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Statistical Consulting Group

UCLA Academic Technology Services

Technical Report Series

R Relative to Statistical Packages: Comment1on Technical Report Number1(Version1.0) Strategically using General Purpose Statistics Packages:

A Look at Stata,SAS and SPSS

Patrick Burns,Burns Statistics,patrick@https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce8649026.html,

Stata is a registered trademark of StataCorp.

SAS is a registered trademark of SAS Institute.

SPSS is a registered trademark of SPSS Corporation.

S-PLUS is a registered trademark of Insightful Corporation.

You can contact the author of this comment by sending email to patrick@https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce8649026.html,.

The recommended citation for this report is.

Burns,P.(2006).R Relative to Statistical Packages:Comment1on Technical Report Number1(Version 1.0)Strategically using General Purpose Statistics Packages:A Look at Stata,SAS and SPSS(Technical Report Series,Report Number1,Comment1).Statistical Consulting Group:UCLA Academic Technology Services.Available at https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce8649026.html,/stat/technicalreports/


The technical report Strategically using General Purpose Statistics Packages:A Look at Stata,SAS and SPSS focuses on comparing strengths and weaknesses of SAS,SPSS and Stata.There is a section on R, which some have suspected damns R with faint praise.In particular,R is characterized as hard to learn. Finally there are sections on a number of very specialized pieces of statistical software.

The primary purpose of this comment is to provide an alternative view of the role that R has in the realm of statistical software.I am acting partly as author and partly as editor.A thread on the R-help email list called“A Comment on R”https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce8649026.html,/https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce8649026.html,ng.r.general/53014is a group response to the technical report—I summarize some of what is said in that thread.Predictably,the R community has a higher opinion of R than that expressed in the technical report.I owe thanks to those who participated in the thread and to those who sent comments privately.

A statement in the technical report that I de?nitely agree with is that it is good to have a full complement of tools readily available.I?nd the low priority given to R in the report at odds with this statement.However, there are understandable reasons—given later—for this.

The technical report fails to mention accuracy,which should be a consideration when selecting statistical software.See the American Statistician articles by B.D.McCullough“Assessing the Reliability of Statistical Software”Part I and Part II.Some models,such as non-linear regression,are much more likely to have accuracy problems of practical signi?cance than others.

2The Big Picture

2.1Statistical Depth

Though statistics is vast,I’ll simplify it to two extremes.There is statistics in the lesser sense:“I need to ?nd a plausible sounding hypothesis test that gives me a p-value less than5%so I can publish my work.”If this is as far as you are going,then R is not for you.Your search will be much more e?cient in a traditional statistics package.

Alternatively,there is statistics in the large sense:“I want to know what my data have to say.”This, almost by de?nition,is hard.My sister-in-law says that if she needs statistics for an experiment,then she needs to redo the experiment—her results are clear.(Ernest Rutherford was there before she was,by the way.)If data are of statistical interest,then it means there is some sort of ambiguity(perhaps only from too much data).If your goal is to?nd what is in your data,then sooner or later R is likely to provide you functionality which can’t be found elsewhere.

2.2Shaping Thought

Statistical packages tend to have a restrictive point of view.For instance that only one dataset at a time is of interest,and data are always rectangular.Putting data into this Procrustean bed can be dangerous—you may adapt your thinking to your computing,rather than adapt your computing to your situation.

Because of this statistical package straitjacket,spreadsheets are often used to supplement computations. (Even worse,statistical analyses are done in spreadsheets.)While spreadsheets are a wonderful tool,it is not hard to make a spreadsheet that is too complicated for its own good.See“Spreadsheet Addiction”on the Burns Statistics website.

R has an extremely rich range of data structures,and only available computer memory limits the number of datasets that can be involved in a computation.R is a good alternative to both statistical packages and spreadsheets.While R was born in the statistical community,it is useful far beyond statistics.

2.3Learning Steepness

Since R has a rich set of objects and is a programming language,it is naturally harder to learn than a statistical package.It is especially hard to learn for people who are versed in statistical packages because they have expectations that are wrong.

This“unlearning”problem is probably part of the reason that R received such poor marks in the technical report.But I think there is a more fundamental reason.The report was written by a statistical consultant in a university setting.This is a job where problems come from virtually any academic?eld,and even within a single?eld the problems are likely to be diverse.To give good advice for using R to all comers in this environment is a Herculean task.There are hundreds of R packages available,any one of which might be suitable to some client.Only a few people in the world have the breadth of knowledge to really excel at the task.On the other hand,R has been quite successfully used in just such an environment.

