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1. 由at构成的短语

At dawn拂晓At sunrise日出时At noon中午At night夜晚At table在用餐At college在上大学At last最后At a time一次At times有时候At the same time 同时At all costs不惜一切代价At least至少

At will任意地

At the thought of一想到

At daybreak黎明

At sunset/sundown日落时At dusk黄昏At home在家At school在上学At risk有危险,冒险At rest静止不动At one time曾经At all time总是At present目前At first 最初At most至多At random随机地At the sight of一看到

2. 由by构成的短语

By accident/chance偶然By turns轮流By check用支票By mistake错误地By no means决不By e-mail通过电子邮件By credit card用信用卡By birth出身By means of借助……手段By the way顺便说一句

3. 由from构成的短语

From memory凭记忆From day to day日复一日From now on从现在起From then on从那时起

From bad to worse越来越糟

From cover to cover从头至尾From beginning to end从头到尾From head to foot从头到脚From time to time时不时地


In high/poor/bad spirits情绪高涨/低落/差In tears热泪盈眶In fear在恐惧中In danger在危险中In peace和平相处In surprise惊讶地In trouble陷入困境In safety很安全In need有需要In good order很整齐In silence静静地In doubt 有疑问

In print在印刷

In a sense从某种意义上来说In flower在开花In advance事先In the meantime同时In case假使

In case of如果发生In fact实际上

In general一般说来In turn轮流In public公开地In short总之

In one’s opinion在某人看来In no time立刻In all总共

In brief简而言之

In good condition状况好In order井井有条In other words换句话说In return作为报答

In the course of在……过程中In the end最后

In the long run从长远来看

5. 由on构成的短语

On board乘(车,飞机)On duty值班On fire着火On earth到底

On holiday/vacation度假On trial在受审On strike罢工On show在上映On(the)average平均On purpose故意地On the contary相反On the way在途中On call听候召唤On guard在岗On foot步行On hire雇用

On business出差

On sale在出售/在打听On a visit在访问

On watch在站岗/放哨On the spot当场On the rise在上升

On the phone在打/接电话On time准时

6. 由Of构成的短语



如:It is of great/much value.=It is very valuable.


如:It is of no use.=It is not useful.=It is useless.

7. 由out of构成的词组

Out of breath气喘吁吁Out of control失去控制Out of danger脱险Out of work失业Out of date过时Out of fashion不时尚

Out of order发生故障Out of shape变形Out of reach拿不到Out of touch失去联系Out of the question不可能Out of question没问题



To one’

s delight/surprise/horror/sorrow/joy/reget=to the delight/surprise/horror/sorrow/ joy/reget of sb.这种表达法表示结果,用作状语,位置前、中、后皆可。为了强调,可在前面加much,意为“使某人非常……的是”



Mr.and Mrs.Smith were there,with their family of three small children.

Would you like to come to the theatre with us?

You cannot see Mr.Johnson at the moment,as he is with the manager.


如:With time passing,they have grown into big boys and big girls.Temperature var ies with the time of the year.


如:The waiter arrived with a cup of coffee.

He came downstairs with his coat over his arm.


The stranger spoke with a foreign accent.

He looked at me with a frown.同样用法的有: