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1.a (an) art. 一(个,件…)

2.abandon v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃

abandon oneself to沉缅于, 陷入

He abandoned himself to despair.他自暴自弃。近义词:

be quit of摆脱, 脱离, quit hold of撒手放开quit love with hate以怨报德, 恩将仇报

反义词:maintain vt.保持;维持

3.ability n. 能力;才能-ties能力;本领;才能

We found him work more suited to his abilities.我们为他找到了更容易发挥他才能的工作。

to the best of one's ability竭尽全力

disability n.无力, 无能, 残疾

inability n. 无能, 无力

4.able a. 能够;有能力的

be able to do

近义词be capable of doing

I'm quite capable of taking care of myself.


#abnormal a. 反常的,变态的

an abnormal phenomenon反常现象家

unnatural adj.不自然的;异常的;不合自然规律的5.aboard prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)

1)go aboard.上船[飞机,车]=go aboard the plane;

2)All aboard!;请上船[飞机,车]

6.abolish v. 废除,废止,

近义词cancel, exterminate, put an end to;


7.about ad.大约;到处;prep.关于;在各处;四处;

be about to do sth. when正要做某事突然…8.above adj.上面的, 上述的, 上文的,

prep.在…上面在...上方, 过于, 超出

1).above all首先;尤其;最重要的是;

2) above oneself过于自信,自负

3)be above sth不屑于, 超出...

4)from above自高处, 自上级

5)above and beyond大于; 多于;

9.abroad adv. 到国外,去国外

10.abrupt突然的, 陡峭的,生硬的;不连贯的

an abrupt turn急转弯

an abrupt descent陡峭的斜坡

in an abrupt manner无礼的态度

an abrupt entrance闯入

11. absence n. 不在,缺席

12.absent a不在的, 缺席的, 缺少的,

1)be absent from 不在的; 没有出席

2)Long absent, soon forgotten.[谚]别久情疏。

3)absent oneself from缺席, 不在

13.absolute完全的, 绝对的

14.absorb吸收, 吸引

1)be absorbed by被...吞并, 为..所吸收

2)be absorbed in全神贯注在...,一心从事,热衷于

3)absorb sb.'s attention吸引某人注意

#abstract摘要, 概要, 抽象; 抽象的;非具体

1)to make an abstract of把...的要点摘录下来

2)abstract noun抽象名词

3)in the abstract抽象地, 观念上, 理论上的

#absurd荒谬的, 可笑的

#abundant丰富的, 充裕的, 丰富, 盛产, 富于be abundant in=be rich in盛产

#abuse滥用, 虐待, 辱骂

15.academic a&n学术的,人文学科的;大学教师

#Academy(高等)专科院校,研究院,学术团体,学院16.accelerate v加速, 促进,

He decided to accelerate his advertising.

17.accent n重音, 口音,

18.accept v接受, 认可, 承担,

19.access n&vt进入,通道;接近

access to接近,通向


an accessible person温和的人;

An open minded person is accessible to

reasons. 虚心的人易于服理。

21.accident意外事件, 事故,

by accident/chance偶然, be killed in an accident #accommodation住处, 膳宿,

book accommodation at a hotel向旅馆预定房间22.accompany陪伴, 伴奏

She accompanied me to the doctor's.


to accomplish a purpose/one's object/one's


24.account.报告,帐目, on account of因为;由于

account for解释;说明:

take into account=To take into consideration;

allow for.考虑;顾及

25.accountant会计(员), 会计师;

26.accumulate v积聚, 堆积

He accumulated a good library.


#accuracy精确性, 正确度

#accurate正确的, 精确的

27.accuse控告,谴责, 非难accuse sb. of ..指控某人.. #accustomed通常的, 习惯的,按照风俗习惯的;

be accustomed to doing习惯于;

accustom oneself to使自己习惯于;养成..的习惯