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Meaning Example

-ac pertaining to

属于,关于cardiac: pertaining to the heart


-al pertaining to medical: pertaining to


-ar pertaining to molecular: pertaining to

a molecule


-ary pertaining to

belonging to ciliary: pertaining to the cilia


-ase enzyme 酶amylase: any enzyme

that converts starch to

sugar 淀粉酶

-cle smallness

小,少,贫乏,小气follicle: a small bodily cavity or sac


-e an instrument 仪器 auriscope:

an instrument

for examining the ear (检查

耳朵用的)耳镜 -eal pertaining to laryngeal: pertaining to

the larynx

喉的, 喉音的


condition; quality phobia: abnormal fear 恐惧,害怕 -ic pertaining to toxic: pertaining to toxin


-ics study of; name of a science paediatrics: study of


their development


diseases 儿科学

-ine/i n substance 物质

insulin :substance (hormone) produced by

the islets of Langerhans

in the pancreas


-ism process

or condition alcoholism: excessive drinking of alcohol

which becomes addictive


-ist one

who specializes in 精通于……的人 pharmacologist: a doctor who specializes in

the study of drugs 药理专家

-itis inflammation refers to a part in ……部位的炎症 rhinitis: inflammation of

the nasal passages


-(i)u m relation

to a whole; related to 与……相关 endometrium:

inner lining of the uter 子宫内膜

-ive characterizes by antitussive: a drug that

suppresses coughing


-let tiny; small

droplet: a tiny drop 小滴 -ment t he

result or product of an action

development: thing which develops or is being developed; action of becoming mature -oid resembling; like mucoid: resembling

mucus 粘液样的 -ole little; small centriole:

the small dense structure in the


of the centrosome

细胞中心粒;中心体 -oma tumor; swelling refers to a doer dermatofibroma: fibrous

tumor of the skin


-or/-e r either a person or thing receptor: a

sensory nerve ending

that responds

to various stimuli 感受器,受体

-ory characterized by; pertaining to

suspensory: which is

hanging down 悬吊式,悬带 -ose sugar fructose: fruits sugar

found in honey and some

fruit 果糖

-osis abnormal

condition onychocryptosis: abnormal condition of a

hidden nail 嵌甲

-ous pertaining to poisonous: pertaining to

poison; also containing

poison 有毒的,分泌毒


-some s


ribosome: the body of nucleic acid 核糖体 -um structure;

thing; substance


magnesium: a white metallic chemical substance 镁(金属元素) -y condition;

act; process dystrophy: disorder caused

by defective nutrition or metabolism


The following is a list of the most commonly used compound suffixes

Suffix Meaning

Example -algia pain;

painful; condition

arthralgia: pain in a joint 关节痛 --ase enzyme protease: digestive

enzyme 蛋白酶

-blast embryo 胚,胚胎,人类胚胎 hemocytoblast: blast cell


-carci noma malignant tumor developing from connective tissue 相关组织的恶性肿瘤

adenocarcinoma: malignant tumor


from glandular tissue 腺癌

-cele protrusion;

distention 突出;膨胀,延伸

esophagocele: abnormal distention of the esophagus 食管突出 -centes is surgical puncture 手术穿孔 paracentesis: surgical puncture of a cavity for

the aspiration of fluid


-capni a carbon

dioxide 二氧化碳 acapnia: absence of carbon dioxide 血液二


-cide kill germicide:

(substance) which can kill germs 杀菌剂

-clast cell phagocyte:cell,

especially a white blood

cell, which can surround

and destroy other cells


-dynia pain glossodynia: pain in the

tongue 舌痛

-ectasi a/

-ectasi s expansion;



atelectasis: incomplete

expansion of the lungs at

birth 肺不张

-ectom y surgical excision

or removal of

gastrectomy: surgical

removal of the stomach


-edem a excessive

accumulation of

serous fluid 水肿

myxoedema: condition

caused when the thyroid

gland does not produce

enough thyroid hormone


-emia blood condition leukemia: any of several

malignant diseases

where an abnormal

number of leucocytes

form in the blood 白血

-emesi s

vomiting 呕吐

hematemesis: the vomiting of blood 咯血;

吐血 -gen something

that produced

or prouduces pathogen: a microorganism or agent capable of producing

disease 病菌,病原体

-genesi s production 生产 spermatogenesis: formation

and development

of spermatozoa

in the testes 精子发生

-globi n protein 蛋白质


an iron-containing protein produced

by erythrocytes 血红素

-gnosis k nowledge diagnosis: the process of

identifying the nature or

presence of a disease

through knowledge and


-gram image; picture electrocardiogram: a

graphic record of the

electrical activity of

heart muscle or

heartbeat used in the

diagnosis of heart


Abbr. ECG and EKG.

Syn. cardiogram


-graph (y) process of



electocardiography: the

process of making or


electrocardiograms. Syn.

