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Text 1


W:Good evening. King’s restaurant.


M:Good evening。I’m ringing about the job I understand you have vacant?




M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may。


W:Yes,of course. Can I take your name?


M:It’s Peter Chin。


W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we’re both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview.


M:Great, thanks。I’m afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend。


W:That's no problem at all。What would you like to know?


M: Well, um, what sort of work is it— washing up?


W:It’s answering the phone.


M:Oh,right, fine.


W: And not waiting at table。


M:That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be?


W: Well, we’re really only busy at the weekend.


M: So two nights?


W:Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week。


M:That’d be fine. It wouldn’t interfere with my studies。


W:Are you in the university?


M: Yes, first year Physics student.


W:Oh, right


M:Because I'm not an EU national, would I need a work permit?


W:Yes,you would。Just get you tutor to sign it.


M:That wouldn't be a problem if I were to get the job。Um, where exactly is the restaurant?


W:Well, we have two branches- the one we're recruiting for is in Hillsdunne road。


M:Em,I don't know that. How do you spell it, please?


W:It's H-I—double L-S-D-U- double N—E Road.

W:这是H-I—double L-S—D—U——双n e路.

M: Got that,thanks. Is it near a bus stop?


W: Yes, the nearest one would probably be just beside the library。


M: Oh, yes,I know it。That’ll be fine for me。And could I ask about the pay?


W: We're offering 4.45 pounds an hour。


M: That's very good。My last job was 3.95 an hour.


W:We feel it’s pret ty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits(附加福利).




W: Well,we give you a free dinner, so you eat well。


M: Right. Better than hostel food.


W:We certainly hope so。And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.


M:Oh, that’s a really good perk(额外收入), isn’t it?


W:Yes, we think so。And then because of the difficulties of getting public transport,if you’re working after 11 o'clock,we drive you home。


M: Oh, that’s good to know.


W: We’d certainly be interested in inviting you for an interview, if you’re still interested?


M: Oh,yes,certainly。Could I just also ask what qualities you're looing for?


W:Well,for this particular job,we want a clear voice,which you obviously do have




W:And you must be able to think quickly,you know。


M:Well,I hope I’d。。.


W:So, when could you come in for an interview。We’re actually quite quiet tonight?


M:Sorry,I couldn't come tonight or tomorrow,I’m afraid. Thu rsday is ok, that'd be 22nd of October。


W:Fine,after 5 pm?


M:Yes,fine. Would 6 o’clock be ok?


W: Perfect. And could you bring along the names of two referees?


M: Yes, that's fine. No problem.


W: Good, I look forward to seeing you。


M: Oh,by the way, who should I ask for?


W:Oh, yes, of course, sorry. My name is Samira Manuja


M: Can you spell that please?




M:Ok, I've got that。Thank you very much.


W: Look forward to seeing later ..。



M: Now we go to Jane who is going to tell us about what's happening in town this weekend.


W:Right, thanks, Andrew,and now on to what's new, and do we really need yet another sports shopping Bradcaster?Well, most of you probably know Sports World- the branch of a Danish sports goods company that opened a few years ago-it's attracted a lot of custom, and so the company has now decided to open another branch in the area。It’s going to be in the shopping center to the west of Bradcaster,so that will be good news for all of you who found the original shop in the North of the town hard to get to.


I was invited to a special preview and I can promise you, this is the ultimate in sports retailing。The whole place has been given a new minimalist(极简主义者)look with the company's signature colors of black and red.


The first three floors have a huge range of sports clothing as well as the equipment。And on the top floor,there is a cafe and a book & DVD section. You'll find all the well—known names as well as some less well-known ones。


If they haven't got exactly what you want in the stock, they promised to get it for you in 10 days,unlike the other store,where it can take up to 14 days。They cover all the major sports, including football, tennis,and swimming,but they particularly focus on running and they claim to have the widest range of equipment in the country. As well as that, a whole section of the third floor is devoted to sports bags,including the latest design from the States— If you can't find what you want

here,it doesn't exist.


The shop would be open from 9 am this Saturday,and if you go along to the opening then you'll have the chance to meet the national 400 meters running champion Paul King, who's coming along to open the shop,and he will be stay around until about the midday to chat to any fans who want to meet him and sign autographs.


Then there will be a whole range of special attractions all weekend。There will be free tickets for local sporting events for the first 50 customers, and also a special competition open to all, just answer 15 out of 20 sports questions correctly to win a signed copy of Paul King’s DVD 'Spring Tips’, while the first person to get all the questions correct gets a year’s free membership of the Bradcaster Gym。All entrance will receive a special Sports calendar with details of all Bradcaster fixtures in the coming year。


One of the special opening offers is a fitness test— a complete review of your cardiac fitness and muscle tone,actually done in the shop by qualified staff。This would normally cost 30 pounds but is available at half price for this month only. There are only a limited number of places available for this,so to make a booking phone 560341.


In addition,if you open an account you get lots more special offers including the chance to try out the equipment at the special opening evenings。。.



Pro:Before we start,Spiros and Hiroko,thanks for coming in today to talk about your recent study experiences and congratulations to you both in doing so well in the first semester exams. I’d like to discuss with you the value of the English for Academic Purposes course you did here last year before starting

your university course。Spiros,if I could start with you, what parts of the programme have now proved to be particularly valuable to you?


S: I think that having to do a seminar presentation really helped me. For example, a couple of weeks ago in our marketing subject, when it was my turn to give presentation, I felt quite confident. Of course, I was still nervous but because I had done one before,I knew what to expect. Also,I know I was well prepared and I had practised my timing。In fact, I think that in relation to some of the other people in my group,I did quite a good job because my overall style was quite professional.


Pro: What about you Hiroko?


H:Mmm, that’s interesting。In my group, I was really surprised by the way students did their presentations —they just read the notes aloud. Can you believe that?They didn't worry about their presentation style or keeping eye contact with their audience —and I remember that these things were really stressed to us in the course here。


Pro:So, how did you approach your presentation Hiroko?


H:Well,to speak frankly,I read my notes too. At the time,it was a relief to do it this way,but actually when I had finished I didn't fell any real sense of satisfaction. I didn’t feel positive about the experience at all.


