. Give C. Given D. To give 6. Some of the old people prefer _______ wine rather than beer. A. drink B. drinks C. to drink D. drank 7. The only thing _____ can be done is to stop then from going there. A. that B. which C. what D. who 8. The _______ practice you have, the _______ mistakes you’ll make. A. many; little B. much; few C. more; more D. more; fewer 9. Not only Jack but also Tom and I ______ interested in English. A. are B. is C. am D. be 10. _______ it is to go swimming in a river in summer! A. How excited B. How exciting C. What excited D. What exciting 11. “Can’t you stay here a bit longer” “______. I must be ______ now.” A. Yes; away B. Yes; off C. No; away D. No; off 12. Never ______ such a foolish man since I came to this part of the city. A. I did see B. did I see C. I have seen D. have I seen 13. I looked round of a shop where I could buy pens, but _____ could I find one. A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. everywhere 14. Quite a lot of people watch TV just to _____ time. A. kill B. spend C. take D. waste 15. The project will _____ a lot of money and manpower. A. call back B. call up C. call off D. call for 16. This new coat cost me _____the last one I bought two years ago. A. three times B. three times as much as C. three times as much D. three time much as 17. Where there is a ________, there is a way. A. heart B. head C. well D. will 18. It is important for him _________ this. A. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood 19. ________up children properly is mainly their parents’ responsibility. A. Growing B. Bringing C. Raising D. Looking 20. I don’t think you two know each other, _______


2019年重庆市普通高校招生对口高职类统一考试英语试卷 一、单词辨音(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 从下面每小题ABCD四个选项中选出划线部分的读音与其他三个单词划线部分读音不同的词,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. baby B. dad C. happy D. cat 2. A. let B. pen C. egg D. me 3. A. job B. top C. rol e D. shop 4. A. time B. swim C. bike D. nice 5. A. fast B. has C. sit D. bus 6. A. games B. boxes C. knives D. tomatoes 7. A. tea B. meat C. leave D. weather 8. A. theater B. that C. thing D. thank 9. A. few B. grew C. threw D. flew 10. A. book B. blood C. look D. good 二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 从每个小题的ABCD四个备选答案中,选出一个最佳的答案,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。 11. Miss Gao______English on the computer every morning. A. studies B. is studying C. studied D. has studied 12. Gars and buses______stop when the traffic lights turn red. A. can B. need C. may D. must 13. The meeting didn’t start______everyone got there. A. because B. until C. since D. if 14. The museum is quite far.It will take you half ______ hour to go there by ______ bus. A. a;/ B. an;a C. an;/ D. /;/ 15. The busier he is,the ______he feels. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiest 16. My moon enjoys _____ for the family on weekends. A. cook B. to cook C. cooked D. cooking 17. English is widely used_____ travelers and business people all over the world. A. to B. of C. as D. by 18. Would you like to come to my birthday party? . A. No,I don’t know B. Yes,I’d love to C. How kind you are D. That’s right 19. John was so strange today. He didn’t act like______. A. him B. himself C. his D. he 20. Molly says that she understand art,and always tells me______a painting is “about”. A. what B. when C. where D. why 三、交际运用(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 用所给句子完成下面两段对话,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (A) A: When can we except you for dinner? (21) ____________. B: Not tomorrow.I promised to go to concert with my sister. A: (22) ____________. B: Friday sounds fine. A: Good! (23) ____________ B: OK.I’ll be there on time. A: By the way,I’ve got a new dish for you. B: A new dish? (24) ____________. A: Something truly French.I believe you’ll like it. B: Great! (25) ____________ A. I just can’t wait. B. Here you are. C. What is it? D. I’m sorry to hear that. E. How about Friday then? F. Can you come tomorrow? G. Shall we say seven o’clock? (B) A: Excuse me,would you mind answering a few questions? B: No,go ahead. A: (26)____________. B: I’m from Germany. A: What do you think of the city? B: (27)____________. Good food,kind people,and beautiful views.But I’m still not used to the weather. A: It’s kind of cold this time of the year.Wear a hat and a scarf when you go out.


四川省普通高校职教师资和高职班对口招生统一考试 英语模拟题 一、单项填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出正确答案。(15分) 1. Mike and John’s ______. A. father is a teacher B. fathers are teachers C. father are teachers D. fathers are teacher 2. — Have you finished your composition yet? — No, give me ten minutes, please. A. other B. another C. more D. a few 3. He was absent because he had caught ____. A. heavy a cold B. the heavy cold C. a heavy cold D. heavy cold 4. The teacher is not only strict ____ his pupils but also strict ____ his own work. A. with, with B. in, in C. in, with D. with, in 5. ___ the parents ____ their daughter have been to Australia. A. Neither, nor B. Either, or C. Both, and D. Not only, but also 6. We’ll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow. A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed 7. — Do you like the skirt? — It _______ soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 8. When I___ to the cinema, the film___ for 5 minutes. A. got, had been on B. get, will begin C. got, had begun D. got, has been on 9. Tony, would you go and see if Sam has any difficulty ____ his tape recorder? A. to fix B. fixing C. for fixing D. fix 10. ____around the office, the foreign visitors visited the teaching building. A. Having shown B. Showing C. Has shown D. Having been shown 11. No sooner _____asleep than she heard a knock at the door. A. she had fallen B. had she fallen C. she had fell D. had she fell 12. — What do you think of this novel? — _________ A. I’ve read it. B. It’s well-written. C. It was written by my uncle. D. I bought it yesterday. 13. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing. A. owns, are B. owns, is C. own, is D. own, are 14. ____ interesting the film is! A. What B. What an C. How a D. How 15. Joan’s often late for school, _____? A. i sn’t she B. hasn’t she C. wa sn’t she D. doesn’t she


中职考高职分类考试英语模拟题 Name: Mark: I.单项填空。(每小题1分,共10分)从ABCD四个选项中找出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项不同的选项填入下列空格内。 1.A.look B. room C. good D. took 2. A. wild B. invite C. lift D. dig 3.A.pass B. rather C. fast D. take 4.A. city B. clock C. cat D. close 5.A. without B. ground C. shout D. touch 6.A. earn B. learn C. heard D. heart 7.A. half B. hall C. talk D. ball 8.A. population B. question C. situation D. direction 9.A. choose B. China C. chemic D. lunch 10.A. other B. than C. together D. think II.单词释义(每小题1分,共10分)从B栏找到A栏的单词解释,把正确的选项填入下列空格内。 (A)(B) 11.discuss A. in place of 12.delicious B. make or become side 13.instead C. not correct 14.widen D. nice to eat 15. solider E. to join together

16. youth F. covered with water 17. nowadays G. talk about 18.wet H. at the present time 19. wrong I. a person in the army 20. unite J. young man and woman III.选择填空:(每小题1分,共20分)从ABCD四个选项中选出最佳答案填入下格内。 21.Here is a story for you . A. reading B. to see C. to read D. to liik 22.“I’m listening to music now”, said Tom. Tom said that he to music . A. is listening, now B. was listening , at his time C. listen to, for a while D. was listening , then 23.The teacher asked her pupils to stop in class. A. make a noise B. make any noise C. made any noise D. making any noise 24.----Could you lend me some money? ----Yes, I . A. might B. could C. can D. may 25. That is the man teaches us English. A. who B. which C. when D. where 26.----How can I ever thank you? ---- A. I’m free B. Nice to meet you C. It’s my pleasure D. Yes , I’d love to. 27.He went to bed after all his homework. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done 28.----This is my friend, Mike. ---- . A. Welcome to our school B. Congratulations

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