当前位置:文档之家› 黄山英语导游词(共9篇)













friends, hello! now that we have arrived at the huangshan scenic area south of city of tangkou. here to give you some information about huangshan scenerys profile. the yellow mountain, located in the southern part of anhui province, is part of the nanling mountains, china, the whole mountain area is about 1200 square kilometers. middle section of the huangshan mountains, are the best parts of the yellow mountain, we also want to visit huangshan scenic area, covering an area of about 154 square kilometers. it internally in huangshan city, south o she county, huizhou district, xiuning county and yixian county, north huangshan district; the five counties, districts are under the jurisdiction of huangshan city.

friends, not far from thousands of you, even miles here, will do down and take a look at the beauty of huangshan? isnt it just to feel a life happy? yes, huangshan is a beautiful beautiful, can be said that the mountain of the day, be able to climb it, and see that it is indeed a great joy in life. in a long, long time ago, in a long geological history, natures infinite force, shaped huangshan the exquisite elegance and all sorts of exotic landscapes, stunning, is enchanted.

here, i put the yellow mountain four unique respectively, made a presentation.

speaking of huangshan mountain four, ranked first was pine. huangshan songqi in what place? first of all, is singular in its strong vitality, where soil-vegetation and crops, and ponderosa are long out of the yellow gang of hard rock. huangshan pines everywhere, they peak, long cliffs, long in shenhe valley, lush and vibrant. for thousands of years, this is how they burst out from rock, root deep into the crevices of rocks, not afraid of marginal arid, without fear of rain and snow storm, selsun, tieguzhengzheng. can you say do not odd?

stone, is constituted of scenery in huangshan mountain and a must. in huangshan everywhere you can see strange and odd-shaped rock, these stones vary, some people, some like, some of it reflects some myths and legends and historical stories, vivid, lively and interesting. stone at 121, the popularity of higher flying stone, fairy play, magpie, sea monkey view, immortal sun boots, three penglai island and rooster call gate.

not lenovo, therefore has a different name, such as sea monkey view also known as monkey wang taiping is.

clouds again. although clouds can also see other mountains in china, but none can match the spectacular huangshan clouds and is constantly changing. about this, there is another name of huangshan, known as yellow. its not in vain, there is historical evidence. famous shi zhixue called pan zhiheng of the ming dynasty, lived in huangshan mountain for decades, wrote a voluminous book of 60 volumes--huangshan mountain records, titles of the yellow sea.

huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many other landscape named with this special sea association, some landscape ornamental in the clouds, to be even more true, charm was also more. these have proved that the yellow sea that is worthy of the name. finally, tell us about the hot springs. we often say, and before the tour of hot springs is the huangshan mountain hotel spa, in ancient times called tangquan, from purple pinnacle emission. named with its hot spring scenic spot, is the first to arrive after entering the southern gate of huangshan scenic spot. hot spring water is sufficient, water temperatures remained at about 42 degrees year-round, water well, and contains useful minerals for the human body, there are some medical value, skin diseases, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system, does have a certain effect. but only bath, you cannot drink; said it is drinkable, is not science.

in addition to land with five unique features, the waterfall of the yellow mountain, sunrise and sunset, are spectacular and strange.



now we have arrived in the hs mountain scenic spot southern region . firstly i had better introduce the hs mountain to you .

hs mountain, is located in the south of an hui province, it is one part of the chinese nan ling sierra. entire mountain area is approximately 1,200 square kilometers.the middle of hs mountains is the essence part .that’s where we are going to visit today.the area is approximately 154 square kilometers. it is in the territory of hs mountain city. in the south of it are she county, hui zhou area, xiu ning county and yi xian;in the north,yellow mountainous area; these five counties, are all

belong to the hs mountain city jurisdiction.

the meaning is that this mountain is emperor huangdi’s mountain. from then on, hs mountain this name has been used till this day.

my friends, your purpose of arriving at china is to enjoy the beauty of hs mountain,do you? yes, hs mountain is certainly beautiful. it may be said that it is the wonderful mountain. having a look with our own eyes is truly a big happy event in our life. long long ago, in the long geologic history generation, the nature’s infinite power, had shaped the beautiful scenery and a variety of strange landscape in hs mountain. who know the four uniques of hs mountain ? let me introduce them to you.

the first is strangely-shaped pines.why are the pines strange? because hs pines grow up from hard granite instead of rich soil.after thousands of years,their root deeply strike into rock seam.they are not afraid of arid and drought,and snow or storm.can’t you praise them magical?

the second is grotesque rock.there are so many grotesque rocks all over hs mountain.some of them are like man’s appearance.some are like objects’shapes.and also some are endowed with myths and history stories.in 121 famous grotesque rocks,some of the well-known are“ flying stone”“fairy playing chess”“magpie on plum”“monkey viewing sea”.they are all magical and lifelike.

clouds,and enjoy “to the end of the sea,sky is the shore;up to the mountain,i am the peak”.

what’s the last one? who can guess? yeah,it’s hot spring.water from the springs is odorless.it contains minerals which are beneficial to treat many diseases .hot springs flow from the foot of purple cloud peak.the daily output is about 400 tons.the temperature of hot springs keeps in 42 degrees or so.actually,there is another hot springs in the northern slope of hs mountain,named “gu song an”.it is too remote,so it has not been exploited.

now we are entering yu ping scenic spot.look, this is the tiandu peak.it is one of the 3 main peaks of hs mountain and also the steepest.it is 1810 meters above sea level.in ancient times it was called “quan xian suo du”, meaning“ heaven city”.this peak is steep and straight and has the magnificent momentum. can you feel it? in the hs mountain peaks, it is the most spectacular.the lotus peak, bright top and tiandu peak are known as 3 peaks of hs mountain.ok,follow me,please.otherwise there are famous stones,such as xiantao, ladder, fish back and so on.look,that is xiantao.it is like a big peach,isn’t it? well, you will be given 10 minutes to appreciate the scenery and take photos. after that, we still meet here.



good morning! lidies and gentlemen. i am very glad to be your local guide of this travel for hs mountain. on behalf of our travel agency ,we hope that all of you well feel as good as today’s sunshine ,and enjoy yourselves.

now we have arrived in the mount huang. firstly i had better introduce the hs to you .

hs mountain, is located in the south of an hui province, it is one part of the

chinese nan ling sierra. entire mountain area is approximately 1,200 square kilometers. hs mountain was called yi mountain before tang dynasty. can you guess the meaning of yi? it means “black ”.because there are too many black rocks on the mountain.so the ancient people gave it such name. chinese emperor huangdi came here for gathering herbs and refining elixir. and he took a bath in the hot spring. thus he became a immortal. tang dynasty emperor lilongji extremely believed in the legend. so he renamed the mountain hs . the meaning is that this mountain is emperor huangdi’s mountain. from then on, hs mountain this name has been used till today.

hs mountain is certainly beautiful. it may be said that it is the wonderful mountain. having a look with our own eyes is truly a big happy event in our life. who know the four uniques of hs mountain ? let me introduce them to you.

the first is strangely-shaped pines. why are the pines strange? because hs pines grow up from hard granite instead of rich soil. after thousands of years, their root deeply strike into rock seam. they are not afraid of drought and storm.

the second is grotesque rock. there are so many grotesque rocks all over hs mountain. some of them are like man’s appearance. some are like objects’shapes. and also some are endowed with myths and history stories.in 121 famous grotesque rocks, some of the well-known are“ flying stone”“fairy playing chess”“magpie on plum”“monkey viewing sea”. they are all magical and lifelike.

