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2020届高三英语专项训练——阅读理解 D 篇

A new study shows that rising levels of planet-warming gases may reduce important nutrients in food crops.

Researchers studied the effects of one such ga—s carbon dioxide—on rice. The researchers grew rice plants in a controlled environment. They set carbon dioxide levels

to what scientists are predicting for our planet by the end of the century. They found

that the resulting rice crops had lower than normal levels of vitamins, minerals and protein. The researcherss aid the effects of planet-warming gases would be most severe for the poorest citizens in some of the least developed countries. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least complex diets, they noted.

In the experiment, scientists grew 18 kinds of rice in fields in China and Japan. They pumped carbon dioxide gas over the plants in an effort to create the atmosphere of the future. Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on average, 13 to 30 percent lower levels of four B vitamins and 10 percent less protein. The crops also had 8 percent less iron and 5 percent less zin(c 锌)an rice grown under normal

conditions.However,vitamin E levels increased by about 13 percent on average.

The results are bad news, “ especiallyf or the nutrition of the poorer population in less-developed countries, s”aid the University of Tokyo' sK azuhiko Kobayashi, who helped to write the report. That includes about 600 million people in Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Laos and other nations, mainly in Southeast Asia, the report said.

One of the scientists is Sam Myers of Harvard University in the American state of Massachusetts. He said that findings like this are an example of the surprises climate change create. My“ concern is there are many more surprises to com,e”he said.

Myers noted that pollution, loss of some species, destruction of forests, and other human activities are likely to produce unexpected problems. He said that you cannot completely change all the natural systems that living organisms have grown to depend on over millions of years without having effects come back to affect our own health.

The new study suggests a way to lower the nutritional harm of climate change. One way, Kobayashi said, is grow different forms of rice that have shown to be more resistant to


carbon dioxide levels.

32.Which county would be influenced most by planet-warming gases according to the text?


B. Myanmar

C. America

D. Britain

33.How is Paragraph 3 mainly developed?

A.By comparison.

B. By giving examples.

C. By analyzing causes.

D. By describing a process.

34.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Climate change will be difficult to predict.

B.Climate change will lead to more good effects.

C.Climate change will be harmful to environment.

D.Climate change will cause more unexpected problems.

35.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A.Myerssaid we could change all the natural systems for the sake of our health.

B.The poorest people in all the least developed countries would be influenced most.

C.The researchers grew 18 kinds of rice in China and Japan in a controlled


D.Protein in rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions is increased by 10

percent. BADC

Plants are boring. They just sit there (光合作用)while animals have all the fun. Right? Not so much. A new study has found that there is a long history of interactions between ants and plants. The ant and plant co-evolution(协同进化)started with ants feeding on plants and plants evolving ant-friendly features.

Plants make a number of different structures that are specific for ant use. Some

plants have evolved features that persuade ants into defending them from attack from other insects and even mа mmа l?. Тhе?е ?n сlud е hollow thorns that аnt? will

live ?n??琼d浆)оеn ,l oеr аеvех ?tr a n

or stems for the ants to eat. Some ants will just cheat and take the nectar and run, but

some will stick around and attack anything that tries to hurt the plant. Other plants get ants to help them move their seeds around, by providing them with rich food packets attached to the seeds. The ant will pick up the seed and carry it away, eat the food packet, and leave the seed - often in a nutrient-rich area where it'll grow better, and since it's farther away from its parent, they won't have to compete for resources.

But scientists weren't sure how the evolutionary relationship between ants and plants got started. If evolution is an arms race between species developing ways to make use of their neighbors, then scientists wanted to know whether plants or ants fired the first shot. It was a chicken-and-egg question, whether things started with ants developing behaviors to take advantage of plants, or plants evolving structures to take advantage of ants.

The history of ants and plants evolving together goes back to the time of the dinosaurs, and it's not easy to tell from fossils who fired the first shot. However, it is a question of little significance. Scientists say their study maters because it provides a look at how these widespread and complex interactions evolved.

32.Some plants attach food packets to their seeds in order to.

