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大学通用学术英语视听说教程(理科)unite3 Psychology原
大学通用学术英语视听说教程(理科)unite3 Psychology原


大学体验英语听说教程3原文与答案大学体验英语听说教程3 Listening Task部分+答案 UNIT1 1.A: Jake Sutton~Is that you, man? How are you? B: Hey, Andrew! I didn?trecognize you for a moment, long time no see! A: Yeah, wow, Ihaven?tseenyousincehighschool graduation! what?ve you been up to? B: I?vebeenbackEast, at collage. A: collage? Where? B: Boston. b. u. A: Oh, cool. B: And this past year, I got to go to Spain as an exchange student. A: Spain? No kidding? I remember you always hoped for an international lifestyle. B: exactly. A: So how was is, amigo? B: Oh, man, it was so great; I got to see a lot of Europe. A: Year! Like where, B: All over. Italy, France, Greece, and my homestay family was really nice. They?ve invited me back again if I want to go to graduate school there. A; sounds like we won?t be seeing you for anther few more years then, eh? B: I dunno. Half of me wants to go , half of me wants to stay here , you know, when i was there , I missed home a lot more than I thought I would.

新标准大学英语视听说教程 听力原文 Unit new

Unit 4-Conversation 1 Kate: So, what did you think of the movie? Mark: It was good but I thought it was too long. Kate: Yes, me too. Kate: Hey, where's my bike? I don't believe it! It's gone! Mark: It was next to mine, you chained it up! Kate: Someone's stolen it! Oh, how could they! Mark: Oh, Kate! Kate: How could someone have done this! The creep! Mark: It's a really mean thing to do, steal a bike. Kate: It was a mountain bike and it cost a fortune —I don't have the money to buy another one. Mark: Listen, I'll go down the street and see if I can see anyone with it. Why don't you go into that shop and see if they've seen anything suspicious? I'll be back in a minute. Kate: OK. Kate: Well? Ma rk: No luck. What did they say in the shop? Kate: I asked the shopkeeper if she'd seen anything — Mark: And? Kate: She said she hadn't. I guess it was a long shot. She advised me to report it to the police. But according to her, bikes get stolen all the time around here.


unit1 Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb. 1) 17, 2) 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 3) 1.98 meters tall and weighs 4) 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 5) 1984 season. In the 6) 1986 season he shot 7) 3041 points, the 8) third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion (扣篮冠军) in 9) 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 10) 1988, an honor repeated 11) four times in the next 12) ten years to 13) 1998. Jordan guided his team to win 14) six NBA championships during the 15) 1990s, scoring 16) 45 points during the 17) sixth and last game of the 18) 1998 NBA finals. In 19) 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA season to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn’t quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for 20) five more years, he once again announced his retirement in 21) 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 22) 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards. Part B Pre-listening Task Exercise 1 d b Exercise 2 Listen again and write down answers to the following questions. 1. Why is Laura so keen on sports? Because she wants to enjoy good health. She also wants to stay in shape and look good. 2. What sports do Peter and Laura go in for? Both Peter and Laura like cycling and swimming. Laura also plays tennis regularly. Part c d c d c b unit 2 Part A 1. Yes 2.No 3.Yes 4.No 5.Yes 6.No 7.No 8.No Part B Text Exercise 1: 1. ...for a while 2. ...plans for this Saturday


Unit 1 Hi! How are you? Vocabulary Task Answers/Script 1. Hello! Hi, how are you doing? Pretty good. 2. Hi, how are you? Fine, thanks. 3. Good morning. Morning. What’s new? Not much. Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 4 (at school), 2 (home), 3 (at a reception desk), 1 (in the park) 2 Second Listening Answers/Script 1. A: Hello! B: Oh, Hi! A: It’s a beautiful day! B: Yeah, a good day for running. 2. A: Hello. I’m home. B: Hi! How are you? A: I’m tired. It’s goo d to be home. 3. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: I’m Mia Clark. Is Mr. Lee here? B: Yes, just a moment. Mr. Lee, Ms. Clark is here to see you. 4. A: Hi! B: Hey. What’s new? A: Not much. Look, the teacher is coming! B: We need to go to class. Real World Listening 1 Predict 2 Get the main ideas Answers Good morning. Hi. How are you? Hi, Nadia. Hey, Nadia. How’s it going? Hello, Ms. Barnes. Good morning…coffee? Good morning, Ms. Barnes. Script Man-1: Good morning, Nadia! Nadia: Good morning. Woman-1: Hi! How are you? Nadia: Great. I had a great weekend! Man-2: Hey, Nadia! How’s it going? Nadia: Morning. Fine. How about you? Woman-3: Hello, Ms. Barnes. Did you have a good weekend? Nadia: Yes, it was very good. How about you? Woman-4: Good morning. Nadia: Good morning. Woman-4: Coffee? Nadia: Sure, thanks… Sorry. Gotta go. Nadia: Good morning, everyone. Students: Good morning. Ms. Barnes.


