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2. Learn the new words.

让几位学生进行操练,按照图片用这个句型引出本课新单词hot cool cold,板书在对应的季节图片之后领读单词并让学生分析发音之后出示单词卡片,并通过“乘火车”、“高低音”、男女生读、竞赛读、猜口形等多种形式练习巩固本课新单词。分组,并以四个季节来命名小组,同时根据学生小组的学习表现来开展评价,并以此来激励学生学习的积极性和主动性。

3. Play a game: Quick answer大屏幕出示四季的图片,让学生快速说出季节及描述四季气候特征的形容词。例如:大屏幕出示spring,学生迅速说出warm。然后同桌俩一个说季节一个说形容词,当然也可以反过来相互提问看谁的反应快。

4. Pair work: 同桌俩用“It’s …. in…….”来操练本课的主要句型,然后找几组展示一下。

5. Say a chant

Warm, warm, it’s warm in spring . Hot, hot, it’s hot in summer .

Cool, cool, it’s cool in autumn. Cold, cold, it’s cold in winter .


6.Look at the book and listen to the tape. Underline the new words that we learned in this class.

7. Listen again, link the seasons with the clothes.

It’s warm in spring. So we often wear sweaters. 引出单词wear并板书句型We often wear….提问学生What do you wear in autumn ?/ winter

/summer? 练习句型在什么季节穿什么衣服We often wear…in…并将衣服图片贴在相应季节的后面。然后操练句型It’s …. in……. We often wear….再找几组下来展示

Step 3 Practice

1. Listen to the tape the third time. Try to follow the tape. Repeat after the tape/ teacher.

2. Practice reading the dialogue in groups, then try to act it out. (小组分角色朗读课文,根据黑板上的板书表演课文。)

3. Group work: Look at the scream, talk about the pictures with your partner.