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absolutely! -绝对正确

adorable! -可爱极了

amazing! -太神了

anytime! -随时吩咐

almost! -差不多了

awful! -好可怕啊

after u -您先

about when? -大约何时

all set? -一切妥当

allow me! -让我来

baloney! -胡扯!荒谬

behave! -放尊重点

bingo! -中了

boring! -真无聊

brovo! -太棒了

bullshit! -胡说

crazy! -疯了

deal! -一言为定disgusting! -好恶心呀

drat! -讨厌

Encore! -再来一次!

Exactly! -完全正确!

Fantastic! -妙极了!

Farewell! -再见!

Fifty-fifty! -对半分!

Foul! -犯规了!

Fresh! -好有型!

Gesundheit! -保重!(特别用于对打喷嚏的人说) Gone! -跑了!

Gorgeous! -美极了!

Hopefully! -希望如此!

Horrible! -好可怕!

Hot! -好辣!

Hurrah! -万岁!

Hush! -(肃静)嘘!

Incredible! -不可思议!

Indeed? -真的?

Liar! -你撒谎!

Lousy! -差劲!

Marverllous! -棒极了!

Outrageous! -不得了!

Please! -拜托了!

Probably! -很可能!

Present! -到(有)!(用于点名时)

Relax! -放轻松!

Rats! -差劲!

Speaking! -(打电话时)我就是!

Still? -仍是这样?

Someday! -改天吧!

So so! -马马虎虎!

Satisfied? -满意吗?

Stingy! -小气鬼!

Superb! -棒极了!

Surprise! -给你一个惊喜!

Terrible! -好可怕!

Thirsty? -渴吗!

Toast! -干杯!

Unbelievable! -难以置信!

Unisex? -男女通用的?



无所谓: indifferent ; unmeaning

不确定: incertitude ; indeterminacy ; indetermination ;uncertainty ;unsure ; dicey ;dubious

中立: fence-sitter ; neutralism ; neutrality ; neutrally sit on the fence ; adiaphorous ;cross-bencher ; indifferent ; nonaligned

原谅: excusal ; excuse ; excuse for ; forgive ; get over ; look over ;pardon

怀疑: dubitable incredulous juberous skeptical show-me shy suspicious 妥协: compromise ; come to terms ; compound ; split the difference ;temporize ; transigent

危害: harm ; hurt ; compromise ; disserve ; endanger ; imperil ;jeopardize

否定: denial ; disavowal ; gainsay ; inversion ;negate ; negation ;negative

粗鲁无礼: clownery ; gaucherie ; pushiness ;surliness ;swinery ;impolite ;crude ;impertinent ;crass ;uncourteous ; unmannerly

虚伪/欺骗: sham false ; hypocritical ;disingenuous ;fictitious ;bathos ; deceptive ; fictive ; untruthful ;deceive ; bam ;bamboozle ; befool ; beguilement; cheat; beguiling ;double-tongued ;gyp ;indirect spurious ; tortuous ; trickish ; fraudulence

讽刺: satirize ; lampoon ; lash ; mock ; quip ; scorch ; acid;cynical ;insinuative ;ironical ;piercing ; sarcastic ;satiric;嫉妒: begrudge ; envy ; green-eyed ;monster ;grudge ;jealousness ;


夸大: aggrandize ; magnify ;microscope ; overdraw ; pad ; spread it on thick ;blusterous ;bombastic ; exaggerated ;mouth-filling ;orotund ; stagy;

过分: a bit thick ; to a fault ; without measure ; egregious ;fulsome;immoderate ;inordinate ; overladen

彻底: downright ; quite ; every inch ; in grain ; to the core ;thorough ;hcrashing ;dyed-in-the-wool; engrained ; exhaustiveced 消散: abreaction ; clear off ; dissipation ; evanesce ; lift ; lysis ;melt ; scatter

恶化: depravation ;deteriorate ;exacerbate ; exasperate ;labefaction ;worsen

高兴的glad; jolly; joyful; laughing; mirthful; pleased

快乐的happy; joyful; festival; gay; gladsome; joyous; merry;

愉快的happy; jolly; merry; cheerful; agreeable; amused; entertaining; gladsome

愤怒的angry; indignant; raging; wrathful; wroth,furious

悲哀的sad; sorrowful; mournful; doleful; grieved; lachrymose; pathetic; sorry

兴奋的excited; incitant; cordial; exalted; feverish; heated

刺激的exciting; irritative; provocative; stimulative

affecting; impressive

痛苦的painful; anguished; bitter; grievous; tearing; thorny; torturous

疯狂的mad; maniac; crazy; cracky; daffy; frantic; rabid; raving; wild

失望的despondent; disappointed

绝望的Hopeless desperated

惊讶surprised; amazed; astonished; astounded

enthusiastic; crazy; fanatic; frenzied; impassioned; phrenetic;