New Standard English Book 4 Unit 1 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together. 3. the true statements are 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with 2.How did he end up in London 3.the least experienced person 4.He’s good at his job 5.He’s confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English 8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) Outside view 2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4. 4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job 2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1.professional job coach 2.research on the position and the company 3.having not practised with some of the questions 4.how you present yourself 5.what the interviewer is actually looking for 6.preparation,presentation and understanding 7.in relationship to the job 8.some examples in your life 9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. Listening in Passage 1




Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script M: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit o f money in the lottery. W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q: What does the woman mean? 2. Script W: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car. M: He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s stil l taking driving lesson. Q: What do we know about Mary’s son? 3. Script M: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it. W: Is that so? Only time tell. Q: What does the woman imply? 4. Script M: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how close you two were? W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do. Q: Which of following is true? 5. Script W: I get furious at work when my opinions a ren’t considered just because I’m a woman. M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard. Q: What is the woman complaining about? Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.D III. Listening In Task 1: Soft answers turn away wrath. Mary: Da m! You’re spilled red wine on me. My new dress is ruined. John: I’ m terrible sorry! What can I do to help? Here’s some water to wash it off. Mary: Stop splashing water on me! Oh, this is so embarrassing! I’m a mess. John: Well, you do look a little upset. Please don’t blow up. Don’t lose your cool. Mary: Hmm, you’ve got the nerve talking like that! Who shouldn’t fly off the handle? This dress cost a fortune. John: You look really cute when you’re mad. I kid you not. Some people do look attractive when they are in a rage. Mary: This is very expensive dress. I saved for months to buy it, and now it’s ruined. Look at this stain! John: Accidents do happen. Give me your dress, and I’ll take it to the cleaners. Mary: Sure! You want me to take it off right here in public and give it to you? I don’t even know you! John: This might be a really goof time to get acquainted. I’m John Owen. Mary: Mmm, at least you’re polite. I guess I really shouldn’t have flared up. After all, it was an accident. I’m Mary Harvey. John: Come on. I’ll take you home. You can change your clothes, and I’ll get the dress cleaned for you. Mary: Now you’re talking. Thanks. You’re a real gentleman. John: You’d better believe it. I’m glad to see that you’ve cooled down. Feel look a bite to eat aft erward? I’m starving. Mary: Ok. You’re pretty good. I’m not nearly as mad. If you can get this stain out, I’ll be very happy. John: I’ll try my best. But if I can’t get the stain out, please don’t let your happiness turn to wrath. 1. Which of the following would be the best title for the dialog? 2. Why does the woman get angry? 3. What does the man say to please the woman when she looks angry? 4. Why does the woman say the man is a real gentleman? 5. What is the man’s final proposal? Keys: 1D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C Task 2: Big John is coming! Script A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender. This (S1) owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on (S2) running the place. He tells the timid man, “If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town, (S3) drop everything and run for the hills! He’s the biggest, nastiest (S4) outlaw who’s ever lived!” A few weeks pass (S5) uneventfully. But one afternoon, a local cowhand comes running through town (S6) yel ling, “Big John is coming! Run for your (S7) lives!” When the bartender leaves the bar to start running, he is knocked to the ground by several townspeople rushing out of town. (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. H e’s muscular, and is growing as he approaches the bar. He steps up to the door, orders the poor barkeep inside, and demands, “I want a beer NOW!” He strikes his heavy fist on the bar, splitting it in half. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. He takes the beer, bites the top of the bottle off, and downs the beer in one gulp. As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar, the big man gets up to leave, “Do you want another beer?” the bartender asks in a trembling voice.“Dang it, I don’t have time!” the big man yells, (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?” Task3: A View of Happiness Script Dr. Smith has proposed a reasonable, if perhaps somewhat oversimplifies, view of happiness. According to his theory, happiness might be described as a state if balance. And when human or certain animals achieve that balance, they rend to remain in that condition in order to repeat the happy feeling. To illustrate this, we may study two magnets. When their positive and negative poles meet, they are comfortably joined, and they remain there. In other words, they have attained a balance or state of happiness. If on the other hand, one of the poles is reversed, and positive pole is presses against positive pole, there is resistance, instability, imbalance a state of unhappiness. Animals with some degree of intelligence seem to find happiness in reinforcement. Once they have gained one or more of their goals such as food, and water, they learn to repeat the actions that led to satisfaction of those goals. This repetition or reinforcement produces a state of balance or sense of happiness. According to this theory, only animals with a


