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CET- 4汉译英练习

Exercise 1

1.Nobody can make a slave of you if ____________________ (你不把自己看作奴隶).

2.I deposited 2000 dollars in my saving’s account last week, but this week ____________________(我不得不从银行中取出1500元付学费).

3.When the temperature becomes extreme, ____________________(人们不断抱怨天气). 4.After all, you are eighteen years old, so you should behave yourself and ____________________(你必须学着表现得更像个成年人).

5.Of all the Chinese cities, it seems to me, ____________________ (上海比其他任何一座城市消耗的电都多).

Exercise 2

1.As is often said that money makes the world go round, ____________________ (人和动物生命很大程度上依赖能源的“货币”).

2.____________________ (在我们眼前的岩石中看起来可能是普通的东西), is a series of scattered events from a past million upon millions years of long.

3.____________________ (想证明某个观点的最好的办法之一) is to take the example from his own experience.

4.It may be difficult to say that how fast a skimming speed should be, but our experience is that ____________________ (你的速度可以是普通阅读速度的两倍).

5.He is an experienced teacher,____________________(他知道如何将他学生的最佳状态发挥出来).

Exercise 3

1.____________________ (事实上,我认为动物遭受的不必要的痛苦应该避免), but before discussing the issue, we should first make sure that all human beings are well fed.

2.____________________ (尽管他们有着各种各样的困难), the sailors were determined to unload the ship ahead of schedule.

3.____________________ (他下定决心) to carry out this task all by himself.

4.In several football countries, it has been noted, factory production goes up and down, ____________________ (取决于他们本土队的胜与败).

5.Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that ____________________ (这些严重的病患并不想知道他们病情的真实情况).

Exercise 4

1.The play has proved to be a success ____________________ (与我原先预想的相反). 2.The soldier would not leave the wounded alone ____________________ (尽管他有机会离开) the dangerous place.

3.We are still uncertain ____________________ (杰克是否是这个工作的适当人选).

4.He has taken his stand long before ____________________ (在这个问题进行公开讨论). 5.People’s attitude toward drugs ____________________ (每个人各不相同).

Exercise 5

1.____________________ (首先,什么促使你得出这样的结论)? In the second place, how do you know it will do any good to the company?

2.I’m thinking of ____________________ (我们如何让他们接受我们的条件).

3.____________________ (即使我们的想法都基于事实), others may not agree with us. 4.Some of us have their own favorite singers while ____________________ (还有些人甚至不知道谁是最流行的歌手).

5.The wind is blowing hard, and ____________________ (根本无法让人听到你的声音).

Exercise 6

1.I am so weak that I can’t take five steps without having to sit, for ____________________ (我已经喘不上气了).

2.____________________ (毫无疑问有关联) between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. 3.Learning English may be difficult for you now, but ____________________ (从长远角度来说,你会受益的).

4.____________________ (我希望不时被告知) how my son is getting along in school.

5.____________________ (这位影星不太可能被认出) for he is wearing large dark glasses.

Exercise 7

1.____________________ (他拒绝再有任何关系) with the pyramid selling (传销) job when he learnt what the promoters were up to.

2.Professor Johnson’s devotion to teaching ____________________ (为他赢得了来自同事和学生的尊敬).

3.Without proper guidance, young people, who are easily bored with their quiet life, ____________________ (倾向于使用暴力和毒品).

4.The fact that you are giving comments on this book ____________________ (表明你已经形成了自己的观点).

5.The extent of your vocabulary ____________________ (暗示你的聪明程度).

Exercise 8

1.There are certain factors in success that can ____________________ (和你所做的实验一样科学地被测量).

2.____________________ (就我们学生而言), getting involved in inventing a course is both exciting and worrying.

3.____________________ (考虑到已变化了的情况), he urged that the meeting be postponed till next week.

4.She is ____________________ (对这一主题一点兴趣都没有) under discussion. 5.Hardly ____________________ (人们用肉眼看到星星) without the help of telescopes.

Exercise 9

1.The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of ____________________ (范围如此之大美国从未经历过).

2.____________________ (约翰克服了他的羞怯) to such an extent that he could give a speech in public.

3.The fall in the cost of living is ____________________ (与全球油价下跌有关).

4.If there is no objection to this decision, let’s ____________________ (进行到议程的下一项).

5.If the thing you purchase has serious defects, ____________________ (你有权要求退款).