cardiography 心电图记

-iasis condition; state

情况,状况cholelithiasis: the formation of gallstones 胆石症

-iatry/ -iatric s healing,

frequently refers

to a branch of

podiatry: treatment of

foot disorders


medicine 康复,



-lith stone cholelith: a gallstone; a

stone formed in the

gallbladder 胆结石

-logy the study of cytology: the science

study of cells 细胞学

-logist one who studies and treats urologist: a physician

who specializes in the

practice of urology 泌尿


-lysis breakdown,

destruction hemolysis: the destruction or

breakdown of red blood

cells with release of

hemoglobin 溶血

-malac ia


osteomalacia: softening of bone 骨软化 -mani a extreme

compulsion or preoccupation 强kleptomania: a morbid, uncontrollable

compulsion to steal 盗窃


癖 -megal y giant

acromegaly: a condition in which there is an

enlargement of the facial

bones as well as those of

the lungs 肢端肥大症

-metry /

-meter measurement

spirometry: measurement of the volume of air inhaled

and exhaled or the air

capacity of the lungs 肺



-odyni a


cardiodynia: pain in the heart region 心痛,胸痛 -one hormone 荷尔蒙,激素 parathormone:

which regulates calcium

balance among the blood, bones, and teeth


-opia a defect in the eye 眼睛的毛病 myopia:

being short-sighted 近视

-opsy to view biopsy: excision of live

tissue for microscopic

diagnosis 活检

-osis morbid condition 病态的


abnormal hardening 硬化症 -osmia smell

anosmia: loss of the sense of smell 嗅觉丧失 -ostom y process

of making

an opening into or a connection


造瘘 gastrostomy: surgical construction of an opening from the surface of the abdomen into the stomach 胃造口术

-oxia level of oxygen 氧水平 hypoxia: a low oxygen

level or a lack of oxygen

in body tissues 组织缺氧

-pathy disease; diseased condition



eye disease 眼病 -penia deficiency leukopenia: deficiency of

leukocytes in the blood.

Syn. leukocytopenia 白


-pepsi a digestion

eupepsia: good digestion 消化良好

--pexy a fixing or setting firmly in place by suturing 缝合固定


surgical fixation of a displace liver 肝固定术

-phagi a/phag y eating;

swallowing 吃,吞咽 dysphagia: difficulty in swallowing 吞咽困难

-phil attraction 吸引,具有吸引力的事物


type of leucocyte or white blood cell which contains granules 嗜碱性粒细胞 -phobi a


xenophobia: irrational fear of strangers 对外国人的恐惧,憎恶 -plasia formation;

development hyperplasia: overdevelopment or

enlargement of an organ

or tissue 增生,数量型肥

-phoni voice dysphonia: difficulty in


speaking 发声困难 -plasm f ormation;


or substance

of formation

cytoplasm: jelly substance in the cell 细胞浆 -plasty s urgical repair osteoplasty:

surgical repair of the bone 骨整

形术,骨成形术 --plegi a stroke; paralysis 中风 thermoplegia: heat or sunsrtoke 热射病

-pnea breathing eupnea:

normal breathing 呼吸正常,平静呼吸

--ptosi s a


the dropping or sagging of an organ 器官下移 hepatoptosis: abnormally low position of the liver 肝下垂

-ptysis spitting 分散

melanoptysis: spitting of

the spleen 黑色痰液;咳


-poiesi s production

hemopoiesis: production of blood cells 造血作用,


-rrhag e/

-rrhag ia bursting forth of

blood 出血

menorrhagia: very

heavy bleeding during

menstruation 月经过多

-rrhap hy surgical sewing

or suturing

splenorrhaphy: suture of

the spleen脾修补术

-rrhea overflow hydrorrhea: watery


-(o)rrh exis splitting or

rupture 撕裂,破


amniorrhexis: rupture

of the amniotic ac


-sarco ma malignant tumor

developing from

connective tissue

liposarcoma: malignant

tumor containing fat


-schesi s a holding back;

suppression of



uroschesis: suppression

of urine闭尿,尿潴留

-sclero sis a hardening dermatosclerosis:

hardening of the skin硬


-scope instrument

for viewing stethoscope: an instrument

for performing


ausculation 听诊器 -scopy process

of examining


hepatoscopy: examination of the liver 肝检查 -spas m involuntary

contraction angiospasm: sudden contraction

of the muscles in a blood vessel

血管痉挛 -stasis suppression;


control; arrest 抑制,中止

hemostasis: the arrest of bleeding 止血,止血法

-stenos is abnormal

narrowing of a duct or canal 管、道德异常狭窄

laryngostenosis: abnormal narrowing of

the larynx 喉狭窄

-stomy s urgical opening to the outside of the body 造口 colostomy:

surgical operation to make an opening from the colon


-tentio n


hypertention: high blood pressure 高血压 -thera py


physiotherapy: treatment of disease by physical means 物理疗法 --tion process hospitalization:

the process of

being hosipitalized 住院

-tocia labor; birth 生产 embryotocia:

abortion 流产

-tome tool for incision arthrotome: instrument

for cutting a joint 关节刀

-tomy process of cutting into

gastrotomy: incision of

the stomach 胃切开术 -tropia t urning 转弯,变向

esotropia: turning inward of the eye 内斜视 -troph y nourishment

or development

of an organ 器官的营养、发育 dystrophy: disorder caused by defective nutrition or metabolism

营养不良 -uria a condition of the d ysuria: difficultly in

urine(小便)passing urine 排尿困难

-versio n turning eversion: a turning


Here is a table of the most commonly used prefixes

Prefix Meaning Example

a-/an- without; not aphasia: the inability to

understand written or

spoken words or to

speak meaningfully失语

ab- away from abortion: expulsion from

the uterus流产

ad- to; toward; near adnasal: near the nose


acro- a point or tip acronyx: growing into

the flesh嵌甲

alb- white albino: a person lacking

normal pigmentation白


amb-/ ambi- both ambisexual、bisexual:

