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请以“How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切

2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。

In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to ……

And most children ……

According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% ……and more than 85% …..

However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because ……

Besides, being independent ……

Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent.

Parents should encourage their children to ……

By doing so, parents ……

In addition, parents should urge their kids to ……

For example, ……


In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking meals and washing clothes.

However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because it is just a matter of time before their parents are too old to look after them. Besides, being independent is such a good quality as to help kids succeed later in the world of tough competition. Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent.

Parents should encourage their children to make decisions on their own and to take responsibility for themselves. By doing so, parents actually help them develop an ability to think independently and become a responsible individual. In addition, parents should urge their kids to take care of their own business and to work for what they want. For example, if Jack’s bedroom is in a mess, Jack’s parents, instead of cleaning it up for him, should ask Jack to do the job himself as soon as possible. Similarly, when Jack wants a new toy, they should ask him to do some work, say memorize 100 English words, before they agree to his request.

请以“How to Prevent Energy Crisis”为题,按照以下要点写作:



The modern world runs on energy, most of which comes from coal, oil and natural gas. These resources have one thing in common: ……

On the other hand, as economies develop fast, ……

The two factors combined help us understand ……

What, then, can we do to prevent energy crisis? The answer lies partly in ……

Of course, conservation is not the sole/only solution to the energy problem. ……

We are convinced that so long as both solutions are applied, energy crisis can be prevented.


The modern world runs on energy, most of which comes from coal, oil and natural gas. These resources have one thing in common: their reserves/supplies are limited, so they can be used up/exhausted. On the other hand, as economies develop fast, the world’s demand for energy is growing enormously day by day. The two factors combined help us understand why we are threatened with the approach of energy crisis.

What, then, can we do to prevent energy crisis? The answer lies partly in conserving energy sources. Large

amounts of energy are being wasted in all sections of the modern society. We need to raise the public awareness of the importance of using energy economically and urge our governments to pass laws to ensure a rational exploration and development of exhaustible resources.

Of course, conservation is not the sole/only solution to the energy problem. Even if the prospect that natural resources like coal and oil will run out is inevitable, many renewable sources of energy are already available, such as wind and solar power. We need to take measures to encourage scientists to continue developing such new sources of energy.

We are convinced that so long as both solutions are applied, energy crisis can be prevented.





Recently, a survey was carried out on students’ attitudes to breakfast.

The findings are ……

Only a few students …… while the vast majority of students just ……

Worse still, some students even go as far as to ……

When asked ……, students gave different answers. But the most common reason is that ……

Therefore, they don’t bother ……

Instead, they prefer ……

In my opinion, skipping breakfast ……

Not having breakfast will ……

Moreover, attending a class on an empty stomach, we will……

So for the sake of our health and study, we should ……


Recently, a survey was carried out on students’ attitudes to breakfast. The findings are quite surprising to us / just what we expected.

Only a few students take breakfast seriously while the vast majority of students just eat their breakfast in a hurry. Worse still, some students even go as far as to skip breakfast.

When asked how they accounted for their choices, students gave different answers. But the most common reason is that they tend to oversleep and lack enough time for breakfast. Therefore, they don’t bother with breakfast. Instead, they prefer a big meal at lunch or some snacks between classes.

In my opinion, skipping breakfast is really a bad habit. Not having breakfast will do great harm to our health and cause our body to malfunction. Moreover, attending a class on an empty stomach, we will not be able to concentrate or keep up. So for the sake of our health and study, we should make sure that we eat breakfast on time every day.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

1. 因特网给我们带来的好处

2. 因特网普及可能产生的问题

3. 我的结论


The main benefits of the Internet are as follows.

Firstly, thanks to various ……, it is no longer a tough job to …… (查询资料)

In the second place, we can contact …… by ……, which ……(联系友人)

Last but not least, the Internet provides a platform where ……(交流平台)

However, the negative effects of the Internet cannot be ignored.

To begin with, surfing the Internet can be addictive to teenagers, who …… (玩物丧志)

Secondly, staying too long on the Internet may do harm to our …… (有害健康)

Finally, since the Internet offers easy access to ……, we will probably not take the trouble to ……. Instead we may be tempted to …… (剽窃答案)

In conclusion, as a technological development, the Internet, despite its flaws, has ……

In other words, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

As every coin has two sides, the Internet, too, has both advantages and disadvantages.

The main benefits of the Internet are as follows. Firstly, thanks to various kinds of search engines, it is no longer a tough job to obtain the information we need, whether it be the latest news or some historical data. In the second place, we can contact friends or business associates by email or other devices such as QQ and MSN, which are cheaper and more convenient than traditional means of communication like phone calls and letters. Last but not least, the Internet provides a platform where we can discuss or debate issues of common interest, and exchange or share things with others.

However, the negative effects of the Internet cannot be ignored. To begin with, surfing the Internet can be addictive to teenagers who, without enough self-control, tend to waste considerable amounts of time and energy playing online games. As a result, they have trouble concentrating in class and lag behind in learning. Secondly, staying too long on the Internet may do harm to our physical health, in particular our eyesight. Prolonged exposure to a computer screen will lead to strained eyes. Finally, since the Internet offers easy access to a rich source of information, we, when looking for answers, will probably not take the trouble to read through reference books. Instead we may be tempted to plagiarize others’ answers from the Internet.

In conclusion, as a technological development, the Internet, despite its flaws, has made information flow around the globe faster and brought people around the world closer. In other words, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.

请以“The Advantages of Bicycling to Work”为题,按照以下要点写作:




Today in China as well as in many other countries, an increasing number of people go to work by bike. This trend/practice should be encouraged/advocated for its following advantages.

First of all, bicycling to work helps to lighten the burden on public transportation ……

In addition, cycling needs no fuel and therefore does not in the least pollute the air.

Last but not least, cycling helps improve people’s health.

To sum up, bicycling to work contributes to easing overcrowded traffic, reducing air pollution and improving people’s health.


Today in China as well as in many other countries, an increasing number of people go to work by bike. This trend/practice should be encouraged/advocated for its following advantages.

First of all, bicycling to work helps to lighten the burden on public transportation, which is already too crowded. In rush hours, it often takes a lot of waiting to get on a bus and to transfer from one bus line to another, no wonder a cyclist often arrives at his workplace sooner than his colleagues who are stuck in traffic jams.

In addition, cycling needs no fuel and therefore does not in the least pollute the air. It benefits not only the rider himself but also everyone else of the whole community. Just imagine how much fresher the morning air would be if everyone rode a bike to work.

Last but not least, cycling helps improve people’s health. Nowadays, with the automation of factories and offices, many people’ work has been reduced to button-pressing. What better exercise could such workers have

than cycling to and from work?

To sum up, bicycling to work contributes to easing overcrowded traffic, reducing air pollution and improving people’s health.

请以Threats to Endangered Species为题写一篇文章,内容必须包括以下几点:




Threats to Endangered Species

Many species are now in danger of …… / Many species are now faced with ……

There have been reports ……

Among the threats to engendered species are ……, which ……

For example, ……

…… , thus pushing species to the brink of extinction / thus threatening species with extinction.

To prevent endangered species from dying out/becoming extinct, we should draw up rules and regulations to ban/limit ……

In the meantime, great efforts should be made to encourage people to……

Threats to Endangered Species

Many species are now in danger of dying out. / Many species are now faced with the threat of becoming extinct. There have been reports about the extinction of tigers, whales and hundreds or even thousands of other animals.

Among the threats to engendered species are human activities, which can spoil or ruin wildlife habitat. For example, forests and grasslands are cleared to develop residential or industrial areas for people to live or work in. Besides, an increasing amount of chemical waste is dumped into rivers for the convenience of economic development. All these human activities can make wildlife habitat shrink considerably, thus pushing species to the brink of extinction / thus threatening species with extinction.

To prevent endangered species from dying out/becoming extinct, we should draw up rules and regulations to ban the human destruction of wildlife habitat. In the meantime, great efforts should be made to encourage people to strike a balance between environmental protection and economic development/ adopt an environment-friendly approach to economic development.

Threats to Endangered Species

Many species are now in danger of dying out. / Many species are now faced with the threat of becoming extinct. There have been reports about the extinction of tigers, whales and hundreds or even thousands of other animals.

