当前位置:文档之家› 八年级英语下unit8单元测试题(有答案)




Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 一、单元知识梳理Words and expressions:treasure, island, page, hurry, ship, tool, gun, mark, sand, towards, land, fiction, technology, French, pop, forever, aboard, fan, southern, modern, success, belong, laughter, beauty, record, introduce, line, full of, hurry up, science fiction, country music, ever since , one another Sentences: What do they think of it? Have you read Little Women yet? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Have you decided which book to write about yet? Yes, I ha ve. I’ve already finished reading it. It was really good. The book report is due in two weeks. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. I go out with my gun every day to kill animals and birds for food. 二、单元反思评价 1我的收获:

___________________________________________________________ ________________ 2.学习本单元后,我能用英语进行

___________________________________________________________ _______ 3.我的易错点:

___________________________________________________________ ________________ 三、单元巩固拓展 (一)单项选择 ( )

1. ―_______ Tina read Treasure Island yet? ―Yes, she has. She thinks it’s fantastic. A. Have B. Did C. Has D. Do ( )

2. I’ve already finished _________it. It was really good. A. to read B. reading C. read D. reads ( )

3. ―Will you go to the cinema , Mary ? ―I’m afra id not. Because I _______my tickets. A. lose B. lost C. am losing D. have lost ( )

4. Have you found the pen you lost yesterday________? A. ever B. already C. since D. yet ( )

5. I’m greatly __________in this _________movie. A. interested, interest B. interesting, interested C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interesting ( )

6. ______early makes a man healthy. A. Get up B. Getting up C. Gets up D. Got

up ( ) 7.―I have watched the game. ―When _____you _____it?

A. did, watch

B. have, watched

C. has, watched

D. do, watch ( )

8. ―Have you ever to a zoo ? ―Yes, but only once. A. gone B. been C. visited D. seen (二)完形填空 When I was at university, I often went to concert. Every night there was at least one 1 , and sometimes two or three. Almost every band that played was a rock band. It was loud with guitar and drums. Most of the bands were not well-known and some came from Europe or the US. The venues(会场) were small , so the tickets were very 2 . This meant my friends and I could go to see a band whenever we wanted to. The atmosphere(氛围) at a rock concert full of 3 was great . Everyone went pretty crazy. Most students drank beer and sang along 4 the band. It was easy to get close to the band. The room was 5 , noisy and smelly. People 6 up and down with the music and knocked into each other. After the concerts, band members and their friends stood outside 7 T-shorts or CDs. After three years of university, half of my clothes were from those concerts. Many of my friends were also in bands-or wanted to be one of the members. Posters on the student notice boards advertised (公布) that the bands were 8 new members. Even Tony Blair was in a band at Oxford University. ( ) 1. A. concert B. movie C. meeting D. party ( ) 2. A. free B. cheap C. few D. expensive ( ) 3. A. boys B. girls C. students D. adults ( ) 4. A. to B. with C. like D. for ( ) 5. A. crowded B. dark C. big D. nice ( ) 6. A. turned B. came C. ran D. jumped ( ) 7. A. wearing B. making C. sending D. selling ( ) 8. A. looking after B. looking for C. thinking of D. making up (三)阅读理解 A On

Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球). They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way. Soon they heard the

sea. They were carrying the usual rope(绳子), and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight(重量). It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand. After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 meters, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men's basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice. At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 meters! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometers from London! ( ) 1. Three men flew in balloon ________. A. for nearly 1,800 kilometers B. to another city C. to visit Poland D. more than a century ago ( ) 2. The metal box was used for ________. A. carrying the bags of sand B. keeping drinking-water C. carrying ropes of the basket D. changing weight ( ) 3. When the balloon went up higher, ________. A. the temperature of the balloon began to fall B. They saw the sun go down C. They made a hole in the basket with their knives D. They could see a black hole on the ground ( ) 4. The balloon landed ________. A. in London B. on the sea C. on a lake D. in a foreign country ( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true? ________ A. The three men started their journey before the sun rose. B. The balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket. C. When they pulled the