S:That's a pity。You know although I was pleased with my presentation, I'm not so pleased with my actual performance right now in the tutorials - during the whole semester I’ve not said anythi ng in our tutorial discussions。Not a word。S:这是一个遗憾。你知道虽然我很满意我的表现,我不太满意我的实际表现现在教程—在整个学期我没有说什么在我们的教程中讨论。一个字也没有。H: Really, Spiros,why is that?Do the other students talk too much?


S: It’s partly that,but it’s mostly because I have had no confidence to speak out。

Their style of speaking is so differen - it's not the style we were used to during the course. There are so many colloquialism(白话,口语,俗话,方言),they not very polite and sometimes they seems to be no order in their discussion。

Also they are very familiar with each other,so because they know each other's habits, they can let each other into the discussion。


H: You're right, Spiros。I've experienced that too.


H:For most of this semester,I've said absolutely nothing in two tutorials. But recently I’ve been trying to speak up more and I just jump in. And I’ve noticed an interesting thing。I've noticed that if they thought my point was interesting and new,then the next time they actually asked for my opinion,and then it was much easier for me to be part of the discussion.


S: That’s great, Hiroko。I hope that happens for me next semester—I’ll have to work hard to find some interesting points. What help you to find these ideas?史:那太好了,宽子。我希望我下个学期我将发生必须努力工作来找到一些有趣的观点.这些想法帮助你找到什么?

H:I think that one thing that helped me with this was the reading。I've had to do so much reading this semester just to help me to make sense of the lectures. At first I couldn’t understand what the lecturers were talking about, so I had to turn to the books and journals. Every night I read for hours, using the lists of references that were given,and I made pages of notes。At breakfast,I read and read my notes again。This habit has helped me to follow the ideas in the lectures,and it’s also given me some ideas to us e in the tutorials.


S:But I did so much readings anyway—I don't think there’s any time left over for anything ext ra. My reading speed is still quite slow, though I’m much better at dealing with vocabulary than I used to be。


Pro:What else do you think we could add to the course program to help with this reading problem?


S: Er,there's not really anything because it’s my problem. I remember we were given long articles to read. We didn’t like that but now I realise that reading those long articles was good preparation for the things I need to read now.

Also,in class we regularly had speed-reading tasks to do,and we kept a record of our reading speed,so the teachers were encouraging us to work on that。


H:That's true,Spiros, but what we read could have been different. Sometime in the English class I felt frustrated when I had to read articles about the environment or health or education,because I wanted to concentrate on my own field,but we didn’t read anything about engineering. So,I think I wasted some time learning vocabulary I didn't need.

斯皮罗H:没错,但我们阅读可能是不同的。在英语课上我感到沮丧当我不得不读关于环境或健康或教育的文章,因为我想专注于自己的领域,但我们没有任何关于工程读。所以,我认为我浪费了一些时间学习词汇我不需要。Pro: But surely this strategies you were taught for dealing with that vocabulary were helpful?


H:Yes,but psychologically speaking,I would have felt much better working on reading from my own field. What do you think Spiros?


S: Well, I agree. That would have helped my confidence too,and I would have been more motivated。And it was good though that we could work on our own topics when we wrote the research assignments.


Pro:Ok,that’s move on to writing now.。。



Good afternoon everyone。Well,with some of you will go out on fieldwork it's timely that in this afternoon’s session I'll be sharing some ideas about the reasons why groups of whales and dolphins sometimes swim ashore from the sea right onto

the beach and,most often,die in what were known as ”mass stranding”。


Unfortunately, this type of event is a frequent occurrence in some of the locations that you'll be travelling to,where sometimes the tide goes out suddenly,confusing the animals. However, there are many other theories about the causes of mass strandings。


The first is that the behavior is linked to parasites。It's often found that stranded animals were infested with large numbers of parasites. For instance,a type of worm is commonly found in the ears of dead whales。Since marine animals rely heavily on their hearing to navigate,this type of infestation has the potential to be very harmful.


Another theory is related to toxins,or poisons。These have also been found to contribute to the death of many marine animals. Many toxins,as I'm sure you’re aware, originate from plants, or animals。The whale ingests these toxins in its normal feeding behavior but whether these poisons directly or indirectly lead to stranding and death,seems to depend upon the toxin involved.


In 1988, for example,fourteen humpback whales exclaimed after stranding along the beaches of Cape Code were found to have been poisoned after eating tuna that contained saxitoxin, the same toxin that can be fatal to humans。


Alternatively,it has also been suggested that some animals stranded accidentally by following their prey ashore in the confusion of the chase。In 1995 David Thurston monitored pilot whales that beached after following the squid ashore. However, this idea does not seem to hold true for the majority of mass strandings because examination of the animals’ stomach contents reveal that most had not been feeding as they stranded.


There were also some new theories,which link strandings to hunmans。 A

growing concern is that loud noises in the ocean cause stranings。Noises such as these caused by military exercises are of particular concern and have been pinpointed as the cause of some strandings of late.

也有一些新的理论,联系hunmans搁浅事件。越来越担心的是,海洋中噪音引起过滤。噪音等这些军事演习引起特别关注,已经发现一些搁浅事件的原因。One of these, a mass stranding of whales in 2000 in the Bahamas conincided closely with experiments using a new submarine detection system。There are several factors that made this stranding stand out as different from previous strandings. This led researchers to look for a new cause。For one, all the stranded animals were healthy。In addition,the animals were spread out along 38 kilometers of coast,whereas it’s more for the animals to be found in a group when mass strandings occur.


A final theory is related to group behaviour, and sugests that sea mammals cannot distinguish between sick and healthy leaders and will follow sick leaders,even to an inevitable death. This is a particularly interesting theory since the whales that are thought to be most social—the toothed whaled— are the group that strand the most frequently。


The theory is also supported by evidence from a dolphin stranding in 1994. Examination of the dead animals revealed that apart from the leader,all the others had been healthy at the time of their death。


Without one consistent theory however it is very hard for us to do anything about this phenomenon except to assist animal where and when we can。Stranding networks have been established around the world to aid in rescuing animals and collecting samples form those that could not be helped。I recommended John Connor’s Marine Mammals ashore as an excellent starting point if you’re interested in finding out more about there networks,or establishing one yourself.


