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初二年级上册英语月考试卷及答案 【篇一】 二.单项选择(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选岀可以填入空白处的选项。 ()21. Daniel is my friend. 1 Iike to Share my With him When 1 am happy. A.joy B. happy C. Sad D. SeCretS ()22? The Changjiang RiVer is _________ in the world. A. a IOngeSt river B. the IOngeSt river C. One Ofthe IOngeSt river D. One Ofthe IOngeSt rivers ()23.-…WhafS the Weather Iike today? ■??? Ifs______ Wann _________ y esterday ? A. so; that B. as; as C. not; Until D. too; to ()24.1 don5t Iike milk , but my mother makes me ___________ it ? A. to drink B. drinks C. drink D. drinking ()25. They had a WOnderfUl time _________________ . A. Chat On Ihe Intemet B. Chatting On Ihe Intemet C. Chat in the Intemet D. Chatting in the Intemet ()26? We ShOUld have _____ fast food, _________ :fresh vegetables and take enough exercise. A. fewer, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, more D. less, IeSS ()27. ?…Γve had enough bread. WOUld you Iike __________ ? ?…No, thanks. A. a few more B. OIIe more C. another more D? SOme more ()28. He always IOOkS ? NoW he's IOOking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy ()29. -—Who did 让better, Bill Or Henry? -…I Ihink Bill did just Henry.


初二英语期中考试试卷分析 初二英语期中考试试卷分析 总的说本次考试试题难易适中。既考察了学生基础知识的掌握,又考察了学生的能力。 听力部分:抽检40份及格试卷,听力测试第一节21人答满分1分,16人获得14分中等以上学生都能答14分。易丢分的为1小题,原题:hat didn’t the an advie Ti t d? 失分原因,一部分人没注意到nt 这个关键词,导致误选。 听力部分第二节较以往更直观,且没有难度太大的拼写。大多数学生能得满分。 笔试部分:词形填空以大段落的形式出现在试卷上。学生如果读不懂题或不关注上下很容易失分。第一题heer出错较多。 单选题侧重基础,但是、6、7、9、14、17不仔细斟酌或基础知识掌握的差,很容易造成判断失误。 完形填空,满分9人,9分的14人,平均得分83分。 阅读理解得满分的21人,得18分的10人。得16分的人。平均得分182分。 任务型阅读:反映在1内容不是很难,但有些学生不善于捕捉关键词如:1 ①harit shps in the U sell ne things 判断对错。为数不少的人

做出了错误的判断,中的这句话:This ind f shps sell used things lie …这里的关键词used意为“二手的”。,究其原因一是学生知识储备不够,二是不具备分析问题的能力。紧接着的一句话Peple give the aa t the shp 也点破了商店出售的不是新东西。如果说判断①学生拿不到分,判断②学生仍然拿不到分。原因是出题人在题干的结尾处偷换了概念,把中的The ne ill help peple h have diffiult aling做了小小的改动,把peple h have diffiult aling改成了heless peple,轻描淡写地设了一个套。学生由于不认真审题,给套就钻,仍然失分。4题仍然失分严重。学生只关注了黑体字的筹款方式,而忽视了第一个黑体字上面的一个关键句子:Red Nse Da is nt the nl a t raise ne fr harit这句话。2题有多一半甚至2/3的学生都写不对。他们缺乏捕捉关键信息的能力。题仍然很多人不得分。本英译汉就是学生的弱项,在翻译中不能很好地把握关键词。第一,学生知识储备的不够,表现在不能精准的把关键词翻译的准确无误。第二,学生语表达能力欠缺。 连词成句:虽说这次考试连词成句都有词形变化,但是,平时有所侧重这种词形变化,而且平时训练的比这次考试要难。因此,对他们说并不算是挑战。但是,极个别学生不注意题中所给的标点,导致把疑问句写成陈述句,因此失分。 书面表达:难度适中,绝大多数学生能写出语法正确,语意连贯的句子。总之,由于平时练得充分,有备无患,学生考得不错。 我所教的班级情况: 10班、13班共同特点是知道学习,基础较好。堂上能够积极主动跟


