当前位置:文档之家› 高考书信类作文1













1、问候:how are you? How is everything going? How is life treating you?

2、自我介绍:I am LiHua, a 17-year-old boy currently studying in XXX middle school. I am LiHua, who…

【李华同志的个人简历】由于我们在考场上的身份几乎年年都是李华 因此我们在这里有必要了解一下李华同志的一些个人情况。当然这位同志的个人情况是可以有我们自己人为设置的。为了给阅卷老师留下一个好印象,我们将李华同志的个人简历概括为一个人见人爱的好孩子。

Hardworking、diligent 、help my parents to do housework 、take part in CCTV national English speech competition、won the second prize in CCTV national English speech competition、vice monitor、vice chairman of the students’ union、worked as a volunteer for the Olympic Games、worked as a volunteer for the 21st century、have many foreign friends and often chat with them happily in Starbark.

3、写信背景(写信的缘由)I heard that ... / My teacher told me... / I am informed that.../ I learned that...我得知...

I read in your newspaper/ micro-blog /website that... / You said in your last letter that…

4、写信目的: Now, I am writing to do sth. / Now, I am writing this letter to do sth. / Now, I am writing these few lines to

do sth.


自荐信: Now, I am writing to apply for the job/position.

感谢信: Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt gratitude to you.

邀请信: Now, I am writing to invite you to join/enjoy/suffer/experience the....(as our guest/ judge/ instructor).

建议信: Now, I am writing to give you a hand.

求助信:Now, I am writing to ask you to give me a hand/ do me a favor.

道歉信: Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt apology to you.

告知信: Now, I am writing to tell you about the details.

二、中间段:具体问题 (主题句 +具体分析)


自荐信 写自己的优势

写法一 There are four main reasons why I am fit for the position/job. To begin with, ... Moreover,... What's more,... Finally,..

写法二I have three main advantages. First and foremost,... Additonally,... Last but not least, ...

写法三 I have the confidence that I can handle the job. Firstly,... Secondly,... Thirdly,...

感谢信 写对方为你所做的事

Every time I 看照片、看录像、看那段时间的日记、回忆那段经历 , I just can't help thinking of you/ what you have done for me. It was so kind of you to 对方做的第一件事. Besides, you 对方做的第二件事 , which really surprised me. Actually, I shall always remember 对方做的第三件事 , considering that, 第三件事情的意

义 . Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, and I will cherish them forever.

邀请信 描述具体的活动内容 如活动主题、意义、地点、时间、参加者和其它事项

Here are some details for the activities. To begin with, 活动主题戒活动目的 如 the theme of the contest is "human and the nature", which is undoubtedly not only entertaining but also instructive. Moreover, 活动的地点和时间 如it will be in room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15th. What's more, 活动人员 如 ten outstanding competitors will take part in the contest. Finally, 其他信息 如 if you need any further

information, please call me at 44876655.

建议信 写给对方的具体建议

写法一 There are several simple suggestions for you. To begin with, ... Moreover,... What's more,... Finally,... 写法二 Immediate and effective measures must be put into practice. First and foremost,...Additionally,... Last

but not least,...

写法三The following suggestions carried out, things would probably become much better. Firstly,... Secondly,...


求助信 写具体需要帮助的事项

Hopefully you would be so kind as to give me some suggestions/help on the following problems. To begin with, 困难一 ,which has annoyed me for quite a long time. Moreover, 困难二 , for personally I lack the very basic experience on this matter. Finally,... 常用句型 做某事有困难 1、I have trouble in doing sth. 2、I find it extremely hard for me to do sth. 3、Doing sth is another terrible headache for me. 常见困难 【生活方面】

不人相处get along well with my classmates/ the new teacher / my parents.和我的同学/新老师/父母相处; 把握时间arrange and make good use of my everyday time for valuable things. 安排和利用每天的时间去做有意义的事情明确目标know the purpose of my life and the destination of my future in order to passionately live a purpose-driven

life everyday.知道我生命的目的和未来的目标,以便每天充满激情地过着―目标驱动‖的生活【学习方面】不懂语

法have trouble in mastering the advanced grammar rules and put them into use in my speaking and writing. 进步太慢find myself making progress not as fast as before, which has been annoying me for a long time. 精力有限can't be passionate and energetic all day long so as to make every moment meaningful and splendid.

道歉信描述不能或没能做到某事,如:赴约、还书、提供某种帮助的原因一般要以记叙文的形式写出以下三个内容:1、不能做某事的缘由;、2对方能够谅解你的理由I’m sure if you were me, you would make the same choice. 3、衷心希望对方能够谅解


Dear Kate,

How is everything going? I am writing to beg your pardon for my long delaying in returning to you your ―Gone with the Wind‖ which I read through with great interest. I had already finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. Never having seen the book, She was so interested in it that I had no choice but to allow her finish the book. I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will

overlook my negligence(疏忽)in not returning it sooner.然而,看在你的那本书能够带来的双倍喜悦的面子上,希望你能够原谅我没有及早还书的错误。I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Thanking you again for the loan.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua 【示例2】不能如期赴约而道歉——因为要参加英语比赛

Dear Tom,

How is everything going? I am writing to beg your pardon for my not being able to join you for the trip to Beijing next weekend which we planned before. I have been looking forward to the trip for a long time and have done a lot of preparation. However, I am informed that the CCTV national English competition is going to be held on that day. You know that I've been waiting for the chance for months and thus by no means can I miss it. As a result, I cannot make it for the trip. I’m sure if you were me, you would make the same choice. I do hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Please allow me to say sorry again.

