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从每小题的A B C D四个选项中,找出所给单词的发音正确选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

1. flood A. [flo

d] B. [flu

d] C. [flu:d] D [fl?: d]

2. automatic A. [?:t?m?tik] B. [,aut?m?tik] C. [,aut?metik] D. [?:t?metik]

3. exhibition A. [, eksi'b??n] B. [, iksi'b??

n] C. [, igzi'b??n] D. [,eksi'bi ??n]

4. guarantee A. [''g?r?nti:] B. [, g?r?n'ti:] C. [, g?r?nti:] D.[g?r?nti:]

5. anxious A. [''??k??s] B. [''??k??s] C. [''?nk??s] D. [''?nk??s]



Jim: an international student from China

Kate: a local white

Kate: Hi, Jim, how are you doing?

Jim: Not too bad. 6 . America is so different from China.

Kate: 7

Jim: Our students are more serious. Much more serious.

Kate: 8

Jim: Some students are interested in music, sports or relationships, but there reall y isn’t much time to develop outside interests.

Kate: Wow! That is different from America.

Jim: 9

Kate: Well, it is really impressing. I’m sure having extra free time shouldn’t be too tough to get used to.

Jim: No, it will be great. I am already thinking about all the great things I c an do.

Kate: Just don’t get carried away and 10

A. What outside interest do they have?

B. It’ s just one difference.

C. Which side do you like, American students or Chinese students?

D. How do American students compare with students in your country?

E. It’s hard getting used to so many things

F. forget all about your studies.

G. I am glad there are many differences .


从每小题的A B C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该


11. Lily was ____________ the virus of H1N1 and now she had to stay at home.

A. stuck to

B. link to

C. take up

D. exposed to

12. ---It’s a long time since I saw my sister.

---_______ her this weekend?

A. Why not visit

B. why not to visit

C. Why not visiting

D. Why don’t visit

13. The soup _________ tomatoes, meat, peas and beef, so it is very delicious.

A. makes up of

B. consists of

C. consists in

D. ma kes up

14. On my way to the station my car _______ . When I got to the repair shop I f ound it closed

A. break away

B. break ou

t C. break down D. break in

15. New technology was used in teaching. As a result, not only ____, but studen ts became more interested in the lessons.

A. saved was teachers'' energ

y B. was teachers'' energy s aved

C. teachers'' energy was save

d D. was saved teachers'' en ergy

16. Are you going to _______ the challenge of lasting a week without quarrellin g?

A. makes up

B. makes on

C. takes on

D. takes up

and short of breath , Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount T ai .

A. Tired

B. To be tried

C. Tiring

D. Being tired

18. What do you think you are _________ lying in the conference?

A. accused of

B. accusing of

C. accused with

D. accusing with

19. Now when people refer to England you find Wales_____ as well.

A. including

B. included

C. to include

D. include

20. He found the virus came from the river ________ by the dirty water from Lon don.

A. polluting

B. to pollut

e C. polluted D. to pollute

21. My wife ___________ the baby whenever it cries.

A. picks up

B. picks out

C. picks off

D. picks over

22. Dr. Yuan gives millions of yuan to _________ others ____ their research in agriculture.

A. equip, by

B. equip, with

C. equip, on

D. equip, for

23. Either you or Jane ____________ to be sent to New Zealand tomorrow .

A. are

B. were

C. i

s D. was

24. The girl as well as the boys __________ to drive a car.

A. have learned

B. has learned

C. had learned

D. to have learned

25. All the students’ attention ___________ the teacher’s words when the teac her delivered a speech.

A. was focused on

B. is focused with

C. focused on

D. focused with



While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across an unbelievable sigh t. It was not a gold medal, or a world record 26 , but a show of 27 .

The event was swimming and started with only 28 men on the b locks. For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqu alified. That left only one to 29 . It would have been difficult en ough, not having anyone to 30 against.

I watched the man 31 off the block and knew right away that something was wrong. I’m not an expert swimmer, but I can tell a good di ver

32 a poor one, and this was not exactly 33 quality. When he

34 , it was evident that the man was not out for gold. The crowd started t

o 35 . Clearly this man was not a medal competitor. Finally he made his t urn to start back. It was pitiful. He made a few desperate strokes and you coul d tell he was 36 .

But in those few awful 37 , the crowd had 38 .

No longer were they laughing, but beginning to 39 . Some even began to stand and shout “Come on, you can do it!” and40 did. The crow d went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold, and 41 have. Even though he recorded one of the 42 times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.

Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, 43 race. His country had been invited to Sydney for the 44 time.

