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Unit 10

Unit 10


Part A

1. To most women, diamond is an irresistible temptation.

2. Don’t worry. Even if the road is cut off by snow, we have sufficient food to last a week.

3. Much should be taken into consideration when one budgets for a research project.

4. People doubt whether prison is the best sanction against a crime like this throughout the country.

5. I don’t think he is qualified for the position. He panics easily and is therefore useless in an emergency.

6. With a 30-year effort, the company has built a reputation of innovative designs, and quality manufacturing.

7. A suspected kidnapper was caught after a rush-hour police chase along a London Underground tunnel yesterday.

8. Intellectual property rights represent exclusive rights for intellectual wealth created in the field of science, technology, literature and arts.

9. Since there is no better way to evaluate one’s intelligence, we have to place our reliance on IQ tests.

10. I hereby affirm that all the information given in this form is true and correct. Part B

1. If someone is honest and firm in his moral principles, he is a man with ________.

A. optimum

B. ethnics

C. reputation

D. integrity

2. The director tried to wave aside these issues. He said they are _____ details and could be settled later.

A. trivial

B. partial

C. exclusive

D. extra

3. The symbols and ___ used in this document are essentially those in current use in North America.

A. signatures

B. labels

C. notations

D. notes

4. In China ginger is not only a spice for food but also a ________ for colds.

A. strive

B. remedy

C. harness

D. mend

5. We can’t just wait for new technologies to solve our problem. We shall make_____use of existing technology.

A. proactive

B. impeccable

C. egregious

D. optimal

6. I was ________ by the report about a new plagiarism detection software.

A. intrigued

B. marred

C. suspected

D. recruited

7. The taxis in this small town have no meters so it is essential to ________ the fare before setting off.

A. communicate

B. negotiate

C. determine

D. budget

8. The organization aims to support projects which _______ the issue of campus integrity.

A. affirm

B. implement

C. Designate

D. address

9. You need to ________ someone to take over your affairs while you are in hospital.

A. direct

B. assignate

C. designate

D. attribute

10. Using another person’s phrases or sentences without putting quotation marks around them is considered ________.

A. temptation

B. plagiarism

C. convenience

D. strategy


Students are getting better and better at cheating, and it’s time for college faculty and administrators to do something about it. The latest scandal to rock the academic world happened last month at the University of Maryland, where 12 students in the undergraduate business school were 1)accused of using their cell phones and PDAs to cheat on an exam.

Academic cheating has been around ever 2) since the first time a student successfully stole an answer key, or took someone else’s inte llectual 3) property and put their own name on it. What’s new is how easily students are exploiting 4) technology to get the right answers –– or produce the perfect essay –– without their professors 5) suspecting a thing.

Whether or not it is always 6) acknowledged, students and professors often stand on 7)opposite sides of a digital divide. The current generation of college kids has grown up on 8)instant communication in the form of computers, the Internet and cell phones. They 9) adapt quickly to new technology. Most professors, however, are constantly playing a 10) catch-up game when it comes to technological gadgets.

Sending signals with pencil-tapping or hand gestures used to be the most 11) sophisticated way students could cheat on exams in the classroom. They could also steal answer keys and memorize them in 12) advance, or write 13) answers on small pieces of paper and sneak them into the exam room. Now, students have many more 14) options, thanks to the explosion of technology in the past 15) decade. Students can 16) store information on their calculators and 17)access them discreetly during

tests –– making it more 18) difficult for watchful exam proctors to detect cheating.

The creation of committees to 19) prevent hi-tech academic fraud would help make professors aware of such cheating tools and help college campuses 20) bridge the digital divide between faculty and students. In the meantime, professors and students should work hard to prevent a repeat of what happened at the University of Maryland.


1. 我们应该常常回顾过去,让过去的经验为我们提供指导,这样我们就不会再重复同样的错误。

We shall always look to the past experience for guidance, so that we would not repeat the same mistakes.

