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Robert Coles

1No other country in the world has worked the notion of happiness into its Constitution, the very source of its national authority, the way the founding fathers of the United States of America chose to do when they linked the pursuit of happiness with life and with liberty as a trio of utterly inalienable rights. Not that happiness was, thereupon, defined. Anyway, a "pursuit" was specified --- perhaps a rather knowing decision, in the tradition of Don Quixote, that the journey or way is better than the inn. "Happiness," a psychoanalytic supervisor of mine used to tell me, again and again, as I presented information to him about my patients, "is something people yearn for. " He'd stop, and after a while I'd know the next sentence: When they have it, they've redefined it, so they can keep searching. " Again, one thinks of Cervantes hero- not to mention any number of restless heroes and heroines in the novels of, say, George Eliot or Hardy or D. H. Lawrence.

2What is happiness? The word itself only appeared in our English language during the sixteenth century, and

is etymologically and, yes, spiritually connected to the word "happen" --- which, of course, has to do with the occurrence of an event. Happiness in Shakespeare's time, and later as well, referred to good fortune, good luck to favorable circumstances visited, somehow, on a particular person who registered such a state of affairs subjectively with a condition of good cheer, pleasurable feeling. One was satisfied with one's situation, glad to be in one's given place and time by virtue of how one's life has gone. The emphasis is, put differently, upon fate -- an almost external force. To be sure, individuals craved pleasure, money, power, territory, a certain woman, a certain man -- but "happiness" was not in itself sought. Rather, a person's personal and workaday success was noted by that person, and thankfully acknowledged- his or hers by virtue of divine grace or the stars and their mysterious doings, or, quite simply, a series of fortuitous events

3Without question there were different interpretations of what prompts happiness, and what constitutes it. For many devoutly religious people (to this day), a stroke of business success, a marriage that works,

the emergence over time of strong, intelligent well-behaved children who seem able and content with their lot in life are all signs of sorts, evidence of God's favor. For those who don't know what to believe (about this life, and .our place or purpose on earth), happiness seems something accidental, contingent, or, at best, a feeling for which one has worked hard indeed. But now wearer a bit ahead of, ourselves, historically: years ago, there was a sense of awe about happiness--as if it were visited upon some in accordance with the unfathomable workings of an inscrutable universe. It was only in more recent times, as men and women became more the center of this world (in’ their own minds, more the makers, the doers, the ones who wield and see the consequences, that happiness became, with everything else, a goal, a purpose, or, as those hard working, ambitious rationalists who framed our Constitution put it something for which a "pursuit" is waged, No longer does happiness happen happiness is obtained.

4But again the question has to be asked: what was this "happiness" which increasingly became mentioned by people in England and America from, say, 1600 or so

onward? The English poet Alexander Pope, always one to render a quotable statement, once exclaimed "Oh Happiness! Then he tried his hand at spelling the matter out: "Our being's end and aim! Good, Pleasure, Ease, Content! Whatever thy name. ''An interesting way of regarding an elusive quality of mind and heart. First, the avowal that, the possession of happiness is connected to our very purpose in life, to the central thrust of our human striving, to our aspirations as the peculiar creature which -- well, has just that, the capacity to have aspirations. Then, a kind of bafflement: the poet, handy with words as he was, surrenders to the puzzling variety of hope and direction and orientation among us mortals. He makes a list, a various one at that; and yes, the list still works as we consider “happiness.”

5For some, "Good" is yet what counts: happiness as the inner feeling that corresponds to a moral perception of the part of a person. "I have done my duty to God and country; I have lived as I was taught it is right to live, and I'm ready to die happy--the words of an ordinary twentieth century American working woman a nurse of fifty, actually, who'd raised her two children well

lived out a solid, satisfying marriage with her optometrist bus band oncologists, and, she would sometimes add, her minister. "He prays for my recovery," she once told me, and then added, "but I don't believe you can bargain with God that way. I'll be dying soon and I know it. I don't pray to God that He give me more life; I pray to God that the life I've already lived not be judged too bad and too sinful when I meet Him. I think I've been a fairly decent person, and so I'm not afraid. To tell the truth, except when I'm in pain, I'm quite happy. "...