Sincerely yours,





Hopefully the chance would be offered to me. If chosen/elected, I would dedicate all my energy and wisdom to the company/activity/club/class. Thank you for reading my letter/ listening to my speech in such a hot summer. Looking forward do your reply at your earliest convenience./ I won't let you down.我不会让你们失望。


I, on behalf of my whole family/class/school, would like to than you again (for what you have done)(for me/us). May you be blessed (in everything you do). 我代表我的全家再次向你所做的一切向你表达感谢。祝你万事如意


We are sincerely looking forward to your coming. My schoolmates/family and I would feel much honored if you could make it. I would like to meet you at the school gate and please drop me a line or give me a call to let me know your decision soon. Thank you. 我们衷心期望您能大驾光临。如果您能来 同学们和我将非常的荣幸。我会在校门口迎接您,请回信或打电话告诉我您的决定。谢谢。


Hopefully these suggestions will be of great help to you. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know as soon as possible. I'm sure you can solve your problem before long.

helpful --- of great help beautiful--- of great beauty difficult -- of great difficulty

different –- of great difference

useful --- of great use

harmful --- of great harm


Hopefully your kind and timely help would be offered to me.Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 道歉信

Hopefully you would accept my sincere apologize.

六种书信最后的结尾都是: Best wishes, / Yours truly, /XXX


Dear Tom,

How are you doing? How time flies! It has been half a year since I came back to China. I miss you so much! Every time I catch sight of our photos taken in America, I just can't help thinking of what you have done for me. It was so kind of you to help me practice my spoken English patiently. Besides, you taught me a lot of advanced grammar, which really surprised me. Actually, I shall always remember you shared with me many outstanding English novels, considering that I am extremely interested. Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, and I will cherish them forever. By the way, could you please tell me Mr. Smith’s telephone number and his email address? I would like to turn to him for some help. What’s more, I remember you are crazy about traditional Chi nese culture. The spring festival is around the corner.

Why not come to enjoy it? I promise you won’t regret. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!

Yours truly,

Li Hua


Dear Sir or Madam,

How are you doing? I am Lihua, a 17-year-old high school student who is crazy about your newspaper which I have been enjoying for 5 years. There are two main reasons why I like your newspaper best. For one thing, news not only about China but also about other countries has been reported in your newspaper. For another, so many stories of famous figures are introduced, which makes your newspaper more meaningful and splendid. By the way, here is a sincere suggestion for you. Why not publish some articles on English study? I’m sure they would be rather popular. Thank you for reading my letter in such a hot summer.

Best wishes! Yours truly,

Li Hua


Dear Li Ming,

How are you doing? Our head teacher told me you couldn’t get along well with our classmates. As the vice monitor, I am writing to give you a hand. In my opinion, there are two reasons accounting for your problem. For one thing, you seldom chat with us, consequently, we don't know you well. For another, you are so shy that you have trouble in expressing yourself. Here are several suggestions for you. First and foremost, you are supposed to talk with others more, so that you can make some close friends. Additionally, you can take part in some afterschool activities. Last but not least, if I were you, I would often answer questions in class. As your friend, I will do my utmost to help you. For example, I will introduce you to my own friends who are as friendly as I am. Hopefully would adapt to the new environment before long! If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.

Best wishes! Yours truly,

Li Hua

常见的建议句型:You should do sth. You are supposed to do sth. You ought to do sth. You’d better do sth. Why not do sth? Why don’t you do sth? If I were you, I would do sth. It is beneficial to do sth.Doing sth is another wise choice for you. I would encourage you to do sth. It is high time that you/we did sth.


Dear Li Ming,

I’m very glad to become your classmate. I know you are worried about your study and don’t know how to adapt yourself to the new environment. There are some suggestions about it and I hope they can help you.

You know we always become puzzled when we go to a new environment because we don’t know anything about the people around us and even don’t know what to do. I think you should make friends with the students in our class. Then if you h ave any problem you can ask us or our teachers for help. We’ll try our best to help you.

After class, I’ll show you around our school and tell you something about it. If you have any problem, please tell me and I will give you my advice not only on study but also on your life here.

All in all, I hope you can adapt yourself to the new environment and we can become good friends.

Best regards,

Li Hua 【范文5】

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan,

P.R.China. Ten days after that, it didn’t ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. Later I went to the repairman. He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that. How can I wait that long? Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua 【范文6】

Dear Sir,

I’m Li Hua from Fujian. When I was r eading the advertisement, the aim of this activity impressed me greatly. I think it instructive to learn to live together by living together. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation.

As a boy of 17,I am outgoing, good at English and have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12.I think it is a kind of win-win activity. For one thing, I can help take care of the children. For another thing, I can improve my English, make more friends, and enrich my life during the summer vacation.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua 【范文7】

Dear Amy,

I am a student from Xinhua Middle School. I am very sorry to have heard of your present situation that you are so bitter after having a lung cancer.

At present, ACS decides that it will give you three cents when you receive a letter. That will offer you so much courage. I hope you will make efforts to overcome all kinds of difficulty, no matter how hard it is. You are sure to make it.

I will try my best to ask all my friends, schoolmates and relatives to write letters to you, which may help you. It will give more courage to live on.

May you recover soon.


Li Hua



1 Dear ______,

①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about.

③The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). ④In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). ⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限).

⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear ______,

①You have asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here. ②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容). ③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to formally request to ______(请求的内容). ②The reason for ______is that ______(给出原因). ③I ______ , so I ______(给出细节). ④I would also like to request ______(提出进一步的要求). ⑤I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. ⑥Thank you for your attention to these requests. ⑦If you have any

questions, do not hesitate to contact me at ______(电话号码).