2. 一些教育家认为,与严厉的惩罚相比,积极的策略是制止学生考试作弊的更好办法。

Some educators believe that compared with strong sanctions, proactive strategies serve as a better way to prevent students from cheating in exams.

3. 为了提高办公室的工作效率,经理决定订购这一套管理软件。

The manager decided to subscribe to the management software to improve the efficiency of the office.

4. 我想弄清试卷上这些英语单词的意思,但没能成功,所以我忍不住偷偷看了看电子词典。

I tried to make sense of these English words in the test paper, but in vain, so I took a peep at my e-dictionary.

5. 如果这些新方法不管用,我们只好再依靠旧系统。

If these new methods don’t work, we’ll have to fall back on our old system.


听力20%:课内Unit 1、2、3占10分,课外占10分

词汇20%:课内Unit 1、3、4、8、10 V ocabulary (共20小题,每题1分)

完型10%:课内Unit 1、3、4、8、10Close(20小题,每题0.5分)


翻译15%:汉译英(3个):课内Unit 1、3、4、8、10 Translation中前五个英译汉(2个):课文原文翻译





long-distance education long-distance education, It is called network education in the file that released by department of education has introduced some , or called contemporary and long-range education network education. It refers to the use of TV and the Internet and other media teaching mode, the remote education is a very popular teaching model, because it broke through the time and space boundaries, accommodation in the school is different from the traditional teaching mode. Using this kind of teaching model of students, do not need to a specific location, anywhere. Students can also through television and radio, Internet, coaching line, a variety of different methods, such as mutual learning. Online learning has superior side, there are also some disadvantages. Learners can not adapt to the network teaching mode. Network education lack of interactivity and authenticity. On the BBS of the remote education, many netizens agree that network education's biggest drawback is the lack of interactivity and authenticity. In network education, between students and students, between students and the teacher only through BBS, E-mail or other network communication tools to communicate, people had built up a relationship is a kind of virtual environment of interpersonal relationships, interpersonal communication gradually from direct to indirect, from the diversification to the simplification, lost the traditional relationship between university students directly group consciousness gradually indifference. Education of students by this way, the collective idea and the spirit of solidarity and collaboration as generally traditional college students, is not conducive to the development of individuals and society.


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6



口语课:H e a l t h y e a t i n g(健康饮食) 老师: 李世琰班级: 英语专业098班 教学辅助: 电脑多媒体 Teaching Objectives(教学目标): 一、知识技能目标: 1.认识并掌握有关食物及健康饮食习惯的单词、词组; 2.用英语表达哪些是健康食物,哪些是垃圾食物,以及为什么; 3.总结平衡膳食的定义,并且能提出一些健康建议。 二、情感态度目标:了解有关营养饮食的基本常识和培养健康的饮食习惯。 三、文化意识目标:了解外国的不同饮食习惯,培养和扩大文化意识。 教学重难点: 1.教学重点:如何区分健康食品以及垃圾食品并且会用英语表达;. 2.教学难点: 教会学生如何自如表达自己的意见和建议并且帮助学生总结出平 衡膳食的定义。 教学方法: 1. Pair work and Group work (小组合作,交流式教学) 2. Discussion and cooperative learning (自主探究、合作探究) 3. Task-based approach (任务式教学) 教学步骤: Part 1 导入(Warming up) 1.以一句话:“Everybody needs foods, so do I”及麦当劳、肯德基的相关 饮食引入话题。 (1-2 分钟) (For example: “Have you had lunch or breakfast in McDonald’s or KFC? Do you like the food there? Which one do you prefer?” The purpose of this part is to stimulate Ss’ interest and call their attention to the topic. ) Part 2 知识展示(presentation) 1、在电脑屏幕上展示食物的图片,然后把学生分成两组竞赛,看哪组的同学 认识的食物单词多,然后教师教导朗读(5-6分钟) 2、老师先展示如何使用句型:“I think that (or the food name) is junk/healthy food because….”来描述什么是健康食品,什么是垃圾食品。 然后把学生按4人分成一组进行讨论练习,老师给出了对话该涉及的内容范 围:What is the name of the food? / What nutrition(营养物质)does it mainly contain? (10分钟) Part 3: 活动任务--- 做调查报告(10分钟) 给学生发一张表格,引导学生按照表格询问周围3个左右的同学,了解同学间 的饮食习惯,并能提出一些健康建议,提问两个左右的同学课堂展示。 Name(名字)Breakfast (早餐)Snacks(零 食) Lunch(午 餐) Dinner (晚 餐)