正源学校2014下初二年级期中考试英语试卷A卷时量90分钟满分120分 第一部分听力部分(20分) 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ、单项选择(15分) ( )21.No one knows ________ next. A.how to do B. what to do C. when to do D. why to do ( )22.My grandfather likes to_______funny jokes and always makes me _______. A. tell; laughs B. talk; laugh C. say; to laugh D. tell; laugh ( )23.- Would you please ______ your shoes on the floor? --- Sorry. I won’t do it any more. A. not drop B. not to drop C. not dropping D.no dropping ( )24.--Do you find this maths problem _______? --Yes, I can work it out_______. A. easy , easy B. easily ,easily C. easily, ,easy D. easy, easily ( )25.In autumn,farmers are busy _______ crops. A. harvesting B. harvests C. harvest D. to harvest ( )26. Jacky made some tea ______ me. But I forgot to say thanks when he passed ______ me. A. for; for B. to; for C. for; to D. to; to ( )27.These days the temperature ___________quickly.I feel that it is winter now. A.rises B.drops C.raises D.falls ( )28You______buy Tom a present if he invites you to his birthday party. A had better B.would like C.are able to D.must ( )29 If we keep _______the land, the farmers will have_______to live. A. took; anywhere B. taking; nowhere C. take; no place D. bring; somewhere ( )30 I think _ ____necessary __ _____ to take more exercise. A. it, for Jim and me B. it’s, to Jim and me C.that , for Jim and I D. that’s, to Jim and I ( )31. My brother is interested in _______ languages. A. to study B. studying C. study D. studies ( )32.The lion was watching a zebra ________ across it, suddenly it ran to catch it. A. to walk B.walk C walks D.walking ( )33. ---I want to catch the bus to Shanghai. ---______. There is no time. A. Come on B. Be careful C. Have a good time D. Good luck ( )34. We must hurry up. There are few minutes _______. A. to leave B. leaves C. left D. leave


英语期中考试后反思 期中考试结束了,这个学期也过去了一半。为了能够查找教学中的不足, 更好的做好下一步的教学工作,现就期中考试试题特点、学生答题情况、教学 中存在的问题以及改进方案进行认真的分析研究,总结经验教训,为更好进行 今后的教学做好准备。 一、试卷分析 本次测试主要考查的内容为世界历史第一册,按照中考要求,分两个题型,分别是单项选择题20个,非选择题5个。知识分布与难易比例均遵照学业水平 测试要求,综合性稍强。知识点覆盖面广,重点突出,有针对性。 二、考情分析 我所任教的初三1-4班,考试成绩基本与平时教学反馈情况一致。班级之 间差距不大,大致均衡。从卷面上看,大部分学生对基础知识掌握较为扎实, 也能够规范的书写在卷面上,正答率较高。但是班级之间仍有差距,学生个体 成绩也不均衡。 三、反思教学中存在的问题 1、对一些最基本的知识点巩固力度仍然不够,有些同学还存在眼高手低 的现象,会说不会写。 2、对学生考试技巧训练仍不是很到位,不是很扎实,部分学生卷面书写 潦草,审题不仔细、粗心马虎,丢掉了很多不应丢的分。 3、本学期时间紧、任务重,为赶进度,平时的训练量相对较小,没有及 时进行反馈、督促。 4、分层教学做得不够,没有针对性的安排教学内容,因材施教落实不好。 5、部分学生学习态度不很积极,却没有对他们进行及时有效的指导。 四、今后教学中采取的措施 1、抓好落实,对于学过的知识,要采取多种方式进行巩固落实,既要记牢,又要写准,力争基础知识不失分。

2、重视对学生进行学习方法指导。尤其是自主学习的方法和快速准确记 忆地方法。 3、关注每个学生的学习状况,及时与学生交流沟通,针对学生个人情况,展开分层教学,有的放矢。 4、抓好考试规范指导,从平时做起,养成规范答题的良好习惯。包括正 确书写、规范书写、认真审题、全面答题等。 5、注意对学生联系及考试中出现的错题的收集、整理、分析,通过错题 及时查找教学中的不足并加以弥补。 6、继续加强个人教学技术的锤炼,努力由单纯的技术向艺术迈进,提高 学生学习兴趣。精备、精讲、精练,提升学生学业水平。 总之,期中考试让我们看到了成绩,有了继续前行的动力。期中考试也让 我们看到了不足,有了继续完善自我的方向。在今后的教学中,我会扬长改短,争取教学质量再上一个新台阶。


精心整理 初二上册英语月考试卷带答案 I.听句子,选择与所听内容意思最接近的一项。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.I’mgoingtoBeijingnextMonday. C.I’mcomingbackfromBeijingnextMonday. ()5.A.Tomforgottocallmewhenhegothome.

