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3.如何快速写作论文。如果你仅仅是想毕业,而不是做出杰出的科研成就,那么就少看一些正规的论文写作方法。首先,找出一堆最新的参考文献与范文,最好是近 2 年的,如果太老旧,肯定在网上传遍了,可能你同学也在用,通过结合多篇文章给自己拟个题目和提纲,与别人的论文区别开来最重要的就是提纲的写作,一定要细分到三级提纲;循环经济模式下的企业行为毕业论文【论文内容】作为一种新型的经济发展模式——循环经济的形成和发展要受到宏观、中观、微观等多层面因素的影响,但其中起基础作用的还是微观主体——企业。

论文综合运用了循环经济、产业组织、博弈论等理论和方法,结合我国经济社会发展现状,从企业行为的角度研究和探讨了我国循环经济形成的理论基础、形成机制等重要问题,并在对循环经济形成中政府角色剖析的基础上,针对我国国情,提出了相应的对策建议。主要内容及结论如下: (1)选题背景及理论依据。阐明了我国发展循环经济的必要性和紧迫性,强调了循环经济是我国实现可持续发展的必然选择。然后对我国循环经济的相关研究进行了综合和评述,指出了其上不完善之处,并结合相关理论和实践经验,提出了循环经济模式下企业行为研究的重要性和意义。(2)循环经济模式下的企业行为界定。在对循环经济大、中、小三层运行模式分析的基础上, 从企业目标、行为原则、经营理念等方面探讨了循环经济模式下企业的行为内容,归纳了其行为特征,进而确立了文章理论分析的落脚点。 (3)循环经济模式下的企业行为理论分析。从目前我国的实际情况来看,企业的资源价值观、行为目标、经营理念、行为特征等与循环经济发展模式的相关要求是相悖的。究其原因,无外乎企业内在和外在两方面的因素,但企业自

身对经济利益的贪求是导致其行为的根本因素。故笔者认为,企业只有从目标单一的“经济人”转变为兼顾生态效益的“生态经济人”,方能形成持续健康发展的循环经济。并应用博弈的分析方法,对“生态经济人”下的典型企业行为(如企业的排污治理、上下游企业间的讨价还价、订货数量等)进行了理论分析, 从企业关系、经济效益、环境效益等三方面对其行为绩效进行了讨论。 (4)循环经济模式下企业行为机制构建。鉴于工业经济的惯性,短期内我国企业难以主动地向“生态经济人”转变。因此,还需要政府、公众等一系列外在力量推动企业行为的转变。然而企业行为的生态化转变是一个复杂的系统工程,笔者从循环经济模式下企业运行的过程出发,分析了影响我国企业参与循环经济的障碍因素,确立了机制构建的总体思路,从社会、经济、技术等方面构建相应的机制环境,督促企业行为的转变,包括法律约束、公众监督、信息传导、技术支持、绿色消费、资源环境价格、利益分配机制等。【英文摘要】 Circular economy, as a latest mode of economy developing, will be impacted by flocks of

factors , but among which the most essential element is the micro-body ——firms. This paper, comprehensively utilizing the theories and methods of circular economy, industrial organization and gaming theory, examines a series of important problems, including the theories and mechanisms of circular economy’s formation, and brings forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions, allowing for the situation of our country. The main contents and conclusions as the follows: ⑴The background and the theoretic support .This paper formulates the necessity and emergency of the expansion of circular economy, emphasizes that circular economy is the inevitable strategy to realize our nation’s sustainable development. Furthermore, it summarizes the relevant researches, points out their faults, and explains the importance and significance of the study on firm’s behaviors in the mode

of circular economy according to some theories and experiments. ⑵The definition of the firm’s behaviors in the mode of circular economy. This part explores the contents and characters of firm’s behaviors in circular economy,involving firm’s objectives, behavior principles, and running ideas, which establishes the foundation of the theoretic analysis in this paper. ⑶The theoretic analysis of the firm’s behavior in the mode of circular economy. Actually, it can be seen that the status are incompatible with those in circular economy ,such as the recognizition of resources’valuation, behavior obje ctives and so forth. Firm’s profit-hungry behabiors are the most underlying elemants bringing the result. Accordingly, the author supposes that only if firms converted from the “economic man”aiming merely the profits into the “economic and ecological man”i ntegrating

with ecological benefits, circular economy would have a sustainable and healthy development. And then, this paper proves the viewpoint by gaming analysis, also describs the behaviors performance from the aspects involving the relationship among firms, economic benefits and environmental benefits. ⑷The constitution of mechanism of the firm’s behavior in the mode of circular economy. Whereas the development of industrial economy has its inertia, firms have difficulties in the conversion to “economic and ecological men”on their own in short terms. Hence it needs some external impetus coming from government and public. The ecotypic conversion of firm’s behaviors is a complicated systemic engineering. This paper analyses the obstacles to firm’s partici pation in circular economy, indicates the general idea during the construction of the mechanism, and designs the mechanism to


外文翻译 原文 World Trade and International Trade Material Source:https://www.doczj.com/doc/d911644346.html, Author: Ted Alax In today’s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity. As a result of this trade and activity, international finance and banking have evolved. For example, the United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any or its own. Consequently, the United States must import coffee from countries (such as Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala) that grow coffee efficiently. On the other hand, the United States has large industrial plants capable of producing a variety of goods, such as chemicals and airplanes, which can be sold to nations that need them. If nations traded item for item, such as one automobile for 10,000 bags of coffee, foreign trade would be extremely cumbersome and restrictive. So instead of batter, which is trade of goods without an exchange of money, the United State receives money in payment for what it sells. It pays for Brazilian coffee with dollars, which Brazil can then use to buy wool from Australia, which in turn can buy textiles Great Britain, which can then buy tobacco from the United State. Foreign trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first, as mentioned above is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copper are mined in Peru and Zaire, diamonds are mined in South Africa and petroleum is recovered in the Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them. Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Although the United States is a major producer of sugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import sugar.


e-国际贸易与企业实施问题的分析姚钟华张涛文献来自:经济问题2014年第08期跨国经营企业国际市场进入方式选择的影响因素研究宋亚辉郭继鸣李胜歌文献来自:河北工业大学学报2014年第06期东亚跨国公司的竞争优势吴先明文献来自:世界经济文汇2014年第04期 浅析中国企业跨国经营的国际竞争力蔡筱霞文献来自:林业财务与会计2014年第08期 论中国企业跨国并购武勇谭力文文献来自:经济问题探索2014年第08期 有关跨国公司与国际技术转移的理论分析王学鸿文献来自:宁德师专学报(哲学社会科学版) 2014年第03期 中国企业跨国并购的动因——兼谈邓宁国际生产折衷理论在发展中国家跨国并购中的适用性李金环文献来自:黑龙江对外经贸2014年第09期风险感知与国际市场进入战略决策的互动研究——兼论中国企业跨国经营的风险防范许晖文献来自:经济问题探索2014年第10期 创国际名牌做跨国企业肖莹文献来自:中国纺织报2014年 国际贸易发展趋势与我国企业的策略王方全伟文献来自:国际经贸探索2014年第01期 国际贸易中企业国际营销战略阶段研究及中国企业国际营销战略的演变 徐頔林媛杨翠平文献来自:财经界(下半月) 2014年第02期 跨国零售集团采购会:国际贸易方式的创新汪素芹文献来自:国际贸易问题2014年第11期 我国跨国经营企业实施国际税收筹划策略分析杨惠芳文献来自:国际贸易问题2014年第08期 巧用国际资本加快我国企业跨国经营张菁文献来自:冶金财会1996年第04期 我国企业海外投资战略浅谈 张凌2014 (页数: 3) 中文期刊 经济前沿 中国跨国企业的形成与发展特征 史彧2014 (页数: 3) 中文期刊 黑龙江对外经贸 跨国企业并购与中国企业的对策中国信息导报 国际灰市场对跨国经营企业的经济影响分析 周宏1996 (页数: 7) 中文期刊 北方工业大学学报 跨国并购的盈利可能性:对称与非对称两种情况的分析 胡峰华东理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2014/01 经济全球化背景下我国参与国际竞争对策研究 杜建耀改革与战略2014/10 the geography of trade in goods and asset holdings antonin aviat; nicolas coeurdacier 2014 (页数: 30) 西文期刊 journal of international economics production, trade, prices, exchange rates and equilibration in large experimental economies


