英汉翻译讲义 - 新课本

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Chapter One

I.Brief Introduction to the course


The course is aimed at providing opportunities for non-English majors in Honghe University to learn the basic principles and techniques of E-C and C-E translation. The principles will include knowledge about the nature of translation, the functions and theirs of language, linguistic and communication theories in translation and the competence of a translator. In learning the techniques of translation, the students will mainly work on the analysis of a text, word meanings in context, the process of translation, feasibility of literal translation and expression in idiomatic Chinese and English.

The course will also help the students to gain insight into translation from cultural and aesthetic perspectives to enhance their competence in the two languages. By the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to translate, with reasonable accuracy, faithfulness and appropriateness, passages on common subjects in everyday communication.

2.Teaching Procedures:

The class will mainly be conducted in lecturing and commenting on students’exercise and class performance. Discussion, questions and answers will be encouraged throughout the whole course. Homework assignments will play an important part in the course.


Assessment will be through class-work, homework, class performance and formal testing. The

Attendance is both monitored and graded. Students will absence exceeding three times will be reported to the department and grades will not be submitted to these students.

II.On Translation

1.What is Translation?


It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.

Peter Newmark (1988, P5) Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second in terms of style.

Eugene Nida (1969, P12)

1). Translation is a science.

e. g. A. We expected an older speaker to talk about this subject.


B. 飞机着陆了。

The plane touched down.

C. 船靠岸了。

The ship touched the land.

2). Translation is a skill.

e. g. A. She is dressed to kill.

她穿着很时髦/ 十分吸引人/ 迷死人了。

B. Justice is blind.

真理/ 法律面前,人人平等。

C. 情人眼里出西施。

Love is blind.

3). Translation is an art.

e. g. A. Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; but involve me and I’ll


a. 告诉我的事情,我会忘记;给我看的东西,我可能会记住;但让我一起干,


b. 耳闻不如目睹;目睹不如笃行。

B. (There is a sign beside the pond of crocodiles in a park.)

The last one is delicious, bring me another.

a. 刚才吃的那个味道不错,再来一个。

b. 鳄鱼危险,请勿靠近。

c. 池边游览须谨慎,勿作鳄鱼口中餐。

d. 鳄鱼腹中饥,游客要当心。

C. (A title in a magazine during the Athens Olympics)

China Aims at World Domination

a. 中国瞄准世界

b. 中国要称霸世界体坛

c. 中国体育志在雄踞天下

D. We have read the most terrifying stories about the Indians in American.

a. 我们读了不少美国印第安人的恐怖故事。

b. 我们读了不少有关美国印第安人的悲惨遭遇。

2.The Competence of a Translator.

A translator is bilingual,


special in one or more areas of knowledge,

a competent writer.

Competence in writing can be described as consisting of three levels: 1). ability to write good letters, effective news articles, and personal accounts; 2). capacity to write technical essays or articles in some field of specialization; 3). creative capacity for producing prose and poetry.

Eugene Nida (1993, PP134-136) 3.Purpose of Translation