⑧I look forward to a favorable reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Dear Sir or Madam,

①I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in ______(报纸名称)of ______(广告发布时间). ②Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a ______(工作名称). ③In the one hand, ______(第一个原因). ④On the other hand, ______(另一个原因). ⑤Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. ⑥If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at ______(电话号码).

⑦Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear ______ ,

①There will be a ______(内容)at/in ______(地点)on ______(时间). ②We would be honored to have you there with us. ③The occasion will start at ______(具体时间). ④This will be followed by a ______(进一步的安排). ⑤At around ______(时间), ______(另一个安排). ⑥I really hope you can make it. ⑦(通知你的最后期限).

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear ______, ①I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因). ②The reason is that ______(介绍原因). ③Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. ④Hope you can accept my appologieze and understand my situation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ______(感谢的原因). ②If it had not been for your assistance in ______(对方给予的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been ______(没有对方帮助时的后果). ③Every one agrees that it was you who ______(给出细节).

④Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear ______ ,

①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding ______(要询问的内容). ③First of all, what are ______(第一个问题)? ④Secondly, when will ______(第二个问题)? ⑤Thirdly, is ______(第三个问题)? ⑥I would also like to inquire ______(将最重要的问题单独成段).

⑦Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

⑧Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear _______,

①It affords me much pleasure to recommend ______(要推荐的人)to you.②During his/her graduate years he/she was my ______ . ③As his/her ______ I found him/her ______(介绍与此人的关系). ④His/Her performance in the school years was outstanding. ⑤First, he/she had been and showed great talents in ______ . ⑥In addition, he/she has a very pleasant personality. ⑦He has developed a strong sense of ______, and working with him is always. ⑧I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being ______.(介绍此人的能力)⑨Therefore, I here recommend him/her to you

with all my heart. ⑩Should you favor him/her with a position in your company/Should you accept him/her in your university?I am sure that his/her future conduct/academic work will prove worthy of your confidence.

I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear ______ ,

①I have learned with delight that you ______(祝贺事由). ②I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on ______. ③You must be ______. ④And I feel very happy for you. ⑤______(所取得的成绩)is quite exciting news! ⑥I know this is surely owing to ______(被祝贺人过去的努力).⑦It is a reward you richly deserve for your ______(被祝贺人的优点). ⑧Kindly let me know when you ______(咨询对方何时有空).⑨I hope ______(表达自己的愿望).

⑩My best wishes for your further success.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


书信经典范文 【写作要求一】 假定你是李华,从互联网(the Internet)上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡 (Singapore)举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。 内容主要包括:1.自我介绍(包括英语能力)2 参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国 家);3. 希望获准。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯3 邮件开头和结尾已为你写好. 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sir or Madam, rm Li Hua, a middle school StUde nt from Chin a. I read the announ Ceme nt of the SUmmer CamP that you have POSted on the In ter net and I am in terested in it. I know that you welcome StUdents from different countries and I'd like to take Part in it. I've bee n Iear ning En glish for 10 years, and I SPeak flue nt En glish. What is more, I'll be able to tell StUde nts from other coun tries about Chinaand Iearn about their COUntries as well. I hope I will be accepted as a member of your SUmmer camp. Look ing forward to your reply! Yours Li HUa 【写作要求二】 假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟选拔一些优秀学生,利用暑期到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信: 1. 对此活动的认识(如对本人、学生及社会的益处等) 2. 个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力等) 3. 你的计划(如怎样进行辅导等) 注意:1.词数不少于100 ;




2017年全国卷3高考满分作文精选 全国卷III:我与高考或我看高考 (适用地区:四川广西贵州云南) 题目是一个副标题作文,因为是正逢高考四十年,是关于我与高考或我看高考。 全国卷3高考2017年满分作文: 距离高考仅剩今天 走进高中,开学了,校长致辞: “天将降大任于斯人也,必先卸其QQ,封其微博,删其微信,去其贴吧,收其电脑,夺其手机,摔其ipad,断其wifi,剪其网线,使其收心敛性,然后静坐、思过,早起、晚睡,做题、考试、做题,明智、开悟、精进,而后必能考上大学也!” 毕业了的学哥学姐们说: “高考的学弟学妹们,一定不要紧张,我可以负责任地告诉你们,高考,只决定你们未来在哪座城市打游戏而已,但还是要好好考,大城市网速快!” 走进高中,我的班主任在教室前方正中的国旗下挂上牌子:距离高考仅剩今天! 他说:“一切为了高考!”

为了高考,我的高中,是放了很多芥末的高中。就是语文课上,圣人孔子拿着刀子逼着老子孟(梦)子的高中;就是数学课上,排列组合,直线虚线,xayb砸得你一塌糊涂的高中;就是英语课上,“卖国贼”叽里咕噜让你莫名其妙的高中;就是物理课上,牛顿叫你使不出力,幻想自由落体的高中;就是化学课上,晶体、摩尔加硫酸化合你面目全非的高中;就是政治课上,对着手机说了声Hello而被“思想教育”的高中;就是历史课上,举头望老师,低头看小说,不知唐宋明清,只觉耳朵别揪的高中;就是地理课上,山在转水在转我不转的高中…… 头顶是蓝得一触即碎的天空。 呵呵,也许吧,天堂就在触手可及的地方,俯瞰着我们这群振翅欲飞的鸟群。那么,结局会是什么呢?老师们说,结局会是上天的上天,入地的入地。凤凰涅槃,浴火重生,我书写为高考拼搏的每一天的传奇。 遥望云卷云舒的自由自在,夏季的天空总是这样锋利的高远,收容这一个又一个斑斓的梦。每天放学的校园时光,男生的篮球比赛和女生的跑圈运动好像已经成为一种定格的象征。 昨天总在那些急促的步伐中成为今天的背影。 即将步入高考考场的五月,教室里,每天依然充满着在一大堆各种模拟题的海洋里埋头苦泳的身影,那种有质量的


高考英语书信作文万能模板 高中英语书信类作文的万能模板篇1:祝贺信 Dear ______ , ①I have learned with delight that you ______(祝贺事由). ②I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on ______. ③You must be ______. ④And I feel very happy for you. ⑤ ______(所取得的成绩)is quite exciting news! ⑥I know this is surely owing to ______(被祝贺人过去的努力).⑦It is a reward you richly deserve for your ______(被祝贺人的优点). ⑧Kindly let me know when you ______(咨询对方何时有空).⑨I hope ______(表达自己的愿望). ⑩My best wishes for your further success. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 高中英语书信类作文的万能模板篇2:投诉信 示例: Dear_______, I am . (自我介绍) I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_______.