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


题目顺德家具市场的营销模式研究姓名 学号 所在学院国际经济贸易 年级专业 指导教师职称教授 完成时间 2011 年月日

综合评定成绩:指导教师评语(可另附A4纸): 评定成绩:75分 指导教师签名:日期: 答辩小组意见(可另附A4纸): 评定成绩: 答辩小组长签名:日期:

顺德家具市场的营销模式研究 刘镇雄国际经济贸易学院 2007级国际经济与贸易专业摘要:随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人们对家具的需求不断增长,家具营销模式也成为学界关注的焦点。本文以顺德家具市场营销模式为研究对象,首先介绍了国内及欧美家具行业发展状况,特别是顺德家具市场状况,并梳理了顺德家具市场的主要营销模式。其次,着重分析了顺德家具市场营销模式所存在的主要问题。在此基础上,结合家具行业营销管理模式的现状和实际,提出了改善顺德家具市场营销模式的建议。 关键词:顺德家具市场;营销模式;研究 Research on Marketing Strategy of Shunde Furniture Liu Zhenxiong School of International Trade and Economies Abstract: With the social and economic development, people have a growing consumer demand for furniture. Marketing of furniture has also become the focus of attention. In this paper, the Shunde furniture marketing mode is defined as the research object, the essay firstly give a brief introduction of the furniture market in China and western countries. Shunde is highly emphasized and its main marketing modes are listed. Secondly, existing and potential problems in Shunde market are analyzed, combined with furniture industry marketing, sales management strategy and the actual status, the proposals of the marketing strategy for Shunde have been given. Key words:furniture;Shunde;marketing strategy 目录 摘要...................................................... Abstract...................................................... 绪论......................................................


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Positioning in Practice Strategic Role of Marketing For large firms that have two or more strategic business units (SBUs), there are generally three levels of strategy: corporate-level strategy, strategic-business-unit-level (or business-level) strategy, and marketing strategy. A corporate strategy provides direction on the company's mission, the kinds of businesses it should be in, and its growth policies. A business-level strategy addresses the way a strategic business unit will compete within its industry. Finally, a marketing strategy provides a plan for pursuing the company's objectives within a specific market segment. Note that the higher level of strategy provides both the objectives and guidelines for the lower level of strategy. At corporate level, management must coordinate the activities of multiple strategic business units. Thus the decisions about the organization's scope and appropriate resource deployments/allocation across its various divisions or businesses are the primary focus of corporate strategy.Attempts to develop and maintain distinctive competencies tend to focus on generating superior financial, capital, and human resources; designing effective organizational structures and processes; and seeking synergy among the firm's various businesses. At business-level strategy, managers focus on how the SBU will compete within its industry. A major issue addressed in business strategy is how to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. Synergy for the unit is sought across product-markets and across functional department within the unit. The primary purpose of a marketing strategy is to effectively allocate and coordinate marketing resources and activities to accomplish the firm's objectives within a specific product-market. The decisions about the scope of a marketing strategy involve specifying the target market segment(s) to pursue and the breadth of the product line to offered. At this level of strategy, firms seek competitive advantage and synergy through a well-integrated program of marketing mix elements tailored to the needs and wants of customers in the target segment(s). Strategic Role of Positioning Based on the above discussion, it is clear that marketing strategy consists of two parts: target market strategy and marketing mix strategy. Target market strategy consists of three processes: market segmentation, targeting (or target market selection), and positioning. Marketing mix strategy refers to the process of creating a unique


软件专业毕业论文外文文献中英文翻译 Object landscapes and lifetimes Tech nically, OOP is just about abstract data typing, in herita nee, and polymorphism, but other issues can be at least as importa nt. The rema in der of this sect ion will cover these issues. One of the most importa nt factors is the way objects are created and destroyed. Where is the data for an object and how is the lifetime of the object con trolled? There are differe nt philosophies at work here. C++ takes the approach that con trol of efficie ncy is the most importa nt issue, so it gives the programmer a choice. For maximum run-time speed, the storage and lifetime can be determined while the program is being written, by placing the objects on the stack (these are sometimes called automatic or scoped variables) or in the static storage area. This places a priority on the speed of storage allocatio n and release, and con trol of these can be very valuable in some situati ons. However, you sacrifice flexibility because you must know the exact qua ntity, lifetime, and type of objects while you're writing the program. If you are trying to solve a more general problem such as computer-aided desig n, warehouse man ageme nt, or air-traffic con trol, this is too restrictive. The sec ond approach is to create objects dyn amically in a pool of memory called the heap. In this approach, you don't know un til run-time how many objects you n eed, what their lifetime is, or what their exact type is. Those are determined at the spur of the moment while the program is runnin g. If you n eed a new object, you simply make it on the heap at the point that you n eed it. Because the storage is man aged dyn amically, at run-time, the amount of time required to allocate storage on the heap is sig ni fica ntly Ion ger tha n the time to create storage on the stack. (Creat ing storage on the stack is ofte n a si ngle assembly in structio n to move the stack poin ter dow n, and ano ther to move it back up.) The dyn amic approach makes the gen erally logical assumpti on that objects tend to be complicated, so the extra overhead of finding storage and releas ing that storage will not have an importa nt impact on the creati on of an object .In additi on, the greater flexibility is esse ntial to solve the gen eral program ming problem. Java uses the sec ond approach, exclusive". Every time you want to create an object, you use the new keyword to build a dyn amic in sta nee of that object. There's ano ther issue, however, and that's the lifetime of an object. With Ian guages that allow objects to be created on the stack, the compiler determines how long the object lasts and can automatically destroy it. However, if you create it on the heap the compiler has no kno wledge of its lifetime. In a Ianguage like C++, you must determine programmatically when to destroy the


国际贸易专业毕业论文范文 国际贸易主要指的是不同的国家之间或者地区之间进行贸易,一般来说伴随着货物的流转和资金的流转。下文是 ___为大家搜集的关于国际贸易专业毕业论文范文下载的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 浅析国际电子商务和传统国际贸易的区别 一、电子商务概述 20世纪90年代,美国电子信息行业提出了电子商务的概念,电子商务最初只局限在交易环节,然而经过长期发展,该种商务模式已经将整个商业活动囊括其中。电子商务的基本媒介为计算机和互联网,主要是利用电子信息技术来完成合法的商业活动。电子商务通过互联网和电子技术来完成采购和销售等传统商务环节,完全打破了商务活动在时间和空间上的限制,扩展了商务流通的范围。 实施电子商务的前提就是准备一个公共性质的商务平台,电子商务模式将互联网作为平台,集中了大量的商业活动,即在网络中创建了一个集市,商务活动变得更加简便,大幅度减少了成本,节省了商务活动的时间,使商务流通变得更加高效,最大限度地扩展了商务交易的利润空间。而且商务活动在该模式下不再受到空间和时间的限制,将

各大企业紧密联系在一起,企业间的沟通与交流也变得更加频繁,在很大程度上促进了世界商业的发展。 二、传统国际贸易概述 国际贸易是在全国范围内对商业活动区域进行划定,强调的是国家之间的贸易往来。传统国际贸易是在国家特色与区域特色的基础上展开商务交流,从某种意义上来说国际贸易是将不同国家、不同区域联络在一起,是将国家当做背景实施商务活动。 在确定商务合同前,交易双方需要长时间的磋商,主要流程为询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、确定合同。此外,双方还需要对合同的具体内容和生效时间进行确定。 在该贸易形式中通常不会涉及到现金,一般都是通过相关票据来完成贸易结算,票据就相当于实际金额的有效证?弧9?际贸易发展到现在,仍然将支票作为主要的结算工具。本票和汇票也是贸易常用的结算工具,主要是通过汇付来实现结算。此外,信用证、托收等也是贸易中使用较为频繁的结算工具。 三、两种商务模式的对比