Text 2

Section 1

M: Good morning。Can I help you?


W: Yes. I've been accepted on a course at the university and I’d like to try and arrange accommodation in the hall of residence。


M: Yes, certainly. Please sit down。What I'll do is fill in a form with you to find out a little more about your preferences and so forth.


W:Thank you。


M: So first of all,can I take you name?


W: It's Anu Bhatt.


M:Could you spell your name please?


W:Yes. A—N-U。。。B-H—A double T。


M:Thanks,and could I ask your date of birth?


W: 31st March 1972。


M: Thank you. And where are you from?




M:Oh right. And what will you be studying?


W: I’m doing a course in nursing.


M: Right, thank you. And how long would you want to stay in hall, do you think?


W: Well,it’ll take three years but I'd only like to stay in hall for two。I'd like to think about living outside for the third year.


M: Fine. And what did you have in mind for catering?Do you want to cook for yourself or have all your meals provided, that’s full board?


W: Is there something in between?


M: Yes. You can just have evening meal provided,which is half board。


W:That’s what I prefer.


M:Yes,a lot of students opt for that。Now,with that in mind,do you have any special diet,anything we should know about?


W:Yes,I don't take red meat.


M:No red meat。


M:Now thinking about the room itself,we have a number of options。You can have a single study room or you can have a shared one。These are both what we call simple rooms. The other alternative is to opt for a single bedsit,which actually has more space and better facilities。There's about £20 a week difference between them。


W:Well,actually my grant is quite generous and I think the bedsit sound the best option。


M: Lovely。I'll put you down for that and we'll see what availability is like。Now can I ask some other personal details which we like to have on record?


W: yes, of course.


M: I wonder if you could let us know what your interests are. This might help us get a closer match for placing you in a particular hall。


W:Ummm. Well,I love the theatre。


M: Right.


W:And I enjoy sports, particularly badminton。


M:That’s worth knowing. Now,what we finish with on the form is really a list from you of what you priorities are in choosing a hall and we'll do our best to take these into account。


W: Well, the first thing is I'd prefer a hall where there are other mature students, if possible.


M: Yes, we do have halls which tend to cater for slightly older students.


W: Ummm and I’d prefer to be out of twon。


M: That’s actually very good for you bec ause we tend have more vacancies in

out—of-town halls。


W: Lucky!


M: Yes. Anything else?


W: Well, I would like somewhere with a shared area, a TV room for example,or something like that。It’s a good way to soc ialise.


M: It certainly is。


W:That’s it。


M:Now,we just need a contact telephone number for you.


W:Sure, I’ll just find it. It’s double 6—7549

W:当然,我会找到它。双6 - 7549

M: Gre at, so we’ll be in contact with you as soon as possible。.。



Hello, I’d delighted to welcome you to our Wildlife Club, and very pleased that you're interested in the countryside and the plants and creatures of this area。I think you’ll be surprised at the variety we have here,even though we're not far from London。I’ll start by telling you about some of the parks and open spaces nearby。


One very pleasant place is Halland Common. This has been public land for hundreds of years, and what you'll find interesting is that the River Ouse, which flows into the sea eight kilometers away,had its source in the common。There;s an information board about the plants and animal you can see here, and by the way,the common is accessible 24 hours a day.


Then there’s Holt Island, which is noted for its great range o f trees。In the past willows were grown here commercially for basket—making, and this ancient craft recently been reintroduced。The island is only open to the public form Friday to Sunday, because it's quite small,and if there were people around every day, much

of the wildlife would keep away。


From there it's just a short walk across the bridge to Longfield Country Park. Longfield has a modern replica of a farm over two thousand years ago。Children's activities are often arranged there, like bread-making and face—painting。The park is only open during daylight hours,so bear that in mind if you decide to go there.


Longfield has a programme of activities throughout the year,and to give you a sample,this is what’s happening in the next few days。On Monday you can learn about herbs,and how they've been used over the centuries。You’ll start with a tour of our herb graden,practise the techinique of using them as colour dyes for cloth, and listen to an illustrated talk about their use in cooking and medicine.


Then on Wednesday you can join local experts to discover the variety of insects and birds that appear in the evening. We keep to a small number of people in the group,so if you want to go you’ll need to phone the park ranger a few days ahead。There's a small charge,which you should pay when you turn up。


I’m sure you're all keen to help with the practical task of looking a fter the park, so on Saturday you can join a working party。You'll have a chose of all sports of activities, from planting hedges to picking up litter, so you'll be able to change from one to another when you feel like it。The rangers will be hard at work all day, but do come and join in,even for just a short while. One thing,though, is to make sure you’re wearing something that you don’t mind getting dirty to torn。


And finally I'd like to tell you about our new wildlife area, Hinchingbrooke Park,which will be opened to the public next month. This slide doesn’t really indicate how big it is,but anyway, you can see the two gates into the park, and the main paths. As you can see, there’s a lake in the north west of the park, with a bird hide to the west of it,at the end of a path。So it'll be a nice quiet place for

watching the bird on the lake.


Fairly close to where refreshments are available, there’s a dog—walking area in the southern part of the park,leading off from the path。And if you just want to sit and relax, you can go to the flower garden;that’s the circular area on the map surrounded by paths.


And finally,there's a wooded area in the western section of the park, between two paths。Okay, that’s enough from me,so let’s go on to。。.



Pam:Hi Jun. As you know,I've asked you here today to discuss the future of our Self—Access Centre. We have to decide what we want to do about this very important resource for our English language students. So, can you tell me what the students think about this?


Jun: Well,from the student’s point of view, we would like to keep it. The majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements to the equipment, particularly the computers;there aren’t enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share。


P:Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one thing we have noticed is that a lot of the student using it, but we think the computers should used as a learning resource, nor for emails. Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Self-Access Centre to the main University library building. How do you think the students would feel about that, Jun?