The reason for my dissatisfaction is _______(总体介绍). In the first place,_________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition,____________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ___(感觉) to ___________(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could________(提出建议和请求), preferably __________(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限).Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely Li Ming 高中英语书信类作文的万能模板篇3:邀请信 示例一: Dear____, There will a _____(内容) at/in______(地点) on____(时间). We would be honored to have you there with us. The occasion will start at _______(具体时间). This will be followed by a ____(进一步的安排). At around______(时间),__________(另一个安排)


1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐) for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the

following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报) your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假设你是李华,你上星期参观伦敦,当时你爸的一个朋友Rogers先生对你照顾有加,请写封信表达你对他的感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sarah, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally


06..年全国卷高考满分作文:绕树三匝............... 何枝可依.... 2006....年全国卷....1(..河南、河北、陕西、山西、海南等地区.................). [.原题回放....]. 阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇不少于..................800...字的文章。.....(60...分.). 一只老鹰从鹫峰顶上俯冲下来,将一只小羊抓走了。....................... 一只乌鸦看见了,非常羡慕,心想:要是我也有这样的本领该多好啊!于是乌..................................鸦模仿老鹰的俯冲姿势拼命练习。............... 一天,乌鸦觉得自己练得很棒了,便哇哇地从树上猛冲下来,扑到一只山羊的..................................背上,想抓住山羊往上飞,可是它的身子太轻,爪子被羊毛缠住,无论怎样拍打翅....................................膀也飞不起来,结果.........被牧羊人抓住了。........ 牧羊人的孩子见了,问这是一只什么鸟,牧羊人说:.......................“.这是一只忘记自己叫什么...........的鸟。...”.孩子摸着乌鸦的羽毛说:...........“.它也很可爱啊!.......”. 要求全面理解材料,但可以选择一个侧面、一个角度构思作文。自主确定立意,...................................确定文体.... ,确定标题;不要脱离材料的含义作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。............................ [.文题诠释....]. 2006....年全国高考语文卷........1.的作文试题同前两年作文试题相比,既有继承又有革.......................新。.. 首先,从命题思路来说,延续了去年考题的命题思路。那就是:注重思辨,强..................................调联系。我们不妨把三年考题所体现出来的思维关系展示出来。............................2004....年考题:相信......


2018年高考全国卷满分作文3篇 永州一中高考湘君 全国Ⅰ卷满分作文 写给2035年的你 (广东一考生) 亲爱的朋友: 你好! 此刻读信的你,或许正同写信的我一样,冥思苦想,奋战着高考语文的最后一题。摆在我们面前的,都只有一份试卷、一支钢笔。但窗外的点点滴滴,早已翻天覆地。18岁的我,正跟随广大人民的脚步,迈向全面建成小康社会的新时期;18岁的你,已在社会主义现代化国家的土地上茁壮成长。 我今年18岁,刚刚跨过成年的关键期。遥想当年,我踏着二十一世纪的鼓点呱呱坠地。牙牙学语之时,朦胧地看见日历上“2000”这个整齐漂亮的数字,听着耳边“龙宝宝”“千禧宝宝”的啧啧称赞,我不明白它们的含义,却能清晰地感觉到:我,我们这一代,被时代寄予厚望。我们这一代人的成长与国家的发展有着与生俱来的紧密联系,国家与时代给了我们“龙宝宝”“千禧宝宝”使命与责任,我们要为国家发展,民族的复兴贡献力量。 你想知道从我出生到写这封信以来的这十几年里,中国发生了什么事情?自2003年我们的党和国家带领人民走出“非典”肆虐的阴霾,让我们更加明白了多难兴邦的道理,更体现了中华民族在困难面前的不屈不挠的韧劲。之后,我们共同参与到北京奥运会、广州亚运会的筹备工作当中,也曾为汶川地震的灾区同胞献出绵薄之力。不瞒你说,我还是亚运会小志愿者呢!在基本完成了城市的环境保护、转型升级之后,党和国家将工作重心转移到农村。从“村村通”全覆盖到全部农村贫困人口稳定脱贫,展现出质的改变。现在你终于明白,为什么乡村人民富起来了,小康社会得以全面建成了吧? 当然,你要意识到,任何时代的社会形态都会存在一定的漏洞。就拿你走在大街上随处可见的互联网元素来说吧。我想起2007年,当我还只知道用鼠标点“e”标志就可以上网看新闻、点企鹅标志就可以和同学聊天的时候,中国网民人数已突破7亿。互联网的普及,让我们这一代青年人的成长与国家的发展更加紧密地联系在一起,我们早已可以足不出户而知天下事,此时正在蓬勃兴起的人工智能、大数据,让中国站在了第四次科技革命的前沿。我深信,中国引领世界科技潮流的重担早已落在我们的肩上,我们需要为中国的科技发展注入我们的青春活力。我更坚信,2035年的你们必将生活在一个科技更加发达的中国,你们的成长与我们的努力奋斗以及国家的命运,是一个共同体,我们都应为生活在这样一个伟大的时代和伟大的国度而自豪。 朋友,此刻写信的我,作为18岁成年人、应承担社会责任的我,正思考着未来如何通过大学四年的学习,为全面建成小康社会添砖加瓦。身处2035年的你要知道:你所生活的现代化社会主义国家,正是千千万万个像我这样的热血青年,用18岁到35岁这多年的大