B.Remembertocallmewhenyougethome,Tom. C.RemembertocallTomwhenyougethome. II.听句子,根据所听内容选择答案。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.Helpinghermomcleanthehouse. C.Helpinghermomwashtheclothes. ()9.Whatdoesthedoctortelltheboytodo? A.Shetellshimtodrinkmorewater.

B.Shetellshimtotakethemedicineonceaday. C.Shetellshimtohaveagoodsleep. ()10.HowlongdidLindastayinBeijing? A.Forfivedays. III.1分,共5 B.Heneedstomakehimselfwarm. C.Heneedstohaveagoodsleep. ()13.Howoftenshouldthemantakethemedicine? A.Onceaday.

B.Twiceaday. C.Threetimesaday. ()14.Whenshouldthemancomeagain? A.Tomorrow. IV.分,共5 B.Shefeelstiredandstressedout. C.Shefeelsrelaxedandexcited. ()17.WhendoesMaryhaveamathtest? A.NextMonday.


九年级英语第一次月考试卷分析 一、试卷整体情况 本次英语月考试题与中考试题模式基本一致,试题难易适中。该试题以课本为依托,重视语言知识的积累,同时突出语篇阅读,考查了九年级英语1-3单元课本上的语言知识,让学生感到平时的教学与考试密切相关,从而促使他们重视平时的学习和考前的复习。第一部分:知识运用(120分) 1、单项选择题(30分)本题共有20个小题,大部分题目都很简单,但部分考题不是孤立地考某一个语法知识点,而是将几个语法知识点放在一起,学生必须看懂题干的全部内容以后,经过思考方能选出正确答案,如第 15 小题:学生对if这个词的用法不够清楚,它在前一句中引导的是宾语从句,而在下一句中则引导的是条件状语从句,大部分学生丢了分。这说明学生对基础掌握的不牢固,不能灵活运用,有待于进一步提高。 2、完型填空(10分)难度适中,文章很容易读懂,但学生丢分较多。 3、阅读理解(30分)共有三篇,AB篇较简单,所选的答题大体都能一目了然,学生做对率很高。但C篇考查细节和对全文的理解有些难度,由于学生不能理解文章具体含义,失分较大,反应出学生做题不够细心,不够耐心;也考察了学生智商的高低,同时也反映出学生缺乏一定的做题技巧。

4、补全对话(10分)这个题失分较多,也是学生的一个薄弱环节。 5、书面表达(20分)题目是向朋友介绍学习英语的方法,一、二班写得较好,整体水平都还不错。因为是刚刚学过的,也与他们的学习紧密相关。平行班级部分学生写得不错,但一个字不写,留空白的学生太多。这样也就降低了平均分。 总的来说,这次考试成绩属正常发挥,但离我们的期望值却还不够,优秀率偏低;低分较多,两极分化严重。通过整体的分析,反映了学生在学习中,运用知识去解决实际问题的能力较差,这与课后的练习有关,说明了部分学生对课后的练习作业不够重视、缺乏主动性,而且,解题的依赖性强,缺乏独立的思考能力,另外,对于一些相关的语法知识和句子的构成,学生的遗忘率也很高。二、今后改进措施第一、强化单词的记忆。 第二、抓好语法的复习,通过分析试题,教会学生学会归纳知识并如何把识记的内容用于实践中。 第三、完形填空及阅读理解部分,平时应加强训练同学们的答题速度及答题质量。有针对性地组织学生组织阅读训练。 第四、书面表达是一个薄弱环节,主要是学生组句的能力差,语法漏洞多,不会审题的原因,所以以后要重视多练习写文章,同时重视对作文的评讲及优秀范文的分析。


