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word 1

1.字,词,单词→ buzzword→ four-letter word → swear word

•Write an essay of about five hundred words. 写一篇约500字的文章。

•What does that word mean? 那个单词是什么意思?

2.sb’s words某人说的话[写的内容]

•Those are his words, not mine. 那都是他说的话,我可没这么说。

•In your own words, explain the term ‘personal service’. 用你自己的话解释一下“个性化服务”的意思。

in sb’s words•Jones was, in the judge’s words, ‘an evil man’. 用法官的话来说,琼斯是个“邪恶的人”。

3.the words歌词

•I know the tune, but I’ve forgotten the words. 我知道曲调,但把歌词忘了。

[+ to]•Many people don’t know the words to the country’s national anthem. 该国许多人不知道国歌的歌词。

4.have a word〔与某人〕说几句话〔尤因要征求对方意见或叫对方做事〕

•Could I have a word? 我们可否谈谈?

[+ with]•I’ll have a word with him and see if he’ll help. 我要和他谈谈,看他是否愿意帮忙。have a quick/brief word•I was hoping to have a quick word with you. 我希望能和你简短地说两句。

have/exchange a few words•Could I have a few words with you? 我可以和你说几句话吗?

5.want a word想和某人谈话〔尤指为批评某人〕

[+ with]•Wait a minute! I want a word with you! 等一下!我想和你谈谈!

6.not hear/understand/believe a word一点都听不到/不理解/不相信

•No one could hear a word because someone had cut the amplifier cable. 没人听得到,因为有人把扩音器的电线切断了。

[+ of]•I can’t u nderstand a word of Russian. 我一句俄语也不懂。

7.without (saying) a word什么也没说

•He left without a word. 他一句话也没说就离开了。

8.say a word/say a few words〔关于某事〕说两句

•I’d like to say a few words about the plans. 我想就计划说两句。

9.a word of warning/caution/advice/thanks etc警告/告诫/建议/感谢等的话

•It’s a beautiful city, but a word of warning: street robberies are very common. 这是个美丽的城市,但是我提醒一句: 街头抢劫的事屡见不鲜。

•He left without a word of apology. 他一句道歉的话也没说就走了。

10.not say a word绝口不谈,坚守秘密

•Promise you won’t say a word to anyone? 你保证不跟任何人说?

to not say anything 不说话•What’s wrong? You haven’t said a word since you got here. 怎么了?你来了以后还没说过一句话呢。

11.put your feelings/thoughts etc into words用语言表达自己的感觉/思想等

•He found it difficult to put ideas into words. 他发现很难用语言表达自己的想法。

12.have/exchange words (with sb)(与某人)吵架,(和某人)吵嘴〔委婉说法〕

•I was in a bad mood and he kept pestering me, so we had words. 我情绪不好而他又一直烦我,所以我们就吵了起来。

13.a harsh/a cross/an angry etc word刺耳/生气/气愤等的言辞

•Mountain rescue teams have harsh words to say to people who climb without proper equipment. 山地救援队想要批评那些不带必要装备的登山者。

•They were married for 50 years and she says there was never an angry word between them. 他们结婚50年,她说他们之间从未有过激烈的言语。


•Word came that our duties would be changed. 有消息说我们的职责会有变动。

•‘Have you heard from Ann?’ ‘No, not a word.’ “你有安的消息吗?”“没有,一点消息也没有。”•There was still no word from John. 还是没有约翰的消息。

•(= information you get by someone telling you ) is one of the best ways of getting business. 口口相传是做生意最好的方法之一。

word gets out/around (=people hear about something)消息传开;人们听说•It’s a very smal l town and if you do something bad, word gets around. 这是个很小的镇子,要是有人做了坏事,消息很快就会传开。

the word is (that)/word has it (that) (=people are saying that)大家都在说•The word is that the two companies are planning a merger. 人们都说这两家公司正计划合并。

spread/pass the word (=tell other people some information or news)传播[宣传]消息•Health officials are encouraging people to spread the word about the benefits of exercise. 卫生官员鼓励人们宣传锻炼身体的好处。

send/bring word (=send or bring a message)•The mayor sent word he’d be late. 传话

by word of mouth•Much of this information is picked up by word of mouth from previous students. 其中很多信息是从往届学生的口中得知的。

15.the last/final word 最后决定权•She has the final word on whether policies are put into action or not. 政策实施与否由她说了算。

[+ on]•T he final word on policy determination belongs to the committee. 最后的决策权掌握在委员会手中。

the last statement or speech in a discussion or argument 〔讨论或争论中〕最后的话•The last word must go to Nick, who has organized the whole project. 最后的发言必须由尼克来作,他是整个项目的策划者。

in sports, the last hit or kick in a game, especially when it is successful 〔比赛中决胜的〕最后一