Among the threats to engendered species are human desires for food and clothes, which can lead to overhunting. For example, an increasing number of whales are killed to make traditional dishes in Japan. Besides, some wild animals like deer and tigers are skinned to make fur coats for those who live in luxury. Such acts of killing can reduce wildlife population considerably, thus pushing species to the brink of extinction / thus threatening species with extinction.

To prevent endangered species from dying out/becoming extinct, we should draw up rules and regulations to limit the commercial hunting of wildlife. In the meantime, great efforts should be made to encourage people to have a diet free of endangered species and wear fur coats made of artificial materials





As living standards keep rising, more and more parents …

Meanwhile, many foreign universities …

As a result, an increasing number of Chinese students choose …

Frankly speaking, studying overseas has both advantages and disadvantages.

Those who argue against the trend say that living far away from home, Chinese students tend to …, since they …In addition, most students in China lack …, which makes it difficult for them to …

However, those who support the phenomenon argue that studying abroad, Chinese students find it easy to …, since they …

Besides, compared with domestic colleges, foreign universities …

Chinese students, therefore, can …

Last but not least, when they graduate from a foreign university, they will…

In my opinion, attending foreign universities has more … than …

In short, I will choose to …


As living standards keep rising, more and more parents see their children’s education as a top priority. They are willing and able to send their kids abroad for studies. Meanwhile, many foreign universities are opening the door to Chinese students, who have displayed enough talent and hard work to attract their attention. As a result, an increasing number of Chinese students choose to go abroad for further education. Frankly speaking, studying overseas has both advantages and disadvantages.

Those who argue against the trend say that living far away from home, Chinese students tend to suffer from loneliness and homesickness, since they are used to being taken care of by their parents. In addition, most students in China lack enough experience of living alone, which makes it difficult for them to adjust to everyday life in a foreign country.

However, those who support the phenomenon argue that studying abroad, Chinese students find it easy to improve their foreign language, since they have to use it every day. Besides, compared with domestic colleges, foreign universities have academic advantages, including advanced facilities and excellent professors. Chinese students, therefore, can receive better academic training in science and technology and keep up with the latest developments in their fields. Last but not least, when they graduate from a foreign university, they will have more career choices both in china and abroad.

In my opinion, attending foreign universities has more advantages than disadvantages. Being exposed to a foreign culture broadens a student’s horizons. Living alone overseas helps a student become independent. Foreign universities provide students with easy access to world-class scholars and academic resources. A degree from a foreign university opens up a wider range of career choices to graduates. In short, I will choose to pursue a better education overseas if my parents can afford it.

What Electives to Choose




Nowadays, many universities provide/offer ...

The standards/purposes/reasons … differ/vary from individual to individual.

Some students, who …, prefer the electives …

Some students choose the electives …

Others take the electives …

There are also a few students who …

As far as I am concerned, …

What Electives to Choose

Nowadays, many universities provide a variety of electives for students to choose from. The standards by

which to choose electives differ from individual to individual.

Some students, who have made their career choices, prefer the electives relevant to their future jobs. Some students choose the electives that will help their major studies. Others take the electives whose contents are similar to their hobbies. There are also a few students who care little about the nature of electives and choose those where it will be easy for them to get enough credits.

As far as I am concerned, most electives are supposed to equip me for future jobs. Since I want to become a car mechanic, I prefer electives that will give me basic instructions in car repair and maintenance.





Last Sunday, it was a sunny/rainy day, and I had an opportunity to …

Upon entering …, I was greeted by …

Walking on campus, I saw/heard …

When I stepped into …, I was amazed to see… / I was amazed at the sight of …

I went into … and asked sb ….

He/She was happy to…

A glance at … showed …

Upon leaving, I thought to myself that …

Compared with …, the university has/lacks … that will inspire/encourage/help …

This visit not only…., but also …


Last Sunday, it was a sunny day, and I had an opportunity to visit a well-known university campus.

Upon entering the campus, I was greeted by the pleasant smell of flowers and the friendly smiles of teachers. Walking on campus, I saw students playing basketball, reading books, or riding bikes. When I stepped into a building, I was amazed to find all classrooms filled with students either attending lectures or doing self-study. I went into one lecture-room and asked a student there what the lecture was about. He was happy to hand me his notebook. A glance at his notebook showed how attentive he had been. Upon leaving, I thought to myself that I would apply to this university for postgraduate studies.