(person) who is sexually

attracted to both males and famales 双性恋

amphi -/ ampho - both; both sides amphicentric: beginning

and ending in the same


ana- up; back again anabolism: process of

building up complex

chemical substances on

the basis of simpler ones


Angio- a blood vessel angioma: benign tumor

formed of blood vessel血


ante- before antenatal: during the

period between

conception and

childbirth 出生前的,怀


anti- against antidepressant: (drug)

used to treat depression



常用医学英语词根词缀 1.人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心heart cardiao-cardial cardium / carditis / cardiology 脑brain encepholo-cerebral cerebrum / encephalitis / encephalology 肺lung pulmo-pulmonary pulmontiis / pulmonectomy / pulmonology 肝liver hepato-hepatic hepatitis / hepatobiliary / hepatology 胃stomach gastro-gastric gastritis / gastrointestinal / gastrology 胆gallbladder chole-biliary holecystitis / cholinergic / cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero-intestinal enteritis / enterectomy / enterology 脾spleen splen-splenic splenitis / splenectomy / splenology 胰pancreas pancreato-pancreatic pancreatitis / pancreatectomy 肾kidney nephro-renal/nephric nephritis / nephropathy / nephrology 2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管vessel vaso-vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉vein veno-venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉artery arterio-arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌muscle myo-mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓marrow myel-/myelo-myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经nerve neur-/neyro-neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte 尿urine uro-/ur-urology/urosurgery/urogenital 体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome 3.与数字有关的前缀 数字前缀示例 一(单)mono-/uni-monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional 二bi-/di-bilateral/biphasiccarbon dioxide/dipeptide 三tri-trilateral/triphasic/trigeminal nerve 四tetra-tetramer/tetracycline/tetraplegia 五penta-pentagon/pentachromic/pentachloride 六hexa-hexachromic/benzene hexachloride(666)/hexacycliccompiund 七hepta-heptachromic/heptaploid/heptavalent 八octa-octahedral/octal system 九nona-nonapeptide/nonagon 十deca-decade/decagram/decaliter 注:十位数的表示一般为:个位数前缀 +deca,如:hexadecanol(十六烷醇),tetradecapeptide gastrin(十四肽胃泌素),octadecanoic acid(十八烷酸)


英语词根词缀记忆法(三十二) 101 .jug=yoke,表示“牛轭” conjugal a 婚姻的;夫妻的(com 共同+jug+al→共同在轭下→共同承担夫妻责任)subjugate v 压服,征服(sub 在下+jug+ate→把….放在牛轭下→压服) conjugate v 使结合;使成对(con+jug+ate→共同在轭下→结合) 102. lact=milk,表示“奶,乳” lactic a 乳汁的 lactate v 分泌乳汁(lact+ate) ablactate v 使…断奶(ab 离开+lact+ate→离开奶→断奶) lacteal a 乳汁的;乳白的 103. lan gu=faint,表示”虚弱“ languid a 卷怠的(langu+id 表形容词,如:morbid 病态的) languish v 卷怠,衰弱(langu+ish 表动词,如:f lourish繁荣) languor n 衰弱,憔悴(langu+or) 104 .lapid=stone,表示”石头“ lapidary n 宝石工(lapid+ary 表示人,如:iuminary杰出人物) dilapidated a 倒塌的,破旧的(di 坏+lapid+ate+ed→[砌墙]石头坏拉→倒塌,来源于动词di-lapidate) lapidify v 化成石头(lapid+ify 化) 105 .later=side,表示”边“ uni lateral a 单边的(uni 单个+later+al) dilateral a 双边的(bi 双+later+al) equilateral a 等边的(equi 相等+later+al) lateral a 旁边的,侧面的 106. lax=loose,表示“松” lax a 松弛的 laxative n 缓泻药(lax+ative→放松的[药]→泻药) laxity n 松弛(lax+ity) relax v 放松,宽心(re 重新+lax→重新松开→放松) relaxation n 休息;娱乐(relax 的名词) 107. lex,lexic=word,speech,表示“词汇” dyslexia n 阅读障碍(dys 不良+lex+ia 病→对词汇不良的病→阅读障碍) lexlcal a 词汇的;词典的(lexic+al) lexicographer n 词典编写者(lexic+o+grapher 写的人→写词典的人) iexicon n 词典;专门词汇(lexic+on) 108. lidr=book,表示“书” library n 图书馆(libr+ary 表地方,如sanctuary 圣堂,避难所) libretto n 歌剧,音乐剧等的歌词;歌剧脚本(libr+etto表名词) librettist n 歌剧,音乐剧等的歌词作者(librett+ist) 109. licen=allow,表示“允许” licence n 特许,许可证


a 前缀无 ab 前缀从...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼acouo 词根听觉acro 词根顶,肢acromio 词根肩峰 ad 前缀向...靠近,到...上adeno 词根腺 adipo 词根脂肪的adreno 词根肾上腺aero 词根气agglutino 词根凝集 agra 后缀严重的疼痛albo 前缀白 algesi 词根痛觉的感受algia 后缀痛alveolo 词根肺泡alveolo 词根牙槽amnio 词根羊膜amphi 前缀两侧ampullo 词根壶腹

amylo 词根淀粉 an 前缀无 ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞ankylo 词根弯曲 ano 词根肛门ante 前缀在前 anti 前缀抗 aorto 词根主动脉apico 词根顶 apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾aquo 词根水arterio 词根动脉arteriolo 词根小动脉arthro 词根关节 articulo 词根关节 ase 后缀酶

atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积 atrio 词根腔 audio 词根听觉 auro 词根耳 auro 词根金 auto 前缀自 axio 词根轴 balano 词根龟头 bary 前缀重、压 baso 词根碱 bi 前缀双,倍 bili 词根胆汁 blast 后缀母细胞 blenno 词根粘液 blepharo 词根睑 brachy 词根短 bronchio 词根支气管bronchiolo 词根细支气管broncho 词根支气管