2020高考作文题目 全国卷1 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 春秋时期,齐国的公子纠与公子小白争夺君位,管仲和鲍叔分别辅佐他们。管仲带兵阻击小白,用箭射中他的衣带钩,小白装死逃脱。后来小白即位为君,史称齐桓公。鲍叔对桓公说,要想成就霸王之业,非管仲不可。于是桓公重用管仲,鲍叔甘居其下,终成一代霸业。后人称颂齐桓公九合诸侯、一匡天下,为“春秋五霸”之首。孔子说:“桓公九合诸侯,不以兵车,管仲之力也。”司马迁说:“天下不多(称赞)管仲之贤而多鲍叔能知人也。” 班级计划举行读书会,围绕上述材料展开讨论。齐桓公、管仲和鲍叔三人,你对哪个感触最深?请结合你的感受和思考写一篇发言稿。 要求:结合材料,选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 (鲍叔:能发现别人的才能亮点,知人善用,一心为国 管仲:有才能的人不会被埋没(金子在哪儿都会发光) 齐桓公:善于听取别人建议,有胆有识气吞八荒(敢用敌人的谋士)全国一卷作文依旧能与疫情挂钩,齐恒公需要很好的辅臣,中国就像齐恒公一样,抗击疫情,需要很多像管仲和鲍叔这样的人) 全国卷2 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。

墨子说:“视人之国,若视其国;视人之家,若视其家;视人之身,若视其身。”英国诗人约翰?多恩说:“没有人是自成一体、与世隔绝的孤岛,每一个人都是广袤大陆的一部分。” “青山一道同云雨,明月何曾是两乡。”“同气连枝,共盼春来。”……2020年的春天,这些寄言印在国际社会援助中国的物资上,表达了世界人民对中国的支持。 “山和山不相遇,人和人要相逢。”“消失吧,黑夜!黎明时我们将获胜!”……这些话语印在中国援助其他国家的物资上,寄托着中国人民对世界的祝福。 “世界青年与社会发展论坛”邀请你作为中国青年代表参会,发表以“携手同一世界,青年共创未来”为主题的中文演讲。请完成一篇演讲稿。 要求:结合材料内容及含意完成写作任务;选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 全国卷3 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 人们用眼睛看他人、看世界,却无法直接看到完整的自己。所以,在人生的旅程中,我们需要寻找各种“镜子”、不断绘制“自画像”来审视自我,尝试回答“我是怎样的人”“我想过怎样的生活”“我能做些什么”“如何生活得更有意义”等重要的问题。


书信格式一般格式个部分:英文书信的构成可分6 (Heading) 信头(inside Name and Address) 收信人姓名及地址(Salutation) 称呼 (Body of the letter) 信文 (Complimentary close ) 结束语 (Signature) 署名 (Heading) 信头(1) 信头是指发信人的单位名称或地址以及日期。一般情况下发信人只需把自己的地址写 英寸,占二三行或四行均可,格式如1)在信的右上角,离开信纸的顶头约(打字,手写均可下:256 West Nanjing Street Nanchang, Jiangxi Province China Sep. 3rd, 2000 注意:写地址的次序与中文不同,应先写门牌号码街道,然后城市和国名。 写日期注意下列各点: ①年份应写全,例如不能用“00”来代替“2000”。 ②月份应写英文名称,除May, June, July外,可用缩写,如:Sep., Oct.。但不要用数字来代替,如7/4/00或7, 4, 00,因为在英国此日期代表7th April, 2000,而在美国则代表4th July, 2000。 ③日期可用1,2,3,4…11,12…21,22…31等,也可用1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…11th, 21st, 22nd, 31st等。 日期的几种写法: a. July 7, 1998 b. 1st October, 1998 c. 30 Nov., 1997 d. Sep. 3rd, 1999 ④特别注意英文书信日期应紧着写信人地址下一行,不能像写中文书信那样写在书信签名之后,这是很多学生的常见错误。 (2) 收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address) 写信人的地址和日期写好以后,接着就要写收信人的姓名和地址,一般的事务信件或给较生疏的朋友的信件要写,而在给较熟的朋友的信中则可省去。这一项写在日期下一行的左上角。收信人姓名写一行,收信人地址可分两行或三行写,和写信人的地址一样,上下可取齐,也可向右缩进。在姓名前一般要加上称号,称号因人而异。 ①对普通男子用Mr.; ②对未婚女子用Miss;


2019全国一卷高考满分作文精选三篇 人生在勤,不索何获 亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好!我演讲的题目是《人生在勤,不索何获》。 《管子》有言:“一农不耕,民有饥者;一女不织,民有寒者。”百姓不勤,遂有饥寒。管仲又说:“仓廪实,知礼节;衣食足,知荣辱。”耕织不仅是衣食之源,也是礼仪文明的基础。由此可知,勤以修身,劳可安邦。 回首历史,但凡伟人都有一双勤劳的双手。黄帝建造屋宇,缝制衣冠,制造舟车,创制乐律;虞舜种田补鱼,烧制陶器,天下大和,百姓无事;苏秦熟读兵法,不舍昼夜,终有所成,名垂青史。无论是囊萤映雪、悬梁刺股的历史佳话,还是愚公移山、大禹治水的神话传说,无不展现着勤劳使人杰出的真理。 不仅如此,勤劳也是中华民族绵延至今的原因之一。中华民族何以屹立不倒,绵延至今?有人说是外儒内法的治国之道,有