what’s the last one? who can guess? yeah, it’s hot spring. water from the springs is odorless. it contains minerals which are beneficial to treat many diseases .hot springs flow from the foot of purple cloud peak.

the temperature of hot springs keeps in 42 degrees or so.

now we are entering yu ping scenic spot. look, this is the tiandu peak. it is one of the 3 main peaks of hs mountain and also the steepest. it is 1810 meters above sea level. in ancient times it was called “quan xian suo du”, meaning“ heaven city”. this peak is steep and straight and has the magnificent momentum. can you feel it? in the hs mountain peaks, it is the most spectacular. the lotus peak, bright top and tiandu peak are known as 3 peaks of hs.




of all the notable mountains in china, mount huangshan, to be found in the south of anhui province, is probably the most famous. originally known as mt. yishan it was renamed mt. huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huang di, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

mt. huangshan can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site. 朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达黄山风景区南边重镇汤口。在这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。








夜寒风起,万树银华开。”整个黄山宛如一个银色的世界,仿佛身处水晶宫。除了“五绝”之外,黄山的瀑布、日出和晚霞,也是十分壮观和奇丽的。 friends, hello! now that we have arrived at the huangshan scenic area south of city of tangkou. here to give you some information about huangshan scenerys profile.

friends, not far from thousands of you, even miles here, will do down and take a look at the beauty of huangshan? isnt it just to feel a life happy? yes, huangshan is a beautiful beautiful, can be said that the mountain of the day, be able to climb it, and see that it is indeed a great joy in life. in a long, long time ago, in a long geological history, natures infinite force, shaped huangshan the exquisite elegance and all sorts of exotic landscapes, stunning, is enchanted.

here, i put the yellow mountain “four unique” respectively, made a presentation. huangshan pine representatives.

stone, is constituted of scenery in huangshan mountain and a “must”. in huangshan everywhere you can see strange and odd-shaped rock, these stones vary, some people, some like, some of it reflects some myths and legends and historical stories, vivid, lively and interesting. stone at 121, the popularity of higher “flying stone”, “fairy play”, “magpie”, “sea monkey view”, “immortal sun boots”, “three penglai island”and “rooster call gate”.

clouds again. although clouds can also see other mountains in china, but none can match the spectacular huangshan clouds and is constantly changing. about this, there is another name of huangshan, known as “yellow”. its not in vain, there is

historical evidence. famous shi zhixue called pan zhiheng of the ming dynasty, lived in huangshan mountain for decades, wrote a voluminous book of 60 volumes--huangshan mountain records, titles of the yellow sea.

huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many other landscape named with this special “sea” association, some landscape ornamental in the clouds, to be even more true, charm was also more. these have proved that the “yellow sea” that is worthy of the name.

finally, tell us about the hot springs. we often say, and before the tour of hot springs is the huangshan mountain hotel spa, in ancient times called tangquan, from purple pinnacle emission. named with its hot spring scenic spot, is the first to arrive after entering the southern gate of huangshan scenic spot. hot spring water is sufficient, water temperatures remained at about 42 degrees year-round, water well, and contains useful minerals for the human body, there are some medical value, skin diseases, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system, does have a certain effect. but only bath, you cannot drink; said it is drinkable, is not science.

in addition to “land with five unique features”, the waterfall of the yellow mountain, sunrise and sunset, are spectacular and strange.



now we are on the winding road leading to yungu si, on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and i’d like to give you a brief introduction about mt.huangshan.

huangshan is probably the most notable mountain in china. it’s located in the south of anhui province, and the main scenic(风景胜地) area covers 154 square kilometers. mt.huangshan has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage (文化遗产) site in 1990, and also listed as a world geological garden in 2005, which is unique in china!

now, after my introduction, are you expecting to feel the graceful bearing! be patient! there’s only half an hour before we arriving. let’s continue.

within so large area, there is a crowd of peaks, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble. lotus(莲花), brightness top and celestial capital are the three major ones, all rising above 1,800 meters above sea level.

and it’s well-known for its four wonders, ( i think some of you know some about it, who knows?) yeah, they are the oddly-shaped(奇形怪状) pine trees., fantastic (古怪的)rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. now, people also add to the winter snow as the fifth wonder. here i will not introduce one by one and soon you’ll enjoy with your own eyes.

en, next destination after start-to-believe is peak lion, let’s go! it’s shaped like a sleeping lion from a point of view in north sea hotel. ok, here is dawn-light pavilion阁, you can see a group of interesting rocks: you see two in the middle resembling two celestials(天神) playing chess, on the left is a man in packback, and on the right is a onlooker观众—a chinese ancient official who watch play. you can see carefully and do you think so?

arriving at the destination—on the top of lion peak, you can see a rock like

a monkey on the flat top of another hill. it’s a very famous rock: a monkey gazing at the sea when there is a sea of clouds.

i expect that after such a long visit you’d like a good rest, and here are the optimum 最适宜的places to see the sunrise. so now we can go back to the north sea hotel to have a rest.

tomorrow we’ll visit brightness top, lotus peak which is the highest peak in huangshan mountain, and the most famous spot—guest-greeting pine(迎客松), and which is also the sign of huangshan.

i look forward to seeing you again soon. at last, i bless you in a chinese words:”一路顺风”! a pleasant journey!


huang shan mountain 黄山

let me briefly explain the huang shan mountain. in mount huangshan we find all beauties of nature; it occupies an area of 1200 square kilometers in south anhui province. as a double entry on the list of unescos heritage of culture and nature,huang shan mountain is one of the top ten national spots. and it is also the national 5a level scenic spot. xu xiake, a great chinese traveler visited this place twice and left “behind you wont want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue, but you won’t wish to see even wu yue after returning from huangshan.”

theres a story behind the name of huang shan mountain. are you interested? long long ago, huangshan was called yishan. in tang dynasty, the emperor xuanzong ordered renamed

huangshan according folklore. this folklore said it was the place where emperor xuan yuan attended the heaven in here. huang shan mountain opens her generous arms to the guests from all over the world. its well-known for its four wonders; do you know it? chessboard pine.

the absurd stones also are unique. spectacular rocky peaks will inspire your imagination. some look like human beings, birds, animals or many other objects, it makes the stones even more

fascinating when seen from different. it is amazing that every stone has its own fantastic legend.

huang shan mountain is home to clouds and mists. the sea of clouds has a fairy tale beauty. winter is the best season for this spectacle. according to their locations, the seas of clouds are divided into east sea, south sea, west sea, north sea and sky sea.

to be able to refresh yourself in the hot springs on huang

shan mountain,it must be one of the best ways to enjoy and relax. legend has it that huang di, the ancestor of the chinese nation, bathed here 49 days before he ascend to heaven and became immoral.








now, i want to say something about your itinerary. you will be here for about 3 days. during these days, you’ll enjoy not only the beautiful scenery of huangshan mountain, but also the ancient huizhou-culture!