In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals feeling they have somehow been 45 out of gold, or when they act so proudly in front of their competitors, it is nice to watch an underdog.

26. A. kept B. se

t C. broke

n D. held

27. A. courage B. inspiration

C. consideration

D. progress

28. A. two B. thre

e C. fou

r D. one

29. A. participate B. join C. comple te D. compete

30. A. fight B. rac

e C. oppos

e D. resist

31. A. swim B. jump C. dive D. fly

32. A. against B. fro

m C. with

D. off

33. A. medal B. bette

r C. bes

t D. worst

34. A. resurfaced B. floated

C. swam

D. disappeared

35. A. shout B. laug

h C. scream D. wee p

36. A. worn away B. worn through C. worn of

f D. worn out

37. A. signs B. gestures C. stroke

s D. actions

38. A. awoken B. changed C. turne

d D. shut

39. A. cheer B. applause C. enc ourage D. inspire

40. A. they B. h

e C. I

D. she

41. A. might B. could

C. shoul

d D. would

42. A. best B. slowest C. swift est D. average

43. A. let alone B. refer to C. look fo r D. as for

44. A. last B. firs

t C. enjoyable

D. happy

45. A. cheated B. forced

C. removed

D. re placed




The answer is John F. Kennedy, the nation’s 35th president. Kennedy won the p residency at the age of 43. Kennedy was the first American president born in the 20th century. He was also the first president of the Catholic faith. But K ennedy’s time as the nation’s leader was cut short. He was murdered during hi s third year as president.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1917. Kenned y was a good athlete. He swam, sailed, and played football at Harvard Universit y. A back injury forced him to quit football and troubled him the rest of his l ife.

Kennedy almost died during World War II. In 1943, a Japanese ship attacked t he small boat he commanded. Kennedy’s boat was cut in half. Ken nedy won medals for bravery and for being wounded in combat.

Kennedy’s father tried to make a career in politics. He wanted one of his so ns to gain political power, too. After the war, Kennedy ran for a seat in th e . House of Representatives representing Massachusetts. Kennedy won, and he we nt on to serve three terms. Then, in 1952, Kennedy was elected to the . Senate. In 1960, Kennedy won the nomination from the Democratic Party to run for p resident. The race featured the first television debate between two presidentia l candidates. Kennedy made a better impression than Richard Nixon, his Republic an opponent. He defeated Nixon in a very close election.

When Kennedy became president, the United States was fighting the Cold War a gainst the Soviet Union. It was called a “Cold War” because the two countries never battled each other directly. That was too risky. Each side had enough nuc lear weapons to destroy the other. Instead of attacking each other, the Unit ed States and the Soviet Union took sides in wars fought by smaller countries. Each side also tried to build more nuclear weapons than the other.

Under Kennedy, the civil rights movement gathered strength. This movemen t demanded equal rights for African Americans and other minorities. Kennedy als o started the Peace Corps. This program sends volunteers abroad to help people in poor nations. Kennedy was one of America’s most popular presidents.

46. Which of the followings is NOT true about . Kennedy?


B. He was the first American president born in the 20th century

C. He was also the first president of the Catholic faith

D. He was the first president who was murdered as president.

47. From the passage, we can infer that ________.

A. the back injury was his life-long problem

B. Kennedy won medals for his bravery in the war

C. Kennedy’s father wanted to be a politician

D. the Cold War was going on during his term

48. The probable reason why there was the Cold War is that ______.

A. each side tried to build more nuclear weapons

B. neither took risk of fighting against each other directly

C. both took sides in wars fought by smaller countries

D. neither wanted to fight a war after World War II

49. How does the author present the passage?

A. achievements-life stories- achievements

B. life stories- achievements-life stories

C. titles- achievements-life stories

D. life stories-titles- life stories


The Dan ish Government has decided to establish a “COP15 Climate Scholarship” for money saved pursuant to its policy of not giving gifts or conference-kits t o participants at the Climate Conference in Copenhagen later this year.

As part of its efforts to reduce the environmental and climate impact of the UN climate summit, COP15, which Denmark hosts in December this year, the Danish g overnment has decided to discontinue the practice of giving gifts to the partic ipants.

Instead, the 4 million Danish kroner saved – roughly 700,000 dollars – will b e spent on climate scholarships which gives a number of international students the opportunity to pursue a masters degree within climate change studies at a u niversity in Denmark

“Although there is no doubt as to the good i ntentions behind giving gifts, we have often experienced how conference kits end up in garbage bins at conference venues and hotels. We want to break that habit in Copenhagen and spend the mon ey in a constructive way,” says Ulla T?rn?s, Minister for Develo pment Cooperat ion.