Compared with my college, the university has a variety of lectures and courses that will help enrich my knowledge and broaden my horizons. This visit not only let me briefly experience a different university atmosphere, but also inspired me to study harder to pursue a better education.


作文范文 请以“How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作: 1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切 2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to …… And most children …… According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% ……and more than 85% ….. However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because …… Besides, being independent …… Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent. Parents should encourage their children to …… By doing so, parents …… In addition, parents should urge their kids to …… For example, …… 范文 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking


篇一:英文作文自我介绍版本英文作文自我介绍版本 sample1: in my spare time, i like to read novels. i think reading could enlargemy knowledge. as for novels, i could imagine whatever i like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. in addition to reading, i also like to play pc games. a lot of grownups think playing pc games hinders the students from learning. but i think pc games could motivate me to learn something such as english or japanese.my favorite course is english because i think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. i wish my english could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent english in the future. sample2: in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to go abroad for a shortterm english study. during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things. i think language is very interesting. i could express one substanceby using different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge. sample3: my name is . there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistryteacher. he teaches chemistry in senior high school. my mother is an english teacher. she teaches english in the university. i have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. i like to read english story books in my free time. sometimes i surf the internet and download the e- books to read. reading e- books is fun. in addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. sample4: sample5: from a middle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, 1965. my father is a civil official at tainan city government. my mother is a house wife good at cooking. although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one. on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. i study hard at school. besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. “ being good is must; successful, however, is plus. ” father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that. i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment. sample6: my father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. as he said: i am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, i do think so. i was born in a country of ping tung country, farming is our career of generations. there are four people in my family, mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an agriculture college. i am optimistic and active, and i am confident that i can pass the test. thank you for your precious to read my autobiography. sample7 : 1 、good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . it is really a great honor to have this

英语作文我的大学生活 My Life in

我们知道,很多人认为大学生活是自由、舒适的,但我想说这不是真的。事实上,我 的大学生活是如此的忙碌,以至于我都不知道我的能量是否足够。至于我的大学生活,我把它分为四个部分,包括学习,学生活动,图书馆和其他的。 Firstly, I want to talk about the study. In my opinion, study is the priority in college. When I received the letter of admission in summer, I knew clearly that what I should do. So I make up my mind to study hard and pursue learning as much as possible. I’m greatly convinced that knowledge can change my life. Therefore, I often go to the quiet study room where many people study there. By working so hard, I get good grades in the exams. 首先,我想谈谈学习。在我看来,学习是大学该优先考虑的。当我在夏天收到录取通 知书时,我就清楚地知道我应该做什么。所以我下定决心努力学习,尽可能多的追求学问。我非常相信知识可以改变我的生活。因此,我常常去安静的自习室学习,有很多人在那里学习。通过努力学校,我在考试中取得了好成绩。 Secondly, student activities play an important role in our college life. To be honest, the student Union is a good place where one can develop social skills, get his abilities trained. I take part in many student activities. For example, I’ m a volunteer, teaching the kids to learn to dance and write. I think it’s meaningful for everyone to give a hand to others. I can also do some jobs in the Student Union, including receiving and sending fast mail, selling papers and magazines. I think they’re unforgettable and worthwhile experiences for me. 其次,在我们的大学生活中学生活动中起了重要的作用。老实说,学生会是一个很好 的地方,一个可以培养社会技能的地方,一个训练自己能力的地方。我参加了许多学生活动。例如,我是一个志愿者,教孩子们学习舞蹈和写作。我认为帮助别人是有意义的。我还可以在学生会中做一些工作,包括接收和发送快速电子邮件,卖报纸和杂志。我觉得他们是我难忘的、有价值的经验。 Thirdly, I also visit the library constantly. It’s said that “shelves of books, oceans of knowledge”, so I read books that I’m i nterested in. In this way, I can share stories with my new friends and it also changes my horizons .When I’m sad, lost or in trouble, staying the library makes me quiet and comfortable. After all, every life has bad moments as well as good ones, and the library for me is a support in bad moments. So it’s wise choice for me to stay in the library. 第三,我经常去图书馆。据说“书架上的书,知识的海洋,所以我阅读我感兴趣的书。这样,我可以和我的新朋友分享故事,也改变了我的视野。在我难过,迷失或陷入困境的时