Individual users have a much easier task.They need some fundamental knowledge of R,and then they need to learn about a few particular techniques relating to their?eld.Once competency is achieved,the user can merely keep a lookout for new packages that might help do things better.

In the thread on R-help John Fox writes:

...how hard one?nds it to learn something is a function of the intrinsic di?culty of the thing,the person’s previous experience,preferred modes of thinking,etc.,and how learning is


2.4Who Uses and Likes R?

A substantial fraction of statisticians use R,but the vast majority of R users are not statisticians.The list of ?elds in which R is applied seems endless,and many people report that use of R is substantially increasing in their?eld.

Below are some,in e?ect,testimonials for R.Many of these come from the“fortunes”package.I have omitted some of the most extremely pro-R comments.

Felix Grant in Scienti?c Computing World(November2004):

It’s a huge,awe-inspiring package—easier to perceive as such because the power is not hidden beneath a cosmetic veneer.

Roger Peng(on R-help June2004):

I don’t think that anyone actually believes that R is designed to make*everyone*happy.For

me,R does about99%of the things that I need to do,but sadly,when I need to order a pizza,I

still have to pick up the telephone.

Bill Venables(on R-help January2004):

The R engine[...]is pretty well uniformly excellent code but you have to take my word for that.Actually,you don’t.The whole engine is open source so,if you wish,you can check every

line of it.If people were out to push dodgy software,this is not how they’d go about it.

David Brahm(on R-help January2006):

Any doubts about R’s big-league status should be put to rest,now that we have a Sudoku Puzzle Solver.

John Maindonald(in the aforementioned R-help thread):

In my view R is such a versatile tool for scienti?c computing that anyone contemplating a career in science,and who expects to[do]their own computations that have a substantial data

analysis component,should learn R.


R is a dialect of the S language.So the very brief introduction to using it“A Guide for the Unwilling S User”works for both R and S-PLUS.The S language was developed at Bell Labs to create a computing environment for data analysis and graphics.S-PLUS is a commercial version of the language while R is a free,open-source version.


There are several features of R worth mentioning here,and An Introduction to the S Language contains more of my views on the subject.

3.1.1R is a Language

R is a language.This is quite important.It means that you don’t have to do repetitive tasks—you can make the computer do it.With the openness of the S language,it means that it is easy to make changes to functions that don’t do quite what you want.

3.1.2R is Interactive

R is interactive(though batch jobs can be performed).One consequence of this is that you don’t get the “everything but the kitchen sink”output that is common in statistical packages.

3.1.3Good Graphics

Graphics are very powerful tools for exploring data,and such plots are easy in R.Publication quality graphics are usually not much more work.

Graphics and interactivity are a big part of the power of R.Remember that our goal is to make the data talk.A session might look like:make a couple of standard plots,compute a few statistics,this suggests a new way to plot the data,which might suggest relationships you’d not thought of before.This is an entirely di?erent approach than is(or could be)used with statistical packages.Several people have stated that R forces you to think more.As long as the thinking is about the data rather than the computing(which becomes true with practice),this is a good thing—it’s a more in-depth form of statistics.

3.1.4R Tames Resampling

Resampling methods(bootstrapping,random permutation tests,and so on)are extremely useful,and they are typically not very imposing with current computing power.R has packages devoted to bootstrapping, but I generally?nd them unnecessary.Naive bootstraps are almost always good enough for the exploratory work that I tend to do.Resampling is easy in R(just use the sample function inside a for loop).I know what the sampling scheme is—there is no need to look up documentation.It’s just normal operating procedure.

The resampling is done using subscripting.That is,by selecting some set of observations where the set is described by some other object that you have created.Flexible and natural subscripting conventions are another key feature of R.

Simulation is similar to resampling,and is equally easy in R.

3.1.5R Plays Well with Others

You can download new R packages over the internet directly in R.

One of the R packages is“fortunes”which has a number of statements,generally made on one of the R mailing lists.(I,for instance,am honored for having a bug in my code.)In R type:



to get and use the“fortunes”package(assuming the machine on which you are running R is connected to the internet).

There are convenient connections to many languages and programs.This includes the operating system.

3.1.6Widely Available

R works on Windows,Macintosh,Linux and Unix platforms.The same R program that you run on your o?ce Unix server will run on your home PC and your Mac laptop.The binary data?les generated by one can be read on the others.


While being a language is one of R’s greatest strengths,it can make it harder to learn for those with no programming experience.(But those who have worked with data in other programming languages often think they have gone to heaven when switching to R.)