J:Well,the library is big enough to incorporate the Self—Access Centre,but it wouldn't be like a class activity anymore. Our main worry would be not being able to go to a teacher for advice。I’m sure there would be plenty of things to do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.


P:Well,there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it。


J: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing set-up;

they really like going to the Self—Access Centre with their teacher and staying together as a group to do activities。If we could just improve the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine。Is the cost going to be a problem?


P: It’s not so much the expense that I’m worried about, and we’ve certai nly got roon to do it,but it’s the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in there outside class hours。If we’re going to spend a lot of money on equipment and resources,we really need to make sure that everything is looked after properly。Anyway,let’s make some notes to see just what needs doing to improve the Centre.

P:与其说我担心的费用,当然我们有房间吧,但这是制定时间表的问题老师在课外时间。如果我们要花很多钱在设备和资源,我们真的需要确保一切都妥善照顾。无论如何,让我们做一些笔记,看看需要做什么来改善中心。Pam: Now, what about the computers?I think it might be a good idea to install some new models。They would take up a lot less room and so that would increase the work space for text books and so on。


Jun:That would be great。It is a bit cramped in there at times。


P: What about other resources?Do you have a list of things that the students would like to see improved?


J:Yes,one of the comments that students frequently make is that they find it difficult to find materials that are appropriate for their level,especially reading resources, so I think we need to label them more clearly。


P:Well that’s easy enough, we can get that organised every quickly. In fact I think we should review all of the study resources as some of them are looking a bit out—of-date.


J: Definitely. The CD section especially needs to be more current。I think we should get some of the ones that go with our latest course books and also make multiple copies.


P:Good,now I was also thinking about some different materials that we haven't got in there at all. What do you think of the idea of introducing some workbooks? If we break them up into separate pages and laminate them, they'd be a great resource. The students could study the main course book in class and then do follow-up practice in the Self—Access Centre.


在课堂上学生可以学习的主要课程的书,然后做后续实践自选学习中心. J: That sounds good.


P: Okay,now finally we need to think about how the room is used. I’ll have to talk to the teachers and make sure we can all reach some agreement on a timetable to supervise the centre after class. But we also need to think about security, too。Especially if we're going to invest in some new equipment。



J:What about putting in an alarm?


P: Good idea。The other thing I'd like to do is talk to our technicians and see whether we could somehow limit the access to email。I really don't want to see that resource misused。


J: What about if we agree to only use it before and after class?


P: Yes,that would be fine. OK,anway... that’s great for now. We’ll dicuss it further when we've arranged to.。.



Good morning everyone. Now whether you're going to University to study business or some other subject,many of you will eventually end up working for a company of some kind。


Now, when you first start working somewhere you will realise that the organisation you've joined has certain characteristics。And we often refer to these social characteristics as the culture of the organisation— this includes its unwritten ideas,beliefs, values and things like that. One well known writer has classified company cultures by identifying four major types。


The first type is called the Power Culture, and it's usually found in small organisations。


It's the type of culture that needs a central source of power to be effective, and bucause control is in the hands of just one or two people there aren't many rules or procedures。Another characteristic is that communication usually takes the form of conversations rather than,say,formal meetings or written memos。Now one of the benefits of this culture is that the organisation has the ability to act quickly, so it responds well to threat,or danger on the one hand, and opportunity on the other。


But on the negative side,this type of organisation doesn’t always act effectively, because it depends too much on one or two people at the top, and when these people make poor decisions there's no-one else who can influence them.


And the kind of person who does well in this type of business culture is one who is happy to take risks, and for whom job security is a low priority.


The next types if known as Role Culture—that’s R-O-L-E, not R—O—double L, by the way, and this type is usually found in large companies, which have lots of different levels in them。These organisations usually have separate departments that specialise in things like finance,or sales, or maintenance,or whatever。Each one is co—ordinated at the top by a small group of senior managers and typically

everyone's job is controlled by sets of rules and procedures— for example, there are specific job descriptions,rules for discipline,and so on。

下一个类型如果称为允诺R—O—L-E中扮演的角色,不是R—O-double L,顺便说一下,这种类型通常是发现在大公司,有很多不同的水平.这些组织通常有独立的部门,专门从事诸如金融、或销售,或维护,等等.每一个由一小群协同顶部高级经理,通常每个人的工作是由套规则和程序-—例如,有具体的工作描述,规定纪律,等等.

What are the benefits of this kind of culture?Well firstly, because it’s found in large organisations,its fixed costs, or overheads as they're known,are low in relation to it's output,or what it produces。In other words it can achieve economies of scale。And secondly,it is particularly successful in business markets where technical expertise is important。On the other hand,this culture is often very slow to recognise the need for change, and even slower to react。What kind of person does this type of culture suit?Well it suits employees who value security, and who don't particularly want to have responsibility.


Moving on now to Task Cultures-this type is found in organisations that are project—oriented. You usually find it where the market for the company’s product is extremely competitive,or where the products themselves have a short life-span. Usually top management delegates the projects,the people and other resources. And once these have been allocated,little day-to—day control is exercised from the top, because this would seem like ”breaking the rules”


Now one of the major benefits of this culture is that it’s flexible. But it does have some major disadvantages too。


Reading Passage 1


You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.


Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their development of speech and communication,resulting in a detrimental effect on their ability to learn at school。This is likely to have major consequences for the individual and the population as a whole. The New


剑桥11 TEXT 1 听力原文 SECTION 1 Hello? 你好? Oh, hello. I wanted to enquire about hiring a room in the Village Hall, for the evening of September 1st. 您好,我想问一下租用村务大厅的一间公共会议室的事宜,九月一日晚上要用。 Let me just see. . . Yes, we have both rooms available that evening. 我看看......那天晚上我们的两个会议室都可以用。 There's our Main Hall-that's got seating for 200 people. Or there's the Charlton Room. . . 一个是主厅,里面可容纳200个人。另一间是Charlton会议室...... The main hall seats 200, so 200 has been written in the space. 主厅可容纳200个人,所以空白处应该填写200。 Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6. 现在考试正式开始。你需要在听的过程中回答问题,因为录音只播放一次。请仔细听并回答问题1-6。 Hello? 你好? Oh, hello. I wanted to enquire about hiring a room in the Village Hall, for the evening of September the first. 您好,我想问一下租用村务大厅的一间公共会议室的事宜,九月一日晚上要用。 Let me just see. . . Yes, we have both rooms available that evening. 我看看......那天晚上我们的两个会议室都可以用。 There's our Main Hall-that's got seating for 200 people. Or there's the Charlton Room. . .