今天刚知道原来参考文献可以自动生成……真丢脸!分享给为论文奋斗的同学来源: 周亮的日志 毕业论文不同于一般的小论文,特别是硕士毕业论文或者博士毕业论文。一般的小论文就四五页,而硕士论文动辄五六十页,有的甚至七八十页。所以有些东西如果要人工的去修改,将是一件非常痛苦的事情。痛苦的事情至少有两个:目录自动生成和编号、参考文献引用的上标。本文将从这两个方面说说小技巧,自动生成,非常方便。 先说两种痛苦情况。 设定好文章的目录结构后,突然发现中间要添加或者删除一个章节,添加删除容易,可是其后遗症就是后面的编号都要跟着变动。比如要删除第二章,那么原理的第三章就要改为第二章,后面的要跟着动,添加也一样,很麻烦。 第二个情况就是参考文献的上标问题。硕士论文参考文献都有好几十个,一般论文会要求按照论文的引用顺序列出参考文献。如果需要添加新的参考文献,那么这些参考文献的上标号又会跟着变动。 目录自动生成简单说下,将文档切换到大纲视图,然后设置你要设定成目录的文字的大纲级别。如果将大纲级别设定为1级,那么就是1级目录,一般我们会设置到3级,这样会生成1、2、3级目录。设定好后,在要插入目录的地方,点击“插入”-->“引用”-->“索引和目录”就可以了。格式在另外设置下就行了。 现在来说说这两个的简单解决办法。 首先都要设置成段落编号。将你要设定的一级目录设定成一级编号,二级目录设定成二级编号等等。参考文献一样,设置成段落编号。设定成段落编号有一个非常大的好处,就是插入或者删除其中的某个项目时,其后面的变好会跟着变动,所以这就解决了因添加删除中间的项目,而要同时修改后面的编号问题了。 目录的更新,只需要在“大纲视图”下点击更新目录,或者在页面视图的目录上,点击右键,选择“更新域”即可。


跨境电商外文文献综述 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 本地化跨境电子商务的模型 摘要 通过对国际供应链的B2B电子商务交易量的快速增长和伊朗快速增加的跨境交易业务,跨境电商过程的有效管理对B2B电子商务系统十分重要。本文对局部模型的结构是基于B2B电子商务的基础设施三大层,消息层、业务流程层和内容层。由于伊朗的电子商务的要求,每一层的需要适当的标准和合适的方案的选择。当电子文件需要移动顺利向伊朗,建议文件的标准为文件内容支持纸质和电子文件阅读。验证提出的模型是通过案例研究方法呈现一到四阶段的情景。本文试图通过交换商业文件在贸易过程中这一局部模型,实现在全球电子贸易供应链更接近区域单一窗口建设的关键目标。 关键词:电子商务;跨境贸易;电子文档管理;国际供应链