Unit 2 Text A 1.Why won’t oil prices rise at all over the long time? Firstly, because producers need the cash from oil too much to let their supply be interrupted for long. Secondly,and more important, because demand growth can't push prices upward as long as it is balanced by supply growth. 2.Why can’t the members of the OPEC raise oil prices? Because if they do,non-OPEC sources will grab market share by developing fields where technology has made production affordable. 3.Why have most majors cut their costs on oil? Because technology lets the companies maintain healthy earnings at steadily lower oil prices. 4.Who takes a lead in the oil companies? Those that master technology and efficiency, such as Shell, Exxon, and British Petroleum. 1. In the first year of peace, Lebanon’s GDP soared by almost 40%. A. flew B. hovereed C increased D. decreased 2. SAIC’s previous skirmishes with investigators had attracted little attention. A. conflicts B. struggles C. skates D. arguments 3. The boy grabbed hold of my bag and disappeared quickly into the crowd. A. seized B. snapped C. snatched D. sneaked 4. Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem. A. got on B. charged C. offered jobs D. provided welfare 5. The dwarfs were devastated, because they could not figure out how to save Snow White this time. A. calculate B. rate C. consider D. decide 6. His distrust of the power of critics made him ready to gibe at Divid Sylvester. A. laugh B. ridicule C. susceptible D. harmful 7. Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home. B. sensible C. susceptible D. harmful more persuasively. A. Rather than B. Other than C. Less than D. Short for Text B 1. It snakes in and out of ports, along our busiest highways and through our most crowded cities. A. sneaks B. jerks C. crawls D. travels 2. She adjusted her glasses and peered at the man. A. gaped B. gazed C. glared D. ogle 3. Southeast winds nudged the oil slick onto the shore.


2015 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语一试题Section 1 Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Though not biologically related, friends are as related as fourth cousins, sharing about 1% of genes. That is 1 a study published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has 2 . The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1932 unique subjects which 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both 5 .While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist. As James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego, says, Most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our kin. The study 9 found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity. Why this similarity in olfactory genes is difficult to explain, for now. 10 Perhaps, as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more 11 it. There could be many mechanisms working in tandem that 12 us in choosing genetically similar friends 13 than nal kinship of being friends with 14 !One of the remarkable


2005 -2006 学年第二学期 《高级英语》期末考试试卷(A)参考答案 I.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words and phrases. (15%) 1. speaks volumes 2. in the vicinity of 3. at his disposal 4. acted as 5. oblivious 不知道的of 6. look up to 7. to no avail 8. follow suit 9. a battery of 10. in lieu of场所 11. unparalleled 12. reassuring 13. circulation 14. significance 15. engulfed II.Paraphrase the following sentences, especially paying attention to the underlined part. (20%)看要求评分 III.Proofreading (10%) The Great Depression first started in the New York Stork Exchange. In the 1920s, there were fatal flaws on the prosperity 1. in of the economy. Overproduction of crops depresses food prices, 2. depressed and farmers suffered. Industrial workers were earning better wages, but they still did not have enough purchased power to continue buying 3.purchasing the flood of goods that poured out of their factories. With profits soar and interest rates low, a great deal of money was available 4.soaring for investment, and much of tha t capital wen t into reckless 5. but speculation. Billions of dollars \that poured into the stock market, and 6 that frantic bidding boosted the price of share far above their real value. 7.shares As long as the market prospered, speculators could make fortunes overnight, but they could be ruined just as quick if stock 8.quickly prices fell. On October 24, 1929 –“Black Thursday” -- a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange. Once started, the collapse of shares and other security prices could not be halted. By 1932, thousands of banks and over 100,000 businesses had been failed. Industrial 9. been production was cut in half, farm income had fallen by more than half, wages had increased 60%, new investment was 10. decreased down 90%, and one out of every four was unemployed in the USA. IV.Reading comprehension (25%) 1-5 BCADB 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 CCBCA 16-20 DDCCB 21-25 BAACA V. Text analysis (30%) 看要求评分。