剑桥雅思听力原文 --------------------------------------- T e x t 1 Section 1 Man: Hello,this is Land Transport information at toronto Airport. Woman: Oh,good morning,I’m flying to toronto Airport next week, and I need to get to a town called um,Milton.Cpould you tell me how I can get there? Man: Milton,did you say? Let me see. I think that’s about 150 miles south-west of here .In fact it’s 147 miles to be exact, so it’ll take you at least –say ,three to four hours by road. the Greyhound. Woman:Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad.especially if it*ll take me straight to the hotel. Man:But you do need to reserve a seat. Woman:OK. Is it possible to make a booking right now? Through you? Man:Sure. Man: OK.I just have to fill this form out for you. So what date do you want to book this for? Woman:The 16th of Octobler –oh,no,sorry.that’s my departure date. I arrive on the 17th, so book it for then,please. Man: So, That’s the Toronto Airport Shuttle to Milton.And this is for just one person or…? Woman: yes, just me, please. Man:Right. And you said your excepted time of arrival was 11:30? So if I book your Shuttle for after 12:00-let’s say, 12:30 that should give you plenty of time to, you know, collect your baggage maybe grab a coffee? Woman:Yeah, that sounds fine, as long as we land on time! Man: Well,we’ll take you flight details so you don’t need to warry too much about that. Now. what about the fare? What sort of ticket do you want? One way or…? Woman:Yes,that’ll be fine, provided I can book the return trip once I’m there. Man:No problem – just allow a couple of days in advanced to make sure you get a seat. And what’s you name, please? Woman:Janet, Janet Thomson. Man:Is that Thompson spelt with a “p”?


Part 1 1.How popular are bicycles in your hometown?(why?) My hometown is located in the mountainous region, therefore bicycles are not that popular as a transportation method. It's regarded as a good way of exercise though.With the effect of fast fat-burning, you can see a lot of people start their workouts on bicycles in town. 2.How often do you ride a bicycle? (why?/why not?) Not very frequently. Since I live quite far from company, I have to take subway to work .I ride spinning bike once every two weeks in the gym though, which is a very good exercise. 3.Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages? (Why/Why not?) Although bicycle accidents are not usually killing dangers, there are a lot of children sent to the emergency room every day because of bike injuries. Teaching children to ride bicycles safely should be done hand by hand and a safety helmet is required to avoid head injuries. Without these precautions, children should not be allowed to ride bicycles. 4.What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?(why?) Worrying about the increasing price of gasoline and committing to greenhouse effect, there're more and more people realizing that the bicycle is the ultimate economical and eco-friendly means of transport. Being a cyclist, you don't need to worry about paying for parking, tolls and maintenance cost which could be a huge amount of money. Part2 题目:Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people 范文: It is undeniable that so many kinds of languages and dialectsexit in the multi-cultural world, which causes some complex andembarrassed situations while communicating with peopleholding different languages. Some predict that if somelesser-known languages vanish, we may enjoy a much easierlingual atmosphere. Personally I think it is entirely wrong.


Test 1 测试1 Section 1 第一节 A:Hi,George! Glad you're back. Loads of people have phoned you. 你好,乔治!很高兴你回来了。很多人打电话给你。 B: Really? B:真的吗? A: I felt just like your secretary! 我觉得就像你的秘书! B: Sorry! I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper and I B:对不起!今天下午我去图书馆看报纸和我 came across something really interesting 遇到很有趣的东西 A: What? A book ? 一:什么?一本书吗? B:No,a brochure from a summer festival - mainly Spanish music. Look,I've got it B:不,一个从夏天的节日——主要是西班牙音乐小册子。看,我懂了 here. 在这里。 A: Spanish music? I really love the guitar. Let's have a look. So what's this group 西班牙音乐吗?我真的很喜欢吉他。让我们看看。所以这是什么组织 ‘Guitarrini'? “Guitarrini”? B: They're really good. They had a video Q1with all the highlights of the festival at a 他们真的好。他们有一个视频Q1with所有突出的节日 stand in the lobby to the library ,so I heard them. They play fantastic instruments -站在大厅去图书馆,所以我听到他们。他们奇妙的乐器- drums and flutes and old kinds of guitars. I've never heard anything like it before. 鼓,长笛和旧类型的吉他。我以前从未听说过。 A: Sounds great. A:听起来不错。 B: Okay. Shall we go then? Spoil ourselves? Yes,let's. B:好的。然后我们去哪?宠自己?是的,让我们。 A: The only problem is there aren't any cheap seats . . . it's all one price. Well,in that 唯一的问题是没有任何便宜的座位。这都是一个价格。好吧,在这 case we could sit right at the front - we'd have a really good view. 情况下我们可以就坐在前面吧——我们有一个很好的观点。 B:Yeah ,though I think that if you sit at the back You can actually hear the whole 是的,但我认为如果你坐在后面你可以听到整个 thing better.Q2 事better.Q2 A: Yes. Anyway we can decide when we get there. 是的。无论如何我们可以决定。

剑桥雅思9翻译 William Henry Perkin

William Henry Perkin The man who invented synthetic dyes William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy, Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences, photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm for chemistry. 1838年3月12日,William Henry Perkin出生于英国伦敦。孩提时代的珀金就对艺术、科学、摄影和工程产生了兴趣。有次,他在祖父家中建立一个简陋但适用的实验室,这坚定了他对化学的热情。 As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15. 还在伦敦城市中学读书时,珀金就沉浸于化学研究。他的老师Thomas Hall发现了他的化学天赋及对化学的专注精神,便鼓励他去听皇家科学研究所著名科学家Michael Faraday的演讲。这些演讲又点燃了这个年轻化学家的热情,1853年时年15岁的珀金成功进入英国皇家化学学院学习。 At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant. Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune.

