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1、Please don’t jump! 请不要跳!

2、Please sit down. 请坐下。

3、I’m sorry. 对不起。

4、That’s okay. 没关系。

5、What are you doing now? 你在干什么?

6、I’m drawing a picture.我在画画。

7、Who is talking? 谁在说话?

8、Danny is talking. 丹尼在说话。

9、Are you singing? 你在唱歌吗?

10、No ,I’m not.不,我没在唱歌。

11、Who is hungry? 谁饿了?

12、I’m hungry. 我饿了。

13、Would you like some fruit? 你想吃些水果吗?

14、Yes, please./No, thanks. 好的。/不,谢谢。

15、I like candy very much! 我非常喜欢糖果!

16、What are they doing? 他们在做什么?

17、They are playing cards. 他们在打扑克。

18、What is the woman doing? 这个女人在做什么?

19、She is reading the newspaper. 她在读报纸。

20、May I play with the baby? 我可以和这个婴儿玩吗?

21、Sure . 当然可以。

22、They are on their way to the hotel. 他们在去宾馆的路


23、Some children are playing football. 一些孩子在踢足球。

24、Are you okay? 你还好吗?

25、No! I hurt my arm! 不!我伤了胳膊!

26、Don’t worry.不要担心。

27、I can help you. 可以帮你。

28、How old is the Palace Museum? 故宫有多久的历史?

29、It’s about six hundred years old. 它大约有600年的历史。

30、Mary I take your picture, Jenny? 我可以给你拍照吗,詹妮?

31、Sure. 当然。

32、Be careful! 当心!它有多长?

34、(It’s) About 6000 kilometres.(它)大约有6000千米长。

35、Don’t be afraid.不要害怕。

36、Jenny buys a scarf for her mother, some tea for her

father, a kite for her sister and a cap for her




37、What time is it? 几点了?


39、This postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum!


40、I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad.


41、May I see that postcad , please?


42、How much is this postcard? 这张明信片多少钱?

43、It’s tow yuan.两元钱。

44、Where do you write on a postcad?


45、On the left. 在左边。

46、Where do you put the address? 你把地址放在哪里?

47、On the right. 在右边。

48、Where’s the post office?邮局在哪里?

49、Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights.


50、I’ll take them.我将要买下它们。

51、Do you need stamps? 你需要邮票吗?

52、An email is fast. 电子邮件很快。

53、Can we use the computer? 我们可以使用这台电脑吗?

54、How’s the weather in Canada?加拿大的天气怎么样?

55、There’s no snow.没有雪。

56、What a great trip! 多么美好的一次旅行!

57、Don’t forget to write to us.不要忘了给我们写信。

58、Did you have a nice trip? 你旅途愉快吗?

59、What did you do yesterday? 你们昨天做什么了?

60、We walked to Wangfujing Street. 我们步行去了王府井大街。

61、Did you miss me? 你想念我了吗?

62、Yes,I did! 是的,我想念你了!

63、Danny was at the Palace Museum. 丹尼在故宫。

64、We were on the Great Wall. 我们在长城上。

65、What happened? 发生了什么事?

66、Try it on! 试试它!

67、It’s too small for me.它对我来说太小了。

68、Here is a gift for you, Mr. Wood.


69、I had a great time with you in Beijing.