first, we’ll visit the most beautiful scenery—mt.huangshan. ok, we’re heading for the main gate of huangshan. it’s about 1.5 hour’s bus ride. on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and i’d like to give you a brief introduction about mt.huangshan. huangshan is probably the most notable mountain in china. it’s located in the south of anhui province, and the main scenic area covers 154 square kilometers. mt.huangshan is well-known not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site in 1990, and also listed as a world geological garden in 2005, which is unique in china! in ancient times, mt.huangshan known as mt.yishan because the mountain is formed by granite which looks black and grey, and yi in old chinese means “black”, hence the name. but it renamed mt.huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huangdi, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here. wu yue is the collective name given to china’s most important mountains which we can also call them the five holy mountains. it’s said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing the five holy mountains but you won’t wish to see even the five holy mountains after returning from mt.huangshan. this saying which said by xuxiake, a famous traveler over 400 years ago may give us some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of mt.huangshan. now, after my introduction, are you expecting to feel the graceful bearing! be patient! there’s only half an hour before we arriving. let’s continue.

within so large area, there is a crowd of peaks, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble. lotus, brightness top and celestial capital are the three major ones, all rising above 1,800 meters above sea level. and it’s well-known for its four wonders, ( i think some of you know some about it, who knows?) yeah, they are the oddly-shaped pine trees., fantastic rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. now, people also add to the winter snow as the fifth wonder. here i will not introduce one by one and soon you’ll enjoy with your own eyes. mt.huangshan changes its color and appearance with the alternation of seasons, now it’s winter, and we will keep ourselves into a crystal world of frost and ice with sliver boughs and rocks everywhere. don’t be excited, everybody! as a matter of fact there are marvels almost everywhere, especially in the following scenic areas. hot spring, jade screen tower, west sea, north sea, cloud valley temple and pine valley nunnery.


eyes front! ladies and gentlemen, the colorful archway across the street is the main gate of huangshan. we’ll go directly to the north sea scenic area, which is the most important scenic area! so never miss it!

ok, here we are, seeing is believing, let’s get off the bus and bring your camera. en, next destination after start-to-believe is peak lion, let’s go! it’s shaped

like a sleeping lion from a point of view in north sea hotel. ok, here is dawn-light pavilion, you can see a group of interesting rocks: you see two in the middle resembling two celestials playing chess, on the left is a man in packback, and on the right is a onlooker—a chinese ancient official who watch play. you can see carefully and do you think so? then we’ll reach a refreshing terrace, and you can view a fan—shaped pine cling to the cliff beneath the terrace a nice crowd of pines, a column of stone looking like a person with a big pen, peak rooster and peak rise surrounding you.

arriving at the destination—on the top of lion peak, you can see a rock like a monkey on the flat top of another hill. it’s a very famous rock: a monkey gazing at the sea when there is a sea of clouds.

i expect that after such a long visit you’d like a good rest, and here are the optimum places to see the sunrise. so now we can go back to the north sea hotel to have a rest.

i look forward to seeing you again soon. at last, i bless you in a chinese words:”一路顺风”! a pleasant journey!













关于黄山景点的导游词大全 黄山位于安徽省南部黄山市境内,黄山是安徽旅游的标志,是中国十大风景名胜唯一的山岳风光。不知道大家是否去过呢?下面给大家分享黄山景点导游词,欢迎阅读! 黄山景点导游词1 大家好,我是你们这次旅游的导游,这次我们去的旅游景点是天下第一奇山—黄山。黄山是一座奇形怪状的群峰,位于安徽省南部,相传黄山因轩辕黄帝曾在山上炼丹而得名。 黄山自古以来就是游览的盛地,明代大旅行家游览过黄山以后,对黄山拍手赞好:"五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。"这句话意思是:去过五岳回来,其他什么也不用看了;去过黄山回来五岳都不用看了。黄山确实是不同寻常,有泰山的雄伟,华山的险峻,庐山的飞瀑,衡山的烟云。以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉"四绝"闻名天下,被誉为天下奇山。 自黄山的温泉上4公里左右,就能够看见黄山的景色。那凌空的巨石直插云天,有的像报晓的公鸡,有的像步履蹒跚的老人,有的像龟兔对望,还有的像小兔观日,有的是极像一对去放羊的姐妹,千姿百态,惟妙惟肖,形状怪异,这真是大自然的奥妙呀!

接下来我们就去玉屏楼。在路上也是奇险无比,让人难以忘怀。这里有急速飞驰的云海,陡峭的悬崖,还有从天而降的垂直石阶。玉屏楼附近的悬崖上,有几棵高大古老的松树,其中一棵名叫迎客松,还有一棵叫送客松,它们挺立在路边的峭壁上,似乎在热情地迎送中外游客。 安徽黄山 莲花峰离玉屏楼近3公里,爬上峰顶就可以观赏日出。黄山观日出、望云海的最佳地点是清凉台。古人在这儿留下不少的诗篇。这一带还有梦笔生花,笔架峰、骆驼峰、仙人下棋等胜景。好了,各位游客,我给大家就介绍到这儿了。请大家观赏景色,两小时后在清凉台集合,注意安全,不要走散了。 黄山景点导游词2 大家好,欢迎来到我们美丽的黄山风景区,我是导游员陶陶。黄山是绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。 黄山中一定要观看的是黄山的四绝,说起黄山四绝,排在第一的当是奇松。黄山松奇在什么地方呢?首先是奇在它无比顽强的生命力,黄松是从坚硬的黄岗岩石里长出来的。黄山到处都生长着松树,它们长生峰顶,悬崖峭壁,长在深壑幽谷,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃,能说不奇吗?


黄山英语导游词3篇 篇一:黄山英语导游词HLLO! I am the guide from today - it took the JOB, one hour of time, we have already came to the world-famous mount huangshan scenic spot. There are many beautiful places of interest, very worth to come to sightseeing.Huangshan mountain is located in the south of China in anhui province, belong to the part of the nanling mountains, the whole area of about 1200 square kilometers. Interruption of huangshan mountains, is the essence of huangshan part, that is what we want to browse the huangshan scenic area, the area of about 154 square kilometers. It in huangshan city, south rapidly, huizhou area, Hugh zhengning county and yixian county, huangshan mountain in the north area; These five counties and districts also belong to the jurisdiction of the huangshan city.Huangshan has a magical legend. It before the tang dynasty in China called Yi mountain, Yi is black, because the mountain rocks, green black and blue black, the ancients gave it a name. Regulus legends we Chinese in the first race at the completion of the central plains of the yellow emperor unified employment. Start after the Chinese civilization, herb gathering here an alchemist, in the hot spring bathing, thus be immortal. The famous tang dynasty emperor Ming huang lung-chi lee very believe this, just under the tianbao six years (747) a rescript, will Yi renamed to huangshan mountain, does it mean, is this mountain is the


黄山奇石导游词精选作文 导语:黄山的奇石形状不一,尤其是这些岩石。以下是小编为大家分享的黄山奇石导游词精选作文,欢迎借鉴! 篇一:黄山奇石 黄山的奇石很多,我来给你们介绍一下吧。 就说“仙女抚琴”吧,山峰上有一位美丽的仙女正在抚琴,太阳升起时还能听到仙女谈的琴声呢! “天狗望月”就更有趣了!有一只小狗扒在山峰上,正抬头看着月亮呢,不用说,这就是着名的“天狗望月”了。 瞧,远远望去山峰上有两只狮子正玩球呢,这就是着名的“狮子抢球”了。 黄山还有数不清的奇石,正等着你去给他起名字呢! 篇二:黄山奇石 举世闻名的黄山风景区在我国安徽省南部。这里景色秀丽神奇,尤其是这些怪石、奇松、温泉和茫茫云海,四绝中的一绝:怪石,吸引了无数中外游客。 每当夜幕来临,这座山峰上的几块巨石,就变成“夜光之狗”,望着月亮一眨也不眨,身子一动也不动,因此,它无愧地获得了“天狗望月”的称号。“狮子抢球”也不错嘛!看!在“天都峰”上,有两只狮子,它们都露出凶恶的目光,张开血盆大嘴,里面的一颗颗尖牙利齿,像一把把尖刀,假如猎物到它的嘴里,一定跑不掉。它们后脚