Helge Sander, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, adds: “With thi s scholarship, we hope to welcome a group of clever young people from all over the world who will become highly motivated to make a difference, and furthermor e will get anexhaustive knowledge about Danish technology and research.”

The scholarships, which cover both tuition fees and living expenses, are made a vailable for a range of excellent two-years Master''s programmes, including MSc programmes in wind energy, environmental engineering or sustainable energy pla nning. Applications are made directly to the university. When you apply for a m aster’s programme, you should indicate your interest in applying for the COP15 Climate Scholarship. The following programmes are available under the scholarsh ip programme.

50. The word “ impact” in the second paragraph probably mean______?

A. influence

B. forc

e C. change D. expectation

51. What reason can you infer when the Danish government decided to stop giving gifts?

A. Gifts can not express the good intentions.

B. Giving gifts is a total waste of money.

C. Money can be spent in a more useful way

D. Gifts are not welcomed by all the countries.

52. The money saved from giving gifts will be used to _________.

A. sponsor students to continue their studies abroad

B. attract many clever young people to Denmark

C. support university students to study climate change

D. motivate clever students to make a difference

53. After the last paragraph, the passage will probably continue to talk about _________.

A. master programmes within the climate field

B. doctor programmes about international relations.

C. the benefits of the scholarship to students.

D. the application forms for the scholarship


Top 10 Fleeting Celebrities List from includes people such as:

Susan Boyle:

The Scottish wowed Simon Cowell in April with an amazing performance of "I Drea med a Dream," during the show Britain''s Got Talent. Her ugly-duckling narrativ e proved irresistible to reality-TV fans. Susan Boyle is a bored, strange churc

h volunteer who, at 48, claims she''s never been kissed and lives alone with he r cat Pebbles.

Her TV performance has been viewed on YouTube more than 300 million times, and her first CD album, the inevitably titled I Dreamed a Dream, is the most preord ered in ''s history.

Conrad Murray:

When the Los Angeles Police Department declared Michael Jackson''s death to be a murder, all eyes turned to Conrad Murray, the cardiologist(心脏学家) who was attending to the pop icon the day he died.

A research revealed a disturbing cocktail of powerful drugs in his system. In J uly, members of the Drug Enforcement Agency and the LAPD searched Murray''s Hou ston office but so far he has not been charged with a crime.

Edgar Hernandez:

In April, Edgar Hernandez became the unfortunate face after officials confirmed that the 4-year-old was the first human to be infected with the virus in Mexic o.

Nicknamed "Patient Zero" by the media, the kindergartner greets from La Gloria, a rural town that sits a few miles from an industrial pig farm. Reports of "sw ine flu" led to a sharp drop in tourism to Mexico, but an official in Hernandez ''s hometown said the boy should be celebrated as the first person to survive t he virus.

Orly Taitz:

Orly Taitz wears many hats. The Orange County, California, resident is a dentis t, a lawyer, a real estate agent and leader of the "birther" movement - a term referring to the belief held by stubborn people that Barack Obama was born in K enya and therefore does not meet the Constitution''s requirements to serve as P resident of the United States.

Despite a lack of evidence supporting this claim, Taitz and her supporters rece ived a surprising amount of media attention last summer.

54. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Susan join in a reality-TV show named Britain''s Got Talen


B. Susan’s hit song I Dreamed a Dream is her album’s name.

C. Simon Cowell is likely to be the judge in the show.

D. Susan was expected to give an amazing performance.

55. The phrase pop icon in the second text probably refer to ________.

A. Conrad Murra

y B. Los Angele s Police

C. Michael Jackson

D. leader of the Drug Enforcement Agency

56. Edgar Hernandez definitely is __________.

A. 4 years old in a kindergarten

B. led to a sharp drop in tourism to Mexico

C. the Patient Zer

o D. the first person to survive the H1N1

57. Orly Taitz can be chosen as Top 10 Fleeting Celebrities probably because___ ___.

A. she is the leader of the "birther" movement

B. she loves to wear many beautiful hats

C. she is a stubborn business woman

D. she has many titles and is successful


The mobile phone industry in Africa has challenged the global economic crisis w ith a monumental boom in mobile between 2003 and 2008. In five years the number of mobile grew by more than 500 percent.

Torbjorn Fredriksson of the . conference on Trade and Development says the grow th in mobile phone use is important in both a social and economic sense. "Compa nies can use the mobile phones to obtain information about market developments, farmers can get information about weather forecasts and increasingly we see ne w mobile services appearing and that has a very strong effect on the way that p eople and companies can do business in Africa," Fredriksson said.