6Pope's next category is "Pleasure," and in years of medical and psychiatric work, I find that second line of response ever on the minds of today's men and women, especially the young. I happen to give a course at Harvard College(and another, similar one, at Harvard Medical School) titled "Moral and Social Inquiry. " We read poets, documentary essayists, and novelists who have, in their own ways, tried to figure out what men and women want out of life, and why. After exposure to the likes of James Agee and George Orwell, Tillie Olsen and Flannery O'Connor Walker Percy and Ralph Ellison, Dorothy Day and Simone Weil, and, not least, those three

marvelous Victorian storytellers, Dickens George Eliot, and Hardy, the students write their papers; and often enough, the papers are deeply personal: an effort to connect what they've read to what the students are struggling to do, to be. Not rarely, the question of "happiness" comes up.

7Here is one young woman saying a few things about a college, a culture, a class of people, and, not leas herself I guess I expected to come to school here. I know I sound spoiled, but I was brought up to think I'd go to a good college, an Ivy League school, and that I'd have most of the good things in life, as 'a matter of course. ' I put quotation marks around that phrase, because it's my mother's. She would tell us that she expected us to be have, and work hard, but there'd be lots of fun, and if we would just be patient, we'd get all we'd ever want, as 'a matter of course. ' And mostly, I just assumed she was right, and we'd get all the joy life has to offer. And that's how it's turned out: I've had just about every opportunity there is, every luxury I've ever wanted. Sometimes, I wonder what's left in life! Is there any enjoyment I haven't had? And I get the impression it'll go on and on,

until l die: comforts galore

8pleasure, then, is for many of us happiness: pleasure in possession, and pleasure in the capital we've accumulated, and pleasure in the authority we wield over others, and pleasure in the involvements we are taught we must have with others….

9... And Pope's next variable "Ease," is for us much connected to that "pleasure. " Such was not, of course, always the case.

10Years ago pleasure was not so readily obtained, had to be sought long and hard, and was by no means the mark of an entire lifestyle. William Carlos Williams, in a letter to a young friend (1950), pointed out that pleasure had to do with time --- and not the extent of it some of us might think desirable: "I'm up early, and to bed late, working with my patients all day, and working at my poems or stories at night. It's the long haul that counts! Every once in a while, I'll stop and realize that I'm happy with my doctoring and happy with what I've been writing and happy at home, with my family; but hell, you don't live your life thinking that way. Happiness is an afterthought; it comes

after years of putting out the energy, making the commitments, standing by them though thick and thin.

11An American modernist writer, an American physician of this century, Williams was hardly a stoic or a puritan. On the contrary, he was a passionate person whose poetry reveals a constant delight in the everyday things (and people! ) of this life. His eye took great pleasure in the natural landscape, and in the human one as well. His ears caught with joy the music of this world -- sounds, accents, whispers, outbursts, sheer noise. He could celebrate the sensual. He loved:, especially, the feminine side of this earthly existence --- women as our bearers, providers, and for him the incarnation of so very much that is civilized as opposed to crude and truculent and demanding.

12Ever playful with words, but at the same time, dead serious in such fun, Williams once told me: "There are those who bear, and those who overbear," and if such sexually connected, large-scale distinction now seem outdated or naive over thirty years have passed then his way of commenting those two categories of being to the matter of happiness may still offer us reason for

appreciative pause: “those who bear who give life and nourish life and you can do so, if you're a bachelor or a spinster, in the way you care for others –those are the people who find happiness only gradually, in the long run; the others, who are over-bearing, grab what they can, pronto, and call it happiness, but they're always grabbing, so there's a discontent there, lots of it!"