第二学期期中模拟测试卷 初二英语 (时间:100分钟满分:100分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( )1.-Is Rome_______ European city? -Yes. It is one of the most beautiful cities in_______ Italy. A. a; the B. a; / C. an; the D. an; / ( )2. They didn't go to bed_______ the work was finished. A. when B. while C. until D. after ( )3. Tom_______ Kate since two years ago, and they have had a child. A. got married with B. married to C. has been married to D. married ( )4. -He's never sung English songs before, _______ he? -_______. It's his second time to sing in English. A. has No B. has; Yes C. hasn't; No D. hasn't; Yes ( )5. Great changes_______ in Daqing since the 1990s. A. took place B. were taken place C. have taken place D. have been taken place ( )6. My uncle_______ the club in 2010. He_______ the club for over 3 years. A. joined; has been a member of B. joined; has joined C. has joined; has joined D. has join ed; has been in ( )7. -Where is your father? -He_______ Australia and he_______ Sydney for two weeks. A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; has been in C. has been in; has been to D. has gone to; has been to ( )8. -How does Jack usually go to work? -He_______ drive a car, but now he_______ there to lose weight. A. used to; is used to walk B. was used to; is used to walking C. was used to; is used to walk D. used to; is used to walking ( ) 9. Everyone has problems sometimes. The most important is we need to learn what to_______ these problems. A. deal with B. do with C. tell D. know ( )10. -Mum, _______ I hang out with my friends now? -Sure, but you_______ clean up your bedroom first. A. can; need B. may; have to C. must; need D. need; must ( )11. -Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advise, Amy. -_______. That's what friends are for. A. My pleasure B. With pleasure C. Never mind D. It's nice of you ( )12. They screamed and laughed_______ the whole trip. A. across B. through C. over D. on ( )13. -I have bought a Chinese-English dictionary. -When and where_______ you_______ it? A. have; bought B. did; buy' C. will; buy D. do; buy ( )14. They were_______ busy_______ the project_______ the time. A. too; to discuss; to forget B. too; discussing; to forget C. so; to discuss; that they forgot D. so; discussing; that they forgot ( )15. This Math problem is too difficult. Can you show me_______, George? A. what to work out B. to work it out C. how to work it out D. how to work out it 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Jim is the son of a farm owner. One New Year's Day, when he was 15 years old, his father


初一英语期中考试反思 反思一 考试是我们一直十分倾注的,对教学和学习起着巨大的反拨作用,因此,对这次期中考试我谈谈自己的感悟。 一、试卷的分析: 本次期中考试,卷面总分是100分,全市统考,题目出的很正气,难易程度稍偏容易了些,学生有些知识点掌握不准确,做题欠思考,没有解题技巧,所以学生考得好的好,不好的很差。 二、评价结果对教学效果的反馈: 通过这次考试,我发现,我所任课班级学生存在着如下方面的问题:1 有些学生在课堂上表现得很活跃,思维敏捷,口语表达能力强,乐于参与各种英语实践活动,特别是在真实语境中能进行沟通信息,大胆地进行交际,然而在进行笔试答题时却漏洞百出,相反,还有另外一些学生,平时在课堂上不擅于口语交际,性格内向,缺乏自信,没有养成在课堂上积极发言的好习惯,语言表达能力较差,然而,他们在答笔卷试题时,竟然准确率较高,对基础知识以及词句的拼写、运用掌握较扎实,成绩较好。2 在同一班级,两极分化的现象比较严重,有一部分学生积极性高,意志坚强,克服学习中的困难,相互帮助,能与他人快乐合作,学习成绩优秀,但还有一些学生,对学习英语缺乏兴趣,上课无精打采,缺乏自制力及学习动机,导致学习困难。 3,学生基础知识掌握的不扎实,尽管每次默

写都要求不同层次的学生达标过关,但考试时总是忘记,我想可能是没有帮助学生有效的记忆,没有把握好记忆,遗忘,再记忆的规律。 三、教学反思策略 通过这次考试的评价结果以及分析目前学生在学习过程 中出现的一系列问题,使我深刻认识到,作为一名教师还没有真正的了解自己的学生,每个学生的认知风格、学习方式及阶段性发展水平是有一定差异的。在日常教学中,教师应注意根据学生的差异采取适当的评价方式,设计出不同层次的评价目标,并允许学生自主选择适合自己的评价方式,以利于学生充分展示自身的优势,让不同水平的学生都能体验成功。帮助学生有效调空自己的学习过程,增强自信心。对于学习方法不当的学生给予个别指导、交谈。对学困生尽可能地在课堂上给他们简单的问题,给他们有展示的机会、鼓励、赞赏。 为此,我要把日常教学中的发展性评价与教学融为一体,既有利于学生的成长,又有利于教师教学能力的提高,有利于学校整体教育水平的发展。在今后的教学中,力争使学生的课业越来越好。 反思二 作为一名新上岗的英语教师,经过了几次考试,从我任 教的两个班级来看,差别很大,成绩很不平均,平均分四班92,三班87,两个班的成绩总是有一定的差距,而且与其他 老师的班级成绩有很大的差距,还有很多要学习和进步的地方,我认为我身上的担子很重,对于英语教学还还是新手上路,经验很少,需要自己不断的摸索和请教,还有不断的向老师学习,