A feature of R that can be problematic is that all objects need to be in memory.Obviously that limits the size of datasets that can be handled.This is the price to be paid for non-rectangular data.Many R users never run into memory problems,while others need to be continuously conscious of the sizes of their objects.R has functions to access databases.The typical solution when working with large datasets is to store the data in a database and bring pieces of the data into R as needed.This is generally e?ective,but does add complexity.

The advent of64-bit machines means that memory can be quite large now.In many?elds datasets will probably grow slower than the a?ordable sizes of machines.In a few?elds datasets may well grow faster than machines.But these latter datasets may not to be rectangular either.

Another weakness is the lack of coherent documentation that covers the whole of R.There are e?orts to improve on the current state,but this is never going to be perfect—managing an avalanche isn’t going to happen.


There is what might be termed an“o?cial”R of a few packages that are created by the R Core Team.In addition there are hundreds of packages that have been contributed by many people.Some of these packages represent cutting-edge statistical research.A lot of statistical research is?rst implemented in R.

All software has bugs.Core R has amazingly few bugs,and bugs that are found often have?xes available for them within a week.

R is not supported in the same fashion as commercial software,but many people have commented that they?nd the support via the R-help mailing list to be better support than from commercial companies.On the other hand,others?nd the R-help list quite hostile and think that some commercial support,SAS’s for instance,is much preferable.

The last several releases of R have had internationalization features.For example,there is now a mech-anism to easily translate error messages.In addition to its price,this makes it much easier for R to become a global standard.

R has a tremendous amount of momentum,both in terms of user base and functionality.If a decision to go with R looks good at present,it is likely to look much better in the future.

4Stata and R

Stata has many similarities to R.The main di?erence is the one-rectangular-dataset restriction in Stata. Even some strongly pro-R people see Stata as a viable choice for use in teaching some classes.The consensus of these people seems to be that while Stata is programmable,programming of any complexity is much better done in R.

The consistency(and speed)of Stata across model?tting functions has been mentioned by several as an asset.

Stata stores data in single precision.However,from what little I’ve seen it appears that Stata does reasonably well on accuracy tests,so single precision storage doesn’t seem to be limiting in that sense. Single precision storage can be an advantage over R with large datasets.Some datasets may?t well on a particular computer if stored in single precision but not?t well with double precision.

5SAS and R

While SAS is perceived to be very good at data handling,Frank Harrell disagrees.He writes,

I?nd that R is far ahead of SAS in this respect although most people are shocked to hear me say that.We are doing all our data manipulation(merging,recoding,etc.)in R for pharma-

ceutical research.The ability to deal with lists of data frames also helps us a great deal when

someone sends us a clinical trial database made of50SAS datasets.

Big data is where SAS beats R in the eyes of some.Some people continue to use SAS for large estimation problems while using R for everything else.

The experience of some teachers has been that SAS is very hard for students to learn relative to R.This is directly contrary to the impression given in the technical report.

R users seem to view SAS graphics as decidedly inferior.

At least one user has encountered many bugs in SAS,but few in R.This same user found programming much harder in SAS than in R.

R is very suitable for creating reports at scheduled times—daily,weekly or whatever.While this is also possible in SAS,it is not a project to be taken on lightly.

Here is a synopsis of one person’s story.He used SAS and,being a fan of open-source,attempted to learn R.He became frustrated with R and gave up.When he had a simple problem that he couldn’t do in SAS,he quickly solved it with R.Then over about a month he became comfortable with R from consistent study of it.In hindsight he thinks that the initial problem was not changing his way of thinking to match R’s approach,and wanting to master R immediately.

6SPSS and R

There have been very few comments about SPSS versus R.This probably means that SPSS is perceived to be the most distant from R.SPSS has been characterized as the prototypical“statistical package”—it is in?exible,produces voluminous output from individual rectangular datasets,and has poor programming tools.

Another fortune is:

The documentation level of R is already much higher than average for open source software and even than some commercial packages(esp.SPSS is notorious for its attitude of“You want

to do one of these things.If you don’t understand what the output means,click help and we’ll

pop up?ve lines of mumbo-jumbo that you’re not going to understand either.”)


R is much more of a complement to one of Stata,SAS or SPSS than any of these three is to another.

Jonathan Baron(personal communication,January2006):

Another point,which I repeatedly make to students,is that R is free and will continue to exist.

Nothing can make it go away.Once you learn it,you are no longer subject to price increases

(e.g.,from zero,when,as a grad student,you use your advisor’s copy of SAS,to several hundred

dollars or more after you leave).You can take it with you wherever you go.The investment in

learning thus has a long-term payo?.