box into the basket, the balloon began to climb up. D. The three men had to land because they felt cold. B Pets are a part of people's lives. Some pets are like family members. In these days,many people have pets at home and spend a lot of money improving their lives. In fact,in some parts of the world,pets get real VIP treatment (待遇).VIP usually mean s “Very Important People”,but here VIP means “Very Important Pets”! When you want to give Fido or Kitty a holiday,or when you are going away on business,you can choose from many dog and cat hotels. Some have many different good service (服务).Dogs exercise inside or outside,and cats have a large place with something to climb on and play with. The guests get the best food during their stays at these hotels. There are other special services at these hotels. Imagine you are traveling and you want to see your pet: the hotel can put a video camera in the pet's room. So you can see your Fido or Kitty on TV. The hotels usually have good groomers (美容师): They often bath the pets and take the best hair care for them. But you need to make an appointment (预约) because people there are usually very busy taking care of pets. 6.What's the new meaning of “VIP” in this passage? ___________________________________________________________

____________________ 7.According to this passage,where can you put your pet when you are away on business?


____________________ 8.How can you see your pet during your traveling?


____________________ 9.请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。


____________________ 10. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。


____________________ (四)词汇(一)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. I just want to tell you I’m a f________ of Jay Chou.

2. Most of the buildings in the town are m___________.

3. The country has a population of 100 m__________.

4. They asked everyone to stand in l________.

5. We can’t develop our national economy(经济) without science and t . (二)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I _____________(not finish) my homework .Can you help me . 2. We _________already

___________(return) the book. 3. They live in the

_______________(south) district. 4. You won’t become a good __________(sing) if you don’t practice. 5. Not all of us realize the ________________(important) of study. (五)书面表达假设你昨天看了一部影片,影片的名字是《后天》(The Day After Tomorrow). 根据下表中的提示,写一篇不少于70词英语短文故事背景受气候的影响,另一个冰川期到来了

故事梗概恶劣的天气在世界范围内引发许多问题。Dr .Jack Hall

的儿子San 和朋友在纽约参加一个比赛,却被困在一个图书馆里。Jack和他的团队去寻找自己的儿子。影片的结尾是宇航员在空间站俯视地球,发现它大部分被冰雪覆盖。你的感受人类应该善待地球,停止破坏(damage)环境。参考词汇:气候-climate 影响-influence 被困在-be trapped in

___________________________________________________________ ________________

___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Unit 8

一、1―5CBDDC 6―8 BAB 二、1―5 ABCBA 6―8 DDB 三、1―5 ADADB

6. Very Important Pets.

7. A dog and cat hotel.

8.On TV./By a video camera.

9.但是你需要预约因为那里的人都忙于照顾宠物。10.Pet Hotels 四、(一)1. fan 2. modern 3. million 4. line 5. technology (二) 1. haven’t finished 2. have, retur ned 3. southern 4. singer 5. importance 六、The Day After tomorrow is

a great movie. It describes a new ice age after the influence of the climate. Across the world, bad weather causes lots of problems. At the same time, Dr. Jack Hall’s son, Sam, in New York city for a competition with his friends and is trapped in a library. Jack and his team try to look for his son. At the end of the movie the astronauts are looking down at the earth from the Space Statio, finding most of it covered with ice and snow. I think humans should take good care of the earth, and stop damaging the environment.


2017—2018学年度下学期期末素质教育测评试卷 八年级英语 (时间:120分钟满分:120分) 一、听力(共二节,计25分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后面对应一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出与所听对话内容相符的图片的最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟的答题时间并阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 第二节(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 听下面7段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,完成第6至7小题。

( ) 6. When did Tony go to work in the old people’s home? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last summer. ( ) 7. What did Tony do for the old people? A. Read newspapers. B. Told stories. C. Cleaned the rooms. 听第7段材料,完成第8至9小题。 ( ) 8. Where are they going tomorrow? A. To the science museum. B. To the art museum. C. To the space museum. ( ) 9. How are they going there? A. Ride their bikes. B. Take the subway. C. Take the bus. 听第8段材料,完成第10至11小题。 ( ) 10. What time did Lucy call Jack yesterday evening? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00. ( ) 11. Who was Jack with? A. His father. B. His mother. C. His friend. 听第9段材料,完成第12至14小题。 ( ) 12. What is Karen going to do using the computer? A. To play games. B. To check the e-mail. C. To buy things. ( ) 13. Where is Karen’s e-pal from? A. Australia. B. French. C. Canada. ( ) 14. What does Karen like doing? A. Traveling. B. Making friends. C. Cooking. 听第10段材料,完成第15至17小题。 ( ) 15. Where is the new library? A. On Ocean Road. B. Next to the museum. B. In London School. ( ) 16. What can they do in the video reading room? A. Listen to tapes. B. Borrow some books. C. Search the Internet. ( ) 17. When can they see a free film? A. On Tuesdays. B. On Saturdays. C. On Sundays. 听第11段材料,完成第18至20小题。 ( ) 18. Why hasn’t Amy done her math homework yet? A. Because it’s too difficult for her. B. Because she wants to wait for Daniel. C. Because she wants to watch TV first. ( ) 19. When are they going to meet after school? A. At four o’clock. B. At five o’clock. C. At six o’clock. ( ) 20. What subject can Amy help Daniel with? A. English. B. Science. C. Physics. 听第12段材料,完成第21至25小题。 ( ) 21. How long has the writer been living in the Taihe village?