But he says mobile connectivity is not consistent throughout the continent.

In Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia, the mobile industry has o nly made up10 percent of the population. And he adds that while mobile phone us e is rising, Internet access remains slow and costly. "African countries are left behind not only developed countries, but also other developing regions in terms of fast access to the Internet," Fredriksson said.

The . report says monthly Internet access in Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic and Swaziland is more than $1,300, the highest in the world.

Fredriksson says a big problem is that up until now Africa has largely been exc luded from the net of international cables that would carry telecommunications between Africa and the rest of the world. But he says that seems to be changin g. "Now in July we saw Seacom, a new cable that links the east coast of Afric a with Europe and India and there is another one called the TEAMS cable which w ill link Kenya with the United Arab Emirates later in 2009," Fredriksson said. "So these are promising signs but it remains a tremendous challenge to get the broadband connectivity up to the levels in other parts of the world."

58. The main idea of the first two paragraphs is probably _______.

A. mobile phone use is growing faster in Africa

B. Internet connections in Africa have a long way to go

C. the growth in mobile phone use is meaningful

D. many new mobile services appear increasingly

59. When talking about mobile connectivity, the author develops it mainly by __ ___.

A. telling effect


B. explaining causes

C. offering phenomen


D. giving advantages

60. What is Fredriksson’s attitude to Internet access in Africa?

A. hopeful

B. desperat

e C. hopeless D. not mentioned

(二) 任务型阅读

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项A-F 中选出能填入空白处的表示该段或文章主题句的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)




Like a flower with a pleasant scent, your smile can draw people close enough to see inside you. That''s Smile Power. A smile has the power to radiate the qual ities that make you beautiful on the inside - kindness, friendship, honesty, re spect, patience, and self-control. So please give smiles away like flowers. Let your smile be an invitation for others to get to know the great person behind the smile. Then let people see that your smile doesn''t stop at your mouth. It goes all the way to your heart. On the other hand, we are drawn to people who s mile and we want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frown s, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in.


Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There''s a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping yo u to have a good feelings. So smile is a good state of mind, you have a smile, then you will have a better feelings. So when you are smiling you lighten up t he room, change the moods of others, and make things happier.

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don' 't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you''ll loo k younger. Then you will feel better and have more confident, thus are more lik ely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meeting s and appointments and people will react to you differently because of your con fidence.

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from lookin g tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. This is because when you smile, there is a measurable reduction in yo ur blood pressure. You can sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile fo r a minute and take another reading while still smiling. You will be happy to s ee your stress disappears quickly.


Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It''s hard. Wh en we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" S tay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling. So smile is a positive s tate of mind, every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing and then other people will also answer your s mile.


交大附中- 陈江丽





1-5: DADBA


6-10: EDABF


11-15:DABCB 16-20:DAABC 21-25:ADCBA


26-30: CABCB 31-35:CAAAB 36-40: DCBAB 41-45: CBABA



46-49:DABA 50-53: ABCA 54-57: DCBA 58-60:A BA

(二) 任务型阅读

61-65: EBAFC




66: agricultural 67. custom

s 68. Curiosity 69. balanced

70. patience 71. Permits 72. system

73. atmosphere 74. surrounded 75. within


Dear Lucy,

I happened to read the story about Jane Goodall, which greatly touched me, so I would like to share (share with) you her story.

Jane spent years observing and recording the chimps’ daily activity (activity-activities ) . Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in its (its-their)own environment. So ( So- However), this was not easy. When she firs t arrive (arrive-arrived) in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help (was) she allowed to begin he r project. Her work changed the way (去on) that people think about chimps. One importantly (importantly-important) thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat. She actually observed chimps as a group hunt(hunt-hunting)a mon key to eat it. She also discovered what (what-how )chimps communicate with ea ch other.

Isn’t she very brave and determined? Hope you like her story.

Best Wishes



Dear Editor,

I would like to share with you my idea of this image. This picture is one of the top ten images in the year 2009, which has a great vision and emotional impact to me. A Palestinian little boy is surrounded by a group of youths who p oint their toys guns at him.

I am touched by the facial impression of the little boy when he is threatened b y the guns, which is a mixture of scary and desperation. As a little boy, what he desires is his Mum’s hug and Daddy’s kiss. However, he now is facing the d anger of the death. I am puzzled when the little boy doesn’t cry for his paren ts’ h elp but stands there still waiting for the shot of guns. The reason why h e acts like that is probably because there are so many disasters and accidents of this kind.

So I strongly suggest that we need to do something to stop this situation. Every side needs to sit down to talk and negotiate instead of launching wars. To bring peace to this region is an urgent issue.

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