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张亨整理 四个常用统计软件SAS,STATA,SPSS,R语言分析比较及其他统计软件概述题库

四个常用统计软件SAS,STATA,SPSS,R语言分析比较及其他统计软件概述 一、SAS,STATA,SPSS,R语言简介 (一)SAS简介 SAS(全称Statistical Analysis System,简称SAS,翻译成汉语是统计分析系统)是全球最大的软件公司之一,是由美国NORTH CAROLINA州立大学1966年开发的统计分析软件。1976年SAS软件研究所(SAS INSTITUTE INC)成立,开始进行SAS系统的维护、开发、销售和培训工作。期间经历了许多版本,并经过多年来的完善和发展,SAS系统在国际上已被誉为统计分析的标准软件,在各个领域得到广泛应用。 其网址是:https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce8649026.html,/ (二)STSTA简介 STATA统计软件由美国计算机资源中心(Computer Resource Center)1985年研制。STATA 是一套提供其使用者数据分析、数据管理以及绘制专业图表的完整及整合性统计软件。它提供许许多多功能,包含线性混合模型、均衡重复反复及多项式普罗比模式。 新版本的STATA采用最具亲和力的窗口接口,使用者自行建立程序时,软件能提供具有直接命令式的语法。STATA提供完整的使用手册,包含统计样本建立、解释、模型与语法、文献等超过一万余页的出版品。 除此之外,STATA软件可以透过网络实时更新每天的最新功能,更可以得知世界各地的使用者对于STATA公司提出的问题与解决之道。使用者也可以透过STATA Journal 获得许许多多的相关讯息以及书籍介绍等。另外一个获取庞大资源的管道就是STATAlist,它是一个独立的listserver,每月交替提供使用者超过1000个讯息以及50个程序。 其网址是:https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce8649026.html,/ (三)SPSS简介 SPSS(Statistical Product and Service Solutions),“统计产品与服务解决方案”软件。最初软件全称为“社会科学统计软件包”(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences),但是随着SPSS产品服务领域的扩大和服务深度的增加,SPSS公司已于2000年正式将英文全称更改为“统计产品与服务解决方案”,标志着SPSS 的战略方向正在做出重大调整。为IBM公司推出的一系列用于统计学分析运算、数据挖掘、预测分析和决策支持任务的软件产品及相关服务的总称SPSS,有Windows和Mac OS X等版本。 1984年SPSS总部首先推出了世界上第一个统计分析软件微机版本SPSS/PC+,开创了SPSS微机系列产品的开发方向,极大地扩充了它的应用范围,并使其能很快地应用于自然科学、技术科学、社会科学的各个领域。世界上许多有影响的报刊杂志纷纷就SPSS的自动统计绘图、数据的深入分析、使用方便、功能齐全等方面给予了高度的评价。 SPSS是世界上最早的统计分析软件,由美国斯坦福大学的三位研究生Norman H. Nie、C. Hadlai (Tex) Hull 和Dale H. Bent于1968年研究开发成功,同时成立了SPSS公司,并于1975年成立法人组织、在芝加哥组建了SPSS总部。



常用统计软件介绍 《概率论与数理统计》是一门实践性很强的课程。但是,目前在国内,大多侧重基本方法的介绍,而忽视了统计实验的教学。这样既不利于提高学生创新精神和实践能力,也使得这门课程的教学显得枯燥无味。为此,我们介绍一些常用的统计软件,以使学生对统计软件有初步的认识,为以后应用统计方法解决实际问题奠定初步的基础。 一、统计软件的种类 1.SAS 是目前国际上最为流行的一种大型统计分析系统,被誉为统计分析的标准软件。尽管价格不菲,SAS已被广泛应用于政府行政管理,科研,教育,生产和金融等不同领域,并且发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。目前SAS已在全球100多个国家和地区拥有29000多个客户群,直接用户超过300万人。在我国,国家信息中心,国家统计局,卫生部,中国科学院等都是SAS系统的大用户。尽管现在已经尽量“傻瓜化”,但是仍然需要一定的训练才可以使用。因此,该统计软件主要适合于统计工作者和科研工作者使用。 2.SPSS SPSS作为仅次于SAS的统计软件工具包,在社会科学领域有着广泛的应用。SPSS是世界上最早的统计分析软件,由美国斯坦福大学的三位研究生于20世纪60年代末研制。由于SPSS容易操作,输出漂亮,功能齐全,价格合理,所以很快地应用于自然科学、技术科学、社会科学的各个领域,世界上许多有影响的报刊杂志纷纷就SPSS 的自动统计绘图、数据的深入分析、使用方便、功能齐全等方面给予了高度的评价与称赞。迄今SPSS软件已有30余年的成长历史。全球