13The word "discontent" connects, of course, with Pope's last, categorical effort to provide a synonym for happiness: Content. He meant, one assumes, not the dubious contentment of smugness, of pride, of self-importance, but rather a state of mind characterized by a restfulness of sorts with respect to oneself: a self-respect that lasts, and prompts, yes, happiness. Nor is such a "content" feeling only the property of old age. The college students and medical students I teach have come to see me during my office hours and they have told me of decisions they've made (serious ones, indeed) and the subsequent (and consequent!) contentment they've experienced, often to their surprise. One young woman wanted me to know this: "I've struggled for two years about what I'm going to do with myself --- my

future, my career. I've struggled with my personal life, too: what kind of man will I get really serious with, and end up marrying. I don't have the answers for others, not even for my good friends; but I've thought of others, as well as me. And the result is I feel a little better about things -- a little peace within myself!"

14She was, in her own fashion, indicating that there is a moral side to this life --- that pines has to do, finally with a leap toward others. To be tactful considerate, kind hearted --- such old-fashioned virtues bring in their own reward, a kind of self-transcendence that can, indeed, be liberating. No wonder William Carlos Williams, in the Second Book of his long, lyrical poem about American life, "Paterson," exhorted himself and the rest of us: "Outside/outside myself/there is a world... " Pure common senses one says --- yet, how often we forget such ordinary wisdom in favor of the latest faddish egoistic mandate

15 "Sometimes I think I'm happiest when I've forgotten myself for a long, long time," a mere eight-year-old black child told me, two decades ago, as she struggled in the face of a hostile mob to enter an

all-white Southern school. At the time, I worried hard about what was happening to her psychologically: the fear, the tension, the threats, the evident persisting danger. But she persisted, she endured, and she always and thereafter called that time her "big chance." She had stumbled the hard way upon wisdom, upon grace, upon a kind of release based upon moral purpose; and maybe many of us, so much better off in our lives, may still be waiting for our "big chance."


happiness的英语演讲稿 篇一:HAPPINESS的英语演讲稿 the road to happiness good morning/afternoon distinguished judges and my fellow students. i am ..from..##. i am going to start my speech with a question. how can we harvest happiness? as for this question, most of you have thought about it incidentally or purposefully. while have you figured out the way? next, i will share my understanding of this question. for me, the road to happiness is the way to fight for my goals and desires. as a matter of fact, i have been on the road to happiness from the moment i was born. when i was 5, i racked my brains(绞尽脑汁) to get a barbie doll or a teddy bear. in order to get them, i was willing to attend the

piano class which actually was the last thing i wanted to do. however, on thinking of my little dolls, i forgot all the pains in the piano class. i deeply believed that i was realizing my happiness, and i was on the road to my happiness. when i was 10,i was fascinated by the title of no.1 which could bring me a huge sense of success. to be the no.1, i sacrificed my rest time to attend all kinds of training classes, and i saved my pocket money to afford reference books. these might sound painful for most 10 years old children. but as long as i achieved my goal, i thought i was on the road to happiness. when i was 15, i became an enthusiast of painting. i enjoyed the way to express myself by means of different colors.. with a strong desire to improve my painting