Unit 1 1.What do you often do during your holidays? In the summer holiday, I am in a company called Jing Tianwei for one-month internship, It is a railway IT company and I worked in hardware tecnology sector, I was responsible for finding the trouble charts of trains, my work is simple, but it requests careful and patient attitudes which is just my characteristics, I learned a lot Things in the company, in particular, the head of department taught me not only some skills at work, but also taught me how to interact with others and how to solve some difficult problems, I would like to thank my friends in the companies for their help. 2. With whom do you prefer to spend your holiday, your parents or your friends? why? I prefer to spend my holiday with my parents. Because most of us are studying far away from home, we will meet our parents twice or only once in a year, as their children ,they miss us and we miss them, holiday is a good chance for us to have a reunion, to have a dinner or have a party together, usually we talk about some interesting things happened, it is a happy time for my family, and we enjoy the moment. I will choose to meet my friends when we are in schools, though we are in different places, we can choose a place to travel together during a short holiday. If we don’t have many classes, my friends will come to my school ,and we meet each other. 3.What festival do you like best? Why? Spring Festival. Three reasons. First, Spring festival is normal, we celebrate it once a year. But, it's abno rmal because it’s unique festival by Chinese. Second, Spring Festival is the most solemn and folk traditional festival, which represented to bid farewell to the end of the old year and welcome in the new year. Finally, we have a family reunion during the holiday. Usually, this is the only chance for family members to meet. And this is the most important reason why I like Spring Festival best. 4.How do you spend that festival? I'd like to say how we celebrating this festival traditionally. The festival atmosphere getting stronger and stronger during the last lunar month before the Spring Festival Eve, people do Spring Festival shopping to prepare all the stuffs that they’re going to eat and use for celebration and the several days after the eve. That’s a bi g holiday for kids, they wear new clothes; they get red packets from parents and eldership; we fire fireworks, every kid has the experience that expecting the Spring Festival for the year. For family, relatives meets each other at this time, have family reunion dinner is the mainly activity. Recently, many people choose travel during the Spring Festival vacation; they get relaxation both from travel itself


2019年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题答案详解 Section I Use of English 1、【答案】C.Few【试题考点】词义辨析和上下文语境 【解析】此题词义辨析和上下文语境。首句为主题句:今天,我们生活在一个GPS系统,数字地图和其他导航应用程序都在我们的智能手机上唾手可得的世界。空格所在句指出:我们中_____在没有电话,个人GPS或其他导航工具的情况下直接走进树林。本句有without 与few构成双重否定表肯定,根据语义应该填入few(几乎没有人),符合文意。 2、【答案】C.run【试题考点】词组搭配 【解析】此题考查词组搭配。run on battery表示手机用电池发动,运行。其他选项:Put on(穿上;使运转);take on(承担;呈现);come on(快点;开始),语义不通顺。故正确答案为[C] run。 3、【答案】B.If【试题考点】逻辑关系 【解析】此题考查逻辑关系。空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。此处为假设的情况,故填入if(如果)符合上下文的表达。其余选项:Since(因为;自从),though(虽然),until(直到)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[B]If。 4、【答案】D.literally【试题考点】词义辨析 【解析】空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。此处literally表示确实地,真正地,带入原文语义通顺:你的确找不到北方。其余选项:Formally(正式地),relatively(相对地),gradually(逐渐地)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[D]literally. 5、【答案】A.back【试题考点】词义辨析和上下文语境 【解析】空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。前文讲lost(迷路),此处填入back(回到)文明之地相互呼应,故正确答案为[A]back。 6、【答案】[B]off【试题考点】词义辨析和词组搭配 【解析】此处考察词义辨析和词组搭配。空格所在句的句意为:当你____路径,但不是完全______的区域,你需要回答两个问题:在这个特殊区域,哪儿条路是下坡?哪儿里有最