第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s sister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food


初二第一学期期末考试已结束,这次考试留给我们很多思考。为便于以后的教学,在此对该试卷做些粗略的分析。 一、试题特点: 1、本试卷较全面地考查了学生听、说、读、写的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力,体现了任务型语言评价的理念。 2、试题内容设计上很贴近教材的目标话题,既检查了已学语言目标,又考查了学生灵活运用语言的能力; 3、试题关注了不同层次的学生。如,词汇运用大大降低了试题的难度,面向了基础中等的学生,另外,学习技能题使得不同层次的学生能够有不同的发挥,体现了评价的多元性。 4、通过对全卷的综合分析,我们感觉试题层次清楚,梯度较明显。关注到了不同层次的学生。 5、不足之处,听力部分没有给学生阅题时间,语速较快,阅读部分话题不太贴近学生的日常生活。 二、各题答题情况简要分析如下: 1、听力部分试题微有些难度,此题得分不太理想。一是平常训练不到位,学生语感不强。二是缺乏系统的听力训练,如对于听对话选最佳答案这题,涉及到学生们的英语口语交流及日常英语的使用,学生平时对此类的运用练习较少。三是题与题之间间隔时间不够长,对于我们这个层次的学生来讲听力语速稍快,可能也是导致听力题得分不高的原因之一。四是本卷的听力题量比平时练习的试卷大,也会造成听到后半部分后感觉听力疲惫。 2、单项选择难度适中且知识覆盖面大。这些知识点都是平时强调的,主要涉及到固定搭配,介词选用,动词区分等,十分原因在于学生没巩固,有的上课不。 3、完形填空此题难度适中,但是得分率不高,主要原因是不会上下文的联系。 4、阅读理解难度适中,得分率较高。其中得分稍低的是最后一小题,主


八年级英语期中综合测评 单项选择 ( )26. –Would you like to go to see a film? --Sure. The TV programs are so _____. A. surprising B. interesting C. exciting D. boring ( )27. –I tried to ____ you on the phone last week. But why nobody answered? --Oh, I was out traveling with my family the whole week. A. meet B. touth C. reach D. call ( )28. –What an interesting book it is! --Yeah. It’s just ____ and it has become the best-seller of all the book this mouth. A. come out B. come in C. come over D. come on ( )29. –I find most girls do better in language learning than boys. –Perhaps girls are ____ in languages. A. creative B. better C. talented D. helpful ( )30. We __ each other the best luck in the exam. A. hoped B. expected C. wished D. wanted ( )31. –Is Mrs. Smith in? --I’m afraid she isn’t. would you like to __ a message? A. take B. leave C. send D. keep ( )32. –When ____ he ______ for Italy? --He has been away for 3 days. A. does, leave B. did, leave C. has, left D. had, left ( )33. –What do you know about Walt Disney? --He ____ cartoons for newspapers. A. drew B. sent C. wrote D. read ( )34. –Do you like watching _____? --Yes. Some actors are really funny. A. music B. sitcoms C. sports shows D. talk shows ( )35. –If you ____ the show seriously, you’re sure to win. –Thanks a lot. I’ll try my best. A. take B. keep C. play D. have ( )36. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet gets us _____. A. less B. more C. closer D. farther ( )37. –How greatly your daughter has changed! --That’s true. She is ___ than before. A. shorter B. much shorter C. very tall D. much taller ( )38. –I’m _____, so I like reading books alone. –I’m quite different, I like studying in groups. A. serious B. quiet C. loud D. shy ( )39. –Why do you eat vegetables every day? --Because they help me _____. A. keeping health B. keep health C. keep in good health D. keeping health ( )40. --____ do you play sports? --About three or four times a week. A. How many B. How many times C. How often D. How long 完型填空 Kay and Lisa were sisters. They had a __41__ dog. His name was Hector. One afternoon, Kay and Lisa decided to go into the __42__ to have a picnic. They took Hector and a bag of food with them. In the forest Kay and Lisa ___43___ games, and Hector joined in the game. After they _44___ the picnic, Kay and Lisa went everywhere to ___45___ for flowers. Soon, the bag was full of __46_____. The girls decided to __47___ for home. “Oh, dear,”cried Lisa, “we have walked into a strange part of the forest. Which is the _48____ home?” They __49__ one way, then another, but couldn’t find the right way. “Can you _50___ us the way?”Lisa asked Hector. But Hector didn’t understand what she had said. “I have a(n) ___51___,” said Kay. She put a rope round Hector’s neck. Then she __52__ an old newspaper to Hector. “Take this to Daddy,” she said. Kay knew that it __53___ take the newspaper to Daddy because it did this every day. Kay held the __54__ end of the rope. At last, Hector __55__ them home! ( )41. A. clever B. black C. bad D. strong ( )42. A. park B. forest C. playground D. school ( )43. A. acted B. made C. played D. used ( )44. A. bought B. began C. finished D. took ( )45. A. find B. look C. watch D. pay ( )46. A. flowers B. food C. water D. apples ( )47. A. leave B. come C. arrive D. stay