Unit 1 What’s the matter?巩固提升测试题 一、单项选择(15题,计15分) ( )1. What’s wrong with you? ---I have a _______.The doctor asked me not to eat anything today because I ate too much yesterday. A .toothache B. headache C. sore back D. stomachache ( )2. Jack, please tell Tom to call me when he ______ back. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef306450.html,e B. comes C. came D. will come ( )3. she is not strong enough ________ walking up mountains. A to go B going C go D went ( )4. You will be late for school _____ you do not get up early. A but B if C and D or ( )5. I walked past the park, I saw some old people ________ Chinese Taiji. A do B did C doing D are doing ( )6. So many problems! I am tired.--- You should try to ________ them by yourself. You are not a child any longer. A get into B get off C get on D get over ( )7.Our teacher often tell us ________ in the river.It is dangerous. A don’t swim B not swim C not to swim D not swimming ( )8. You have to leave now_______ you can catch the early bus. A. so that B. as soon as C. because D. although ( )9.How is your grandma?--She’s fine. She used to __ TV at home after super. But now she is used to ___ out for a walk. A watch; go B watching; go C watching; going D watch; going ( )10. Mr.More has more money than Mr. Littly . But he doesn’t enjoy _________ . A. he B. him C. his D. himself s very cold outside . You should __________ your coat when you go out . ( )11. It’ A. put up B.stay up C .put on D. go on ( )12. Some people waste too much water.They don't believe that it can ________ some day. A.keep out B.run out C.be run out D.run out of ( )13. ____________ the doctor , the most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili is out of danger . A. In front of B.Thanks to C.As for D. Across from ( )14 .You look too tired . You _________ rest and _________ work too hard . ; should A. should ; should B. shouldn’t ; shouldn’t C .shouldn’t D.should ; shouldn’t ( )15. We must __________ using plastic bags in order to protect our earth . A. give out B. give up C .give away D. give in 四、词汇运用(10分)A.根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。(5分) 1. It's very dangerous for him to lose so much b_________.Let's take him to the hospital at once. 2. He m to buy a flat next year. 3. Linda had a sore throat , she c a lot , her mother asked her to take an X-ray.


英语语法专练 第一部分冠词 there ____“s”in the end of the word D. / 2.Mr. Wang is ____honest man. D. / is ____university student. D. / 4. ____ book is very useful. I bought it from____unknown little town. , a , a , the , an in ___Grade three is ____tallest in our school. , the, the , a, a , ×, the , ×, a moves around____earth,and they both are smaller than ____sun. , an, a , the, the C.×, ×, × , the, the 7. She was playing ____piano then. B./ should care for ____old. , a , the , a , the city lies on ____Yangtzi River. C./ doesn’t have ____lunch at home.

C./ 第二部分名词 there ____on that plate There are ____under that tree. chicken chicken chickens chickens need two ____to repair the table. of woods of wood of wood of woods know ____doesn’t runl so fast as light(光). sound sound are sixty ____in our school. teacher teachers teachers teacher Smith is a friend of_____. ’s mother’s ’s mother ’s of Mary mother’s 第三部分数词 always wanted to have ___of books and he has recently bought four ____. ,hundred ,hundred ,hundreds ,hundreds People’s Republic of China was founded ____,1949. October 1 October 1st October 1st 1 3friday is the ____day of the week.