A .reward the ants B.get the seeds moved around

C.make a fool of ants D.provide nutrition for the seeds

33.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

A .How plants and ants interact.

B.What ants do to protect plants.

C.How plants and ants survive attacks.

D.Why plants and ants need co-evolution.

34.Which is true about the evolutionary relationship between ants and plants?

A .Ants depended more upon plants.

B.It caused a race for better evolution.

C.How it got started was uncertain.

D.It was of little value for future studies.

35.What's the author ' s purpose of writinpga stshaeg e?

A .To introduce a science research method.

B.To inform readers of a latest research finding

C.To arouse readers' interest in science research.

D.To criticize people's traditional views about plants.


An experimental cleanup device called RemoveDEBRIS has successfully casta net around a dummy (仿真的) satellite, imitating a technique that could one day collect spaceborne garbage.

The test, which was carried out this week, is widely believed to be the first successful demonstration of space cleanup technology, experts told CNN. And it symbolizes an early step toward solving what has already been a critical issue: junk in space.

Millions of pieces of junk are turning around in orbit, the result of 50 years of spacetravel and few regulations to keep space clean. At orbital speeds, even a small bit

of paint crashing with a satellite can cause critical damage.

Various companies have plans to send thousands of new satellites into low-Earth orbit, already the most crowded area.

The RemoveDEBRISexperiment is run by a company and researchersl ed by the U. K. ' s Surrey Space Center and includes Airbus,Airbus-owned Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. and France ' sArianeGroup.

Guglielmo Aglietti, the director of Surrey Space Center, said that an operational version of the RemoveDEBRlS technology would cast a net that remains fastened to the main satellite so the deb ris can be dragged out of orbit. It could target large pieces of junk, including dead satellites up to 10 meters long.

The RemoveDEBRIS satellite will conduct a few more experiments in the coming months, including testing navigation features that could help guide the satellite to a specific piece of debris.

Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the successof this week' se xperiment was exciting, but he cautioned against “ o-v er publicizing ” it.

There are still enormous barriers to clear before operational cleanup tasks are underway, he said, and the most discouraging is figuring out how to fund such projects.

Aglietti, the Surrey professor who helped lead the RemoveDEBRIS project, said “ The challenge will lie in persuading the relevant authorities to sponsor these tasks. ” Aglietti said he hopes RemoveDEBRIS will conduct a few cleanup tasks per year, targeting

the largest pieces of junk in the most crowded orbits.

32.What is the use of theR emoveDEBRIS satellite?

A.Demonstrating space technology.

B.Imitating a developing technique.

C.Collecting wastes existing in space.

D. Symbolizing great progress in space.

33.How does the RemoveDEBRlSs atellite work?

A.By throwing a net to take the junk from orbit.

B.By fastening it to the main satellite tightly.

C.By dragging satellites up to 10 meters long.

D.By targeting large pieces of junk carefully.

34.What does the underlined word sponsor”“ in the last paragraph probably mean?


B. Support.

C. Oppose.

D. Provide.

35.What 's the best title for the text?

A.The RemoveDEBRISP roject Is Perfect

B.How RemoveDEBRISI s Invented in the Lab

C.Why the RemoveDEBRISS atellite Is Invented

D.Satellite Collects Space Junk for the First Time



China ' s cancer researcher Zhu Chen, together with two French researchers Anne Dejean and Hugues de The, received Sjoberg Prize 2018 in Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden on Friday.

“We used wisdom from both Chinese and Western medicine and offered a cure for one of the most deadly cancers, C”h en told Xinhua, “If eel that Chinese medicine has the potential to contribute more to human health. There are no borders in medicine, because it struggles for benefiting all mankind. It 's a language of peace, and of development and progress.

the cooperation with the two French researchers for over 30 years.

This year 's Sjoberg winners have developed a new and targeted treatment for a specific form of blood cancer called acute promyelocytic leukaemia (急性早幼粒白血病). It was once one of the most deadly forms of cancer, but it is now possible to cure nine out of ten patients who receive the

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