剑桥雅思9test4阅读PASSAGE1翻译:Marie Curie的生活与工作

剑9test4阅读PASSAGE1翻译:Marie Curie的生活与工作 相应的解析,请点击:剑桥雅思9Test1阅读Passage1答案解析。更多解析,请点击:剑桥雅思9解析。 剑桥雅思9Test1阅读Passage2答案解析 Marie Curie大概是史上最著名的女科学家。她于1867年出生在波兰,原名Marie Sklodowska,因其在放射化学方面的成就而著名,并两度问鼎诺贝尔奖;1903年,她同丈夫Pierre Curie以及Henri Becquerel被授予诺贝尔物理学奖,1911年她又独立获得诺贝尔化学奖。她是世界上第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女性。 自幼年起,Marie就以惊人的记忆力而出名。她在16岁完成中等教育时获得了金牌。但由于父亲投资失败,家中积蓄所剩无几,Marie不得不靠教书维持生活。有了这笔收入,她就能先资助姐姐Bronia在巴黎学医,而Bronia也承诺,作为回报以后会帮助她继续完成学业。 1891年,Bronia兑现了她的承诺。Marie来到巴黎,开始在巴黎大学学习。她经常学至深夜,每天几乎仅靠面包、黄油和茶水充饥。1893年,她在物理学的考试中拔得头筹,并在1894年的数学考试中名列第二。直至当年春天,她被介绍给Pierre Curie。 他们于1895年喜结连理,这桩婚姻标志着很快就会取得世界重大成就的合作的开始。1896年Henri Becquerel发现了一个新现象,Marie后来将其命名为“放射现象”,并且决定查明在铀中发现的放射现象是否也存在于其他元素中。后来,她在钍中也发现了这一现象。 随着Marie把注意力转向矿物质,她对沥青铀矿产生了兴趣。沥青铀矿是一种放射性高于纯铀的矿物质,而其高放射性的唯一解释是在矿石中存在着一种极为稀少却高度活跃的未知物质。Pierre Curie与Marie 一起工作攻克了这项难题,他们发现了新的元素钋和镭。Pierre 主要专注于新放射物质的物理研究,而 Marie Curie努力提取金属状态的纯锡。终于在化学家Andre-Louis Debieme (Pierre的学生)的协助下,他们成功地提炼出纯镭。在这项研究成果的基础上,Marie Curie取得了理学博士学位,而且1903年,Marie, Pierre 和Becquerel因发现放射现象而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。 1897年和1904年,Marie的两个女儿Irene和Eve分别诞生,但都没有影响她的科学工作。1900年,Marie 被任命为赛夫勒的法国巴黎女子高等师范学校的物理学讲师,并且引入了以实验演示为基础的教学方法。 1904年12月,她被任命为由Pierre Curie负责的实验室的髙级助理。 1906年Pierre突然离世,这对Marie Curie来说是一个沉重的打击,也是她事业上的转折点:自此以后,她投入全部精力独立完成他们共同承担的科研工作。1906年5月13日,她填补了丈夫过世后留下的职位空缺,被任命为教授,成为了巴黎大学的第一位女性教师。1911年,她因分离出纯镭而荣获诺贝尔化学奖。 第一次世界大战期间,Marie在女儿Irene的帮助下,投身于X射线照相技术的发展研究,其中包括被称为“小个子居里”的治疗伤员的流动设备。1918年,镭研究所正式运营,成为核物理和化学的研究中心,而 Lrene也已是研究所的成员。此时,正是Marie Curie最辉煌的时候。1922年起,她成为法国医学学会的会员,研究放射性物质的化学特性及其医疗应用。


Test 2 LISTENING SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-13 Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Parks and open spaces

Questions 14-16 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Longfield Park 14As part of Monday’s activity, visitors will A prepare food with herbs. B meet a well-known herbalist. C dye cloth with herbs. 15 For the activity on Wednesday, A only group bookings are accepted. B visitors should book in advance. C attendance is free. 16 For the activity on Saturday, visitors should A come in suitable clothing. B make sure they are able to stay for the whole day. C tell the rangers before the event what they wish to do. Questions 17-20 Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to questions 17-20. Hinchingbrooke Park 17 bird hide ______ 18 dog-walking area ______ 19 flower garden ______ 20 wooded area ______ SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-24 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Self-Access Centre


雅思真题全解析 听前预测 1-5题为个人信息填写,通过左边五行与之相对应的项目,我们得知分别要填写姓名(对于复杂的姓名,录音中会做拼写)、出生日期(注意听取关于月份和年代的信息)、课程主题场景 住宿场景 表现形式 日常对话 主旨大意 一名学生在咨询住宿事宜并且与对方沟通个人情况和住宿要 求. 考查题型 表格填空题

名称、住宿的时间长度和饮食要求.卷面上我们可以看到red的提示,如果考生经验丰富的话,应该能够预测到第五题的答案可能是meat,因为印度人的饮食习惯是不吃红肉的. 6-10题考的是学生对住宿的要求,其中涉及房屋的类型、兴趣爱好、对室友的要求、地理位置和社交的场地。 名师解读剑9听力 1. Bhatt在问到can I take your name的时候,考生就需要做好书写的准备,根据考试常规来讲,复杂的名字后必然会给出相应的拼写,所以后面的Could you spell your name please?这句话之后,就要奋笔疾书跟上节奏了:B—H-A—double T. 2。31 March这类出生日期的填写一般没有太多障碍,考生一定要能够对月份熟练拼写,录音中听到了1972的年份,由于题目对字数的要求是one word and/or a number,所以要选择填写更重要的信息,即31st March。 3。nursing看到题目Course of study,考生应该能够预测出可能会听到what course do you study或者what course are you enrolled in这类提问,原文中问到的是what will you be studying,回答说I’m doing a course in nursing,答案为nursing。 4. 2在问到how long would you want to stay in hall后,考生最先听到的数字是3 years,但是后面又接了一个词but,这类转折词对于定位答案至关重要,暗示之前听到的数字是无效答案,but后面听到的I’d only like to stay in hall for two 中的two才是真正的答案。 5. meat问题中的diet是听音关键,听到do you have any special diet,回答说Yes, I don’t take red meat.一般来说吃什么或不吃什么,用到的动词可能是take也可能是have。 6. bedsit注意在说到房间类型时,开始听到两种选择为a single study bedroom 和a shared one。由于题目中出现的填空形式为a single _______ ,考生很可能误以为之前听到的study bedroom为答案。我们在听题时一定要照顾到前后,因为后面又提到了另一种选择(alternative)是空间更大的a single bedsit.学生表示补助金(grant)充裕,认为the bedsit sounds the best option,因此答案为bedsit。考试的时候切忌慌乱写下答案而忽略下文。 7. theatre/theater本题的定位词为interests,当听到学生说I love the theatre的时候,就很容易判定答案了.