Unit 9 What Is Happiness? John Ciardi (abridged) The right to pursue happiness is issued to Americans with their birth certificates, but no one seems quite sure which way it runs. It may be we are issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift seemed to think so when he attacked the idea of happiness as “the possession of being well-deceived,” the felicity of being “a fool among knaves.” For Swift saw society as Vanity Fair, the land of false goals. It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of fools and knaves. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to Heaven when we possess enough. And at the same time the forces of American commercialism are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them —and to create them faster than any man’s budget can satisfy them. For that matter, our whole economy is base d on a dedicated insatiability. We are taught that to possess is to be happy, and then we are made to want. We are even told it is our duty to want. It was only a few years ago, to cite a single example, that car dealers across the country were flying banners that read "You Auto Buy Now." They were calling upon Americans, as an act approaching patriotism, to buy at once, with money they did not have, automobiles they did not really need, and which they would be required to grow tired of by the time the next year’s models were released. Or look at any of the women’s magazines. There, as Bernard DeVoto once pointed out, advertising begins as poetry in the front pages and ends as pharmacopoeia and therapy in the back pages. The poetry of the front matter is the dream of perfect beauty. This is the baby skin that must be hers. These, the flawless teeth. This, the perfumed breath she must exhale. This, the sixteen-year-old figure she must display at forty, at fifty, at sixty, and forever. Once past the vaguely uplifting fiction and feature articles, the reader finds the other face of the dream in the back matter. This is the harness into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect figure. These, the chin straps she must sleep in. This is the salve that restores all, this is her laxative, these are the tablets that melt away fat, these are the hormones of perpetual youth, these are the stockings that hide varicose veins.


3分钟演讲稿英语3篇 在各学高校英语演讲中,甚至是各级别的英语演讲比赛中,常常感觉学生的演讲稿缺乏实质性的劝说力和感染力。下面整理了3分钟演讲稿英语3篇,供你参考。 3分钟演讲稿英语篇1 Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite. It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly. 金钱能买来幸福吗? 金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的回答。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 诚然一个人如果有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒


教师英语演讲稿:Happiness 教师英语演讲稿:Happiness As we all know, happiness is something that everyone is chasing. But, what is happiness? Does happiness have a universal definition? I say no. But there must be something in life that makes you realize what it means. When you are hungry, you have something to eat. Don’t you feel happy? When you’re in sick, there is a short message full of care and love from your friend. Don’t you feel happy? When you have each tiny wish come true, don’t you feel happy?I always try my best to find out what is the true meaning of happiness. And I think I have got lots of it from my career. Today, standing here, I’d like to share with you a little piece of my happiness from my school life. “Dear queen, how do you feel? Do we massage well?” Lee said softly around me. Of course, the “queen” was me. One day, our P.E teacher was out for business trip. So it was my duty to be the leader in this P.E class. After guiding students to play games for a long time. Everyone was tired. Then, one student lay down. Then, another…in a minute, all of the students lay down on the playground. It was so enjoyable for me to see such a great situation, as in the classroom our lovely guys always sit properly to show their poritive attitudes. The sun was shining. The wind was blowing. Smelling the faint smell of flowers, I couldn’t help closing my eyes and lying on my back. Suddently, a tiny hand touched my arm. “Queen, you must be tired after a day’s work. Right? I’m your faithful maid. Let me serve for y ou.” Then, the other students came over to sit and serve around me. Head, neck, leg. Wow, that was really a great happiness to have such an experience. Dear friends, everyday we have a lot of work to do. Everyday we have a lot of things to complain. But, just like Xiao Shenyang saying, “The eyes close and open - a day is over. The eyes close but never open , all life has gone.” Time is limited. Why can’t we focus on our lovely students and keep a happy mind in the school life? Just like me. Lie down and enjoy the happiness from my kids.


关于幸福的英语演讲稿 篇一:什么是幸福的英文演讲稿 幸福是什么? Hello everybody, today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of is happiness It is what everyone is longing for. Sometimes happiness would be rather simple. Winning a game is happiness; getting a high grade in the exam is happiness; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also happiness. 大家好,今天我很高兴在这里与你分享我的想法的幸福。幸福是什么?这是每个人都渴望。幸福有时很简单。赢得一场比赛是幸福;考试得高分是幸福;甚至我现在站在这里演讲,也是幸福的。 However, as far as a person’s whole life is concerned, happiness becomes very complicated(复杂的). Is fortune(财富) success Is fame(名誉) happiness Is high social status happiness No, I don’t think so. Happiness in my mind is the attitude(态度) towards things. Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who have much money, but the fact is they are not happy. My dictionary defines happy as "lucky" or

