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Optical conductance and transmission in bilayer graphene

H. M. Dong, J. Zhang, F. M. Peeters, and W. Xu

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 106, 043103 (2009); doi: 10.1063/1.3200959

View online: /10.1063/1.3200959

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Published by the American Institute of Physics.

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Optical conductance and transmission in bilayer graphene

H.M.Dong,1J.Zhang,2F.M.Peeters,3and W.Xu1,2,a͒

1Key Laboratory of Materials Physics,Institute of Solid State Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,


2Department of Physics,Yunnan University,Kunming610015,China

3Department of Physics,University of Antwerp,Groenenborgerlaan171,B-2020Antwerpen,Belgium

͑Received5May2009;accepted10July2009;published online20August2009͒

We present a theoretical study of the optoelectronic properties of bilayer graphene.The optical conductance and transmission coefficient are calculated using the energy-balance equation derived from a Boltzmann equation for an air/graphene/dielectric-wafer system.For short wavelengths͑␭Ͻ0.2␮m͒,we obtain the universal optical conductance␴=e2/͑2ប͒.Interestingly,there exists an optical absorption window in the wavelength range10–100␮m,which is induced by different transition energies required for inter-and intra-band optical absorptions in the presence of the Moss–Burstein effect.As a result,the position and width of this absorption window depend sensitively on temperature,carrier density,and sample mobility of the system.These results are relevant for applications of recently developed graphene devices in advanced optoelectronics such as the infrared photodetectors.©2009American Institute of Physics.͓DOI:10.1063/1.3200959͔


Graphene is the basis of a new class of nanostructures

where conduction occurs in single or few layers of carbon

atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.1Owing to its unique

electronic band structure and the corresponding quasirelativ-

istic features,graphene has attracted a great attention in re-

cent years.Furthermore,graphene can have a high carrier

density and exhibits high electronic mobility even at room

temperature.One of the major advantages of a graphene de-

vice is that the carrier density in the graphene layer can be

controlled very effectively through a gate voltage.1Hence,

graphene has been proposed as a“building block”for ad-

vanced electronic devices2such as graphene p-n and p-n-p

junctions,3transistors,4etc.In recent years,the study of the

electronic transport properties of Dirac quasiparticles in

graphene has rapidly become an important research topic in

nanomaterial science,condensed matter physics,and

nanoelectronics,5which is partly motivated by the possible

applications of graphene in advanced electronic devices.6

Recently,the optical and optoelectronic properties of dif-

ferent graphene systems have been investigated.In particu-

lar,it was found experimentally that the optical conductance

per graphene layer is given by a universal value␴=e2/͑4ប͒in the visible frequency and UV range.7As a con-sequence,the light transmittance of monolayer and bilayer

graphene devices are about0.98and0.96,respectively,in the

visible bandwidth.8This important discovery has resulted in

the proposal that graphene can be used to replace conven-

tional indium tin oxide electrodes for making better and

cheaper optical displays.9Kuzmenko et al.7recently found

experimentally that for photon energy smaller than0.2eV,

there is an optical absorption window.The width and depth

of this window depend strongly on temperature.This inter-

estingfinding implies that graphene may also be applied for infrared detection in ambient condition.Very recent experi-

mental work showed that graphene can have strong intra-

and inter-band transitions which can be substantially modi-

fied through electrical gating,similar to resistance tuning in

graphenefield-effect transistors.10These experimental results

show clearly that graphene can be used not only as advanced

electronic devices but also as optical devices for various ap-


In conjunction with experimental investigations into op-

toelectronic properties of graphene systems,theoretical study

in this area has been quite active.The universal optical con-

ductance in the visible regime,␴0=e2/4បper graphene layer, has been obtained theoretically.7,11The features of graphene

systems under far-infrared͑FIR͒or terahertz radiation have

also been investigated theoretically using various

approaches.12,13The results obtained from these theoretical

investigations have indicated that͑i͒in the short wavelength

such as visible regime,inter-band transition is the principal

channel for optical absorption and conductance in

graphene;7,11͑ii͒in the FIR or terahertz bandwidth,both inter-and intra-band transitions play important roles to cause optical absorption and conductance in graphene;12,13and͑iii͒the optoelectronic properties for graphene in the FIR or tera-hertz regime depend strongly on temperature and carrier den-sity in the system.12

The optical and optoelectronic properties of monolayer

graphene has been well documented.7,8,10In contrast to a

nearly linear energy spectrum in monolayer graphene,bi-

layer graphene has a quadratic energy spectrum in low en-

ergy regime.14,15Thus,the density of states in a bilayer

graphene system differs significantly from that in monolayer

graphene.It has been realized that bilayer graphene is of

equal importance as monolayer graphene for both techno-

logical applications and fundamental science.4,16In this pa-

per we present a detailed theoretical study of the optoelec-

tronic properties of bilayer graphene.In Sec.II,the

theoretical approach is developed to calculate the optoelec-

a͒Electronic mail:wenxu_issp@.


0021-8979/2009/106͑4͒/043103/6/$25.00©2009American Institute of Physics