Final Test for English Majors of 2002 (Advanced English) I. Choose the best answer: 25% 1. She gave thanks for our contribution. A. procure B. profuse C. profound D. prodigious 2. and conspiracy will not succeed; the government will not be defeated. A. Subscription B. Subsidence C. Submission D. Subversion 3. A good friend will not desert one in time of . A. adversary B. adverse C. adversity D. advent 4. The psychiatrist gave that the man was insane at that time. A. evidence B. argument C. witness D. testimony 5. She is a woman of erect and handsome . A. carriage B. figure C. personage D. appearance 6. His with everything we suggest makes it hard to know what he really feels. A. alliance B. compliment C. compliance D. compassion 7. Diligent police work will help crime. A. endorse B. eradicate C. fluctuate D. radiate 8. Nutritionists food into seven basic groups. A. categorize B. clarify C. ratify D. separate 9. Only states are able to make treaties. A. sovereignty B. sovereign C. democratic D. democracy 10. diseases may be spread by viruses and bacteria. A. Deadly B. Mortal C. Fatal D. Infectious 11. His only is an occasional game of golf. A. diversification B. diversion C. diversity D. divergence 12. One of California?s most problems is an inadequate water supply. A. acute B. unusual C. persistent D. unexpected 13. Large areas of Alaskan land remain due to harsh climate. A. inaccessible B. immature C. desolate D. parched 14. Constant interruption of his work him. A. threshed B. tormented C. exasperated D. evaporated


Good morning , my dear teachers . I am glad to be here for this interview . First , please let me introduce myself . My name is xx . I am from weinan , a major city in shanxin . In 2011, I entered the Institute of Northern Information Engineering in Xi’an Technological University and majored in Chinese language and literature .(学了哪些课程)I am satisfied with my performance in my four years’college . It may be regarded as the most wonderful part of my life , which helps me make great progress in cooperation , communication and innovation . It is my university life that paves the way for me to success .(大学时哪些事情让你印象深刻?大学让你获益了什么?) I’m now working for New dream Education & Technology Group as a Chinese teacher of high school . I have been working there for almost two years . I benefited much from my work . At the same time , I realized that what I had learned was not enough for this field . I am eager to further my study and raise my professional levels . (请描述你的工作;你为什么读研,而不是继续工作?) Generally speaking,I am a person with great perseverance . I keep on running every day , no matter what the weather is like . And I keep sparing four hours in the evening to study after a day’s work . Owing to this , I could succeed in the first round of the exam .(你是一个怎样的人) My dream is to be an excellent Chinese teacher. If I am given a chance to study in this famous university , I will try my best to study and make great progress with your instruction . That is my brief introduction . Thank you for your attention . 亲爱的老师们,早上好。很开心参加这次面试。首先,我简单介绍下自己。 我叫xx,26岁。来自陕西省。2011年我就读于西安工业大学北方信息工程学院汉语言文学专业。我很满意我的表现在我的四年大学生活,它可能被视为最精彩的我的生活的一部分。它让我在合作、交流、创新方面取得了巨大的进步。我的大学生活,为我铺平了成功的道路。 我现在就职于新梦想教育科技集团是一名高中的语文老师。我已经在那里工作了几乎两年。我从我的工作中受益匪浅。同时,我意识到我所学到的知识对于这个领域是不够的。我渴望进一步学习和提高我的专业水平。 一般来说,我是一个有毅力的人。不管什么天气,我坚持每天跑步。我一直保持留四个小时在晚上学习,在一天的工作后。由于这一点,我能通过第一轮考试。 我的梦想是成为一名优秀的语文教师。如果我有机会在这所著的名的大学学习,我会尽力学习,并在你的指导下取得很大进步。 这是我的简介。谢谢你的关注。