三分钟英语演讲:My happiness in NKU

三分钟英语演讲:My happiness in NKU 张家玮 三分钟演讲,很短。 Good evening, everyone! It’s a great honor for me to stand here on this special occasion to deliver a speech. Today I’d like to talk about my happiness in Nankai University. I have a senior high school classmate now majoring in economy and finance in Hong Kong University. The other day she asked me the reason why all her friends in Nankai feel extremely proud of this university while those in other schools don’t have such strong passion. I couldn’t tell the concrete reasons, but I did think a lot. To be honest, I felt more than lucky to be admitted by School of Finance in Nankai, for I didn’t do well in the national entrance examination. I lost more than 40 points in physics, which got me the lowest grades and ranks throughout my senior high school life. To my relief, I don’t have to study physics in the following four years, which is definitely an extra bonus. The first day I got here I was warmly welcomed by the whole school. As time went by, I became increasingly busy. But

Happiness First, Money Later翻译

Happiness First, Money Later We live in a success and money driven culture. If you doubt the truthfulness of that cliché, I’ll refer you to competitive reality TV, your office, the lottery, and just about any marketing or money-based blog on the web. F rom the first day that we understand its power, we’re made to believe that money is the end-all of human happiness and achievement. Unfortunately for young professionals with big career ambitions, the mantra of “more money means the good life” leads to more sorrow than it does to happiness. No Regrets The sad truth is that young professionals who aspire to monetary success (and who doesn’t?) often make comprises in all other aspects of their life in order to make the big bucks. Our society almost encourages the sacrifice of personal happiness for the sake of material success. But what is success if it can’t be shared or appreciated among loved ones? What is a life’s worth of work if you don’t take a moment to stop and enjoy it? The Guardian recently published a compelling piece about the five biggest regrets of people about to meet their maker. The author explains that most people regret that they didn’t lead the life they wanted to lead, or they regret that they worked too hard in life at the expense of those they loved. It’s a revealing story that drives home the need for many


Happiness 但那是幸福也没有具体的定义。无论如何,特意强调的追求也许是心领神会的决定,与唐吉柯德的行为一样,也就是说,过程会比终点完美许多。“幸福”我的精神监督曾经一遍又一遍的告诉我,当我告诉他我的患者的信息说,“幸福是人们所渴望的东西。”他停下来,过了一会接了一句我知道句子:“当人们拥有它的时候,就会忽略,所以一直在不断的寻找。” 什么是幸福?这个词最开始出现在16世纪的英语中,在英语词源学与精神上都与happen 毫无疑问,对什么促成了幸福和幸福的组成有许多解释。对于很多虔诚的教徒来说,工作上的突然成功,美满的婚姻,还有随着时间的推移培养出来强壮聪明举止得体的孩子,而这些孩子们看起来非常有能力并且对他们的命运满足,这一切都是幸福的标志,是受到上帝青睐的表现。对于那些不信的人来讲,他不知道自己的生命,也不知道人类在地球上的位置以及目标,幸福看上去就是偶然的东西,充其量就是一个人努力工作后的感觉。但是现在我们说的太早了,大约四百年前,历史上人们对幸福有敬畏感,仿佛是听从于深不可测的宇宙中某些无法理解的用作规律下,来拜访某些人的。只有到了近代,随着男人和女人越来越多地成为世界的中心,或者在他们的脑海里他们的成为了世界的缔造者执行者,成为了能够促成或者某些时间能够发生的人的时候,幸福才能成为一种目标和目的。或者想那些起早国宪法的辛勤工作者有抱负的人所说的那样,幸福是一种需要发起追求的东西。这样幸福不是发生的,而是需要被获取。 这里还得再提这个问题,1600年甚至在往前,幸福这个词被越来越多英国人和美国人的提及。英国诗人,亚历蒲柏的名言,他曾经说道“哇!幸福!”接下来他试图努力把这件事情解释清楚,他说:“幸福是我们人类的目标和目的,美好,享乐,从容,满足,该用什么样的词来定义你呢?”蒲泊在谈及这种思想和心灵上这种微妙的感觉的时候,采用了一