人说是农耕文明的稳固保守,有人说是大海、大漠、大山对于外来文明的阻隔,也有人说是中华文化的包容和共生能力。诸如此类的回答,不胜枚举。我想,中华民族的延续性与长期扎根于农耕的中国人自然形成的勤劳淳朴、任劳任怨的精神特质也不无关系。因为勤劳,我们在黄河岸边的黄土地上留下了民族的足迹;因为勤劳,我们走过了坎坷屈辱的抵御列强的近代重生之路;因为勤劳,我们坚定不移、从容自信地追逐着我们的复兴之梦。 同学们,因为勤劳,我们也才有了闻名于世的国家名片。上面印着苍茫山脊上的万里长城,恢弘壮丽的兵马俑,庄重神圣的莫高窟,横跨世界屋脊的西藏铁路,深入海底的钻井平台,静默不言的跨海大桥,呼啸而过的中国高铁。当然,仔细看去,上面还写着一排无形的大字——勤劳的中国人。 反观当下,作为新时代的我们却存在着回家葛优躺,洗衣靠父母,吃饭等人送,扫地不积极,学习变懒散等不正之风。英国有句谚语:“懒惰没有牙齿,但却可以吞噬人的智慧。”我想,长此以往,我们失去的不仅是生活的自理能力,更是求知的动力。有人说劳动的事可以交给人工智能,诚然,这是一个伟大的时代,科技给予了我们越来越多的便利。但是,科技也不可能完全解决我们人类的全部需要,相反,人类需要更高级的劳动和更高的智慧来管控科技。否则,被奴役的只会是我们自己。 在未来人工智能流行的年代里,我希望我们仍然能够时刻想


[书信作文模板] 书信作文十大类型 1.投诉信(抱怨信)(Letter of Complaint) 写作流程图 第一部分:提出抱怨并表示遗憾 套语: (1) 很抱歉打扰您,但我必须郑重提出投诉。 I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint. (2) 我很遗憾地告诉你投诉有关…….的事由。 I am sorry to tell you that there should be cause to complain about … (3) 我真的很讨厌抱怨,但最近有一件事情确实令人烦心。 I really hate to complain, but one thing is really disturbing now. 第二部分:阐述问题发生的经过 套语:无 第三部分:指出问题引起的后果 套语: (1) 噪音影响我的睡眠,使得我在上班时间无法集中精力。结果这些天我已经搞错了好几次 The noise disturbs my sleep so that I can’t concentrate on my work during the work time, and as a result, I have made several mistakes these days. (2) 在这样(嘈杂)环境下我无法进行研究,我需要一间安静的房间。 For me this environment is very difficult to make studies and I need a quiet room. 第四部分:提出批评及处理的意见或敦促对方采取措施 套语: (1) 我认为是你认识到……的时候了。 I think it’s high time that you realized …. (2) 我们深知你们并不经常出错,但我们希望能确保这类差错不再发生。 We know that you are not generally careless, but we should like your assurance that this will not happen again. (3) 我必须正告贵方,除非对目前状况采取措施,否则我将被迫诉诸法律。 I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation, I will be forced to


2019高考英语作文训练 李仕才 作文训练之书信(回信+文化交流)

句型提示: 1、书信功能句: 2、英语作文万能句: 1)I am writing to you to …(谈写信目的) 2) I am looking forward to your reply. (写信结束语) 3) I would appreciate it if you could …如果你能…,我将非常感激。 4) I wonder if you could …我想您是否能….

5) Would it be possible for you to …? 您是否可以。。。? 6) Would it be convenient for you to …? 您是否方便…? 7) I would like to …我想要… 8) It would be better for you to …您最好… 9) You might as well …您最好… 10) If I were you, I would …. 如果我是你,我会… 11) Would you please …? Could you …? 请您… 3、英语作文常用句式: 1) 主+谓+…,doing/done … 2) 主+谓+…,which/who 从句 3)主,同位语,+谓+… 4)主+谓+…,with 结构 5)What +从句 is that 从句 6)强调句或倒装句(起强调作用,需要强调时,用) 7)其他:so/such …that…; It is …before …; too … to …等 写作训练(8) 假如你是美国的Mike,你的朋友张平打算到国外留学,他写信询问你什么样的中国学生最受国外高校青睐。请你根据下列要点给对方写一封回信: 1.语言能力是基础; 2.适应能力很重要; 3.兴趣爱好被看重; 4.要有社会责任感。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Zhang Ping. Yours, Mike 思路点拨:1、人称:第二人称为主;时态:一般现在时和一般将来时为主; 2、要点:1)客套话,礼貌答2) 4个要点;3)祝愿。 参考句型:1….makes it easier for you to do … 2. shoulder social responsibilities 3. May you succeed. 第一稿


高考书面表达书信类作文范文 1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend/express(表达)my gratitude to you ,because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University, but also gave me careful and patient instructions onhow to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的)help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity/chance(机会) of further education. For the following two years,I will study hard to reciprocate(回报)your sincere help and expectations(期望)with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假如你是李华,好朋友Sarah邀请你去参加他的生日聚会,但由于弟弟突