约有25万家产品用户,它们分布于通讯、医疗、银行、证券、保险、制造、商业、市场研究、科研教育等多个领域和行业,是世界上应用最广泛的专业统计软件。在国际学术界有条不成文的规定,即在国际学术交流中,凡是用SPSS软件完成的计算和统计分析,可以不必说明算法,由此可见其影响之大和信誉之高。因此,对于非统计工作者是很好的选择。 3.Excel 它严格说来并不是统计软件,但作为数据表格软件,必然有一定统计计算功能。而且凡是有Microsoft Office的计算机,基本上都装有Excel。但要注意,有时在装 Office时没有装数据分析的功能,那就必须装了才行。当然,画图功能是都具备的。对于简单分析,Excel 还算方便,但随着问题的深入,Excel就不那么“傻瓜”,需要使用函数,甚至根本没有相应的方法了。多数专门一些的统计推断问题还需要其他专门的统计软件来处理。 4.S-plus 这是统计学家喜爱的软件。不仅由于其功能齐全,而且由于其强大的编程功能,使得研究人员可以编制自己的程序来实现自己的理论和方法。它也在进行“傻瓜化”,以争取顾客。但仍然以编程方便为顾客所青睐。 5.Minitab 这个软件是很方便的功能强大而又齐全的软件,也已经“傻瓜化”,在我国用的不如SPSS与SAS那么普遍。


世界三大统计分析软件的比较: 2007-04-10 SAS(多变量数据分析技术与统计软件) SAS是美国SAS(赛仕)软件研究所研制的一套大型集成应用软件系统,具有比较完备的数据存取、数据管理、数据分析和数据展现的系列功能。尤其是它的创业产品—统计分析系统部分,由于具有强大的数据分析能力,一直是业界中比较著名的应用软件,在数据处理方法和统计分析领域,被誉为国际上的标准软件和最具权威的优秀统计软件包,SAS系统中提供的主要分析功能包括统计分析、经济计量分析、时间序列分析、决策分析、财务分析和全面质量管理工具等。 SAS系统是一个组合的软件系统,它由多个功能模块配合而成,其基本部分是BASE SAS模块。BASE SAS模块是SAS系统的核心,承担着主要的数据管理任务,并管理着用户使用环境,进行用户语言的处理,调用其他SAS模块和产品。也就是说,SAS系统的运行,首先必须启动BASE SAS模块,它除了本身所具有数据管理、程序设计及描述统计计算功能以外,还是SAS系统的中央调度室。它除了可单独存在外,也可与其他产品或模块共同构成一个完整的系统。各模块的安装及更新都可通过其安装程序比较方便地进行。 SAS系统具有比较灵活的功能扩展接口和强大的功能模块,在BASE SAS的基础上,还可以增加如下不同的模块而增加不同的功能:SAS/STAT(统计分析模块)、SAS/GRAPH (绘图模块)、SAS/QC(质量控制模块)、SAS/ETS(经济计量学和时间序列分析模块)、SAS/OR(运筹学模块)、SAS/IML(交互式矩阵程序设计语言模块)、SAS/FSP

(快速数据处理的交互式菜单系统模块)、SAS/AF(交互式全屏幕软件应用系统模块)等等。 SAS提供的绘图系统,不仅能绘各种统计图,还能绘出地图。SAS提供多个统计过程,每个过程均含有极丰富的任选项。用户还可以通过对数据集的一连串加工,实现更为复杂的统计分析。此外,SAS还提供了各类概率分析函数、分位数函数、样本统计函数和随机数生成函数,使用户能方便地实现特殊统计要求。 目前SAS软件对Windows和Unix两种平台都提供支持,最新版本分别为8.X和6.X。与以往的版本比较,6.X版的SAS系统除了在功能和性能方面得到增加和提高外,GUI界面也进一步加强。在6.12版中,SAS系统增加了一个PC平台和三个新的UNIX平台,使SAS 系统这一支持多硬件厂商,跨平台的大家族又增加了新成员。SAS 6.12的另一个显著特征是通过对ODBC、OLE和MailAPIs等业界标准的支持,大大加强了SAS系统和其它软件厂商的应用系统之间相互操作的能力,为各应用系统之间的信息共享和交流奠定了坚实的基础。 虽然在我国SAS的逐步应用还是近几年的事,但是随着计算机应用的普及和信息事业的不断发展,越来越多的单位采用了SAS软件。尤其在教育、科研领域等大型机构,SAS软件已成为专业研究人员实用的进行统计分析的标准软件。 然而,由于SAS系统是从大型机上的系统发展而来,其操作至今仍以编程为主,人机对话界面不太友好,系统地学习和掌握SAS,需要花费一定的精力。而对大多数实际部门工作者而言,需要掌握的仅是如何利用统计分析软件来解决自己的实际问题,因此往往会与大型SAS软件系统失之交臂。但不管怎样,SAS作为专业统计分析软件中的巨无霸,现在鲜有软件在规模系列上与之抗衡。