三分钟英语演讲:MyhappinessinNKU 三分钟英语演讲:My happiness in NKU 张家玮 三分钟演讲,很短。 Good evening, everyone! It’s a great honor for me to stand here on this special occasion to deliver a speech. Today I’d like to talk about my happiness in Nankai University. I have a senior high school classmate now majoring in economy and finance in Hong Kong University. The other day she asked me the reason why all her friends in Nankai feel extremely proud of this university while those in other schools don’t have such strong passion. I c ouldn’t tell the concrete reasons, but I did think a lot. To be honest, I felt more than lucky to be admitted by School of Finance in Nankai, for I didn’t do well in the national entrance examination. I lost more than 40 points in physics, which got me the lowest grades and ranks throughout my senior high school life. To my relief, I don’t have to study physics in the following four years,


关于幸福的英语演讲稿篇一:什么是幸福的英文演讲稿幸福是什么? Hello everybody, today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of is happiness It is what everyone is longing for. Sometimes happiness would be rather simple. Winning a game is happiness; getting a high grade in the exam is happiness; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also happiness. 大家好,今天我很高兴在这里与你分享我的想法的幸福。幸福是什么?这是每个人都渴望。幸福有时很简单。赢得一场比赛是幸福;考试得高分是幸福;甚至我现在站在这里演讲,也是幸福的。 However, as far as a person ' s whole life is concerned, happiness becomes very complicated(复杂的). Is fortune (财富)success Is fame (名誉)happiness Is high social status happiness No, I don ' t think so. Happiness in my mind is the attitude (态度)towards things. Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who have much money, but the fact is they are not happy. My dictionary defines happy as "lucky" or "fortunate", but I think a better definition of happiness is "the capacity for enjoyment (享受的能力)". The more we can enjoy

国民幸福指数National Happiness Index

国民幸福指数(National Happiness Index,NHI)是衡量人们幸福感的一种指数,也是衡量一个国家或地区经济发展、居民生活与幸福水平的指标工具。随着中国经济的高速增长,中国政府越来越重视人民群众生活质量和幸福指数的提升。政府注重改善民生,努力改善人民群众的经济状况,满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求。当前,中国政府提倡释放改革红利,让人民群众得到更多实惠。所有这些都将有效促进我国国民幸福指数不断提升。 National Happiness Index is not only an index which can measure the people's feelings of happiness, but also an index tool to measure the economic development, the resident's livings, and the happy level of a nation or an area. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the government of China pay much more attention to the masses' quality living and the promotion of the happy level. The government focuses on bettering the people's livelihood, making efforts to promote the masses' economic conditions and satisfying the masses' booming needs of material culture. Currently, the government of China advocates to release the revolution bonus, for letting the masses obtain more benefits. All above these will have more effects on lifting our National Happiness Index.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除幸福是什么英语演讲稿 篇一:什么是幸福的英文演讲稿 幸福是什么? helloeverybody,todayIamverygladtobeheretosharewithy oumyideasofhappiness.whatishappiness?Itiswhateveryo neislongingfor.sometimeshappinesswouldberathersimpl e.winningagameishappiness;gettingahighgradeintheexa mishappiness;evennowIamstandingheregivingmyspeechis somehowalsohappiness. 大家好,今天我很高兴在这里与你分享我的想法的幸福。幸福是什么?这是每个人都渴望。幸福有时很简单。赢得一场比赛是幸福;考试得高分是幸福;甚至我现在站在这里演讲,也是幸福的。 however,asfarasaperson’ swholelifeisconcerned,happinessbecomesverycomplicat ed(复杂的).Isfortune(财富)success?Isfame(名誉)