剑桥雅思10听力中英文双语 test 1 测试1 Section 1 第一节 1 You will hear a woman and a man talking about the work of library. First, you have some time to look at the questions 1-5. 1你会听到一个女人和一个男人讨论图书馆的工作;首先,你有时间看看1 - 5的问题; You will see that there's an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first. 你会发现有一个例子,已经完成;在这种情况下,谈话有关这将是第一次玩; Hello, I'm Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, aren't you 你好,我是菲利普斯太太,图书管理员,你是新图书馆助理,不是吗Yes, I'm Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob. 是的,我是罗伯特·Hawscow但请叫我鲍勃; The woman introduces herself as the head librarian Mrs. Phillips, so the name Mrs. Phillips is been written in.

女人介绍自己是头的图书管理员菲利普斯太太,菲利普斯太太的名字被写在; Now, we should begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, because you will not hear the recording the second time. 现在,我们应该开始;你应该回答问题你听,因为你不听录音第二次; Listen carefully and answer questions 1-5. 仔细听并回答问题1 - 5; Hello, I'm Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, aren't you 你好,我是菲利普斯太太,图书管理员,你是新图书馆助理,不是吗Yes, I'm Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob. 是的,我是罗伯特·Hawscow但请叫我鲍勃; All right, Bob. Let me take a few minutes to explain how the library works and what your dutieswill be. 好了,鲍勃;让我花几分钟来解释图书馆是如何工作的以及你dutieswill; First, the library opens at 8:30 in the morning; so naturally, we expect you to be here and ready to work by then. 首先,打开图书馆早上八点半,所以很自然的,我们希望你在这里和准备工作; Of course. 当然可以; And you can go home at 4:30 when the library closes. Now let

剑桥雅思9Test2 PASSAGE 3阅读 参考译文

雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑桥雅思9TEST 2 PASSAGE 3阅读参考译文-神经科学家解密创新思考,相应的解析,请点击:剑桥雅思9Test2阅读Passage3答案解析。 TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 参考译文: 神经科学家解密创新思考 在过去十年里,科学家对大脑的认识方式发生了一场变革。现在我们知道人们所做的决定源自大脑特定部分的神经元的放电模式。这些发现导致了神经经济学的出现,神经经济学研究的是经济环境下大脑成功的秘诀,而这就需要创新,需要不走竞争者走过的寻常路。能做到这些的人可以谓之传统叛逆者。简而言之,传统叛逆者做的是别人认为不可为而他却能有所作为的事情。 该定义说明传统叛逆者与众不同,更确切地说,是他们的大脑异于常人,表现在以下三个方面:认知力、恐惧反应力以及社交能力。这三个功能在大脑中各有一条不同的回路。反对者可能会认为大脑与此无关,他们觉得原创性及革命性的思维方式与其说是大脑的功能,还不如说是一种个性的体现。但是,神经经济学的诞生正是基于这样一个新的发现,那就是大脑的生理功能实际上会制约我们的判断力。通过理解这些制约条件,我们就会明白为什么有些人爱唱反调。 首先要明白的一点是,大脑受制于有限的资源。它有固定的能量预算值,相当于一个40瓦灯泡的能量,因此大脑就进化出了一种尽可能高效的工作方式,这也就是大多数人之所以不爱唱反调的原因。比如,面对眼前源源不断输入的信息时,大脑会尽可能以最便捷的方式解读这些信息。为此,大脑会借鉴过往经验以及其他任何信息来源,比如別人所说的话,来解读眼睛所看到的信息。这种过程无处不在。大脑如此善于走捷径以至于我们对此毫不知情。我们以为我们对世界的感知是真实的,但其实这种感知只不过是身体和电流对我们撒的小谎。认知不只是我们的眼睛与耳朵传给大脑的信息。认知是大脑的产物,而不只是物理现实中光子或声波的产物。 认知是反传统论的核心。传统叛逆者与别人看问题的方法大相径庭,他们的大脑不像普通人的大脑那样容易掉进高效思维的陷阱。要么天生如此,要么后天习得,总之传统叛逆者总有方法绕过那些困扰大多数人的认知捷径。认知不是天生的。认知是个学习过程,是个既让人受尽折磨的毒咒,又让人洗心革面的良机。大脑面临着一个基本问题,那就是如何解读从感官传来的物理刺激。大脑所见、所闻、所感,皆可以有多重解读,而最终获选的解释只不过是大脑自认为的最佳理论。从技术层次而言,这些解读是有统计学依据的,因为统计学数据说明一种解释优于另一种解释,与此同时,这些解读又受过往经验以及他人观点的严重影响,最后这点对于潜在的传统叛逆者来讲尤为致命。 要想思维方式与众不同,最佳做法就是往大脑里塞其闻所未闻的东西。新鲜事物使认知过程摆脱了过往经历的束缚,同时强迫大脑作出新的判断。成功的传统叛逆者非常乐意接受新鲜事物。观察表明,传统叛逆者对新鲜事物持欣然接受的态度,而大多数普通人则唯恐避之不及。 然而,新鲜事物的缺点是它会触发大脑的恐惧系统。恐惧是阻止人们像传统叛逆者那样思考的主要障碍,它使普通人在创新思考的道路上踌躇不前。恐惧有很多种,但是有两种恐惧阻止了创新思维,而且让大多数人颇感棘手,那就是对不确定性的恐惧以及对沦为笑柄的担忧。这两种恐惧看似都无关紧要,但是,对公开演讲的恐惧则折磨着超过三分之一的人。因为人时不时就要讲一讲,所以这种恐惧太常见了,很难被视为一种精神疾病。这往往被看做一种精神