常用统计软件介绍 《概率论与数理统计》就是一门实践性很强的课程。但就是,目前在国内,大多侧重基本方法的介绍,而忽视了统计实验的教学。这样既不利于提高学生创新精神与实践能力,也使得这门课程的教学显得枯燥无味。为此,我们介绍一些常用的统计软件,以使学生对统计软件有初步的认识,为以后应用统计方法解决实际问题奠定初步的基础。 一、统计软件的种类 1、SAS 就是目前国际上最为流行的一种大型统计分析系统,被誉为统计分析的标准软件。尽管价格不菲,SAS已被广泛应用于政府行政管理,科研,教育,生产与金融等不同领域,并且发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。目前SAS已在全球100多个国家与地区拥有29000多个客户群,直接用户超过300万人。在我国,国家信息中心,国家统计局,卫生部,中国科学院等都就是SAS系统的大用户。尽管现在已经尽量“傻瓜化”,但就是仍然需要一定的训练才可以使用。因此,该统计软件主要适合于统计工作者与科研工作者使用。 2、SPSS SPSS作为仅次于SAS的统计软件工具包,在社会科学领域有着广泛的应用。SPSS就是世界上最早的统计分析软件,由美国斯坦福大学的三位研究生于20世纪60年代末研制。由于SPSS容易操作,输出漂亮,功能齐全,价格合理,所以很快地应用于自然科学、技术科学、社会科学的各个领域,世界上许多有影响的报刊杂志纷纷就SPSS的自动统计绘图、数据的深入分析、使用方便、功能齐全等方面给予了高度的评价与称赞。迄今SPSS软件已有30余年的成长历史。全球约有

25万家产品用户,它们分布于通讯、医疗、银行、证券、保险、制造、商业、市场研究、科研教育等多个领域与行业,就是世界上应用最广泛的专业统计软件。在国际学术界有条不成文的规定,即在国际学术交流中,凡就是用SPSS软件完成的计算与统计分析,可以不必说明算法,由此可见其影响之大与信誉之高。因此,对于非统计工作者就是很好的选择。 3、Excel 它严格说来并不就是统计软件,但作为数据表格软件,必然有一 定统计计算功能。而且凡就是有Microsoft Office的计算机,基本上都装有Excel。但要注意,有时在装 Office时没有装数据分析的功能,那就必须装了才行。当然,画图功能就是都具备的。对于简单分 析,Excel还算方便,但随着问题的深入,Excel就不那么“傻瓜”,需要使用函数,甚至根本没有相应的方法了。多数专门一些的统计推断问题还需要其她专门的统计软件来处理。 4、S-plus 这就是统计学家喜爱的软件。不仅由于其功能齐全,而且由于其强大的编程功能,使得研究人员可以编制自己的程序来实现自己的理论与方法。它也在进行“傻瓜化”,以争取顾客。但仍然以编程方便为顾客所青睐。 5、Minitab 这个软件就是很方便的功能强大而又齐全的软件,也已经“傻瓜化”,在我国用的不如SPSS与SAS那么普遍。


常用统计软件介绍 《概率论与数理统计》是一门实践性很强的课程。但是,目前在国内,大多侧重基本方法的介绍,而忽视了统计实验的教学。这样既不利于提高学生创新精神和实践能力,也使得这门课程的教学显得枯燥无味。为此,我们介绍一些常用的统计软件,以使学生对统计软件有初步的认识,为以后应用统计方法解决实际问题奠定初步的基础。 一、统计软件的种类 1.SAS 是目前国际上最为流行的一种大型统计分析系统,被誉为统计分析的标准软件。尽管价格不菲,SAS已被广泛应用于政府行政管理,科研,教育,生产和金融等不同领域,并且发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。目前SAS已在全球100多个国家和地区拥有29000多个客户群,直接用户超过300万人。在我国,国家信息中心,国家统计局,卫生部,中国科学院等都是SAS系统的大用户。尽管现在已经尽量“傻瓜化”,但是仍然需要一定的训练才可以使用。因此,该统计软件主要适合于统计工作者和科研工作者使用。 2.SPSS SPSS作为仅次于SAS的统计软件工具包,在社会科学领域有着广泛的应用。SPSS是世界上最早的统计分析软件,由美国斯坦福大学的三位研究生于20世纪60年代末研制。由于SPSS容易操作,输出漂亮,功能齐全,价格合理,所以很快地应用于自然科学、技术科学、社会科学的各个领域,世界上许多有影响的报刊杂志纷纷就SPSS 的自动统计绘图、数据的深入分析、使用方便、功能齐全等方面给予了高度的评价与称赞。迄今SPSS软件已有30余年的成长历史。全球