支撑着身体,前脚抬得高高的。更让人叹为观止的,是这两只狮子的前脚中间,放着一个球,仿佛是上帝赐给他们的礼物。 “仙女抚琴”虽说没“狮子抢球”,“天狗望月”那样有趣,心爱,但是,她也有自已的特点哦!看,她那形态,动作,犹如仙女般的优雅,让人忍不住从心底里发出赞赏。你看!那长长的衣裙一直拖到地上,她坐在凳子上面,衣裙遮掩了她的下半身。她的手上拿着古筝,用那柔嫩的手指轻轻地拔动那细细的琴弦。要是“仙女抚琴”是真的,你一定会被这优美的琴声所沉醉。 黄山的奇石还有很多,像“猴子观海”,“仙人指路”,“金鸡叫天都”,“仙桃石”等等。而那些叫不出名字的奇形怪状的岩石,正等着大家去给它们起名字呢! 篇三:黄山奇石 大家好,我是你们的导游--张星怡。你们现在看见的是黄山奇石,这里有仙桃石,老僧采药,天狗望月,猴子观海,金鸡叫天都,仙人指路,狮子抢球,仙女舞琴等等。黄山奇石还有一个有趣的传说:传说孙悟空大闹天宫,偷吃仙桃,一不小心一个没拿稳,落在了黄山顶上,便成了“仙桃石”。如来佛知道了,就把孙悟空压在了仙桃石下,可孙悟空竟然偷偷地爬了出来,它坐在仙桃石上,两只胳膊抱着腿,一动不动的蹲在山顶,望着天边滚动的云海,不由的想起了天上当弼马瘟时的情景,眼泪也不由的流了下来,就成了“猴子观海”。一位仙人走过来,看见它这么伤心。便说:“别伤心了我给你引一条路”。这便就是“仙人指路”。孙悟空感到很困,于是睡起觉来,当第


安徽黄山的导游词范文(精选3篇) 安徽黄山的导游词1各位游客: 你们好! 非常欢迎你们来到著名的风景旅游胜地黄山.这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。 黄山,位于中国安徽省南部,属中国南岭山脉的部分,全山面积约1200平方公里。徐霞客曾说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。 黄山的美,首先就美在它的奇峰。这里竞秀,峰峰称奇,各有特色,各具神韵。其中莲花峰最高(1864米),光明顶次之(1841米),天都峰排行老三(1829.5米),这三大峰和风姿独秀始信峰(1683米),是黄山的朋友,哪怕登上这四座奇峰中的一个,也算不虚此行了。 黄山的美更美在“四绝”。 说起黄山“四绝”,排在第一的当是奇松。它有无比顽强的生命力。黄山到处都生长着松树,它们长峰顶,长悬崖峭壁,长在深壑幽谷,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。黄山松还奇在它那特有的天然造型。叶色浓绿,枝干曲生,树冠扁平,显出一种朴实、稳健、雄浑的气势,而每一处松树,每一株

松树,在长相、姿容、气韵上,又各各不同,都有一种奇特的美。人们根据它们的不同的形态和神韵,分别给它们起了贴切的自然而又典雅有趣的名字,如迎客松、黑虎松、卧龙松、龙爪松、探海松、团结松等等。它们是黄山奇松的代表。怪石,是构成黄山胜景的又一“绝”。在黄山到处都可以看到奇形怪异的岩石,这些怪石的模样儿千差万别,有的像人,有的像物,有的有的反映了某些神话传说和历史故事,都活灵活现,生动有趣。在121处名石中,知名度更高一些的有“飞来石”、“仙人下棋”、“喜鹊登梅”、“猴子观海”、“仙人晒靴”、“蓬莱三岛”、“金鸡叫天门”等。 再来说说云海吧。虽然在中国其它名山也能看到云海,但没有一个能比得上黄山云海那样壮观和变幻无穷。大约就是这个缘故,黄山还有另外一个名字,叫“黄海”。 最后,介绍一下温泉。我们常讲的和游览的温泉是前山的黄山宾馆温泉,古时候又叫汤泉,从紫石峰涌出。用它命名的温泉景区,是进入黄山南大门后最先到达的景区。温泉水量充足,水温常年保持在42度左右,水质良好,并含有对人体有益的矿物质。 安徽黄山的导游词2游客们: 大家好! 欢迎大家来到世界遗产——黄山风景名胜区。很高兴成为大家的导游!我叫王诗诗,大家叫我王导好了。 俗话说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”黄山以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪“五绝”闻名中外。今天我


八大导游面试景点线路整理完毕,至于欢迎词和欢送词(以黄山和九华山为例)八篇基本都可以一样,大家可以根据自身特点发挥。不过因为并没有实战经验,所以内容不可避免会出现瑕疵,还望大伙在应用过程中细心修改,最后预祝我所有即将参与导游面试的09旅本(2)班的家人们,我们一起走过。。。 (一)黄山 亲爱的游客朋友们,大家早上好!首先请允许我代表安徽国际旅行社,代表司机,代表本人,代表黄山市的山山水水,花花草草,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎!因为与背负历史骂名的千古罪人申公豹同姓,所以本人一直不愿向外人透漏真实姓名。但转念一想,在这物质生活日益富足而精神世界愈发贫穷的当今时代,大伙百忙之中还能抽空来此游览,实属不易啊!因此呢,为了再次表示对大家的欢迎以及放松身心这一明智之举的钦佩,我今天就图个爽快报上名来结交各路好友。我姓申名娟,是你们本次游览的导游,为了便于记忆也显得亲切大家可以喊我小申或者申导。那么做在我身边的这位呢就是我们的司机张师傅,开过车的朋友们或许都听过这样几句话:到了吉林是急(吉)开;到了蒙古是猛(蒙)开;到了上海是胡(沪)开,那么我想说到了黄山我们就是黑白两道都能开。为什么这么说呢?这是因为啊,黄山市是个春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪,四季分明的城市,夏天马路是黑色的,冬天就变成了白色,因此说我们的司机是黑白两道混得都熟的,所以大家对张师傅的驾驶技术尽可放心。那么接下来的行程就由我和张师傅为大家服务,在此预祝大家本次之旅吃得放心,住得舒心,玩的开心。此刻我



黄山英文导游词简短 黄山:世界文化与自然双重遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA 级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国文明风景旅游区示范点,中华十大名山,天下第一奇山。下面是由小雅WTT为大家带来的关于黄山英文导游词简短,希望能够帮到您! Mt.Huangshan Ladies and Gentlemen! Wele to Mt.Hangshan, which is lauded as“No.1 Mountain under the heaven. ”I am so glad to be your guide in this tour. My name is Wangyan. I hope I can provide a quality service to you. Now I"d like to introduce something about Mt.huang, Mt.huang is one of 10 major scenic resorts of China. And it is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. In 1990, the UNESCO put it on the list of world natural and cultural heritages. The beauty of Mt.Huang lies in its“five wonder”, Pine trees with shapely foliage, rocks in hundreds of images, a sea of clouds, hot spring and snow of winter. Today I will mainly introduce pine trees to you. Follow me please! I will help you to find some fascination of Mt.Huang. Look at these pine trees, these