全新版大学英语听说教程答案第三册 Part B Text 1 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. a 3.b Exercise 2: 1. She suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. She said to her husband, "Life is too short, but you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer." 2. 1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled. 2) She had told her lady friends about this. Text 2 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. d 3. d Exercise 2: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F Part C 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. d PART D My First Job My parents ran a small restaurant. It was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. My first job was shining shoes for customers when I was six years old. My duties increased as I grew older. By age ten I was clearing tables and washing plates. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. I had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. One day I made the mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me ten pounds a week. He said, "OK, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring your friends here for free drinks?" He figured I owed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot. Unit 2 Part B Text 1 Exercise 1: 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c Exercise 2: 1984 / son / medical school / tuition / afford it / realize / newspaper ads / extra business / advertisement / succeeded / agent / changed / phone call / put aside / doing / immediately / familiar / father-in-law's / visited / his father-in-law alive / coincidence. Text 2 Exercise 1: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F


Experiencing English Listening &Speaking Level 04 Unit 1 Introductions“You’ll really like him.” Alice: Look, there he is. Jean: Who? Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about. Jean: Oh. The guy you’re going out with? Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with. Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him. Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him. Hi, Robert. Robert: Oh, hi. Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean? Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we’ve met before. Jean: We have? Where? Robert: Last December, at Sam’s party. Jean: Oh, Sam. Robert: Oh? Aren’t you going out with him anymore? Jean: No, we broke up a couple of mouths ago. Robert: Oh—Oh, really?


新标准大学英语视听说教程3答案 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 1 Correct order: 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 2 Question 1 Key: b Question 2 Key: c Question 3 Key: c Question 4 Key: a Question 5 Key: a Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 3 Row 1: 2 Row 2: 1 Row 3: 4 Row 4: 1 Row 5: 2 Row 6: 1 Row 7: 3 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 4 Correct order: h, c, b, f, d, a, e, g Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 1 Question 1 Key: c Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: a Question 4 Key: b Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 1 Activity 2 Question 1 Key(s): (1) tolerant (2) rounded Question 2 Key(s): (1) close to (2) stand up Question 3 Key(s): (1) beauty (2) generosity Question 4 Key(s): (1) an opportunity (2) beyond the one Question 5 Key(s): (1) behaved (2) selfish Question 6 Key(s): (1) pretend (2) see through Question 7 Key(s): (1) arrived in (2) had to help Ques Key((1) time (2) amou Unit 1 Listening in: Passage 2 Activity 1


Unit 1 Accad 461352 Bcad Unit 2 257813496 Cdabcbd Deafgbc

go ahead and start,you can go to a restaurant,stay too late,would arrive,everyone tries everything ,you don't like their cooking,that's considered rude,nothing more than that cdbd ehgacbfd Unit 3 234 a centre,words,sentences,a tree,a lot of colours dbab 51,50,12,three and a half months in white coats,my family,almost immediately,words and pictures,a lot of words,read and write,the right time 326154 Bdadd Unit 4 1,4,5,6,8 160,1992,1,000,000,000,20,000,000,000,10, 15,2004,450,2,1,10% 1,4,5 stands for,only,reached,has quickly become,text,up to,By,which is when,As a result,most successful 5,7,4,2,3,6,1 Aadbb 3,4,6,7,8 Unit 5 1,2


新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案(最全最新版本 含单元测试答案) Unit1 enjoy your feelings II C B D A D Listening In Task 1 what a clumsy man! Keys: A C D C B Task 2 causes of depression Keys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxiety Task 3 happiness index Keys: B D A A C Let’s Talk Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learn Further Listening and Speaking Task 1: Big John is coming! (S1) owner

(S2) running (S3) drop (S4) run (S5) local (S6) yelling, (S7) lives!” (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotion Key : A B C C D Task 3 Every cloud has a silver lining Key : T F F T F Viewing and speaking Key :(1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15) £60 (16)cheap Unit1 Test 1.C D B C D 2. (1)over (2) companionship (3) lover (4) definition (5 scarce (6) diary (7) sight (8) Thank God, I've done my duty Thank God, I've

大学英语听说教程1 参考答案

听说教程的参考答案 Unit1 part C: 1) most difficult the words he doesn’t know focus on the general idea 2) focus on the general idea carefully 3) main idea details Part D 1—5 DCBDB Unit 2 1) T 2) F the frowning students remembered the angry article better 3) T 4) F the specialists still don’t know why facial expressions help money Part D 1---3 DCD Unit 3 part C: busy lives 2) six to fifteen 3) reading 4) remain current 5) revise and update Part D : 1---3: ACA Unit 4 Part C: 1) he calls because he can’t attend Laura’s party 2) Some of his friends are coming from Scotland to see him 3) He will take his friends out to dinner 4) She says that Simon can drop in later with his friends Part D : 1---5 BDDCA Unit 5 Part D : 1---4: BDBA Unit 6 Part D : 1---5: ACBDD Unit 7 Part D : 1---3: DCB Unit 8 Part D : 1---3: BCB Test 1: 1—5: ACCBD 6---8:DBD 9---12:ACBD 13----15:BCD 16) language 17) acquire 18) success 19) throughout 20) radio 21) concerts 22) succeed 23) Listening is basically the understanding of words and the relationship between sentences 24) This is impossible even when we listen in our own language

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