【本文档完全免费。“词根/词缀+例子”记忆更深刻。此外,为更方便读者查找每个字母系列,本人在另一个上传的文档基础上又按照首字母顺序做了整理,每个字母作为一个系列。希望对众多英语学习者有所帮助!】 最常用的词缀列单: ab-离开 e/ex-出来 com/co-共同 de-向下 im/in-里面 re-反复 pro-向前 sub-在下面 trans-交换 辅音双写,前面加a-一再。如ac,这个前缀经常用到 A add系列: add:增加 additional:额外的,附加的 additive:添加剂 addendum:附录,补遗 [助记]end-尾巴,“增加一尾巴” adder:小蛇,蝰蛇 这种小蛇没有听力 deaf as an adder:充耳不闻 au系列: authenic:真实的,可靠的 [助记]au-化学符号金,then-那时,ic-形容词词尾。“金子在当年是最真实、最可靠的”author:作者 authority:权威,当局 [助记](当地的作者) authorize:批准 aunt系列: aunt作为词根想成“姑姑/阿姨” vaunt:吹牛 [助记]v-一张大嘴。“姑姑张着一张大嘴坐在楼下吹牛” gaunt:憔悴的 [助记]1>g-鬼,“鬼姑姑的脸色很恐怖(憔悴)” 2>g-gre,“考GRE的姑姑很憔悴” flaunt:炫耀 [助记]杨过管小龙女叫姑姑。小龙女都是飞来飞去的,是在向别人炫耀她会飞。 haunt:1>常来常往的地方 2>鬼神出没的地方 [助记]1>h-home,“你经常去姑姑家,就是常来常往的地方” 2>“姑姑年纪大了,走来走去,像鬼一样”


Suffix Meaning Example -ac pertaining to 属于,关于cardiac: pertaining to the heart 心脏(病)的 -al~ pertaining to medical: pertaining to medicine -ar pertaining to molecular: pertaining to a molecule 分子的 -ary pertaining to belonging to ciliary: pertaining to the cilia 。 睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的 -ase enzyme 酶amylase: any enzyme that converts starch to sugar 淀粉酶 -cle smallness 小,少,贫乏,小气follicle: a small bodily cavity or sac 小囊,(头发的)毛囊 -e> an instrument 仪器auriscope: an instrument for examining the ear (检查耳朵用的)耳镜 -eal pertaining to laryngeal: pertaining to the larynx 喉的, 喉音的 -ia condition; quality phobia: abnormal fear 恐惧,害怕 -ic pertaining to toxic: pertaining to toxin 有毒的;因中毒引起的 -ics study of; name of a science paediatrics: study of children, their development and diseases 儿科学 -ine/in substance 物质insulin:substance (hormone) produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas 胰岛素 ' -ism process or condition alcoholism: excessive drinking of alcohol which becomes addictive 酒精中毒 -ist one who specializes in 精通于……的人pharmacologist: a doctor who specializes in the study of drugs 药理专家 -itis inflammation refers to a part in ……部位的炎症% rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal passages 鼻炎,鼻粘膜炎 -(i)um relation to a whole; related to 与……相关 endometrium: inner lining of the uter子宫内膜-ive characterizes by antitussive: a drug that suppresses coughing 止咳药 》 -let tiny; small droplet: a tiny drop 小滴 -ment the result or product of an action development: thing which develops or is being


英语词根词缀记忆法(全集) 第一部分通过词缀认识单词 (常用前缀一) 1、a- ①加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" acentric 无中心的(a+centric 中心的) asocial 不好社交的(a+social 好社交的) amoral 非道德性的(a+moral 道德的;注意:immoral 不道德的)apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political 政治的) anemia 反常的(a+nomal 正常的+ous) ②加在单词前,表示"在…,…的" asleep 睡着的(a+sleep 睡觉) aside 在边上(a+side 旁边) ahead 在前地(a+head 头) alive 活的(a+live 活) awash .泛滥的(a+wash 冲洗) 2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等abnormal 反常的(ab+normal 正常的) abuse 滥用(ab+use 用→用坏→滥用) absorb 吸收(ab+sorb 吸收→吸收掉) absent 缺席的(ab+sent 出现→没有出现→缺席的)

abduct 诱拐(ab+duct 引导→引走→诱拐) abject 可怜的(ab+ject 抛→抛掉→可怜的) abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract 拉→被拉开→心不在焉)abstain 戒绝(abs+tain 拿住→不再拿住→戒绝) abscond 潜逃(abs+cond 藏→藏起来→潜逃) abscind 废除(abs+cind 剪切→切掉→废除) abscise 切除(abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除) abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin 拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲) 3、ab-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等加在同辅音 字母的词根前,表示"一再"等加强意 accelerate 陪伴(ac+company 伙伴→陪伴) accentuate 加速(ac+celer 速度→一再增加速度) accomplish 强制(ac+cent 唱歌→一再唱出→强调) accumulate 积累(ac+cumul 堆积+ate→堆积起来→积累)accustom 使习惯(ac+custom 习俗→习惯习俗) addict 上瘾,入迷(ad+dict 说→一再说起→对……入迷)additive 上瘾的(addict 的形容词) adduce 引证,举例(ad+duce 引导→一再引导→举例说明)affable 亲切的(af+fable 说话→不断可以说话→亲切) afford 买得起(af+ford 拿出→一再拿出{钱}→买得起) affirm 肯定(af+firm 坚定→肯定)


英语词根词缀记忆法 1.-ability 表名词,“能…;性质” useability n 可用性(use 用) inflammability n 易燃性(inflame 点火+ablity) adaptability n 适应能力(adapt 适应)可靠性 dependability n 可靠性(depend 依靠) variability n 变化性(vary 变化) lovability n 可爱(love 爱) 2.-able 表形容词,“可…的,能…” knowable a 可知的 inflammable a 易燃的(inflame 点燃) trantable a 温顺的(travt 拉→拉得动→温顺的) conceivable a 想象得出的(conceive 设想,想象) desirable a 值得要的(desire 渴望) inviolable a 不右侵犯的(in 不+viol 冒犯+able ;参考:violate 违反,冒犯 impregnable a 攻不破的(im 不+pregn 拿住+able;参考: pregnant 怀孕的)3.-ably 表副词,“能…地” suitably ab 恰当地(suit 恰当) deoebdabky ab 可靠地(depend 可靠) lovably ab 可爱地(love 爱) 4.-aceous 表形容词,“具有…特征的” herbaceous a 草本植物的(herb 草) pa[uraceous a 似纸的(papyr 纸+aceous;参考:pspyrus莎草纸)curvacious a 有曲线美的(curve 曲线) foliaceous a 叶状的(foli 叶+aceous;参考:foliage 树叶) 5.-acious 表形容词,“有特征的,多…的” rapacious a 掠夺成性的(rape 掠夺,强奸) sagacious a 睿智的(sage 智者) capacious a 宽敞的(cap 能→的+acious;参考:capble有能力的)fallacious a 错误的(fall 错;参考:fallacy 谬误) vivacious a 活泼的(viv 活;参考:revive 复活) audacious a 大胆的(aud 大胆+acious;名词:audacity大胆) veracious a 真实的(ver 真;参考:verify 证实) lopuacious a 啰唆的(loqu 讲话;参考:eloquent 雄辩) salacious a 好色的(sal 跳→见到女人就跳起来→好色) tenacious a 固执的(ten 拿住;参考:tenable 防守得住的) sequacious a 前后连贯的(sequ=secu 跟随;参考:persecute 迫害)voracious a 贪婪的(vor 吃;参考:omnivorous 无所不吃的) 6.-acity 表名词,“有…倾向”


英语词根词缀记忆法(二十五) 301.trem=quiver,表示“颤抖” tremdle v 发抖;摇动(trem+dle) tremor n 震动;小地震(trem+or) tremulous a 发抖的(trem+ulous……的) tremendous a 惊人的,可怕的(trem+end+ous→[让人]颤抖的→可怕的) 302 tridut=give,表示“给予” trbute n 赠品;赞扬 tributary a 进贡的,支流的(tribut+ary→给予东西→进贡的;支流给主流水)attribute v 归因于 n.属性(at 加强动作+tribute→[把原因]给出→归因)attribution n 属性,归因 contribute v 捐赠;贡献(con+全部+tribute→全部给出→捐献) contributor n 贡献者(contribute+or) contributory a 有贡献的 distribution n 分配 distribute v 分配:区分(bis 分开+tribute→分开给→分配) retribution n 报酬;报复(re 回+tribut+ion→给回去→报复,报酬) 303 trud ,trus=push,表示“推” extrude v 挤出;冲出(ex 出+trud+e→往外推→冲出) intrude v 硬挤进;侵入(in 进+trud+e→推进去→挤进) intyuder n 侵入者(in+trud+er) intrusion n 侵入;干涉(in+trus+ion) obtrude v 管闲事;插嘴(ob 加强动作+trud+e→硬推→管闲事) protrude v 伸出,突出(pro 向前+trud+e 推→向前推→伸出) protrusion n 突出,隆起 detrude v 推倒(de 下去+trud+e→向下推→推倒) abstruse n 深奥的(abs 离开+trus+e→离开[人的知识]理解不能推进→深奥的)304 .turb= stir“表示”搅动“ disturb v 扰乱,打扰(dis 分开+turb→搅开了→搅乱了) disturbance n 骚动,动乱(disturb+ance) turbid a 混浊的(turb+id 表形容词→搅动的→混浊的) turbine n 涡轮(turb+ine) turbulent a 骚乱的(turb+ulent 多….的→搅动太多→骚动的) turbulence n 骚乱(turb+ulence) perturb v 骚乱(per 始终+turb→始终搅动→扰乱) perturbaive a 扰乱的(perturb+ative) imperturbaive a 沉着的(im 不+perturb+able→不受扰乱[影响]沉着的)turmoil n 混乱(tur[=turb]+moil 翻腾→搅动翻腾→混乱) 305. tuine = twine,表示“编织” twine v 缠绕n. 股线 entwine v 纠缠(en 使+twine→使编织到一起→纠缠)