《黄山奇石》片断赏析 ——尊重主体平等对话 师:出示书中四幅挂图。 师:知道图上画的是什么吗? 生:知道。第一幅图是“仙桃石”,第二幅图是“猴子观海”,第三幅是“仙人指路”,第四幅图是“金鸡叫天都”。 师:同学们想象一下,这个大“仙桃”是哪来的? 生:是孙悟空去蟠桃园摘桃子,不小心从天上掉下来的桃子。 师:想象力真丰富,还知道《西游记》的故事,可真了不起,再想象一下“猴子”看到了什么样的大海? 生:无边无际的大海。 生:波涛汹涌的大海。 师:用词真准确,如果你是那位指路的“仙人”会对游客说些什么? 生:你们好,欢迎到黄山来旅游。 生:你们好,那边的石头多有趣呀!让我们带你们去吧! 师:他们可是个优秀的小导游,你们想不想也来做一名小导游?(生:想。)这四幅图就是黄山的四个景点,选择你喜欢的景点向游客介绍。为了同学更出色地完成这次导游任务,老师建议大家把你选择的内容先练习读一读。 生:(练读) 师:(指一名同学读) 师:你觉得刚才这位同学读得怎么样? 生:他把“大桃子”这个词读得很重。 师:你也能读一读吗? 生:(读课文) 师:谁愿意做小老师,为同学们师范读下一段。 生:(读第三自然段) 师:你觉得这位小老师读得怎么样? 生:很好,因为她读得很流利, 生:还可以,我有信心比她读得更好。 师:你能有勇气向别人挑战,你一定读得一定很棒。 生:(读第三自然段) 师:同学们读出了对黄山奇石的喜爱之情,既然同学们这么喜欢这些有趣的石头,那你想不想把你知道的介绍给游客? 生:想! 师:那就把你喜欢的部分背下来,怎样背才能背得快呢? 生:看图来背。 生:抓重点词来背。 生:反复读,读熟了再背下来。


黄山风景导游词怎么写 “四绝”闻名于世,而人们对黄山奇松,更是情有独钟。山顶上,陡崖边,处处都有它们潇洒、挺秀的身影。下面给大家分享黄山 被誉为"天下第一奇山"的黄山,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉"四绝"闻名于世,而人们对黄山奇松,更是情有独钟。山顶上,陡崖边,处处都有它们潇洒、挺秀的身影。 黄山最妙的观松处,当然是曾被徐霞客称为"黄山绝胜处"的玉屏楼了。楼前悬崖上有"迎客"、"陪客"、"送客"三大名松。迎客松姿态优美,枝干遒劲,虽然饱经风霜,却仍然郁郁苍苍,充满生机。它有一丛青翠的枝干斜伸出去,如同好客的主人伸出手臂,热情地欢迎宾客的到来。如今,这棵迎客松已经成为黄山奇松的代表,乃至整个黄山的象征了。陪客松正对玉屏楼,如同一个绿色的巨人站在那儿,正陪同游人观赏美丽的黄山风光。送客松姿态独特,枝干蟠曲,游人把它比作"天然盆景"。它向山下伸出长长的"手臂",好像在跟游客依依不舍地告别。

黄山松千姿百态。它们或屹立,或斜出,或弯曲;或仰,或卧;有的状如黑虎,有的形似孔雀......它们装点着黄山,使得黄山更加神奇,更加秀美。 篇二:黄山风景导游词 提起举世闻名的黄山,大家就会想到黄山五绝:奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪。但是在这"五绝"中,我还是最喜欢黄山奇松。 系。它们是由黄山地区独特的地质、地貌、气候等自然条件所形成的一种变体松树。在上百年前,黄山松的种子被风吹送到山崖岩石的裂缝中,于是它们就地扎根,在那里发芽、生根、成长。虽然黄山上遍布岩石、泥土稀少,但是,那里肉红色的花岗岩中却含有丰富的钾质,夏天山上繁多的雷雨使空气中的氮气变成氮盐渗入岩层和泥土,为松树的根系提供了宝贵的养分;而松树的根系又会不断分泌一种能缓慢溶解岩石的有机酸,把岩石中的矿 分解成了能被松根吸收的养分。 千百年来,黄山松就这样在山崖间贫瘠的岩缝中顽强地存活下来,茁壮成长。山地崎岖不平、崖壁纵横阻隔,使黄山松无法正常生长腰身,只能展转发展、甚至朝下生长。由于要抗风御霜,黄山松的针叶短粗,树冠平展如削,色绿深沉,树干和树枝极为


黄山导游词15篇 黄山导游词15篇 作为一名优秀的导游,可能需要进行导游词编写工作,导游词不是以一代百、千篇一律的,它必须是从实际出发,因人、因时而异,有针对性的。那么写导游词需要注意哪些问题呢?下面是收集整理的黄山导游词,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 黄山导游词1 各位游客,大家好!欢迎来到黄山游玩,我是小导游赵雨眠,今天我来带领大家一起游览黄山。 游客们,下面我来介绍一些景点,等会儿自由活动的时候,大家可以选择景点。黄山有山岭30处、岩22处、洞7处、关2处。黄山的四绝有奇松、怪石、云海和温泉。观日出最佳地点有清凉台、曙光亭、狮子峰、始信峰、丹霞峰、光明顶、鳌鱼峰、玉屏楼。看云海最佳地点是玉屏楼、清凉台、白鹅岭、排云亭、光明顶。 各位游客,这就是黄山四绝里的奇松。黄山绵延数百里,千峰万壑,比比皆松。黄山松,它分布于海拔800米以上高山,以石为骨,顽强地扎根于巨岩裂隙。黄山松针叶粗短,苍翠浓密,干曲枝虬,千姿百态。有的伟岸挺拔,有的独立峰巅,有的倒悬绝壁,有的冠平如盖,有的尖削似剑。有的循崖度壑,绕石而过;有的穿罅穴缝,破石而出。忽悬、忽横、忽卧、忽起,“无树非松,无石不松,无松不奇”。

游客们,你们抬头往上看,是不是看到了一块大石头?它叫“梦笔生花”,黄山四绝之一的怪石!这怪石形态,那真是千奇百怪,令人叫绝。似人似物,似鸟似兽,情态各异,形象逼真。它“怪”就怪在从不同角度看,就有不同的形状,已被命名的怪石有120多处。 其他地方我就不多说了,让你们自己去观赏,下面是自由活动,我建议最好去泡个温泉哦! 黄山导游词2来自世界各地的朋友们: 非常欢迎你们的到来。中国是一个历史悠久,文化灿烂,旅游资源十分丰富的国家,不仅拥有巍峨的山川,秀丽的河流,雄伟的古代建筑艺术,还有数不尽的名胜古迹,可谓自然景观与人文景观交相辉映。今天,我们要去的地方是有名的文化自然遗产之一——黄山风景名胜区。 黄山古名不叫黄山,唐代时,改名为黄山。它,山体伟特,万姿千态,誉称“天开图画”。风景区内有千米以上高峰七十七座,著名的有:“莲花”、“光明顶”、“天都”三座主峰。黄山的“奇松、怪石、云海、温泉”名冠天下,这里春、夏、秋、冬景色各异,不愧“人间仙境”之美称……朋友们,经过我们大家共同的努力,我们已安全地到达了天都峰。大家看,在我们身后,就是天然石室——“登峰造级”。这个石室可容上百人哪!现在我们站在天都峰上来欣赏黄山的全景。远眺云山相连,江河一线,遥接大海,俯瞰群山,千峰竟秀,万水奔腾,美不胜收。百丈云梯几乎直上直下,爬山的人们手挨手,脚挨脚,稍不留神,似乎就有跌下去的危险,这就是我们刚才的