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A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom. B. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day Europe. C. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonely. D. Most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable. 5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A. To review the impact of women becoming high earners. B. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualism. C. To examine the trend of young people living alone. D. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships. Passage Two American dramas and sitcoms would have been candidates for prime time several years ago. But those programs -though some remain popular -increasingly occupy fringe times slots on foreign networks. Instead, a growing number of shows produced by local broadcasters are on the air at the best times. The shift counters longstanding assumptions that TV shows produced in the United States would continue to overshadow locally produced shows from Singapore to Sicily. The changes are coming at a time when the influence of the United States on international affairs has annoyed friends and foes alike, and some people are expressing relief that at least on television American culture is no longer quite the force it once was. “There has always been a concern that the image of the world would be shaped too much by American culture,” said Dr. Jo Groebek, director general of the European Institu te for the Media, a non-profit group. Given the choice, he adds, foreign viewers often prefer homegrown shows that better reflect local tastes, cultures and historical events. Unlike in the United States, commercial broadcasting in most regions of the world -including Asia, Europe, and a lesser extent Latin America, which has a long history of commercial TV -is a relatively recent development. A majority of broadcasters in many countries were either state-owned or state-subsidized for much of the last century. Governments began to relax their control in the 1980’s by privatizing national broadcasters and granting licenses to dozens of new commercial networks. The rise of cable and satellite pay-television increased the spectrum of channels. Relatively inexperienced and often financed on a shoestring, these new commercial stations needed hours of programming fast. The cheapest and easiest way to fill airtime was to buy shows from American studios, and the bidding wars for popular shows were fierce. The big American studios took advantage of that demand by raising prices and forcing foreign broadcasters to buy less popular programs if they wanted access to the best-selling shows and movies. “The studio priced themselves out of prime time,” said Harry Evans Sloan, chairman of SBS Broadcasting, a Pan-European broadcaster. Mr. Sloan estimates that over the last decade, the price of American programs has increased fivefold even as the international ratings for these shows have declined. American broadcasters are still the biggest buyers of American-made television shows, accounting for 90% of the $25 billion in 2001 sales. But international sales which totaled $2.5 billion last year often make the difference between a profit and a loss on show. As the pace of foreign sales slows -the market is now growing at 5% a year, down from the double-digit growth of the 1990’s -studio executives are rethinking production costs. 6. Which of the following best characterizes the image embodied in American shows? A. Self-contradictory B. Prejudice-free C. Culture-loaded D. Audience-targeted 7. The intervention of governments in the 1980’s resulted in __________ . A. the patenting of domination shows and movies B. the emergence of new commercial networks C. the promotion of cable and satellite pay-television D. the intense competition coming from the outside 8. The phrase “on a shoestring” (Para. 6) most probably means __________. A. in need of capital B. after a fashion C. on second thoughts D. in the interests of themselves 9. The main reason why American dramas and sitcoms are driven out of prime time is that ____. A. they lose competitiveness B. they are not market-oriented C. they are too much priced D. they fall short of audience expectations 10. American studio producers will give thought to production costs __________. A. if they have no access to popular shows B. because their endeavors come to no avail C. since bidding wars are no longer fierce D. as international sales pace slows down Passage Three How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales 1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (th at is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy. 2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying. 3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.

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