必修二Unit4 wildlife protection单词详解

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●unit 4 单词

1.protection n.

protect vt.保护protect from/against 保护...免受伤害We must protect out children against diseases. protective adj.保护的

2.enrich vt.使富裕,使丰富

encourage vt.鼓励

danger n.危险;危险物,威胁

dangerous adj. 危险的

3. die of/from 因...而死(内/外)

die off 相继死去

die away 变弱;逐渐止息

die down 逐渐消失

die for 为...而死/而献身

be dying for 很想要...

be dying to do 很想做...

4.loss cn/un

lose vt.遗失

loser n.输家;失败者

lost adj.遗失的

be lost in 埋头于;沉迷于=be buried in =be devoted to 5.hunt for/after 追寻;寻找

hunter 猎人;追求者

hunting n.打猎;追求

6.peaceful 和平的;安宁的

peace-loving 爱好和平的

peacemaker 调解人

7.out of danger 脱离危险

8.distance un.远处cn. 距离

9.relieve vt.解除;缓解~sb from/of...减轻;解除

Shine up the sky if I relieve from sorrow?


release vt.释放;放开;发布;发行n.释放,排放,解除We expect to release the new product in december.


10.=burst out laughing

burst into tears 突然哭出来

=burst out crying

11.have mercy on sb=show mercy to sb

without mercy 毫无怜悯的

12.It is certain that... 固定句式不用sure

13.contain 整体

include 部分

This book _______ five units.

This book ________ unit4.

14.powerfully adv.有力地

power vt.给……提供动力



15.=have an effect on

influence n.影响vt.影响;感染


look forward to

stick to

object to

devote oneself to

17.I would appreciate it if ...如果...我将感激不尽

18.success cn./un.

successful adj.

successfully adv.

19.employer 老板

employee 雇员



20.harmful 有害的

harmless 无害的

do harm to=be harmful to 对...有害

There is no harm in doing sth 做...没坏处/是个好主意

=It does no harm for sb


22.fiercely adv.猛烈地

fierceness n.猛烈


1.die out2.in peace 3.in danger(of) ,4.in relief 5.burst into laughter 6.protect...from (危害)

7.pay attention to

8.come into being 9.according to 10.do harm to 11.without mercy 12.respond to


They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being...千百万年前它们(恐龙)就在地球上生活,(2009·福建卷)

某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,。I Want to Smile的英语短文。,。




I Want to Smile




I Want to Smile

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