约有25万家产品用户,它们分布于通讯、医疗、银行、证券、保险、制造、商业、市场研究、科研教育等多个领域和行业,是世界上应用最广泛的专业统计软件。在国际学术界有条不成文的规定,即在国际学术交流中,凡是用SPSS软件完成的计算和统计分析,可以不必说明算法,由此可见其影响之大和信誉之高。因此,对于非统计工作者是很好的选择。 3.Excel 它严格说来并不是统计软件,但作为数据表格软件,必然有一定统计计算功能。而且凡是有Microsoft Office的计算机,基本上都装有Excel。但要注意,有时在装 Office时没有装数据分析的功能,那就必须装了才行。当然,画图功能是都具备的。对于简单分析,Excel 还算方便,但随着问题的深入,Excel就不那么“傻瓜”,需要使用函数,甚至根本没有相应的方法了。多数专门一些的统计推断问题还需要其他专门的统计软件来处理。 4.S-plus 这是统计学家喜爱的软件。不仅由于其功能齐全,而且由于其强大的编程功能,使得研究人员可以编制自己的程序来实现自己的理论和方法。它也在进行“傻瓜化”,以争取顾客。但仍然以编程方便为顾客所青睐。 5.Minitab 这个软件是很方便的功能强大而又齐全的软件,也已经“傻瓜化”,在我国用的不如SPSS与SAS那么普遍。


命题人或命题小组负责人签名: 所(室、教研部)负责人签名: 分院(部)领导签名: 实用统计软件分析模拟练习 注:本试卷的所有原始数据都以excel 格式提供给考生,考生可以先去BB 平台中下载。 一、 Eviews 软件应用 1. 根据附件1中的数据集,利用eviews 软件中的完成如下任务: (1)请将附件1中的数据制作成一个EVIEWS 数据表 (命令) (2)对表中的两个变量分别取对数, (命令) (3)为第一变量取一阶差分 (命令) (3)画出两个变量的散点图,判断两个变量的变化趋势 (命令) (4)增加2011年的数据,其中人数比2011年多11万, (命令) (5)对附件1中的变量建立回归模型,并给出2011年的预测值。 原始数据参见附件1 解:(1)data x y 复制数据 (2)genr lnx=log(x) genr lny=log(y) (3)genr dx=x-x(-1) (3)scat x y (4)expand 1985 2011 (5)ls y c x 预测值:44.49 二、SPSS 软件应用 1. 人种和智商分组表 试问不同人种的智商是否存在差异(显著水平05.0=α)? 原始数据参见附件2 解:1.我们采用列联表方法分析此问题 2.分析步骤: (1)建立数据表:定义变量,智商(0=低智商, 1=高智商),人种(0=不是有色人种,1=有色人种),人数(数值变量),输入数据。 (2)在SPSS 的数据主菜单中选择加权各案选择,单击打开加权各案对话框,选择加权各案选项按钮,并在其附属频率变量输入框中输入变量“人数” (3)选择分析菜单栏中描述统计项中的交叉表分析:以智商为行,人种为列,点统计量按钮选择“卡方”项 运行。 3.结果分析:交叉表卡方检验sig=0.208,在显著水平为0.05的条件下接受原假设,认为不同人种间智商不存在显著差异。 2. 由经验知某零件的直径服从正态分布,且平均直径为18cm ,技术革新后,抽取8个零件,测得直径分见下表,已知方差不 原始数据参见附件3 解:1.我们选择单样本T 检验方法分析此问题 2..建立一个SPSS 文件,定义一个变量 直径(数量型),输入数据 3. 选择分析菜单栏中比较均值项中的单样本T 检验,在检验变量框中添加变量直径,在检验值中输入18,运行。 4.由单样本T 检验表:双侧尾概率sig=0.003<0.05,即在显著水平为0.05的条件下,拒绝原假设,认为平均直径与18相比存在显著差异,故平均直径不为18cm 。 原始数据参见附件4 解:1. 首先利用直方图初步判断分布类型,然后采用常用的分布拟合检验。 2.实现过程:1)新建数据表,定义变量X (数值型)输入数据 2)图形菜单栏——>直方图,由图可知整体呈正态分布。 3)分析菜单栏——>非参数检验——>样本K-S 检验,检验分布选择正态分布选项,运行 3.结果分析:由K-S 检验结果易知,sig=0.544,即在显著水平为0.05的条件下,接受原假设,认为样本对应的总体分布呈正态分布型。 4. 某粮食加工厂试验三种储藏方法对粮食含水率有无显著影响。现取一批粮食分成若干份,分别用三种不同的方法储藏,过一段时间后测得的含水率如下表 (1)试在显著水平 下检验这三种方法对含水率有无显著影响 (2)若有显著影响,请分析三种储藏效果的差异的原因。 原始数据参见附件5 解:1.我们选择单因素方差分析此问题 2.实现过程: (1)新建一个SPSS 文件,定义变量,方法(1=A1, 2=A2, 3=A3)和含水率(数值型)输入数据。 (2)分析菜单栏——>比较均值——>单因素方差分析,选择方法为因子,含水率为因变量。 (3)点击两两比较,选择LSD 选项,运行。 3.结果分析: (1)由方差分析表结果,sig=0.001,在显著水平为0.05的条件下拒绝原假设,认为三种储存方法对含水率具有显著差异。 (2)根据LSD 多重比较结果得,在显著水平为0.05的条件下,三种储存方法均有显著差异,A2含水率最低,即为最有储存方法。 5. 根据附件1