初二英语期中考试反思总结 导读: 反思一初二英语期中考试反思 这次期中考试,学生英语成绩很不理想,两极分化十分明显,部分语法知识的掌握不够牢固,尤其是个别题反复做过几次也没能把握好,阅读理解能力和书面表达能力比较弱。具体有以下几点: 1.部分学生的基础知识不够扎实,学生遗忘知识快,过去滚瓜烂熟的东西一段时间不用就忘了。 2.学生的应变能力有待提高,不能正确写出单词的正确形式。 3.理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意。 4.不能熟练运用学过的句型。 造成这种结果的原因是多方面的,但最重要的有下面几方面: 1.对学生要求不够严格;部分学生偷懒。 2.没能充分调动学生的积极性;提高课堂教学效率。 3. 典型题讲解不够,训练不到位。 4.平时检查督促力度不够。 在今后的教学中, 1、继续抓好双基知识的训练,打牢基本功。 2、引导学生梳理知识,掌握语法规则,逐步引导学生灵活运用英语知识的能力。

3、培养学生上课时的听课习惯,要求学生全神贯注,要和老师同步思考出现的问题。 4、讲课时,尽量使用简明、准确、形象、生动的语言,坚持用英语教学,让学生用英语来想英语。 5、在平时要通过阅读,培养学生阅读多种文体的能力,如何从文章中获取信息的能力和运用英语解决实际问题的`能力。在训练中要注意方法的多样化和灵活性,同时,启发他们学会运用多种不同的方法来表达同样的思想,逐步培养良好的英语语感。 6、设计全面、高校的课外作业,并进一步培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范,正确地书写;每周写一篇作文。 7、在教学过程中,还需加大学习力度,积极研究探索教学方法并及时改变,就一定能提高整体英语水平。 反思二初二英语期中考试反思精 本次英语考试以中考题型命题,加强对基础知识的考查,侧重考查学生综合运用语言的能力。命题材料贴近学生生活,难度适中。其中听力笔录要点和书面表达失分较多。我所教两个班级19班比20班在人平,及格率和优秀率方面稍高。 从本次考试所反映的现状来看,今后的教学中应注意: 1.加强单词听写和课文背诵的落实工作,多关注课文文本知识。 2.狠抓基础知识,加强写作训练。书面表达能客观地反映学生英语基础知识掌握情况,并且一直是学生的薄弱环节。


C. make frie nds D. make frie nds with 初二年级第一学期英语月考试卷 (牛津 7B unit6- 8A unitl ) I ?单项选择(15%) ( )1. Her frie nd is ________ hon est boy. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )2. I can play ______ him in the park. A. to B. and C. with D. for ( )3. Don 'read ______ the sun. A. in B. on C. un der D. below ( )4. Kate often helps us ________ English. A. to lear ning B. learn C. learni ng D. learned ( )5. Is Tom'swatch cheaper than _______ ? A. you B. your C. your ' D. yours ( )6. Max is as ________ as Daniel is. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( )7. Of all the subjects, I like En glish _______ . A. well B. good C. better D. best ( )8. Betty can make me ________ whe n I am un happy. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughi ng D. laughed ( )9. You should _______ sorry to her. You made her cry. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk ( )10. _______ pull my cat's tail. She'llbe angry. A. You don't B. Don ' C. Can't D. You should ( )11. Who is _______ , Lily, Kate or Jack? A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest ( )12 Miss Smith is such a kind girl that all of us like to _____ her . A. make frie nd with B. make frie nds of 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: D. the tallest

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