剑桥雅思阅读9原文翻译及答案(test2) 剑桥雅思阅读9原文(test2) 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. A. Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their development of speech and communication, resulting in a detrimental effect on their ability to learn at school. This is likely to have major consequences for the individual and the population as a whole. The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected by hearing loss. B. A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupils. Modern teaching practices, the organization of desks in the classroom, poor classroom acoustics, and mechanical means of ventilation such as air-conditioning units all contribute to the number of children unable to comprehend the teacher’s voice. Education researchers Nelson and Soli have also suggested that recent trends in learning often involve collaborative interaction of multiple minds and tools as much as individual possession of information. This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels, which have the potential to be particularly serious for children e某periencing auditory function deficit. Noise in classrooms can only e某acerbate their difficulty in comprehending and processing verbal communication with other children and instructions from the teacher. C. Children with auditory function deficit are potentially failing to learn to their ma某imum potential because of noise levels


Text 1 Section1 W: Good evening. King's restaurant. W:晚上好。国王的餐厅。 M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? M:晚上好。我打电话是关于工作我理解你有空吗? W: Oh, yes. W:哦,是的。 M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may. M:我想如果我可以找到更多的细节。 W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? W:是的,当然。我能把你的名字吗? M: It's Peter Chin. M:这是彼得的下巴。 W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview. W:好的,彼得。好吧,如果你想问一下工作,然后如果我们都仍然有兴趣,我们可以安排你来参加面试。 M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend. M:很好,谢谢。我恐怕错过了广告的工作,但是我从一个朋友那里听说的。 W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? W:没问题。你想知道什么? M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up? M:好吧,嗯,什么样的工作——洗餐具吗? W: It's answering the phone. W:这是接电话。 M: Oh, right, fine. 哦,对了,很好。 W: And not waiting at table. W:而不是等在桌子上。 M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be? M:那就好。每周多少天呢? W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend. W:好吧,我们真的只有忙碌的周末。 M: So two nights? M:那两个晚上? W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week. W:三,所以每周工作了12个小时。 M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies. M:那就好。它不会影响我的学习。 W: Are you in the university?


雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑桥雅思9Test2Passage1阅读参考译文-帮助新西兰听觉障碍儿童,相应的解析,请点击:剑桥雅思9Test2阅读Passage1答案解析。 PASSAGE 1 参考译文: 帮助新西兰听觉障碍儿童 A儿童的听觉障碍或其他听觉功能的缺陷会对他们的言语与交流能力的发展产生重大的影响,导致他们在学校的学习能力也受到不利影响。这对个人甚至全体人民来讲都很可能会产生重大后果。新西兰卫生部从一项进行了 20多年的研究中发现该国有6%到10%的孩子有听觉障碍。 B新西兰的一项初步研究显示,教室噪音是老师和学生关注的一大问题。现代教学实践活动、教室中课桌的布局、糟糕的音响效果以及空调通风口产生的噪音,都使许多孩子无法听清老师所讲的内容。教育研究者Nelson与Soli也表明,现代学习方式中多种思想与方法协作交互获取信息与个人获取信息同等重要。而这一切都意味着活动量与噪音级别的增加,这对患有听觉功能障碍的孩子产生的潜在影响尤为严重。教室噪音只会加重他们在与同学进行语言沟通时的误解,并且使他们无法很好地理解教师的指示。 C教室噪音使患有听觉缺陷的孩子在学习中不能发挥他们的最大潜能。在典型的课堂环境中,噪音对孩子们髙效学习能力的影响越来越受到人们的关注。在世界卫生组织的建议下,国际噪声控制工程学会 (I-INCE)成立了一个国际工作小组来评估学校教室噪音与回声控制,新西兰也是小组成员。 D虽然教室噪音不只会给残疾孩子带来不利影响,但是那些在语言沟通方面有障碍的孩子们显然是更大的受害者。所谓的听觉功能缺陷包括听觉障碍、自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)和注意力缺陷障碍(ADD/ ADHD,也称“注意力缺乏症”)。 E自闭症被认为是一种由神经系统与遗产基因紊乱引起的终生疾病,患者在处理信息时会产生偏差。这种疾病的特点是社会想象力、社会交往与社会互动之间出现了问题。根据Janzen 的说法,这种疾病影响了人们的多种能力:比如以正常方式理解并与他人相处的能力、了解事件及其周遭事物的能力,以及理解或回应感官刺激的能力。自闭症患者不能像正常发展的孩子那样学习或思考。自闭症谱系障碍往往使患者在理解口头信息与语言处理方面遇到极大的困难。患者也往往会觉得喧闹的噪音以及机器发出的声音让自己感到痛苦与压抑。这很难进行科学量化,因为这种额外的感官刺激因患者的不同而有很大的差异。但是当一个孩子觉得在教室里或学习的地方中的任何声音都让自己闹心的话,那么他处理信息的能力很可能也会受到不利影响。 F注意力缺乏症表现为神经与基因障碍。这种障碍的特点是患者很难持续关注某事、很难长时间努力与坚持、缺乏组织能力并且无法抑制解除。患有注意力缺乏症的孩子很难筛选出不重要的信息,他们会关注所处环境中所有的事物而非仅仅一个活动。教室里的背景噪音成为分散孩子们注意力的一个主要原因。 G面对较高级别的背景噪音,患有听觉功能障碍的孩子经常很难分辨与处理言语和交流。这些噪音有的是传入教室中的室外活动的声音,也有的是教学活动的声音以及教室内产生的其他噪音,而且教室中的反射使这些噪音增大。因此,需要采取措施来获得最佳的课堂建设,也许还需要改变课堂文化与教学方法,特别要彻底检查吵闹的课堂与活动给患有听觉功能障碍的孩子带来的影响。也许有很多未确诊的孩子带着“无形”的残疾接受教育,他们的需求不像已

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