黄山导游词 黄山导游词 黄山导游词 朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达黄山风景区南边重镇汤口。在这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。 黄山,位于中国安徽省南部,属中国南岭山脉的部分,全山面积约1200平方公里。黄山山系中段,是黄山的精华部分,也就我们要游览的黄山风景区,面积约154平方公里。它在黄山市境内,南邻歙县、徽州区、休宁县和黟县,北连黄山区;这五个县、区也都属于黄山市管辖。 黄山在中国唐代以前叫黟山,黟是黑样子,因为山上岩石多青黑青黑的,古人就给它起这样一名字。传说咱们中华族的先祖轩辕黄帝在完成中原统一在业、开创中华文明之后,来到这里采药炼丹,在温泉里洗澡,因而得道仙。唐朝著名的皇帝明皇李隆基非常相信这个说法,就在天宝六年下了一道诏书,将黟山改名黄山。意思是,这座山是黄帝的山。从那以后,黄山这个名字就一直到现在。 朋友们,你们不远千,甚至万里到这里,就要亲眼看一看黄山的美吗?不就是要感受一次人生快乐吗?是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。 黄山的美,首先就美在它的奇峰。这里竞秀,峰峰称奇,各有特色,各具神韵。黄山奇峰到底有多少,还没有一个确切数字。历史上

先后命名的有36大峰、36小峰,近年又有10座名峰入选《黄山志》。这80多座山峰的高绝大多数都在海拔千米以上,其中莲花峰最高,光明顶次之,天都峰排行老 三,这三大峰和风姿独秀始信峰,是黄山的朋友,哪怕登上这四座奇峰中的一个,也算不虚此行了。 下面,我再把黄山四绝分别作个介绍。 说起黄山四绝,排在第一的当是奇松。黄山松奇在什么地方呢?首先是奇在它无比顽强的生命力,你见了不能不称奇。一般说,凡有土的方就能出草木和庄稼,而黄松则是从坚硬的黄岗岩石里长出来的。黄山到处都生长着松树,它们长峰顶,长悬崖峭壁,长在深壑幽谷,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。千百年来,它们就是这样从岩石迸裂出来,根儿深深扎进岩石缝里,不怕贫瘠干旱,不怕风雷雨雪,潇潇洒洒,铁骨铮铮。你能说不奇吗?其次是,黄山松还奇在它那特有的天然造型。从总体来说,黄山松的针叶短粗稠密,叶色浓绿,枝干曲生,树冠扁平,显出一种朴实、稳健、雄浑的气势,而每一处松树,每一株松树,在长相、姿容、气韵上,又各各不同,都有一种奇特的美。人们根据它们的不同的形态和神韵,分别给它们起了贴切的自然而又典雅有趣的名字,如迎客松、黑虎松、卧龙松、龙爪松、探海松、团结松等等。它们是黄山奇松的代表。 怪石,是构成黄山胜景的又一绝。在黄山到处都可以看到奇形怪异的岩石,这些怪石的模样儿千差万别,有的像人,有的像物,有的有的反映了某些神话传说和历史故事,都活灵活现,生动有趣。在121处名石中,知名度更高一些的有飞来石、仙人下棋、喜鹊登梅、猴子观海、仙人晒靴、蓬莱三岛、金鸡叫天门等。这些


黄山英语导游词 黄山英语导游词 Hello!Iamtheguidefromtoday-ittooktheJOB,onehouroftime,wehav ealreadycametotheworld-famousmounthuangshanscenicspot.There aremanybeautifulplacesofinterest,veryworthtocometosightseei ng. HuangshanmountainislocatedinthesouthofChinainanhuiprovince, belongtothepartofthenanlingmountains,thewholeareaofabout120 0squarekilometers.Interruptionofhuangshanmountains,istheess enceofhuangshanpart,thatiswhatwewanttobrowsethehuangshansce nicarea,theareaofabout154squarekilometers.Itinhuangshancity ,southrapidly,huizhouarea,Hughzhengningcountyandyixiancount y,huangshanmountaininthenortharea;Thesefivecountiesanddistr ictsalsobelongtothejurisdictionofthehuangshancity. Huangshanhasamagicallegend.ItbeforethetangdynastyinChinacal ledYimountain,Yiisblack,becausethemountainrocks,greenblacka ndblueblack,theancientsgaveitaname.ReguluslegendsweChinesei nthefirstraceatthecompletionofthecentralplainsoftheyellowem


黄山猴子观海导游词 各位游客:你们好,欢迎你们来到黄山旅游,我是你们的导游**。黄山狮子峰北侧的“猴子观海”景点,形态逼真、活灵活现,位居黄山奇石景观之首,长期以来,流传有这样一个神秘而又离奇的传说。那是大唐天宝年间,在黄山北海的狮子林茅舍中,住着一位有道高僧,平日里除了帮助上山打柴采药遇险的樵夫药叟外,就是打坐参禅,祝颂《楞伽经》,与其终日为伴的是一只颇具灵性的玄猴,此玄猴与“雪猿”、“神鸦”、“天马”在古《山志》中合称“黄山四灵”。后来那位高僧得道升天以成正果,幻化成始信峰前的面壁“达摩石”,幸运的游客在夏日雨后那变幻莫测的“黄山佛光”中,偶尔还可一睹其仙风道骨。高僧仙逝后,留下那只孤独的玄猴,每日对着“达摩面壁石”啼号不止。此时也不再有人给它喂以食物,北海那漫山遍野的黄山玉兰树便成了玄猴四时食物的来源。冬嚼银芽、春食玉葩、夏吃嫩英、秋啃丹果,不时还以其敏捷的手脚攀援于悬崖峭壁和参天古松之间,救助被困绝境的樵夫药叟,被山人称作“神猴”。好心的人们不忍见其终日心神不宁、悲啼声声,指手画脚地告诉它:那位高僧乃奉佛主之命,到东海之外的蓬莱三岛去寻求灵丹妙药以济世人,要过很久很久才能回来。灵猴半信半疑地停止了啼号,改成每日早晚蹲伏于狮子峰前那巨大的岩体上,学

着老僧生前打坐参禅的摸样,依依呀呀地默念着心语,苦苦地期盼着那远去寻药老僧能奇迹般踏波披霞、平安归来。 岁月如梭,光阴易逝,那灵猴苦苦等候老僧归来的心志始终不渝,或许是其长年累月取食黄山玉兰叶花芽果的缘故,拟或是久经风餐露宿的磨砺锤炼,也有人说是其得日月精华、聚天地真气,逐渐脱去了玄毛,变成了一只通体银白的雪猴。再后来就幻化为与黄山岩体一样风雪不侵、亘古不变的“石猴”。时至今日“猴子观海”已成为黄山风景区内最为著名的奇石景观之一,或者称之为“猴子王望太平”。你看那络绎不绝的中外游人,站在那望仙台上,手搭凉棚翘首北望,指指点点,似乎要真正弄清这千年“石猴”,是不是还在遥遥无期地苦侯那寻药高僧的归来。篇二:黄山猴子观海导游词大家好,我们又见面了,今天我们去黄山旅行吧,我先给大家介绍一下黄山,黄山有许多有趣的石头,就说“仙桃石”吧,它好像是从天上飞下来的大桃子,落在山顶的石盘上。在一座陡峭的山峰上,有一只“猴子”。它两支胳膊抱着腿,一动不动地蹲在石盘上,望着翻滚的云海,这就是有趣的“猴子观海。”在狮子峰北一座平顶的山峰上,有一巧石,如猴蹲坐,静观云海起伏,人称“猴子观海”。有诗曰:“灵猴观海不知年,万顷红云镶碧天。坐看人间兴废事,几经沧海变桑田。”当云雾消散后,石猴又如在远眺太平县境(即今黄山市所属黄山区)的绿野平畴,故亦名“猴子望太平”。今人有诗