n .选择填空(20分) ( )16. Every one ____ h ere. No one is away. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )17. Please ____ call me Dann y. I'm Mary. A. not B. don ' C. n ot to D. does n't ( )18. --- Would you like to go boating ? A. Yes, please B. No, I like C. Yes, I 'like to D. No, I dlike ( )19. If you don 't know the way, you can ___ the policema n for help. A . speak B. tell C. ask D. say ( )20. They are too heavy. Do you n eed ____ help ? A .any B. a C. many D. some ( )21. If it doesn 'train, we ____ a football match. A .are havi ng B. will have C. have D. are have ( )22. _____ you ____ f ree next Saturday ? A .Will, are B. Will be C. Do, be D. Have, bee n ( )23. We ____ waste water. A .must B. shouldn't C. need n't D. can ' ( )24. When school was over yesterday, it ______ . A .was snowing B. is snowing C. sno wed D. has sno wed ( )25. I would like _____ a teacher. A. be B. to C. to be D. not be ( )26. ---What did Tom say ? ---Tom said ______ well in speak ing. A .he think he did B. he thinks he did C. he thought he did D. he thought he does ( )27. I dlike to ______ t he message to Jim for you. A .put on B. tur n on C. pass on D. work on ( )28. If you want to get good grades, you must be ____ all the time. A」azy B. busy C. hard-work ing D. stressed out


( ) 1.—Look! There is ________ orange under ________ tree. —Let’s go and pick it up. A. a, the B. an, the C. an, a D. the, the ( ) 2. There are 3 erasers on the table. ________ one is yours? A. What B. Which C. Whose D. Who’s ( ) 3. I have a sister. ________ is an English teacher. This English book is________. A. Her, Hers B. Her, her C. She, her D. She, hers ( ) 4. — Linda, when shall we take a walk? —After I finish my homework. A. check B. check C. to check D. checking ( ) 5. —My grandfather is ill. — ________ . A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. That’s too bad D. I’m sorry to hear that ( ) 6. Behind the door _________ some apples. A. is B. are C. be D. / ( ) 7. —Can I help you, madam? —I’d like a kilo of ________ . A. milk B. cake C. banana D. apple ( ) 8. School ________. Let’s go home. A. begins B. is off C. is over D. is over there ( ) 9. —________ is your new bike? —1,000 yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How about D. Where ( ) 10. Do you read English ________? A. every morning B. in morning C. on every morning D. in every morning ( ) 11. Mrs. Green comes from ________. A. English B. American C. Australia D. Japanese ( ) 12. Best wishes ________ New Year’s Day and best wishes ______ you. A. to; for B. to; to C. for; for D. for; to ( ) 13. It ________her three weeks to study lessons. A. spends B. cost C. waste D. takes ( ) 14. I hope ________ go to the park with me next week. A. her to B. her C. / D. she will ( ) 15. He at painting, but he doesn’t in playing chess. A. is good, does well B. does well, is good C. is good, do well D. do well, is good ( ) 16. I will go to the hospital this afternoon. There is_______ with my nose. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. anything wrong D. something wrong ( ) 17. —________ you cross the street every morning? —No. But I _________ it this afternoon. A. Do, do B. Do, will do C. Will, do D. Will, will do ( ) 18. —________ do you like eating? —I like eating rice, meat and all kinds of vegetables. A. How much B. How many C. What D. How ( ) 19. _______ late for music class again next time, . A. Don’t be B. Be not C. Not be D. Don’t ( ) 20. I think Dick can __________ his camera in the lost and __________ office. A. find, find B. finds, finds C. find, found D. found, find


冀教版初中八年级英语测试题 (笔试部分) 姓名_______ 班级_______ 分数_______ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单项选择 ( )1. I like the coat very much. It has _____ same colour as my sister’s. A.a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2.-Mary, how far is it from your home to school? -About 20 _____ walk. A. Minutes’ B. minute’s C. minute’ D. minute ( )3. I was very excited _____ I heard the news that the high-speed railway would be built from Guangzhou to Xiamen. A.after B.when C.until D.while ( )4.-Hi, Mary! What are you going to do for the coming winter holiday? -I am going to _____ playing the piano because I like music. A. take down B. take up C. pick up D. clean up ( )5.My cousin _____ 100 model planes since 2015. A. collects B. is collecting C. has collected D. collected ( )6. -Did you say anything to your parents _____ they shouted at you? -No, I was afraid to talk back. They looked really serious and scary. A.unless B.Why C.when D. if


初中英语语法综合练习题 单项选择 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.answer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. % A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet { 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. ~ A.sings B.sang C.sing 7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.

A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 、 9、Does Jack want a writer A.be B.is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 【 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 【 13、Don't forget your books to school. A.bring B.to bring C.brought


( ) 1. I think difficult for us to learn a foreign language well. A. it B. that C. this ( ) 2. She often provides food and clothes the homeless children. A. of B. with C. for ( ) 3. Teenagers sho uldn’t be allowed . A. to drive B. drive C. to driving ( ) 4. Have you even seen him ? A. before B. ago C. just now ( ) 5. Why don’t you an English club to practice English? A. to join;to speak B. join;speaking C. join;to speak ( ) 6. —Where is your father? —He Australia and he Sydney for two weeks. A. has been to;has been in B. has gone to;ha s been in C. has been in;h as been to ( )7.Joe to Shanghai last year. A. has gone B.went C.goes ( )8.This pair of shoes from England A.are B.is https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef306450.html,e ( )9.His father________his hometown for twenty years.He really


初二英语期末模拟试题 满分:75分考试时间:70分钟 第Ⅰ卷选择题(45分) 一.单项填空(30小题,计15分) A)选择适当的词语替换句子中的划线部分。 ( )1.Tom walks to school every day. A. on foot B. goes to C. goes to … on foot ( )2.There are over 50 students in our class. A. about B. more than C. around ( )3.We had a good time in the park yesterday. A. enjoyed myself B. have fun C. enjoyed ourselves. ( )4.Finally they arrived there after a long journey. A. At the end B. In the end C. At the last ( )5.I got a letter from my friend last week. A. received from B. heard from C. heard a letter from B)从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的答案。 ( )6. “____ do you surf the Internet?” “Once a week.” A. How soon B. How often C. How long ( )7.The students in this school have P.E. class once ___ twice a week.


八年级下英语词汇测试 题 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

八年级下英语词汇测试题(Unit7-8) 文岭中学 Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分) (A)根据汉语或首字母提示填空。 1. Could you tell me the secret of your _________(成功) 2. Can you _________(想象) he could ride a bike when he was 10 years old? 3. Mom will cook chicken s_________ for us tomorrow morning. 4. In some w_________ countries, people like eating sweet food after meals. 5. May I have your a _________, please I’ll send the lunch to your room. 6. The tea is too strong. You need _________ (add) some more water slowly. 7. In parts of India, people use their _________ (finger) to pick up the food. 8. I think rice is grown in the _________ (south) part of China. 9. It’s _________ (polite) to leave as soon as you finish eating in China.

八年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版 (3)

2019学年八年级英语下学期期末试题 听力部分 Ⅰ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 1.A. clever B. climber C. collector 2.A. look after B. run after C. take after 3.A. in the face of B. at the end of C. in the front of 4.A. He was too nervous to speak. B. He was very nervous, but he could speak. C. He can’t speak if he is nervous. 5.A. Julia is taller than her teacher. B. Julia is the tallest student in her class. C. Julia is the tallest girl in her class. Ⅱ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 6.A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Why not lie down and have a good rest. C. I disagree with you. 7.A. About 6,300 kilometers long B. For many years. C. About 5,200 meters away from here. 8.A. Yes, he has B. Yes, please. C. Not yet. 9.A. I think it’s exciting. B. I think so. C. I’m afraid I can’t. 10.A. That’s all right. B. OK, I will. C. I think so. Ⅲ.听第一段对话和问题,回答11——13题,听第二段对话和问题,回答14——15题(5分)