happiness?Ishighsocialstatushappiness?no,Idon’tthinkso.happinessinmymindistheattitude(态度)towardsthings.nowadays,inthemodernsocietytherearema nypeoplewhohavemuchmoney,butthefactistheyarenothapp y.mydictionarydefineshappyas"lucky"or"fortunate",bu tIthinkabetterdefinitionofhappinessis"thecapacityfo renjoyment(享受的能力) ".Themorewecanenjoywhatwehave,thehappierweare.Itsea sytooverlook(忽视)thepleasurewegetfromlovingandbeingloved,thecompanyo ffriends,thefreedomtolivewhereweplease,evengoodheal th. 然而,只要一个人的整个人生来说,幸福变得非常复杂(复杂的)。是财富(财富)成功?名声(名誉)幸福吗?高社会地位的幸福吗?不,我想不会。幸福在我心里是对事物的态度(态度)。如今,在现代社会中有很多人有很多钱,但事实是他们不快乐。我的字典把幸福定义为“幸运”或“幸运”,但我认为幸福更好的定义是“享受的能力”(享受的能力)”。我们越能享受我们所拥有的东西,我们就越幸福。人们很容易忽略(忽视)高兴我们可以从爱和被爱,朋友的陪伴,自由的生活,我们请,甚至身体健康。 Youneverknowwherehappinesswillturnup(露面)


happiness演讲稿4篇 *目录happiness演讲稿经典英语演讲稿:Money and Happiness 英语演讲稿 the way to happinessThe Road to Happiness英语演讲稿The Road to Happiness It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it unwisely. Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed. So it is with happiness. If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hangover. Epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days. His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness. If you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain


The Hidden Side of Happiness 1、Hurricanes, house fires,cancer, white-water rafting accidents, plane crashes, vicious attacks in dark alleyways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such a harrowing ordeal ultimately changes them for the better. Their refrain might go something like this: "I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm a better person for it." 飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。但出人意料的是,很多人发现遭受这样一次痛苦的磨难最终会使他们向好的方面转变。他们可能都会这样说:“我希望这事没发生,但因为它我变得更完美了。” 2、We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations, perhaps because they testify to a bona fide psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There is a built-in human capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive reactions to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest. In fact, roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say

英语演讲稿 the way to happiness

三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/ef17325896.html,)/演讲致辞/英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿 the way to happiness nowadays,increasinglyindividualspayspecialatte ntiontothetopicthewaytohappiness.maybesomefolk shaveaquestionthatwhy“thewaytohappiness”becomesahotwordinthesociety. weallknowalotofpeopleconsidertheirlifearenotha ppy.forstudents,theacademicpressure,theenterth enexthigherschoolspressureandthecomparisonofth eresultareconfusedallthestudentseveryday.thegr aduatewillworriedabouttheirjobandpaymentintheg oingfuture.staffsmayanxiousthecompetitionandth eadvanceinthecompany.theretireemayworriedabout theendowmentinsuranceandthehealthyproblem.ther efore,alotofproblemslikestrife,contradictionha veemeraged.

so,isthatmeansonlykidshaveahappylifeorkidseven havetheirownshadowwedonotfinditout? infect,stillalotofpeopleconsidertheirlifearebe atificsurroundingus.youcanseethesweetsmileonth eirfaceandfullofenergyslookseveryday. youwillhaveanotherquestionhere.whytheseguyslif earebeatificallthetime?theydonothaveanypressur eortheywontworriedaboutanything? infect,thesepeopleknowasecret,thewaytohappines s. firstly,weknowallthepeoplemustfacealotofpressu reeveryday,peopleknowthesecrethavetheirownwayt oreducetheirpressureandsolvetheproblems.infron tofthepresure,theyhavealotofmethodsjustlikedri nkacupoftea,listensomelightmusicortalkwiththei rfriendstosharetheirmindandrelaxtheirselves.

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