英语词根词缀记忆法(三十一) 81.glacier a 冰川(glac+ier) glacial a 冰河的;冰冷的 glaciate v 使冰冻(glac+iate) glaciology n 冰川学(glac+io+logy 学科) 82.gloss,glot=tongue 表示“舌头”,引申为“词语” ciglossia n 双语制的(di 二+gloss+ia) glossary n 难词表(gloss+ary 表名词) polyglot a 使用多种语言的(poly 多+glot) diglot a 使用两种语言的(di 二个+glot) 83 .gran=grain,表示“颗粒” granary n 粮仓,谷仓(gran+ary 表场所→放粮食颗粒的地方)granivorous a 食谷的(gran+I+vor 吃+ous→吃粮食的) granule n 颗粒,细粒(gran+ule 表示小东西) granulate v 使成颗粒(granule 颗粒+ate) 84.hal,halit=breathe,表示“呼吸‘ inhale v 吸气(in 进入+hal+e) inhalation n 吸入,吸气(inhale+ation) exhalo v 呼气(ex 出 +hal+e) halitosis n 口臭(halit[=hal]+osis 表示病→呼吸病→口臭) 85. haust=draw water,表示“抽水” exhaust v 用尽;抽干(ex 出+haust→抽干→抽出) exhausted a 筋疲力尽的(exhaust+ed→[力气]被抽干了) exhaustive a 彻底的,穷尽的(exhaust+ive→用尽了全部方法→彻底的)inhaust v 吸,饮(in 进入+haust) 86. hau=possess,表示“拥有” have v 有 haven 避难所(hav+en 表示场所→有[全部]的场所) behave v 举动,举止(be 表示动作+have→[一个人]拥有的动作→举动)behavior n 举止行为(behave 的名词) 87.head=head,表示“头” heading n 标题 headline n 标题(head+line 字行→头一行字→标题) headstrsong a 倔强的(head+strong 强大→头很大→倔强的) heady a 轻率的,任性的(一头往前冲→轻率的) 88 .helio=sun,表示“太阳” heliocentric a 以太阳为中心的(helio+centric 中心的) heliosis n 中暑(helio+sis 表示病→太阳病→中暑) heliotherapy n 日光疗法(helio+therapy 治疗) heliotropism n (植物)向日性(helio+trop 转+ism→转向太阳) 89 .helic=spiral,表示“螺旋”


实用文档 a 前缀无 ab 前缀从 ...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼acouo 词根听觉acro 词根顶,肢acromio 词根肩峰 ad 前缀向 ...靠近,到 ...上adeno 词根腺 adipo 词根脂肪的adreno 词根肾上腺aero 词根气agglutino 词根凝集agra 后缀严重的疼痛albo 前缀白 algesi 词根痛觉的感受algia 后缀痛alveolo 词根肺泡alveolo 词根牙槽 amnio词根羊膜

amphi 前缀两侧ampullo 词根壶腹amylo 词根淀粉an 前缀无 ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞ankylo 词根弯曲ano 词根肛门ante 前缀在前anti 前缀抗 aorto 词根主动脉apico 词根顶 apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾aquo 词根水arterio 词根动脉arteriolo 词根小动脉arthro 词根关节

articulo 词根关节 ase 后缀酶 astro 词根星 atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积atrio 词根腔 audio 词根听觉 auro 词根耳 auro 词根金 auto 前缀自 axio 词根轴 balano 词根龟头 bary 前缀重、压 baso 词根碱 bi 前缀双,倍 bili 词根胆汁 blast 后缀母细胞 blenno 词根粘液blepharo 词根睑 brachy 词根短 bronchio词根支气管


词根词缀记忆法总口诀:前缀改变词义,后缀改变词性。 常用的前缀主要有: ab—表示反常 absent 缺席 abnormal 不正规的ap—表示添加 append 悬挂 apposition 同位置 bi—表示两、重 bicycle 自行车bigamy 重婚 com—表示共同 combine 联合 compete 相争 dis—表示不、分开disarm 裁军 dislike 讨厌 im—表示不 impossible 不可能的immoral 不道德的 in—表示不、向内 informal 非正式的inhuman 不人道的non—表示无nonparty 无党派的nonmetal 非金属 pro—表示向前progress 进步 prognostic 预兆 re—表示回、重新 review 复习 reaction 反应 un—表示不、非 unhappy 不快乐的unbalance 失去平衡 常用的后缀主要有: al—表示人、物rival 竞争者 mural 壁画 cy—表示状态、职位bankruptcy 破产 captaincy 船长 er—表示人、物teacher 老师 cooker 厨具able—表示可能的movable 可移动的 passable 可通行的ful—表示充满 beautiful 美丽的useful 有用的or—表示人、物actor 男演员 mirror 镜子 ist—表示人 copyist 抄写员 socialist 社会主义者ment—表示行为enjoyment 娱乐 movement 运动ing—表示令人 exciting 令人兴奋的 interesting 令人有兴趣的ed—表示感到excited 感到兴奋的 interested 感到有兴趣的 less—表示没有的resistless 不抵抗 的homeless 无家可归的


neon ate: n,新生儿, neon atal: adj,新生期的 neo: 新neomycin, 新霉素,neoplasm, 新生物, natus:出生,prenatal:产前的,出生前的 Gastroi ntest in al:胃肠道的 gastro :胃,intesto : 肠, Gastrointestinal system:胃肠系统,或消化系统 An tibody:抗体 anti-:对抗, antigen:抗原antibiotics:抗生素 Psychosexual:性心理 Psycho:心理,精神,psychology:心理学Carbohydrate:碳水化合物 Carbo:碳carbon ate:碳酸盐 hydrate:水化物,含水物hydratase:水和酶 ase酶,lipase:脂肪酶 Auditory: adj.听觉的 audi-:听女口:audiometer:听力计 meter:测量 kinetic:运动的 kine-: 运动kinesimeter:运动测量计 akin esia :运动不能