一、单项选择 1. Lucy look _________Lily. They are _____________ A. like, like B. like , alike C. alike , like D. alike , alike 2. The number of the cranes is getting ________. If we don’t help them, they will disappear ______a few years A. fewer and fewer, in B. larger and larger, after C. more and more, after D. smaller and smaller, in 3. I’m ________ to see the baby’s ________ ability in music. A. amazing, amazing B. amazing, amazed C. amazed, amazing D. amazed, amazed 4. ----How did he finish the work?----I hear that he did it __________ A. in the own B. on his own C. of the own D. all his own 5. The ______ of living areas makes wild animals become fewer than before A. loss B. lost C. losing D. lose 6. People make medicine _______tigers’ ____________ A. of bones B. with, bone C. on , bone D. from ,bone 7. Do you know how many people ______ the big fire last week? A. lived B. survived C. stayed D. continued 8. Of the two American students , Lily is _____________ one. A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest 9. We can’t win the match ________your support. A. without B. with C. under D. for 10. Daniel is my friend. I like sharing my _________ with him when I am happy. A. joy B. happy C. sad D. secrets 11. ---Which book can I take? ---You can take ____ book you like. A. both B. any C. no D. all 12. His grandfather is over 85, _________ he is very healthy. A. and B. but C. or D. so 13. –Are these cars made in Japan? ---Yes. And they’re much cheaper than _______ in America. A. that B. those C. it D. ones


五、单项选择(15分) () 21. I think _____ is meaningful for us to help other people. A. it B. that C. this D. it's ()22. - Who joined Oxfam Trailwalker last year, Sam? - Mile _____. A. joined B. would C. did D. was () 23. People over 18 can group ____ into a team of four people and join the charity walk. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them () 24. They should plan ____ during the walk. A. what are they going to carry B. what they are going to carry C. how are they going to carry D. how should they carry () 25. If you finish the walk ____ two hours, you will receive a certificate. A. within B. for C. since D. after () 26. Which team is ____, yours or theirs? A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular () 27. I wish that I ____ a bird. A. am B. is C. was D. be () 28. Mr Li, our maths teacher, was ill this morning ____ he didn't come to school today. A. so B. because of C. because D. but () 29. They need ____ together to finish the hike because only the team's finishing time will be recorded. A. walk B. walking C. walked D. to walk () 30. It is wrong ____ some people look down on blind people and it is necessary for ____ ____ help them. A. that; us; to B. that; we; to C. that; you; too D. /; us; to 六、完形填空(每小题2分,共12分) Now it is the summer holiday. Time always 31 fast. In the holiday, the weather is hot and I can't do much 32 , but I live happily. The afternoon is hot, 33 I do my homework in the morning. I get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the park for half an hour. After breakfast, I begin to 34 English and Chinese, and do some maths exercises. I work very hard. I spend the afternoon outside. I go to the beach. I like to 35 in the sea. It is very funny, I will not go home until it is about five or six o'clock. Sometimes a friend of mine will come to see me and we will spend a few hours 36 songs. In this way I spend my holiday happily. 31. A. stops B. flies C. sleeps D. walks 32. A. work B. rain C. food D. wind 33. A. because B. but C. so D. or 34. A. read B. see C. watch D. look


英语语法专练第一部分冠词 1.Is there “s”in the end of the word? A.an B.a C.the D. / 2.Mr. Wang is ___ _honest man. A.an B.a C.the D. / 3.He is ____university student. A.a B.an C.the D. / 4. __ book is very useful. I bought it from unknown little town. A. A, a B.The, a C.The, the D.The, an 5. _________________________ ___girl in ___Grade three is tallest in our school. A.The, the, the B.A, a, a C.The, ×, the D.A, ×, a 6. ___ moon moves around _____ e arth,and they both are smaller than sun. A.The, an, a B.A, the, the C. ×, ×, × D.The, the, the 7. She was playing _ piano then. A.a B./ C.the D.an 8. ___ young should care for __ old. A.The, a B.The, the C.A, a D.A, the 9. _______________ The city lies on Yangtzi River. A.the B.a C./ D.an 10. ___________________ H e doesn ' t have lunch at home. A.a B.the C./ D.that 第二部分名词 1.Is there _ on that plate? There are under that tree. a. some chicken b.any chicken c.some chickens d.any chickens 2. ______________ We need two to repair the table. a. block of woods b.blocks of wood c.block of wood d.blocks of woods 3. __________ We know doesn't travel so fast as light. a.sound b.sounds c.a sound d.the sound 4. _______________ There are sixty in our school. a.woman teacher b.women teachers C.woman teachers d.women teacher 5. _______________________ Miss Smith is a friend of . a.Mary 's mother 's b.Mary 's mother c.mother 's of Mary d.Mary mother 's 第三部分数词 1. ___________________________________________________________ He always wanted to have ___of books and he has recently bought four ________________. a.hundred,hundred b.hundreds,hundred

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