常用统计数据分析软件 一、SAS统计软件 SAS 是英文Statistical Analysis System的缩写,翻译成汉语是统计分析系统,最初由美国北卡罗来纳州立大学两名研究生开始研制,1976 年创立SAS公司, 2003年全球员工总数近万人,统计软件采用按年租用制,年租金收入近12亿美元。SAS系统具有十分完备的数据访问、数据管理、数据分析功能。在国际上, SAS被誉为数据统计分析的标准软件。SAS系统是一个模块组合式结构的软件系统,共有三十多个功能模块。SAS是用汇编语言编写而成的,通常使用SAS 需要编写程序, 比较适合统计专业人员使,而对于非统计专业人员学习SAS比较困难。 SAS是美国SAS(赛仕)软件研究所研制的一套大型集成应用软件系统,具有比较完备的数据存取、数据管理、数据分析和数据展现的系列功能。尤其是它的创业产品—统计分析系统部分,由于具有强大的数据分析能力,一直是业界中比较著名的应用软件,在数据处理方法和统计分析领域,被誉为国际上的标准软件和最具权威的优秀统计软件包,SAS系统中提供的主要分析功能包括统计分析、经济计量分析、时间序列分析、决策分析、财务分析和全面质量管理工具等。 SAS系统具有比较灵活的功能扩展接口和强大的功能模块,在BASE SAS的基础上,还可以增加如下不同的模块而增加不同的功能:SAS/STAT(统计分析模块)、SAS/GRAPH(绘图模块)、SAS/QC(质量控制模块)、SAS/ETS(经济计量学和时间序列分析模块)、SAS/OR(运筹学模块)等等。 SAS提供的绘图系统,不仅能绘各种统计图,还能绘出地图。SAS提供多个统计过程,每个过程均含有极丰富的任选项。用户还可以通过对数据集的一连串加工,实现更为复杂的统计分析。此外,SAS还提供了各类概率分析函数、分位数函数、样本统计函数和随机数生成函数,使用户能方便地实现特殊统计要求。 二、SPSS统计软件 SPSS是英文Statistical package for the social science 的缩写,翻译成汉语是社会学统计程序包,20世纪60年代末由美国斯坦福大学的三位研究生研制,1975年在芝加哥组建SPSS 总部。SPSS系统特点是操作比较方便,统计方法比较齐全,绘制图形、表格较有方便,输出结果比较直观。SPSS是用FORTRAN语言编写而成。适合进行从事社会学调查中的数据分析处理。 20世纪80年代以前,SPSS统计软件主要应用于企事业单位。1984年SPSS总部首先推出了世界第一套统计分析软件微机版本SPSS/PC+,开创了SPSS微机系列产品的先河,从而确立了个人用户市场第一的地位。 同时SPSS公司推行本土化策略,目前已推出9个语种版本。SPSS/PC+的推出,极大地扩充了它的应用范围,使其能很快地应用于自然科学、技术科学、社会科学的各个领域,世界上许多有影响的报刊杂志纷纷就SPSS的自动统计绘图、数据深入分析、使用灵活方便、功能设计齐全等方面给予了高度的评价与称赞。目前已经在国内广泛流行起来。它使用Windows的窗口方式展示各种管理和分析数据方法的功能,使用对话框展示出各种功能选择项,只要是掌握一定的Windows操作技能,粗通统计分析原理,就可以使用该软件进行各种数据分析,为实际工作服务。

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