1. 成功的四个步骤Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance o n the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are st ill in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, c asual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter ho w well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair o f sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless y ou're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the le gend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude hi s or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed wit hin the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with an yone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a ne w journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, an d keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....I f you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Or growmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life My Dormitory Life Compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory I am living in now, the one I lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared o ne brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom. In three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among p

英语作文 大学第一学期

My First Term in College There is no denying the fact that college life and high school life is absolutely different. I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. I still need time to accommodate to the new study, but I like this kind of freedom previously. In campus, I obsessed with time fillers such as online shopping. Sometimes I'm timid, afraid to express myself in public. Learning content is not skilled in using as well. In a word, despite some disappointments I have loved my college life. Next term I will plan to set new goals in my study and improve my way of learning. What's more, as I am away from my parents, it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own, such as doing some washing and cleaning by myself.


Students and Mobile Phone 1. 大学生使用手机增多及其原因 2. 大学生使用手机所带来的问题 3. 你自己的观点 With the rapid economic development, the mobile phone has found its way into campuses and a host of students take advantage of this wonderful gadget to communicate with each other. This phenomenon gives rise to this question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone? It is widely believed that it greatly facilitates students' campus life. Many instances could be found to support this type of opinion. A graduating student in our university bought a mobile phone in the course of hunting for his job. He told me that through the mobile phone he could easily keep in touch with the employer of the company he intends to work with and would not miss any opportunities. However, everything has both positive and negative facets. The mobile phone also has many disadvantages. For instance, the ringing of the mobile phone often disturbs the teacher's teaching and other students' learning. Personally, the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh the disadvantages of it as long as we don't interfere with others while using it. It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control. Pollution: An Increasing Concern in China 1. 中国的污染的现状 2. 造成污染的原因 3. 解决的办法 Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc. To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind. If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation. My view on Online Education


大学英语作文(精选多篇) 第一篇:大学英语作文 directions: twomonthsagoyougotajobasaneditorforthemagazinedesigns&fas hions.butnowyoufindthattheworkisnotwhatyouexpected.youdecidet oquit.writealettertoyourboss,mr.wang,tellinghimyourdecision,s tatingyourreason(s),andmakinganapology. writeyourletterwithnolessthan120words. don'tsignyourownnameattheendoftheletter;use"liming"instea d.youdonotneedtowritetheaddress. 范文一: dearmr.wang, afterseriousconsideration,idecidedtoendmyworkaheadofsched ule.maybeitisreallyasurpriseforyou,however,ineedtotellyouthat theworkisnotwhatiexpected.sorrytobringyoutheinconvenience. duringsevenmonthsworkinyourteam,ihavelearnedalotabouthowt oworkinaworld- famouscompany.alsoafterwitnessingthewholeprogressofourgroup,i havelearnedthecrueltyofcompetitioninindustry.itsobviouslytrue thaticanstilllearnalotificontinueworkinyourteam.butireallynee


关于大学的英语作文带翻译 关于大学的英语作文带翻译 关于大学的英语作文(一) As we all know, college is a place where students can cultivate their professional skills, but more and more students now lose their heart in study. They are addicted to playing computer games or other activities. If the Internet is not turned off, they would rather stay up to play than go to bed. Why this phenomenon gest so common? How really should do to college students? 我们都知道大学是一个可以培养学生的专业技能的地方,但现在越来越多的学生无心学习。他们沉迷于玩电脑游戏或其他活动。如果没有断网,他们宁愿熬夜玩电脑而不是去睡觉。这种现象为什么如此的普遍?大学生真正应该怎么做? Maybe I can explain the first question with some reasons. Nowadays, college students are under more pressure from school work and coming employment. On one hand, they should try to pass the tests to get credit; otherwise they can’t get the academic degree. They may be defeated by the challenges or difficulties. They just want to do something exciting to escape the problem what they faced. On the other hand, college life is more flexible. Students