Congenital:先天性的 con-和 genitor-:生殖,生殖器genitourinary :泌尿生殖的

Defect :缺点,瑕疵 de:否定,脱离,缺乏,不足degeneration:恶化feet :做infect:感染,影响 Oxygenated:含氧的,氧合的 oxygen :氧气-ate:词尾,表示某种行为,状态Deoxyge nate :去氧,脱氧 de-前缀,去离脱 Unoxygenated :不含氧的,含氧低 un-前缀,用于形容词之前,不 Pulmonary :肺的 pulmo- :肺pulmometer:肺量计 Tachycardia:心动过速 tachy:快,迅速tachypnea:呼吸过快 cardi o-心脏Cardiovascular :心血管的Stenosis:狭窄 steno-:狭窄ste no cephaly:头狭窄,小头Hypertrophy :肥大,增生 hyper :高于,超越,多于hypercardia:心肥大 trophy :战利品,促,增加gonadotrophin :促性腺激素Hypotrophy :不足生长,萎 hypo-:低于,少于,不足 Cyanosis:发绀 Acyanotic :不发绀的 a-:不,没有anemia:贫血(-emia 是血症)cya notic:发绀的


101.hap=chance,表示“机会,运气” perhaps ad. 也许,可能(per 全部+haps→全是机会[决定]→也许) happen v 发生(hap+pen 表动词→机会来了→发生) happy a 幸运的;幸福的(hap+py→有运气的→幸福的) happihess n 幸福(happy+ness) mishap n 不幸,灾祸(mis 坏+hap→坏运气→不幸) hapless a 运气不好的(hap+less 无→无运气的) haphazard a 偶然的;无计划的(hap+ha zard 游戏→运气+游戏→偶然的) 102.her,hes=stick,表示“粘附” adhere v 粘着,依附(ad 增加+here→粘上) adherence n 粘附;坚持(adhere+ence) adherent n 归依者,门徒(adhere+ent→粘着;坚持的人) adhesion nn 粘着;坚持(ad+hes+ion) adhesive a 发粘的n.胶带(ad+hes+ive) cohere v 粘着;连贯(co 共同+here→共同粘→连贯) coherent a 连贯的;有条理的(cohere+ent) cohesion n "结合,凝聚力(co+hes+ion,cohere 的名词) inherent a 天赋的,生来的(in 里面+her+ent→天生[与身体内]连着→天赋的)hesitate v 踌躇,犹豫(hest+itate 粘粘糊糊→犹豫) hereditary a 承袭的,世袭的,遗传的 heritability n 可遗传性,遗传性 hesitation n 踌躇,犹豫(hesitate+ion) 103.hibit=hold,表示“拿住” exhibit v/n 展览;显示(ex 出+hibit→拿来→展览) exhibition n 展览,表演(exhibit+ion) exhibitionistn 爱出风头的人(exhibition+ist→展览自己的人) inhibit v 禁止,阻止(in 不+hibit→不能拿→禁止) inhibition n 禁止,禁令(inhibit+ion) uninhibited a 不被禁止的(un 不+inhibit 禁止+ed) prohibit v 阻止,禁止(pro 前面+hibit→在前面拿住→不让前进→阻止)prohibition n 禁止(probibit+ion) prohibitive a 禁止的,价格极贵的(prohibit 禁止+ive→价格到了禁止人买的地步)104.hum=earth,表示“土,地” humble a 谦恭的;下贱的(hum+ble→接近地面→谦恭的) humility n 谦让;低下(hum+ility 状态→地的状态→低下) humiliate v 羞辱,侮辱(hum+iliate 使…使人到地上→羞辱别人) humiliation nn 耻辱(humiliate+ion) inhume v 埋葬(in 进入+hume→进入土中) exhume v 掘出(ex 出+hume→出土→掘出) posthumous a 死死的,遗腹的(post 后+hum 土,引申为死+ous→死后的) hummock n 小圆丘(hum+mock 圆丘→土丘) human n 人类(传说人是由土造出的) humane a 有人情的,仁爱的(humane+e→有人情的)


英语词根词缀记忆大全-俞敏洪-.txt你妈生你的时候是不是把人给扔了把胎盘养大?别把虾米不当海鲜。别把虾米不当海鲜。第三部分通过词根认识单词 (常用词根一) 1. acid, acri, acrid, acu=sour, sharp, 表示“尖,酸,锐利” acid酸的 acidify酸化(acid+ify…化→酸化) acidity酸度,酸性(acid+ity性质→酸性) acidulous微酸的(acid+ulous有…的→有酸味的) acrid辛辣的;类刻的(acrimony的形容词) acute尖锐的,敏锐的 acuity尖锐,敏锐(acu+ity性质→尖的性质→尖锐) acumen敏锐,聪明(acu+men表示名词→尖→敏锐) acupuncture针炙(acu尖+punct点+ure→用尖〔针〕点→针炙) acme顶点,顶峰(acumen的变体) 2. act=to do , to drive,表示“行动,做” act 行为 acting演技 activity活动(act+ivity状态→活动状态) activate使…活动,起动(act+ivate使…→使…活动) actualize实现(actual实际的+ize化→实际化→实现) enact实施,颁布(en+act→使〔法律〕动→实施法律) exact强求;精确的(ex出+act→[要求]做出来→强求) exacting苛求的(exact+ing) interact相互作用(inter相互+act→相互动→相互作用) react反应;反抗(re反+act→反动;反应) transact做交易;办理(trans横+act→横向动→互相贸易或交易) counteract抵抗;抵消(counter反+act→反着动→力量对抗→抵消) inactivity不活跃(in不+activity活跃) 3. aer, aero, aeri=air,表示“空气,充气”等 aerate通气;充气(aer+ate表动词) aerial空气的(aeri+al表形容词) aeriform无形的,非实体的(aeri+form形状→空气的形状→无形的) aeromechanics航空力学(aero+mechanics机械学) aerology气象学,大气学(aero+ology学科→空气学→大气学) aerospace(大气层内外)空间(aero+space空间) aerosphere大气层(aero+sphere球形→球形空气→大气层) aeroview鸟瞰图(aero+view看→在空气中看→鸟瞰) 4. ag=do, act, 表示“做,代理做” agenda议事日程(ag+enda表示复数→做的事情→议程) agile灵活的,敏捷的(ag+ile能…的→能做的→灵活的) agitate鼓动;搅动(ag+itate表动作→反复作→鼓动) agitation鼓动,煽动(agitate+ion) agitator鼓动者(agitate+or人→鼓动的人) agitating使人不安的(agitate+ing)