黄山导游词 各位游客,您们好!非常欢迎您们来到著名的风景旅游胜地黄山、这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。 黄山,位于中国安徽省南部,属中国南岭山脉的部分,全山面积约1200平方公里。徐霞客曾说:“五岳归来不瞧山,黄山归来不瞧岳。”就是的,黄山就是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼瞧瞧它,确实就是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采与种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。 黄山的美,首先就美在它的奇峰。这里竞秀,峰峰称奇,各有特色,各具神韵。其中莲花峰最高(1864米),光明顶次之(1841米),天都峰排行老三(1829.5米),这三大峰与风姿独秀始信峰(1683米),就是黄山的朋友,哪怕登上这四座奇峰中的一个,也算不虚此行了。

黄山的美更美在“四绝”。 说起黄山“四绝”,排在第一的当就是奇松。它有无比顽强的生命力。黄山到处都生长着松树,它们长峰顶,长悬崖峭壁,长在深壑幽谷,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。黄山松还奇在它那特有的天然造型。叶色浓绿,枝干曲生,树冠扁平,显出一种朴实、稳健、雄浑的气势,而每一处松树,每一株松树,在长相、姿容、气韵上,又各各不同,都有一种奇特的美。人们根据它们的不同的形态与神韵,分别给它们起了贴切的自然而又典雅有趣的名字,如迎客松、黑虎松、卧龙松、龙爪松、探海松、团结松等等。它们就是黄山奇松的代表。 怪石,就是构成黄山胜景的又一“绝”。在黄山到处都可以瞧到奇形怪异的岩石,这些怪石的模样儿千差万别,有的像人,有的像物,有的有的反映了某些神话传说与历史故事,都活灵活现,生动有趣。在121处名石中,知名度更高一些的有“飞来石”、“仙人下棋”、“喜鹊登


介绍安徽黄山导游词经典范文 黄山是“三山五岳”中的“三山”之一。奇松、怪石、云海、温泉素称黄山四绝。以下是为大家整理的介绍安徽黄山导游词经典范文,供大家参考学习。 安徽黄山导游词1 大家好:“我是安徽的导游员,欢迎大家来安徽旅游,安徽的名胜古迹可是数不胜数大家耳熟能详的就有黄山、天柱山、九华山啦” 一提到安徽,大家都会不约而同的想到“天下第一奇山”之美称的黄山了吧。下面我就给大家介绍介绍黄山吧。 黄山是“三山五岳”中的“三山”之一。奇松、怪石、云海、温泉素称黄山四绝。 黄山七十二峰,天然巧成,并以天都峰、莲花峰、光明顶三大主峰为中心向四周铺展。 黄山的奇松,以石为母,以云为乳,七十二峰,处处都有青松点染,如一支神奇的画笔,把五百里的黄山抹上了生命的色彩。

且不说那展翅欲飞的凤凰松,也不说那轻歌低吟的竖琴松,但是那遍山普普通通的奇松,就足以把黄山装点的美不胜收,妙不可言了,难怪古人说:“黄山之美始于松。” 黄山有温泉十五处,其中被称为黄山“四绝”之一的温泉(故称汤泉),又名朱砂泉,有两个出入口。温泉水质以含重碳酸为主,自唐代开发以来,享誉千年。 云海是黄山第一奇观,黄山自古有云海之称。黄山的“四绝”中,首推的就是云海了,由此可见,云海是装扮这个“人间仙境”的神奇美容师。云以海名,谁能说不奇?奇妙之处就在于是海非海,山峰云雾相幻化,意象万千,想象那就更是千千万万了! 听我说了这么多,你是不是心动了?俗话说:“百闻不如一见,百见不如亲身体验。”我就不多说了大家自己去体验黄山的奇吧!去了后,你一定会感到“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”说得是如此对啊! 安徽黄山导游词2 尊敬的各位游客: 你们好!我是爱心旅行社的叶导。今天,我将要带大家去游览著名的黄山风景名胜区。它现在已经列入《世界文化遗产名录》。请大家游览时注意安全,保护环境。


关于写黄山的导游词3篇 关于写黄山的导游词范文1: 朋友们,你们不远千,甚至万里到这里,就要亲眼看一看黄山的美吗?不就是要感受一次人生快乐吗?是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。 在黄山中一定要观看的是黄山的四绝,说起黄山“四绝”,排在第一的当是奇松。黄山松奇在什么地方呢?首先是奇在它无比顽强的生命力,黄松是从坚硬的黄岗岩石里长出来的。黄山到处都生长着松树,它们长峰顶,长悬崖峭壁,长在深壑幽谷,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃,能说不奇吗?其次是,黄山松还奇在它那特有的天然造型。黄山松的针叶短粗稠密,叶色浓绿,枝干曲生,树冠扁平,显出一种朴实、稳健、雄浑的气势,而每一处松树,每一株松树,在长相、姿容、气韵上,又各各不同,都有一种奇特的美。 其次是怪石,在黄山到处都可以看到奇形怪异的岩石,这些怪石的模样儿千差万别,有的像人,有的像物,有的有的反

映了某些神话传说和历史故事,都活灵活现,生动有趣。这些怪石有的是庞然大物,有的奇巧玲珑;有的独立成景,有的是几个组合或同奇松巧妙结合成景。还些怪石因为观赏位置和角度变了,模样儿也就有了变化,成了一石二景。 再来就是云海。虽然在中国其它名山也能看到云海,但没有一个能比得上黄山云海那样壮观和变幻无穷。大约就是这个缘故,黄山还有另外一个名字,叫“黄海”。这可不是妄称,是有历史为证的。明朝有位著名的史志学家叫潘之恒,在黄山住了几十年,写了一部60卷的大部头书--黄山山志,书名就叫《黄海》。黄山的一些景区、宾馆和众多景观的命名,都同这个特殊的“海”有关联,有些景观若在云海中观赏,就会显得更加真切,韵味也更足了。这些也都证明,“黄海”这个名字是名副其实的。 最后,介绍一下温泉。我们常讲的和游览的温泉是前山的黄山宾馆温泉,古时候又叫汤泉,从紫石峰涌出。用它命名的温泉景区,是进入黄山南大门后最先到达的景区。温泉水量充足,水温常年保持在42度左右,水质良好,并含有对人体有益的矿物质,有一定的医疗价值,对皮肤病,风湿病和消化系统的疾病,确有一定的疗效。但是只能浴,不能饮;过云说它可以饮用,是不科学的。