篇一:英文作文自我介绍版本 英文作文自我介绍版本 sample1: in my spare time, i like to read novels. i think reading could enlargemy knowledge. as for novels, i could imagine whatever i like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. in addition to reading, i also like to play pc games. a lot of grownups think playing pc games hinders the students from learning. but i think pc games could motivate me to learn something such as english or japanese.my favorite course is english because i think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. i wish my english could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent english in the future. sample2: in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to go abroad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things. i think language is very interesting. i could express one substanceby using different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge. sample3: my name is . there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistryteacher. he teaches chemistry in senior high school. my mother is an english teacher. she teaches english in the university. i have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. i like to read english story books in my free time. sometimes i surf the internet and download the e- books to read. reading e- books is fun. in addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. sample4: sample5: from a middle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, 1965. my father is a civil official at tainan city government. my mother is a house wife good at cooking. although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one. on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. i study hard at school. besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. "being good is must; successful, however, is plus." father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that. i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment. sample6:


大学毕业生如何选择职业英语作文 It is very important to choose a right career. A right choice usually leads to success and happiness, while a wrong one often brings about failure and disappointment. Therefore, we must get ourselves well prepared so that a right choice can be made when needed. If I am to choose a career, my principles are as follows. First of all, it should be a real service to my fellowmen and not merely enable me to earn a living. Seondly, it should offer scope for creativity and imagination because I want to live a rich or meaningful life. Finally, it should provide me with opportunities and challenges, engaging my in terest and allowing me to develop my abilities. There are many professions for me to choose from: teaching, newspaper work, research on social science and so on. Among them, the work of a reporter may suit me most, because it is an exciting job and is full of challenges. 选择正确的职业是非常重要的。正确的选择通常会导致成功和幸福,虽然一个错误的 人通常会带来对失败和失望。因此,我们必须做好充分的准备,以便在需要的时候可以正确 的选择。 如果我选择一个职业,我的原则如下。首先,它应该是一个真正的服务我的同胞,不仅 仅使我谋生。Seondly,它应该提供创造力和想象力的空间,因为我想过富有或有意义的生活。最后,它应该为我提供了机遇和挑战,我在特雷和让我发展我的能力。 对我来说有很多专业可供选择:教学、报纸工作,社会科学研究等等。其中,一个记者 的工作最适合我,因为它是一个令人兴奋的工作,充满了挑战。 Every individual faces the problem of choosing an occupation after graduating from university, which is of great importance in one’s whole life. An appropriate occupation makes a man work with vigor and zest. Besides, it is beneficial for both the individual and the country. 每个人在大学毕业后都会面临择业的问题,在一个人的一生当中这是很重要的。一个 合适的工作能使人工作充满活力和激情。此外,这对个人和国家都是有益处的。


The Usefulness of College All in all,the university is a kind of investment,profit and loss depends on yourself.We college students should make use of existing resources to improve ourselves. 上大学的用处 图片显示的是一个坐在石头堆上的农民工对身着西装革履的大学生说的一句话“你花钱上大学,却和我这没上学的收入一样”。这让我想起了网络上一篇引人热议的帖子《回家后,我无颜面对的事情:怎么大学生不如农民工呢》。 这件事情在我看来大学生和农民工是没有可比性的,因为前者是做脑力劳动的,后者是做体力劳动的。我们不能用工资的高低来判断一个人的价值,这是不公平的。对于大学生来说开始工作的工资确实不高,需要积累一定的经验。 其实我们在大学里可以学到很多xx的,不然也不会有那么多的人挤破头也要上大学了。在大学里我们能学到什么呢?第一,建立有效的同学网。在大学里可以交到良师益友,良师益友可以有效地提升学习与职业成长效率,他们将是我们人生中的宝贵财富。第二,实现爱好的平台。大学可以提供给我们足够的资料,做任何想做的研究。大学把各个地方与各个方面的人汇集在一起形成了很有价值的交流中心。在大学里我们对自己的了解逐渐接近真实,我们不再狂妄自大,不再妄自菲薄,逐步走向成熟。第三,促进个人气质的变化。从一个农村孩子到xx职业人士的蜕变,大学充当了很好的培训所与初步养成机构的作用,这会表现在谈吐、衣着与沟通修养上。第四,培养独立思考能力。在大学里我们有了思考自己思考社会的时间和能力,我们不再人云亦云,拥有了独立思考能力,会自己判断对与错。我们xx了社会与人性的复杂性,多面性,更加理性了。 总之,上大学是一种投资,盈亏全在于自己,我们大学生应利用现有资源努力提升自己。 1/ 1

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