2012年全国卷高考作文题目(贵州、云南、甘肃、内蒙古、青海、西藏、河北、广西) 周末,我从学校回家帮着干农活。今春雨多,道路泥泞,我挑着一担秧苗,在溜滑的田埂上走了没几步,就心跳加速,双腿发抖,担子直晃,只好放下,不知所措地站在那里。妈妈在田里插秧,看到我的窘态,大声地喊:“孩子,外衣脱了,鞋子脱了,再试试!”我脱了外衣和鞋袜,卷起裤脚,重新挑起担。咦,一下子就觉得脚底下稳当了,担子轻了,很快就把秧苗挑到妈妈跟前。妈妈说:“你不是没有能力挑这个担子,你是担心摔倒,弄脏衣服,注意力不集中。脱掉外衣和鞋袜,就甩掉了多余的顾虑。”要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。 2012年新课标卷高考作文题(河南、黑龙江、吉林、宁夏、山西、新疆、海南): 给材料作文:船主让漆工给船涂漆。漆工涂好船后,顺便将漏洞补好了。过了不久,船主给漆工送了一大笔钱。漆工说:“工钱已给过了”。船主说“这是感谢补漏洞的钱。”漆工说:“那是顺便补的。”船主说:“当得知我的孩子们驾船出海,我就知道他们回不来了。现在他们却平安归来,所以我感谢你!”考生根据材料自拟题目,写800字作文。 2012年山东高考作文题目 阅读下面的材料,根据自己的感悟和联想,写一篇不少于800字的文章:“我辈既以担当中国改革发展为己任,虽石烂海枯,而此身尚存,此心不死。既不可以失败而灰心,亦不能以困难而缩步。精神贯注,猛力向前,应付世界进步之潮流,合乎善长恶消之天理,则终有最后成功之一日。——孙中山”要求:①选准角度,自定立意;②自拟题目;③除诗歌外,文体不限;④文体特征鲜明。 2012年广东卷高考作文题: 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。醉心于古文化研究的英国历史学家汤因比曾经说过,如果可以选择出生的时代与地点,他愿意出生在公元一世纪的中国新疆、因为当时那里处于佛教文化、印度文化、希腊文化、波斯文化和中国文化等多种文化的交汇地带。居里夫人在写给外甥女涵娜的信上:“你写信对我说,你愿意生在一世纪以前....。。伊雷娜则对我肯定地说过,她宁可生得晚些,生在未来的世纪里。我以为,人们在每一个时期都可以过有趣而有用的生活。”上面的材料引发了你怎样的思考?请结合自己的体验与感悟,写一篇文章。


高考英语书信类作文高分套路及模板 高分套路 但凡应试书信,逃不出三种段落: (一)开头段:四大内容 1、问候; 2、自我介绍; 3、写信背景;为什么会写这封信 4、写信目的;写这封信想达到什么目的 (二)中间段:具体问题+具体分析; (三)结尾段:客套话。 口诀: 开门见山说意图 咨询建议123 不同内容可分段 感谢客气不可少 期待回信成老套 【经典套话】 (一)开头段:灵活地去写四种内容: 1、问候; How are you doing? How is everything going? How is life treating you? 2、自我介绍; I am LiHua, a 17-year-old boy currently studying in XXX middle school. I am LiHua, who... 【李华同志的个人简历】 由于我们在考场上的身份几乎年年都是李华,因此我们在这里有必要了解一下李华同志的一些个人情况。当然,这位同志的个人情况是可以有我们自己人为设置的。为了给阅卷老师留下一个好印象,我们将李华同志的个人简历概括为:一个人见人爱的好孩子。 hardworking diligent

help my parents to do housework take part in CCTV national English speech competition won the second prize in CCTV national English speech competition vice monitor vice chairman of the studen ts’ union worked as a volunteer for the Olympic Games worked as a volunteer for the 21st century have many foreign friends and often chat with them happily in starbark. 3、写信背景(写信的缘由) I heard that ... My teacher told me... I am informed that... I learned that...我得知... I read in your newspaper/ micro-blog /website that... You said in your last letter that... 4、写信目的; Now, I am writing to do sth. Now, I am writing this letter to do sth. Now, I am writing these few lines to do sth. 【七种最常见书信的“写信目的”部分的最佳写法】 自荐信: Now, I am writing to apply for the job/position. 感谢信: Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt gratitude to you. 邀请信: Now, I am writing to invite you to join/enjoy/suffer/experience the....(as our guest/ judge/ instructor). 建议信: Now, I am writing to give you a hand. 求助信: Now, I am writing to ask you to give me a hand/ do me a favor. 道歉信: Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt apology to you. 告知信: Now, I am writing to tell you about the details. (二)中间段:具体问题(主题句)+具体分析(拓展句)


全国卷历年高考作文题目 2001年 一个年轻人,在漫漫人生路上经过长途跋涉,到达一个渡口的时候,他身上已经有了七个背囊:是美貌、金钱、荣誉、诚信、机敏、健康、才学。渡船开出的时候风平浪静,过了不知道多久,风起浪涌,上下颠簸,险象环生。老艄工对年轻人说:“船小,负载重,客官你必须丢掉一个背囊,才可安全到达。”看年轻人不肯丢掉任何一个,老艄工又说:“有弃有取,有失有得。”年轻人想了想,把“诚信”丢到了水里。 “诚信”被丢掉了,引发你想到了什么?请以“诚信”为题,写一篇作文,可以是自己的经验、体会、经历,或信念、看法,也可以编寓言、故事。【注意】①立意自定。②文体自选。③题目自拟。5不少于800字。 2002年 有一位登山者,途中遇到暴风雪,他深知如果找不到避风之处必死无疑。他走啊走,突然脚下碰到一个僵硬的东西,他扒开雪地一看,原来是一个冻僵的人,他心想:是救他呢还是继续前行?经过心灵翻江倒海的思量之后,他决定救这个人。于是,他脱下手套,开始给那个冻僵的人全身按摩。经过一番努力,终于把他