介绍黄山导游词 本文是关于演讲稿的介绍黄山导游词,感谢您的阅读! 介绍黄山导游词(一) 朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达黄山风景区南边重镇汤口。在这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。 黄山,位于中国安徽省南部,属中国南岭山脉的部分,全山面积约1200平方公里。黄山山系中段,是黄山的精华部分,也就我们要游览的黄山风景区,面积约154平方公里。它在黄山市境内,南邻歙县、徽州区、休宁县和黟县,北连黄山区;这五个县、区也都属于黄山市管辖。 黄山在中国唐代以前叫黟山,黟是黑样子,因为山上岩石多青黑青黑的,古人就给它起这样一名字。传说咱们中华族的先祖轩辕黄帝在完成中原统一在业、开创中华文明之后,来到这里采药炼丹,在温泉里洗澡,因而得道仙。唐朝著名的皇帝明皇李隆基非常相信这个说法,就在天宝六年(747年)下了一道诏书,将黟山改名黄山。意思是,这座山是黄帝的山。从那以后,黄山这个名字就一直到现在。 朋友们,你们不远千,甚至万里到这里,就要亲眼看一看黄山的美吗?不就是要感受一次人生快乐吗?是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。 黄山的美,首先就美在它的奇峰。这里竞秀,峰峰称奇,各有特色,各具神韵。黄山奇峰到底有多少,还没有一个确切数字。历史上先后命名的有36大峰、36小峰,近年又有10座名峰入选《黄山志》。这80多座山峰的高绝大多数都在海拔千米以上,其中莲花峰最高(1864米),光明顶次之(1841米),天都峰排行老三(1829.5米),这三大峰和风姿独秀始信峰(1683米),是黄山的朋友,哪怕登上这四座奇峰中的一个,也算不虚此行了。 下面,我再把黄山"四绝"分别作个介绍。 说起黄山"四绝",排在第一的当是奇松。黄山松奇在什么地方呢?首先是奇在它无比顽强的生命力,你见了不能不称奇。一般说,凡有土的方就能出草木和


推荐精选的黄山导游词五篇 世界文化与自然双重遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国文明风景旅游区示范点,中华十大名山,天下第一奇山。下面是收集整理的黄山导游词,仅供参考。 黄山导游词(一) 尊敬的各位游客。你们好!我是爱心旅行社的叶导。今天,我将要带大家去游览著名的黄山风景名胜区。它现在已经列入《世界文化遗产名录》。请大家游览时注意安全,保护环境。 黄山位于我国安徽省南部。你们相信吗?黄山总面积近1200平方千米,山峰72座。听!明代著名大旅游家徐霞客游览了黄山“四绝”后赞不绝口,说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”黄山的确很特别。它具有泰山的雄壮美丽,有华山的险峻,还有衡山的烟云。黄山以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”闻名天下,被称为“天下第一奇山”。 下面,我们来欣赏一下黄山的莲花峰和天都峰。莲花峰是黄山最高的山峰。它的海拔有1800多米,那耸立青天之外的峰顶,云雾缭绕,神秘莫测。最陡峭的是天都峰。它直上直下,几乎与地面形成90度直角,使人感到攀登之难。

让我们再来欣赏一下黄山的云海吧!近看云海,像一层弄浓雾,把那些奇峰异景遮得无影无踪。大风一吹,雾气飘走,一个又一个的奇妙景象展现在眼前;远看,朵朵白云像一对对白色的蝴蝶围绕着山峦翩翩起舞;登高看,十里间,就好象一片望不到边的海洋,把一座座峻岭淹没了。 有了云海就不能没有怪石。那我们就去欣赏欣赏吧!走!你看,它们有的像仙人背蒌,有的像猴子观海,有的像……奇峰罗列,姿态万千。瞧!那陡峭的山顶上有一只可爱的小狗,抬头望着月亮,好象想上去看个究竟,看看嫦娥姐姐怎样梳妆打扮,看看小玉兔怎样玩耍。这就是有趣的天狗望月。 黄山到处有美丽的景色,说也说不完,道也道不尽,还是让各位游客慢慢地、细细地游赏吧! 黄山导游词(二) 亲爱的游客们,大家好!欢迎大家来到世界遗—黄山风景名胜区。我是你们行程的导游,我叫曹文镡,大家叫我曹导好了。 俗语说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”黄山以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪“五绝”闻名中外。今天我就给大家重点介绍黄山的奇松吧。 大家请跟我来,看这边山上的松树能在岩石缝中生存,生命力极强。它们形态各异,姿态万千:黑虎松、龙爪松、连理松、


亲爱的旅客朋友们: 大家好!欢迎大家来到风景秀丽的黄山来参观游览!有句老话说的好:“百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠”。而现在呢流行的说法就是百年修的同车行,我们大家能从五湖四海相聚到这里,可是百年才修来的缘分呐,小严我真是深感荣幸啊!中国有句话说的好:“要活到老学到老。”那来到了黄山呢,首先我们也要学习一下三个代表啊,大家知道黄山的三个代表是什么吗?不知道没关系,且听小严我为大家一一道来!第一:我谨代表黄山人民对各位远道而来的客人表示热烈的欢迎,第二:我谨代表黄山国际旅行社全体员工欢迎大家参加本次快乐之旅,欢迎,欢迎,热烈欢迎。第三个代表呢是我代表我本人和司机师傅,做个简单的介绍,我呢是来自黄山国际旅行社的一名导游员,也是大家此次黄山之行的地接导游,我的名字是严亚星,大家可以叫我小严或者严导。 而在我身边的这位呢,就是为我们保驾护航的司机师傅李师傅了。在我们业内呢,有这样的说法,司机呢到了吉林是急着开,到了蒙古呢是猛开,到了上海是胡开,那有没有人能想到来了我们黄山是怎么开啊?还是由我来接开谜底吧,我们黄山的师傅呢,比较特殊,他们呢可是在黑白两道都能开,为什么这样说呢,那就要说到我们黄山的气候了,“春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪”,这就是我们黄山的气候特征,春夏秋三季的道路呢一般是黑色的,到了冬季一下雪,道路就变成白色的了,所以呢我们的师傅是黑百两道都混的很熟的,所以大家对我们这几天的行车安全呢尽可以放心了。此次黄山之行,我和李师傅将组成“黄金搭档”,全心全意为大家服务,真正做到让大家“高兴而来,满意而归。” 好的,各位旅客朋友们,相信大家坐了很长时间的车已经很累了吧。现在呢,我们的车即将从黄山市旅游集散中心出发,经由齐云大道、滨江路等,到达我们下榻的酒店——天都国际大酒店!好的,在到达之前呢,请允许小严我为大家简单的介绍一下黄山市的概况! 黄山市位于安徽省最南端,是中国十大风景名胜区之一黄山所在地,是我国著名的旅游胜地之一、华东木材的重要产地和著名的茶叶产区。黄山市总面积9807平方公里,辖屯溪区、黄山区、徽州区、歙县、休宁、祁门、黟县和黄山风景区,全市总人口为147万人。 在这里,小严我就想问了,大家知道我国的三大区域文化吗?恩,对了,就是藏学、敦煌学、徽学。其中的徽学便是源于此了。黄山市徽派文化底蕴丰富,内涵深广,是我国三大区域文化之一,涵盖了哲、经、史、医、科、艺诸多领域。 大家知道吗?黄山市是一个“八山一水一分田”的山区。境内群峰参天,山丘屏列,岭谷交错,有深山、山谷,也有盆地、平原,波流清沏,溪水迥环,到处清荣峻茂,水秀山灵,犹如一幅风景优美的画图。“一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州”。多少文人曾对他产生了念慕之情,有的游客甚至“爱其山水清沏,遂久居。”而徽

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