1.简介 电子商务是关于在互联网或其他网络电子系统购买和销售产品或服务。术语B2B(企业对企业),描述了企业间的电子商务交易,如制造商和批发商,或批发商和零售商之间。本文的研究目标是上两个不同国家贸易商之间的通信。今天的世界贸易组织的主要目标之一是建立区域单一窗口,可以提高世界各地的贸易便利化。建立区域单一窗口需要跨境海关,可以有效地交换贸易文件。因此,首先,简化跨境贸易文件的关键在于朝着国家单一窗口移动。然后,区域单一窗口可以授权国家之间的通信。电子商务模型是基于三个主要逻辑层的研究。这三个层消息传输层,业务处理层和内容层。本文的局部模型是一种能够自动交换读取文件的过程。通过与东亚和中东国家的建立区域单一窗口可以在将来得到改善的更多的互操作性,从而建立伊朗国家单一窗口 在本文的第二部分讨论引进国际供应链中的跨境B2B模式所需的基本概念和标准。第三部分介绍在大的模型中引入的组件功能和范围。第四部分讨论了B2B交易层模型的定位,最后结束本文。 2.背景 在本节中,除了了解B2B电子商务在伊朗的情况,还有参考模型的背景等概念以及讨论B2B电子商务跨境模式的本土化。 2.1 B2B电子商务在伊朗 如今伊朗在贸易进程的变现是一个关键的贸易成功点。伊朗和许多其他国家接壤,它的进口和出口过程可以通过公路,铁路,海上和空中的方式来完成。因此,这个国家的中部和战略作用,使得它在亚洲和中东地区货物运输的主要贸易点。今天,在伊朗海关几乎所有的贸易过程通过纸质表格完成,由商务部提供的电子服务仅限于谁该国境内交易的商人。今天,伊朗海关几乎所有的贸易流程都是通过纸质表格来完成的,商务部给出的电子服务只限于该国的商人。介绍了模型试图简化在伊朗交易的跨境电子商务供应链交换电子文件的过程。这里提到的一些系统,由商务部在伊朗的电子服务被提及:进口订单管理系统。贸易统计制度。伊朗法典伊朗。这些电子系统的主要使用,以促进在伊朗贸易过程。这里提到的系统作为独立的贸易者可与建议本文模型在未来的作用。在亚洲的区域性单


国际贸易论文题目:中国纺织品对外贸易战略研究 学生姓名:刘旭亮 学号:1102012122 专业班级: B11市场营销营销管理 指导教师:黄乃文老师 学院: 管理学院 2013年12月

中国纺织品对外贸易战略研究 摘要 摘要:我国的纺织业行业的生产能力居于世界首位,纺织品出口量在世界纺织品出口总量中占据第一的位置。但是,纺织业外贸依然面临着一定的问题。面对新贸易保护主义的挑战,反倾销对策研究成为当前外贸领域最重大的研究课题。在这个背景下,对我国纺织业发展历程进行回顾,就我国纺织业外贸进行分析,分析提出中国纺织品企业进行反倾销的策略。 关键词:纺织业;反倾销;战略

STRATEGY RESEARCHOF CHINASTEXTILETRADE ABSTRACT The industry of the textile industry in China's production capacity in the world, textile exports to occupy the first in the world textile exports in position. However, the textile industryis still facing some problems in foreign trade. Facing the challenge of new trade protectionism,anti-dumping countermeasures become a research topic for the field of foreign trade major. In this context, a review of the development of China’s textile industry history, China's textiletrade analysis, analysis China textile enterprises to carry out anti-dumping strategy. Key words:cottonocracy; anti-dumping; strategy


Advantages of Managed Code Microsoft intermediate language shares with Java byte code the idea that it is a low-level language witha simple syntax , which can be very quickly translated intonative machine code. Having this well-defined universal syntax for code has significant advantages. Platform independence First, it means that the same file containing byte code instructions can be placed on any platform; atruntime the final stage of compilation can then be easily accomplished so that the code will run on thatparticular platform. In other words, by compiling to IL we obtain platform independence for .NET, inmuch the same way as compiling to Java byte code gives Java platform independence. Performance improvement IL is actually a bit more ambitious than Java bytecode. IL is always Just-In-Time compiled (known as JIT), whereas Java byte code was ofteninterpreted. One of the disadvantages of Java was that, on execution, the process of translating from Javabyte code to native executable resulted in a loss of performance. Instead of compiling the entire application in one go (which could lead to a slow start-up time), the JITcompiler simply compiles each portion of code as it is called (just-in-time). When code has been compiled.once, the resultant native executable is stored until the application exits, so that it does not need to berecompiled the next time that portion of code is run. Microsoft argues that this process is more efficientthan compiling the entire application code at the start, because of the likelihood that large portions of anyapplication code will not actually be executed in any given run. Using the JIT compiler, such code willnever be compiled.

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