救醒了。于是,两人搀扶着走出雪地。也许人人不一定能够碰到这样的生死抉择,但是我们生活中也会面临一些与触动心灵有关的选择,在这种情况下,我们应该怎样选择?为什么会作这样的选择? 请以“心灵的选择”为话题写一篇作文,范围不要超出这个内容之外: 1、立意自定 2、文体自选 3、题目自拟 4、不少于800字 5、不得抄袭。 2003年 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。(60分) 宋国有个富人,一天大雨把他家的墙淋坏了。他儿子说:“不修好,一定会有人来偷窃。”邻居家的一位老人也这样说。晚上富人家里果然丢失了很多东西。富人觉得他儿子很聪明,而怀疑是邻居家老人偷的。 以上是《韩非子》中的一个寓言。直到今天,我们仍然可以在现实生活中听到类似的故事,但是,也常见到许多不同的甚至相反的情况。我们在认识事物和处理问题的时候,感情上的亲疏远近和对事物认知的正误深浅有没有关系呢?是什么样的关系呢?请就“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”这个话题写一篇文章。 〔注意〕①所写内容必须在话题范围之内。试题引用的寓言材料,考生在文章中可用 也可不用。②立意自定。③文体自选。④题目自拟。⑤不少于800字。⑥不得抄袭。 2004年 全国卷:阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。某网站“4220聊天室”有这样一段谈话: A、快乐的人生,也会有痛苦。有的人能直面挫折,化解痛苦;有的人却常常夸大挫折 、放大痛苦。 B、是呀,有的人能把不小心打破一个鸡蛋,放大成失去一个养鸡场的痛苦。


高考英语书信类作文 一.英文书信概述: 1. 信头: 包括寄信人的地址和寄信日期,写在第一页信纸的右上角,先写地址,后写日期. 地址由小写到大, 顺序为:门牌号, 街名,市名,省份名,国名. 2. 信内地址: 收信人的称呼和地址,写在信头下面一行处的信纸左边; 商业函和公函必须 写信头和信内地址; 亲友、熟人之间可不写信内地址,信头只写发信日期。 3. 称呼语:对收信人的敬语,写在信内地址下面两行,从左边顶格写。 4. 正文:信的本体。如果是回信,通常先提到收到对方的信,并感谢,如:Thank you for your letter of 或者I am glad to receive your letter and know that… 5. 结束语:正文下两三行处,常见为:yours truly, yours sincerely或sincerely等。 6. 签名:写在结束语下面一行。 信头 信内地址和姓名 称呼 正文(事由) 结束语 签名 二.建议信的写作要点: 1. 开门见山, 点明自己所发现的问题或现象; 不偏离题目,不漫无边际. 2. 建议应明确对应所提的问题, 且用词恰当,不以偏概全, 建议应合理和可行 3. 书信语气和称呼要处理得当. 例: 假设你叫李华,是一名高二学生,你所在的城市交通局正在通过媒体向广大市民征集如何改善交通状况的建议.请写一封信,建议交通局采取措施方便残疾人出行, 如在主干道设立残疾人停车的车位;研发部分方便残疾人使用的出租车;加强宣传,号召广大市民爱残、助残Dear Sir, I`m Li Hua, a middle school student. I am a middle school student. I am happy to read about your collection of suggestions on how to improve the transportation of our city, and I think it is beneficial to the society. Here I beg you to pay more attention to the rights and convenience for the disabled, especially people I wheelchairs. As we know, it is very difficult for people in wheelchairs to get around. Would you please consider setting up some parking spaces for the disabled along the main roads? In addition, I hope you can develop some special taxis for the disabled in wheelchairs, I also hope that you will step up publicity, educating people to care for and help the disabled while they are out on the road. Thank you for reading my letter and your kind consideration of my suggestions will be highly appreciated. Sincerely, Li Hua


拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。 2019高考英语作文训练 李仕才 作文训练之书信(回信+语言学习+建议)

句型提示: 1、书信功能句: 2、英语作文万能句: 1)I am writing to you to …(谈写信目的) 2) I am looking forward to your reply. (写信结束语) 3) I would appreciate it if you could …如果你能…,我将非常感激。 4) I wonder if you could …我想您是否能…. 5) Would it be possible for you to …? 您是否可以。。。? 6) Would it be convenient for you to …? 您是否方便…?

7) I would like to …我想要… 8) It would be better for you to …您最好… 9) You might as well …您最好… 10) If I were you, I would …. 如果我是你,我会… 11) Would you please …? Could you …? 请您… 3、英语作文常用句式: 1) 主+谓+…,doing/done … 2) 主+谓+…,which/who 从句 3)主,同位语,+谓+… 4)主+谓+…,with 结构 5)What +从句 is that 从句 6)强调句或倒装句(起强调作用,需要强调时,用) 7)其他:so/such …that…; It is …before …; too … to …等 写作训练(6) 假设你是李华,你的美国表妹Tina来信说,她即将回国参加2016年的高考,在考前50 天,请你结合自己的学习生活,用英语给表妹Tina写一封建议信。要点包括: 1.礼貌答复。 2.至少提3条建议:学习方法;心态;锻炼身体等方面。 3.你的祝愿。。 注意:1.词数100左右,开头和结尾部分已写好,不计入总词数:2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 思路点拨:1、人称:第二人称为主;时态:一般现在时为主;2、要点:1)礼貌答复;回 信目的;2)具体建议;3)祝愿6月份考试成功。 参考句型:(表建议)1. It is important/a good idea/the best way to do…; 2. You should/can/might as well/had better do… 3. Have you considered doing…? It also helps to do …/ Doing sth may enable you to …. 第一稿 Dear Tina.

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