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—— Extracted from Dr. Zhang Zhong-jing’s “Golden Chamber” and “On Febrile” (East Han Dynasty, 142~220A.D.)
“Many chronic diseases could have blood-collateral disturbances” (“久病 入络”)
Many kinds of modern diseases and/or their
clinical manifestations could be diagnosed
within BSS category
代谢系统:高脂血症,糖尿病神经血管并发症等 结缔组织系统:灼伤及外伤性皮肤瘢痕,角膜瘢痕等 妇产科:功能性子宫出血,痛经,子宫内膜异位症,
——Quoted from “Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor” (West Han Dynasty, 100 B.C.) (选引自《黄帝内经》)
血瘀证的经典概念(2) Classical Concepts of BSS
Blood-stasis due to chronic disorders 病久入深瘀血 Blood-stasis with sudden pain of organs 瘀血“五藏卒痛” Blood-stasis with arthralgia 瘀血痹证 Syncope due to blood-stasis 瘀血厥证 Carbuncle due to blood-stasis 瘀血成痈 Blood-stasis with blood exhaustion 瘀血血枯
Dr. Wang listed fifty more diseases due to BSS in his book.(“治病之要决在于明气血,气有虚实,血 有亏瘀”)
——Adopted from Dr. Wang Ching-ren’s “Corrections in Chinese Medicine” (Qing Dynasty, 1768~1831A.D.) (引自王清任《医林改错》)
Fundamental conditions for BSS diagnosis
Purple of the tongue, or purple dots or scars on the tongue
Principle Syndromes——from eight to ten
十纲辨证(Diferentiation with ten principle syndromes)
阴阳、寒热、表里、虚实 + 气血辨证
气虚、气陷、气滞、气逆 血虚、血瘀、血热 气滞血瘀、气虚血瘀、气血两虚 气虚失血、气随血脱、痰瘀互结
宫外孕,盆腔炎,子宫肌瘤等 儿科:新生儿硬肿症,肝炎及紫癜等 皮肤科:红斑结节类病,色素沉着性病,酒糟鼻 眼科:视网膜血管阻塞病,眼部免疫病及退行性病 口腔及耳鼻喉科:三叉神经痛,突发性聋等 骨科:骨折等 外科:部分急腹症等 肿瘤科:血管瘤,肝癌等 器官移植:排异反应等
——Quoted from “Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor” (West Han Dynasty, 100 B.C.) (选引自《黄帝内经》)
“Stagnation blood accumulated in certain channel or organ”
Classical Concepts of BSS
Blood and vessels stasis 血脉凝泣 Evil blood 恶血 Retained blood 留血 Vascular obstruction 脉不通 Injured blood stasis 损伤瘀血 Blood-stasis due to accumulated cold 寒 凝瘀血 Blood-stasis due to anger 大怒瘀血
Xue Yu Zheng
Oketsu Syndrome
(血流不畅,血液淤滞的 一种证候)
具有中国传统医学特 色的一种综合征诊断
涉及病种多,临床实 践指导意义大
Many kinds of modern diseases and/or their clinical manifestations could be diagnosed within BSS category
——Quoted from Dr. Ye Tian-shi’s “Clinical Guidance with Case Studies” (Qing Dynasty, 1667~1746 A.D.) (选引自叶天士《临证指南医案》)
“Although there were many causes of diseases, they fell mainly into two groups: disturbances Qi and Xue (blood). There were strong and weak Qi, and there were the anemic and congealed blood (stasis)”.
心血管系统:冠心病心绞痛,急性心肌梗死,风湿 性心脏病,心力衰竭,各类脉管炎等
神经精神系统:脑中风,脑外伤,慢性头痛,震颤 麻痹,周围神经疾病,精神分裂症
血液系统疾病:真性红细胞增多症,紫癜,再障, 弥漫性血管内凝血,高粘血症等
消化系统:溃疡病,胃炎,消化道出血,慢性肝炎, 肝纤维化
呼吸系统:慢性阻塞性肺疾病,高原反应等 泌尿系统:急慢性肾炎,血尿等 免疫系统:硬皮病,红斑狼疮,类风湿性关节炎,