医学英语词根词缀表 a 前缀无?ab前缀从...离开?acantho 词根棘,刺?acetabulo词根髋臼 acouo词根听觉?acro 词根顶,肢?acromio 词根肩峰?ad前缀向...靠近,到...上 adeno 词根腺 adipo词根脂肪的?adreno 词根肾上腺aero词根气 agglutino 词根凝集agra后缀严重的疼痛?a lbo 前缀白 algesi词根痛觉的感受?algia后缀痛 alveolo 词根肺泡?alv eolo 词根牙槽 amnio 词根羊膜amphi前缀两侧 ampullo 词根壶腹 amylo词根淀粉 an 前缀无 ana前缀向上,重回到?andro词根雄?aneu rysmo词根异常扩大?angino词根阻塞ankylo词根弯曲?ano 词根肛门 ante 前缀在前?anti 前缀抗 aorto词根主动脉?apico 词根顶 apo 前缀离去,从?appendico 词根阑尾appendo词根阑尾 aquo词根水 arterio 词根动脉 arteriolo词根小动脉 arthro词根关节?art iculo 词根关节 ase 后缀酶?astro 词根星 atelo 词根不完全的, 有缺陷的?athero 词根 脂肪堆积?atrio词根 腔?audio 词根听觉 auro 词根耳?auro 词根金 auto前缀自?axio词 根轴 balano 词根龟头 bary前缀重、压 baso 词根碱?bi 前缀 双,倍 bili 词根胆汁 blast 后缀母细胞?ble nno词根粘液?blep haro词根睑 brachy词根短 bronchio 词根支气 管?bronchiolo词根细支 气管 broncho 词根支气 管?bucco 词根颊 bulbo 词根球部 burso词根滑液囊 caco 词根坏?calcan eo词根跟骨?calci 词根钙 capillo词根非常小的 血管 capnia 后缀二氧化碳 carcino 词根癌 ?carcinoma 后缀癌?car dio 词根心 carpo词根腕 cata 前缀向下 cautero词根燃烧 ceco词根盲肠 cele 后缀突出、积水 celio词根腹 cemento词根牙骨质 centesis 后缀穿刺术 ?centi 前缀百分之一 ?cerebello词根小脑 cerebro 词根大脑?ceru mino 词根耵聍?cervico 词根颈 cervico 词根颈,宫颈 ?cheilo 词根唇?chemo 词根化学?chlorhydr o词根盐酸 chloro 前缀绿?chole 词根胆汁 cholecysto词根胆 囊 choledocho词根总胆 管?chondro 词根 软骨 chorio词根绒膜 chromo词根颜色?cine o词根活动?circum 前 缀环行?clasis后 缀破裂?clast 后缀 破坏用器械 claviculo 词根锁骨 cleisis 后缀关闭 clysis 后缀洗 co前缀与...在一起 cocco词根球菌 coccygo 词根尾骨 ?cochleo 词根耳蜗 collo词根胶?colo 词 根结肠?colpo词根 阴道 conjunctivo词根结膜 ?contra前缀反,对抗 coreo 词根瞳孔,虹膜?c orneo词根角,角膜 ?corono词根冠 costo 词根肋?cranio 词根颅骨?crine 后缀 分泌?cryo词根冷?c rypto 词根隐藏?c uldo词根囊袋、窝 cuti词根皮肤 cyano前缀蓝


高中英语词汇记忆之词汇3500词根词缀讲解 A a (an) art. *abandon v. ability n. able a. *abnormal a. [ab-=away ;normal ] aboard prep. [a-=on ;broad 宽→ 远边] *abolish v. *abortion n. [ab-=away ;ort=born ] about ad. & prep. above prep., a. & ad. abroad a. & ad. *abrupt a. [ab- 开;rupt=break ] *absence n. absent a. [ab-=away ;sent=be ] *absolute a. [solv, solute=loosen ] absorb v. [ab-=away from ;sorb, sorpt=suck in ] *abstract a. & n. [abs-(ab-)=away 开;tract=draw ,,→ 去、 ] abstraction [见;-ion 词缀] *absurd a. [ab-=away ;surd=dull] *abundant a. [ab-加强语义;und, ound=wave, flow ,→ → ,, ] abundance *abuse v. [ab-=away ;use → ] academic a. & n. *academy n. *accelerate v.[ ac-(ab-)加强义;celer , ] 1 [cent, cant 发声, ] [ac-加强义;cap, capt, cep, cept, cip, ceiv=take, hold , ] *access n. & v.[ac-(ad-) = to ;cess, ceed, ced = go ] *accessible a. [ac-(ad-) = to ,cess, ceed, ced = go 行;-ible 构词,可… 、… 、… 、具种质 ] accident n. [ac-(ad-) =at, to;cid = fall 降临、发;-ent 构词,、(…药…剂)] *accommodation n. [ac-加 强义;commod ,;-ate 动词缀→ 供 ] *accompany v. [com-=together 共,;pan=bread → ;→伙 ] *accomplish v. [ple, plet ,满] account n. [count=count 计 ] *accountant n.

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